jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks.PngChunk Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.chunks;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.ImageInfo;
import jogamp.opengl.util.pngj.PngjExceptionInternal;
* Represents a instance of a PNG chunk.
* See http://www
* .libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/PNG-Chunks .html
* Concrete classes should extend {@link PngChunkSingle} or
* {@link PngChunkMultiple}
* Note that some methods/fields are type-specific (getOrderingConstraint(),
* allowsMultiple()),
* some are 'almost' type-specific (id,crit,pub,safe; the exception is
* and the rest are instance-specific
public abstract class PngChunk {
* Chunk-id: 4 letters
public final String id;
* Autocomputed at creation time
public final boolean crit, pub, safe;
protected final ImageInfo imgInfo;
* Possible ordering constraint for a PngChunk type -only relevant for
* ancillary chunks. Theoretically, there could be more general constraints,
* but these cover the constraints for standard chunks.
public enum ChunkOrderingConstraint {
* no ordering constraint
* Must go before PLTE (and hence, also before IDAT)
* Must go after PLTE but before IDAT
* Must before IDAT (before or after PLTE)
* Does not apply
public boolean mustGoBeforePLTE() {
return this == BEFORE_PLTE_AND_IDAT;
public boolean mustGoBeforeIDAT() {
return this == BEFORE_IDAT || this == BEFORE_PLTE_AND_IDAT || this == AFTER_PLTE_BEFORE_IDAT;
public boolean mustGoAfterPLTE() {
return this == AFTER_PLTE_BEFORE_IDAT;
private boolean priority = false; // For writing. Queued chunks with high priority will be written as soon as
// possible
protected int chunkGroup = -1; // chunk group where it was read or writen
protected int length = -1; // merely informational, for read chunks
protected long offset = 0; // merely informational, for read chunks
* This static map defines which PngChunk class correspond to which ChunkID
* The client can add other chunks to this map statically, before reading an
* image, calling PngChunk.factoryRegister(id,class)
private final static Map> factoryMap = new HashMap>();
static {
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.IDAT, PngChunkIDAT.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.IHDR, PngChunkIHDR.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.PLTE, PngChunkPLTE.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.IEND, PngChunkIEND.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.tEXt, PngChunkTEXT.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.iTXt, PngChunkITXT.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.zTXt, PngChunkZTXT.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.bKGD, PngChunkBKGD.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.gAMA, PngChunkGAMA.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.pHYs, PngChunkPHYS.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.iCCP, PngChunkICCP.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.tIME, PngChunkTIME.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.tRNS, PngChunkTRNS.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.cHRM, PngChunkCHRM.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.sBIT, PngChunkSBIT.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.sRGB, PngChunkSRGB.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.hIST, PngChunkHIST.class);
factoryMap.put(ChunkHelper.sPLT, PngChunkSPLT.class);
// extended
factoryMap.put(PngChunkOFFS.ID, PngChunkOFFS.class);
factoryMap.put(PngChunkSTER.ID, PngChunkSTER.class);
* Registers a chunk-id (4 letters) to be associated with a PngChunk class
* This method should be called by user code that wants to add some chunks
* (not implmemented in this library) to the factory, so that the PngReader
* knows about it.
public static void factoryRegister(final String chunkId, final Class extends PngChunk> chunkClass) {
factoryMap.put(chunkId, chunkClass);
* True if the chunk-id type is known.
* A chunk is known if we recognize its class, according with
* factoryMap
* This is not necessarily the same as being "STANDARD", or being
* implemented in this library
* Unknown chunks will be parsed as instances of {@link PngChunkUNKNOWN}
public static boolean isKnown(final String id) {
return factoryMap.containsKey(id);
protected PngChunk(final String id, final ImageInfo imgInfo) {
this.id = id;
this.imgInfo = imgInfo;
this.crit = ChunkHelper.isCritical(id);
this.pub = ChunkHelper.isPublic(id);
this.safe = ChunkHelper.isSafeToCopy(id);
* This factory creates the corresponding chunk and parses the raw chunk.
* This is used when reading.
public static PngChunk factory(final ChunkRaw chunk, final ImageInfo info) {
final PngChunk c = factoryFromId(ChunkHelper.toString(chunk.idbytes), info);
c.length = chunk.len;
return c;
* Creates one new blank chunk of the corresponding type, according to
* factoryMap (PngChunkUNKNOWN if not known)
public static PngChunk factoryFromId(final String cid, final ImageInfo info) {
PngChunk chunk = null;
try {
final Class extends PngChunk> cla = factoryMap.get(cid);
if (cla != null) {
final Constructor extends PngChunk> constr = cla.getConstructor(ImageInfo.class);
chunk = constr.newInstance(info);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// this can happen for unkown chunks
if (chunk == null)
chunk = new PngChunkUNKNOWN(cid, info);
return chunk;
protected final ChunkRaw createEmptyChunk(final int len, final boolean alloc) {
final ChunkRaw c = new ChunkRaw(len, ChunkHelper.toBytes(id), alloc);
return c;
* Makes a clone (deep copy) calling {@link #cloneDataFromRead(PngChunk)}
public static T cloneChunk(final T chunk, final ImageInfo info) {
final PngChunk cn = factoryFromId(chunk.id, info);
if (cn.getClass() != chunk.getClass())
throw new PngjExceptionInternal("bad class cloning chunk: " + cn.getClass() + " " + chunk.getClass());
return (T) cn;
* In which "chunkGroup" (see {@link ChunksList}for definition) this chunks
* instance was read or written.
* -1 if not read or written (eg, queued)
final public int getChunkGroup() {
return chunkGroup;
* @see #getChunkGroup()
final public void setChunkGroup(final int chunkGroup) {
this.chunkGroup = chunkGroup;
public boolean hasPriority() {
return priority;
public void setPriority(final boolean priority) {
this.priority = priority;
final void write(final OutputStream os) {
final ChunkRaw c = createRawChunk();
if (c == null)
throw new PngjExceptionInternal("null chunk ! creation failed for " + this);
public int getLength() {
return length;
* public void setLength(int length) { this.length = length; }
public long getOffset() {
return offset;
public void setOffset(final long offset) {
this.offset = offset;
* Creates the physical chunk. This is used when writing (serialization).
* Each particular chunk class implements its own logic.
* @return A newly allocated and filled raw chunk
public abstract ChunkRaw createRawChunk();
* Parses raw chunk and fill inside data. This is used when reading
* (deserialization). Each particular chunk class implements its own logic.
public abstract void parseFromRaw(ChunkRaw c);
* Makes a copy of the chunk.
* This is used when copying chunks from a reader to a writer
* It should normally be a deep copy, and after the cloning
* this.equals(other) should return true
public abstract void cloneDataFromRead(PngChunk other);
public abstract boolean allowsMultiple(); // this is implemented in PngChunkMultiple/PngChunSingle
* see {@link ChunkOrderingConstraint}
public abstract ChunkOrderingConstraint getOrderingConstraint();
public String toString() {
return "chunk id= " + id + " (len=" + length + " offset=" + offset + ") c=" + getClass().getSimpleName();