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* Copyright (c) 2023 Villu Ruusmann
* This file is part of JPMML-StatsModels
* JPMML-StatsModels is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* JPMML-StatsModels is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with JPMML-StatsModels. If not, see .
package statsmodels.miscmodels;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.dmg.pmml.DataField;
import org.dmg.pmml.DataType;
import org.dmg.pmml.DerivedField;
import org.dmg.pmml.OpType;
import org.dmg.pmml.OutputField;
import org.dmg.pmml.mining.Segmentation;
import org.dmg.pmml.regression.RegressionModel;
import org.jpmml.converter.ContinuousFeature;
import org.jpmml.converter.ContinuousLabel;
import org.jpmml.converter.Feature;
import org.jpmml.converter.Label;
import org.jpmml.converter.ModelEncoder;
import org.jpmml.converter.ModelUtil;
import org.jpmml.converter.OrdinalLabel;
import org.jpmml.converter.Schema;
import org.jpmml.converter.ValueUtil;
import org.jpmml.converter.mining.MiningModelUtil;
import org.jpmml.converter.regression.RegressionModelUtil;
import org.jpmml.statsmodels.StatsModelsEncoder;
import scipy.stats.RVContinuous;
import statsmodels.Model;
public class OrderedModel extends Model {
public OrderedModel(String module, String name){
super(module, name);
public org.dmg.pmml.Model encodeModel(List extends Number> params, Schema schema){
RVContinuous distr = getDistr();
Integer kExtra = getKExtra();
Integer kLevels = getKLevels();
Number offset = getOffset();
if(kExtra != (kLevels - 1)){
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
ModelEncoder encoder = schema.getEncoder();
OrdinalLabel ordinalLabel = (OrdinalLabel)schema.getLabel();
List extends Feature> features = schema.getFeatures();
List extends Number> varsParams = params.subList(0, params.size() - (kLevels - 1));
List extends Number> thParams = params.subList(params.size() - (kLevels - 1), params.size());
List thresholds = new ArrayList<>();
double prevThreshold = Double.NaN;
for(int i = 0; i < thParams.size(); i++){
double threshold = (thParams.get(i)).doubleValue();
if(i > 0){
threshold = Math.exp(threshold) + prevThreshold;
prevThreshold = threshold;
Schema segmentSchema = schema.toAnonymousRegressorSchema(DataType.DOUBLE);
RegressionModel firstRegressionModel = RegressionModelUtil.createRegression(features, varsParams, (offset != null ? offset : 0d), RegressionModel.NormalizationMethod.NONE, segmentSchema)
.setTargets(ModelUtil.createRescaleTargets(-1d, null, (ContinuousLabel)segmentSchema.getLabel()));
OutputField linpredOutputField = ModelUtil.createPredictedField("linpred", OpType.CONTINUOUS, DataType.DOUBLE);
DerivedField linpredField = encoder.createDerivedField(firstRegressionModel, linpredOutputField, true);
Feature feature = new ContinuousFeature(encoder, linpredField);
RegressionModel secondRegressionModel = RegressionModelUtil.createOrdinalClassification(feature, thresholds, parseNormalizationMethod(distr), true, schema);
return MiningModelUtil.createModelChain(Arrays.asList(firstRegressionModel, secondRegressionModel), Segmentation.MissingPredictionTreatment.RETURN_MISSING);
public Label encodeLabel(List endogNames, StatsModelsEncoder encoder){
List labels = ValueUtil.asIntegers(getLabels());
String endogName = Iterables.getOnlyElement(endogNames);
DataField dataField = encoder.createDataField(endogName, OpType.ORDINAL, DataType.INTEGER, labels);
return new OrdinalLabel(dataField);
public List encodeFeatures(List exogNames, StatsModelsEncoder encoder){
Integer kLevels = getKLevels();
exogNames = exogNames.subList(0, exogNames.size() - (kLevels - 1));
return super.encodeFeatures(exogNames, encoder);
public RVContinuous getDistr(){
return get("distr", RVContinuous.class);
public Integer getKLevels(){
return getInteger("k_levels");
public List getLabels(){
return getNumberArray("labels");
public Number getOffset(){
return (Number)getOptionalScalar("offset");
private RegressionModel.NormalizationMethod parseNormalizationMethod(RVContinuous rvContinuous){
String name = rvContinuous.getName();
if(name == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
case "logistic":
return RegressionModel.NormalizationMethod.LOGIT;
case "norm":
return RegressionModel.NormalizationMethod.PROBIT;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);