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org.joinedworkz.common.helper.CmnModelHelper.xtend Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.joinedworkz.common.helper
import java.util.Collection
import java.util.Collections
import java.util.List
import java.util.Set
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
import org.joinedworkz.common.adapter.KeyAdapter
import org.joinedworkz.common.strategies.ColumnNameStrategy
import org.joinedworkz.common.strategies.DtoFieldNameStrategy
import org.joinedworkz.common.strategies.TableNameStrategy
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnCardinality
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnComplexType
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnElement
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnEnumeration
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnField
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnFieldContainer
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnFieldSet
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnModel
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnNamedObject
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnObject
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnOperation
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnOperationContainer
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnOperationParameter
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnPlatform
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnPropertyDefinition
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnResource
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnService
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnType
import org.joinedworkz.core.model.CmnProperty
class CmnModelHelper {
TableNameStrategy tableNameStrategy
DtoFieldNameStrategy dtoNameStrategy
ColumnNameStrategy columnNameStrategy
val static char BRACKET = '('
val static char DOT = '.'
protected extension NameHelper nameHelper = new NameHelper
protected extension StringHelper stringHelper = new StringHelper
final protected static String JAVA_NAME = "javaName";
final protected static String JAVA_TYPE = "javaType";
final protected static String TABLE_NAME = "tableName";
final protected static String COLUMN_NAME = "columnName";
final protected static String COLUMN_TYPE = "columnType";
def String lastSegment(String type) {
if (type !== null) {
val bracketIndex = type.indexOf(BRACKET)
var relevantDotIndex = -1
if (bracketIndex > 0) {
val beforeBracket = type.substring(0,bracketIndex)
relevantDotIndex = beforeBracket.lastIndexOf(DOT)
} else {
relevantDotIndex = type.lastIndexOf(DOT)
if (relevantDotIndex > 0) {
return type.substring(relevantDotIndex + 1)
return type
def classPrefixForNamespace(CmnModel model) {
if (model !== null) {
val segments = model.namespace.split('\\.')
val segmentCount = segments.size
if (segmentCount > 2) {
return segments.get(segmentCount-2).toFirstUpper + segments.get(segmentCount-1).toFirstUpper
} else if (segmentCount == 2) {
return segments.get(segmentCount-1).toFirstUpper
} else {
return model.namespace
} else {
return "UNDEFINED"
def String packageSegments(String type) {
if (type !== null) {
val lastDotIndex = type.lastIndexOf('.')
if (lastDotIndex > 0) {
return type.substring(0,lastDotIndex)
return type
def CmnModel getModel(CmnElement cmnObject) {
if (cmnObject instanceof CmnModel) {
return cmnObject
} else if (cmnObject.container !== null) {
return getModel(cmnObject.container)
} else {
throw new RuntimeException('Model not found for element of type ' + cmnObject?.class.canonicalName)
def concreteFieldContainers(CmnModel model) {
model.modelElements.filter(e | isDtoObject(e)).filter(CmnFieldContainer).filter[isConcrete]
def boolean isDtoObject(CmnObject it) {
return it instanceof CmnFieldContainer && !(it instanceof CmnFieldSet)
def isConcrete(CmnFieldContainer it) {
abstract === null || !abstract
def isFinalized(CmnObject it) {
def isAvailableInPlatform(CmnObject it, String qualifiedPlatformName) {
val modelOfObject = model
if (modelOfObject.isTrue('finalized')) {
return modelOfObject.platform.isPlatform(qualifiedPlatformName)
return true
def boolean isPlatform(CmnPlatform platform, String qualifiedPlatformName) {
if (platform.qualifiedName == qualifiedPlatformName) {
return true
} else if (platform.basePlatform !== null) {
return isPlatform(platform.basePlatform, qualifiedPlatformName)
} else {
return false
def boolean multipleOccurences(Integer maxOccurs) {
return maxOccurs !== null && (1 !== maxOccurs)
def CmnFieldContainer getBaseFieldContainer(CmnElement it) {
if (it instanceof CmnType) {
val baseType = it.baseType
if (baseType instanceof CmnComplexType) {
return baseType
return null
def Set collectBaseTypes(Set types) {
var collectedTypes = newLinkedHashSet
for (type : types) {
addBaseTypeRecursive(collectedTypes, type)
return collectedTypes
def void addBaseTypeRecursive(Set collectedTypes, CmnType type) {
val baseType = type.baseType
if (baseType !== null) {
addBaseTypeRecursive(collectedTypes, baseType)
def determineMappedSourceTypes(CmnComplexType dtoType) {
val baseTypes = newLinkedHashSet
val sourceTypes = dtoType.fields.filter[sourceField !== null].map[sourceField.container].filter(CmnComplexType).toSet
for (sourceType : sourceTypes) {
val baseType = sourceType.baseType
if (baseType !== null && sourceTypes.contains(baseType)) {
return sourceTypes
def String getName(CmnElement cmnObject) {
if (cmnObject instanceof CmnNamedObject) {
def String getName(CmnOperationParameter it) {
if (name !== null) {
return name
} else if (referencedField !== null) {
return referencedField.getName()
def qualifiedName(CmnNamedObject it) {
return model.namespace+'.'+name
def Iterable getPropertyValues(CmnObject object, String propertyName) {
val propertyValue = getPropertyValue(object, propertyName)
if (propertyValue === null) {
return emptySet
} else if (propertyValue instanceof Collection) {
return propertyValue
} else {
return Collections.singleton(propertyValue)
def boolean hasProperty(CmnObject it, String propertyName) {
if (properties !== null) {
return getProperty(propertyName) !== null;
return false;
def getPropertyValue(CmnObject it, String propertyName) {
val property = getProperty(propertyName)
if (property !== null) {
return property.getValue() as T
def Integer getInteger(CmnObject object, String propertyName) {
val property = object.getProperty(propertyName)
if (property !== null) {
val propertyValue = property.value
if (propertyValue instanceof Integer) {
return propertyValue as Integer
def Boolean getBoolean(CmnObject object, String propertyName) {
val property = object.getProperty(propertyName)
if (property !== null) {
val propertyValue = property.value
if (propertyValue instanceof Boolean) {
return propertyValue as Boolean
def boolean isTrue(CmnObject object, String propertyName) {
val property = object.getProperty(propertyName)
return property.isTrue()
def boolean isTrue(CmnProperty property) {
if (property !== null) {
val propertyValue = property.value
if (propertyValue instanceof Boolean) {
return (propertyValue as Boolean).booleanValue
return false
def boolean isFalse(CmnObject object, String propertyName) {
val property = object.getProperty(propertyName)
return property.isFalse()
def boolean isFalse(CmnProperty property) {
if (property !== null) {
val propertyValue = property.value
if (propertyValue instanceof Boolean) {
return !(propertyValue as Boolean).booleanValue
return false
def titleFromDescription(String description) {
val titleLine = textInLineAfterMarker(description, '@title')
if (titleLine !== null) {
return titleLine.trim
def descriptionText(String description) {
if (description !== null) {
val lastAnnotationIndex = description.lastIndexOf('@')
if (lastAnnotationIndex == -1) {
return description
} else {
val textBeginIndex = indexOfLineBreakAfter(description, lastAnnotationIndex)
if (textBeginIndex >= 0) {
return description.substring(textBeginIndex).trim()
def determineEnumType(CmnType type) {
if (type instanceof CmnEnumeration) {
return type.hasStereoType('integer') ? 'Integer' : null
def String javaType(CmnElement object) {
if (object !== null) {
val javaType = object.javaTypeProperty
if (javaType !== null) {
return javaType
if (object instanceof CmnField) {
return object.type?.name
} else if (object instanceof CmnType) {
def javaTypeProperty(CmnElement it) {
def CmnType keyType(CmnType it) {
if (it instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
return keyFieldOfType?.type
def String keyJavaName(CmnType it) {
if (it instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
return keyFieldOfType?.javaName
def CmnField keyFieldOfType(CmnType it) {
return keyFieldOfType(true)
def CmnField keyFieldOfType(CmnType it, boolean throwExceptionIfNoKeyField) {
if (it instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
var keyAdapter = getAdapter(KeyAdapter) // cache key field for containing type (the referenced type)
if (keyAdapter === null) {
var keyField = keyFields?.head
if (keyField === null) {
keyField = baseType?.keyFieldOfType(throwExceptionIfNoKeyField)
if (throwExceptionIfNoKeyField && keyField === null) {
System.err.println("Key field not found of type: " + name)
System.err.println("Key fields size: " + keyFields.size)
throw new IllegalStateException("No key fields found for type: " + name)
keyAdapter = new KeyAdapter(keyField)
return keyAdapter.keyField
def isKey(CmnField it) {
if (container instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
return (container as CmnFieldContainer).containsKeyField(it)
} else {
hasStereoType('key') // TODO remove this deprecated variant
def boolean containsKeyField(CmnFieldContainer container, CmnField field) {
val containsKey = container.keyFields?.contains(field)
if (containsKey) {
return true
} else if (container.container instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
val containerContainsKey = (container.container as CmnFieldContainer).containsKeyField(field)
if (containsKey) {
return true
return field.hasStereoType('key') // TODO remove this deprecated variant
def isVersion(CmnField it) {
def String javaType(CmnOperationParameter object) {
if (object.type !== null) {
return object.type.javaType
} else if (object.referencedField !== null) {
return object.referencedField.javaDtoFieldType
def CmnType dtoFieldType(CmnField field) {
if (field.isReferenceField) {
if (field.isRelation !== null && field.isRelation.booleanValue) {
val relatedContainer = field.sourceField.container
if (relatedContainer instanceof CmnType) {
return relatedContainer.keyType
val keyFieldType = field.referencedRootField.type.keyType
if (keyFieldType === null) {
System.err.println("Error: key type not found for field " + + ' of type ' +
return keyFieldType
} else {
return field.type
def CmnType typeOfField(CmnField field) {
if (field.type !== null) {
return field.type
} else if (field.sourceField !== null) {
return typeOfField(field.sourceField)
def CmnField referencedRootField(CmnField field) {
if (field.sourceField !== null && !field.relationField) {
System.out.println("Get root of: " +"."
return field.sourceField.referencedRootField
} else {
return field
def Iterable collectAllReferences(CmnFieldContainer it, List references) {
val base = baseFieldContainer
if (base !== null) {
return references
def Iterable collectReferencesToBeImplemented(CmnFieldContainer it, List references) {
val base = baseFieldContainer
if (base !== null && base.abstract) {
return references
def boolean isReferenceField(CmnField field) {
if (Boolean.TRUE === field.isReference) {
return true
} else if (field.sourceField !== null && !field.relationField) {
val processedFields = newHashSet
return field.sourceField.isReferenceFieldRecursive(processedFields)
return false
def boolean isReferenceFieldRecursive(CmnField field, Set processedFields) {
if (processedFields.contains(field)) {
System.out.println("Field already processed: " +
return false
if (Boolean.TRUE === field.isReference) {
return true
} else if (field.sourceField !== null) {
if (processedFields.contains(field.sourceField)) {
System.out.println("Source field already processed: " +
return false
return field.sourceField.isReferenceFieldRecursive(processedFields)
return false
def String javaDtoFieldType(CmnField field) {
if (field !== null) {
if (!field.isReferenceField) { // ignore type property in case of reference (then the type property of the key-field is relevant)
val typeFromProperty = field.javaTypeProperty
if (typeFromProperty !== null) {
return typeFromProperty
val dtoType = field.dtoFieldType
if (dtoType !== null) {
return dtoType.javaType
} else {
return 'String'
} else {
return null
def String javaDtoFieldName(CmnField field) {
return dtoNameStrategy.apply(field)
def String sourceFieldJavaNameRecursive(CmnField field) {
if (field.sourceField !== null) {
return field.sourceField.sourceFieldJavaNameRecursive
} else {
return field.javaName
def String javaName(CmnField field) {
val javaName = field.getString(JAVA_NAME)
if (javaName !== null) {
return javaName
} else {
def String javaName(CmnOperationParameter it) {
if (name !== null) {
return name
} else if (referencedField !== null) {
return referencedField.javaDtoFieldName
def String parameterName(CmnOperationParameter it) {
if (name !== null) {
return name
} else if (referencedField !== null) {
return referencedField.javaName
def String tableName(CmnElement object) {
if (object instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
val tableName = object.getString(TABLE_NAME)
if (tableName !== null) {
return tableName
// TODO instead of explicitly calling the following method invoke table name strategy on all related model elements
return tableNameStrategy.defaultTableName(object)
def String columnName(CmnField field) {
if (field !== null) {
val javaName = field.getString(COLUMN_NAME)
if (javaName !== null) {
return javaName
// TODO instead of explicitly calling the following method invoke column name strategy on all related model elements
return columnNameStrategy.defaultColumnName(field)
def String columnType(CmnField field) {
val columnType = field.getString(COLUMN_TYPE)
val javaType = field.javaDtoFieldType
if (columnType !== null) {
return columnType
} else if (javaType !== null) {
if (javaType.endsWith('UUID')) {
return 'UUID'
} else if (javaType.endsWith('Integer')) {
val precision = field.getInteger('precision')
if (precision !== null && precision < 5) {
return 'SMALLINT'
} else {
return 'INTEGER'
} else if (javaType.endsWith('Long')) {
return 'BIGINT'
} else if (javaType.endsWith('String')) {
return 'VARCHAR'
if (field.type instanceof CmnEnumeration) {
val enumType = determineEnumType(field.type)
if (enumType == 'Integer') {
return 'INTEGER'
} else {
return 'VARCHAR'
val typeName = field.type?.name?.toUpperCase
if (hasStereoTypeString(field.type)) {
if ("TEXT" != typeName) {
return "VARCHAR"
if (field.type instanceof CmnComplexType) {
return 'JSON'
return typeName
def firstStereoType(CmnObject it) {
if (stereoTypes !== null) {
return stereoTypes.head
def hasStereoType(CmnObject it, String stereoTypeName) {
return stereoTypes !== null && stereoTypes.contains(stereoTypeName)
def hasStereoType(CmnComplexType it, String stereoTypeName) {
return stereoTypes !== null && stereoTypes.contains(stereoTypeName)
def hasStereoType(CmnFieldContainer it, String stereoTypeName) {
return stereoTypes !== null && stereoTypes.contains(stereoTypeName)
def hasStereoTypeContainedIn(CmnObject it, String ...stereoTypeNames) {
if ( stereoTypes !== null) {
for (stereoTypeName : stereoTypeNames) {
if (stereoTypes.contains(stereoTypeName)) {
return true
return false
def hasStereoTypeString(CmnType it) {
def boolean isFieldOfType(CmnField field, CmnType sourceType) {
val fieldContainer = field.container
return fieldContainer.isInstanceOfType(sourceType)
def boolean isInstanceOfType(CmnObject object, CmnType type) {
if (object instanceof CmnType) {
if (object == type) {
return true
} else if (object.baseType !== null) {
return isInstanceOfType(object.baseType, type)
return false
def Iterable allFieldsOfType(CmnType type, boolean pullAllBaseFields) {
if (type instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
return (type as CmnFieldContainer).allFields(pullAllBaseFields)
} else {
return emptyList
def Iterable allFields(CmnFieldContainer fieldContainer, boolean pullAllBaseFields) {
if (fieldContainer instanceof CmnComplexType) {
val Collection allFields = newArrayList
collectFields(allFields, fieldContainer, pullAllBaseFields)
return allFields
} else {
return fieldContainer.fields
def void collectFields(Collection collectedFields, CmnType type, boolean pullAllBaseFields) {
if (type instanceof CmnComplexType) {
if (pullAllBaseFields || type.hasAbstractBaseType) {
collectFields(collectedFields, type.baseType, pullAllBaseFields)
def Iterable allDtoFields(CmnFieldContainer fieldContainer, boolean pullAllBaseFields) {
if (fieldContainer instanceof CmnComplexType) {
val Collection allFields = newArrayList
collectDtoFields(allFields, fieldContainer, pullAllBaseFields)
return allFields
} else {
return fieldContainer.dtoFields
def void collectDtoFields(Collection collectedFields, CmnType type, boolean pullAllBaseFields) {
if (type instanceof CmnComplexType) {
if (pullAllBaseFields || type.hasAbstractBaseType) {
collectFields(collectedFields, type.baseType, pullAllBaseFields)
def Iterable dtoFields(CmnFieldContainer it) {
return fields.filter[!isM2NRelation && !isOneToManyRelation]
def isOneToManyRelation(CmnField it) {
if (isReferenceField) {
return isCollection && sourceField !== null
} else {
return false
def isM2NRelation(CmnField it) {
if (isRelationField) {
return isCollection && sourceField !== null && sourceField.isCollection
} else {
return false
// def Collection allOperations(CmnOperationContainer service, boolean pullAllBaseOperations) {
// if (service.operations !== null) {
// return service.operations
// }
// return Collections.emptyList
// }
def Collection allOperations(CmnOperationContainer operationContainer, boolean pullAllBaseOperations) {
if (operationContainer instanceof CmnService) {
return operationContainer.operations;
} else {
val Collection allOperations = newArrayList
collectOperations(allOperations, operationContainer, pullAllBaseOperations)
return allOperations
def void collectOperations(Collection collectedOperations, CmnElement type, boolean pullAllBaseOperations) {
if (type instanceof CmnComplexType) {
if (pullAllBaseOperations || type.hasAbstractBaseType) {
collectOperations(collectedOperations, type.baseType, pullAllBaseOperations)
if (type instanceof CmnFieldContainer) {
def CmnType determineReturnType(CmnOperation operation) {
if (operation.returnType !== null) {
return operation.returnType
} else if (operation.baseOperation !== null) {
return determineReturnType(operation.baseOperation);
def boolean hasAbstractBaseType(CmnComplexType it) {
val baseFieldContainer = getBaseFieldContainer
return baseFieldContainer.isAbstract
def boolean isAbstract(CmnFieldContainer it) {
if (it !== null) {
val isAbstract = it.abstract
return isAbstract !== null && isAbstract
} else {
return false
def boolean isAbstract(CmnOperation it) {
if (it !== null) {
val isAbstract = it.abstract
return isAbstract !== null && isAbstract
} else {
return false
def boolean isCollection(CmnCardinality it) {
if (it !== null) {
return maxOccurs !== null && (maxOccurs < 0 || maxOccurs > 1)
} else {
return false
def boolean isRequired(CmnCardinality it) {
if (it !== null) {
return minOccurs !== null && minOccurs > 0
} else {
return false
def boolean isCollection(CmnOperationParameter it) {
if (it !== null) {
if (referencedField !== null) {
return referencedField.isCollection || isCollection(it as CmnCardinality)
} else {
return isCollection(it as CmnCardinality)
} else {
return false
def boolean isCollection(CmnField field) {
val collectionIsSpecifiedOnField = field.maxOccurs !== null && (field.maxOccurs < 0 || field.maxOccurs > 1)
if (collectionIsSpecifiedOnField) {
return true
if (field.relation !== null) {
val fieldContainer = field.container
if (field.relation.leftType == fieldContainer) {
return field.relation.leftMaxOccurs !== null &&
(field.relation.leftMaxOccurs < 0 || field.relation.leftMaxOccurs > 1)
} else
(field.relation.rightType == fieldContainer)
return field.relation.rightMaxOccurs !== null &&
(field.relation.rightMaxOccurs < 0 || field.relation.rightMaxOccurs > 1)
return false
def isRelationField(CmnField it) {
if (isRelation !== null && isRelation) {
return isCollection && sourceField !== null && sourceField.isCollection
} else {
return false
def List getImmutableFields(CmnFieldContainer it, boolean recursive) {
if (it !== null) {
val immutable = hasStereoType('immutable')
val immutableFields = newArrayList
if (recursive) {
immutableFields .addAll(getImmutableFields(baseFieldContainer, true))
immutableFields.addAll(fields.filter[immutable || hasStereoType('immutable')])
return immutableFields
} else {
return emptyList
def boolean hasImmutableFields(CmnFieldContainer it, boolean recursive) {
if (it !== null && fields !== null && !fields.empty) {
if (hasStereoType('immutable')) {
return true
if (fields.exists[hasStereoType('immutable')]) {
return true
if (recursive) {
return hasImmutableFields(baseFieldContainer, true)
return false
def Iterable allImmutableFields(CmnFieldContainer complexType) {
val baseImmutableFields = complexType.baseFieldContainer.getImmutableFields(true).filter[!isCollection]
val immutableFields = complexType.getImmutableFields(false).filter[!isCollection]
if (!immutableFields.empty || !baseImmutableFields.empty) {
val allImmutableFields = newArrayList
return allImmutableFields
return emptyList
def CmnResource lastResourceOfPath(List resourcePath) {
if (resourcePath !== null) {
for (var i=resourcePath.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
val segment = resourcePath.get(i)
if (segment.resource !== null) {
return segment.resource
def DataInfo createDataInfo(CmnData data) {
val List composedResourcePath = newArrayList
val dataInfo = composeDataInfo(composedResourcePath, data)
dataInfo.resourcePath = composedResourcePath
/* determine required data */
val requiredData = newLinkedHashSet
for (pathSegment : dataInfo.resourcePath) {
if (pathSegment.parameter !== null) {
val parameter = pathSegment.parameter
if ( !== null) {
} else if (parameter.fieldSource instanceof CmnData) {
requiredData.add(parameter.fieldSource as CmnData)
dataInfo.requiredData = requiredData
if (!dataInfo.resourcePath.empty) {
val lastResource = dataInfo.resourcePath.lastResourceOfPath
if (dataInfo.type === null && lastResource.representation instanceof CmnComplexType) {
if (dataInfo.resourceOperation?.responses !== null) {
val firstResponse = dataInfo.resourceOperation.responses.head
if (firstResponse?.content !== null) {
val response = firstResponse.content
val responseType = response.type
if (responseType !== null) {
dataInfo.type = responseType as CmnComplexType
dataInfo.multiple = response.maxOccurs !== null && response.maxOccurs == -1
if (dataInfo.type === null) {
dataInfo.type = lastResource.representation as CmnComplexType
dataInfo.multiple = lastResource.maxOccurs !== null && lastResource.maxOccurs == -1
val lastSegment = dataInfo.resourcePath?.last
val lastIsParameter = lastSegment.parameter !== null // TODO refactore to support multiple parameters
if (lastIsParameter || dataInfo.itemOfCollection) {
dataInfo.multiple = false // TODO consider ordering in case of multiple parameters
if (dataInfo.type instanceof CmnComplexType) {
val List fieldList = newArrayList
dataInfo.fields = fieldList
dataInfo.keyField = dataInfo.type.keyFieldOfType(false)
} else {
dataInfo.fields = Collections.emptyList
if (dataInfo.resourceOperation !== null) {
val pagination = dataInfo.resourceOperation.isTrue('pagination')
val paging = dataInfo.resourceOperation.isTrue('paging')
if (pagination || paging) {
dataInfo.supportPagination = true;
} else {
dataInfo.supportPagination = false;
return dataInfo
def DataInfo composeDataInfo(List composedResourcePath, CmnData data) {
if (data instanceof CmnReferenceData) {
addResourcesFromResourcePath(composedResourcePath, data.resourcePath)
var DataInfo dataInfo
if (data.referencedComponent !== null) {
dataInfo = new DataInfo()
dataInfo.referencedComponent = data.referencedComponent
} else {
val referencedData = data.referencedData
dataInfo = composeDataInfo(composedResourcePath, referencedData)
} = data =
dataInfo.itemOfCollection = data.itemOfCollection;
dataInfo.queryParameterValues = data.queryParameterValues
if (data.resourceOperation !== null) {
dataInfo.resourceOperation = data.resourceOperation
if (data.eventHandling !== null) {
dataInfo.initEventHandling = data.eventHandling
if (data.type instanceof CmnComplexType) {
dataInfo.type = data.type as CmnComplexType
if (data.cardinality !== null) {
dataInfo.multiple = data.cardinality.maxOccurs !== null && data.cardinality.maxOccurs == -1
} else {
dataInfo.multiple = false
return dataInfo
} else if (data instanceof CmnResourceData) {
val dataInfo = new DataInfo() = data =
if (data.type !== null) {
dataInfo.type = data.type as CmnComplexType
if (data.cardinality !== null) {
dataInfo.multiple = data.cardinality.maxOccurs !== null && data.cardinality.maxOccurs == -1
} else {
dataInfo.multiple = false
val locationProperty = data.getProperty('location')
if (locationProperty !== null) {
if (locationProperty.value instanceof CmnPropertyDefinition) {
dataInfo.locationProperty = locationProperty.value as CmnPropertyDefinition
} else {
System.out.println("location is not instance of " + CmnPropertyDefinition.canonicalName)
addResourcesFromResourcePath(composedResourcePath, data.resourcePath)
dataInfo.itemOfCollection = data.itemOfCollection;
dataInfo.queryParameterValues = data.queryParameterValues
if (data.resourceOperation !== null) {
dataInfo.resourceOperation = data.resourceOperation
if (data.eventHandling !== null) {
dataInfo.initEventHandling = data.eventHandling
return dataInfo;
def addResourcesFromResourcePath(List composedResourcePath, List resourcePath) {
if (resourcePath !== null) {
for (var i = resourcePath.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
val resourcePathSegment = resourcePath.get(i)