jodd.db.oom.mapper.DefaultResultSetMapper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright (c) 2003-2012, Jodd Team (jodd.org). All Rights Reserved.
package jodd.db.oom.mapper;
import jodd.bean.BeanUtil;
import jodd.db.oom.ColumnData;
import jodd.db.oom.DbEntityDescriptor;
import jodd.db.oom.DbOomManager;
import jodd.db.oom.DbOomException;
import jodd.db.oom.DbEntityColumnDescriptor;
import jodd.db.type.SqlTypeManager;
import jodd.db.type.SqlType;
import jodd.typeconverter.TypeConverterManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Maps all columns of database result set (RS) row to objects.
* It does it in two steps: preparation (reading table and column names)
* and parsing (parsing one result set row to resulting objects).
* Preparation
* Default mapper reads RS column and table names from RS meta-data and external maps, if provided.
* Since column name is always available in RS meta-data, it may be used to hold table name information.
* Column names may contain table code separator ({@link jodd.db.oom.DbOomManager#getColumnAliasSeparator()} that
* divides column name to table reference and column name. Here, table reference may be either table name or
* table alias. When it is table alias, external alias-to-name map must be provided.
* Hence, this defines the table name, and there is no need to read it from RS meta-data.
* When column name doesn't contain a separator, it may be either an actual column name, or a column code.
* For column codes, both table and column name is lookup-ed from external map. If column name is an actual column name,
* table information is read from the RS meta data. Unfortunately, some DBs (such Oracle) doesn't implements
* this simple JDBC feature. Therefore, it must be expected that column table name is not available.
* Table name is also not available for columns which are not directly table columns:
* e.g. some calculations, counts etc.
* Parsing
* Parser takes types array and tries to populate their instances in best possible way. It assumes that provided
* types list matches selected columns. That is very important, and yet very easy and natural to follow.
* So, parser will try to inject columns value into the one result instance. Now, there are two types of instances:
* simple types (numbers and strings) and entities (pojo objects). Simple types are always mapped to
* one and only one column. Entities will be mapped to all possible columns that can be matched starting from
* current column. So, simple types are not column-hungry, entity types are column-hungry:)
* A column can be injected in one entities property only once. If one column is already mapped to current result,
* RS mapper will assume that current result is finished with mapping and will proceed to the next one.
* Similarly, if property name is not found for a column, RS mapper will proceed to the next result.
* Therefore, entity types are column precise and hungry;) - all listed columns must be mapped somewhere.
* Results that are not used during parsing will be set to null
public class DefaultResultSetMapper implements ResultSetMapper {
protected final DbOomManager dbOomManager;
protected final ResultSet rs;
protected final boolean strictCompare;
protected final int totalColumns; // total number of columns
protected final String[] columnNames; // list of all column names
protected final int[] columnDbSqlTypes; // list of all column db types
protected final String[] tableNames; // list of table names for each column, table name may be null
private final Set resultColumns; // internal columns per entity cache
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- ctor
public DefaultResultSetMapper(ResultSet rs, DbOomManager dbOomManager) {
this(rs, null, dbOomManager);
* Reads ResultSet meta-data for column and table names.
public DefaultResultSetMapper(ResultSet rs, Map columnAliases, DbOomManager oomManager) {
this.dbOomManager = oomManager;
this.rs = rs;
this.strictCompare = dbOomManager.isStrictCompare();
//this.resultColumns = new HashSet();
try {
ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData();
if (rsMetaData == null) {
throw new DbOomException("JDBC driver does not provide meta-data.");
totalColumns = rsMetaData.getColumnCount();
this.resultColumns = new HashSet(totalColumns);
columnNames = new String[totalColumns];
columnDbSqlTypes = new int[totalColumns];
tableNames = new String[totalColumns];
for (int i = 0; i < totalColumns; i++) {
String columnName = rsMetaData.getColumnName(i + 1);
String tableName = null;
// resolve column and table name
int sepNdx = columnName.indexOf(dbOomManager.getColumnAliasSeparator());
if (sepNdx != -1) {
// column alias exist, result set is ignored and columnAliases contains table data.
tableName = columnName.substring(0, sepNdx);
if (columnAliases != null) {
ColumnData columnData = columnAliases.get(tableName);
if (columnData != null) {
tableName = columnData.getTableName();
columnName = columnName.substring(sepNdx + 1);
} else {
// column alias does not exist, table name is read from columnAliases and result set (if available).
if (columnAliases != null) {
ColumnData columnData = columnAliases.get(columnName.toLowerCase());
if (columnData != null) {
tableName = columnData.getTableName();
columnName = columnData.getColumnName();
if (tableName == null) {
try {
tableName = rsMetaData.getTableName(i + 1);
} catch (SQLException sex) {
// ignore
if ((tableName != null) && (tableName.length() == 0)) {
tableName = null;
columnName = columnName.trim();
if (columnName.length() == 0) {
columnName = null;
if (columnName != null) {
columnName = columnName.trim();
if (!strictCompare) {
columnName = columnName.toUpperCase();
columnNames[i] = columnName;
if (tableName != null) {
tableName = tableName.trim();
if (!strictCompare) {
tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
tableNames[i] = tableName;
columnDbSqlTypes[i] = rsMetaData.getColumnType(i + 1);
} catch (SQLException sex) {
throw new DbOomException("Unable to read ResultSet meta-data.", sex);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- delegates
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean next() {
try {
return rs.next();
} catch (SQLException sex) {
throw new DbOomException("Unable to move ResultSet cursor to next position.", sex);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void close() {
try {
} catch (SQLException sex) {
// ignore
* {@inheritDoc}
public ResultSet getResultSet() {
return rs;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Class[] resolveTables() {
List classes = new ArrayList(tableNames.length);
String lastTableName = null;
for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) {
String tableName = tableNames[i];
String columnName = columnNames[i];
if (tableName == null) {
// Maybe JDBC driver does not support it
throw new DbOomException("Table name not available in driver meta-data.");
if ((tableName.equals(lastTableName) == false) || (resultColumns.contains(columnName) == true)) {
lastTableName = tableName;
DbEntityDescriptor ded = dbOomManager.lookupTableName(tableName);
if (ded == null) {
throw new DbOomException("Table name not registered: " + tableName);
return classes.toArray(new Class[classes.size()]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- parse objects
protected Class[] cachedUsedTypes;
protected String[] cachedTypesTableNames;
* Creates table names for all specified types.
* Since this is usually done once per result set, these names are cached.
* Type name will be null
for simple names, i.e. for all those
* types that returns null
when used by {@link jodd.db.oom.DbOomManager#lookupType(Class)}.
protected String[] createTypesTableNames(Class[] types) {
if (types != cachedUsedTypes) {
cachedTypesTableNames = new String[types.length];
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i] == null) {
cachedTypesTableNames[i] = null;
DbEntityDescriptor ded = dbOomManager.lookupType(types[i]);
if (ded != null) {
String tableName = ded.getTableName();
if (!strictCompare) {
tableName = tableName.toUpperCase();
cachedTypesTableNames[i] = tableName;
cachedUsedTypes = types;
return cachedTypesTableNames;
protected int cachedColumnNdx;
protected Object cachedColumnValue;
* Reads column value from result set. Since this method may be called more then once for
* the same column, it caches column values.
protected Object readColumnValue(int colNdx, Class destinationType, Class extends SqlType> sqlTypeClass, int columnDbSqlType) {
if (colNdx != cachedColumnNdx) {
try {
SqlType sqlType;
if (sqlTypeClass != null) {
sqlType = SqlTypeManager.lookupSqlType(sqlTypeClass);
} else {
sqlType = SqlTypeManager.lookup(destinationType);
if (sqlType != null) {
cachedColumnValue = sqlType.readValue(rs, colNdx + 1, destinationType, columnDbSqlType);
} else {
cachedColumnValue = rs.getObject(colNdx + 1);
cachedColumnValue = TypeConverterManager.convertType(cachedColumnValue, destinationType);
} catch (SQLException sex) {
throw new DbOomException("Unable to read value for column #" + (colNdx + 1), sex);
cachedColumnNdx = colNdx;
return cachedColumnValue;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object[] parseObjects(Class... types) {
int totalTypes = types.length;
Object[] result = new Object[totalTypes];
boolean[] resultUsage = new boolean[totalTypes];
String[] typesTableNames = createTypesTableNames(types);
int currentResult = 0;
cachedColumnNdx = -1;
int colNdx = 0;
while (colNdx < totalColumns) {
// no more types for mapping?
if (currentResult >= totalTypes) {
// skip columns that doesn't map
Class currentType = types[currentResult];
if (currentType == null) {
currentResult++; resultColumns.clear();
String columnName = columnNames[colNdx];
int columnDbSqlType = columnDbSqlTypes[colNdx];
String tableName = tableNames[colNdx];
String resultTableName = typesTableNames[currentResult];
if (resultTableName == null) {
// match: simple type
result[currentResult] = readColumnValue(colNdx, currentType, null, columnDbSqlType);
resultUsage[currentResult] = true;
currentResult++; resultColumns.clear();
if ((tableName == null) || (resultTableName.equals(tableName) == true)) {
if (resultColumns.contains(columnName) == false) {
DbEntityDescriptor ded = dbOomManager.lookupType(currentType);
DbEntityColumnDescriptor dec = ded.findByColumnName(columnName);
String propertyName = (dec == null ? null : dec.getPropertyName());
if (propertyName != null) {
if (result[currentResult] == null) {
result[currentResult] = dbOomManager.createEntityInstance(currentType);
boolean success = value != null ?
BeanUtil.setDeclaredPropertySilent(result[currentResult], propertyName, value) :
BeanUtil.hasDeclaredProperty(result[currentResult], propertyName);
Class type = BeanUtil.getDeclaredPropertyType(result[currentResult], propertyName);
if (type != null) {
// match: entity
dec.updateDbSqlType(columnDbSqlType); // updates column db sql type information for the entity!!!
Class extends SqlType> sqlTypeClass = dec.getSqlTypeClass();
Object value = readColumnValue(colNdx, type, sqlTypeClass, columnDbSqlType);
if (value != null) {
BeanUtil.setDeclaredProperty(result[currentResult], propertyName, value);
resultUsage[currentResult] = true;
// got to next type, i.e. result
for (int i = 0; i < resultUsage.length; i++) {
if (resultUsage[i] == false) {
result[i] = null;
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object parseOneObject(Class... types) {
return parseObjects(types)[0];