com.jogamp.newt.event.KeyEvent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
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* this software without specific prior written permission.
* This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
package com.jogamp.newt.event;
import com.jogamp.common.util.IntBitfield;
* KeyEvent Delivery
* Key events are delivered in the following order:
* # Event Type Constraints Notes
* 1 {@link #EVENT_KEY_PRESSED} excluding {@link #isAutoRepeat() auto-repeat}-{@link #isModifierKey() modifier} keys
* 2 {@link #EVENT_KEY_RELEASED} excluding {@link #isAutoRepeat() auto-repeat}-{@link #isModifierKey() modifier} keys
* In case the native platform does not
* deliver keyboard events in the above order or skip events,
* the NEWT driver will reorder and inject synthetic events if required.
* Besides regular modifiers like {@link InputEvent#SHIFT_MASK} etc.,
* the {@link InputEvent#AUTOREPEAT_MASK} bit is added if repetition is detected, following above constraints.
* Auto-Repeat shall behave as follow:
P = pressed, R = released
0 = normal, 1 = auto-repeat
P(0), [ R(1), P(1), R(1), ..], R(0)
* The idea is if you mask out auto-repeat in your event listener
* you just get one long pressed P/R tuple for {@link #isPrintableKey() printable} and {@link #isActionKey() Action} keys.
* {@link #isActionKey() Action} keys will produce {@link #EVENT_KEY_PRESSED pressed}
* and {@link #EVENT_KEY_RELEASED released} events including {@link #isAutoRepeat() auto-repeat}.
* {@link #isPrintableKey() Printable} keys will produce {@link #EVENT_KEY_PRESSED pressed} and {@link #EVENT_KEY_RELEASED released} events.
* {@link #isModifierKey() Modifier} keys will produce {@link #EVENT_KEY_PRESSED pressed} and {@link #EVENT_KEY_RELEASED released} events
* excluding {@link #isAutoRepeat() auto-repeat}.
* They will also influence subsequent event's {@link #getModifiers() modifier} bits while pressed.
* Unicode Mapping
* {@link #getKeyChar() Key-chars}, as well as
* {@link #isPrintableKey() printable} {@link #getKeyCode() key-codes} and {@link #getKeySymbol() key-symbols}
* use the UTF-16 unicode space w/o collision.
* Non-{@link #isPrintableKey() printable} {@link #getKeyCode() key-codes} and {@link #getKeySymbol() key-symbols},
* i.e. {@link #isModifierKey() modifier-} and {@link #isActionKey() action-}keys,
* are mapped to unicode's control and private range and do not collide w/ {@link #isPrintableKey() printable} unicode values
* with the following exception.
* Unicode Collision
* The following {@link #getKeyCode() Key-code}s and {@link #getKeySymbol() key-symbol}s collide w/ unicode space:
* unicode range virtual key code unicode character
* [0x61 .. 0x78] [{@link #VK_F1}..{@link #VK_F24}] ['a'..'x']
* Collision was chosen for {@link #getKeyCode() Key-code} and {@link #getKeySymbol() key-symbol} mapping
* to allow a minimal code range, i.e. [0..255]
* The reduced code range in turn allows the implementation to utilize fast and small lookup tables,
* e.g. to implement a key-press state tracker.
* http://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl
* http://www.unicode.org/Public/5.1.0/ucd/PropList.txt
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_characters
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_control_characters
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_Use_%28Unicode%29#Private_Use_Areas
public class KeyEvent extends InputEvent
private KeyEvent(short eventType, Object source, long when, int modifiers, short keyCode, short keySym, int keySymModMask, char keyChar) {
super(eventType, source, when, modifiers | keySymModMask);
{ // cache modifier and action flags
byte _flags = 0;
if( isPrintableKey(keySym, false) && isPrintableKey((short)keyChar, true) ) {
} else {
if( 0 != keySymModMask ) {
_flags |= F_MODIFIER_MASK;
} else {
// A = U - ( P + M )
_flags |= F_ACTION_MASK;
flags = _flags;
// Validate flags
final int pma_bits = flags & ( F_PRINTABLE_MASK | F_MODIFIER_MASK | F_ACTION_MASK ) ;
final int pma_count = IntBitfield.getBitCount(pma_bits);
if ( 1 != pma_count ) {
throw new InternalError("Key must be either of type printable, modifier or action - but it is of "+pma_count+" types: "+this);
public static KeyEvent create(short eventType, Object source, long when, int modifiers, short keyCode, short keySym, char keyChar) {
return new KeyEvent(eventType, source, when, modifiers, keyCode, keySym, getModifierMask(keySym), keyChar);
* Returns the UTF-16 character reflecting the {@link #getKeySymbol() key symbol}
* incl. active {@link #isModifierKey() modifiers}.
* @see #getKeySymbol()
* @see #getKeyCode()
public final char getKeyChar() {
return keyChar;
* Returns the virtual key symbol reflecting the current keyboard layout.
* For {@link #isPrintableKey() printable keys}, the key symbol is the {@link #isModifierKey() unmodified}
* representation of the UTF-16 {@link #getKeyChar() key char}.
* E.g. symbol [{@link #VK_A}, 'A'] for char 'a'.
* @see #isPrintableKey()
* @see #getKeyChar()
* @see #getKeyCode()
public final short getKeySymbol() {
return keySym;
* Returns the virtual key code using a fixed mapping to the US keyboard layout.
* In contrast to {@link #getKeySymbol() key symbol}, key code
* uses a fixed US keyboard layout and therefore is keyboard layout independent.
* E.g. virtual key code {@link #VK_Y} denotes the same physical key
* regardless whether keyboard layout QWERTY
is active. The {@link #getKeySymbol() key symbol} of the former is
* {@link #VK_Y}, where the latter produces {@link #VK_Y}.
* @see #getKeyChar()
* @see #getKeySymbol()
public final short getKeyCode() {
return keyCode;
public final String toString() {
return toString(null).toString();
public final StringBuilder toString(StringBuilder sb) {
if(null == sb) {
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("KeyEvent[").append(getEventTypeString(getEventType())).append(", code ").append(toHexString(keyCode)).append(", sym ").append(toHexString(keySym)).append(", char '").append(keyChar).append("' (").append(toHexString((short)keyChar))
.append("), printable ").append(isPrintableKey()).append(", modifier ").append(isModifierKey()).append(", action ").append(isActionKey()).append(", ");
return super.toString(sb).append("]");
public static String getEventTypeString(short type) {
switch(type) {
default: return "unknown (" + type + ")";
* @param keyChar UTF16 value to map. It is expected that the incoming keyChar value is unshifted and unmodified,
* however, lower case a-z is mapped to {@link KeyEvent#VK_A} - {@link KeyEvent#VK_Z}.
* @return {@link KeyEvent} virtual key (VK) value.
public static short utf16ToVKey(char keyChar) {
if( 'a' <= keyChar && keyChar <= 'z' ) {
return (short) ( ( keyChar - 'a' ) + KeyEvent.VK_A );
return (short) keyChar;
* Returns true
if the given virtualKey
represents a modifier key, otherwise false
* A modifier key is one of {@link #VK_SHIFT}, {@link #VK_CONTROL}, {@link #VK_ALT}, {@link #VK_ALT_GRAPH}, {@link #VK_META}.
public static boolean isModifierKey(short vKey) {
switch (vKey) {
case VK_SHIFT:
case VK_ALT:
case VK_META:
return true;
return false;
* If vKey
is a {@link #isModifierKey() modifier key}, method returns the corresponding modifier mask,
* otherwise 0.
public static int getModifierMask(short vKey) {
switch (vKey) {
case VK_SHIFT:
return InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK;
return InputEvent.CTRL_MASK;
case VK_ALT:
return InputEvent.ALT_MASK;
case VK_META:
return InputEvent.META_MASK;
return 0;
* Returns true
if {@link #getKeySymbol() key symbol} represents a modifier key,
* otherwise false
* See {@link #isModifierKey(short)} for details.
* Note: Implementation uses a cached value.
public final boolean isModifierKey() {
return 0 != ( F_MODIFIER_MASK & flags ) ;
* Returns true
if {@link #getKeySymbol() key symbol} represents a non-printable and
* non-{@link #isModifierKey(short) modifier} action key, otherwise false
* Hence it is the set A of all keys U w/o printable P and w/o modifiers M:
* A = U - ( P + M )
* @see #isPrintableKey()
* @see #isModifierKey()
public final boolean isActionKey() {
return 0 != ( F_ACTION_MASK & flags ) ;
* Returns true
if given uniChar
represents a printable character,
* i.e. a value other than {@link #VK_UNDEFINED} and not a control or non-printable private code.
* A printable character is neither a {@link #isModifierKey(short) modifier key}, nor an {@link #isActionKey(short) action key}.
* Otherwise returns false
* Distinction of key character and virtual key code is made due to unicode collision.
* @param uniChar the UTF-16 unicode value, which maybe a virtual key code or key character.
* @param isKeyChar true if uniChar
is a key character, otherwise a virtual key code
public static boolean isPrintableKey(final short uniChar, final boolean isKeyChar) {
if ( VK_BACK_SPACE == uniChar || VK_TAB == uniChar || VK_ENTER == uniChar ) {
return true;
if( !isKeyChar ) {
if( ( nonPrintableKeys[0].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[0].max ) ||
( nonPrintableKeys[1].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[1].max ) ||
( nonPrintableKeys[2].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[2].max ) ||
( nonPrintableKeys[3].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[3].max ) ) {
return false;
} else {
if( ( nonPrintableKeys[0].inclKeyChar && nonPrintableKeys[0].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[0].max ) ||
( nonPrintableKeys[1].inclKeyChar && nonPrintableKeys[1].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[1].max ) ||
( nonPrintableKeys[2].inclKeyChar && nonPrintableKeys[2].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[2].max ) ||
( nonPrintableKeys[3].inclKeyChar && nonPrintableKeys[3].min <= uniChar && uniChar <= nonPrintableKeys[3].max ) ) {
return false;
return VK_UNDEFINED != uniChar;
* Returns true
if {@link #getKeySymbol() key symbol} and {@link #getKeyChar() key char}
* represents a printable character, i.e. a value other than {@link #VK_UNDEFINED}
* and not a control or non-printable private code.
* A printable character is neither a {@link #isModifierKey(short) modifier key}, nor an {@link #isActionKey(short) action key}.
* Otherwise returns false
public final boolean isPrintableKey() {
return 0 != ( F_PRINTABLE_MASK & flags ) ;
private final short keyCode;
private final short keySym;
private final char keyChar;
private final byte flags;
private static final byte F_MODIFIER_MASK = 1 << 0;
private static final byte F_ACTION_MASK = 1 << 1;
private static final byte F_PRINTABLE_MASK = 1 << 2;
/** A key has been pressed, excluding {@link #isAutoRepeat() auto-repeat}-{@link #isModifierKey() modifier} keys. */
public static final short EVENT_KEY_PRESSED = 300;
/** A key has been released, excluding {@link #isAutoRepeat() auto-repeat}-{@link #isModifierKey() modifier} keys. */
public static final short EVENT_KEY_RELEASED= 301;
* This value, {@code '\0'}, is used to indicate that the keyChar is unknown or not printable.
public static final char NULL_CHAR = '\0';
/* Virtual key codes. */
public static class NonPrintableRange {
/** min. unicode value, inclusive */
public short min;
/** max. unicode value, inclusive */
public short max;
/** true if valid for keyChar values as well, otherwise only valid for keyCode and keySym due to collision. */
public final boolean inclKeyChar;
private NonPrintableRange(short min, short max, boolean inclKeyChar) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.inclKeyChar = inclKeyChar;
* Non printable key ranges, currently fixed to an array of size 4.
* Not included, queried upfront:
* - {@link #VK_BACK_SPACE}
* - {@link #VK_TAB}
* - {@link #VK_ENTER}
public final static NonPrintableRange[] nonPrintableKeys = {
new NonPrintableRange( (short)0x0000, (short)0x001F, true ), // Unicode: Non printable controls: [0x00 - 0x1F], see exclusion above
new NonPrintableRange( (short)0x0061, (short)0x0078, false), // Small 'a' thru 'z' (0x61 - 0x7a) - Not used for keyCode / keySym - Re-used for Fn (collision)
new NonPrintableRange( (short)0x008F, (short)0x009F, true ), // Unicode: Non printable controls: [0x7F - 0x9F], Numpad keys [0x7F - 0x8E] are printable!
new NonPrintableRange( (short)0xE000, (short)0xF8FF, true ) // Unicode: Private 0xE000 - 0xF8FF (Marked Non-Printable)
// Unicode: Non printable controls: [0x00 - 0x1F]
* This value, {@value}, is used to indicate that the keyCode is unknown.
public static final short VK_UNDEFINED = (short) 0x0;
static final short VK_FREE01 = (short) 0x01;
/** Constant for the HOME function key. ASCII: Start Of Text. */
public static final short VK_HOME = (short) 0x02;
/** Constant for the END function key. ASCII: End Of Text. */
public static final short VK_END = (short) 0x03;
/** Constant for the END function key. ASCII: End Of Transmission. */
public static final short VK_FINAL = (short) 0x04;
/** Constant for the PRINT function key. ASCII: Enquiry. */
public static final short VK_PRINTSCREEN = (short) 0x05;
static final short VK_FREE06 = (short) 0x06;
static final short VK_FREE07 = (short) 0x07;
/** Constant for the BACK SPACE key "\b", matching ASCII. Printable! */
public static final short VK_BACK_SPACE = (short) 0x08;
/** Constant for the HORIZ TAB key "\t", matching ASCII. Printable! */
public static final short VK_TAB = (short) 0x09;
/** LINE_FEED "\n", matching ASCII, n/a on keyboard. */
static final short VK_FREE0A = (short) 0x0A;
/** Constant for the PAGE DOWN function key. ASCII: Vertical Tabulation. */
public static final short VK_PAGE_DOWN = (short) 0x0B;
/** Constant for the CLEAR key, i.e. FORM FEED, matching ASCII. */
public static final short VK_CLEAR = (short) 0x0C;
/** Constant for the ENTER key, i.e. CARRIAGE RETURN, matching ASCII. Printable! */
public static final short VK_ENTER = (short) 0x0D;
static final short VK_FREE0E = (short) 0x0E;
/** Constant for the CTRL function key. ASCII: shift-in. */
public static final short VK_SHIFT = (short) 0x0F;
/** Constant for the PAGE UP function key. ASCII: Data Link Escape. */
public static final short VK_PAGE_UP = (short) 0x10;
/** Constant for the CTRL function key. ASCII: device-ctrl-one. */
public static final short VK_CONTROL = (short) 0x11;
/** Constant for the left ALT function key. ASCII: device-ctrl-two. */
public static final short VK_ALT = (short) 0x12;
/** Constant for the ALT_GRAPH function key, i.e. right ALT key. ASCII: device-ctrl-three. */
public static final short VK_ALT_GRAPH = (short) 0x13;
/** Constant for the CAPS LOCK function key. ASCII: device-ctrl-four. */
public static final short VK_CAPS_LOCK = (short) 0x14;
static final short VK_FREE15 = (short) 0x15;
/** Constant for the PAUSE function key. ASCII: sync-idle. */
public static final short VK_PAUSE = (short) 0x16;
/** scroll lock key. ASCII: End Of Transmission Block. */
public static final short VK_SCROLL_LOCK = (short) 0x17;
/** Constant for the CANCEL function key. ASCII: Cancel. */
public static final short VK_CANCEL = (short) 0x18;
static final short VK_FREE19 = (short) 0x19;
/** Constant for the INSERT function key. ASCII: Substitute. */
public static final short VK_INSERT = (short) 0x1A;
/** Constant for the ESCAPE function key. ASCII: Escape. */
public static final short VK_ESCAPE = (short) 0x1B;
/** Constant for the Convert function key, Japanese "henkan". ASCII: File Separator. */
public static final short VK_CONVERT = (short) 0x1C;
/** Constant for the Don't Convert function key, Japanese "muhenkan". ASCII: Group Separator.*/
public static final short VK_NONCONVERT = (short) 0x1D;
/** Constant for the Accept or Commit function key, Japanese "kakutei". ASCII: Record Separator.*/
public static final short VK_ACCEPT = (short) 0x1E;
/** Constant for the Mode Change (?). ASCII: Unit Separator.*/
public static final short VK_MODECHANGE = (short) 0x1F;
// Unicode: Printable [0x20 - 0x7E]
// NOTE: Collision of 'a' - 'x' [0x61 .. 0x78], used for keyCode/keySym Fn function keys
/** Constant for the SPACE function key. ASCII: SPACE. */
public static final short VK_SPACE = (short) 0x20;
/** Constant for the "!" key. */
public static final short VK_EXCLAMATION_MARK = (short) 0x21;
/** Constant for the """ key. */
public static final short VK_QUOTEDBL = (short) 0x22;
/** Constant for the "#" key. */
public static final short VK_NUMBER_SIGN = (short) 0x23;
/** Constant for the "$" key. */
public static final short VK_DOLLAR = (short) 0x24;
/** Constant for the "%" key. */
public static final short VK_PERCENT = (short) 0x25;
/** Constant for the "&" key. */
public static final short VK_AMPERSAND = (short) 0x26;
/** Constant for the "'" key. */
public static final short VK_QUOTE = (short) 0x27;
/** Constant for the "(" key. */
public static final short VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS = (short) 0x28;
/** Constant for the ")" key. */
public static final short VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = (short) 0x29;
/** Constant for the "*" key */
public static final short VK_ASTERISK = (short) 0x2A;
/** Constant for the "+" key. */
public static final short VK_PLUS = (short) 0x2B;
/** Constant for the comma key, "," */
public static final short VK_COMMA = (short) 0x2C;
/** Constant for the minus key, "-" */
public static final short VK_MINUS = (short) 0x2D;
/** Constant for the period key, "." */
public static final short VK_PERIOD = (short) 0x2E;
/** Constant for the forward slash key, "/" */
public static final short VK_SLASH = (short) 0x2F;
/** VK_0 thru VK_9 are the same as UTF16/ASCII '0' thru '9' [0x30 - 0x39] */
public static final short VK_0 = (short) 0x30;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_1 = (short) 0x31;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_2 = (short) 0x32;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_3 = (short) 0x33;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_4 = (short) 0x34;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_5 = (short) 0x35;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_6 = (short) 0x36;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_7 = (short) 0x37;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_8 = (short) 0x38;
/** See {@link #VK_0}. */
public static final short VK_9 = (short) 0x39;
/** Constant for the ":" key. */
public static final short VK_COLON = (short) 0x3A;
/** Constant for the semicolon key, ";" */
public static final short VK_SEMICOLON = (short) 0x3B;
/** Constant for the equals key, "<" */
public static final short VK_LESS = (short) 0x3C;
/** Constant for the equals key, "=" */
public static final short VK_EQUALS = (short) 0x3D;
/** Constant for the equals key, ">" */
public static final short VK_GREATER = (short) 0x3E;
/** Constant for the equals key, "?" */
public static final short VK_QUESTIONMARK = (short) 0x3F;
/** Constant for the equals key, "@" */
public static final short VK_AT = (short) 0x40;
/** VK_A thru VK_Z are the same as Capital UTF16/ASCII 'A' thru 'Z' (0x41 - 0x5A) */
public static final short VK_A = (short) 0x41;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_B = (short) 0x42;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_C = (short) 0x43;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_D = (short) 0x44;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_E = (short) 0x45;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_F = (short) 0x46;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_G = (short) 0x47;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_H = (short) 0x48;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_I = (short) 0x49;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_J = (short) 0x4A;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_K = (short) 0x4B;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_L = (short) 0x4C;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_M = (short) 0x4D;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_N = (short) 0x4E;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_O = (short) 0x4F;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_P = (short) 0x50;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_Q = (short) 0x51;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_R = (short) 0x52;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_S = (short) 0x53;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_T = (short) 0x54;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_U = (short) 0x55;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_V = (short) 0x56;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_W = (short) 0x57;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_X = (short) 0x58;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_Y = (short) 0x59;
/** See {@link #VK_A}. */
public static final short VK_Z = (short) 0x5A;
/** Constant for the open bracket key, "[" */
public static final short VK_OPEN_BRACKET = (short) 0x5B;
/**Constant for the back slash key, "\" */
public static final short VK_BACK_SLASH = (short) 0x5C;
/** Constant for the close bracket key, "]" */
public static final short VK_CLOSE_BRACKET = (short) 0x5D;
/** Constant for the "^" key. */
public static final short VK_CIRCUMFLEX = (short) 0x5E;
/** Constant for the "_" key */
public static final short VK_UNDERSCORE = (short) 0x5F;
/** Constant for the "`" key */
public static final short VK_BACK_QUOTE = (short) 0x60;
/** Small UTF/ASCII 'a' thru 'z' (0x61 - 0x7a) - Not used for keyCode / keySym. */
* Constant for the Fn function keys.
* F1..F24, i.e. Fn, are mapped from on 0x60+n
-> [0x61 .. 0x78]
* Warning: The Fn function keys do collide with unicode characters small 'a' thru 'x'!
* See Unicode Collision for details.
public static final short VK_F1 = (short) ( 0x60+ 1 );
/** Constant for the F2 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F2 = (short) ( 0x60+ 2 );
/** Constant for the F3 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F3 = (short) ( 0x60+ 3 );
/** Constant for the F4 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F4 = (short) ( 0x60+ 4 );
/** Constant for the F5 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F5 = (short) ( 0x60+ 5 );
/** Constant for the F6 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F6 = (short) ( 0x60+ 6 );
/** Constant for the F7 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F7 = (short) ( 0x60+ 7 );
/** Constant for the F8 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F8 = (short) ( 0x60+ 8 );
/** Constant for the F9 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F9 = (short) ( 0x60+ 9 );
/** Constant for the F11 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F10 = (short) ( 0x60+10 );
/** Constant for the F11 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F11 = (short) ( 0x60+11 );
/** Constant for the F12 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}.*/
public static final short VK_F12 = (short) ( 0x60+12 );
/** Constant for the F13 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F13 = (short) ( 0x60+13 );
/** Constant for the F14 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F14 = (short) ( 0x60+14 );
/** Constant for the F15 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F15 = (short) ( 0x60+15 );
/** Constant for the F16 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F16 = (short) ( 0x60+16 );
/** Constant for the F17 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F17 = (short) ( 0x60+17 );
/** Constant for the F18 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F18 = (short) ( 0x60+18 );
/** Constant for the F19 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F19 = (short) ( 0x60+19 );
/** Constant for the F20 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F20 = (short) ( 0x60+20 );
/** Constant for the F21 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F21 = (short) ( 0x60+21 );
/** Constant for the F22 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F22 = (short) ( 0x60+22 );
/** Constant for the F23 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F23 = (short) ( 0x60+23 );
/** Constant for the F24 function key. See {@link #VK_F1}. */
public static final short VK_F24 = (short) ( 0x60+24 );
/** Constant for the "{" key */
public static final short VK_LEFT_BRACE = (short) 0x7B;
/** Constant for the "|" key */
public static final short VK_PIPE = (short) 0x7C;
/** Constant for the "}" key */
public static final short VK_RIGHT_BRACE = (short) 0x7D;
/** Constant for the "~" key, matching ASCII */
public static final short VK_TILDE = (short) 0x7E;
// Unicode: Non printable controls: [0x7F - 0x9F]
// Numpad keys [0x7F - 0x8E] are printable
/** Numeric keypad decimal separator key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_SEPARATOR = (short) 0x7F;
/** Numeric keypad VK_NUMPAD0 thru VK_NUMPAD9 are mapped to UTF control (0x80 - 0x89). Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD0 = (short) 0x80;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD1 = (short) 0x81;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD2 = (short) 0x82;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD3 = (short) 0x83;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD4 = (short) 0x84;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD5 = (short) 0x85;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD6 = (short) 0x86;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD7 = (short) 0x87;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD8 = (short) 0x88;
/** See {@link #VK_NUMPAD0}. */
public static final short VK_NUMPAD9 = (short) 0x89;
/** Numeric keypad decimal separator key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_DECIMAL = (short) 0x8A;
/** Numeric keypad add key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_ADD = (short) 0x8B;
/** Numeric keypad subtract key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_SUBTRACT = (short) 0x8C;
/** Numeric keypad multiply key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_MULTIPLY = (short) 0x8D;
/** Numeric keypad divide key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_DIVIDE = (short) 0x8E;
/** Constant for the DEL key, matching ASCII. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_DELETE = (short) 0x93;
/** Numeric keypad num lock key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_NUM_LOCK = (short) 0x94;
/** Constant for the cursor- or numerical-pad left arrow key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_LEFT = (short) 0x95;
/** Constant for the cursor- or numerical-pad up arrow key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_UP = (short) 0x96;
/** Constant for the cursor- or numerical-pad right arrow key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_RIGHT = (short) 0x97;
/** Constant for the cursor- or numerical pad down arrow key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_DOWN = (short) 0x98;
/** Constant for the Context Menu key. Non printable UTF control. */
public static final short VK_CONTEXT_MENU = (short) 0x99;
* Constant for the MS "Windows" function key.
* It is used for both the left and right version of the key.
public static final short VK_WINDOWS = (short) 0x9A;
/** Constant for the Meta function key. */
public static final short VK_META = (short) 0x9B;
/** Constant for the Help function key. */
public static final short VK_HELP = (short) 0x9C;
/** Constant for the Compose function key. */
public static final short VK_COMPOSE = (short) 0x9D;
/** Constant for the Begin function key. */
public static final short VK_BEGIN = (short) 0x9E;
/** Constant for the Stop function key. */
public static final short VK_STOP = (short) 0x9F;
// Unicode: Printable [0x00A0 - 0xDFFF]
/** Constant for the inverted exclamation mark key. */
public static final short VK_INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARK = (short) 0xA1;
/** Constant for the Euro currency sign key. */
public static final short VK_EURO_SIGN = (short) 0x20AC;
// Unicode: Private 0xE000 - 0xF8FF (Marked Non-Printable)
/* for Sun keyboards */
public static final short VK_CUT = (short) 0xF879;
public static final short VK_COPY = (short) 0xF87A;
public static final short VK_PASTE = (short) 0xF87B;
public static final short VK_UNDO = (short) 0xF87C;
public static final short VK_AGAIN = (short) 0xF87D;
public static final short VK_FIND = (short) 0xF87E;
public static final short VK_PROPS = (short) 0xF87F;
/* for input method support on Asian Keyboards */
* Constant for the input method on/off key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard: kanji. Japanese Solaris keyboard: nihongo */
public static final short VK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF = (short) 0xF890;
* Constant for the Code Input function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard - VK_ALPHANUMERIC + ALT: kanji bangou */
public static final short VK_CODE_INPUT = (short) 0xF891;
* Constant for the Roman Characters function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard: roumaji */
public static final short VK_ROMAN_CHARACTERS = (short) 0xF892;
* Constant for the All Candidates function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard - VK_CONVERT + ALT: zenkouho */
public static final short VK_ALL_CANDIDATES = (short) 0xF893;
* Constant for the Previous Candidate function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard - VK_CONVERT + SHIFT: maekouho */
public static final short VK_PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE = (short) 0xF894;
* Constant for the Alphanumeric function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard: eisuu */
public static final short VK_ALPHANUMERIC = (short) 0xF895;
* Constant for the Katakana function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard: katakana */
public static final short VK_KATAKANA = (short) 0xF896;
* Constant for the Hiragana function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard: hiragana */
public static final short VK_HIRAGANA = (short) 0xF897;
* Constant for the Full-Width Characters function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard: zenkaku */
public static final short VK_FULL_WIDTH = (short) 0xF898;
* Constant for the Half-Width Characters function key.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard: hankaku */
public static final short VK_HALF_WIDTH = (short) 0xF89A;
* Constant for the Japanese-Katakana function key.
* This key switches to a Japanese input method and selects its Katakana input mode.
/* Japanese Macintosh keyboard - VK_JAPANESE_HIRAGANA + SHIFT */
public static final short VK_JAPANESE_KATAKANA = (short) 0xF89B;
* Constant for the Japanese-Hiragana function key.
* This key switches to a Japanese input method and selects its Hiragana input mode.
/* Japanese Macintosh keyboard */
public static final short VK_JAPANESE_HIRAGANA = (short) 0xF89C;
* Constant for the Japanese-Roman function key.
* This key switches to a Japanese input method and selects its Roman-Direct input mode.
/* Japanese Macintosh keyboard */
public static final short VK_JAPANESE_ROMAN = (short) 0xF89D;
* Constant for the locking Kana function key.
* This key locks the keyboard into a Kana layout.
/* Japanese PC 106 keyboard with special Windows driver - eisuu + Control; Japanese Solaris keyboard: kana */
public static final short VK_KANA_LOCK = (short) 0xF89F;
* Constant for Keyboard became invisible, e.g. Android's soft keyboard Back button hit while keyboard is visible.
public static final short VK_KEYBOARD_INVISIBLE = (short) 0xF8FF;