org.joinfaces.javaxfaces.JavaxFacesProperties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.joinfaces.javaxfaces;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
* JavaxFaces standard properties.
* Taken from
* https://javaserverfaces.java.net/docs/2.2/javadocs/constant-values.html
* @author Marcelo Fernandes
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "jsf")
public class JavaxFacesProperties {
* Set the project stage to "Development", "UnitTest", "SystemTest", or
* "Production".
private String projectStage;
* A space separated list of resource extensions for types that shouldn't be
* served by the ResourceHandler implementation. See the specification for
* further details.
private String resourceExcludes;
* If a <context-param>
* the param name equal to the value of
* {@link #WEBAPP_CONTRACTS_DIRECTORY_PARAM_NAME} exists, the runtime must
* interpret its value as a path, relative to the web app root, where
* resource library contracts are to be located. This param value must not
* start with a "/", though it may contain "/" characters. If no such
* <context-param>
exists, or its value is invalid, the
* value "contracts", without the quotes, must be used by the runtime as the
* value.
* @since 2.2
private String webappContractsDirectory;
* If a <context-param>
* the param name equal to the value of
* {@link #WEBAPP_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY_PARAM_NAME} exists, the runtime must
* interpret its value as a path, relative to the web app root, where
* resources are to be located. This param value must not start with a "/",
* though it may contain "/" characters. If no such
* <context-param>
exists, or its value is invalid, the
* value "resources", without the quotes, must be used by the runtime as the
* value.
* @since 2.2
private String webappResourcesDirectory;
* Semicolon-separated list of view IDs that must save state using the JSF
* 1.2-style state saving.
private String fullStateSavingViewIds;
* If true, use the JSF2 partial state saving for views.
private Boolean partialStateSaving;
* If this param is set, and calling toLowerCase().equals("true") on a
* String representation of its value returns true, and the
* javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD is set to "server" (as indicated below),
* the server state must be guaranteed to be Serializable such that the
* aggregate state implements java.io.Serializable. The intent of this
* parameter is to ensure that the act of writing out the state to an
* ObjectOutputStream would not throw a NotSerializableException, but the
* runtime is not required verify this before saving the state.
private Boolean serializeServerState;
* "server" or "client".
private String stateSavingMethod;
* Change the default suffix for JSP views.
private String defaultSuffix;
* ViewHandler. Useful for applications that use legacy Facelets
* implementation.
private Boolean disableFaceletJsfViewhandler;
* The buffer size set on the response.
private Integer faceletsBufferSize;
* TagDecorator implementations. See javadoc for javax.faces.view
* .facelets.TagDecorator.
private String faceletsDecorators;
* Semicolon-separated list of paths to Facelet tag libraries.
private String faceletsLibraries;
* Time in seconds that facelets should be checked for changes since last
* request. A value of -1 disables refresh checking.
private Integer faceletsRefreshPeriod;
* If true, strip XML comments out of Facelets before delivering to the
* client.
private Boolean faceletsSkipComments;
* Set the suffix for Facelet xhtml files.
private String faceletsSuffix;
* Semicolon-separated list of Facelet files that don't use the default
* facelets suffix.
private String faceletsViewMappings;
* The ServletContext
* parameter consulted by the UIComponent
to tell whether or
* not the {@link #CURRENT_COMPONENT} and
* {@link #CURRENT_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT} attribute keys should be honored as
* specified.
* If this parameter is not specified, or is set to false, the contract
* specified by the {@link #CURRENT_COMPONENT} and
* {@link #CURRENT_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT} method is not honored. If this
* parameter is set to true, the contract is honored.
private Boolean honorCurrentComponentAttributes;
* If "true", validate null and empty values. If "auto" validate when
* JSR-303 Bean Validation is enabled (in AS6 it is enabled by default).
private String validateEmptyFields;
* The context-param that allows the separator
* char for clientId strings to be set on a per-web application basis.
* @since 2.0
private String separatorChar;
private Partial partial = new Partial();
* Controls if DateTimeConverter instances use the system timezone (if true)
* or GMT (if false).
private Boolean datetimeconverterDefaultTimezoneIsSystemTimezone;
private Flow flow = new Flow();
private Validator validator = new Validator();
* An implementation of javax.faces .view.facelets .ResourceResolver. See
* javadoc for details.
private String faceletsResourceResolver;
* Comma-delimited list of faces config files.
private String configFiles;
* ID for alternate Lifecycle implementations.
private String lifecycleId;
* The context-param that controls the
* operation of the ClientWindow
feature. The runtime must
* support the values "none" and "url", without the quotes, but other values
* are possible. If not specified, or the value is not understood by the
* implementation, "none" is assumed.
* @since 2.2
private String clientWindowMode;
* If true, consider empty UIInput values to be null instead of empty
* string.
private Boolean interpretEmptyStringSubmittedValuesAsNull;
* Interpret empty string submitted values as null constant.
public static final String EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL
* Partial class for execute, render and resetValues parameters.
public static class Partial {
* The request parameter name whose request parameter value is a
* Collection
of client identifiers identifying the
* components that must be processed during the
* Apply Request Values, Process Validations, and
* Update Model Values phases of the request processing
* lifecycle.
* @since 2.0
private Boolean execute;
* The request parameter name whose request parameter value is a
* Collection
of client identifiers identifying the
* components that must be processed during the
* Render Response phase of the request processing
* lifecycle.
* @since 2.0
private Boolean render;
* If the request parameter named by the value of this constant has a
* parameter value of true
, the implementation must return
* true
from {@link #isResetValues}.
* @since 2.2
private Boolean resetValues;
* Flow class for nullFlow parameter.
public static class Flow {
* Components that are rendered by
* Renderers
of component-family
* javax.faces.OutcomeTarget
must use this constant as the
* value of the parameter named by
* {@link #TO_FLOW_DOCUMENT_ID_REQUEST_PARAM_NAME} when returning from a
* flow (without entering another flow) using such a component.
* @since 2.2
private Boolean nullFlow;
* Valitador class for disableDefaultBeanValidator parameter.
public static class Validator {
* If "true", disable JSR-303 Bean Validation.
private Boolean disableDefaultBeanValidator;