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org.jliszka.probabilitymonad.Examples.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.jliszka.probabilitymonad

object Examples {
  import Distribution._

   * If you flip a coin and it comes up heads 10 times, what is the probability you have
   * the fair coin?

  case class CoinTrial(haveFairCoin: Boolean, flips: List[Coin])
  def bayesianCoin(nflips: Int): Distribution[CoinTrial] = {
    for {
      haveFairCoin <- tf()
      val c = if (haveFairCoin) coin else biasedCoin(0.9)
      flips <- c.repeat(nflips)
    } yield CoinTrial(haveFairCoin, flips)
  def runBayesianCoin(heads: Int) = bayesianCoin(heads).given(_.flips.forall(_ == H)).pr(_.haveFairCoin)
  def bayesianCoin2(nflips: Int) = {
    tf().posterior(p => (if (p) coin else biasedCoin(0.9)).repeat(nflips))(_.forall(_ == H))
  def runBayesianCoin2 = bayesianCoin2(10).hist

   * How many times do you need to flip a fair coin to get n heads in a row?

  def expectedFlips(flips: Int): Distribution[Int] = {
    coin.until(cs => cs.length >= flips && cs.take(flips).forall(_ == H)).map(_.length)

   * ELISA AIDS test. What is the probability you have the disease given a positive test result?

  abstract sealed class Patient
  case object Sick extends Patient
  case object Well extends Patient
  def elisa: Distribution[(Patient, Boolean)] = {
    def test(patient: Patient) = patient match {
      case Sick => tf(0.997)
      case Well => tf(0.019)
    val prevalence = 0.00448
    val person = discrete(Sick -> prevalence, Well -> (1-prevalence))
    for {
      p <- person
      r <- test(p)
    } yield (p, r)
  def runElisa = elisa.given(_._2).pr(_._1 == Sick)

   * If you flip a coin repeatedly, which is more likely to occur first, HTH or HTT?

  def hth = coin.until(_.take(3) == List(H, T, H)).map(_.length)
  def htt = coin.until(_.take(3) == List(T, T, H)).map(_.length)

   * Given a biased coin with unknown bias distributed according to `prior`,
   * after flipping `nflips` times and observing `successes` heads,
   * what is the posterior distribution of the bias?

  def unknownBiasedCoin(prior: Distribution[Double], nflips: Int, successes: Int): Distribution[Double] = {
    case class Trial(p: Double, flips: List[Coin])
    val d = for {
      p <- prior
      flips <- biasedCoin(p).repeat(nflips)
    } yield Trial(p, flips)
    d.filter(_.flips.count(_ == H) == successes).map(_.p)
  def runUnknownBiasedCoin = unknownBiasedCoin(uniform, 10, 8).bucketedHist(0, 1, 20)

  def unknownBiasedCoin2(prior: Distribution[Double], nflips: Int, successes: Int): Distribution[Double] = {
    prior.posterior(p => biasedCoin(p).repeat(nflips))(_.count(_ == H) == successes)
  def runUnknownBiasedCoin2 = unknownBiasedCoin2(uniform, 10, 8).bucketedHist(0, 1, 20)

   * RISK

  // Attack once, return the number of matchups the attacker wins
  def attack(a: Int, d: Int): Distribution[Int] = {
    for {
      aDice <- dice(a min 3).map(_.sorted.reverse)
      dDice <- dice(d min 2).map(_.sorted.reverse)
    } yield{ case (a, b) => a > b }

  // Attack until either A or D runs out of armies, return resulting number of armies on each side.
  def attacks(a: Int, d: Int): Distribution[(Int, Int)] = {
    if (a <= 1 || d == 0) always((a, d))
    else {
      for {
        r <- attack(a-1, d)
        s <- attacks(a - (2 - r), d - r)
      } yield s

  // Attacker attacks a series of territories until it runs out of armies, return the number
  // of territories conquered.
  def conquest(a: Int, ds: List[Int]): Distribution[Int] = {
    if (a <= 1) always(0)
    else {
      ds match {
        case Nil => always(0)
        case d::dd => for {
          (newA, newD) <- attacks(a, d)
          c <- conquest(newA-1, dd)
        } yield c + (if (newD == 0) 1 else 0)
  def runConquest = conquest(20, List(3, 5, 2, 4)).hist

   * Each family has children until it has a boy, and then stops. What
   * is the expected fraction of girls in the population?
  sealed abstract class Child
  case object Boy extends Child
  case object Girl extends Child
  def family = {
    discreteUniform(List(Boy, Girl)).until(_ contains Boy)
  def population(families: Int): Distribution[Double] = {
    for {
      children <- family.repeat(families).map(_.flatten)
      val girls = children.count(_ == Girl)
    } yield girls.toDouble / children.length
  def runBoyGirl = population(4).ev

   * A single bank teller can service a customer in 10 minutes. If one customer
   * comes in every 11 minutes on average, what is the expected length of the line?

  def queue(loadFactor: Double): Distribution[Int] = {
    val incoming = poisson(loadFactor)
    always(0).markov(100)(inLine => => math.max(0, inLine + in - 1)))
  def runBank = queue(0.9).map(_.toDouble).ev

   * You roll a 6-sided die and keep a running sum. What is the probability the
   * sum reaches exactly 30?

  def dieSum(rolls: Int): Distribution[List[Int]] = {
    always(List(0)).markov(rolls)(runningSum => for {
      d <- die
    } yield (d + runningSum.head) :: runningSum)
  def runDieSum = dieSum(30).pr(_ contains 30)

   * Random walk: starting at 0 and moving left or right with equal probability,
   * how many steps do you expect to take before reaching 10?

  def randomWalk(target: Int, maxSteps: Int): Distribution[List[Int]] = {
    always(List(0)).markov(steps => steps.head == target || steps.length == maxSteps)(positions => for {
      direction <- discreteUniform(List(-1, 1))
    } yield (positions.head + direction) :: positions)
  def runRandomWalk = randomWalk(10, 1000).map(_.length.toDouble).ev

   * Pascal's triangle

  def pascal(depth: Int): Distribution[(Int, Int)] = {
    always((0, 0)).markov(depth){ case (left, right) => for {
      moveLeft <- tf()
    } yield {
      if (moveLeft) (left+1, right) else (left, right+1)
  def runPascal = pascal(6).hist

   * Given a Markov model for the weather, if it is rainy on thursday, what
   * was the likely weather on monday?
  def weather = {
    def transition(rain: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = rain match {
      case true => discrete(true -> 0.5, false -> 0.5)
      case false => discrete(true -> 0.1, false -> 0.9)
    for {
      monday <- tf()
      thursday <- always(monday).markov(3)(transition)
    } yield (monday, thursday)
  def runWeather = weather.given{ case (monday, thursday) => thursday }.map(_._1)

   * Simpson's Paradox

  abstract class Party
  case object Democrat extends Party
  case object Republican extends Party

  abstract class State
  case object North extends State
  case object South extends State

  def simpson(): Distribution[(Party, State, Boolean)] = {

    def stateToParty(state: State) = state match {
      case North => discrete(Democrat -> 154.0, Republican -> 162.0)
      case South => discrete(Democrat -> 94.0, Republican -> 1.0)

    def votedFor(party: Party, state: State): Distribution[Boolean] = {
      (party, state) match {
        case (Democrat, North) => tf(0.94)
        case (Democrat, South) => tf(0.07)
        case (Republican, North) => tf(0.85)
        case (Republican, South) => tf(0.01)
    val senators = discrete(
      (Democrat, North) -> 154.0,
      (Democrat, South) -> 94.0,
      (Republican, North) -> 162.0,
      (Republican, South) -> 1.0
    for {
      (party, state) <- senators
      vote <- votedFor(party, state)
    } yield (party, state, vote)
  def runSimpsonDem() = simpson().given(_._1 == Democrat).pr(_._3)
  def runSimpsonRep() = simpson().given(_._1 == Republican).pr(_._3)

   * Monty Hall problem

  val montyHall = {
    val doors = (1 to 3).toSet
    for {
      prize <- discreteUniform(doors)   // The prize is placed randomly
      choice <- discreteUniform(doors)  // You choose randomly
      opened <- discreteUniform(doors - prize - choice)   // Monty opens one of the other doors
      switch <- discreteUniform(doors - choice - opened)  // You switch to the unopened door
    } yield (prize, switch)
  def runMontyHall ={ case (prize, switch) => prize == switch }

   * Mr. Jones has two children. The older child is a girl.
   * What is the probability that both children are girls?

  val jones = {
    discreteUniform(List(Boy, Girl))
      .filter(_.head == Girl)
  def runJones = == Girl)) // 0.5
   * Mr. Smith has two children. At least one of them is a boy.
   * What is the probability that both children are boys?

  val smith = {
    discreteUniform(List(Boy, Girl))
      .filter(_ contains Boy)
  def runSmith = == Boy)) // 0.333

   * Mr. Miller has two children. One of them is a boy born on Tuesday.
   * What is the probability both children are boys?

  val tuesday = {
    val child = for {
      sex <- discreteUniform(List(Boy, Girl))
      day <- d(7)
    } yield (sex, day)
    child.repeat(2).filter(_ contains (Boy, 3))
  def runTuesday = == Boy)) // 0.47

   * Bayesian networks

  sealed trait BloodGene
  case object A_ extends BloodGene
  case object B_ extends BloodGene
  case object O_ extends BloodGene

  sealed trait BloodType
  case object A extends BloodType
  case object B extends BloodType
  case object AB extends BloodType
  case object O extends BloodType

  implicit object BloodTypeOrd extends Ordering[BloodType] {
    override def compare(a: BloodType, b: BloodType) = {
      if (a == b) 0
      else {
        (a, b) match {
          case (A, _) => -1
          case (_, A) => 1
          case (B, _) => -1
          case (_, B) => 1
          case (AB, _) => -1
          case (_, AB) => 1
          case _ => 1

  val bloodPrior: Distribution[(BloodGene, BloodGene)] = {
    val geneFrequencies = discrete(A_ -> 0.26, B_ -> 0.08, O_ -> 0.66)
    for {
      g1 <- geneFrequencies
      g2 <- geneFrequencies
    } yield (g1, g2)

  def typeFromGene(g: (BloodGene, BloodGene)): Distribution[BloodType] = {
    g match {
      case (A_, B_) => always(AB)
      case (B_, A_) => always(AB)
      case (A_, _) => always(A)
      case (_, A_) => always(A)
      case (B_, _) => always(B)
      case (_, B_) => always(B)
      case (O_, O_) => always(O)

  def childFromParents(p1: (BloodGene, BloodGene), p2: (BloodGene, BloodGene)): Distribution[(BloodGene, BloodGene)] = {
    val (p1a, p1b) = p1
    val (p2a, p2b) = p2
    discreteUniform(for {
      p1 <- List(p1a, p1b)
      p2 <- List(p2a, p2b)
    } yield (p1, p2))

  case class BloodTrial(lisa: BloodType, homer: BloodType, marge: BloodType, selma: BloodType, jackie: BloodType, harry: BloodType)
  val bloodType = for {
    gHomer <- bloodPrior
    gHarry <- bloodPrior
    gJackie <- bloodPrior
    gSelma <- childFromParents(gHarry, gJackie)
    gMarge <- childFromParents(gHarry, gJackie)
    gLisa <- childFromParents(gHomer, gMarge)
    bLisa <- typeFromGene(gLisa)
    bHomer <- typeFromGene(gHomer)
    bMarge <- typeFromGene(gMarge)
    bSelma <- typeFromGene(gSelma)
    bJackie <- typeFromGene(gJackie)
    bHarry <- typeFromGene(gHarry)
  } yield BloodTrial(bLisa, bHomer, bMarge, bSelma, bJackie, bHarry)

  def runBloodType = bloodType.filter(_.selma == A).pr(_.lisa == A)

   * Teasing apart correlation and causality.
   * From
   * First, observe the joint probability distribution of:
   *  - whether someone smokes
   *  - whether someone has tar in their lungs
   *  - whether someone gets cancer
   * Encode this as a graphical model.

  // 50% of the population smokes (made up numbers)
  def smoker: Distribution[Boolean] = tf(0.5)

   * 95% of smokers have tar in their lungs
   * 5% of nonsmokers have tar in their lungs
  def tar(smoker: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = {
    if (smoker) tf(0.95)
    else tf(0.05)

   * Observed probabilities of getting cancer broken out by
   * whether you smoke and whether you have tar in your lungs
  def cancer(smoker: Boolean, tar: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = {
    (smoker, tar) match {
      case (false, false) => tf(0.1)
      case (true, false) => tf(0.9)
      case (false, true) => tf(0.05)
      case (true, true) => tf(0.85)

  case class SmokingTrial(smoker: Boolean, tar: Boolean, cancer: Boolean) {
    override def toString = {
      "smoker=%-5s tar=%-5s cancer=%-5s".format(smoker, tar, cancer)
  implicit val SmokingTrialOrdering = SmokingTrial) => (t.smoker, t.tar, t.cancer))

   * This encodes the probability distribution of smoking and cancer.
   * We can use it to calculate p(cancer) and p(cancer|smoking).
  def smoking: Distribution[SmokingTrial] = {
    for {
      s <- smoker
      t <- tar(s)
      c <- cancer(s, t)
    } yield SmokingTrial(s, t, c)

   * According to the article, this encodes the graphical model
   * that models the situation where we force some people to smoke
   * to see if they get cancer (i.e., p(cancer|do(smoker))), using
   * only observational data.
   * The intuition behind this graphical model is still unclear to me.
  def doSmoking: Distribution[SmokingTrial] = {
    for {
      s1 <- smoker
      s2 <- smoker
      t <- tar(s1)
      c <- cancer(s2, t)
    } yield SmokingTrial(s1, t, c)

  def runSmoking = {
    println("p(cancer) = " +
    println("p(cancer|smoking) = " +, _.smoker))
    println("p(cancer|do(smoking)) = " +, _.smoker))
    println("Since p(cancer|do(smoking)) < p(cancer), smoking actually prevents cancer (according to our made-up numbers)")
    println("even though, naively, p(cancer|smoking) > p(cancer)!")

  // Experimental...
  object Smoking {
    def hidden = tf(0.3)
    def smoker(hidden: Boolean) = hidden match {
      case true => tf(0.7)
      case false => tf(0.3)
    def tar(smoker: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = smoker match {
      case true => tf(0.95)
      case false => tf(0.05)
    def cancer(hidden: Boolean, tar: Boolean): Distribution[Boolean] = {
      (hidden, tar) match {
        case (true, true) => tf(0.7)
        case (true, false) => tf(0.9)
        case (false, true) => tf(0.05)
        case (false, false) => tf(0.1)

    val natural = for {
      h <- hidden
      s <- smoker(h)
      t <- tar(s)
      c <- cancer(h, t)
    } yield SmokingTrial(s, t, c)

    def doSmoker = for {
      h <- hidden
      s <- smoker(h)
    } yield s

    val controlled = for {
      h <- hidden
      s <- doSmoker
      t <- tar(s)
      c <- cancer(h, t)
    } yield SmokingTrial(s, t, c)

    val doSmoking = {
      val model = natural
      def smoker = {
      def tar(smoker: Boolean) = {
        model.filter(_.smoker == smoker).map(_.tar)
      def cancer(smoker: Boolean, tar: Boolean) = {
        model.filter(_.smoker == smoker).filter(_.tar == tar).map(_.cancer)

      for {
        s1 <- smoker
        s2 <- smoker
        t <- tar(s1)
        c <- cancer(s2, t)
      } yield SmokingTrial(s1, t, c)

  object Test {
    case class Trial(a: Boolean, b1: Boolean, b2: Boolean, c: Boolean)
    def hidden = tf(0.3)
    def A(hidden: Boolean) = hidden match {
      case true => tf(0.7)
      case false => tf(0.3)
    def B1(a: Boolean) = a match {
      case true => tf(0.95)
      case false => tf(0.75)
    def B2(a: Boolean) = a match {
      case true => tf(0.3)
      case false => tf(0.2)
    def C(hidden: Boolean, b1: Boolean, b2: Boolean) = (hidden, b1, b2) match {
      case (true, true, true) => tf(0.8)
      case (true, true, false) => tf(0.9)
      case (true, false, true) => tf(0.6)
      case (true, false, false) => tf(0.7)
      case (false, true, true) => tf(0.4)
      case (false, true, false) => tf(0.5)
      case (false, false, true) => tf(0.2)
      case (false, false, false) => tf(0.3)

    val natural = for {
      h <- hidden
      a <- A(h)
      b1 <- B1(a)
      b2 <- B2(a)
      c <- C(h, b1, b2)
    } yield Trial(a, b1, b2, c)

    val doA = for {
      h <- hidden
      a <- A(h)
    } yield a

    val controlled = for {
      h <- hidden
      a <- doA
      b1 <- B1(a)
      b2 <- B2(a)
      c <- C(h, b1, b2)
    } yield Trial(a, b1, b2, c)

    val doTest = {
      val model = natural
      def A =
      def B1(a: Boolean) = model.filter(_.a == a).map(_.b1)
      def B2(a: Boolean) = model.filter(_.a == a).map(_.b2)
      def C(a: Boolean, b1: Boolean, b2: Boolean) = {
        model.filter(_.a == a).filter(_.b1 == b1).filter(_.b2 == b2).map(_.c)

      for {
        a1 <- A
        a2 <- A
        b1 <- B1(a1)
        b2 <- B2(a1)
        c <- C(a2, b1, b2)
      } yield Trial(a1, b1, b2, c)

   * The probablistic graphical model
   *      Y -> Q
   *      |
   *      v
   * X -> Z -> W

  def X = tf(0.4)
  def Y = tf(0.6)
  def Z(x: Boolean, y: Boolean) = (x, y) match {
    case (true, true) => tf(0.2)
    case (true, false) => tf(0.7)
    case (false, true) => tf(0.5)
    case (false, false) => tf(0.8)
  def W(z: Boolean) = z match {
    case true => tf(0.3)
    case false => tf(0.9)
  def Q(y: Boolean) = y match {
    case true => tf(0.6)
    case false => tf(0.2)

  case class Trial(x: Boolean, y: Boolean, z: Boolean, w: Boolean, q: Boolean)
  def pgm = {
    for {
      x <- X
      y <- Y
      z <- Z(x, y)
      w <- W(z)
      q <- Q(y)
    } yield Trial(x, y, z, w, q)

  def dep[A, B](p: Distribution[A])(e1: A => B, e2: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]) = { => (e1(t), e2(t)))
     .groupBy{ case ((e1, e2), pr) => e1 }
     .mapValues(vs => {{ case ((e1, e2), pr) => (e2, pr) }
     .foreach{ case (e1, e2prs) => {
       val total =
       println("%s (%.2f%%)".format(e1, total * 100))
         .foreach{ case (e2, pr) => {
           println("  %s: %.2f%%".format(e2.toString, pr / total * 100))
     println("independent with probability %.2f%%".format(chi2test( => (e1(x), e2(x)))) * 100))

  def doPGM {
    println("** X and Y are independent: p(y|x) = ")
    dep(pgm)(_.x, _.y)

    println("** Given knowledge of Z, X and Y are dependent: p(y|x, z=true) = ")
    dep(pgm.filter(_.z == true))(_.x, _.y)

    println("** Given knowledge of W, X and Y are dependent: p(y|x, w=false) = ")
    dep(pgm.filter(_.w == false))(_.x, _.y)

    println("** X and W are dependent: p(w|x) = ")
    dep(pgm)(_.x, _.w)

    println("** Given knowledge of Z, X and W are independent: p(w|x, z=true) = ")
    dep(pgm.filter(_.z == true))(_.x, _.w)

    println("** Z and Q are dependent: p(q|z) = ")
    dep(pgm)(_.z, _.q)

    println("** Given knowledge of Y, Z and Q are independent: p(q|z, y=true) = ")
    dep(pgm.filter(_.y == true))(_.z, _.q)

  def centralLimitTheorem1(d: Distribution[Double], samples: Int) = {
    println("Original distribution:")

    val stdev = d.stdev
    println("mean = " + d.mean)
    println("stdev = " + stdev)

    println("Distribution of means of samples of size %d:".format(samples))
    val sd = d.repeat(samples).map(xs => xs.sum / samples)

    println("This distribution is always a normal distribution regardless of the shape of the original distribution.")
    println("Empirically, the mean and stdev are:")
    println("mean = " + sd.mean)
    println("stdev = " + sd.stdev)

    println("However, we can also compute the stdev directly from the original distribution:")
    println("stdev = s / sqrt(n) = " + stdev / math.sqrt(samples))

  def runCentralLimitTheorem1 = centralLimitTheorem1(uniform, 100)

  def centralLimitTheorem2(d: Distribution[Boolean], samples: Int) = {
    val p = => x)
    println("p = pr(b = true) = " + p)

    println("Distribution of pr(b = true) of samples of size %d:".format(samples))
    val sd = d.repeat(samples).map(xs => xs.count(x => x).toDouble / samples)

    println("This distribution is always a normal distribution.")
    println("Empirically, the mean and stdev are:")
    println("mean = " + sd.mean)
    println("stdev = " + sd.stdev)

    println("However, we can also compute the stdev directly from the original distribution:")
    println("stdev = sqrt(p*(1-p)/n) = " + math.sqrt(p * (1 - p) / samples))

  def runCentralLimitTheorem2 = centralLimitTheorem2(tf(0.2), 100)

  def centralLimitTheorem3(d1: Distribution[Double], d2: Distribution[Double], samples1: Int, samples2: Int) = {
    println("Original distribution 1:")

    val mean1 = d1.mean
    val stdev1 = d1.stdev
    println("mean = " + mean1)
    println("stdev = " + stdev1)

    println("Original distribution 2:")
    val mean2 = d2.mean
    val stdev2 = d2.stdev
    println("mean = " + mean2)
    println("stdev = " + stdev2)

    println("Distribution of difference of means of samples of size %d and %d:".format(samples1, samples2))
    val sd1 = d1.repeat(samples1).map(xs => xs.sum / xs.size)
    val sd2 = d2.repeat(samples2).map(xs => xs.sum / xs.size)
    val sd = sd1 - sd2

    println("This distribution is always a normal distribution regardless of the shapes of the original distributions.")
    println("Empirically, the mean and stdev are:")
    println("mean = " + sd.mean)
    println("stdev = " + sd.stdev)

    println("However, we can also compute the mean and stdev directly from the original distributions:")
    println("mean = mean1 - mean2 = " + (d1.mean - d2.mean))
    println("stdev = sqrt( stdev1^2 / n1 + stdev2^2 / n2 ) = " + math.sqrt(stdev1 * stdev1 / samples1 + stdev2 * stdev2 / samples2))

  def differenceOfMeans(d1: Distribution[Double], d2: Distribution[Double], n1: Int, n2: Int): Distribution[Double] = {
    for {
      mean1 <- d1.repeat(n1).map(_.sum / n1)
      mean2 <- d2.repeat(n2).map(_.sum / n2)
    } yield mean2 - mean1

  def runCentralLimitTheorem3 = centralLimitTheorem3(normal, uniform, 100, 200)

  def runKSTest {
    println("The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Values over 1.95 indicate that the distributions are probably different.")
    println("comparing 2 normal distributions: " + ksTest(normal, normal))
    println("comparing a normal and a shifted normal distribution: " + ksTest(normal, normal + 0.1))
    println("comparing a normal and a scaled normal distribution: " + ksTest(normal, normal * 1.2))
    val d1 = unknownBiasedCoin2(uniform, 10, 8)
    val d2 = unknownBiasedCoin2(unknownBiasedCoin2(uniform, 5, 3), 5, 5)
    println("comparing 2 different ways of arriving at what should be the same posterior distribution: " + ksTest(d1, d2))
    println("comparing beta(1, 1) and uniform: " + ksTest(beta(1, 1), uniform))
    val p1 = 0.3
    val p2 = 0.4
    val geoMin = geometric(p1).flatMap(x1 => geometric(p2).map(x2 => x1 min x2))
    println("comparing min(geometric(p1), geometric(p2)) with geometric(p1+p2-p1*p2): " + ksTest(geoMin, geometric(p1+p2-p1*p2)))
    println("comparing beta(1, 1) with a uniform distribution: " + ksTest(uniform, beta(1, 1)))
    println("comparing beta(5, 5) with an appropriately scaled and shifted normal distribution: " + testBetaApproximatesNormal(5, 5))
    println("comparing beta(100, 100) with an appropriately scaled and shifted normal distribution: " + testBetaApproximatesNormal(100, 100))
    println("comparing beta(1, 100)*100 with exponential(1): " + ksTest(exponential(1), beta(1, 100)*100))
    println("comparing gamma(a, 2) with chi2(2a): " + ksTest(gamma(4, 2), chi2(8)))
    println("comparing gamma(a, 2) with chi2(2a+1) (expected to be different): " + ksTest(gamma(4, 2), chi2(9)))

  def testBetaApproximatesNormal(a: Int, b: Int): Double = {
    val mean = a.toDouble / (a + b)
    val stdev = math.sqrt(a.toDouble * b / ((a + b) * (a + b) * (a + b + 1)))
    ksTest(beta(a, b), normal * stdev + mean)

  def isTheNBADraftRigged(prior: Double) = {
    val rigged = tf(prior)
    def firstPick(rigged: Boolean) = rigged match {
      case true => definitely(true)
      case false => tf(0.017)
    rigged.posterior(firstPick)(_ == true).pr(_ == true)

  def kalmanFilter(measurements: Double*) = {
    case class State(position: Double, velocity: Double)
    val prior = => State(0.0, n * 0.1 + 1.0))
    val stdev = 0.1
    val measurementNoise = normal * stdev
    val processNoise = normal * stdev

    measurements.foldLeft(prior :: Nil){ case (prior :: rest, measurement) => {
      val evolved = for {
        state <- prior
        noise <- processNoise
      } yield State(state.position + state.velocity + noise, state.velocity)

      val epsilon =

      evolved.posterior(s =>
        for (noise <- measurementNoise) yield s.position + noise
      )(p => 
        math.abs(measurement - p) < epsilon
      ) :: prior :: rest
  def runKalmanFilter {
    val ds = kalmanFilter(0.9, 1.7, 2.7, 3.8, 4.5, 5.4)

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