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org.joinedworkz.common.helper.OpenApiHelper.xtend Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.joinedworkz.common.helper

import java.util.List
import java.util.Map
import java.util.Set
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
import org.joinedworkz.common.adapter.ComponentResourcesAdapter
import org.joinedworkz.common.adapter.MergedOperationInfoAdapterForOperation
import org.joinedworkz.common.adapter.MergedOperationInfosAdapter
import org.joinedworkz.common.adapter.ResourceProvideAdapter
import org.joinedworkz.common.context.CommonGeneratorContext
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnComplexType
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnComponent
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnContent
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnElement
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnModel
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnObject
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnOperationParameter
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnProvidedResource
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnResource
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnResourceOperation
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnResponse
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnService
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnType
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.Verb
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnProperty
import java.util.ArrayList

class OpenApiHelper {
	final static char SLASH = '/'
	extension NameHelper
	extension CmnModelHelper
	extension VariableHelper
	Inflector inflector;
	def boolean isMultiple(CmnContent content) {
        if (content !== null) {
            if (content.maxOccurs !== null) {
                return content.maxOccurs < 0 || content.maxOccurs > 1
        return false
    def String fullQualifiedTypeName(CmnType type) {
        val schemaName = type.schemaName
        if (schemaName.contains('.')) {
        } else {
    def generateContentType(CmnType defaultRepresentation, CmnType representation, String contentType, boolean multiple, boolean hasContext) {
        val contentTypes = generateContentTypes(defaultRepresentation, representation, contentType, multiple, hasContext, false)
        return contentTypes?.head
	def Set generateContentTypes(CmnType defaultRepresentation, CmnType representation, String contentType, boolean multiple, boolean hasContext, boolean additionallyWithDefault) {
        if (representation instanceof CmnComplexType) {
            if (!hasContext && defaultRepresentation == representation) {
            	if (contentType !== null && !contentType.startsWith("*")) {
	                return #{contentType}
	            } else if (contentType == "**") {
                    return  #{"text/plain"}  // identifier
	            } else {
	                if (additionallyWithDefault) {
    	                val contentTypeForRepresentation = vendorSpecificContentType(representation, multiple)
    	                if (contentTypeForRepresentation !== null) {
    	                      return #{'application/json', contentTypeForRepresentation}
	                } else {
                          return #{'application/json'}
            } else if (representation !== null) {
                val contentTypeForRepresentation = vendorSpecificContentType(representation, multiple)
                if (contentTypeForRepresentation !== null) {
                    return #{contentTypeForRepresentation}
        } if (contentType !== null) {
            if (!contentType.startsWith("*")) {
                return #{contentType}
            } else {
                return null
        } else {
            return #{'text/plain'}
    def responseContentTypeFor(MergedResourceOperationPart operationPart, CmnType representedEntity) {
        if (operationPart.produces?.type !== null) {
            return operationPart.produces?.type
    def createResponseInfo(CmnResponse response, CmnResourceOperation operation) {
        val responseInfo = new ResponseInfo(operation, response)
        responseInfo.responseContext = operation.getResponseContext
        responseInfo.responseWrapper = operation.getString("responseWrapper")
        return responseInfo
    def CmnComplexType getResponseContext(CmnResourceOperation operation) {
        val fieldFilters = operation.getProperty("responseContext")
        if (fieldFilters !== null) {
            val value = fieldFilters.value
            if (value instanceof CmnComplexType) {
                return value
    def String simpleRepresentationTypeName(CmnType type, boolean returnsMultiple) {
        if (type instanceof CmnComplexType) {
            return returnsMultiple ? inflector.pluralize(type.schemaName) : type.schemaName
    def schemaNamespace(CmnModel model) {
        val schemaName = model.getString("schemaNamespace")
        if (schemaName !== null) {
            return schemaName
        } else {
            return model.namespace
    def vendorSpecificContentType(CmnType representation, boolean multiple) {
        val representationSchemaName = simpleRepresentationTypeName(representation, multiple)
        if (representationSchemaName !== null) {
            val resourceModel = representation.model
            return vendorSpecificContentType(resourceModel.schemaNamespace, representationSchemaName)
	def String vendorSpecificContentType(String namespace, String typeName) {
        var lastDotIndex = typeName.lastIndexOf('.')
        if (lastDotIndex >= 0 ) {
            var namespacePart = typeName.substring(0,lastDotIndex)
            var namePart = typeName.substring(lastDotIndex+1)
            return 'application/vnd.'+namespacePart+'.'+camelCaseToDashSeperated(namePart).toLowerCase+'+json'
        } else {
            return 'application/vnd.'+namespace+'.'+camelCaseToDashSeperated(typeName).toLowerCase+'+json'
	def void createProvidedResourceAdapters(Iterable components) {
		for (component : components) {
	def Set createProvidedResourceAdaptersForComponent(CmnComponent component) {
		var componentResourcesAdapter = component.getAdapter(ComponentResourcesAdapter)
		val resourcesForApi = newLinkedHashSet
		for (providedResource : component.features.filter(CmnProvidedResource) ) {
			val headResource = providedResource.resourcePath.head
			val lastResource = providedResource.resourcePath.last
			var resourceProvidedAdapter = lastResource.getAdapter(ResourceProvideAdapter)
			if (resourceProvidedAdapter === null) {
				resourceProvidedAdapter = new ResourceProvideAdapter()
			resourceProvidedAdapter.putProvidedResource(component, providedResource)
		if (componentResourcesAdapter === null) {
			componentResourcesAdapter = new ComponentResourcesAdapter()
		componentResourcesAdapter.resourcesForApi = resourcesForApi
		return componentResourcesAdapter.resourcesForApi
	def Map> createMergedResourceOperationInfos(CmnComponent component, CmnResource it, CommonGeneratorContext ctx) {
		return createMergedResourceOperationInfos(component, it, true, ctx)
	def determineControllerTag(CmnProvidedResource it) {
		val controllerName = composeControllerName
		if (controllerName !== null) {
			val lastDotIndex = controllerName.lastIndexOf('.')
			if (lastDotIndex >= 0){
				val shortName = controllerName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1)
				return shortName.camelCaseToDashSeperated
			} else {
				return controllerName.camelCaseToDashSeperated
	def composeControllerName(CmnProvidedResource providedResource) {
		var controllerName = providedResource.getQualifiedControllerNameFromProperty
		if (controllerName === null) {
			val lastResourceInPath = providedResource.resourcePath.last
			val singularResourceName = inflector.singularize(
			controllerName = singularResourceName.dashSeperatedToCamelCase.toFirstUpper + "Controller"
		return controllerName
	def getQualifiedControllerNameFromProperty(CmnElement it) {
		val controller = getProperty('controller')
		if (controller !== null && controller.value !== null) {
			val controllerValue = controller.value
			if (controllerValue instanceof CmnService) {
				return controllerValue.qualifiedName
			} else {
				return controllerValue.toString
	def CmnType determineRepresentation(CmnResourceOperation it) {
	    val representationProperty = it.getProperty("representation")
	    if (representationProperty?.value instanceof CmnType) {
	        return representationProperty.value as CmnType
	    if (container instanceof CmnResource) {
	        val resource = container as CmnResource
	        return resource.determineRepresentation
	def CmnType determineRepresentation(CmnResource it) {
	    if (representation !== null) {
	        return representation
	    } else {
	def CmnResource getContainingResource(CmnObject it) {
	    val containingResource = parentResource
	    if (containingResource === null) {
	        throw new RuntimeException("No parent found for resource: ")
	def CmnResource parentResource(CmnObject it) {
        if (container instanceof CmnResource) {
            return container as CmnResource
        } else if (container !== null) {
	def CmnProvidedResource getProvidedResource(CmnResource it, CmnComponent component) {
		if (it !== null) {
	    	val resourceProvideAdapter = getAdapter(ResourceProvideAdapter)
	    	if (resourceProvideAdapter !== null) {
	    		return resourceProvideAdapter.getProvidedResource(component)
	def Map> createMergedResourceOperationInfos(CmnComponent component, CmnResource it, boolean recursive, CommonGeneratorContext ctx) {
		try {
			val Map> collectedOperationInfos = newLinkedHashMap
		    collectedOperationInfos.collectOperationInfos("", "", newArrayList, component, it, null, recursive)
		    return mergeOperations(collectedOperationInfos, ctx)
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create merged operation infos for component: " +, ex)
	def List resourceAndSubResources(CmnResource it) {
		val resources = newArrayList
		addResourcesRecursive(resources, it)
		return resources
	def void addResourcesRecursive(List resources, CmnResource it) {
		if (subResources !== null) {
			for (subResource : subResources) {
				addResourcesRecursive(resources, subResource)
	def void collectOperationInfos(Map> operationInfos, String parentPath, String idPrefix, List parentPathParameters, CmnComponent component, CmnResource resource, CmnProvidedResource providedResourceOfParent, boolean recursive) {
	    val pathParameters = resource.formattedPathParameters
	    val providedSubResource = getProvidedResource(resource, component) 
	    val providedResource = providedSubResource !== null ? providedSubResource : providedResourceOfParent

	    val collectionOperations = resource.operations?.filter[!instanceOperation].iterableToList
        operationInfos.addOperations(resource, providedResource, collectionOperations, parentPath, idPrefix, pathParameters, parentPathParameters)
        if (recursive) {
	        val collectionSubResources = resource.subResources?.filter[instanceResource === null || !instanceResource].iterableToList
		    if (collectionSubResources !== null) {
	    	        val subIdPrefix = composeSubIdPrefix(resource, idPrefix, false)
	    	        val forInstanceOperation = === null
	    	        val relativePath = composeRelativePath(resource, pathParameters, forInstanceOperation)
		            operationInfos.collectOperationInfos(mergePaths(parentPath, relativePath), subIdPrefix, parentPathParameters, component, it, providedResource, recursive)
	    val instanceOperations = resource.operations?.filter[instanceOperation].iterableToList
	    operationInfos.addOperations(resource, providedResource, instanceOperations, parentPath, idPrefix, pathParameters, parentPathParameters)

       if (recursive) {
	        val instanceSubResources = resource.subResources?.filter[instanceResource !== null && instanceResource].iterableToList
	        if (!instanceSubResources.empty) {
	            val List currentPathParameters = newArrayList
	            if (resource.identifiers !== null) {
	                val subIdPrefix = composeSubIdPrefix(resource, idPrefix, true)
	                val relativePath = composeRelativePath(resource, pathParameters, true)
	                operationInfos.collectOperationInfos(mergePaths(parentPath,relativePath), subIdPrefix, currentPathParameters, component, it, providedResource, recursive)
	def subPathForPath(String rootPath, String path) {
        if (path !== null) {
            val rootPathWithLeadingSlash = "/" + rootPath
            var subPathWithLeadingSlash = path
            if (path.startsWith(rootPathWithLeadingSlash)) {
                subPathWithLeadingSlash = path.substring(rootPathWithLeadingSlash.length)
            var remainingSubPath = subPathWithLeadingSlash
            if (subPathWithLeadingSlash.startsWith("/")) {
                remainingSubPath = subPathWithLeadingSlash.substring(1)
            if (!remainingSubPath.empty) {
                return remainingSubPath
	def schemaName(CmnType type) {
		val schemaName = type.getString("schemaName")
		if (schemaName !== null) {
			return schemaName
		} else {
	def formattedPathParameters(CmnResource it) {
		if (it.identifiers !== null && !identifiers.empty) {
			'''«FOR identifier : identifiers»/{«identifierName(identifier)»}«ENDFOR»'''
		} else {
		    return ''
	def identifierName(CmnOperationParameter it) {
		if (name !== null) {
			return name
		} else if (referencedField !== null) {
	def void addOperations(Map> operationInfos, CmnResource resource, CmnProvidedResource providedResource, List operations, String parentPath, String idPrefix, CharSequence formattedPathParameters, List parentPathParameters) {
        for (operation : operations) {
            val operationInfo = createOperationInfo(parentPath, idPrefix, resource, providedResource, formattedPathParameters, parentPathParameters, operation)
            var operationInfoList = operationInfos.get(operationInfo.path)
            if (operationInfoList === null) {
                operationInfoList = newArrayList
                operationInfos.put(operationInfo.path, operationInfoList)
	def CharSequence generateOperationId(MergedResourceOperationInfo it) {
		val operationId = determineOperationId
		'''operationId: «operationId»'''
	def CmnType determineRepresentedEntity(MergedResourceOperationInfo mergedOperationInfo) {
        val operation = mergedOperationInfo.operations.head
        return operation.determineRepresentation
    def CmnProperty getOperationProperty(MergedResourceOperationInfo mergedOperationInfo, String propertyName) {
         val operation = mergedOperationInfo.operations.head
         return operation.getProperty(propertyName)
    def String determineOperationName(MergedResourceOperationInfo it,  MergedResourceOperationPart operationPart) {
        val explicitName =
        if (explicitName !== null) {
            return explicitName
        val operationNameProperty = operationPart.operation.getProperty('operationName')?.value?.toString
        if (operationNameProperty !== null) {
             if (operationNameProperty.indexOf('$') > -1) {
                    val variables = new UnaryOperator() {
                    override apply(String variableName) {
                       val plural = variableName.endsWith("[]")
                       val postProcessedVariableName = plural ? variableName.substring(0, variableName.length-2) : variableName
                       switch (postProcessedVariableName) {
                           case "entity": {
                               val typeName = determineRepresentedEntity().name
                               if (plural) {
                                   return inflector.pluralize(typeName) 
                               } else {
                                    return typeName
                           case "resource": return
                           case "consumes": {
                               val typeName = operationPart.consumes?.type?.name
                               if (plural) {
                                   return inflector.pluralize(typeName) 
                               } else {
                                    return typeName
                           case "produces": {
                               val typeName = operationPart.produces?.type?.name
                               if (plural) {
                                   return inflector.pluralize(typeName) 
                               } else {
                                    return typeName
                return operationNameProperty.replaceVariables(variables)
             } else {
                 return operationNameProperty
        val operationId = determineIndividualOperationId(operationPart)
        if (operationId !== null) {
            return operationId.lastSegment
        return 'do'
    def String determineOperationId(MergedResourceOperationInfo it) {
        return determineIndividualOperationId(null)
	def String determineIndividualOperationId(MergedResourceOperationInfo it, MergedResourceOperationPart operationPart) {
	    val boolean takeRepresentationName = resource.isCollectionResource && !returnsMultiple
	    val operationIdProperty = getProperty('operationId')
	    val CmnResourceOperation operation = operationPart !== null ? operationPart.operation : operations?.head
	    val String operationName =
	    val CmnContent consumes = operationPart !== null && operationPart.consumes !== null ? operationPart.consumes : consumes.head
	    val operationType = operationPart !== null ? operation.operationType : it.operationType
	    if (operationIdProperty !== null) {
	        var operationId = operationIdProperty.value.toString
	        if (operationId.indexOf('$') > -1) {
	            val variables = new UnaryOperator() {
                    override apply(String variableName) {
                       switch (variableName) {
                           case "entity": return determineRepresentedEntity().name
                           case "resource": return
                           case "consumes": {
                                   if (consumes !== null && consumes.type !== null) {
                                   } else {
                                      val producesProperty = operation.getProperty("produces")
                                      if (producesProperty !== null) {
                                          return producesProperty.value as String
                           case "produces": {
                               if (operation !== null && operation.responses !== null) {
                                   val content = operation.responses?.head?.content
                                   if (content !== null && content.type !== null) {
	            operationId = operationId.replaceVariables(variables)

	        return operationId
	    if (operationName !== null) {
	    	return operationName
	    val resourceName = !== null ? : 'By' + resource.composeResourceName.toFirstUpper
	    val namePostFix = if (takeRepresentationName) else resourceName
	    val name = operationType + namePostFix.toFirstUpper.charSeperatedToCamelCase('-', true)
	    return if (idPrefix !== null && idPrefix.length > 0) idPrefix+"."+name else name
	/* just for debugging */
	def String stringRepresentation(MergedResourceOperationInfo it) {
	    val operationId = determineOperationId
		return path + " " + verb + " (" + operationId + ")"
	def boolean isCollectionResource(CmnResource it) {
	    return it !== null && maxOccurs !== null && maxOccurs !== 1
	def composeSubIdPrefix(CmnResource resource, String parentIdPrefix, boolean instanceOperation) {
	    val name = if (instanceOperation && resource.isCollectionResource) else composeResourceName(resource)
	    if (parentIdPrefix !== null && parentIdPrefix.length > 0) parentIdPrefix + "." + name else name
	def composeResourceName(CmnResource resource) {
		if ( !== null) {
		} else if (resource.identifiers !== null) {
			val buffer = new StringBuilder
			var first = true
			for (identifier : resource.identifiers) {
				if (first) {
					first = false
				} else {
			return buffer.toString
    def Map> mergeOperations(Map> map, CommonGeneratorContext ctx) {
        val Map> mergedInfos = newLinkedHashMap
        if (map !== null) {
            for (entry : map.entrySet) {
                val path = entry.key
                val Map mergedInfosForVerb = newLinkedHashMap

                for (info : entry.value) {
                    var mergedInfo = mergedInfosForVerb.get(info.verb)
                    if (mergedInfo === null) {
                        mergedInfo = new MergedResourceOperationInfo(info)
                        mergedInfosForVerb.put(info.verb, mergedInfo)
                    /* support multiple consumes (=types of request bodies) */
                    if (info.operation.consumes !== null) {
                    if (!info.operation.hasAdapter(MergedOperationInfoAdapterForOperation)) {
//	                    System.out.println("Put adapter for: " + info.operation + " resource name: " + + " verb: " + " path: "+info.path)
	                    info.operation.putAdapter(new MergedOperationInfoAdapterForOperation(mergedInfo)) // allow operation to reference mergedInfo
                val mergedOperationInfoList = mergedInfosForVerb.values.toList
                for (mergedOperationInfo : mergedOperationInfoList) {
                mergedInfos.put(path, mergedOperationInfoList)
                /* create adapter for merged operation infos and add operation infos  */
                for (mergedOperationInfo : mergedOperationInfoList) {
                	val resource = mergedOperationInfo.resource
                	var adapter = resource.getAdapter(MergedOperationInfosAdapter)
                	if (adapter === null) {
                		adapter = new MergedOperationInfosAdapter()
        return mergedInfos
    def List createMergedResourceOperationParts(MergedResourceOperationInfo mergedResourceOperationInfo) {
        if (mergedResourceOperationInfo.operations !== null && !mergedResourceOperationInfo.operations.empty) {
            val operationParts = new ArrayList()
            for (operation : mergedResourceOperationInfo.operations) {
                val hasConsumes = operation.consumes !== null && !operation.consumes.empty
                val hasResponses = operation.responses !== null && !operation.responses.empty
                val producesOfOperation = hasResponses ? operation.responses.filter[statusCode < 300 && content !== null].map[content] : emptyList
                val hasProduces = !producesOfOperation.empty
                if (hasConsumes) {
                    for (consumes : operation.consumes) {
                        if (hasProduces) {
                            for (produces : producesOfOperation) {
                                if (!produces.derivedFromRepresentation) {
                                    val part = createMergedResourceOperationPart(operation, consumes, produces);
                                } else if (!consumes.derivedFromRepresentation || consumes.type === produces.type) {
                                    val part = createMergedResourceOperationPart(operation, consumes, produces);
                        } else {
                            val part = createMergedResourceOperationPart(operation, consumes, null);
                } else if (hasProduces) {
                  for (produces : producesOfOperation) {
                        val part = createMergedResourceOperationPart(operation, null, produces);
                } else {
                    val part = createMergedResourceOperationPart(operation, null, null);
            return operationParts
        return emptyList
    def MergedResourceOperationPart createMergedResourceOperationPart(CmnResourceOperation operation, CmnContent consumes, CmnContent produces) {
        return new MergedResourceOperationPart(operation, consumes, produces)
	def MergedOperationInfoAdapterForOperation(MergedResourceOperationInfo info) {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub")
    def getMergedOperationInfos(CmnResource resource) {
    	val adapter = resource.getAdapter(MergedOperationInfosAdapter)
    	return adapter !== null ? adapter.operationInfos : emptyList
	def createOperationInfo(String parentPath, String idPrefix, CmnResource resource, CmnProvidedResource providedResource, CharSequence pathParameters, List parentPathParameters, CmnResourceOperation operation) {
	    val operationInfo = new ResourceOperationInfo(parentPath, operation, idPrefix)
	    val forInstanceOperation = operation?.instanceOperation || === null
	    val relativePath = composeRelativePath(resource, pathParameters, forInstanceOperation)
	    operationInfo.path = mergePaths(parentPath,relativePath)
	    if (operationInfo.path === null) {
	    	throw new RuntimeException("OperationInfo path is null")
	    operationInfo.resource = resource
	    operationInfo.providedResource = providedResource
	    return operationInfo
	def composeRelativePath(CmnResource it, CharSequence pathParameters, boolean forInstanceOperation) {
		val resourcePath = pathSegment
		if (resourcePath === null) {
			return forInstanceOperation ? pathParameters : ""
		} else {
			return forInstanceOperation ? resourcePath + pathParameters : resourcePath

	def String mergePaths(CharSequence parentPath, CharSequence subPath) {
		if (subPath !== null && subPath.length > 0) {
			if (subPath.charAt(0) === SLASH) {
				return parentPath + subPath.toString
			} else {
				return parentPath + "/" + subPath 
		} else {
			return parentPath.toString
	def String pathSegment(CmnResource it) {
	    return name
	def  iterableToList(Iterable it) {
	    if (it !== null) {
	    } else {

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