org.jibx.schema.codegen.CodeGen Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Dennis M. Sosnoski. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
* following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
* following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of
* JiBX nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
package org.jibx.schema.codegen;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST;
import org.jibx.binding.model.BindingElement;
import org.jibx.binding.model.BindingHolder;
import org.jibx.binding.model.BindingOrganizer;
import org.jibx.binding.model.ElementBase;
import org.jibx.binding.model.FormatElement;
import org.jibx.binding.model.MappingElement;
import org.jibx.binding.model.MappingElementBase;
import org.jibx.binding.model.NamespaceElement;
import org.jibx.binding.model.StructureElement;
import org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException;
import org.jibx.runtime.QName;
import org.jibx.runtime.Utility;
import org.jibx.schema.INamed;
import org.jibx.schema.IReference;
import org.jibx.schema.ISchemaResolver;
import org.jibx.schema.SchemaContextTracker;
import org.jibx.schema.SchemaUtils;
import org.jibx.schema.SchemaVisitor;
import org.jibx.schema.TreeWalker;
import org.jibx.schema.UrlResolver;
import org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.ComponentExtension;
import org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.GlobalExtension;
import org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.SchemaCustom;
import org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.SchemaExtension;
import org.jibx.schema.codegen.custom.SchemasetCustom;
import org.jibx.schema.codegen.extend.ClassDecorator;
import org.jibx.schema.codegen.extend.NameConverter;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.AnnotatedBase;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.AttributeElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.AttributeGroupRefElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.CommonTypeDerivation;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.ComplexTypeElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.ElementElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.GroupRefElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.OpenAttrBase;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.SchemaBase;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.SchemaElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.SimpleRestrictionElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.SimpleTypeElement;
import org.jibx.schema.elements.UnionElement;
import org.jibx.schema.support.SchemaTypes;
import org.jibx.schema.validation.ProblemConsoleLister;
import org.jibx.schema.validation.ProblemHandler;
import org.jibx.schema.validation.ProblemLogLister;
import org.jibx.schema.validation.ProblemMultiHandler;
import org.jibx.schema.validation.ValidationContext;
import org.jibx.schema.validation.ValidationProblem;
import org.jibx.schema.validation.ValidationUtils;
import org.jibx.util.ClasspathUrlExtender;
import org.jibx.util.DummyClassLocator;
import org.jibx.util.IClassLocator;
import org.jibx.util.InsertionOrderedSet;
import org.jibx.util.LazyList;
import org.jibx.util.ResourceMatcher;
* Code generator from schema definition. Although many of the methods in this class use public
* they are intended for use only by the JiBX developers and may change from one release to the next. To make use of
* this class from your own code, call the {@link #main(String[])} method with an appropriate argument list.
* @author Dennis M. Sosnoski
public class CodeGen
/** Logger for class. */
private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(CodeGen.class.getName());
/** Default type replacements applied. */
private static final QName[] DEFAULT_REPLACEMENTS =
new QName[] {
SchemaTypes.ANY_URI.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.DURATION.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.ENTITIES.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.ENTITY.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.GDAY.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.GMONTH.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.GMONTHDAY.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.GYEAR.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.GYEARMONTH.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.ID.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.IDREF.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.IDREFS.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.LANGUAGE.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NAME.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NEGATIVE_INTEGER.getQName(), SchemaTypes.INTEGER.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGER.getQName(), SchemaTypes.INTEGER.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NON_POSITIVE_INTEGER.getQName(), SchemaTypes.INTEGER.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NORMALIZED_STRING.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NCNAME.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NMTOKEN.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NMTOKENS.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.NOTATION.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.POSITIVE_INTEGER.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.TOKEN.getQName(), SchemaTypes.STRING.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.UNSIGNED_BYTE.getQName(), SchemaTypes.BYTE.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.UNSIGNED_INT.getQName(), SchemaTypes.INT.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.UNSIGNED_LONG.getQName(), SchemaTypes.LONG.getQName(),
SchemaTypes.UNSIGNED_SHORT.getQName(), SchemaTypes.SHORT.getQName()
/** Mask for schema elements which derive from a type. */
private static final long TYPE_DERIVE_MASK =
/** Mask for schema elements which define a type. */
private static final long TYPE_DEFINE_MASK =
/** Mask for schema elements which block name inheritance downward. */
private static final long BLOCK_NAME_INHERIT_MASK =
/** Code generation customizations. */
private final SchemasetCustom m_global;
/** Target directory for code generation. */
private final File m_targetDir;
/** Context for loading and processing schemas. */
private final ValidationContext m_validationContext;
/** Package directory for generated classes. */
private PackageOrganizer m_packageDirectory;
/** Directory for constructed bindings. */
private BindingOrganizer m_bindingDirectory;
/** Root binding definition holder (set by {@link #writeBindings(String, String, List, ProblemHandler)}). */
private BindingHolder m_rootHolder;
* Constructor.
* @param global schema customization root element
* @param root URL for base of schema paths
* @param target destination directory for code generation
public CodeGen(SchemasetCustom global, URL root, File target) {
m_global = global;
m_targetDir = target;
m_validationContext = new ValidationContext();
* Constructor used by tests. This uses supplied schemas and skips writing to the file system.
* @param custom Schemaset
* @param vctx Validation Context
public CodeGen(SchemasetCustom custom, ValidationContext vctx) {
m_global = custom;
m_targetDir = null;
m_validationContext = vctx;
* Get the validation context used for processing schemas.
* @return context
public ValidationContext getSchemaValidationContext() {
return m_validationContext;
* Add default type substitutions to set currently defined.
* @param custom
private static void addDefaultSubstitutions(SchemasetCustom custom) {
QName[] subs = custom.getSubstitutions();
if (subs == null) {
} else {
QName[] newsubs = new QName[subs.length + DEFAULT_REPLACEMENTS.length];
System.arraycopy(subs, 0, newsubs, 0, subs.length);
System.arraycopy(DEFAULT_REPLACEMENTS, 0, newsubs, subs.length, DEFAULT_REPLACEMENTS.length);
* Find the most specific schemaset owning a schema. If multiple matches are found which are not in line of
* containment the first match is returned and the conflict is reported as an error.
* @param schema schema element
* @param custom schema set customization
* @return owning schemaset, null
if none
public SchemasetCustom findSchemaset(SchemaElement schema, SchemasetCustom custom) {
LazyList childs = custom.getChildren();
SchemasetCustom owner = null;
String name = schema.getResolver().getName();
for (int i = 0; i < childs.size(); i++) {
Object child = childs.get(i);
if (child instanceof SchemasetCustom) {
SchemasetCustom schemaset = (SchemasetCustom)child;
if (schemaset.isInSet(name, schema)) {
SchemasetCustom match = findSchemaset(schema, schemaset);
if (match != null) {
if (owner == null) {
owner = match;
} else {
m_validationContext.addError("schema-set overlap on schema " + name + " (first match "
+ ValidationProblem.componentDescription(owner) + ')', match);
return owner == null ? custom : owner;
* Scan schemas to find the default prefixes used for namespaces.
* @param iter schema iterator
public void setDefaultPrefixes(Iterator iter) {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
ArrayList decls = schema.getNamespaceDeclarations();
for (int i = 0; i < decls.size(); i++) {
String prefix = (String)decls.get(i++);
m_bindingDirectory.addDefaultPrefix((String)decls.get(i), prefix);
* Validate and apply customizations to loaded schemas.
* @param pack package to be used by default for no-namespaced schemas (non-null
* @param handler validation problem handler
* @return true
if successful, false
if error
public boolean customizeSchemas(String pack, ProblemHandler handler) {
// TODO: remove this once list and union handling fully implemented
SchemaVisitor visitor = new SchemaVisitor() {
private void replaceSimpleType(OpenAttrBase node) {
OpenAttrBase parent = node.getParent();
int count = parent.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (parent.getChild(i) == node) {
SimpleRestrictionElement empty = new SimpleRestrictionElement();
parent.replaceChild(i, empty);
/* public void exit(ListElement node) {
} */
public void exit(UnionElement node) {
TreeWalker wlkr = new TreeWalker(null, new SchemaContextTracker());
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
wlkr.walkElement((SchemaElement)iter.next(), visitor);
// // TODO: test code for annotating schema
// try {
// DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
// final Document document = builder.newDocument();
// visitor = new SchemaVisitor() {
// public void exit(AnnotatedBase node) {
// if (node.getAnnotation() == null) {
// StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
// buff.append(node.name());
// if (node instanceof INamed && ((INamed)node).getName() != null) {
// buff.append(" name='");
// buff.append(((INamed)node).getName());
// buff.append('\'');
// } else if (node instanceof IReference && ((IReference)node).getRef() != null) {
// buff.append(" ref='");
// buff.append(((IReference)node).getRef().getName());
// buff.append('\'');
// }
// AnnotationElement anno = new AnnotationElement();
// node.setAnnotation(anno);
// DocumentationElement doc = new DocumentationElement();
// doc.addContent(document.createTextNode(buff.toString()));
// anno.getItemsList().add(doc);
// }
// }
// };
// for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
// wlkr.walkElement((SchemaElement)iter.next(), visitor);
// }
// } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// /* ignore any error */
// }
// validate the customizations
// create the package directory, using default package from root schemaset
String dfltpack = m_global.getPackage();
if (dfltpack == null) {
dfltpack = pack;
m_packageDirectory = new PackageOrganizer(m_targetDir, dfltpack);
// link each schema to a customization, creating a default customization if necessary
int count = 0;
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
ISchemaResolver resolver = schema.getResolver();
s_logger.debug("Assigning customization for schema " + ++count + ": " + resolver.getName());
SchemasetCustom owner = findSchemaset(schema, m_global);
SchemaCustom custom = owner.forceCustomization(resolver.getName(), resolver.getId(), schema,
String pname = custom.getPackage();
PackageHolder holder = null;
if (pname == null) {
String uri = schema.getEffectiveNamespace();
if (uri == null) {
uri = "";
holder = m_packageDirectory.getPackageForUri(uri);
} else {
holder = m_packageDirectory.getPackage(pname);
custom.extend(holder, m_validationContext);
// check all the customizations
return !m_validationContext.reportProblems(handler);
* Process substitutions and deletions defined by extensions. This builds the cross-reference information for the
* global definition components of the schemas while removing references to deleted components.
* @return true
if any changes to the schemas, false
if not
private boolean processExtensions() {
// first clear all the cross reference information
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
int count = schema.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SchemaBase child = schema.getChild(i);
Object obj = child.getExtension();
if (obj instanceof GlobalExtension) {
// process each loaded schema for deletions and cross referencing
int index = 0;
boolean modified = false;
// Level level = TreeWalker.setLogging(s_logger.getLevel());
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
s_logger.debug("Applying extensions to schema " + ++index + ": " + schema.getResolver().getName());
int count = schema.getChildCount();
boolean instmod = false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SchemaBase child = schema.getChild(i);
Object obj = child.getExtension();
if (obj instanceof GlobalExtension) {
// apply extension to global definition element
ComponentExtension exten = (ComponentExtension)obj;
if (exten.isRemoved()) {
// just eliminate this definition from the schema
instmod = true;
} else {
// process the definition to remove references to deleted components
if (instmod) {
modified = true;
// TreeWalker.setLogging(level);
return modified;
* Apply extensions and normalize all schemas. This may be a multipass process, since applying extensions may create
* the opportunity for further normalizations and vice versa.
public void applyAndNormalize() {
// loop until no modifications, with at least one pass of extensions and normalizations
boolean modified = true;
while (processExtensions() || modified) {
// normalize all the schema definitions
modified = false;
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
int count = schema.getChildCount();
boolean instmod = false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SchemaBase child = schema.getChild(i);
Object obj = child.getExtension();
if (obj instanceof GlobalExtension) {
GlobalExtension global = (GlobalExtension)obj;
if (global.isRemoved() ||
(!global.isIncluded() && global.isPreferInline() && global.getOverrideType() != null)) {
// just eliminate this definition from the schema
instmod = true;
if (instmod) {
modified = true;
// finish by flagging global definitions requiring separate classes
TreeWalker wlkr = new TreeWalker(null, new SchemaContextTracker());
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
SchemaCustom custom = ((SchemaExtension)schema.getExtension()).getCustom();
if (custom.isGenerateAll()) {
int count = schema.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// check if this global needs a class
SchemaBase comp = schema.getChild(i);
boolean include = false;
switch (comp.type()) {
/* case SchemaBase.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE:
include = !custom.isAttributeInlined();
break; */
case SchemaBase.GROUP_TYPE:
// for attribute group or group, only force separate class if multiple components
ValueCountVisitor visitor = new ValueCountVisitor();
wlkr.walkChildren(comp, visitor);
include = visitor.getCount() > 1;
case SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE:
include = true;
case SchemaBase.SIMPLETYPE_TYPE:
// for simpleType definition, only need separate class if an enumeration
if (comp.getChildCount() > 0) {
SchemaBase deriv = ((SimpleTypeElement)comp).getDerivation();
include = deriv != null && deriv.type() == SchemaBase.RESTRICTION_TYPE &&
((SimpleRestrictionElement)deriv).getFacetsList().size() > 0;
if (include) {
// flag separate class for global
Object obj = comp.getExtension();
if (obj instanceof GlobalExtension) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Set include for definition " + SchemaUtils.describeComponent(comp));
* Processes the schemas to remove unused global definitions.
public void pruneDefinitions() {
// start by recursively checking for removable global definitions
int index = 0;
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
s_logger.debug("Checking for unused definitions in schema " + ++index + ": "
+ schema.getResolver().getName());
int count = schema.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SchemaBase child = schema.getChild(i);
Object exten = child.getExtension();
if (exten instanceof GlobalExtension) {
// check if global definition is unused and not specifically required
// next remove all the definitions flagged in the first step
index = 0;
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
s_logger.debug("Deleting unused definitions in schema " + ++index + ": " + schema.getResolver().getName());
int count = schema.getChildCount();
boolean modified = false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SchemaBase child = schema.getChild(i);
Object exten = child.getExtension();
if (exten instanceof GlobalExtension && ((ComponentExtension)exten).isRemoved()) {
// remove the definition from schema
modified = true;
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug(" Removed definition " + ((INamed)child).getQName());
if (modified) {
* Check if an item has an associated name. If the component associated with the item has a name, this just returns
* that name converted to base name form. The only exception is for inlined global type definitions, which are
* treated as unnamed.
* @param item
* @return name associated name, or null
if none
private String checkDirectName(Item item) {
AnnotatedBase comp = item.getSchemaComponent();
if (comp instanceof INamed || comp instanceof IReference) {
// check for an inlined global type definition
boolean usename = true;
if (comp.isGlobal()) {
if ((comp.bit() & TYPE_DEFINE_MASK) != 0 && !(item instanceof DefinitionItem)) {
usename = false;
if (usename) {
// use name from schema component
String name = null;
if (comp instanceof INamed) {
name = ((INamed)comp).getName();
if (name == null && comp instanceof IReference) {
name = ((IReference)comp).getRef().getName();
if (name != null) {
NameConverter nconv = item.getComponentExtension().getGlobal().getNameConverter();
return nconv.toBaseName(name);
return null;
* Derive the base name for an item. If not forced, the only time a name will be returned is when the item is a
* reference to a non-type definition. If forced, this will try other alternatives for names including the text
* "Enumeration" for an enumeration group, the base type name for a type derivation, the schema type name for a
* value of a schema type, or finally the schema component element name.
* @param item
* @param force name forced flag
* @return name (null
if to use inherited name when force == false
private String deriveName(Item item, boolean force) {
// try alternatives, in decreasing preference order
AnnotatedBase comp = item.getSchemaComponent();
String text = null;
if (force) {
if (item instanceof ReferenceItem) {
text = ((ReferenceItem)item).getDefinition().getName();
} else if (item instanceof GroupItem && ((GroupItem)item).isEnumeration()) {
text = "Enumeration";
} else if ((TYPE_DERIVE_MASK & comp.bit()) != 0 && ((CommonTypeDerivation)comp).getBase() != null) {
text = ((CommonTypeDerivation)comp).getBase().getName();
} else if (item instanceof ValueItem) {
text = ((ValueItem)item).getSchemaType().getName();
} else {
text = comp.name();
} else if (item instanceof ReferenceItem && (TYPE_DEFINE_MASK & comp.type()) == 0) {
// use name from definition in the case of anything except a type definition
text = ((ReferenceItem)item).getDefinition().getName();
if (text == null) {
return null;
} else {
return item.getComponentExtension().getGlobal().getNameConverter().toBaseName(text);
* Compact group structures. This eliminates redundant groupings, in the form of groups with only one child, which
* child is a group referencing the same schema component as the parent group, from the data structure
* representation.
* @param group
private void compactGroups(GroupItem group) {
Item child;
while (group.getChildCount() == 1 && (child = group.getFirstChild()) instanceof GroupItem &&
!child.isTopmost()) {
for (child = group.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNext()) {
if (child instanceof GroupItem) {
* Assemble a name from a base name and an optional prefix. If the prefix is supplied, this first converts the base
* name to embedded form, then appends the prefix.
* @param prefix
* @param base
* @return name
private String assembleName(String prefix, String base) {
if (prefix == null) {
return base;
} else {
return prefix + NameUtils.toNameWord(base);
* Set the basic names to be used for a structure of items. For named components of the schema definition the names
* used are simply the converted XML local names, for other components more complex rules apply (see {@link
* #deriveName(Item,boolean)}. This method calls itself recursively to handle nested groups.
* @param prefix text to be prefixed to names within inlined group (null
if none)
* @param group item group to be assigned
* @param force force name derivation flag
private void assignNames(String prefix, GroupItem group, boolean force) {
// use existing name if set, otherwise derive from context if necessary
String name = group.getName();
AnnotatedBase comp = group.getSchemaComponent();
int type = comp.type();
boolean propagate = group.getChildCount() == 1 &&
(type == SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE || type == SchemaBase.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
if (name == null) {
name = checkDirectName(group);
if (name == null && force) {
propagate = false;
name = deriveName(group, true);
// set name needed for this structure (as either value or class)
if (name != null) {
if (group.getClassName() == null) {
NameConverter conv = group.getComponentExtension().getGlobal().getNameConverter();
if (group.getName() == null) {
group.setName(NameUtils.toNameLead(assembleName(prefix, name)));
// set passed-down prefix to this name if inline group with element name and more than one child, or multiple
// nested children and no passed-in prefix
if (group.isInline() && name != null) {
if (comp.type() == SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE && SchemaUtils.isNamed(comp)) {
boolean passprefix = false;
if (group.getChildCount() > 1) {
passprefix = true;
} else if (prefix == null) {
passprefix = true;
GroupItem childgroup = group;
while (childgroup.getChildCount() == 1) {
Item childchild = childgroup.getFirstChild();
if (childchild instanceof GroupItem) {
childgroup = (GroupItem)childchild;
} else {
passprefix = false;
if (passprefix) {
prefix = assembleName(prefix, name);
// propagate name downward if group is inline and single nested item without its own name
Item head = group.getFirstChild();
if (propagate) {
// name can be inherited, but continue recursion for child group
if (head instanceof GroupItem) {
GroupItem childgroup = (GroupItem)head;
assignNames(childgroup.isInline() ? prefix : null, childgroup, false);
} else {
// process all child items with definite name assignments
for (Item item = head; item != null; item = item.getNext()) {
if (item instanceof GroupItem) {
GroupItem childgroup = (GroupItem)item;
assignNames(childgroup.isInline() ? prefix : null, childgroup, true);
} else {
if (item.getName() == null) {
String childname = checkDirectName(item);
if (childname == null) {
childname = deriveName(item, true);
item.setName(NameUtils.toNameLead(assembleName(prefix, childname)));
* Compute the complexity of a structure. In order to find the complexity of a structure all items of the structure
* must first be checked for inlining, which in turn requires checking their complexity. That makes this method
* mutually recursive with {@link #checkInline(DefinitionItem, int, List)}.
* @param group
* @param depth nesting depth
* @param defs list of generated definitions
* @return complexity (0, 1, or 2 for anything more than a single value)
private int computeComplexity(GroupItem group, int depth, List defs) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug(SchemaUtils.getIndentation(depth) + "counting values for "
+ (group instanceof DefinitionItem ? "definition " : "group ")
+ SchemaUtils.describeComponent(group.getSchemaComponent()));
// count the actual values in the structure
int count = 0;
for (Item item = group.getFirstChild(); item != null; item = item.getNext()) {
// get the schema customization information
SchemaCustom custom = ((SchemaExtension)item.getSchemaComponent().getSchema().getExtension()).getCustom();
// handle inlining of references
if (item instanceof ReferenceItem) {
// first make sure the definition has been checked for inlining
ReferenceItem reference = (ReferenceItem)item;
DefinitionItem definition = reference.getDefinition();
checkInline(definition, depth + 1, defs);
if (definition.isInline()) {
// convert the reference to an inline copy of the definition
item = reference.inlineReference();
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug(SchemaUtils.getIndentation(depth) + "converted reference to "
+ SchemaUtils.describeComponent(definition.getSchemaComponent()) + " to inline group");
// handle actual item count, and inlining of child group (may be new, from converted reference)
if (item instanceof GroupItem) {
// check count for nested group
GroupItem grpitem = (GroupItem)item;
int grpcount = computeComplexity(grpitem, depth + 1, defs);
// avoid inlining if an enumeration, or an extension reference; or the nested group is optional or a
// collection and has more than one item (or a single item which is itself optional or a collection,
// which will be counted as multiple items); or the main group is a choice, and the nested group is a
// compositor with more than one element, and the first element is optional (or the first element child
// of that element, if inlined) - but allow override from customizations
boolean inline = true;
ComponentExtension exten = grpitem.getComponentExtension();
if (exten.isSeparateClass()) {
inline = false;
} else {
if (grpitem.isEnumeration()) {
inline = false;
} else if (grpitem.isCollection() || grpitem.isOptional()) {
if (grpcount > 1) {
inline = false;
} else {
// must be single child, but block inlining if that child is optional or an element or
// attribute with simple value (since we need an object for the optional part, separate
// from the simple value)
Item child;
GroupItem childgrp = grpitem;
boolean named = false;
while ((child = childgrp.getFirstChild()) instanceof GroupItem) {
childgrp = (GroupItem)child;
if (childgrp.isOptional()) {
inline = false;
if (!named && childgrp.isTopmost()) {
int type = childgrp.getSchemaComponent().type();
named = type == SchemaBase.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE || type == SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE;
if (named && child instanceof ValueItem) {
inline = false;
} else if (grpcount > 1 && group.getSchemaComponent().type() == SchemaBase.CHOICE_TYPE) {
// assume no inlining, but dig into structure to make sure first non-inlined element is required
inline = false;
Item child = grpitem.getFirstChild();
while (!child.isOptional()) {
if (child.getSchemaComponent().type() == SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE &&
!(child instanceof GroupItem && ((GroupItem)child).isInline())) {
// required element with simple value or separate class, safe to inline
inline = true;
} else if (child instanceof GroupItem) {
child = ((GroupItem)child).getFirstChild();
if (child == null) {
// empty group, safe to inline
inline = true;
} else {
// required reference item, safe to inline
inline = true;
if (inline) {
// inline the group
if (!grpitem.isInline()) {
count += grpcount;
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug(SchemaUtils.getIndentation(depth) + "inlining "
+ (grpitem instanceof DefinitionItem ? "definition " : "group ")
+ SchemaUtils.describeComponent(grpitem.getSchemaComponent()) + " with item count " +
} else {
// force separate class for group
} else {
// bump up the complexity if the item is repeated (optionally inlining collection wrappers)
if (!custom.isNullCollectionAllowed() && item.isCollection()) {
return count > 1 ? 2 : count;
* Check if a group consists only of a single non-repeating item, which is not an enumeration.
* @param group
* @return true
if simple group, false
if repeated, multiple, or enumeration
private boolean isSimple(GroupItem group) {
if (group.isEnumeration() || group.getChildCount() > 1) {
return false;
} else {
for (Item item = group.getFirstChild(); item != null; item = item.getNext()) {
if (item.isCollection()) {
return false;
} else if (item instanceof GroupItem && !isSimple((GroupItem)item)) {
return false;
return true;
* Convert nested groups which are not inlined to freestanding definitions. This calls itself recursively to process
* nested groups, except those nested within groups converted to definitions.
* @param group
* @param defs list of generated definitions
private void convertToDefinitions(GroupItem group, List defs) {
Item item = group.getFirstChild();
while (item != null) {
if (item instanceof GroupItem) {
GroupItem childgrp = (GroupItem)item;
if (childgrp.isInline()) {
convertToDefinitions(childgrp, defs);
} else {
DefinitionItem def = childgrp.convertToDefinition();
OpenAttrBase ancestor = group.getSchemaComponent();
while (!ancestor.isGlobal()) {
ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
GlobalExtension global = (GlobalExtension)ancestor.getExtension();
PackageHolder pack = global.getPackage();
String clasname = def.getClassName();
NameConverter nconv = global.getNameConverter();
boolean useinner = global.isUseInnerClasses();
ClassDecorator[] decorators = global.getClassDecorators();
BindingHolder holder = m_bindingDirectory.getRequiredBinding(def.getSchemaComponent().getSchema());
ClassHolder clas = pack.addClass(clasname, nconv, decorators, useinner,
childgrp.isEnumeration(), holder);
s_logger.debug("Added definition class " + clas.getFullName());
item = item.getNext();
* Check if a global definition structure is to be inlined. This method is mutually recursive with {@link
* #computeComplexity(GroupItem, int, List)}. The two methods together determine the inlining status of all items.
* @param def
* @param depth nesting depth
* @param defs list of generated definitions
private void checkInline(DefinitionItem def, int depth, List defs) {
if (def.isChecked()) {
} else if (def.isInline()) {
} else {
// flag checked and clear referenced to detect circular references
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug(SchemaUtils.getIndentation(depth) + "checking inlining of definition "
+ SchemaUtils.describeComponent(def.getSchemaComponent())
+ (def.isInlineBlocked() ? " (inlining blocked)" : ""));
// inline references where appropriate, and count the values defined
int count = computeComplexity(def, depth, defs);
// determine the representation based on customizations or complexity
GlobalExtension exten = (GlobalExtension)def.getComponentExtension();
if (exten.isInlined()) {
if (def.isInlineBlocked()) {
s_logger.error("Cannot inline " + SchemaUtils.describeComponent(def.getSchemaComponent()) + " because of use as collection value, type for global element, or other usage");
} else {
} else if (!exten.isSeparateClass() && !def.isInlineBlocked() && (exten.isPushInline() || count == 0 ||
(count == 1 && isSimple(def)) || (exten.isPreferInline() && def.getReferenceCount() == 1))) {
if (def.isReferenced()) {
s_logger.debug(SchemaUtils.getIndentation(depth) + "blocking inlining of self-referencing definition " +
} else {
// set state as inlined
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug(SchemaUtils.getIndentation(depth) + "inlining definition "
+ SchemaUtils.describeComponent(def.getSchemaComponent()) +
" with item count " + count);
// convert non-inlined child components to definitions if multiple use
if (def.getReferenceCount() > 1) {
convertToDefinitions(def, defs);
* Set the name and namespace URI for a concrete <mapping> binding component. This is the same logic as used in
* the {@link StructureClassHolder} equivalent.
* @param qname qualified name to be set (null
if none)
* @param mapping concrete mapping definition
* @param holder binding containing the mapping
private void setName(QName qname, MappingElementBase mapping, BindingHolder holder) {
if (qname != null) {
String name = qname.getName();
String uri = qname.getUri();
if (!Utility.safeEquals(uri, holder.getElementDefaultNamespace())) {
* Build the structure of items to be used in code generation for each global definition.
* @return constructed definition items
private ArrayList buildItemStructures() {
ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
ItemVisitor itembuilder = new ItemVisitor();
int index = 0;
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
s_logger.info("Building item structure for schema " + ++index + ": " + schema.getResolver().getName());
int count = schema.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
SchemaBase child = schema.getChild(i);
if (child.getExtension() instanceof GlobalExtension) {
// create the definition
GlobalExtension global = (GlobalExtension)child.getExtension();
DefinitionItem definition = global.getDefinition();
if (definition == null) {
definition = itembuilder.buildGlobal((AnnotatedBase)child);
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
s_logger.info("Constructed item structure for " + SchemaUtils.describeComponent(child)
+ ":\n" + definition.describe());
} else if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
s_logger.info("Found existing item structure for " + SchemaUtils.describeComponent(child)
+ ":\n" + definition.describe());
// set the names on the definition so they'll be available for inlining
NameConverter nconv = global.getNameConverter();
String dfltname = nconv.toBaseName(((INamed)child).getName());
if (!definition.isFixedName()) {
String name = global.getBaseName();
if (name == null) {
name = NameUtils.toNameLead(dfltname);
if (!definition.isFixedClassName()) {
String name = global.getClassName();
if (name == null) {
name = global.getNameConverter().toJavaClassName(dfltname);
// force class generation if required
if (global.isIncluded()) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Forcing class generation for " + SchemaUtils.describeComponent(child));
return items;
* Convert the item model used for global elements, if they're the only reference to a global type. This just
* prevents generating two separate classes, one for the type and one for the element.
* @param items global definition items
* @return map from base type definition to singleton element definition using that type
private Map convertTypeIsomorphicElements(ArrayList items) {
// check for special (but common) case of single global element using global complexType
ArrayList checkitems = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
DefinitionItem definition = (DefinitionItem)items.get(i);
if (!definition.isPregenerated()) {
// record all simple element definition items separately for next pass
AnnotatedBase child = definition.getSchemaComponent();
if (child.type() == SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE && definition.getChildCount() == 1) {
Item item = definition.getFirstChild();
if (item instanceof ReferenceItem) {
DefinitionItem basedef = ((ReferenceItem)item).getDefinition();
if (!basedef.isPregenerated()) {
AnnotatedBase comp = basedef.getSchemaComponent();
if (comp.type() != SchemaBase.SIMPLETYPE_TYPE) {
// build map from type definition used by element to flag for single vs. multiple usage
Map usemap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < checkitems.size(); i++) {
// make sure the type definition is not using a pregenerated class (since can't be sure won't be reused)
ReferenceItem reference = (ReferenceItem)((DefinitionItem)checkitems.get(i)).getFirstChild();
DefinitionItem basedef = reference.getDefinition();
if (!basedef.hasDirectGenerateClass()) {
Boolean usedirect = (Boolean)usemap.get(basedef);
if (usedirect == null) {
// first time type was referenced, flag to use directly
usemap.put(basedef, Boolean.TRUE);
} else if (usedirect.booleanValue()) {
// second time type was referenced, flag to use separate classes
usemap.put(basedef, Boolean.FALSE);
// flag type-isomorphic elements as inlined, building map from type to isomorphic element definition
HashMap typeinstmap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < checkitems.size(); i++) {
DefinitionItem elemdef = (DefinitionItem)checkitems.get(i);
ReferenceItem reference = (ReferenceItem)elemdef.getFirstChild();
DefinitionItem basedef = reference.getDefinition();
if (!basedef.hasDirectGenerateClass() && ((Boolean)usemap.get(basedef)).booleanValue()) {
// single element definition using type, make sure abstract state matches on element and type
ElementElement element = (ElementElement)elemdef.getSchemaComponent();
AnnotatedBase refcomp = basedef.getSchemaComponent();
if (!(refcomp instanceof ComplexTypeElement) ||
((ComplexTypeElement)refcomp).isAbstract() == element.isAbstract()) {
// abstract state matches, force class for type but none for element
typeinstmap.put(basedef, elemdef);
// flag type-isomorphic elements as inlined, building map from type to isomorphic element definition
/* HashMap typeinstmap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < checkitems.size(); i++) {
DefinitionItem elemdef = (DefinitionItem)checkitems.get(i);
ReferenceItem reference = (ReferenceItem)elemdef.getFirstChild();
DefinitionItem basedef = reference.getDefinition();
if (!basedef.hasDirectGenerateClass() && basedef.getReferenceCount() == 1) {
// single element definition using type, force class for type but none for element
typeinstmap.put(basedef, elemdef);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Forcing inlining of type-isomorphic "
+ SchemaUtils.describeComponent(elemdef.getSchemaComponent()));
} */
return typeinstmap;
* Build list of definitions to be generated. Where possible, references are converted to inline definitions. Where
* they can't be converted, new definitions are created for separate class generation.
* @param items
* @return definitions to be processed
private ArrayList inlineReferences(ArrayList items) {
ArrayList defs = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
// make sure definition has been checked for inlining (may add new definitions directly to list)
DefinitionItem def = (DefinitionItem)items.get(i);
checkInline(def, 1, defs);
// add definition to list if not inlined or pregenerated or type-isomorphic
if (!def.isInline() && !def.hasDirectGenerateClass() && !def.isTypeIsomorphic()) {
GlobalExtension global = (GlobalExtension)def.getComponentExtension();
PackageHolder pack = global.getPackage();
String cname = def.getClassName();
NameConverter nconv = global.getNameConverter();
ClassDecorator[] decorators = global.getClassDecorators();
boolean userinner = global.isUseInnerClasses();
BindingHolder holder = m_bindingDirectory.getRequiredBinding(def.getSchemaComponent().getSchema());
ClassHolder clas = pack.addClass(cname, nconv, decorators, userinner, def.isEnumeration(), holder);
return defs;
* Check if no-namespace namespace is used in any of the schemas.
* @return true
if no-namespace used, false
if not
private boolean checkNoNamespacedUsed() {
SchemaNameVisitor visitor = new SchemaNameVisitor();
TreeWalker walker = new TreeWalker(null, new SchemaContextTracker());
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
walker.walkSchema((SchemaElement)iter.next(), visitor);
return visitor.isNoNamespaceUsed();
* Build classes and bindings for all definitions, except those for singleton element definitions using a type.
* @param defs definitions to be generated
* @param typeinst map from base type definition to singleton element definition using that type
private void buildClassesAndBindings(ArrayList defs, Map typeinst) {
// process all type definitions
for (int i = 0; i < defs.size(); i++) {
// compact again after inlining and converting extension references
DefinitionItem definition = (DefinitionItem)defs.get(i);
// build the binding component for this definition
ClassHolder clas = (ClassHolder)definition.getGenerateClass();
OpenAttrBase comp = definition.getSchemaComponent();
SchemaElement schema = comp.getSchema();
BindingHolder holder = m_bindingDirectory.getRequiredBinding(schema);
if (definition.isEnumeration()) {
// construct format and add to binding
FormatElement format = new FormatElement();
} else {
// construct mapping element
MappingElementBase mapping = new MappingElement();
if (comp.type() == SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE) {
// abstract or concrete mapping for element
ElementElement element = (ElementElement)comp;
setName(element.getEffectiveQName(), mapping, holder);
QName group = element.getSubstitutionGroup();
if (group != null) {
ElementElement base = m_validationContext.findElement(group);
DefinitionItem basedef = ((GlobalExtension)base.getExtension()).getDefinition();
} else {
// abstract mapping for type definition or group
QName qname = definition.getQName();
String uri = qname.getUri();
if (uri != null) {
m_bindingDirectory.addTypeNameReference(holder, uri, schema);
// add the mapping to binding and set on class
DefinitionItem elementdef = (DefinitionItem)typeinst.get(definition);
if (elementdef != null) {
// create mapping for element name linked to type
ElementElement element = (ElementElement)elementdef.getSchemaComponent();
SchemaElement elschema = element.getSchema();
MappingElementBase elmapping = new MappingElement();
// handle linking to substitution group head using extends mapping
QName group = element.getSubstitutionGroup();
if (group != null) {
ElementElement base = m_validationContext.findElement(group);
DefinitionItem basedef = ((GlobalExtension)base.getExtension()).getDefinition();
// create single structure child invoking the type mapping
holder = m_bindingDirectory.getRequiredBinding(elschema);
setName(element.getEffectiveQName(), elmapping, holder);
StructureElement struct = new StructureElement();
QName qname = mapping.getTypeQName();
String uri = qname.getUri();
if (uri != null) {
m_bindingDirectory.addTypeNameReference(holder, uri, schema);
// set the definition for the class (and create any required secondary classes)
clas.buildDataStructure(definition, holder);
* Initialize the bindings to be generated. This configures the binding directory, then creates the required
* bindings and sets their prefixes.
private void initializeBindings() {
m_bindingDirectory = new BindingOrganizer(false, false, false, true, true, true);
Map namebindings = new HashMap();
Map nsbindings = new HashMap();
for (Iterator iter = m_validationContext.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
// check binding handling for schema
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
SchemaExtension exten = (SchemaExtension)schema.getExtension();
String uri = schema.getEffectiveNamespace();
String prefix = exten.getPrefix();
BindingHolder holder;
String name = exten.getBindingFileName();
boolean dflt = schema.isElementQualifiedDefault() || uri == null;
if (name != null) {
// specific binding name, create the binding or link to existing
holder = (BindingHolder)namebindings.get(name);
if (holder == null) {
holder = m_bindingDirectory.getBinding(schema);
if (holder == null) {
holder = m_bindingDirectory.addBinding(schema, uri, prefix, dflt);
namebindings.put(name, holder);
} else {
m_bindingDirectory.addBindingObject(schema, holder);
} else if (exten.isForceBinding()) {
// binding needed for this schema, create it
holder = m_bindingDirectory.addBinding(schema, uri, prefix, dflt);
} else {
// need binding for namespace, create or link to existing
holder = (BindingHolder)nsbindings.get(uri);
if (holder == null) {
holder = m_bindingDirectory.addBinding(schema, uri, prefix, dflt);
nsbindings.put(uri, holder);
} else {
m_bindingDirectory.addBindingObject(schema, holder);
* Generate the data model. This first builds a representation of all the data items from the schema definitions,
* then determines which items can be inlined and which need separate class representations, and finally builds the
* actual data model class and binding definitions.
* @param verbose verbose output flag
* @param usenns no-namespace namespace used flag
* @param typemap map from qualified name of type (or attributeGroup, or group) to pregenerated mapping definition
* @param elemmap map from qualified name of element to pregenerated mapping definition
* @return root package for binding
public String buildDataModel(boolean verbose, boolean usenns, Map elemmap, Map typemap) {
// build the item structure for each definition and link to pregenerated classes
ArrayList items = buildItemStructures();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
DefinitionItem definition = (DefinitionItem)items.get(i);
QName qname = definition.getQName();
TypeData clas = null;
switch (definition.getSchemaComponent().type()) {
case SchemaBase.GROUP_TYPE:
case SchemaBase.SIMPLETYPE_TYPE:
clas = (TypeData)typemap.get(qname);
case SchemaBase.ELEMENT_TYPE:
clas = (TypeData)elemmap.get(qname);
if (clas != null) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Found class " + clas.getFullName() + " for " + qname);
// convert elements based on types and compact all items
Map typeinstmap = convertTypeIsomorphicElements(items);
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
// inline references where appropriate
ArrayList defs = inlineReferences(items);
// assign class and property names for all items
for (int i = 0; i < defs.size(); i++) {
DefinitionItem def = (DefinitionItem)defs.get(i);
assignNames(null, def, true);
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
s_logger.info("After assigning names for "
+ SchemaUtils.describeComponent(def.getSchemaComponent()) + ":\n" + def.describe());
// convert extension references for all global type definitions
for (int i = 0; i < defs.size(); i++) {
// classify all the items by form of content
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
DefinitionItem def = (DefinitionItem)items.get(i);
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
s_logger.info("After inlining and classification for " +
+ ":\n" + def.describe());
// build the actual class and binding structure
buildClassesAndBindings(defs, typeinstmap);
// build the actual classes
AST ast = AST.newAST(AST.JLS3);
ArrayList packs = m_packageDirectory.getPackages();
PackageHolder rootpack = null;
for (int i = 0; i < packs.size(); i++) {
PackageHolder pack = ((PackageHolder)packs.get(i));
if (pack.getClassCount() > 0) {
if (rootpack == null) {
PackageHolder scan = pack;
while (scan != null) {
if (scan.getClassCount() > 0 || scan.getSubpackageCount() > 1) {
rootpack = scan;
scan = scan.getParent();
pack.generate(verbose, ast, m_bindingDirectory);
// return the root package name
if (rootpack == null) {
rootpack = m_packageDirectory.getPackage("");
return rootpack.getName();
* Get the binding directory.
* @return directory
public BindingOrganizer getBindingDirectory() {
return m_bindingDirectory;
* Write the binding definitions file(s). This method can only be used after
* {@link #buildDataModel(boolean, boolean, Map, Map)} is called.
* @param name root binding definition file name (use customization, or default, if null
* @param pack target package for binding (null
if unspecified)
* @param pregens pregenerated bindings to be included in root binding
* @param handler validation error and code generation problem handler
* @throws JiBXException error
* @throws IOException error
public void writeBindings(String name, String pack, List pregens, ProblemHandler handler)
throws JiBXException, IOException {
if (name == null) {
name = m_global.getBindingFileName();
if (name == null) {
name = "binding.xml";
m_rootHolder = m_bindingDirectory.configureFiles(name, pack, pregens);
IClassLocator iloc = new DummyClassLocator();
org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationContext vctx = new org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationContext(iloc);
if (m_bindingDirectory.validateBindings(m_rootHolder, m_targetDir, vctx)) {
} else {
reportBindingProblems(vctx, handler);
throw new JiBXException("Terminating due to errors in bindings");
* Get the root binding definition. This is only allowed after the call to
* {@link #writeBindings(String, String, List, ProblemHandler)}.
* @return root binding element
public BindingElement getRootBinding() {
return m_rootHolder.getBinding();
* Add the schemas specified by customizations to the set to be loaded.
* @param base root URL for schemas
* @param dir root directory for schemas
* @param custom schema set customization
* @param fileset set of schema files to be loaded
* @throws MalformedURLException
/* private static void addCustomizedSchemas(URL base, File dir, SchemasetCustom custom, InsertionOrderedSet fileset)
throws MalformedURLException {
// first check for name match patterns supplied
String[] names = custom.getNames();
if (names != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
SchemaNameFilter filter = new SchemaNameFilter();
String name = names[i];
s_logger.debug("Matching file names to schemaset pattern '" + name + '\'');
String[] matches = dir.list(filter);
for (int j = 0; j < matches.length; j++) {
String match = matches[j];
fileset.add(new UrlResolver(match, new URL(base, match)));
s_logger.debug("Added schema from schemaset pattern match: " + match);
// next check all child customizations
LazyList childs = custom.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < childs.size(); i++) {
Object child = childs.get(i);
if (child instanceof SchemaCustom) {
String name = ((SchemaCustom)child).getName();
if (name != null) {
try {
fileset.add(new UrlResolver(name, new URL(base, name)));
s_logger.debug("Added schema from customizations: " + name);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
System.out.println("Error adding schema from customizations: " + name);
} else if (child instanceof SchemasetCustom) {
addCustomizedSchemas(base, dir, (SchemasetCustom)child, fileset);
* Get the package directory used for code generation.
* @return directory
public PackageOrganizer getPackageDirectory() {
return m_packageDirectory;
* Generate code from a list of schemas.
* @param verbose verbose output flag
* @param usens namespace to be used when no schemas with namespaces are being generated (null
if not
* specified)
* @param dfltpkg default package for no-namespace schemas (null
if not specified)
* @param bindname name for root binding (null
if not specified)
* @param fileset list of resolvers for schemas to be generated
* @param inclpaths list of paths for bindings to be used for matching schema definitions (empty if none)
* @param model file to be used for dumping generated data model (null
if none)
* @param handler validation error and code generation problem handler
* @return true
if successful, false
if failure
* @throws JiBXException error
* @throws IOException error
public boolean generate(boolean verbose, String usens, String dfltpkg, String bindname, List fileset,
List inclpaths, File model, ProblemHandler handler) throws JiBXException, IOException {
// load the full set of schemas
SchemaElement[] schemas = ValidationUtils.load(fileset, usens, m_validationContext);
if (!m_validationContext.reportProblems(handler)) {
if (dfltpkg == null) {
dfltpkg = "dflt";
if (customizeSchemas(dfltpkg, handler)) {
// report on schemas loaded
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
buff.append("Loaded and validated " + fileset.size() + " specified schema(s)");
int refcount = m_validationContext.getSchemaCount() - fileset.size();
if (refcount > 0) {
buff.append(" and " + refcount + " referenced schema(s)");
if (verbose) {
listSchemas(schemas, m_validationContext, handler);
} else {
// apply the schema customizations and revalidate modified schema
ValidationUtils.validateSchemas(schemas, m_validationContext);
if (!m_validationContext.reportProblems(handler)) {
// load any precompiled bindings
Map elemmap = new HashMap();
Map typemap = new HashMap();
List includes = new ArrayList();
boolean usenns = false;
for (Iterator iter = inclpaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String path = (String)iter.next();
URL url;
File file = null;
if (ClasspathUrlExtender.isClasspathUrl(path)) {
url = ClasspathUrlExtender.buildURL(null, path);
} else {
file = new File(path);
if (!file.isAbsolute())
file = new File(m_targetDir, path);
url = file.toURI().toURL();
try {
BindingElement binding = processPregeneratedBinding(url, elemmap, typemap, handler);
if (!usenns) {
usenns = checkNoNamespace(binding);
try {
org.jibx.binding.model.IncludeElement include =
new org.jibx.binding.model.IncludeElement();
if (file == null) {
} else {
include.setIncludePath(relativeFilePath(m_targetDir, file));
} catch (IOException e) {
handler.terminate("Error processing path " + path, e);
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
handler.terminate("Pregenerated binding not found with path: " + path);
return false;
// generate code and bindings, using any existing bindings supplied
buildDataModel(verbose, usenns, elemmap, typemap);
List packages = m_packageDirectory.getPackages();
PackageHolder top = null;
for (Iterator iter = packages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
PackageHolder holder = (PackageHolder)iter.next();
if (holder.getClassCount() > 0) {
if (top == null) {
top = holder;
} else {
// find common parent package of all packages so far processed
outer: while (true) {
PackageHolder scan = holder;
while (true) {
if (scan == top) {
break outer;
} else if (scan.getName().length() < top.getName().length()) {
top = top.getParent();
} else {
scan = scan.getParent();
String rootpack = top == null ? null : top.getName();
writeBindings(bindname, rootpack, includes, handler);
// print the total number of classes generated
listGeneratedPackages(packages, handler);
// check if prior data model dump file provided for comparison
if (model != null) {
if (model.exists()) {
// read the data model file
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(model));
StringObjectPair[] image = DataModelUtils.readImage(reader);
String diff = DataModelUtils.imageDiff(image, DataModelUtils.getImage(m_packageDirectory));
if (diff == null) {
handler.report("No difference found from data model file " + model.getPath());
} else {
} else {
handler.report("Difference data model file " + model.getPath() + " not found");
// check if dump file to be output
if (model != null) {
// delete the file if it already exists
if (model.exists()) {
// now print out the class details by package
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(model));
DataModelUtils.writeImage(m_packageDirectory, writer);
} else {
handler.terminate("Terminating due to errors in normalized schemas - please report the problem");
return false;
} else {
handler.terminate("Terminating due to errors in customized schemas");
return false;
} else {
handler.terminate("Terminating due to errors in input schemas");
return false;
return true;
* List the schemas in use.
* @param schemas
* @param vctx
* @param handler
private static void listSchemas(SchemaElement[] schemas, ValidationContext vctx, ProblemHandler handler) {
Set topset = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < schemas.length; i++) {
SchemaElement schema = schemas[i];
handler.report(" " + "top-level schema " + schema.getResolver().getName());
for (Iterator iter = vctx.iterateSchemas(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaElement schema = (SchemaElement)iter.next();
if (!topset.contains(schema)) {
handler.report(" " + "referenced schema " + schema.getResolver().getName());
* List the number of classes in each package, and the totals.
* @param packages
* @param handler
private static void listGeneratedPackages(List packages, ProblemHandler handler) {
int top = 0;
int total = 0;
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator iter = packages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
PackageHolder hold = (PackageHolder)iter.next();
int count = hold.getClassCount();
if (count > 0) {
int topcount = hold.getTopClassCount();
top += topcount;
buff.append("Generated " + topcount + " top-level classes ");
if (count != topcount) {
buff.append("(plus " + (count-topcount) + " inner classes) ");
buff.append("in package " + hold.getName());
total += count;
if (total == top) {
handler.report("Total classes in model: " + top);
} else {
handler.report("Total top-level classes in model: " + top);
handler.report("Total classes (including inner classes) in model: " + total);
* Build class data for pregenerated class.
* @param cname class name
* @param simple simple value flag
* @return data
private static TypeData buildClassData(String cname, boolean simple) {
String bname = cname;
String fname = bname.replace('$', '.');
return new TypeData(fname, bname, true, simple);
* Accumulate all format and mapping definitions, including those found in included bindings. For each abstract
* mapping or named format found, the type name is associated with the class data in the type map; for each concrete
* mapping found, the element name (and namespace) is associated with the class data in the element map. Included
* bindings are handled with recursive calls.
* @param binding binding definition root
* @param elemmap map from element qualified name to class data
* @param typemap map from type qualified name to class data
private static void accumulateBindingDefinitions(BindingElement binding, Map elemmap, Map typemap) {
ArrayList childs = binding.topChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < childs.size(); i++) {
ElementBase element = (ElementBase)childs.get(i);
if (element.type() == ElementBase.INCLUDE_ELEMENT) {
// use recursive call to add nested definitions in included binding
BindingElement inclbinding = ((org.jibx.binding.model.IncludeElement)element).getBinding();
if (inclbinding != null) {
accumulateBindingDefinitions(inclbinding, elemmap,
} else if (element.type() == ElementBase.MAPPING_ELEMENT) {
// handle mapping as type if abstract with type name, or as element if concrete
MappingElementBase mapping = (MappingElementBase)element;
String cname = mapping.getClassName();
TypeData data = buildClassData(cname, false);
if (mapping.isAbstract()) {
QName qname = mapping.getTypeQName();
if (qname != null) {
typemap.put(qname, data);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Added class " + cname + " for type " + qname);
} else {
QName qname = new QName(mapping.getNamespace().getUri(), mapping.getName());
elemmap.put(qname, data);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Added class " + cname + " for element " + qname);
} else if (element.type() == ElementBase.FORMAT_ELEMENT) {
// add named format as simple type definition
FormatElement format = (FormatElement)element;
String name = format.getTypeName();
if (name != null) {
TypeData data = buildClassData(name, true);
typemap.put(format.getQName(), data);
* Load and validate binding and process all format and mapping definitions, including those in included bindings.
* @param url binding definition path
* @param elemmap map from element qualified name to class data
* @param typemap map from type qualified name to class data
* @param handler validation error and problem handler
* @return binding
* @throws JiBXException error
* @throws IOException error
public static BindingElement processPregeneratedBinding(URL url, Map elemmap, Map typemap, ProblemHandler handler)
throws JiBXException, IOException {
// get binding definition file name from path
String name = "";
String path = url.getPath();
if (path != null) {
name = path;
int split = Math.max(name.lastIndexOf('/'), name.lastIndexOf('\\'));
if (split > 0) {
name = name.substring(split+1);
split = name.lastIndexOf('.');
name = name.substring(0, split);
// construct object model for binding
org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationContext vctx =
new org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationContext(new DummyClassLocator());
BindingElement binding = BindingElement.readBinding(url.openStream(), name, null, true,
// validate the binding definition
// list validation errors
if (vctx.getProblems().size() > 0) {
reportBindingProblems(vctx, handler);
if (vctx.getErrorCount() > 0 || vctx.getFatalCount() > 0) {
throw new JiBXException("Errors in binding");
// add all the mapping and format definitions in binding to qualified name maps
accumulateBindingDefinitions(binding, elemmap, typemap);
return binding;
* Report problems found in binding.
* @param vctx Validation Context
* @param handler Problem Handler
private static void reportBindingProblems(org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationContext vctx, ProblemHandler handler) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
ArrayList problems = vctx.getProblems();
for (int i = 0; i < problems.size(); i++) {
org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationProblem prob =
buff.append(prob.getSeverity() >= org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationProblem.ERROR_LEVEL ?
"Error: " : "Warning: ");
* Find the steps in the canonical path to a file.
* @param file File
* @return steps List
* @throws IOException error
public static List findPathSteps(File file) throws IOException {
LinkedList steps = new LinkedList();
File parent = file;
while ((parent = parent.getParentFile()) != null) {
return steps;
* Construct a relative file path.
* @param dir start directory for path
* @param file supplied file path
* @return relative file path
* @throws IOException
public static String relativeFilePath(File dir, File file) throws IOException {
// first find any common portion of the paths
List dirsteps = findPathSteps(dir);
List filesteps = findPathSteps(file);
// scan past any common portion of the paths
Iterator diriter = dirsteps.iterator();
Iterator fileiter = filesteps.iterator();
boolean abs = dir.isAbsolute();
boolean diff = false;
String filestep = null;
while (diriter.hasNext() && fileiter.hasNext()) {
String dirstep = (String)diriter.next();
filestep = (String)fileiter.next();
if (!dirstep.equals(filestep)) {
diff = true;
} else {
abs = false;
if (!diriter.hasNext())
filestep = (String)fileiter.next(); // Relative to target directory
// check whether relative path can be used
if (abs) {
return file.getCanonicalPath();
} else {
// create relative path to common ancestor directory
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
if (diff) {
while (diriter.hasNext()) {
// extend path to the actual file
while (fileiter.hasNext()) {
return buff.toString();
* Check if a binding definition uses the no-namespace namespace. This calls itself to recursively check on included
* bindings.
* @param binding element
* @return true
if no-namespace namespace used, false
if not
public static boolean checkNoNamespace(BindingElement binding) {
loop: for (Iterator childiter = binding.topChildIterator(); childiter.hasNext();) {
ElementBase child = (ElementBase)childiter.next();
switch (child.type()) {
if (((NamespaceElement)child).getPrefix() == null) {
return true;
case ElementBase.INCLUDE_ELEMENT:
if (checkNoNamespace(((org.jibx.binding.model.IncludeElement)child).getBinding())) {
return true;
case ElementBase.MAPPING_ELEMENT:
break loop;
return false;
* Run the binding generation using command line parameters.
* @param args initial params
* @throws Exception error
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
CodeGenCommandLine parms = new CodeGenCommandLine();
if (args.length > 0 && parms.processArgs(args)) {
// build set of schemas specified on command line (including via wildcards)
final InsertionOrderedSet fileset = new InsertionOrderedSet();
URL base = parms.getSchemaRoot();
File basedir = parms.getSchemaDir();
List errors = ResourceMatcher.matchPaths(basedir, base, parms.getExtraArgs(),
new ResourceMatcher.ReportMatch() {
public void foundMatch(String path, URL url) {
fileset.add(new UrlResolver(path, url));
if (errors.size() > 0) {
for (Iterator iter = errors.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
// handle code generation from schemas
ProblemMultiHandler handler = new ProblemMultiHandler();
handler.addHandler(new ProblemConsoleLister());
handler.addHandler(new ProblemLogLister(s_logger));
CodeGen inst = new CodeGen(parms.getCustomRoot(), parms.getSchemaRoot(),
inst.generate(parms.isVerbose(), parms.getUsingNamespace(), parms.getNonamespacePackage(),
parms.getBindingName(), fileset.asList(), parms.getIncludePaths(), parms.getModelFile(), handler);
} else {
if (args.length > 0) {
s_logger.error("Terminating due to command line or customization errors");
} else {
* Visitor to count the number of values in a definition.
private static class ValueCountVisitor extends SchemaVisitor
// count of attributes, elements, atttributeGroup references, and group references
private int m_count;
public int getCount() {
return m_count;
public boolean visit(AttributeElement node) {
return false;
public boolean visit(AttributeGroupRefElement node) {
return false;
public boolean visit(ElementElement node) {
return false;
public boolean visit(GroupRefElement node) {
return false;
* Visitor for checking element namespace usage in schema definitions. This just accumulates the set of namespaces
* used by element definitions.
private static class SchemaNameVisitor extends SchemaVisitor
/** Set of namespace URIs used by element definitions. */
private final Set m_uris;
* Constructor.
public SchemaNameVisitor() {
m_uris = new HashSet();
* Check if a single namespace is used for all element definitions.
* @return true
if single namespace, false
if not
public boolean isSingleNamespace() {
return m_uris.size() <= 1;
* Check if the no-namespace namespace is used by one or more elements.
* @return true
if no-namespace used, false
if not
public boolean isNoNamespaceUsed() {
return m_uris.contains(null);
* Accumulate namespace used by element definition.
* @param node
public void exit(ElementElement node) {
QName qname = node.getQName();
if (qname != null) {
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