org.jpos.iso.BaseChannel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* jPOS Project [http://jpos.org]
* Copyright (C) 2000-2020 jPOS Software SRL
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.jpos.iso;
import org.jpos.core.Configurable;
import org.jpos.core.Configuration;
import org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException;
import org.jpos.core.handlers.exception.ExceptionHandler;
import org.jpos.core.handlers.exception.ExceptionHandlerAware;
import org.jpos.iso.ISOFilter.VetoException;
import org.jpos.iso.header.BaseHeader;
import org.jpos.util.LogEvent;
import org.jpos.util.LogSource;
import org.jpos.util.Logger;
import org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Observable;
* BaseChannel was ISOChannel. Now ISOChannel is an interface
* Revision: 1.34 Date: 2000/04/08 23:54:55
* ISOChannel is an abstract class that provides functionality that
* allows the transmission and reception of ISO 8583 Messages
* over a TCP/IP session.
* This class is not thread-safe.
* ISOChannel is Observable in order to support GUI components
* such as ISOChannelPanel.
* It now support the new Logger architecture so we will
* probably setup ISOChannelPanel to be a LogListener instead
* of being an Observer in future releases.
* @author Alejandro P. Revilla
* @author Bharavi Gade
* @version $Revision$ $Date$
* @see ISOMsg
* @see MUX
* @see ISOException
* @see org.jpos.iso.channel.CSChannel
* @see Logger
public abstract class BaseChannel extends Observable
implements FilteredChannel, ClientChannel, ServerChannel, FactoryChannel,
LogSource, Configurable, BaseChannelMBean, Cloneable, ExceptionHandlerAware
private Socket socket;
private String host, localIface;
private String[] hosts;
private int[] ports;
private int port, timeout, connectTimeout, localPort;
private int maxPacketLength = 100000;
private boolean keepAlive;
private boolean expectKeepAlive;
private boolean soLingerOn = true;
private int soLingerSeconds = 5;
private Configuration cfg;
protected boolean usable;
protected boolean overrideHeader;
private String name;
// private int serverPort = -1;
protected DataInputStream serverIn;
protected DataOutputStream serverOut;
// The lock objects should be final, and never changed, but due to the clone() method, they must be set there.
protected Object serverInLock = new Object();
protected Object serverOutLock = new Object();
protected ISOPackager packager;
protected ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
protected List incomingFilters, outgoingFilters;
protected ISOClientSocketFactory socketFactory = null;
protected int[] cnt;
protected Logger logger = null;
protected String realm = null;
protected String originalRealm = null;
protected byte[] header = null;
private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 300000;
private int nextHostPort = 0;
private boolean roundRobin = false;
private final Map, List> exceptionHandlers = new HashMap<>();
* constructor shared by server and client
* ISOChannels (which have different signatures)
public BaseChannel () {
cnt = new int[SIZEOF_CNT];
name = "";
incomingFilters = new ArrayList();
outgoingFilters = new ArrayList();
setHost(null, 0);
* constructs a client ISOChannel
* @param host server TCP Address
* @param port server port number
* @param p an ISOPackager
* @see ISOPackager
public BaseChannel (String host, int port, ISOPackager p) {
setHost(host, port);
* constructs a server ISOChannel
* @param p an ISOPackager
* @exception IOException on error
* @see ISOPackager
public BaseChannel (ISOPackager p) throws IOException {
setPackager (p);
* constructs a server ISOChannel associated with a Server Socket
* @param p an ISOPackager
* @param serverSocket where to accept a connection
* @exception IOException on error
* @see ISOPackager
public BaseChannel (ISOPackager p, ServerSocket serverSocket)
throws IOException
setPackager (p);
setServerSocket (serverSocket);
* initialize an ISOChannel
* @param host server TCP Address
* @param port server port number
public void setHost(String host, int port) {
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.hosts = new String[] { host };
this.ports = new int[] { port };
* initialize an ISOChannel
* @param iface server TCP Address
* @param port server port number
public void setLocalAddress (String iface, int port) {
this.localIface = iface;
this.localPort = port;
* @param host to connect (client ISOChannel)
public void setHost (String host) {
this.host = host;
this.hosts = new String[] { host };
* @param port to connect (client ISOChannel)
public void setPort (int port) {
this.port = port;
this.ports = new int[] { port };
* @return hostname (may be null)
public String getHost() {
return host;
* @return port number
public int getPort() {
return port;
* set Packager for channel
* @param p an ISOPackager
* @see ISOPackager
public void setPackager(ISOPackager p) {
this.packager = p;
* @return current packager
public ISOPackager getPackager() {
return packager;
* Associates this ISOChannel with a server socket
* @param sock where to accept a connection
public void setServerSocket (ServerSocket sock) {
setHost (null, 0);
this.serverSocket = sock;
name = "";
public Map, List> getExceptionHandlers() {
return exceptionHandlers;
* reset stat info
public void resetCounters() {
for (int i=0; i)
* @param timeout in milliseconds
* @throws SocketException on error
public void setTimeout (int timeout) throws SocketException {
this.timeout = timeout;
public int getTimeout () {
return timeout;
* sets timeout, and also keep alive
* @throws SocketException
protected void applyTimeout () throws SocketException {
if (socket != null) {
if (timeout >= 0)
* Socket SO_LINGER option to use when closing the socket.
* @see java.net.Socket#setSoLinger(boolean, int)
public void setSoLinger(boolean on, int linger) {
this.soLingerOn = on;
this.soLingerSeconds = linger;
public boolean isSoLingerOn() {
return soLingerOn;
public int getSoLingerSeconds() {
return soLingerSeconds;
* Connects client ISOChannel to server
* @exception IOException
public void connect () throws IOException {
LogEvent evt = new LogEvent (this, "connect");
try {
if (serverSocket != null) {
evt.addMessage ("local port "+serverSocket.getLocalPort()
+" remote host "+socket.getInetAddress());
else {
connect(newSocket (hosts, ports, evt));
Logger.log (evt);
} catch (ConnectException e) {
Logger.log (new LogEvent (this, "connection-refused",
} catch (IOException e) {
evt.addMessage (e.getMessage ());
Logger.log (evt);
throw e;
* Accepts connection
* @exception IOException
public void accept(ServerSocket s) throws IOException {
// if (serverPort > 0)
// s = new ServerSocket (serverPort);
// else
// serverPort = s.getLocalPort();
Socket ss = s.accept();
this.name = ss.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()+":"+ss.getPort();
// Warning - closing here breaks ISOServer, we need an
// accept that keep ServerSocket open.
// s.close();
* @param b - new Usable state (used by ISOMUX internals to
* flag as unusable in order to force a reconnection)
public void setUsable(boolean b) {
Logger.log (new LogEvent (this, "usable", b));
usable = b;
* allow subclasses to override default packager
* on outgoing messages
* @param m outgoing ISOMsg
* @return ISOPackager
protected ISOPackager getDynamicPackager (ISOMsg m) {
return packager;
* allow subclasses to override default packager
* on incoming messages
* @param image incoming message image
* @return ISOPackager
protected ISOPackager getDynamicPackager (byte[] image) {
return packager;
* allow subclasses to override default packager
* on incoming messages
* @param header message header
* @param image incoming message image
* @return ISOPackager
protected ISOPackager getDynamicPackager (byte[] header, byte[] image) {
return getDynamicPackager(image);
* Allow subclasses to override the Default header on
* incoming messages.
* @param image message image
* @return ISOHeader instance
protected ISOHeader getDynamicHeader (byte[] image) {
return image != null ?
new BaseHeader (image) : null;
protected void sendMessageLength(int len) throws IOException { }
protected void sendMessageHeader(ISOMsg m, int len) throws IOException {
if (!isOverrideHeader() && m.getHeader() != null)
else if (header != null)
* @deprecated use sendMessageTrailer(ISOMsg m, byte[] b) instead.
* @param m a reference to the ISOMsg
* @param len the packed image length
* @throws IOException on error
protected void sendMessageTrailler(ISOMsg m, int len) throws IOException
* @deprecated use sendMessageTrailer(ISOMsg m, byte[] b instead.
@SuppressWarnings ("deprecation")
protected void sendMessageTrailler(ISOMsg m, byte[] b) throws IOException {
sendMessageTrailler (m, b.length);
* Send a Message trailer.
* @param m The unpacked ISOMsg.
* @param b The packed ISOMsg image.
protected void sendMessageTrailer(ISOMsg m, byte[] b) throws IOException {
sendMessageTrailler(m, b);
* @deprecated use getMessageTrailer(ISOMsg m) instead.
protected void getMessageTrailler() throws IOException {
* Read some trailer data from this channel and optionally store it in the incoming ISOMsg.
* @param m The ISOMessage to store the trailer data.
* @see ISOMsg#setTrailer(byte[]).
protected void getMessageTrailer(ISOMsg m) throws IOException {
protected void getMessage (byte[] b, int offset, int len) throws IOException, ISOException {
serverIn.readFully(b, offset, len);
protected int getMessageLength() throws IOException, ISOException {
return -1;
protected int getHeaderLength() {
return header != null ? header.length : 0;
protected int getHeaderLength(byte[] b) { return 0; }
protected int getHeaderLength(ISOMsg m) {
return !overrideHeader && m.getHeader() != null ?
m.getHeader().length : getHeaderLength();
protected byte[] streamReceive() throws IOException {
return new byte[0];
protected void sendMessage (byte[] b, int offset, int len)
throws IOException
serverOut.write(b, offset, len);
* sends an ISOMsg over the TCP/IP session
* @param m the Message to be sent
* @exception IOException
* @exception ISOException
* @exception ISOFilter.VetoException;
public void send (ISOMsg m)
throws IOException, ISOException
LogEvent evt = new LogEvent (this, "send");
try {
if (!isConnected())
throw new IOException ("unconnected ISOChannel");
ISOPackager p = getDynamicPackager(m);
m.setPackager (p);
m = applyOutgoingFilters (m, evt);
evt.addMessage (m);
m.setDirection(ISOMsg.OUTGOING); // filter may have dropped this info
m.setPackager (p); // and could have dropped packager as well
byte[] b = pack(m);
synchronized (serverOutLock) {
sendMessageLength(b.length + getHeaderLength(m));
sendMessageHeader(m, b.length);
sendMessage (b, 0, b.length);
sendMessageTrailer(m, b);
serverOut.flush ();
} catch (VetoException e) {
//if a filter vets the message it was not added to the event
evt.addMessage (m);
evt.addMessage (e);
throw e;
} catch (ISOException e) {
evt.addMessage (e);
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
evt.addMessage (e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
evt.addMessage (e);
throw new IOException ("unexpected exception", e);
} finally {
Logger.log (evt);
* sends a byte[] over the TCP/IP session
* @param b the byte array to be sent
* @exception IOException
* @exception ISOException
* @exception ISOFilter.VetoException;
public void send (byte[] b)
throws IOException, ISOException
LogEvent evt = new LogEvent (this, "send");
try {
if (!isConnected())
throw new ISOException ("unconnected ISOChannel");
synchronized (serverOutLock) {
} catch (Exception e) {
evt.addMessage (e);
throw new ISOException ("unexpected exception", e);
} finally {
Logger.log (evt);
* Sends a high-level keep-alive message (zero length)
* @throws IOException on exception
public void sendKeepAlive () throws IOException {
synchronized (serverOutLock) {
serverOut.flush ();
protected boolean isRejected(byte[] b) {
// VAP Header support - see VAPChannel
return false;
protected boolean shouldIgnore (byte[] b) {
// VAP Header support - see VAPChannel
return false;
* support old factory method name for backward compatibility
* @return newly created ISOMsg
protected ISOMsg createMsg () {
return createISOMsg();
protected ISOMsg createISOMsg () {
return packager.createISOMsg ();
* Reads in a message header.
* @param hLen The Length og the reader to read
* @return The header bytes that were read in
* @throws IOException on error
protected byte[] readHeader(int hLen) throws IOException {
byte[] header = new byte[hLen];
serverIn.readFully(header, 0, hLen);
return header;
* Waits and receive an ISOMsg over the TCP/IP session
* @return the Message received
* @throws IOException
* @throws ISOException
public ISOMsg receive() throws IOException, ISOException {
byte[] b=null;
byte[] header=null;
LogEvent evt = new LogEvent (this, "receive");
ISOMsg m = createMsg (); // call createMsg instead of createISOMsg for
// backward compatibility
m.setSource (this);
try {
if (!isConnected())
throw new IOException ("unconnected ISOChannel");
synchronized (serverInLock) {
int len = getMessageLength();
if (expectKeepAlive) {
while (len == 0) {
//If zero length, this is a keep alive msg
Logger.log(new LogEvent(this, "receive", "Zero length keep alive message received"));
len = getMessageLength();
int hLen = getHeaderLength();
if (len == -1) {
if (hLen > 0) {
header = readHeader(hLen);
b = streamReceive();
else if (len > 0 && len <= getMaxPacketLength()) {
if (hLen > 0) {
// ignore message header (TPDU)
// Note header length is not necessarily equal to hLen (see VAPChannel)
header = readHeader(hLen);
len -= header.length;
b = new byte[len];
getMessage (b, 0, len);
throw new ISOException(
"receive length " +len + " seems strange - maxPacketLength = " + getMaxPacketLength());
m.setPackager (getDynamicPackager(header, b));
m.setHeader (getDynamicHeader(header));
if (b.length > 0 && !shouldIgnore (header)) // Ignore NULL messages
unpack (m, b);
evt.addMessage (m);
m = applyIncomingFilters (m, header, b, evt);
} catch (ISOException e) {
evt.addMessage (e);
if (header != null) {
evt.addMessage ("--- header ---");
evt.addMessage (ISOUtil.hexdump (header));
if (b != null) {
evt.addMessage ("--- data ---");
evt.addMessage (ISOUtil.hexdump (b));
throw e;
} catch (EOFException e) {
evt.addMessage (" ");
throw e;
} catch (SocketException e) {
if (usable)
evt.addMessage ("" + e.getMessage() + " ");
throw e;
} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
evt.addMessage (" ");
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (usable)
evt.addMessage (e);
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
evt.addMessage (m);
evt.addMessage (e);
throw new IOException ("unexpected exception", e);
} finally {
Logger.log (evt);
return m;
* Low level receive
* @param b byte array
* @throws IOException on error
* @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer,
* or -1 if there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached.
public int getBytes (byte[] b) throws IOException {
return serverIn.read (b);
* disconnects the TCP/IP session. The instance is ready for
* a reconnection. There is no need to create a new ISOChannel
* @exception IOException
public void disconnect () throws IOException {
LogEvent evt = new LogEvent (this, "disconnect");
if (serverSocket != null)
evt.addMessage ("local port "+serverSocket.getLocalPort()
+" remote host "+serverSocket.getInetAddress());
evt.addMessage (host+":"+port);
try {
usable = false;
if (serverIn != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) { evt.addMessage (ex); }
serverIn = null;
if (serverOut != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) { evt.addMessage (ex); }
serverOut = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
evt.addMessage (e);
Logger.log (evt);
throw e;
socket = null;
* Issues a disconnect followed by a connect
* @exception IOException
public void reconnect() throws IOException {
public void setLogger (Logger logger, String realm) {
this.logger = logger;
this.realm = realm;
if (originalRealm == null)
originalRealm = realm;
public String getRealm () {
return realm;
public Logger getLogger() {
return logger;
public String getOriginalRealm() {
return originalRealm == null ?
this.getClass().getName() : originalRealm;
* associates this ISOChannel with a name using NameRegistrar
* @param name name to register
* @see NameRegistrar
public void setName (String name) {
this.name = name;
NameRegistrar.register("channel." + name, this);
* @return this ISOChannel's name ("" if no name was set)
public String getName() {
return this.name;
* @param filter filter to add
* @param direction ISOMsg.INCOMING, ISOMsg.OUTGOING, 0 for both
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
public void addFilter (ISOFilter filter, int direction) {
switch (direction) {
incomingFilters.add (filter);
outgoingFilters.add (filter);
case 0 :
incomingFilters.add (filter);
outgoingFilters.add (filter);
* @param filter incoming filter to add
public void addIncomingFilter (ISOFilter filter) {
addFilter(filter, ISOMsg.INCOMING);
* @param filter outgoing filter to add
public void addOutgoingFilter (ISOFilter filter) {
addFilter(filter, ISOMsg.OUTGOING);
* @param filter filter to add (both directions, incoming/outgoing)
public void addFilter (ISOFilter filter) {
addFilter (filter, 0);
* @param filter filter to remove
* @param direction ISOMsg.INCOMING, ISOMsg.OUTGOING, 0 for both
public void removeFilter (ISOFilter filter, int direction) {
switch (direction) {
incomingFilters.remove (filter);
outgoingFilters.remove (filter);
case 0 :
incomingFilters.remove (filter);
outgoingFilters.remove (filter);
* @param filter filter to remove (both directions)
public void removeFilter (ISOFilter filter) {
removeFilter (filter, 0);
* @param filter incoming filter to remove
public void removeIncomingFilter (ISOFilter filter) {
removeFilter(filter, ISOMsg.INCOMING);
* @param filter outgoing filter to remove
public void removeOutgoingFilter (ISOFilter filter) {
removeFilter (filter, ISOMsg.OUTGOING);
protected ISOMsg applyOutgoingFilters (ISOMsg m, LogEvent evt)
throws VetoException
for (ISOFilter f :outgoingFilters)
m = f.filter (this, m, evt);
return m;
protected ISOMsg applyIncomingFilters (ISOMsg m, LogEvent evt)
throws VetoException
return applyIncomingFilters (m, null, null, evt);
protected ISOMsg applyIncomingFilters (ISOMsg m, byte[] header, byte[] image, LogEvent evt)
throws VetoException
for (ISOFilter f :incomingFilters) {
if (image != null && f instanceof RawIncomingFilter)
m = ((RawIncomingFilter)f).filter (this, m, header, image, evt);
m = f.filter (this, m, evt);
return m;
protected void unpack (ISOMsg m, byte[] b) throws ISOException {
m.unpack (b);
protected byte[] pack (ISOMsg m) throws ISOException {
return m.pack();
* Implements Configurable
* Properties:
* - host - destination host (if ClientChannel)
- port - port number (if ClientChannel)
- local-iface - local interfase to use (if ClientChannel)
- local-port - local port to bind (if ClientChannel)
* (host not present indicates a ServerChannel)
* @param cfg Configuration
* @throws ConfigurationException
public void setConfiguration (Configuration cfg)
throws ConfigurationException
this.cfg = cfg;
String h = cfg.get ("host");
int port = cfg.getInt ("port");
maxPacketLength = cfg.getInt ("max-packet-length", 100000);
if (h != null && h.length() > 0) {
if (port == 0)
throw new ConfigurationException
("invalid port for host '"+h+"'");
setHost (h, port);
setLocalAddress (cfg.get("local-iface", null),cfg.getInt("local-port"));
String[] altHosts = cfg.getAll ("alternate-host");
int[] altPorts = cfg.getInts ("alternate-port");
hosts = new String[altHosts.length + 1];
ports = new int[altPorts.length + 1];
if (hosts.length != ports.length) {
throw new ConfigurationException (
"alternate host/port misconfiguration"
hosts[0] = host;
ports[0] = port;
System.arraycopy (altHosts, 0, hosts, 1, altHosts.length);
System.arraycopy (altPorts, 0, ports, 1, altPorts.length);
setOverrideHeader(cfg.getBoolean ("override-header", false));
keepAlive = cfg.getBoolean ("keep-alive", false);
expectKeepAlive = cfg.getBoolean ("expect-keep-alive", false);
roundRobin = cfg.getBoolean ("round-robin", false);
if (socketFactory != this && socketFactory instanceof Configurable)
((Configurable)socketFactory).setConfiguration (cfg);
try {
setTimeout (cfg.getInt ("timeout", DEFAULT_TIMEOUT));
connectTimeout = cfg.getInt ("connect-timeout", timeout);
} catch (SocketException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException (e);
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return cfg;
public Collection getIncomingFilters() {
return incomingFilters;
public Collection getOutgoingFilters() {
return outgoingFilters;
public void setIncomingFilters (Collection filters) {
incomingFilters = new ArrayList (filters);
public void setOutgoingFilters (Collection filters) {
outgoingFilters = new ArrayList (filters);
public void setHeader (byte[] header) {
this.header = header;
public void setHeader (String header) {
setHeader (header.getBytes());
public byte[] getHeader () {
return header;
public void setOverrideHeader (boolean overrideHeader) {
this.overrideHeader = overrideHeader;
public boolean isOverrideHeader () {
return overrideHeader;
* @param name the Channel's name (without the "channel." prefix)
* @return ISOChannel instance with given name.
* @throws NameRegistrar.NotFoundException;
* @see NameRegistrar
public static ISOChannel getChannel (String name)
throws NameRegistrar.NotFoundException
return (ISOChannel) NameRegistrar.get ("channel."+name);
* Gets the ISOClientSocketFactory (may be null)
* @see ISOClientSocketFactory
* @since 1.3.3 \
* @return ISOClientSocketFactory
public ISOClientSocketFactory getSocketFactory() {
return socketFactory;
* Sets the specified Socket Factory to create sockets
* @param socketFactory the ISOClientSocketFactory
* @see ISOClientSocketFactory
* @since 1.3.3
public void setSocketFactory(ISOClientSocketFactory socketFactory) {
this.socketFactory = socketFactory;
public int getMaxPacketLength() {
return maxPacketLength;
public void setMaxPacketLength(int maxPacketLength) {
this.maxPacketLength = maxPacketLength;
protected void closeSocket() throws IOException {
Socket s = null;
synchronized (this) {
if (socket != null) {
s = socket; // we don't want more than one thread
socket = null; // attempting to close the socket
if (s != null) {
try {
s.setSoLinger (soLingerOn, soLingerSeconds);
if (shutdownSupportedBySocket(s) && !isSoLingerForcingImmediateTcpReset())
s.shutdownOutput(); // This will force a TCP FIN to be sent on regular sockets,
} catch (SocketException e) {
// safe to ignore - can be closed already
// e.printStackTrace();
s.close ();
private boolean shutdownSupportedBySocket(Socket s) {
return !(s instanceof SSLSocket); // we can't close output on SSL connections, see [jPOS-85]
private boolean isSoLingerForcingImmediateTcpReset() {
return soLingerOn && soLingerSeconds == 0;
public Object clone(){
try {
BaseChannel channel = (BaseChannel) super.clone();
channel.cnt = cnt.clone();
// The lock objects must also be cloned, and the DataStreams nullified, as it makes no sense
// to use the new lock objects to protect the old DataStreams.
// This should be safe as the only code that calls BaseChannel.clone() is ISOServer.run(),
// and it immediately calls accept(ServerSocket) which does a connect(), and that sets the stream objects.
channel.serverInLock = new Object();
channel.serverOutLock = new Object();
channel.serverIn = null;
channel.serverOut = null;
channel.usable = false;
channel.socket = null;
return channel;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError();