org.jiris.JsonPath.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.jiris
import scala.language.dynamics
import play.api.libs.json.Json._
import play.api.libs.json._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object JsonPath {
trait PathNaming {
def toJsonKey(javaKey: String): String
object DefaultPathNaming extends PathNaming {
def toJsonKey(javaKey: String) = javaKey
object DefaultDateTimeReads extends Reads[DateTime] {
def reads(js: JsValue) = {
JsSuccess(new DateTime([String], DateTimeZone.UTC))
object DynaJson {
def apply(jsValue: JsValue)(implicit ns: PathNaming) = new DynaJson(jsValue)
def apply(jsValue: Option[JsValue])(implicit ns: PathNaming) = new DynaJson(jsValue)
def apply(lookupResult: JsLookupResult)(implicit ns: PathNaming) = new DynaJson(lookupResult)
object JpDefined {
def unapply(doc: DynaJson): Option[JsValue] = {
doc.lookupResult match {
case JsDefined(js) => Some(js)
case _ => None
trait JpUndefined
class DynaJson(val lookupResult: JsLookupResult)(implicit ns: PathNaming) extends Dynamic {
def this(jsValue: JsValue)(implicit ns: PathNaming) = this(new JsDefined(jsValue))
def this(jsValue: Option[JsValue])(implicit ns: PathNaming) = this(jsValue match {
case Some(v) => new JsDefined(v)
case None => new JsUndefined("")
def selectDynamic(key: String) = apply(key)
def applyDynamic(key: String) = new DynaJsonApplyDynamic(this, key)
def apply(key: String): DynaJson = {
val singleRow = () => lookupResult \ ns.toJsonKey(key) match {
case r: JsUndefined => new UndefinedDynaJson(r)
case r => new DynaJson(r)
lookupResult match {
case JsDefined(js) => key match {
case "*" => js match {
case a: JsArray =>
// rebuild an array with children
val children = { e => e match {
case a: JsArray => a.value
case o: JsObject => o.values
case _ => Seq[JsValue]()
new DynaJson(JsArray(children))
case o: JsObject => new DynaJson(JsArray(o.values.toSeq))
case _ => new UndefinedDynaJson(new JsUndefined(""))
case _ => js match {
case a: JsArray =>
// rebuild an array with children
val children = a.value.filter { e =>
e \ ns.toJsonKey(key) match {
case r: JsUndefined => false
case r => true
}.map { e => (e \ ns.toJsonKey(key)).as[JsValue] }
new DynaJson(JsArray(children))
case _ => singleRow()
case _ => singleRow()
def apply(filter: JpPathFilter) = filter.find(this)
def apply(index: Int) = index match {
case -1 => this
case _ =>
lookupResult(index) match {
case r: JsUndefined => new UndefinedDynaJson(r)
case r => new DynaJson(r)
def getOrElse(e: => DynaJson) = this match {
case _: JpUndefined => e
case _ => this
def jsValue = lookupResult.get
protected class UndefinedDynaJson(lookupResult: JsLookupResult)(implicit ns: PathNaming) extends DynaJson(lookupResult) with JpUndefined {
override def jsValue = null
protected class DynaJsonApplyDynamic(path: DynaJson, key: String) {
def apply(index: Int) = path.apply(key).apply(index)
def apply(filter: JpPathFilter) = path.apply(key).apply(filter)
abstract class JpExpression {
def &&(r: JpExpression) = new JpAndExpression(this, r)
def ||(r: JpExpression) = new JpOrExpression(this, r)
def evaluate(filter: JpPathFilter, path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming): Seq[JpResult]
protected class JpAndExpression(l: JpExpression, r: JpExpression) extends JpExpression {
def evaluate(filter: JpPathFilter, path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming) = {
val lKeys = l.evaluate(filter, path).map{ _.key }.toSet
r.evaluate(filter, path).filter{ result =>
protected class JpOrExpression(l: JpExpression, r: JpExpression) extends JpExpression {
def evaluate(filter: JpPathFilter, path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming) = {
(l.evaluate(filter, path) ++ r.evaluate(filter, path)).map { result =>
result.key -> result
}.map(e => e._2).toSeq
abstract class JpBinaryExpression[T: Reads](l: JpPathExpression, r: JpConstantExpression[T]) extends JpExpression {
def evaluate(filter: JpPathFilter, path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming) = {
val toStringOrDouble = (v: Any) => v match {
case i: Int => i.toDouble
case i: java.lang.Integer => i.toDouble
case d: java.lang.Double => d.toDouble
case n: JsNumber =>[Double]
case s: JsString =>[String]
case d: DateTime => d
case other => other.toString
// either double or string
val normalize = (l: Any, r: Any) => l match {
case s: String => r match {
case r: DateTime => (new JsString(s).as[T].asInstanceOf[DateTime].getMillis.toDouble,
case r: Double => (s, r.toString)
case _ => (s, r)
case d: Double => r match {
case r: String => (d.toString, r)
case _ => (d, r)
val rr = toStringOrDouble(r.evaluate(filter, path).head.key)
l match {
case selection: JpPathExpression =>
selection.evaluate(filter, path).filter{ result =>
val (lvalue, rvalue) = normalize(toStringOrDouble(result.result), rr)
rvalue match {
case rvalue: Double =>
_evaluate[Double](lvalue.asInstanceOf[Double], rvalue.asInstanceOf[Double])
case rvalue: String =>
_evaluate[String](lvalue.asInstanceOf[String], rvalue.asInstanceOf[String])
def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T): Boolean
implicit def compare[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = implicitly[Ordering[T]].compare(l, r)
protected class JpConstantExpression[T: Reads](v: T) extends JpExpression {
def evaluate(filter: JpPathFilter, path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming) =
Seq(new JpResult(v, null, null))
protected case class JpResult(key: Any, doc: JsValue, result: JsValue)
protected class JpPathExpression(paths: Either[String, Int]*) extends JpExpression with Dynamic {
def <[R: Reads](r: JpConstantExpression[R]) = new JpBinaryExpression(this, r) {
override def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = compare(l, r) < 0
def <=[R: Reads](r: JpConstantExpression[R]) = new JpBinaryExpression(this, r) {
override def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = compare(l, r) <= 0
def >[R: Reads](r: JpConstantExpression[R]) = new JpBinaryExpression(this, r) {
override def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = compare(l, r) > 0
def >=[R: Reads](r: JpConstantExpression[R]) = new JpBinaryExpression(this, r) {
override def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = compare(l, r) >= 0
// this works only when you don't have && or || after
def ==[R: Reads](r: JpConstantExpression[R]) = new JpBinaryExpression(this, r) {
override def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = compare(l, r) == 0
def ===[R: Reads](r: JpConstantExpression[R]) = new JpBinaryExpression(this, r) {
override def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = compare(l, r) == 0
def <>[R: Reads](r: JpConstantExpression[R]) = new JpBinaryExpression(this, r) {
override def _evaluate[T: Ordering](l: T, r: T) = compare(l, r) != 0
def selectDynamic(path: String) = apply(path)
def applyDynamic(path: String)(index: Int) = apply(path).apply(index)
def apply(path: String) =
new JpPathExpression((paths.toSeq ++ Seq(Left(path))): _*)
def apply(index: Int) = new JpPathExpression((paths.toSeq ++ Seq(Right(index))): _*)
override def evaluate(filter: JpPathFilter, doc: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming) = {
doc.lookupResult match {
case JsDefined(jsValue) =>
val values = jsValue match {
case a: JsArray => {v => (v._2, v._1)}.toSet
case m: JsObject => m.fieldSet.asInstanceOf[Set[(String, JsValue)]]
case v => Set((null, v))
} { row =>
var node = new DynaJson(new JsDefined(row._2))
paths.foreach{ path =>
node = path match {
case Left(s) => node.apply(s)
case Right(i) => node.apply(i)
(row, node.lookupResult)
}.filter { result =>
}.map{ result =>
JpResult(result._1._1, result._1._2, result._2.get)
case _: JsUndefined => Seq.empty
trait JpPathFilter {
def find(path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming): DynaJson
protected class JpListFilter(e: JpExpression) extends JpPathFilter {
def find(path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming): DynaJson = {
val v = e.evaluate(this, path).map{ e => e.doc }.toSeq
new DynaJson(JsArray(v))
implicit def DynaJsonToJsLookupResult(doc: DynaJson) = doc.lookupResult
implicit def intToExpression(i: Int) = new JpConstantExpression(i)
implicit def doubleToExpression(d: Double) = new JpConstantExpression(d)
implicit def stringToExpression(s: String) = new JpConstantExpression(s)
implicit def dateTimeToExpression(dt: DateTime) = new JpConstantExpression(dt)
implicit class JpJsValueWrapper(jsValue: JsValue) {
def $(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming) = new DynaJson(jsValue)
// option filter: returns one or no row
def ?(e: JpExpression) = new JpPathFilter {
def find(path: DynaJson)(implicit PathNaming: PathNaming): DynaJson = {
val v = e.evaluate(this, path).headOption match {
case Some(e) => JsDefined(e.doc.asInstanceOf[JsValue])
case None => new JsUndefined("")
new DynaJson(v)
// wild-card filter: returns an array
def *(e: JpExpression) = new JpListFilter(e)
def * = -1
// start from the current node in a filter expression
def % = new Dynamic {
def selectDynamic(key: String) = new JpPathExpression(Left(key))
def applyDynamic(key: String) = new JpPathExpression(Left(key))
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