javax.media.opengl.awt.GLJPanel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2010 JogAmp Community. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* - Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL
* You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use
* in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear
* facility.
* Sun gratefully acknowledges that this software was originally authored
* and developed by Kenneth Bradley Russell and Christopher John Kline.
package javax.media.opengl.awt;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.HierarchyEvent;
import java.awt.event.HierarchyListener;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.beans.Beans;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import javax.media.nativewindow.AbstractGraphicsDevice;
import javax.media.nativewindow.NativeSurface;
import javax.media.nativewindow.WindowClosingProtocol;
import javax.media.opengl.GL;
import javax.media.opengl.GL2;
import javax.media.opengl.GL2ES3;
import javax.media.opengl.GL2GL3;
import javax.media.opengl.GLAnimatorControl;
import javax.media.opengl.GLAutoDrawable;
import javax.media.opengl.GLCapabilities;
import javax.media.opengl.GLCapabilitiesChooser;
import javax.media.opengl.GLCapabilitiesImmutable;
import javax.media.opengl.GLContext;
import javax.media.opengl.GLDrawable;
import javax.media.opengl.GLDrawableFactory;
import javax.media.opengl.GLEventListener;
import javax.media.opengl.GLException;
import javax.media.opengl.GLFBODrawable;
import javax.media.opengl.GLProfile;
import javax.media.opengl.GLRunnable;
import javax.media.opengl.GLSharedContextSetter;
import javax.media.opengl.Threading;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import jogamp.opengl.Debug;
import jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl;
import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableFactoryImpl;
import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableHelper;
import jogamp.opengl.GLDrawableImpl;
import jogamp.opengl.awt.AWTTilePainter;
import jogamp.opengl.awt.Java2D;
import jogamp.opengl.util.glsl.GLSLTextureRaster;
import com.jogamp.common.util.awt.AWTEDTExecutor;
import com.jogamp.nativewindow.awt.AWTPrintLifecycle;
import com.jogamp.nativewindow.awt.AWTWindowClosingProtocol;
import com.jogamp.opengl.FBObject;
import com.jogamp.opengl.GLRendererQuirks;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLPixelBuffer.GLPixelAttributes;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLPixelBuffer.SingletonGLPixelBufferProvider;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLDrawableUtil;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.GLPixelStorageModes;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.TileRenderer;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.awt.AWTGLPixelBuffer;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.awt.AWTGLPixelBuffer.AWTGLPixelBufferProvider;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.awt.AWTGLPixelBuffer.SingleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider;
import com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureState;
/** A lightweight Swing component which provides OpenGL rendering
support. Provided for compatibility with Swing user interfaces
when adding a heavyweight doesn't work either because of
Z-ordering or LayoutManager problems.
The GLJPanel can be made transparent by creating it with a
GLCapabilities object with alpha bits specified and calling {@link
#setOpaque}(false). Pixels with resulting OpenGL alpha values less
than 1.0 will be overlaid on any underlying Swing rendering.
This component attempts to use hardware-accelerated rendering via FBO or pbuffers and
falls back on to software rendering if none of the former are available
using {@link GLDrawableFactory#createOffscreenDrawable(AbstractGraphicsDevice, GLCapabilitiesImmutable, GLCapabilitiesChooser, int, int) GLDrawableFactory.createOffscreenDrawable(..)}.
In case the drawable {@link #isGLOriented()} and {@link #setSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip(boolean) vertical flip is not skipped},
this component performs the required vertical flip to bring the content from OpenGL's orientation into AWT's orientation.
See details about FBO and GLSL vertical flipping.
The OpenGL path is concluded by copying the rendered pixels an {@link BufferedImage} via {@link GL#glReadPixels(int, int, int, int, int, int, java.nio.Buffer) glReadPixels(..)}
for later Java2D composition.
In case {@link #setSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip(boolean) vertical-flip is not skipped} and GLSL based vertical-flip is not performed,
{@link System#arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int) System.arraycopy(..)} is used line by line.
This step causes more CPU load per frame and is not hardware-accelerated.
Finally the Java2D compositioning takes place via via {@link Graphics#drawImage(java.awt.Image, int, int, int, int, java.awt.image.ImageObserver) Graphics.drawImage(...)}
on the prepared {@link BufferedImage} as described above.
* Please read Java2D OpenGL Remarks.
FBO / GLSL Vertical Flip
In case FBO is used and GLSL is available and {@link #setSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip(boolean) vertical flip is not skipped}, a fragment shader is utilized
to flip the FBO texture vertically. This hardware-accelerated step can be disabled via system property jogl.gljpanel.noglsl
The FBO / GLSL code path uses one texture-unit and binds the FBO texture to it's active texture-target,
see {@link #setTextureUnit(int)} and {@link #getTextureUnit()}.
The active and dedicated texture-unit's {@link GL#GL_TEXTURE_2D} state is preserved via {@link TextureState}.
See also {@link Texture#textureCallOrder Order of Texture Commands}.
The current gl-viewport is preserved.
Warning (Bug 842): Certain GL states other than viewport and texture (see above)
influencing rendering, will also influence the GLSL vertical flip, e.g. {@link GL#glFrontFace(int) glFrontFace}({@link GL#GL_CCW}).
It is recommended to reset those states to default when leaving the {@link GLEventListener#display(GLAutoDrawable)} method!
We may change this behavior in the future, i.e. preserve all influencing states.
public class GLJPanel extends JPanel implements AWTGLAutoDrawable, WindowClosingProtocol, AWTPrintLifecycle, GLSharedContextSetter {
private static final boolean DEBUG;
private static final boolean DEBUG_VIEWPORT;
private static final boolean USE_GLSL_TEXTURE_RASTERIZER;
private static final boolean SKIP_VERTICAL_FLIP_DEFAULT;
/** Indicates whether the Java 2D OpenGL pipeline is requested by user. */
private static final boolean java2dOGLEnabledByProp;
/** Indicates whether the Java 2D OpenGL pipeline is enabled, resource-compatible and requested by user. */
private static final boolean useJava2DGLPipeline;
/** Indicates whether the Java 2D OpenGL pipeline's usage is error free. */
private static boolean java2DGLPipelineOK;
static {
DEBUG = Debug.debug("GLJPanel");
DEBUG_VIEWPORT = Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.debug.GLJPanel.Viewport", true);
USE_GLSL_TEXTURE_RASTERIZER = !Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.gljpanel.noglsl", true);
SKIP_VERTICAL_FLIP_DEFAULT = Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.gljpanel.noverticalflip", true);
boolean enabled = Debug.getBooleanProperty("sun.java2d.opengl", false);
java2dOGLEnabledByProp = enabled && !Debug.isPropertyDefined("jogl.gljpanel.noogl", true);
enabled = false;
if( java2dOGLEnabledByProp ) {
// Force eager initialization of part of the Java2D class since
// otherwise it's likely it will try to be initialized while on
// the Queue Flusher Thread, which is not allowed
if (Java2D.isOGLPipelineResourceCompatible() && Java2D.isFBOEnabled()) {
if( null != Java2D.getShareContext(GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice()) ) {
enabled = true;
useJava2DGLPipeline = enabled;
java2DGLPipelineOK = enabled;
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("GLJPanel: DEBUG_VIEWPORT "+DEBUG_VIEWPORT);
System.err.println("GLJPanel: java2dOGLEnabledByProp "+java2dOGLEnabledByProp);
System.err.println("GLJPanel: useJava2DGLPipeline "+useJava2DGLPipeline);
System.err.println("GLJPanel: java2DGLPipelineOK "+java2DGLPipelineOK);
private static SingleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider singleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider = null;
private static synchronized SingleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider getSingleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider() {
if( null == singleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider ) {
singleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider = new SingleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider( true /* allowRowStride */ );
return singleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider;
private final GLDrawableHelper helper = new GLDrawableHelper();
private volatile boolean isInitialized;
// Data used for either pbuffers or pixmap-based offscreen surfaces
private AWTGLPixelBufferProvider customPixelBufferProvider = null;
/** Single buffered offscreen caps */
private GLCapabilitiesImmutable offscreenCaps;
private final GLProfile glProfile;
private final GLDrawableFactoryImpl factory;
private final GLCapabilitiesChooser chooser;
private int additionalCtxCreationFlags = 0;
// Lazy reshape notification: reshapeWidth -> panelWidth -> backend.width
private boolean handleReshape = false;
private boolean sendReshape = true;
// For handling reshape events lazily: reshapeWidth -> panelWidth -> backend.width
private int reshapeWidth;
private int reshapeHeight;
// Width of the actual GLJPanel: reshapeWidth -> panelWidth -> backend.width
private int panelWidth = 0;
private int panelHeight = 0;
// These are always set to (0, 0) except when the Java2D / OpenGL
// pipeline is active
private int viewportX;
private int viewportY;
private int requestedTextureUnit = 0; // default
// The backend in use
private volatile Backend backend;
private boolean skipGLOrientationVerticalFlip = SKIP_VERTICAL_FLIP_DEFAULT;
// Used by all backends either directly or indirectly to hook up callbacks
private final Updater updater = new Updater();
private boolean oglPipelineUsable() {
return null == customPixelBufferProvider && useJava2DGLPipeline && java2DGLPipelineOK;
private volatile boolean isShowing;
private final HierarchyListener hierarchyListener = new HierarchyListener() {
public void hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent e) {
isShowing = GLJPanel.this.isShowing();
private final AWTWindowClosingProtocol awtWindowClosingProtocol =
new AWTWindowClosingProtocol(this, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, null);
/** Creates a new GLJPanel component with a default set of OpenGL
capabilities and using the default OpenGL capabilities selection
* @throws GLException if no default profile is available for the default desktop device.
public GLJPanel() throws GLException {
/** Creates a new GLJPanel component with the requested set of
OpenGL capabilities, using the default OpenGL capabilities
selection mechanism.
* @throws GLException if no GLCapabilities are given and no default profile is available for the default desktop device.
public GLJPanel(GLCapabilitiesImmutable userCapsRequest) throws GLException {
this(userCapsRequest, null, null);
/** Creates a new GLJPanel component. The passed GLCapabilities
specifies the OpenGL capabilities for the component; if null, a
default set of capabilities is used. The GLCapabilitiesChooser
specifies the algorithm for selecting one of the available
GLCapabilities for the component; a DefaultGLCapabilitesChooser
is used if null is passed for this argument.
* @throws GLException if no GLCapabilities are given and no default profile is available for the default desktop device.
public GLJPanel(GLCapabilitiesImmutable userCapsRequest, GLCapabilitiesChooser chooser)
throws GLException
this(userCapsRequest, chooser, null);
/** Creates a new GLJPanel component. The passed GLCapabilities
specifies the OpenGL capabilities for the component; if null, a
default set of capabilities is used. The GLCapabilitiesChooser
specifies the algorithm for selecting one of the available
GLCapabilities for the component; a DefaultGLCapabilitesChooser
is used if null is passed for this argument. The passed
GLContext specifies an OpenGL context with which to share
textures, display lists and other OpenGL state, and may be null
if sharing is not desired. See the note in the overview documentation on
context sharing.
Note: Sharing cannot be enabled using J2D OpenGL FBO sharing,
since J2D GL Context must be shared and we can only share one context.
* @throws GLException if no GLCapabilities are given and no default profile is available for the default desktop device.
* @deprecated Use {@link #GLJPanel(GLCapabilitiesImmutable, GLCapabilitiesChooser)}
* and set shared GLContext via {@link #setSharedContext(GLContext)} or {@link #setSharedAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable)}.
public GLJPanel(GLCapabilitiesImmutable userCapsRequest, GLCapabilitiesChooser chooser, GLContext shareWith)
throws GLException
// Works around problems on many vendors' cards; we don't need a
// back buffer for the offscreen surface anyway
GLCapabilities caps;
if (userCapsRequest != null) {
caps = (GLCapabilities) userCapsRequest.cloneMutable();
} else {
caps = new GLCapabilities(GLProfile.getDefault(GLProfile.getDefaultDevice()));
offscreenCaps = caps;
this.glProfile = offscreenCaps.getGLProfile();
this.factory = GLDrawableFactoryImpl.getFactoryImpl(glProfile);
this.chooser = chooser;
if( null != shareWith ) {
helper.setSharedContext(null, shareWith);
this.setFocusable(true); // allow keyboard input!
this.isShowing = isShowing();
* Attempts to initialize the backend, if not initialized yet.
* If backend is already initialized method returns true
* If offthread
is true
, initialization will kicked off
* on a short lived arbitrary thread and method returns immediately.
* If platform supports such arbitrary thread initialization method returns
* true
, otherwise false
* If offthread
is false
, initialization be performed
* on the current thread and method returns after initialization.
* Method returns true
if initialization was successful, otherwise false
* @param offthread
public final boolean initializeBackend(boolean offthread) {
if( offthread ) {
new Thread(getThreadName()+"-GLJPanel_Init") {
public void run() {
if( !isInitialized ) {
} }.start();
return true;
} else {
if( !isInitialized ) {
return initializeBackendImpl();
} else {
return true;
public final void setSharedContext(GLContext sharedContext) throws IllegalStateException {
helper.setSharedContext(this.getContext(), sharedContext);
public final void setSharedAutoDrawable(GLAutoDrawable sharedAutoDrawable) throws IllegalStateException {
helper.setSharedAutoDrawable(this, sharedAutoDrawable);
public AWTGLPixelBufferProvider getCustomPixelBufferProvider() { return customPixelBufferProvider; }
* @param custom custom {@link AWTGLPixelBufferProvider}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if custom
is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if backend is already realized, i.e. this instanced already painted once.
public void setPixelBufferProvider(AWTGLPixelBufferProvider custom) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
if( null == custom ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null PixelBufferProvider");
if( null != backend ) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Backend already realized.");
customPixelBufferProvider = custom;
public final Object getUpstreamWidget() {
return this;
public void display() {
if( isShowing ) {
if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
// Want display() to be synchronous, so call paintImmediately()
paintImmediately(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
} else {
// Multithreaded redrawing of Swing components is not allowed,
// so do everything on the event dispatch thread
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GLException(e);
protected void dispose() {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.dispose() - start");
// Thread.dumpStack();
if (backend != null && backend.getContext() != null) {
boolean animatorPaused = false;
GLAnimatorControl animator = getAnimator();
if(null!=animator) {
animatorPaused = animator.pause();
if(backend.getContext().isCreated()) {
Threading.invoke(true, disposeAction, getTreeLock());
if(null != backend) {
// not yet destroyed due to backend.isUsingOwnThreadManagment() == true
isInitialized = false;
if(animatorPaused) {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.dispose() - stop");
* Just an alias for removeNotify
public void destroy() {
/** Overridden to cause OpenGL rendering to be performed during
repaint cycles. Subclasses which override this method must call
super.paintComponent() in their paintComponent() method in order
to function properly.
in class javax.swing.JComponent
protected void paintComponent(final Graphics g) {
if (Beans.isDesignTime()) {
// Make GLJPanel behave better in NetBeans GUI builder
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
String name = getName();
if (name == null) {
name = getClass().getName();
int idx = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx >= 0) {
name = name.substring(idx + 1);
Rectangle2D bounds = fm.getStringBounds(name, g);
(int) ((getWidth() - bounds.getWidth()) / 2),
(int) ((getHeight() + bounds.getHeight()) / 2));
if( !isInitialized ) {
if (!isInitialized || printActive) {
// NOTE: must do this when the context is not current as it may
// involve destroying the pbuffer (current context) and
// re-creating it -- tricky to do properly while the context is
// current
if( !printActive ) {
if (handleReshape) {
handleReshape = false;
sendReshape = handleReshape();
if( isShowing ) {
/** Overridden to track when this component is added to a container.
Subclasses which override this method must call
super.addNotify() in their addNotify() method in order to
function properly.
in class java.awt.Component
public void addNotify() {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.addNotify()");
/** Overridden to track when this component is removed from a
container. Subclasses which override this method must call
super.removeNotify() in their removeNotify() method in order to
function properly.
in class java.awt.Component
public void removeNotify() {
/** Overridden to cause {@link GLDrawableHelper#reshape} to be
called on all registered {@link GLEventListener}s. Subclasses
which override this method must call super.reshape() in
their reshape() method in order to function properly.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void reshape(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super.reshape(x, y, width, height);
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.reshape.0 "+this.getName()+" resize"+(printActive?"WithinPrint":"")+" [ this "+getWidth()+"x"+getHeight()+", panel "+
panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight +
", reshape: " +reshapeWidth+"x"+reshapeHeight +
"] -> "+(printActive?"skipped":"") + width+"x"+height);
if( !printActive ) {
reshapeWidth = width;
reshapeHeight = height;
handleReshape = true;
private volatile boolean printActive = false;
private GLAnimatorControl printAnimator = null;
private GLAutoDrawable printGLAD = null;
private AWTTilePainter printAWTTiles = null;
public void setupPrint(double scaleMatX, double scaleMatY, int numSamples, int tileWidth, int tileHeight) {
printActive = true;
final int componentCount = isOpaque() ? 3 : 4;
final TileRenderer printRenderer = new TileRenderer();
printAWTTiles = new AWTTilePainter(printRenderer, componentCount, scaleMatX, scaleMatY, numSamples, tileWidth, tileHeight, DEBUG);
AWTEDTExecutor.singleton.invoke(getTreeLock(), true /* allowOnNonEDT */, true /* wait */, setupPrintOnEDT);
private final Runnable setupPrintOnEDT = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if( !isInitialized ) {
if (!isInitialized) {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": Info: GLJPanel setupPrint - skipped GL render, drawable not valid yet");
printActive = false;
return; // not yet available ..
if( !isShowing ) {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": Info: GLJPanel setupPrint - skipped GL render, drawable valid, panel not showing");
printActive = false;
return; // not yet available ..
sendReshape = false; // clear reshape flag
handleReshape = false; // ditto
printAnimator = helper.getAnimator();
if( null != printAnimator ) {
printGLAD = GLJPanel.this; // default: re-use
final GLCapabilities caps = (GLCapabilities)getChosenGLCapabilities().cloneMutable();
final int printNumSamples = printAWTTiles.getNumSamples(caps);
GLDrawable printDrawable = printGLAD.getDelegatedDrawable();
final boolean reqNewGLADSamples = printNumSamples != caps.getNumSamples();
final boolean reqNewGLADSize = printAWTTiles.customTileWidth != -1 && printAWTTiles.customTileWidth != printDrawable.getWidth() ||
printAWTTiles.customTileHeight != -1 && printAWTTiles.customTileHeight != printDrawable.getHeight();
final boolean reqNewGLAD = reqNewGLADSamples || reqNewGLADSize ;
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("AWT print.setup: reqNewGLAD "+reqNewGLAD+"[ samples "+reqNewGLADSamples+", size "+reqNewGLADSize+"], "+
", drawableSize "+printDrawable.getWidth()+"x"+printDrawable.getHeight()+
", customTileSize "+printAWTTiles.customTileWidth+"x"+printAWTTiles.customTileHeight+
", scaleMat "+printAWTTiles.scaleMatX+" x "+printAWTTiles.scaleMatY+
", numSamples "+printAWTTiles.customNumSamples+" -> "+printNumSamples+", printAnimator "+printAnimator);
if( reqNewGLAD ) {
caps.setSampleBuffers(0 < printNumSamples);
final GLDrawableFactory factory = GLDrawableFactory.getFactory(caps.getGLProfile());
printGLAD = factory.createOffscreenAutoDrawable(null, caps, null,
printAWTTiles.customTileWidth != -1 ? printAWTTiles.customTileWidth : DEFAULT_PRINT_TILE_SIZE,
printAWTTiles.customTileHeight != -1 ? printAWTTiles.customTileHeight : DEFAULT_PRINT_TILE_SIZE);
GLDrawableUtil.swapGLContextAndAllGLEventListener(GLJPanel.this, printGLAD);
printDrawable = printGLAD.getDelegatedDrawable();
printAWTTiles.setGLOrientation( !GLJPanel.this.skipGLOrientationVerticalFlip && printGLAD.isGLOriented(), printGLAD.isGLOriented() );
printAWTTiles.renderer.setTileSize(printDrawable.getWidth(), printDrawable.getHeight(), 0);
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("AWT print.setup "+printAWTTiles);
System.err.println("AWT print.setup AA "+printNumSamples+", "+caps);
System.err.println("AWT print.setup printGLAD: "+printGLAD.getWidth()+"x"+printGLAD.getHeight()+", "+printGLAD);
System.err.println("AWT print.setup printDraw: "+printDrawable.getWidth()+"x"+printDrawable.getHeight()+", "+printDrawable);
public void releasePrint() {
if( !printActive ) {
throw new IllegalStateException("setupPrint() not called");
sendReshape = false; // clear reshape flag
handleReshape = false; // ditto
AWTEDTExecutor.singleton.invoke(getTreeLock(), true /* allowOnNonEDT */, true /* wait */, releasePrintOnEDT);
private final Runnable releasePrintOnEDT = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.releasePrintOnEDT.0 "+printAWTTiles);
printAWTTiles= null;
if( printGLAD != GLJPanel.this ) {
GLDrawableUtil.swapGLContextAndAllGLEventListener(printGLAD, GLJPanel.this);
printGLAD = null;
if( null != printAnimator ) {
printAnimator = null;
// trigger reshape, i.e. gl-viewport and -listener - this component might got resized!
final int awtWidth = GLJPanel.this.getWidth();
final int awtHeight= GLJPanel.this.getHeight();
final GLDrawable drawable = GLJPanel.this.getDelegatedDrawable();
if( awtWidth != panelWidth || awtHeight != panelHeight ||
drawable.getWidth() != panelWidth || drawable.getHeight() != panelHeight ) {
// -> !( awtSize == panelSize == drawableSize )
if ( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.releasePrintOnEDT.0: resizeWithinPrint panel " +panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight +
", draw "+drawable.getWidth()+"x"+drawable.getHeight()+
" -> " + awtWidth+"x"+awtHeight);
reshapeWidth = awtWidth;
reshapeHeight = awtHeight;
sendReshape = handleReshape(); // reshapeSize -> panelSize, backend reshape w/ GL reshape
} else {
sendReshape = true; // only GL reshape
printActive = false;
public void print(Graphics graphics) {
if( !printActive ) {
throw new IllegalStateException("setupPrint() not called");
if(DEBUG && !EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": Warning: GLCanvas print - not called from AWT-EDT");
// we cannot dispatch print on AWT-EDT due to printing internal locking ..
sendReshape = false; // clear reshape flag
handleReshape = false; // ditto
final Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)graphics;
try {
printAWTTiles.setupGraphics2DAndClipBounds(g2d, getWidth(), getHeight());
final TileRenderer tileRenderer = printAWTTiles.renderer;
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("AWT print.0: "+tileRenderer);
if( !tileRenderer.eot() ) {
try {
do {
if( printGLAD != GLJPanel.this ) {
} else {
} while ( !tileRenderer.eot() );
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("AWT print.1: "+printAWTTiles);
} finally {
} catch (NoninvertibleTransformException nte) {
System.err.println("Catched: Inversion failed of: "+g2d.getTransform());
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("AWT print.X: "+printAWTTiles);
protected void printComponent(Graphics g) {
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println("AWT printComponent.X: "+printAWTTiles);
public void setOpaque(boolean opaque) {
if (backend != null) {
public void addGLEventListener(GLEventListener listener) {
public void addGLEventListener(int index, GLEventListener listener) {
helper.addGLEventListener(index, listener);
public int getGLEventListenerCount() {
return helper.getGLEventListenerCount();
public GLEventListener getGLEventListener(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return helper.getGLEventListener(index);
public boolean areAllGLEventListenerInitialized() {
return helper.areAllGLEventListenerInitialized();
public boolean getGLEventListenerInitState(GLEventListener listener) {
return helper.getGLEventListenerInitState(listener);
public void setGLEventListenerInitState(GLEventListener listener, boolean initialized) {
helper.setGLEventListenerInitState(listener, initialized);
public GLEventListener disposeGLEventListener(GLEventListener listener, boolean remove) {
final DisposeGLEventListenerAction r = new DisposeGLEventListenerAction(listener, remove);
if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
} else {
// Multithreaded redrawing of Swing components is not allowed,
// so do everything on the event dispatch thread
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GLException(e);
return r.listener;
public GLEventListener removeGLEventListener(GLEventListener listener) {
return helper.removeGLEventListener(listener);
public void setAnimator(GLAnimatorControl animatorControl) {
public GLAnimatorControl getAnimator() {
return helper.getAnimator();
public final Thread setExclusiveContextThread(Thread t) throws GLException {
return helper.setExclusiveContextThread(t, getContext());
public final Thread getExclusiveContextThread() {
return helper.getExclusiveContextThread();
public boolean invoke(boolean wait, GLRunnable glRunnable) {
return helper.invoke(this, wait, glRunnable);
public boolean invoke(final boolean wait, final List glRunnables) {
return helper.invoke(this, wait, glRunnables);
public GLContext createContext(GLContext shareWith) {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return null;
return b.createContext(shareWith);
public void setRealized(boolean realized) {
public boolean isRealized() {
return isInitialized;
public GLContext setContext(GLContext newCtx, boolean destroyPrevCtx) {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return null;
final GLContext oldCtx = b.getContext();
GLDrawableHelper.switchContext(b.getDrawable(), oldCtx, destroyPrevCtx, newCtx, additionalCtxCreationFlags);
return oldCtx;
public final GLDrawable getDelegatedDrawable() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return null;
return b.getDrawable();
public GLContext getContext() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return null;
return b.getContext();
public GL getGL() {
if (Beans.isDesignTime()) {
return null;
GLContext context = getContext();
return (context == null) ? null : context.getGL();
public GL setGL(GL gl) {
GLContext context = getContext();
if (context != null) {
return gl;
return null;
public void setAutoSwapBufferMode(boolean onOrOff) {
// In the current implementation this is a no-op. Both the pbuffer
// and pixmap based rendering paths use a single-buffered surface
// so swapping the buffers doesn't do anything. We also don't
// currently have the provision to skip copying the data to the
// Swing portion of the GLJPanel in any of the rendering paths.
public boolean getAutoSwapBufferMode() {
// In the current implementation this is a no-op. Both the pbuffer
// and pixmap based rendering paths use a single-buffered surface
// so swapping the buffers doesn't do anything. We also don't
// currently have the provision to skip copying the data to the
// Swing portion of the GLJPanel in any of the rendering paths.
return true;
public void swapBuffers() {
// In the current implementation this is a no-op. Both the pbuffer
// and pixmap based rendering paths use a single-buffered surface
// so swapping the buffers doesn't do anything. We also don't
// currently have the provision to skip copying the data to the
// Swing portion of the GLJPanel in any of the rendering paths.
if( printActive && isInitialized) {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null != b ) {
public void setContextCreationFlags(int flags) {
additionalCtxCreationFlags = flags;
public int getContextCreationFlags() {
return additionalCtxCreationFlags;
/** For a translucent GLJPanel (one for which {@link #setOpaque
setOpaque}(false) has been called), indicates whether the
application should preserve the OpenGL color buffer
(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) for correct rendering of the GLJPanel and
underlying widgets which may show through portions of the
GLJPanel with alpha values less than 1. Most Swing
implementations currently expect the GLJPanel to be completely
cleared (e.g., by glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT |
), but for certain optimized Swing
implementations which use OpenGL internally, it may be possible
to perform OpenGL rendering using the GLJPanel into the same
OpenGL drawable as the Swing implementation uses. */
public boolean shouldPreserveColorBufferIfTranslucent() {
return oglPipelineUsable();
* {@inheritDoc}
* Method returns a valid value only after
* the backend has been initialized, either {@link #initializeBackend(boolean) eagerly}
* or manually via the first display call.
* Method always returns a valid value when called from within a {@link GLEventListener}.
public boolean isGLOriented() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return true;
return b.getDrawable().isGLOriented();
* Set skipping {@link #isGLOriented()} based vertical flip,
* which usually is required by the offscreen backend,
* see details about vertical flip
* and FBO / GLSL vertical flip.
* If set to true
, user needs to flip the OpenGL rendered scene
* if {@link #isGLOriented()} == true, e.g. via the PMV matrix.
* See constraints of {@link #isGLOriented()}.
public final void setSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip(boolean v) {
skipGLOrientationVerticalFlip = v;
/** See {@link #setSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip(boolean)}. */
public final boolean getSkipGLOrientationVerticalFlip() {
return skipGLOrientationVerticalFlip;
public GLCapabilitiesImmutable getChosenGLCapabilities() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return null;
return b.getChosenGLCapabilities();
public final GLProfile getGLProfile() {
return glProfile;
public NativeSurface getNativeSurface() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return null;
return b.getDrawable().getNativeSurface();
public long getHandle() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return 0;
return b.getDrawable().getNativeSurface().getSurfaceHandle();
public final GLDrawableFactory getFactory() {
return factory;
* Returns the used texture unit, i.e. a value of [0..n], or -1 if non used.
* If implementation uses a texture-unit, it will be known only after the first initialization, i.e. display call.
* See FBO / GLSL Vertical Flip.
public final int getTextureUnit() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null == b ) {
return -1;
return b.getTextureUnit();
* Allows user to request a texture unit to be used,
* must be called before the first initialization, i.e. {@link #display()} call.
* Defaults to 0
* See FBO / GLSL Vertical Flip.
* @param v requested texture unit
* @see #getTextureUnit()
public final void setTextureUnit(int v) {
requestedTextureUnit = v;
// Internals only below this point
private final Object initSync = new Object();
private boolean initializeBackendImpl() {
synchronized(initSync) {
if( !isInitialized ) {
if ( 0 >= panelWidth || 0 >= panelHeight ) {
// See whether we have a non-zero size yet and can go ahead with
// initialization
if (0 >= reshapeWidth || 0 >= reshapeHeight ) {
return false;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.createAndInitializeBackend: " +panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight + " -> " + reshapeWidth+"x"+reshapeHeight);
// Pull down reshapeWidth and reshapeHeight into panelWidth and
// panelHeight eagerly in order to complete initialization, and
// force a reshape later
panelWidth = reshapeWidth;
panelHeight = reshapeHeight;
if ( null == backend ) {
if ( oglPipelineUsable() ) {
backend = new J2DOGLBackend();
} else {
backend = new OffscreenBackend(glProfile, customPixelBufferProvider);
isInitialized = false;
if (!isInitialized) {
return isInitialized;
} else {
return true;
public WindowClosingMode getDefaultCloseOperation() {
return awtWindowClosingProtocol.getDefaultCloseOperation();
public WindowClosingMode setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowClosingMode op) {
return awtWindowClosingProtocol.setDefaultCloseOperation(op);
private boolean handleReshape() {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.handleReshape: " +panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight + " -> " + reshapeWidth+"x"+reshapeHeight);
panelWidth = reshapeWidth;
panelHeight = reshapeHeight;
return backend.handleReshape();
// This is used as the GLEventListener for the pbuffer-based backend
// as well as the callback mechanism for the other backends
class Updater implements GLEventListener {
private Graphics g;
public void setGraphics(Graphics g) {
this.g = g;
public void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
if (!backend.preGL(g)) {
helper.init(GLJPanel.this, !sendReshape);
backend.postGL(g, false);
public void dispose(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
helper.disposeAllGLEventListener(GLJPanel.this, false);
public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
if (!backend.preGL(g)) {
if (sendReshape) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.display: reshape(" + viewportX + "," + viewportY + " " + panelWidth + "x" + panelHeight + ")");
helper.reshape(GLJPanel.this, viewportX, viewportY, panelWidth, panelHeight);
sendReshape = false;
backend.postGL(g, true);
public void plainPaint(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
public void reshape(GLAutoDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
// This is handled above and dispatched directly to the appropriate context
public String toString() {
final GLDrawable d = ( null != backend ) ? backend.getDrawable() : null;
return "AWT-GLJPanel[ drawableType "+ ( ( null != d ) ? d.getClass().getName() : "null" ) +
", chosenCaps " + getChosenGLCapabilities() +
private final Runnable disposeAction = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if ( null != backend ) {
final GLContext _context = backend.getContext();
final boolean backendDestroy = !backend.isUsingOwnLifecycle();
if( null != _context && _context.isCreated() ) {
// Catch dispose GLExceptions by GLEventListener, just 'print' them
// so we can continue with the destruction.
try {
helper.disposeGL(GLJPanel.this, _context, !backendDestroy);
} catch (GLException gle) {
if ( backendDestroy ) {
backend = null;
isInitialized = false;
private final Runnable updaterInitAction = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private final Runnable updaterDisplayAction = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private final Runnable updaterPlainDisplayAction = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private final Runnable paintImmediatelyAction = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
paintImmediately(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
private class DisposeGLEventListenerAction implements Runnable {
GLEventListener listener;
private final boolean remove;
private DisposeGLEventListenerAction(GLEventListener listener, boolean remove) {
this.listener = listener;
this.remove = remove;
public void run() {
final Backend b = backend;
if ( null != b ) {
listener = helper.disposeGLEventListener(GLJPanel.this, b.getDrawable(), b.getContext(), listener, remove);
private int getGLInteger(GL gl, int which) {
int[] tmp = new int[1];
gl.glGetIntegerv(which, tmp, 0);
return tmp[0];
protected static String getThreadName() { return Thread.currentThread().getName(); }
// Implementations of the various backends
* Abstraction of the different rendering backends: i.e., pure
* software / pixmap rendering, pbuffer-based acceleration, Java 2D
* JOGL bridge
static interface Backend {
/** Create, Destroy, .. */
public boolean isUsingOwnLifecycle();
/** Called each time the backend needs to initialize itself */
public void initialize();
/** Called when the backend should clean up its resources */
public void destroy();
/** Called when the opacity of the GLJPanel is changed */
public void setOpaque(boolean opaque);
* Called to manually create an additional OpenGL context against
* this GLJPanel
public GLContext createContext(GLContext shareWith);
/** Called to set the current backend's GLContext */
public void setContext(GLContext ctx);
/** Called to get the current backend's GLContext */
public GLContext getContext();
/** Called to get the current backend's GLDrawable */
public GLDrawable getDrawable();
/** Returns the used texture unit, i.e. a value of [0..n], or -1 if non used. */
public int getTextureUnit();
/** Called to fetch the "real" GLCapabilities for the backend */
public GLCapabilitiesImmutable getChosenGLCapabilities();
/** Called to fetch the "real" GLProfile for the backend */
public GLProfile getGLProfile();
* Called to handle a reshape event. When this is called, the
* OpenGL context associated with the backend is not current, to
* make it easier to destroy and re-create pbuffers if necessary.
public boolean handleReshape();
* Called before the OpenGL work is done in init() and display().
* If false is returned, this render is aborted.
public boolean preGL(Graphics g);
* Called after the OpenGL work is done in init() and display().
* The isDisplay argument indicates whether this was called on
* behalf of a call to display() rather than init().
public void postGL(Graphics g, boolean isDisplay);
/** Called from within paintComponent() to initiate the render */
public void doPaintComponent(Graphics g);
/** Called from print .. no backend update desired onscreen */
public void doPlainPaint();
// Base class used by both the software (pixmap) and pbuffer
// backends, both of which rely on reading back the OpenGL frame
// buffer and drawing it with a BufferedImage
class OffscreenBackend implements Backend {
private final AWTGLPixelBufferProvider pixelBufferProvider;
private final boolean useSingletonBuffer;
private AWTGLPixelBuffer pixelBuffer;
private BufferedImage alignedImage;
// One of these is used to store the read back pixels before storing
// in the BufferedImage
protected IntBuffer readBackIntsForCPUVFlip;
// Implementation using software rendering
private volatile GLDrawableImpl offscreenDrawable; // volatile: avoid locking for read-only access
private boolean offscreenIsFBO;
private FBObject fboFlipped;
private GLSLTextureRaster glslTextureRaster;
private volatile GLContextImpl offscreenContext; // volatile: avoid locking for read-only access
private boolean flipVertical;
// For saving/restoring of OpenGL state during ReadPixels
private final GLPixelStorageModes psm = new GLPixelStorageModes();
OffscreenBackend(GLProfile glp, AWTGLPixelBufferProvider custom) {
if(null == custom) {
pixelBufferProvider = getSingleAWTGLPixelBufferProvider();
} else {
pixelBufferProvider = custom;
if( pixelBufferProvider instanceof SingletonGLPixelBufferProvider ) {
useSingletonBuffer = true;
} else {
useSingletonBuffer = false;
public final boolean isUsingOwnLifecycle() { return false; }
public final void initialize() {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": OffscreenBackend: initialize()");
try {
final GLContext[] shareWith = { null };
if( helper.isSharedGLContextPending(shareWith) ) {
return; // pending ..
offscreenDrawable = (GLDrawableImpl) factory.createOffscreenDrawable(
null /* default platform device */,
panelWidth, panelHeight);
offscreenContext = (GLContextImpl) offscreenDrawable.createContext(shareWith[0]);
if( GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT < offscreenContext.makeCurrent() ) {
isInitialized = true;
final GL gl = offscreenContext.getGL();
flipVertical = !GLJPanel.this.skipGLOrientationVerticalFlip && offscreenDrawable.isGLOriented();
final GLCapabilitiesImmutable chosenCaps = offscreenDrawable.getChosenGLCapabilities();
offscreenIsFBO = chosenCaps.isFBO();
final boolean glslCompliant = !offscreenContext.hasRendererQuirk(GLRendererQuirks.GLSLNonCompliant);
final boolean useGLSLFlip = flipVertical && offscreenIsFBO && gl.isGL2ES2() && USE_GLSL_TEXTURE_RASTERIZER && glslCompliant;
if( DEBUG ) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": OffscreenBackend.initialize: useGLSLFlip "+useGLSLFlip+
" [flip "+flipVertical+", isFBO "+offscreenIsFBO+", isGL2ES2 "+gl.isGL2ES2()+
", noglsl "+!USE_GLSL_TEXTURE_RASTERIZER+", glslNonCompliant "+!glslCompliant+
", isGL2ES2 " + gl.isGL2ES2()+"]");
if( useGLSLFlip ) {
final boolean _autoSwapBufferMode = helper.getAutoSwapBufferMode();
final GLFBODrawable fboDrawable = (GLFBODrawable) offscreenDrawable;
fboDrawable.setTextureUnit( GLJPanel.this.requestedTextureUnit );
try {
fboFlipped = new FBObject();
fboFlipped.reset(gl, fboDrawable.getWidth(), fboDrawable.getHeight(), 0, false);
fboFlipped.attachTexture2D(gl, 0, chosenCaps.getAlphaBits()>0);
// fboFlipped.attachRenderbuffer(gl, Attachment.Type.DEPTH, 24);
glslTextureRaster = new GLSLTextureRaster(fboDrawable.getTextureUnit(), true);
glslTextureRaster.reshape(gl.getGL2ES2(), 0, 0, fboDrawable.getWidth(), fboDrawable.getHeight());
} catch (Exception ex) {
if(null != glslTextureRaster) {
glslTextureRaster = null;
if(null != fboFlipped) {
fboFlipped = null;
} else {
fboFlipped = null;
glslTextureRaster = null;
} else {
isInitialized = false;
} finally {
if( !isInitialized ) {
if(null != offscreenContext) {
offscreenContext = null;
if(null != offscreenDrawable) {
offscreenDrawable = null;
public final void destroy() {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": OffscreenBackend: destroy() - offscreenContext: "+(null!=offscreenContext)+" - offscreenDrawable: "+(null!=offscreenDrawable));
if ( null != offscreenContext && offscreenContext.isCreated() ) {
if( GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT < offscreenContext.makeCurrent() ) {
try {
final GL gl = offscreenContext.getGL();
if(null != glslTextureRaster) {
if(null != fboFlipped) {
} finally {
offscreenContext = null;
glslTextureRaster = null;
fboFlipped = null;
offscreenContext = null;
if (offscreenDrawable != null) {
final AbstractGraphicsDevice adevice = offscreenDrawable.getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getScreen().getDevice();
offscreenDrawable = null;
if(null != adevice) {
offscreenIsFBO = false;
if( null != readBackIntsForCPUVFlip ) {
readBackIntsForCPUVFlip = null;
if( null != pixelBuffer ) {
if( !useSingletonBuffer ) {
pixelBuffer = null;
alignedImage = null;
public final void setOpaque(boolean opaque) {
if ( opaque != isOpaque() && !useSingletonBuffer ) {
pixelBuffer = null;
alignedImage = null;
public final boolean preGL(Graphics g) {
// Empty in this implementation
return true;
public final void postGL(Graphics g, boolean isDisplay) {
if (isDisplay) {
final GL gl = offscreenContext.getGL();
final int componentCount;
final int alignment;
if( isOpaque() ) {
// w/o alpha
componentCount = 3;
alignment = 1;
} else {
// with alpha
componentCount = 4;
alignment = 4;
final GLPixelAttributes pixelAttribs = pixelBufferProvider.getAttributes(gl, componentCount);
if( useSingletonBuffer ) { // attempt to fetch the latest AWTGLPixelBuffer
pixelBuffer = (AWTGLPixelBuffer) ((SingletonGLPixelBufferProvider)pixelBufferProvider).getSingleBuffer(pixelAttribs);
if( null != pixelBuffer && pixelBuffer.requiresNewBuffer(gl, panelWidth, panelHeight, 0) ) {
pixelBuffer = null;
alignedImage = null;
if ( null == pixelBuffer ) {
if (0 >= panelWidth || 0 >= panelHeight ) {
pixelBuffer = pixelBufferProvider.allocate(gl, pixelAttribs, panelWidth, panelHeight, 1, true, 0);
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: "+GLJPanel.this.getName()+" pixelBufferProvider isSingletonBufferProvider "+useSingletonBuffer+", 0x"+Integer.toHexString(pixelBufferProvider.hashCode())+", "+pixelBufferProvider.getClass().getSimpleName());
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: "+GLJPanel.this.getName()+" pixelBuffer 0x"+Integer.toHexString(pixelBuffer.hashCode())+", "+pixelBuffer+", alignment "+alignment);
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: "+GLJPanel.this.getName()+" flippedVertical "+flipVertical+", glslTextureRaster "+(null!=glslTextureRaster));
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: "+GLJPanel.this.getName()+" panelSize "+panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight);
if( offscreenDrawable.getWidth() != panelWidth || offscreenDrawable.getHeight() != panelHeight ) {
throw new InternalError("OffscreenDrawable panelSize mismatch (reshape missed): panelSize "+panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight+" != drawable "+offscreenDrawable.getWidth()+"x"+offscreenDrawable.getHeight()+", on thread "+getThreadName());
if( null == alignedImage ||
panelWidth != alignedImage.getWidth() || panelHeight != alignedImage.getHeight() ||
!pixelBuffer.isDataBufferSource(alignedImage) ) {
alignedImage = pixelBuffer.getAlignedImage(panelWidth, panelHeight);
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL.0: "+GLJPanel.this.getName()+" new alignedImage "+alignedImage.getWidth()+"x"+alignedImage.getHeight()+", "+alignedImage+", pixelBuffer "+pixelBuffer.width+"x"+pixelBuffer.height+", "+pixelBuffer);
final IntBuffer readBackInts;
if( !flipVertical || null != glslTextureRaster ) {
readBackInts = (IntBuffer) pixelBuffer.buffer;
} else {
if( null == readBackIntsForCPUVFlip || pixelBuffer.width * pixelBuffer.height > readBackIntsForCPUVFlip.remaining() ) {
readBackIntsForCPUVFlip = IntBuffer.allocate(pixelBuffer.width * pixelBuffer.height);
readBackInts = readBackIntsForCPUVFlip;
final TextureState usrTexState, fboTexState;
final int fboTexUnit = GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + ( offscreenIsFBO ? ((GLFBODrawable)offscreenDrawable).getTextureUnit() : 0 );
if( offscreenIsFBO ) {
usrTexState = new TextureState(gl, GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
if( fboTexUnit != usrTexState.getUnit() ) {
// glActiveTexture(..) + glBindTexture(..) are implicit performed in GLFBODrawableImpl's
// swapBuffers/contextMadeCurent -> swapFBOImpl.
// We need to cache the texture unit's bound texture-id before it's overwritten.
fboTexState = new TextureState(gl, fboTexUnit, GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D);
} else {
fboTexState = usrTexState;
} else {
usrTexState = null;
fboTexState = null;
// Must now copy pixels from offscreen context into surface
// Save current modes
psm.setAlignment(gl, alignment, alignment);
if(gl.isGL2ES3()) {
final GL2ES3 gl2es3 = gl.getGL2ES3();
gl2es3.glPixelStorei(GL2ES3.GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, panelWidth);
if(null != glslTextureRaster) { // implies flippedVertical
final boolean viewportChange;
final int[] usrViewport = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_VIEWPORT, usrViewport, 0);
viewportChange = 0 != usrViewport[0] || 0 != usrViewport[1] ||
offscreenDrawable.getWidth() != usrViewport[2] || offscreenDrawable.getHeight() != usrViewport[3];
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.postGL: "+GLJPanel.this.getName()+" Viewport: change "+viewportChange+
", "+usrViewport[0]+"/"+usrViewport[1]+" "+usrViewport[2]+"x"+usrViewport[3]+
" -> 0/0 "+offscreenDrawable.getWidth()+"x"+offscreenDrawable.getHeight());
if( viewportChange ) {
gl.glViewport(0, 0, offscreenDrawable.getWidth(), offscreenDrawable.getHeight());
// perform vert-flipping via OpenGL/FBO
final GLFBODrawable fboDrawable = (GLFBODrawable)offscreenDrawable;
final FBObject.TextureAttachment fboTex = fboDrawable.getTextureBuffer(GL.GL_FRONT);
// gl.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + fboDrawable.getTextureUnit()); // implicit by GLFBODrawableImpl: swapBuffers/contextMadeCurent -> swapFBOImpl
gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, fboTex.getName());
// gl.glClear(GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // fboFlipped runs w/o DEPTH!
gl.glReadPixels(0, 0, panelWidth, panelHeight, pixelAttribs.format, pixelAttribs.type, readBackInts);
if( viewportChange ) {
gl.glViewport(usrViewport[0], usrViewport[1], usrViewport[2], usrViewport[3]);
} else {
gl.glReadPixels(0, 0, panelWidth, panelHeight, pixelAttribs.format, pixelAttribs.type, readBackInts);
if ( flipVertical ) {
// Copy temporary data into raster of BufferedImage for faster
// blitting Note that we could avoid this copy in the cases
// where !offscreenDrawable.isGLOriented(),
// but that's the software rendering path which is very slow anyway.
final BufferedImage image = alignedImage;
final int[] src = readBackInts.array();
final int[] dest = ((DataBufferInt) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
final int incr = panelWidth;
int srcPos = 0;
int destPos = (panelHeight - 1) * panelWidth;
for (; destPos >= 0; srcPos += incr, destPos -= incr) {
System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, incr);
if( offscreenIsFBO && fboTexUnit != usrTexState.getUnit() ) {
// Restore saved modes.
// Note: image will be drawn back in paintComponent() for
// correctness on all platforms
public final int getTextureUnit() {
if(null != glslTextureRaster && null != offscreenDrawable) { // implies flippedVertical
return ((GLFBODrawable)offscreenDrawable).getTextureUnit();
return -1;
public final void doPaintComponent(Graphics g) {
helper.invokeGL(offscreenDrawable, offscreenContext, updaterDisplayAction, updaterInitAction);
if ( null != alignedImage ) {
// Draw resulting image in one shot
g.drawImage(alignedImage, 0, 0, alignedImage.getWidth(), alignedImage.getHeight(), null); // Null ImageObserver since image data is ready.
public final void doPlainPaint() {
helper.invokeGL(offscreenDrawable, offscreenContext, updaterPlainDisplayAction, updaterInitAction);
public final boolean handleReshape() {
GLDrawableImpl _drawable = offscreenDrawable;
final GLDrawableImpl _drawableNew = GLDrawableHelper.resizeOffscreenDrawable(_drawable, offscreenContext, panelWidth, panelHeight);
if(_drawable != _drawableNew) {
// write back
_drawable = _drawableNew;
offscreenDrawable = _drawableNew;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.OffscreenBackend.handleReshape: " +panelWidth+"x"+panelHeight + " -> " + _drawable.getWidth()+"x"+_drawable.getHeight());
panelWidth = _drawable.getWidth();
panelHeight = _drawable.getHeight();
if( null != glslTextureRaster ) {
if( GLContext.CONTEXT_NOT_CURRENT < offscreenContext.makeCurrent() ) {
try {
final GL gl = offscreenContext.getGL();
fboFlipped.reset(gl, _drawable.getWidth(), _drawable.getHeight(), 0, false);
glslTextureRaster.reshape(gl.getGL2ES2(), 0, 0, _drawable.getWidth(), _drawable.getHeight());
} finally {
return _drawable.isRealized();
public final GLContext createContext(GLContext shareWith) {
return (null != offscreenDrawable) ? offscreenDrawable.createContext(shareWith) : null;
public final void setContext(GLContext ctx) {
public final GLContext getContext() {
return offscreenContext;
public final GLDrawable getDrawable() {
return offscreenDrawable;
public final GLCapabilitiesImmutable getChosenGLCapabilities() {
if (offscreenDrawable == null) {
return null;
return offscreenDrawable.getChosenGLCapabilities();
public final GLProfile getGLProfile() {
if (offscreenDrawable == null) {
return null;
return offscreenDrawable.getGLProfile();
class J2DOGLBackend implements Backend {
// Opaque Object identifier representing the Java2D surface we are
// drawing to; used to determine when to destroy and recreate JOGL
// context
private Object j2dSurface;
// Graphics object being used during Java2D update action
// (absolutely essential to cache this)
// No-op context representing the Java2D OpenGL context
private GLContext j2dContext;
// Context associated with no-op drawable representing the JOGL
// OpenGL context
private GLDrawable joglDrawable;
// The real OpenGL context JOGL uses to render
private GLContext joglContext;
// State captured from Java2D OpenGL context necessary in order to
// properly render into Java2D back buffer
private final int[] drawBuffer = new int[1];
private final int[] readBuffer = new int[1];
// This is required when the FBO option of the Java2D / OpenGL
// pipeline is active
private final int[] frameBuffer = new int[1];
// Current (as of this writing) NVidia drivers have a couple of bugs
// relating to the sharing of framebuffer and renderbuffer objects
// between contexts. It appears we have to (a) reattach the color
// attachment and (b) actually create new depth buffer storage and
// attach it in order for the FBO to behave properly in our context.
private boolean checkedForFBObjectWorkarounds;
private boolean fbObjectWorkarounds;
private int[] frameBufferDepthBuffer;
private int[] frameBufferTexture;
private boolean createNewDepthBuffer;
// Current (as of this writing) ATI drivers have problems when the
// same FBO is bound in two different contexts. Here we check for
// this case and explicitly release the FBO from Java2D's context
// before switching to ours. Java2D will re-bind the FBO when it
// makes its context current the next time. Interestingly, if we run
// this code path on NVidia hardware, it breaks the rendering
// results -- no output is generated. This doesn't appear to be an
// interaction with the abovementioned NVidia-specific workarounds,
// as even if we disable that code the FBO is still reported as
// incomplete in our context.
private boolean checkedGLVendor;
private boolean vendorIsATI;
// Holding on to this GraphicsConfiguration is a workaround for a
// problem in the Java 2D / JOGL bridge when FBOs are enabled; see
// comment related to Issue 274 below
private GraphicsConfiguration workaroundConfig;
public final boolean isUsingOwnLifecycle() { return true; }
public final void initialize() {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": J2DOGL: initialize()");
// No-op in this implementation; everything is done lazily
isInitialized = true;
public final void destroy() {
Java2D.invokeWithOGLContextCurrent(null, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": J2DOGL: destroy() - joglContext: "+(null!=joglContext)+" - joglDrawable: "+(null!=joglDrawable));
if (joglContext != null) {
joglContext = null;
joglDrawable = null;
if (j2dContext != null) {
j2dContext = null;
public final void setOpaque(boolean opaque) {
// Empty in this implementation
public final GLContext createContext(GLContext shareWith) {
if(null != shareWith) {
throw new GLException("J2DOGLBackend cannot create context w/ additional shared context, since it already needs to share the context w/ J2D.");
return (null != joglDrawable && null != j2dContext) ? joglDrawable.createContext(j2dContext) : null;
public final void setContext(GLContext ctx) {
public final GLContext getContext() {
return joglContext;
public final GLDrawable getDrawable() {
return joglDrawable;
public final int getTextureUnit() { return -1; }
public final GLCapabilitiesImmutable getChosenGLCapabilities() {
// FIXME: should do better than this; is it possible to using only platform-independent code?
return new GLCapabilities(null);
public final GLProfile getGLProfile() {
// FIXME: should do better than this; is it possible to using only platform-independent code?
return GLProfile.getDefault(GLProfile.getDefaultDevice());
public final boolean handleReshape() {
// Empty in this implementation
return true;
public final boolean preGL(Graphics g) {
final GL2 gl = joglContext.getGL().getGL2();
// Set up needed state in JOGL context from Java2D context
Rectangle r = Java2D.getOGLScissorBox(g);
if (r == null) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": Java2D.getOGLScissorBox() returned null");
return false;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: gl.glScissor(" + r.x + ", " + r.y + ", " + r.width + ", " + r.height + ")");
gl.glScissor(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
Rectangle oglViewport = Java2D.getOGLViewport(g, panelWidth, panelHeight);
// If the viewport X or Y changes, in addition to the panel's
// width or height, we need to send a reshape operation to the
// client
if ((viewportX != oglViewport.x) ||
(viewportY != oglViewport.y)) {
sendReshape = true;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": Sending reshape because viewport changed");
System.err.println(" viewportX (" + viewportX + ") ?= oglViewport.x (" + oglViewport.x + ")");
System.err.println(" viewportY (" + viewportY + ") ?= oglViewport.y (" + oglViewport.y + ")");
viewportX = oglViewport.x;
viewportY = oglViewport.y;
// If the FBO option is active, bind to the FBO from the Java2D
// context.
// Note that all of the plumbing in the context sharing stuff will
// allow us to bind to this object since it's in our namespace.
if (Java2D.isFBOEnabled() &&
Java2D.getOGLSurfaceType(g) == Java2D.FBOBJECT) {
// The texture target for Java2D's OpenGL pipeline when using FBOs
int fboTextureTarget = Java2D.getOGLTextureType(g);
if (!checkedForFBObjectWorkarounds) {
checkedForFBObjectWorkarounds = true;
gl.glBindTexture(fboTextureTarget, 0);
gl.glBindFramebuffer(GL2.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer[0]);
int status = gl.glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
// Need to do workarounds
fbObjectWorkarounds = true;
createNewDepthBuffer = true;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: ERR GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: Discovered Invalid J2D FBO("+frameBuffer[0]+"): "+FBObject.getStatusString(status) +
", frame_buffer_object workarounds to be necessary");
} else {
// Don't need the frameBufferTexture temporary any more
frameBufferTexture = null;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: OK GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: "+frameBuffer[0]);
if (fbObjectWorkarounds && createNewDepthBuffer) {
if (frameBufferDepthBuffer == null)
frameBufferDepthBuffer = new int[1];
// Create our own depth renderbuffer and associated storage
// If we have an old one, delete it
if (frameBufferDepthBuffer[0] != 0) {
gl.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, frameBufferDepthBuffer, 0);
frameBufferDepthBuffer[0] = 0;
gl.glBindTexture(fboTextureTarget, frameBufferTexture[0]);
int[] width = new int[1];
int[] height = new int[1];
gl.glGetTexLevelParameteriv(fboTextureTarget, 0, GL2.GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, width, 0);
gl.glGetTexLevelParameteriv(fboTextureTarget, 0, GL2.GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, height, 0);
gl.glGenRenderbuffers(1, frameBufferDepthBuffer, 0);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: Generated frameBufferDepthBuffer " + frameBufferDepthBuffer[0] +
" with width " + width[0] + ", height " + height[0]);
gl.glBindRenderbuffer(GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, frameBufferDepthBuffer[0]);
// FIXME: may need a loop here like in Java2D
gl.glRenderbufferStorage(GL.GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL2GL3.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, width[0], height[0]);
gl.glBindRenderbuffer(GL2.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0);
createNewDepthBuffer = false;
gl.glBindTexture(fboTextureTarget, 0);
gl.glBindFramebuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer[0]);
if (fbObjectWorkarounds) {
// Hook up the color and depth buffer attachment points for this framebuffer
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: frameBufferDepthBuffer: " + frameBufferDepthBuffer[0]);
if (DEBUG) {
int status = gl.glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
throw new GLException("Error: framebuffer was incomplete: status = 0x" +
} else {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: Setting up drawBuffer " + drawBuffer[0] +
" and readBuffer " + readBuffer[0]);
return true;
public final void postGL(Graphics g, boolean isDisplay) {
// Cause OpenGL pipeline to flush its results because
// otherwise it's possible we will buffer up multiple frames'
// rendering results, resulting in apparent mouse lag
GL gl = joglContext.getGL();
if (Java2D.isFBOEnabled() &&
Java2D.getOGLSurfaceType(g) == Java2D.FBOBJECT) {
// Unbind the framebuffer from our context to work around
// apparent driver bugs or at least unspecified behavior causing
// OpenGL to run out of memory with certain cards and drivers
gl.glBindFramebuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
public final void doPaintComponent(final Graphics g) {
// This is a workaround for an issue in the Java 2D / JOGL
// bridge (reported by an end user as JOGL Issue 274) where Java
// 2D can occasionally leave its internal OpenGL context current
// to the on-screen window rather than its internal "scratch"
// pbuffer surface to which the FBO is attached. JOGL expects to
// find a stable OpenGL drawable (on Windows, an HDC) upon which
// it can create another OpenGL context. It turns out that, on
// Windows, when Java 2D makes its internal OpenGL context
// current against the window in order to put pixels on the
// screen, it gets the device context for the window, makes its
// context current, and releases the device context. This means
// that when JOGL's Runnable gets to run below, the HDC is
// already invalid. The workaround for this is to force Java 2D
// to make its context current to the scratch surface, which we
// can do by executing an empty Runnable with the "shared"
// context current. This will be fixed in a Java SE 6 update
// release, hopefully 6u2.
if (Java2D.isFBOEnabled()) {
if (workaroundConfig == null) {
workaroundConfig = GraphicsEnvironment.
Java2D.invokeWithOGLSharedContextCurrent(workaroundConfig, new Runnable() { @Override
public void run() {}});
Java2D.invokeWithOGLContextCurrent(g, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.invokeWithOGLContextCurrent");
// Create no-op context representing Java2D context
if (j2dContext == null) {
j2dContext = factory.createExternalGLContext();
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel.Created External Context: "+j2dContext);
if (DEBUG) {
// j2dContext.setGL(new DebugGL2(j2dContext.getGL().getGL2()));
// Check to see whether we can support the requested
// capabilities or need to fall back to a pbuffer
// FIXME: add more checks?
GL gl = j2dContext.getGL();
if ((getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_RED_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getRedBits()) ||
(getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_GREEN_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getGreenBits()) ||
(getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_BLUE_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getBlueBits()) ||
// (getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_ALPHA_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getAlphaBits()) ||
(getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getAccumRedBits()) ||
(getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getAccumGreenBits()) ||
(getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getAccumBlueBits()) ||
(getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getAccumAlphaBits()) ||
// (getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_DEPTH_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getDepthBits()) ||
(getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_STENCIL_BITS) < offscreenCaps.getStencilBits())) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: Falling back to pbuffer-based support because Java2D context insufficient");
System.err.println(" Available Required");
System.err.println("GL_RED_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_RED_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getRedBits());
System.err.println("GL_GREEN_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_GREEN_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getGreenBits());
System.err.println("GL_BLUE_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_BLUE_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getBlueBits());
System.err.println("GL_ALPHA_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_ALPHA_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getAlphaBits());
System.err.println("GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getAccumRedBits());
System.err.println("GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getAccumGreenBits());
System.err.println("GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getAccumBlueBits());
System.err.println("GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL2.GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getAccumAlphaBits());
System.err.println("GL_DEPTH_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_DEPTH_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getDepthBits());
System.err.println("GL_STENCIL_BITS " + getGLInteger(gl, GL.GL_STENCIL_BITS) + " " + offscreenCaps.getStencilBits());
isInitialized = false;
backend = null;
java2DGLPipelineOK = false;
handleReshape = true;
j2dContext = null;
} else {
try {
captureJ2DState(j2dContext.getGL(), g);
Object curSurface = Java2D.getOGLSurfaceIdentifier(g);
if (curSurface != null) {
if (j2dSurface != curSurface) {
if (joglContext != null) {
joglContext = null;
joglDrawable = null;
sendReshape = true;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": Sending reshape because surface changed");
System.err.println("New surface = " + curSurface);
j2dSurface = curSurface;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.print(getThreadName()+": Surface type: ");
int surfaceType = Java2D.getOGLSurfaceType(g);
if (surfaceType == Java2D.UNDEFINED) {
} else if (surfaceType == Java2D.WINDOW) {
} else if (surfaceType == Java2D.PBUFFER) {
} else if (surfaceType == Java2D.TEXTURE) {
} else if (surfaceType == Java2D.FLIP_BACKBUFFER) {
} else if (surfaceType == Java2D.FBOBJECT) {
} else {
System.err.println("(Unknown surface type " + surfaceType + ")");
if (joglContext == null) {
AbstractGraphicsDevice device = j2dContext.getGLDrawable().getNativeSurface().getGraphicsConfiguration().getScreen().getDevice();
if (factory.canCreateExternalGLDrawable(device)) {
joglDrawable = factory.createExternalGLDrawable();
joglContext = joglDrawable.createContext(j2dContext);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println("-- Created External Drawable: "+joglDrawable);
System.err.println("-- Created Context: "+joglContext);
if (Java2D.isFBOEnabled() &&
Java2D.getOGLSurfaceType(g) == Java2D.FBOBJECT &&
fbObjectWorkarounds) {
createNewDepthBuffer = true;
helper.invokeGL(joglDrawable, joglContext, updaterDisplayAction, updaterInitAction);
} finally {
public final void doPlainPaint() {
helper.invokeGL(joglDrawable, joglContext, updaterPlainDisplayAction, updaterInitAction);
private final void captureJ2DState(GL gl, Graphics g) {
gl.glGetIntegerv(GL2.GL_DRAW_BUFFER, drawBuffer, 0);
gl.glGetIntegerv(GL2.GL_READ_BUFFER, readBuffer, 0);
if (Java2D.isFBOEnabled() &&
Java2D.getOGLSurfaceType(g) == Java2D.FBOBJECT) {
gl.glGetIntegerv(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, frameBuffer, 0);
if(!gl.glIsFramebuffer(frameBuffer[0])) {
fbObjectWorkarounds = true;
createNewDepthBuffer = true;
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: Fetched ERR GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: "+frameBuffer[0]+" - NOT A FBO"+
", frame_buffer_object workarounds to be necessary");
} else if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: Fetched OK GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: "+frameBuffer[0]);
if(fbObjectWorkarounds || !checkedForFBObjectWorkarounds) {
// See above for description of what we are doing here
if (frameBufferTexture == null)
frameBufferTexture = new int[1];
// Query the framebuffer for its color buffer so we can hook
// it back up in our context (should not be necessary)
frameBufferTexture, 0);
if (DEBUG) {
System.err.println(getThreadName()+": GLJPanel: FBO COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: " + frameBufferTexture[0]);
if (!checkedGLVendor) {
checkedGLVendor = true;
String vendor = gl.glGetString(GL.GL_VENDOR);
if ((vendor != null) &&
vendor.startsWith("ATI")) {
vendorIsATI = true;
if (vendorIsATI) {
// Unbind the FBO from Java2D's context as it appears that
// driver bugs on ATI's side are causing problems if the FBO is
// simultaneously bound to more than one context. Java2D will
// re-bind the FBO during the next validation of its context.
// Note: this breaks rendering at least on NVidia hardware
gl.glBindFramebuffer(GL.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);