org.jparsec.OperatorTable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.jparsec;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.jparsec.internal.annotations.Private;
import org.jparsec.internal.util.Lists;
* Builds {@link Parser} to parse expressions with operator-precedence grammar. The operators
* and precedences are declared in this table.
* Operators have precedences. The higher the precedence number, the higher the precedence. For
* the same precedence, prefix > postfix > left-associative > non-associative > right-associative.
For example:
* {@code
* Unary negate = new Unary() {... return -n; };
* Binary plus = new Binary() {... return a + b; };
* Binary minus = new Binary() {... return a - b; };
* ...
* Terminals terms = Terminals.operators("+", "-", "*", "/");
* Parser calculator = new OperatorTable()
* .prefix(terms.token("-").retn(negate), 100)
* .infixl(terms.token("+").retn(plus), 10)
* .infixl(terms.token("-").retn(minus), 10)
* .infixl(terms.token("*").retn(multiply), 20)
* .infixl(terms.token("/").retn(divide), 20)
* .build(Terminals.IntegerLiteral.PARSER.map(stringToInteger));
* Parser parser = calculator.from(
* terms.tokenizer().or(Terminals.IntegerLiteral.TOKENIZER), Scanners.WHITESPACES.optional());
* return parser.parse(text);
* }
* @author Ben Yu
public final class OperatorTable {
/** Describes operator associativity, in order of precedence. */
enum Associativity {
private final List ops = Lists.arrayList();
static final class Operator implements Comparable{
final Parser> op;
final int precedence;
final Associativity associativity;
Operator(Parser> op, int precedence, Associativity associativity) {
this.op = op;
this.precedence = precedence;
this.associativity = associativity;
/** Higher precedence first. For tie, compares associativity. */
@Override public int compareTo(Operator that) {
if (precedence > that.precedence) return -1;
if (precedence < that.precedence) return 1;
return associativity.compareTo(that.associativity);
* Adds a prefix unary operator.
* @param parser the parser for the operator.
* @param precedence the precedence number.
* @return this.
public OperatorTable prefix(
Parser extends Function super T, ? extends T>> parser, int precedence) {
ops.add(new Operator(parser, precedence, Associativity.PREFIX));
return this;
* Adds a postfix unary operator.
* @param parser the parser for the operator.
* @param precedence the precedence number.
* @return this.
public OperatorTable postfix(
Parser extends Function super T, ? extends T>> parser, int precedence) {
ops.add(new Operator(parser, precedence, Associativity.POSTFIX));
return this;
* Adds an infix left-associative binary operator.
* @param parser the parser for the operator.
* @param precedence the precedence number.
* @return this.
public OperatorTable infixl(
Parser extends BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T>> parser, int precedence) {
ops.add(new Operator(parser, precedence, Associativity.LASSOC));
return this;
* Adds an infix right-associative binary operator.
* @param parser the parser for the operator.
* @param precedence the precedence number.
* @return this.
public OperatorTable infixr(
Parser extends BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T>> parser, int precedence) {
ops.add(new Operator(parser, precedence, Associativity.RASSOC));
return this;
* Adds an infix non-associative binary operator.
* @param parser the parser for the operator.
* @param precedence the precedence number.
* @return this.
public OperatorTable infixn(
Parser extends BiFunction super T, ? super T, ? extends T>> parser, int precedence) {
ops.add(new Operator(parser, precedence, Associativity.NASSOC));
return this;
* Builds a {@link Parser} based on information in this {@link OperatorTable}.
* @param operand parser for the operands.
* @return the expression parser.
public Parser build(Parser extends T> operand) {
return buildExpressionParser(operand, operators());
@Private Operator[] operators() {
return ops.toArray(new Operator[ops.size()]);
* Builds a {@link Parser} based on information described by {@link OperatorTable}.
* @param term parser for the terminals.
* @param ops the operators.
* @return the expression parser.
static Parser buildExpressionParser(
final Parser extends T> term, final Operator... ops) {
if (ops.length == 0) return term.cast();
int begin = 0;
int precedence = ops[0].precedence;
Associativity associativity = ops[0].associativity;
int end = 0;
Parser ret = term.cast();
for (int i = 1; i < ops.length; i++) {
Operator op = ops[i];
end = i;
if (op.precedence == precedence && op.associativity == associativity) {
end = i;
Parser> p = slice(ops, begin, end);
ret = build(p, associativity, ret);
begin = i;
precedence = ops[i].precedence;
associativity = ops[i].associativity;
if (end != ops.length) {
end = ops.length;
associativity = ops[begin].associativity;
Parser> p = slice(ops, begin, end);
ret = build(p, associativity, ret);
return ret;
private static Parser> slice(Operator[] ops, int begin, int end) {
Parser>[] ps = new Parser>[end - begin];
for (int i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) {
ps[i] = ops[i + begin].op;
return Parsers.or(ps);
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private static Parser build(
Parser op, Associativity associativity, Parser operand) {
switch (associativity) {
case PREFIX:
return operand.prefix(op);
return operand.postfix(op);
case LASSOC:
return operand.infixl(op);
case RASSOC:
return operand.infixr(op);
case NASSOC:
return operand.infixn(op);
throw new AssertionError();