Common.MatDefs.Terrain.AdvancedPBRTerrain.frag Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : enable
#import "Common/ShaderLib/GLSLCompat.glsllib"
#import "Common/ShaderLib/PBR.glsllib"
#import "Common/ShaderLib/Lighting.glsllib"
#import "Common/MatDefs/Terrain/AfflictionLib.glsllib"
varying vec3 wPosition;
varying vec3 vNormal;
varying vec2 texCoord;
uniform vec3 g_CameraPosition;
varying vec3 vPosition;
varying vec3 vnPosition;
varying vec3 vViewDir;
varying vec4 vLightDir;
varying vec4 vnLightDir;
varying vec3 lightVec;
varying vec3 inNormal;
varying vec3 wNormal;
uniform int m_DebugValuesMode;
uniform vec4 g_LightData[NB_LIGHTS];
uniform vec4 g_AmbientLightColor;
#if NB_PROBES >= 1
uniform samplerCube g_PrefEnvMap;
uniform vec3 g_ShCoeffs[9];
uniform mat4 g_LightProbeData;
#if NB_PROBES >= 2
uniform samplerCube g_PrefEnvMap2;
uniform vec3 g_ShCoeffs2[9];
uniform mat4 g_LightProbeData2;
#if NB_PROBES == 3
uniform samplerCube g_PrefEnvMap3;
uniform vec3 g_ShCoeffs3[9];
uniform mat4 g_LightProbeData3;
varying vec4 wVertex;
//texture arrays:
uniform sampler2DArray m_AlbedoTextureArray;
uniform sampler2DArray m_NormalParallaxTextureArray;
uniform sampler2DArray m_MetallicRoughnessAoEiTextureArray;
//texture-slot params for 12 unique texture slots (0-11) where the integer value points to the desired texture's index in the corresponding texture array:
#for i=0..12 ( $0 )
uniform int m_AfflictionMode_$i;
uniform float m_Roughness_$i;
uniform float m_Metallic_$i;
uniform float m_AlbedoMap_$i_scale;
uniform vec4 m_EmissiveColor_$i;
#ifdef ALBEDOMAP_$i
uniform int m_AlbedoMap_$i;
#ifdef NORMALMAP_$i
uniform int m_NormalMap_$i;
uniform int m_MetallicRoughnessMap_$i;
//3 alpha maps :
uniform sampler2D m_AlphaMap;
#ifdef ALPHAMAP_1
uniform sampler2D m_AlphaMap_1;
#ifdef ALPHAMAP_2
uniform sampler2D m_AlphaMap_2;
uniform float m_AlphaDiscardThreshold;
//fog vars for basic fog :
#ifdef USE_FOG
#import "Common/ShaderLib/MaterialFog.glsllib"
uniform vec4 m_FogColor;
float fogDistance;
uniform vec2 m_LinearFog;
#ifdef FOG_EXP
uniform float m_ExpFog;
#ifdef FOG_EXPSQ
uniform float m_ExpSqFog;
//sun intensity is a secondary AO value that can be painted per-vertex in the red channel of the
// vertex colors, or it can be set as a static value for an entire material with the StaticSunIntensity float param
varying vec4 vertColors;
uniform float m_StaticSunIntensity;
//sun intensity AO value is only applied to the directional light, not to point lights, so it is important to track if the
//sun is more/less bright than the brightest point light for each fragment to determine how the light probe's ambient light should be scaled later on in light calculation code
float brightestPointLight = 0.0;
//optional affliction paramaters that use the AfflictionAlphaMap's green channel for splatting m_SplatAlbedoMap and the red channel for splatting desaturation :
uniform sampler2D m_AfflictionAlphaMap;
uniform float m_SplatNoiseVar;
//only defined for non-terrain geoemtries and terrains that are not positioned nor sized in correlation to the 2d array of AfflictionAlphaMaps used for splatting accross large tile based scenes in a grid
uniform float m_TileWidth;
uniform vec3 m_TileLocation;
uniform sampler2D m_SplatAlbedoMap;
uniform sampler2D m_SplatNormalMap;
uniform sampler2D m_SplatRoughnessMetallicMap;
uniform sampler2D m_SplatEmissiveMap;
uniform int m_AfflictionSplatScale;
uniform float m_AfflictionRoughnessValue;
uniform float m_AfflictionMetallicValue;
uniform float m_AfflictionEmissiveValue;
uniform vec4 m_AfflictionEmissiveColor;
vec4 afflictionVector;
float noiseHash;
float livelinessValue;
float afflictionValue;
int afflictionMode = 1;
//general temp vars :
vec4 tempAlbedo, tempNormal, tempEmissiveColor;
float tempParallax, tempMetallic, tempRoughness, tempAo, tempEmissiveIntensity;
vec3 viewDir;
vec2 coord;
vec4 albedo = vec4(1.0);
vec3 normal = vec3(0.5,0.5,1);
vec3 norm;
float Metallic;
float Roughness;
float packedAoValue = 1.0;
vec4 emissive;
float emissiveIntensity = 1.0;
float indoorSunLightExposure = 1.0;
vec4 packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec;
vec4 packedNormalParallaxVec;
void main(){
#ifdef USE_FOG
fogDistance = distance(g_CameraPosition,;
float indoorSunLightExposure = 1.0;
viewDir = normalize(g_CameraPosition - wPosition);
norm = normalize(wNormal);
normal = norm;
afflictionVector = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); //r channel is sturation, g channel is affliction splat texture intensity, b and a unused (might use b channel for wetness eventually)
//subterrains that are not centred in tile or equal to tile width in total size need to have m_TileWidth pre-set. (tileWidth is the x,z dimesnions that the AfflictionAlphaMap represents)..
vec2 tileCoords;
float xPos, zPos;
vec3 locInTile = (wPosition - m_TileLocation);
locInTile += vec3(m_TileWidth/2, 0, m_TileWidth/2);
xPos = (locInTile.x / m_TileWidth);
zPos = 1 - (locInTile.z / m_TileWidth);
tileCoords = vec2(xPos, zPos);
afflictionVector = texture2D(m_AfflictionAlphaMap, tileCoords).rgba;
// ..othrewise when terrain size matches tileWidth, the terrain's texCoords can be used for simple texel fetching of the AfflictionAlphaMap
afflictionVector = texture2D(m_AfflictionAlphaMap, texCoord.xy).rgba;
livelinessValue = afflictionVector.r;
afflictionValue = afflictionVector.g;
#ifdef ALBEDOMAP_0
vec4 alphaBlend;
vec4 alphaBlend_0, alphaBlend_1, alphaBlend_2;
int texChannelForAlphaBlending;
alphaBlend_0 = texture2D( m_AlphaMap, texCoord.xy );
#ifdef ALPHAMAP_1
alphaBlend_1 = texture2D( m_AlphaMap_1, texCoord.xy );
#ifdef ALPHAMAP_2
alphaBlend_2 = texture2D( m_AlphaMap_2, texCoord.xy );
vec2 texSlotCoords;
float finalAlphaBlendForLayer = 1.0;
vec3 blending = abs( norm );
blending = (blending -0.2) * 0.7;
blending = normalize(max(blending, 0.00001)); // Force weights to sum to 1.0 (very important!)
float b = (blending.x + blending.y + blending.z);
blending /= vec3(b, b, b);
#for i=0..12 (#ifdef ALBEDOMAP_$i $0 #endif)
//assign texture slot's blending from index's correct alpha map
if($i <= 3){
alphaBlend = alphaBlend_0;
}else if($i <= 7){
alphaBlend = alphaBlend_1;
}else if($i <= 11){
alphaBlend = alphaBlend_2;
texChannelForAlphaBlending = int(mod($i, 4.0)); //pick the correct channel (r g b or a) based on the layer's index
switch(texChannelForAlphaBlending) {
case 0:
finalAlphaBlendForLayer = alphaBlend.r;
case 1:
finalAlphaBlendForLayer = alphaBlend.g;
case 2:
finalAlphaBlendForLayer = alphaBlend.b;
case 3:
finalAlphaBlendForLayer = alphaBlend.a;
afflictionMode = m_AfflictionMode_$i;
tempEmissiveColor = m_EmissiveColor_$i;
//tri planar
tempAlbedo = getTriPlanarBlendFromTexArray(wVertex, blending, m_AlbedoMap_$i, m_AlbedoMap_$i_scale, m_AlbedoTextureArray);
#ifdef NORMALMAP_$i
packedNormalParallaxVec.rgba = getTriPlanarBlendFromTexArray(wVertex, blending, m_NormalMap_$i, m_AlbedoMap_$i_scale, m_NormalParallaxTextureArray).rgba; = calculateTangentsAndApplyToNormals(, wNormal);// this gets rid of the need for pre-generating tangents for TerrainPatches, since doing so doesn't seem to work (tbnMat is always blank for terrains even with tangents pre-generated, not sure why...)
tempParallax = packedNormalParallaxVec.w;
tempNormal.rgb = wNormal.rgb;
packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec = getTriPlanarBlendFromTexArray(wVertex, blending, m_MetallicRoughnessMap_$i, m_AlbedoMap_$i_scale, m_MetallicRoughnessAoEiTextureArray).rgba;
tempRoughness = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.g * m_Roughness_$i;
tempMetallic = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.b * m_Metallic_$i;
tempAo = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.r;
tempEmissiveIntensity = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.a;
// non triplanar
texSlotCoords = texCoord * m_AlbedoMap_$i_scale;
tempAlbedo = texture2DArray(m_AlbedoTextureArray, vec3(texSlotCoords, m_AlbedoMap_$i));
#ifdef NORMALMAP_$i
packedNormalParallaxVec = texture2DArray(m_NormalParallaxTextureArray, vec3(texSlotCoords, m_NormalMap_$i)); = calculateTangentsAndApplyToNormals(, wNormal);
tempParallax = packedNormalParallaxVec.w;
//eventually add parallax code here if a PARALLAXHEIGHT_$i float is defined. but this shader is at the define limit currently,
// so to do that will require removing defines around scale to use that for enabling parallax per layer instead, since there's no reason for define around basic float scale anyways
tempNormal.rgb = wNormal.rgb;
packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec = texture2DArray(m_MetallicRoughnessAoEiTextureArray, vec3(texSlotCoords, m_MetallicRoughnessMap_$i));
tempRoughness = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.g * m_Roughness_$i;
tempMetallic = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.b * m_Metallic_$i;
tempAo = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.r;
tempEmissiveIntensity = packedMetallicRoughnessAoEiVec.a;
//blend to float values if no texture value for mrao map exists
tempRoughness = m_Roughness_$i;
tempMetallic = m_Metallic_$i;
tempAo = 1.0;
//note: most of these functions can be found in AfflictionLib.glslib
tempAlbedo.rgb = alterLiveliness(tempAlbedo.rgb, livelinessValue, afflictionMode); //changes saturation of albedo for this layer; does nothing if not using AfflictionAlphaMap for affliction splatting
tempEmissiveColor *= tempEmissiveIntensity;
//mix values from this index layer to final output values based on finalAlphaBlendForLayer
albedo.rgb = mix(albedo.rgb, tempAlbedo.rgb , finalAlphaBlendForLayer);
normal.rgb = mix(normal.rgb, tempNormal.rgb, finalAlphaBlendForLayer);
Metallic = mix(Metallic, tempMetallic, finalAlphaBlendForLayer);
Roughness = mix(Roughness, tempRoughness, finalAlphaBlendForLayer);
packedAoValue = mix(packedAoValue, tempAo, finalAlphaBlendForLayer);
emissiveIntensity = mix(emissiveIntensity, tempEmissiveIntensity, finalAlphaBlendForLayer);
emissive = mix(emissive, tempEmissiveColor, finalAlphaBlendForLayer);
albedo = texture2D(m_AlbedoMap_0, texCoord);
float alpha = albedo.a;
if(alpha < m_AlphaDiscardThreshold){
vec4 afflictionAlbedo;
float newAfflictionScale = m_AfflictionSplatScale;
vec2 newScaledCoords;
newAfflictionScale = newAfflictionScale / 256;
afflictionAlbedo = getTriPlanarBlend(wVertex, blending, m_SplatAlbedoMap , newAfflictionScale);
newScaledCoords = mod(wPosition.xz / m_AfflictionSplatScale, 0.985);
afflictionAlbedo = texture2D(m_SplatAlbedoMap , newScaledCoords);
afflictionAlbedo = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vec3 afflictionNormal;
afflictionNormal = getTriPlanarBlend(wVertex, blending, m_SplatNormalMap , newAfflictionScale).rgb;
afflictionNormal = texture2D(m_SplatNormalMap , newScaledCoords).rgb;
afflictionNormal = norm;
float afflictionMetallic = m_AfflictionMetallicValue;
float afflictionRoughness = m_AfflictionRoughnessValue;
float afflictionAo = 1.0;
vec4 afflictionEmissive = m_AfflictionEmissiveColor;
float afflictionEmissiveIntensity = m_AfflictionEmissiveValue;
vec4 metallicRoughnessAoEiVec;
metallicRoughnessAoEiVec = texture2D(m_SplatRoughnessMetallicMap, newScaledCoords);
metallicRoughnessAoEiVec = getTriPlanarBlend(wVertex, blending, m_SplatRoughnessMetallicMap, newAfflictionScale);
afflictionRoughness *= metallicRoughnessAoEiVec.g;
afflictionMetallic *= metallicRoughnessAoEiVec.b;
afflictionAo = metallicRoughnessAoEiVec.r;
afflictionEmissiveIntensity *= metallicRoughnessAoEiVec.a; //important not to leave this channel all black by accident when creating the mraoei map if using affliction emissiveness
vec4 emissiveMapColor;
emissiveMapColor = texture2D(m_SplatEmissiveMap, newScaledCoords);
emissiveMapColor = getTriPlanarBlend(wVertex, blending, m_SplatEmissiveMap, newAfflictionScale);
afflictionEmissive *= emissiveMapColor;
float adjustedAfflictionValue = afflictionValue;
noiseHash = getStaticNoiseVar0(wPosition, afflictionValue * m_SplatNoiseVar); //VERY IMPORTANT to replace this with a noiseMap texture, as calculating noise per pixel in-shader like this does lower framerate a lot
adjustedAfflictionValue = getAdjustedAfflictionVar(afflictionValue);
if(afflictionValue >= 0.99){
adjustedAfflictionValue = afflictionValue;
noiseHash = 1.0;
Roughness = alterAfflictionRoughness(adjustedAfflictionValue, Roughness, afflictionRoughness, noiseHash);
Metallic = alterAfflictionMetallic(adjustedAfflictionValue, Metallic, afflictionMetallic, noiseHash);
albedo = alterAfflictionColor(adjustedAfflictionValue, albedo, afflictionAlbedo, noiseHash );
normal = alterAfflictionNormalsForTerrain(adjustedAfflictionValue, normal, afflictionNormal, noiseHash , wNormal);
emissive = alterAfflictionGlow(adjustedAfflictionValue, emissive, afflictionEmissive, noiseHash);
emissiveIntensity = alterAfflictionEmissiveIntensity(adjustedAfflictionValue, emissiveIntensity, afflictionEmissiveIntensity, noiseHash);
emissiveIntensity *= afflictionEmissive.a;
//affliction ao value blended below after specular calculation
// spec gloss pipeline code would go here if supported, but likely will not be for terrain shaders as defines are limited and heavily used
float specular = 0.5;
float nonMetalSpec = 0.08 * specular;
vec4 specularColor = (nonMetalSpec - nonMetalSpec * Metallic) + albedo * Metallic;
vec4 diffuseColor = albedo - albedo * Metallic;
vec3 fZero = vec3(specular);
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(0.0);
//simple ao calculation, no support for lightmaps like stock pbr shader.. (probably could add lightmap support with another texture array, but
// that would add another texture read per slot and require removing 12 other defines to make room...)
vec3 ao = vec3(packedAoValue);
ao = alterAfflictionAo(afflictionValue, ao, vec3(afflictionAo), noiseHash); // alter the AO map for affliction values
ao.rgb = ao.rrr;
specularColor.rgb *= ao;
indoorSunLightExposure = m_StaticSunIntensity; //single float value to indicate percentage of
//sunlight hitting the model (only works for small models or models with 100% consistent sunlighting accross every pixel)
indoorSunLightExposure = vertColors.r * indoorSunLightExposure; //use R channel of vertexColors for..
// similar purpose as above...
//but uses r channel vert colors like an AO map specifically
//for sunlight (solution for scaling lighting for indoor
// and shadey/dimly lit models, especially big ones with)
brightestPointLight = 0.0;
float ndotv = max( dot( normal, viewDir ),0.0);
for( int i = 0;i < NB_LIGHTS; i+=3){
vec4 lightColor = g_LightData[i];
vec4 lightData1 = g_LightData[i+1];
vec4 lightDir;
vec3 lightVec;
lightComputeDir(wPosition, lightColor.w, lightData1, lightDir, lightVec);
float fallOff = 1.0;
#if __VERSION__ >= 110
// allow use of control flow
if(lightColor.w > 1.0){
fallOff = computeSpotFalloff(g_LightData[i+2], lightVec);
#if __VERSION__ >= 110
//point light attenuation
fallOff *= lightDir.w; = normalize(;
vec3 directDiffuse;
vec3 directSpecular;
float hdotv = PBR_ComputeDirectLight(normal,, viewDir,
lightColor.rgb, fZero, Roughness, ndotv,
directDiffuse, directSpecular);
vec3 directLighting = diffuseColor.rgb *directDiffuse + directSpecular;
if(fallOff == 1.0){
directLighting.rgb *= indoorSunLightExposure;// ... *^. to scale down how intense just the sun is (ambient and direct light are 1.0 fallOff)
brightestPointLight = max(fallOff, brightestPointLight);
gl_FragColor.rgb += directLighting * fallOff;
float minVertLighting;
minVertLighting = 0.0833; //brighten shadows so that caves which are naturally covered from the DL shadows are not way too dark compared to when shadows are off (mostly only necessary for naturally dark scenes, or dark areas when using the sun intensity code above)
minVertLighting = 0.0533;
indoorSunLightExposure = max(indoorSunLightExposure, brightestPointLight);
indoorSunLightExposure = max(indoorSunLightExposure, minVertLighting); //scale the indoorSunLightExposure back up to account for the brightest point light nearby before scaling light probes by this value below
#if NB_PROBES >= 1
vec3 color1 = vec3(0.0);
vec3 color2 = vec3(0.0);
vec3 color3 = vec3(0.0);
float weight1 = 1.0;
float weight2 = 0.0;
float weight3 = 0.0;
float ndf = renderProbe(viewDir, wPosition, normal, norm, Roughness, diffuseColor, specularColor, ndotv, ao, g_LightProbeData, g_ShCoeffs, g_PrefEnvMap, color1);
#if NB_PROBES >= 2
float ndf2 = renderProbe(viewDir, wPosition, normal, norm, Roughness, diffuseColor, specularColor, ndotv, ao, g_LightProbeData2, g_ShCoeffs2, g_PrefEnvMap2, color2);
#if NB_PROBES == 3
float ndf3 = renderProbe(viewDir, wPosition, normal, norm, Roughness, diffuseColor, specularColor, ndotv, ao, g_LightProbeData3, g_ShCoeffs3, g_PrefEnvMap3, color3);
#if NB_PROBES >= 2
float invNdf = max(1.0 - ndf,0.0);
float invNdf2 = max(1.0 - ndf2,0.0);
float sumNdf = ndf + ndf2;
float sumInvNdf = invNdf + invNdf2;
#if NB_PROBES == 3
float invNdf3 = max(1.0 - ndf3,0.0);
sumNdf += ndf3;
sumInvNdf += invNdf3;
weight3 = ((1.0 - (ndf3 / sumNdf)) / (NB_PROBES - 1)) * (invNdf3 / sumInvNdf);
weight1 = ((1.0 - (ndf / sumNdf)) / (NB_PROBES - 1)) * (invNdf / sumInvNdf);
weight2 = ((1.0 - (ndf2 / sumNdf)) / (NB_PROBES - 1)) * (invNdf2 / sumInvNdf);
float weightSum = weight1 + weight2 + weight3;
weight1 /= weightSum;
weight2 /= weightSum;
weight3 /= weightSum;
color1.rgb *= g_AmbientLightColor.rgb;
color2.rgb *= g_AmbientLightColor.rgb;
color3.rgb *= g_AmbientLightColor.rgb;
// multiply probes by the indoorSunLightExposure, as determined by pixel's sunlightExposure and adjusted for
// nearby point/spot lights ( will be multiplied by 1.0 and left unchanged if you are not defining any of the sunlight exposure variables for dimming indoors areas)
color1.rgb *= indoorSunLightExposure;
color2.rgb *= indoorSunLightExposure;
color3.rgb *= indoorSunLightExposure;
gl_FragColor.rgb += color1 * clamp(weight1,0.0,1.0) + color2 * clamp(weight2,0.0,1.0) + color3 * clamp(weight3,0.0,1.0);
if(emissive.a > 0){
emissive = emissive * pow(emissive.a * 5, emissiveIntensity) * emissiveIntensity * 20 * emissive.a;
// emissive = emissive * pow(emissiveIntensity * 2.3, emissive.a);
gl_FragColor += emissive;
// add fog after the lighting because shadows will cause the fog to darken
// which just results in the geometry looking like it's changed color
#ifdef USE_FOG
gl_FragColor = getFogLinear(gl_FragColor, m_FogColor, m_LinearFog.x, m_LinearFog.y, fogDistance);
#ifdef FOG_EXP
gl_FragColor = getFogExp(gl_FragColor, m_FogColor, m_ExpFog, fogDistance);
#ifdef FOG_EXPSQ
gl_FragColor = getFogExpSquare(gl_FragColor, m_FogColor, m_ExpSqFog, fogDistance);
//outputs the final value of the selected layer as a color for debug purposes.
if(m_DebugValuesMode == 0){
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(albedo);
else if(m_DebugValuesMode == 1){
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(normal);
else if(m_DebugValuesMode == 2){
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(Roughness);
else if(m_DebugValuesMode == 3){
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(Metallic);
else if(m_DebugValuesMode == 4){
gl_FragColor.rgb = ao.rgb;
else if(m_DebugValuesMode == 5){
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(emissive.rgb);
gl_FragColor.a = albedo.a;
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