org.jruby.javasupport.util.RuntimeHelpers Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jruby.javasupport.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.jruby.MetaClass;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyBasicObject;
import org.jruby.RubyBoolean;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyException;
import org.jruby.RubyFixnum;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyKernel;
import org.jruby.RubyLocalJumpError;
import org.jruby.RubyMatchData;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyProc;
import org.jruby.RubyRegexp;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.ast.ArgsNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArgumentNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DSymbolNode;
import org.jruby.ast.IterNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LiteralNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.MultipleAsgn19Node;
import org.jruby.ast.Node;
import org.jruby.ast.NodeType;
import org.jruby.ast.OptArgNode;
import org.jruby.ast.UnnamedRestArgNode;
import org.jruby.ast.util.ArgsUtil;
import org.jruby.common.IRubyWarnings.ID;
import org.jruby.compiler.ASTInspector;
import org.jruby.evaluator.ASTInterpreter;
import org.jruby.exceptions.JumpException;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.exceptions.Unrescuable;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.CallConfiguration;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.UndefinedMethod;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.WrapperMethod;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaClass;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.SimpleSourcePosition;
import org.jruby.parser.BlockStaticScope;
import org.jruby.parser.LocalStaticScope;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.BlockBody;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallSite;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.CompiledBlock;
import org.jruby.runtime.CompiledBlock19;
import org.jruby.runtime.CompiledBlockCallback;
import org.jruby.runtime.CompiledBlockCallback19;
import org.jruby.runtime.CompiledBlockLight;
import org.jruby.runtime.CompiledBlockLight19;
import org.jruby.runtime.CompiledSharedScopeBlock;
import org.jruby.runtime.DynamicScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.Interpreted19Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.InterpretedBlock;
import org.jruby.runtime.MethodFactory;
import org.jruby.runtime.MethodIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.RubyEvent;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter;
import org.jruby.util.unsafe.UnsafeFactory;
import static org.jruby.runtime.MethodIndex.OP_EQUAL;
* Helper methods which are called by the compiler. Note: These will show no consumers, but
* generated code does call these so don't remove them thinking they are dead code.
public class RuntimeHelpers {
public static CallSite selectAttrAsgnCallSite(IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject self, CallSite normalSite, CallSite variableSite) {
if (receiver == self) return variableSite;
return normalSite;
public static IRubyObject doAttrAsgn(IRubyObject receiver, CallSite callSite, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller) {, caller, receiver, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject doAttrAsgn(IRubyObject receiver, CallSite callSite, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller) {, caller, receiver, arg0, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject doAttrAsgn(IRubyObject receiver, CallSite callSite, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller) {, caller, receiver, arg0, arg1, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject doAttrAsgn(IRubyObject receiver, CallSite callSite, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller) {, caller, receiver, arg0, arg1, arg2, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject doAttrAsgn(IRubyObject receiver, CallSite callSite, IRubyObject[] args, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller) {, caller, receiver, args);
return args[args.length - 1];
public static IRubyObject doAttrAsgn(IRubyObject receiver, CallSite callSite, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller) {
IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[args.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, args.length);
newArgs[args.length] = value;, caller, receiver, newArgs);
return value;
public static boolean invokeEqqForCaseWhen(CallSite callSite, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject[] receivers) {
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
IRubyObject receiver = receivers[i];
if (invokeEqqForCaseWhen(callSite, context, caller, arg, receiver)) return true;
return false;
public static boolean invokeEqqForCaseWhen(CallSite callSite, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject receiver) {
IRubyObject result =, caller, receiver, arg);
if (result.isTrue()) return true;
return false;
public static boolean invokeEqqForCaseWhen(CallSite callSite, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject receiver0, IRubyObject receiver1) {
IRubyObject result =, caller, receiver0, arg);
if (result.isTrue()) return true;
return invokeEqqForCaseWhen(callSite, context, caller, arg, receiver1);
public static boolean invokeEqqForCaseWhen(CallSite callSite, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject receiver0, IRubyObject receiver1, IRubyObject receiver2) {
IRubyObject result =, caller, receiver0, arg);
if (result.isTrue()) return true;
return invokeEqqForCaseWhen(callSite, context, caller, arg, receiver1, receiver2);
public static boolean areAnyTrueForCaselessWhen(IRubyObject[] receivers) {
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
if (receivers[i].isTrue()) return true;
return false;
public static boolean invokeEqqForCaselessWhen(IRubyObject receiver) {
return receiver.isTrue();
public static boolean invokeEqqForCaselessWhen(IRubyObject receiver0, IRubyObject receiver1) {
return receiver0.isTrue() || receiver1.isTrue();
public static boolean invokeEqqForCaselessWhen(IRubyObject receiver0, IRubyObject receiver1, IRubyObject receiver2) {
return receiver0.isTrue() || receiver1.isTrue() || receiver2.isTrue();
public static CompiledBlockCallback createBlockCallback(Ruby runtime, Object scriptObject, String closureMethod, String file, int line) {
Class scriptClass = scriptObject.getClass();
ClassLoader scriptClassLoader = scriptClass.getClassLoader();
MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(scriptClassLoader);
return factory.getBlockCallback(closureMethod, file, line, scriptObject);
public static CompiledBlockCallback19 createBlockCallback19(Ruby runtime, Object scriptObject, String closureMethod, String file, int line) {
Class scriptClass = scriptObject.getClass();
ClassLoader scriptClassLoader = scriptClass.getClassLoader();
MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(scriptClassLoader);
return factory.getBlockCallback19(closureMethod, file, line, scriptObject);
public static byte[] createBlockCallbackOffline(String classPath, String closureMethod, String file, int line) {
MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(RuntimeHelpers.class.getClassLoader());
return factory.getBlockCallbackOffline(closureMethod, file, line, classPath);
public static byte[] createBlockCallback19Offline(String classPath, String closureMethod, String file, int line) {
MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(RuntimeHelpers.class.getClassLoader());
return factory.getBlockCallback19Offline(closureMethod, file, line, classPath);
public static String buildBlockDescriptor19(
String closureMethod,
int arity,
StaticScope scope,
String file,
int line,
boolean hasMultipleArgsHead,
NodeType argsNodeId,
String parameterList,
ASTInspector inspector) {
return buildBlockDescriptor(closureMethod, arity, scope, file, line, hasMultipleArgsHead, argsNodeId, inspector) +
"," + parameterList;
public static String buildBlockDescriptor(
String closureMethod,
int arity,
StaticScope scope,
String file,
int line,
boolean hasMultipleArgsHead,
NodeType argsNodeId,
ASTInspector inspector) {
// build scope names string
StringBuffer scopeNames = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < scope.getVariables().length; i++) {
if (i != 0) scopeNames.append(';');
// build descriptor string
String descriptor =
closureMethod + ',' +
arity + ',' +
scopeNames + ',' +
hasMultipleArgsHead + ',' +
BlockBody.asArgumentType(argsNodeId) + ',' +
file + ',' +
line + ',' +
!(inspector.hasClosure() || inspector.hasScopeAwareMethods());
return descriptor;
public static String[][] parseBlockDescriptor(String descriptor) {
String[] firstSplit = descriptor.split(",");
String[] secondSplit;
if (firstSplit[2].length() == 0) {
secondSplit = new String[0];
} else {
secondSplit = firstSplit[2].split(";");
// FIXME: Big fat hack here, because scope names are expected to be interned strings by the parser
for (int i = 0; i < secondSplit.length; i++) {
secondSplit[i] = secondSplit[i].intern();
return new String[][] {firstSplit, secondSplit};
public static BlockBody createCompiledBlockBody(ThreadContext context, Object scriptObject, String descriptor) {
String[][] splitDesc = parseBlockDescriptor(descriptor);
String[] firstSplit = splitDesc[0];
String[] secondSplit = splitDesc[1];
return createCompiledBlockBody(context, scriptObject, firstSplit[0], Integer.parseInt(firstSplit[1]), secondSplit, Boolean.valueOf(firstSplit[3]), Integer.parseInt(firstSplit[4]), firstSplit[5], Integer.parseInt(firstSplit[6]), Boolean.valueOf(firstSplit[7]));
public static BlockBody createCompiledBlockBody(ThreadContext context, Object scriptObject, String closureMethod, int arity,
String[] staticScopeNames, boolean hasMultipleArgsHead, int argsNodeType, String file, int line, boolean light) {
StaticScope staticScope =
new BlockStaticScope(context.getCurrentScope().getStaticScope(), staticScopeNames);
if (light) {
return CompiledBlockLight.newCompiledBlockLight(
Arity.createArity(arity), staticScope,
createBlockCallback(context.getRuntime(), scriptObject, closureMethod, file, line),
hasMultipleArgsHead, argsNodeType);
} else {
return CompiledBlock.newCompiledBlock(
Arity.createArity(arity), staticScope,
createBlockCallback(context.getRuntime(), scriptObject, closureMethod, file, line),
hasMultipleArgsHead, argsNodeType);
public static BlockBody createCompiledBlockBody19(ThreadContext context, Object scriptObject, String descriptor) {
String[][] splitDesc = parseBlockDescriptor(descriptor);
String[] firstSplit = splitDesc[0];
String[] secondSplit = splitDesc[1];
return createCompiledBlockBody19(context, scriptObject, firstSplit[0], Integer.parseInt(firstSplit[1]), secondSplit, Boolean.valueOf(firstSplit[3]), Integer.parseInt(firstSplit[4]), firstSplit[5], Integer.parseInt(firstSplit[6]), Boolean.valueOf(firstSplit[7]), firstSplit[8]);
public static BlockBody createCompiledBlockBody19(ThreadContext context, Object scriptObject, String closureMethod, int arity,
String[] staticScopeNames, boolean hasMultipleArgsHead, int argsNodeType, String file, int line, boolean light, String parameterList) {
StaticScope staticScope =
new BlockStaticScope(context.getCurrentScope().getStaticScope(), staticScopeNames);
if (light) {
return CompiledBlockLight19.newCompiledBlockLight(
Arity.createArity(arity), staticScope,
createBlockCallback19(context.getRuntime(), scriptObject, closureMethod, file, line),
hasMultipleArgsHead, argsNodeType, parameterList.split(";"));
} else {
return CompiledBlock19.newCompiledBlock(
Arity.createArity(arity), staticScope,
createBlockCallback19(context.getRuntime(), scriptObject, closureMethod, file, line),
hasMultipleArgsHead, argsNodeType, parameterList.split(";"));
public static Block createBlock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, BlockBody body) {
return CompiledBlock.newCompiledClosure(
public static Block createBlock19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, BlockBody body) {
return CompiledBlock19.newCompiledClosure(
public static IRubyObject runBeginBlock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String scopeString, CompiledBlockCallback callback) {
StaticScope staticScope = decodeBlockScope(context, scopeString);
context.preScopedBody(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(staticScope, context.getCurrentScope()));
Block block = CompiledBlock.newCompiledClosure(context, self, Arity.createArity(0), staticScope, callback, false, BlockBody.ZERO_ARGS);
try {
block.yield(context, null);
} finally {
return context.getRuntime().getNil();
public static Block createSharedScopeBlock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, int arity,
CompiledBlockCallback callback, boolean hasMultipleArgsHead, int argsNodeType) {
return CompiledSharedScopeBlock.newCompiledSharedScopeClosure(context, self, Arity.createArity(arity),
context.getCurrentScope(), callback, hasMultipleArgsHead, argsNodeType);
public static IRubyObject def(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Object scriptObject, String name, String javaName, String scopeString,
int arity, String filename, int line, CallConfiguration callConfig, String parameterDesc) {
Class compiledClass = scriptObject.getClass();
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
RubyModule containingClass = context.getRubyClass();
Visibility visibility = context.getCurrentVisibility();
performNormalMethodChecks(containingClass, runtime, name);
StaticScope scope = createScopeForClass(context, scopeString);
MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(compiledClass.getClassLoader());
DynamicMethod method = constructNormalMethod(
factory, javaName,
name, containingClass, new SimpleSourcePosition(filename, line), arity, scope, visibility, scriptObject,
addInstanceMethod(containingClass, name, method, visibility,context, runtime);
return runtime.getNil();
public static IRubyObject defs(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, Object scriptObject, String name, String javaName, String scopeString,
int arity, String filename, int line, CallConfiguration callConfig, String parameterDesc) {
Class compiledClass = scriptObject.getClass();
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
RubyClass rubyClass = performSingletonMethodChecks(runtime, receiver, name);
StaticScope scope = createScopeForClass(context, scopeString);
MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(compiledClass.getClassLoader());
DynamicMethod method = constructSingletonMethod(
factory, javaName, rubyClass,
new SimpleSourcePosition(filename, line), arity, scope,
scriptObject, callConfig, parameterDesc);
rubyClass.addMethod(name, method);
callSingletonMethodHook(receiver,context, runtime.fastNewSymbol(name));
return runtime.getNil();
public static byte[] defOffline(String name, String classPath, String invokerName, Arity arity, StaticScope scope, CallConfiguration callConfig, String filename, int line) {
MethodFactory factory = MethodFactory.createFactory(RuntimeHelpers.class.getClassLoader());
byte[] methodBytes = factory.getCompiledMethodOffline(name, classPath, invokerName, arity, scope, callConfig, filename, line);
return methodBytes;
public static RubyClass getSingletonClass(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject receiver) {
if (receiver instanceof RubyFixnum || receiver instanceof RubySymbol) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("no virtual class for " + receiver.getMetaClass().getBaseName());
} else {
if (runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 4 && !receiver.isTaint()) {
throw runtime.newSecurityError("Insecure: can't extend object.");
return receiver.getSingletonClass();
// TODO: Only used by interface implementation; eliminate it
public static IRubyObject invokeMethodMissing(IRubyObject receiver, String name, IRubyObject[] args) {
ThreadContext context = receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext();
// store call information so method_missing impl can use it
context.setLastCallStatusAndVisibility(CallType.FUNCTIONAL, Visibility.PUBLIC);
if (name.equals("method_missing")) {
return RubyKernel.method_missing(context, receiver, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
IRubyObject[] newArgs = prepareMethodMissingArgs(args, context, name);
return invoke(context, receiver, "method_missing", newArgs, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
public static IRubyObject callMethodMissing(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject receiver, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return selectMethodMissing(context, receiver, visibility, name, callType).call(context, receiver, receiver.getMetaClass(), name, args, block);
public static IRubyObject callMethodMissing(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject receiver, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return selectMethodMissing(context, receiver, visibility, name, callType).call(context, receiver, receiver.getMetaClass(), name, arg0, block);
public static IRubyObject callMethodMissing(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject receiver, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return selectMethodMissing(context, receiver, visibility, name, callType).call(context, receiver, receiver.getMetaClass(), name, arg0, arg1, block);
public static IRubyObject callMethodMissing(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject receiver, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
return selectMethodMissing(context, receiver, visibility, name, callType).call(context, receiver, receiver.getMetaClass(), name, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
public static IRubyObject callMethodMissing(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject receiver, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType, Block block) {
return selectMethodMissing(context, receiver, visibility, name, callType).call(context, receiver, receiver.getMetaClass(), name, block);
public static DynamicMethod selectMethodMissing(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject receiver, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
if (name.equals("method_missing")) {
return selectInternalMM(runtime, visibility, callType);
DynamicMethod methodMissing = receiver.getMetaClass().searchMethod("method_missing");
if (methodMissing.isUndefined() || methodMissing == runtime.getDefaultMethodMissing()) {
return selectInternalMM(runtime, visibility, callType);
return new MethodMissingMethod(methodMissing, callType);
public static DynamicMethod selectMethodMissing(ThreadContext context, RubyClass selfClass, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
if (name.equals("method_missing")) {
return selectInternalMM(runtime, visibility, callType);
DynamicMethod methodMissing = selfClass.searchMethod("method_missing");
if (methodMissing.isUndefined() || methodMissing == runtime.getDefaultMethodMissing()) {
return selectInternalMM(runtime, visibility, callType);
return new MethodMissingMethod(methodMissing, callType);
public static DynamicMethod selectMethodMissing(RubyClass selfClass, Visibility visibility, String name, CallType callType) {
Ruby runtime = selfClass.getClassRuntime();
if (name.equals("method_missing")) {
return selectInternalMM(runtime, visibility, callType);
DynamicMethod methodMissing = selfClass.searchMethod("method_missing");
if (methodMissing.isUndefined() || methodMissing == runtime.getDefaultMethodMissing()) {
return selectInternalMM(runtime, visibility, callType);
return new MethodMissingMethod(methodMissing, callType);
private static class MethodMissingMethod extends DynamicMethod {
private final DynamicMethod delegate;
private final CallType lastCallStatus;
public MethodMissingMethod(DynamicMethod delegate, CallType lastCallStatus) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.lastCallStatus = lastCallStatus;
public IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return, self, clazz, "method_missing", prepareMethodMissingArgs(args, context, name), block);
public DynamicMethod dup() {
return this;
private static DynamicMethod selectInternalMM(Ruby runtime, Visibility visibility, CallType callType) {
if (visibility == Visibility.PRIVATE) {
return runtime.getPrivateMethodMissing();
} else if (visibility == Visibility.PROTECTED) {
return runtime.getProtectedMethodMissing();
} else if (callType == CallType.VARIABLE) {
return runtime.getVariableMethodMissing();
} else if (callType == CallType.SUPER) {
return runtime.getSuperMethodMissing();
} else {
return runtime.getNormalMethodMissing();
private static IRubyObject[] prepareMethodMissingArgs(IRubyObject[] args, ThreadContext context, String name) {
IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[args.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 1, args.length);
newArgs[0] = context.getRuntime().newSymbol(name);
return newArgs;
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, Block block) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, block);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, block);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, arg1, block);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, args, block);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, arg0);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, arg1);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, arg1, arg2);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject... args) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvoke(context, self, name, args);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, CallType callType) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invoke(context, self, name, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, callType, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject[] args, CallType callType, Block block) {
return self.getMetaClass().invoke(context, self, name, args, callType, block);
public static IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg, CallType callType, Block block) {
return self.getMetaClass().invoke(context, self, name, arg, callType, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeAs(ThreadContext context, RubyClass asClass, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return asClass.finvoke(context, self, name, args, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeAs(ThreadContext context, RubyClass asClass, IRubyObject self, String name, Block block) {
return asClass.finvoke(context, self, name, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeAs(ThreadContext context, RubyClass asClass, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return asClass.finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeAs(ThreadContext context, RubyClass asClass, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return asClass.finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, arg1, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeAs(ThreadContext context, RubyClass asClass, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
return asClass.finvoke(context, self, name, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeChecked(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, String name) {
return self.getMetaClass().finvokeChecked(context, self, name);
* The protocol for super method invocation is a bit complicated
* in Ruby. In real terms it involves first finding the real
* implementation class (the super class), getting the name of the
* method to call from the frame, and then invoke that on the
* super class with the current self as the actual object
* invoking.
public static IRubyObject invokeSuper(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
RubyModule klazz = context.getFrameKlazz();
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyClass superClass = findImplementerIfNecessary(self.getMetaClass(), klazz).getSuperClass();
DynamicMethod method = superClass != null ? superClass.searchMethod(name) : UndefinedMethod.INSTANCE;
if (method.isUndefined()) {
return callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.SUPER, args, block);
return, self, superClass, name, args, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeSuper(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Block block) {
RubyModule klazz = context.getFrameKlazz();
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyClass superClass = findImplementerIfNecessary(self.getMetaClass(), klazz).getSuperClass();
DynamicMethod method = superClass != null ? superClass.searchMethod(name) : UndefinedMethod.INSTANCE;
if (method.isUndefined()) {
return callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.SUPER, block);
return, self, superClass, name, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeSuper(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
RubyModule klazz = context.getFrameKlazz();
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyClass superClass = findImplementerIfNecessary(self.getMetaClass(), klazz).getSuperClass();
DynamicMethod method = superClass != null ? superClass.searchMethod(name) : UndefinedMethod.INSTANCE;
if (method.isUndefined()) {
return callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.SUPER, arg0, block);
return, self, superClass, name, arg0, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeSuper(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
RubyModule klazz = context.getFrameKlazz();
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyClass superClass = findImplementerIfNecessary(self.getMetaClass(), klazz).getSuperClass();
DynamicMethod method = superClass != null ? superClass.searchMethod(name) : UndefinedMethod.INSTANCE;
if (method.isUndefined()) {
return callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.SUPER, arg0, arg1, block);
return, self, superClass, name, arg0, arg1, block);
public static IRubyObject invokeSuper(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, Block block) {
RubyModule klazz = context.getFrameKlazz();
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyClass superClass = findImplementerIfNecessary(self.getMetaClass(), klazz).getSuperClass();
DynamicMethod method = superClass != null ? superClass.searchMethod(name) : UndefinedMethod.INSTANCE;
if (method.isUndefined()) {
return callMethodMissing(context, self, method.getVisibility(), name, CallType.SUPER, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
return, self, superClass, name, arg0, arg1, arg2, block);
public static RubyArray ensureRubyArray(IRubyObject value) {
return ensureRubyArray(value.getRuntime(), value);
public static RubyArray ensureRubyArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) {
return value instanceof RubyArray ? (RubyArray)value : RubyArray.newArray(runtime, value);
public static RubyArray ensureMultipleAssignableRubyArray(IRubyObject value, Ruby runtime, boolean masgnHasHead) {
if (!(value instanceof RubyArray)) {
if (runtime.is1_9()) {
value = ArgsUtil.convertToRubyArray19(runtime, value, masgnHasHead);
} else {
value = ArgsUtil.convertToRubyArray(runtime, value, masgnHasHead);
return (RubyArray) value;
public static IRubyObject fetchClassVariable(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime,
IRubyObject self, String name) {
RubyModule rubyClass = ASTInterpreter.getClassVariableBase(context, runtime);
if (rubyClass == null) rubyClass = self.getMetaClass();
return rubyClass.getClassVar(name);
public static IRubyObject fastFetchClassVariable(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime,
IRubyObject self, String internedName) {
RubyModule rubyClass = ASTInterpreter.getClassVariableBase(context, runtime);
if (rubyClass == null) rubyClass = self.getMetaClass();
return rubyClass.fastGetClassVar(internedName);
public static IRubyObject getConstant(ThreadContext context, String internedName) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
return context.getCurrentScope().getStaticScope().getConstantWithConstMissing(runtime, internedName, runtime.getObject());
public static IRubyObject nullToNil(IRubyObject value, Ruby runtime) {
return value != null ? value : runtime.getNil();
public static RubyClass prepareSuperClass(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject rubyClass) {
RubyClass.checkInheritable(rubyClass); // use the same logic as in EvaluationState
return (RubyClass)rubyClass;
public static RubyModule prepareClassNamespace(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject rubyModule) {
if (rubyModule == null || rubyModule.isNil()) {
rubyModule = context.getCurrentScope().getStaticScope().getModule();
if (rubyModule == null) {
throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("no outer class/module");
if (rubyModule instanceof RubyModule) {
return (RubyModule)rubyModule;
} else {
throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(rubyModule + " is not a class/module");
public static IRubyObject setClassVariable(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime,
IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject value) {
RubyModule rubyClass = ASTInterpreter.getClassVariableBase(context, runtime);
if (rubyClass == null) rubyClass = self.getMetaClass();
rubyClass.setClassVar(name, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject fastSetClassVariable(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime,
IRubyObject self, String internedName, IRubyObject value) {
RubyModule rubyClass = ASTInterpreter.getClassVariableBase(context, runtime);
if (rubyClass == null) rubyClass = self.getMetaClass();
rubyClass.fastSetClassVar(internedName, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject declareClassVariable(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject value) {
// FIXME: This isn't quite right; it shouldn't evaluate the value if it's going to throw the error
RubyModule rubyClass = ASTInterpreter.getClassVariableBase(context, runtime);
if (rubyClass == null) throw runtime.newTypeError("no class/module to define class variable");
rubyClass.setClassVar(name, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject fastDeclareClassVariable(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject self, String internedName, IRubyObject value) {
// FIXME: This isn't quite right; it shouldn't evaluate the value if it's going to throw the error
RubyModule rubyClass = ASTInterpreter.getClassVariableBase(context, runtime);
if (rubyClass == null) throw runtime.newTypeError("no class/module to define class variable");
rubyClass.fastSetClassVar(internedName, value);
return value;
public static void handleArgumentSizes(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, int given, int required, int opt, int rest) {
if (opt == 0) {
if (rest < 0) {
// no opt, no rest, exact match
if (given != required) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments (" + given + " for " + required + ")");
} else {
// only rest, must be at least required
if (given < required) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments (" + given + " for " + required + ")");
} else {
if (rest < 0) {
// opt but no rest, must be at least required and no more than required + opt
if (given < required) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments (" + given + " for " + required + ")");
} else if (given > (required + opt)) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments (" + given + " for " + (required + opt) + ")");
} else {
// opt and rest, must be at least required
if (given < required) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("wrong number of arguments (" + given + " for " + required + ")");
* If it's Redo, Next, or Break, rethrow it as a normal exception for while to handle
* @param re
* @param runtime
public static Throwable unwrapRedoNextBreakOrJustLocalJump(RaiseException re, ThreadContext context) {
RubyException exception = re.getException();
if (context.getRuntime().getLocalJumpError().isInstance(exception)) {
RubyLocalJumpError jumpError = (RubyLocalJumpError)re.getException();
switch (jumpError.getReason()) {
case REDO:
return JumpException.REDO_JUMP;
case NEXT:
return new JumpException.NextJump(jumpError.exit_value());
case BREAK:
return new JumpException.BreakJump(context.getFrameJumpTarget(), jumpError.exit_value());
return re;
public static String getLocalJumpTypeOrRethrow(RaiseException re) {
RubyException exception = re.getException();
Ruby runtime = exception.getRuntime();
if (runtime.getLocalJumpError().isInstance(exception)) {
RubyLocalJumpError jumpError = (RubyLocalJumpError)re.getException();
IRubyObject reason = jumpError.reason();
return reason.asJavaString();
throw re;
public static IRubyObject unwrapLocalJumpErrorValue(RaiseException re) {
return ((RubyLocalJumpError)re.getException()).exit_value();
public static IRubyObject processBlockArgument(Ruby runtime, Block block) {
if (!block.isGiven()) {
return runtime.getNil();
return processGivenBlock(block, runtime);
private static IRubyObject processGivenBlock(Block block, Ruby runtime) {
RubyProc blockArg = block.getProcObject();
if (blockArg == null) {
blockArg = runtime.newBlockPassProc(Block.Type.PROC, block);
blockArg.getBlock().type = Block.Type.PROC;
return blockArg;
public static Block getBlockFromBlockPassBody(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject proc, Block currentBlock) {
// No block from a nil proc
if (proc.isNil()) return Block.NULL_BLOCK;
// If not already a proc then we should try and make it one.
if (!(proc instanceof RubyProc)) {
proc = coerceProc(proc, runtime);
return getBlockFromProc(currentBlock, proc);
private static IRubyObject coerceProc(IRubyObject proc, Ruby runtime) throws RaiseException {
proc = TypeConverter.convertToType(proc, runtime.getProc(), "to_proc", false);
if (!(proc instanceof RubyProc)) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("wrong argument type " + proc.getMetaClass().getName() + " (expected Proc)");
return proc;
private static Block getBlockFromProc(Block currentBlock, IRubyObject proc) {
// TODO: Add safety check for taintedness
if (currentBlock != null && currentBlock.isGiven()) {
RubyProc procObject = currentBlock.getProcObject();
// The current block is already associated with proc. No need to create a new one
if (procObject != null && procObject == proc) {
return currentBlock;
return ((RubyProc) proc).getBlock();
public static Block getBlockFromBlockPassBody(IRubyObject proc, Block currentBlock) {
return getBlockFromBlockPassBody(proc.getRuntime(), proc, currentBlock);
public static IRubyObject backref(ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject backref = context.getCurrentScope().getBackRef(context.getRuntime());
if(backref instanceof RubyMatchData) {
return backref;
public static IRubyObject backrefLastMatch(ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject backref = context.getCurrentScope().getBackRef(context.getRuntime());
return RubyRegexp.last_match(backref);
public static IRubyObject backrefMatchPre(ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject backref = context.getCurrentScope().getBackRef(context.getRuntime());
return RubyRegexp.match_pre(backref);
public static IRubyObject backrefMatchPost(ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject backref = context.getCurrentScope().getBackRef(context.getRuntime());
return RubyRegexp.match_post(backref);
public static IRubyObject backrefMatchLast(ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject backref = context.getCurrentScope().getBackRef(context.getRuntime());
return RubyRegexp.match_last(backref);
public static IRubyObject[] getArgValues(ThreadContext context) {
return context.getCurrentScope().getArgValues();
public static IRubyObject callZSuper(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, Block block, IRubyObject self) {
// Has the method that is calling super received a block argument
if (!block.isGiven()) block = context.getCurrentFrame().getBlock();
return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(context, self, context.getCurrentScope().getArgValues(), block);
public static IRubyObject[] appendToObjectArray(IRubyObject[] array, IRubyObject add) {
IRubyObject[] newArray = new IRubyObject[array.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length);
newArray[array.length] = add;
return newArray;
public static JumpException.ReturnJump returnJump(IRubyObject result, ThreadContext context) {
return context.returnJump(result);
public static IRubyObject breakJumpInWhile(JumpException.BreakJump bj, ThreadContext context) {
// JRUBY-530, while case
if (bj.getTarget() == context.getFrameJumpTarget()) {
return (IRubyObject) bj.getValue();
throw bj;
public static IRubyObject breakJump(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject value) {
throw new JumpException.BreakJump(context.getFrameJumpTarget(), value);
public static IRubyObject breakLocalJumpError(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) {
throw runtime.newLocalJumpError(RubyLocalJumpError.Reason.BREAK, value, "unexpected break");
public static IRubyObject[] concatObjectArrays(IRubyObject[] array, IRubyObject[] add) {
IRubyObject[] newArray = new IRubyObject[array.length + add.length];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length);
System.arraycopy(add, 0, newArray, array.length, add.length);
return newArray;
public static IRubyObject isExceptionHandled(RubyException currentException, IRubyObject[] exceptions, ThreadContext context) {
for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
IRubyObject result = isExceptionHandled(currentException, exceptions[i], context);
if (result.isTrue()) return result;
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
public static IRubyObject isExceptionHandled(RubyException currentException, IRubyObject exception, ThreadContext context) {
return isExceptionHandled((IRubyObject)currentException, exception, context);
public static IRubyObject isExceptionHandled(IRubyObject currentException, IRubyObject exception, ThreadContext context) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
if (!runtime.getModule().isInstance(exception)) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("class or module required for rescue clause");
IRubyObject result = invoke(context, exception, "===", currentException);
if (result.isTrue()) return result;
return runtime.getFalse();
public static IRubyObject isExceptionHandled(RubyException currentException, IRubyObject exception0, IRubyObject exception1, ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject result = isExceptionHandled(currentException, exception0, context);
if (result.isTrue()) return result;
return isExceptionHandled(currentException, exception1, context);
public static IRubyObject isExceptionHandled(RubyException currentException, IRubyObject exception0, IRubyObject exception1, IRubyObject exception2, ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject result = isExceptionHandled(currentException, exception0, context);
if (result.isTrue()) return result;
return isExceptionHandled(currentException, exception1, exception2, context);
private static boolean checkJavaException(Throwable throwable, IRubyObject catchable, ThreadContext context) {
if (context.getRuntime().getException().op_ge(catchable).isTrue() ||
context.getRuntime().getObject() == catchable) {
if (throwable instanceof RaiseException) {
return isExceptionHandled(((RaiseException)throwable).getException(), catchable, context).isTrue();
// let Ruby exceptions decide if they handle it
return isExceptionHandled(JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(context.getRuntime(), throwable), catchable, context).isTrue();
if (catchable instanceof RubyClass && catchable.getInstanceVariables().hasInstanceVariable("@java_class")) {
RubyClass rubyClass = (RubyClass)catchable;
JavaClass javaClass = (JavaClass)rubyClass.fastGetInstanceVariable("@java_class");
if (javaClass != null) {
Class cls = javaClass.javaClass();
if (cls.isInstance(throwable)) {
return true;
return false;
public static IRubyObject isJavaExceptionHandled(Throwable currentThrowable, IRubyObject[] throwables, ThreadContext context) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof Unrescuable) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof RaiseException) {
return isExceptionHandled(((RaiseException)currentThrowable).getException(), throwables, context);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < throwables.length; i++) {
if (checkJavaException(currentThrowable, throwables[i], context)) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
public static IRubyObject isJavaExceptionHandled(Throwable currentThrowable, IRubyObject throwable, ThreadContext context) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof Unrescuable) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof RaiseException) {
return isExceptionHandled(((RaiseException)currentThrowable).getException(), throwable, context);
} else {
if (checkJavaException(currentThrowable, throwable, context)) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
public static IRubyObject isJavaExceptionHandled(Throwable currentThrowable, IRubyObject throwable0, IRubyObject throwable1, ThreadContext context) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof Unrescuable) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof RaiseException) {
return isExceptionHandled(((RaiseException)currentThrowable).getException(), throwable0, throwable1, context);
} else {
if (checkJavaException(currentThrowable, throwable0, context)) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
if (checkJavaException(currentThrowable, throwable1, context)) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
public static IRubyObject isJavaExceptionHandled(Throwable currentThrowable, IRubyObject throwable0, IRubyObject throwable1, IRubyObject throwable2, ThreadContext context) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof Unrescuable) {
if (currentThrowable instanceof RaiseException) {
return isExceptionHandled(((RaiseException)currentThrowable).getException(), throwable0, throwable1, throwable2, context);
} else {
if (checkJavaException(currentThrowable, throwable0, context)) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
if (checkJavaException(currentThrowable, throwable1, context)) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
if (checkJavaException(currentThrowable, throwable2, context)) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
public static void storeExceptionInErrorInfo(Throwable currentThrowable, ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject exception = null;
if (currentThrowable instanceof RaiseException) {
exception = ((RaiseException)currentThrowable).getException();
} else {
exception = JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(context.getRuntime(), currentThrowable);
public static void clearErrorInfo(ThreadContext context) {
public static void checkSuperDisabledOrOutOfMethod(ThreadContext context) {
if (context.getFrameKlazz() == null) {
String name = context.getFrameName();
if (name != null) {
throw context.getRuntime().newNameError("superclass method '" + name + "' disabled", name);
} else {
throw context.getRuntime().newNoMethodError("super called outside of method", null, context.getRuntime().getNil());
public static Block ensureSuperBlock(Block given, Block parent) {
if (!given.isGiven()) {
return parent;
return given;
public static RubyModule findImplementerIfNecessary(RubyModule clazz, RubyModule implementationClass) {
if (implementationClass != null && implementationClass.needsImplementer()) {
// modules are included with a shim class; we must find that shim to handle super() appropriately
return clazz.findImplementer(implementationClass);
} else {
// classes are directly in the hierarchy, so no special logic is necessary for implementer
return implementationClass;
public static RubyArray createSubarray(RubyArray input, int start) {
return (RubyArray)input.subseqLight(start, input.size() - start);
public static RubyArray createSubarray(RubyArray input, int start, int post) {
return (RubyArray)input.subseqLight(start, input.size() - post - start);
public static RubyArray createSubarray(IRubyObject[] input, Ruby runtime, int start) {
if (start >= input.length) {
return RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);
} else {
return RubyArray.newArrayNoCopy(runtime, input, start);
public static RubyArray createSubarray(IRubyObject[] input, Ruby runtime, int start, int exclude) {
int length = input.length - exclude - start;
if (length <= 0) {
return RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);
} else {
return RubyArray.newArrayNoCopy(runtime, input, start, length);
public static IRubyObject elementOrNull(IRubyObject[] input, int element) {
if (element >= input.length) {
return null;
} else {
return input[element];
public static IRubyObject optElementOrNull(IRubyObject[] input, int element, int postCount) {
if (element + postCount >= input.length) {
return null;
} else {
return input[element];
public static IRubyObject elementOrNil(IRubyObject[] input, int element, IRubyObject nil) {
if (element >= input.length) {
return nil;
} else {
return input[element];
public static IRubyObject postElementOrNil(IRubyObject[] input, int postCount, int postIndex, IRubyObject nil) {
int aryIndex = input.length - postCount + postIndex;
if (aryIndex >= input.length || aryIndex < 0) {
return nil;
} else {
return input[aryIndex];
public static RubyBoolean isWhenTriggered(IRubyObject expression, IRubyObject expressionsObject, ThreadContext context) {
RubyArray expressions = RuntimeHelpers.splatValue(expressionsObject);
for (int j = 0,k = expressions.getLength(); j < k; j++) {
IRubyObject condition = expressions.eltInternal(j);
if ((expression != null && condition.callMethod(context, "===", expression).isTrue()) ||
(expression == null && condition.isTrue())) {
return context.getRuntime().getTrue();
return context.getRuntime().getFalse();
public static IRubyObject setConstantInModule(IRubyObject value, IRubyObject module, String name, ThreadContext context) {
return context.setConstantInModule(name, module, value);
public static IRubyObject setConstantInCurrent(IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context, String name) {
return context.setConstantInCurrent(name, value);
public static IRubyObject retryJump() {
throw JumpException.RETRY_JUMP;
public static IRubyObject redoJump() {
throw JumpException.REDO_JUMP;
public static IRubyObject redoLocalJumpError(Ruby runtime) {
throw runtime.newLocalJumpError(RubyLocalJumpError.Reason.REDO, runtime.getNil(), "unexpected redo");
public static IRubyObject nextJump(IRubyObject value) {
throw new JumpException.NextJump(value);
public static IRubyObject nextLocalJumpError(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) {
throw runtime.newLocalJumpError(RubyLocalJumpError.Reason.NEXT, value, "unexpected next");
public static final int MAX_SPECIFIC_ARITY_OBJECT_ARRAY = 5;
public static IRubyObject[] anewarrayIRubyObjects(int size) {
return new IRubyObject[size];
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
ary[start+3] = four;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
ary[start+3] = four;
ary[start+4] = five;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five, IRubyObject six, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
ary[start+3] = four;
ary[start+4] = five;
ary[start+5] = six;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five, IRubyObject six, IRubyObject seven, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
ary[start+3] = four;
ary[start+4] = five;
ary[start+5] = six;
ary[start+6] = seven;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five, IRubyObject six, IRubyObject seven, IRubyObject eight, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
ary[start+3] = four;
ary[start+4] = five;
ary[start+5] = six;
ary[start+6] = seven;
ary[start+7] = eight;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five, IRubyObject six, IRubyObject seven, IRubyObject eight, IRubyObject nine, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
ary[start+3] = four;
ary[start+4] = five;
ary[start+5] = six;
ary[start+6] = seven;
ary[start+7] = eight;
ary[start+8] = nine;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] aastoreIRubyObjects(IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five, IRubyObject six, IRubyObject seven, IRubyObject eight, IRubyObject nine, IRubyObject ten, int start) {
ary[start] = one;
ary[start+1] = two;
ary[start+2] = three;
ary[start+3] = four;
ary[start+4] = five;
ary[start+5] = six;
ary[start+6] = seven;
ary[start+7] = eight;
ary[start+8] = nine;
ary[start+9] = ten;
return ary;
public static IRubyObject[] constructObjectArray(IRubyObject one) {
return new IRubyObject[] {one};
public static IRubyObject[] constructObjectArray(IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two) {
return new IRubyObject[] {one, two};
public static IRubyObject[] constructObjectArray(IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three) {
return new IRubyObject[] {one, two, three};
public static IRubyObject[] constructObjectArray(IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four) {
return new IRubyObject[] {one, two, three, four};
public static IRubyObject[] constructObjectArray(IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five) {
return new IRubyObject[] {one, two, three, four, five};
public static RubyArray constructRubyArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject one) {
return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, one);
public static RubyArray constructRubyArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two) {
return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, one, two);
public static RubyArray constructRubyArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three) {
return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, one, two, three);
public static RubyArray constructRubyArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four) {
return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, one, two, three, four);
public static RubyArray constructRubyArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject one, IRubyObject two, IRubyObject three, IRubyObject four, IRubyObject five) {
return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, one, two, three, four, five);
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one) {
return new String[] {one};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two) {
return new String[] {one, two};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three) {
return new String[] {one, two, three};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three, String four) {
return new String[] {one, two, three, four};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three, String four, String five) {
return new String[] {one, two, three, four, five};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three, String four, String five, String six) {
return new String[] {one, two, three, four, five, six};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three, String four, String five, String six, String seven) {
return new String[] {one, two, three, four, five, six, seven};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three, String four, String five, String six, String seven, String eight) {
return new String[] {one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three, String four, String five, String six, String seven, String eight, String nine) {
return new String[] {one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine};
public static String[] constructStringArray(String one, String two, String three, String four, String five, String six, String seven, String eight, String nine, String ten) {
return new String[] {one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten};
public static final int MAX_SPECIFIC_ARITY_HASH = 3;
public static RubyHash constructHash(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key1, IRubyObject value1) {
RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, key1, value1);
return hash;
public static RubyHash constructHash(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key1, IRubyObject value1, IRubyObject key2, IRubyObject value2) {
RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, key1, value1);
hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, key2, value2);
return hash;
public static RubyHash constructHash(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key1, IRubyObject value1, IRubyObject key2, IRubyObject value2, IRubyObject key3, IRubyObject value3) {
RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, key1, value1);
hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, key2, value2);
hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, key3, value3);
return hash;
public static RubyHash constructHash19(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key1, IRubyObject value1) {
RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
hash.fastASetCheckString19(runtime, key1, value1);
return hash;
public static RubyHash constructHash19(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key1, IRubyObject value1, IRubyObject key2, IRubyObject value2) {
RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
hash.fastASetCheckString19(runtime, key1, value1);
hash.fastASetCheckString19(runtime, key2, value2);
return hash;
public static RubyHash constructHash19(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject key1, IRubyObject value1, IRubyObject key2, IRubyObject value2, IRubyObject key3, IRubyObject value3) {
RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
hash.fastASetCheckString19(runtime, key1, value1);
hash.fastASetCheckString19(runtime, key2, value2);
hash.fastASetCheckString19(runtime, key3, value3);
return hash;
public static IRubyObject undefMethod(ThreadContext context, Object nameArg) {
RubyModule module = context.getRubyClass();
String name = (nameArg instanceof String) ?
(String) nameArg : nameArg.toString();
if (module == null) {
throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("No class to undef method '" + name + "'.");
module.undef(context, name);
return context.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject defineAlias(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Object newNameArg, Object oldNameArg) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
RubyModule module = context.getRubyClass();
if (module == null || self instanceof RubyFixnum || self instanceof RubySymbol){
throw runtime.newTypeError("no class to make alias");
String newName = (newNameArg instanceof String) ?
(String) newNameArg : newNameArg.toString();
String oldName = (oldNameArg instanceof String) ?
(String) oldNameArg : oldNameArg.toString();
module.defineAlias(newName, oldName);
module.callMethod(context, "method_added", runtime.newSymbol(newName));
return runtime.getNil();
public static IRubyObject negate(IRubyObject value, Ruby runtime) {
if (value.isTrue()) return runtime.getFalse();
return runtime.getTrue();
public static IRubyObject stringOrNil(ByteList value, ThreadContext context) {
if (value == null) return context.nil;
return RubyString.newStringShared(context.runtime, value);
public static void preLoad(ThreadContext context, String[] varNames) {
StaticScope staticScope = new LocalStaticScope(null, varNames);
preLoadCommon(context, staticScope, false);
public static void preLoad(ThreadContext context, String scopeString, boolean wrap) {
StaticScope staticScope = decodeRootScope(context, scopeString);
preLoadCommon(context, staticScope, wrap);
private static void preLoadCommon(ThreadContext context, StaticScope staticScope, boolean wrap) {
RubyClass objectClass = context.getRuntime().getObject();
IRubyObject topLevel = context.getRuntime().getTopSelf();
if (wrap) {
} else {
DynamicScope scope = DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(staticScope);
// Each root node has a top-level scope that we need to push
context.preNodeEval(objectClass, topLevel);
public static void postLoad(ThreadContext context) {
public static void registerEndBlock(Block block, Ruby runtime) {
runtime.pushExitBlock(runtime.newProc(Block.Type.LAMBDA, block));
public static IRubyObject match3(RubyRegexp regexp, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context) {
if (value instanceof RubyString) {
return regexp.op_match(context, value);
} else {
return value.callMethod(context, "=~", regexp);
public static IRubyObject match3_19(RubyRegexp regexp, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context) {
if (value instanceof RubyString) {
return regexp.op_match19(context, value);
} else {
return value.callMethod(context, "=~", regexp);
public static IRubyObject getErrorInfo(Ruby runtime) {
return runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$!");
public static void setErrorInfo(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject error) {
runtime.getGlobalVariables().set("$!", error);
public static IRubyObject setLastLine(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject value) {
return context.getCurrentScope().setLastLine(value);
public static IRubyObject getLastLine(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context) {
return context.getCurrentScope().getLastLine(runtime);
public static IRubyObject setBackref(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject value) {
if (!value.isNil() && !(value instanceof RubyMatchData)) throw runtime.newTypeError(value, runtime.getMatchData());
return context.getCurrentScope().setBackRef(value);
public static IRubyObject getBackref(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject backref = context.getCurrentScope().getBackRef(runtime);
if (backref instanceof RubyMatchData) ((RubyMatchData)backref).use();
return backref;
public static IRubyObject preOpAsgnWithOrAnd(IRubyObject receiver, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, CallSite varSite) {
return, self, receiver);
public static IRubyObject postOpAsgnWithOrAnd(IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject value, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, CallSite varAsgnSite) {, self, receiver, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject opAsgnWithMethod(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject arg, CallSite varSite, CallSite opSite, CallSite opAsgnSite) {
IRubyObject var =, self, receiver);
IRubyObject result =, self, var, arg);, self, receiver, result);
return result;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithMethod(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject value, CallSite elementSite, CallSite opSite, CallSite elementAsgnSite) {
IRubyObject var =, self, receiver);
IRubyObject result =, self, var, value);, self, receiver, result);
return result;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithMethod(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject value, CallSite elementSite, CallSite opSite, CallSite elementAsgnSite) {
IRubyObject var =, self, receiver, arg);
IRubyObject result =, self, var, value);, self, receiver, arg, result);
return result;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithMethod(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject value, CallSite elementSite, CallSite opSite, CallSite elementAsgnSite) {
IRubyObject var =, self, receiver, arg1, arg2);
IRubyObject result =, self, var, value);, self, receiver, arg1, arg2, result);
return result;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithMethod(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3, IRubyObject value, CallSite elementSite, CallSite opSite, CallSite elementAsgnSite) {
IRubyObject var =, self, receiver, arg1, arg2, arg3);
IRubyObject result =, self, var, value);, self, receiver, new IRubyObject[] {arg1, arg2, arg3, result});
return result;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithMethod(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject value, CallSite elementSite, CallSite opSite, CallSite elementAsgnSite) {
IRubyObject var =, self, receiver);
IRubyObject result =, self, var, value);, self, receiver, appendToObjectArray(args, result));
return result;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithOrPartTwoOneArg(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject value, CallSite asetSite) {, self, receiver, arg, value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithOrPartTwoTwoArgs(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject value, CallSite asetSite) {, self, receiver, args[0], args[1], value);
return value;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithOrPartTwoThreeArgs(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject value, CallSite asetSite) {, self, receiver, new IRubyObject[] {args[0], args[1], args[2], value});
return value;
public static IRubyObject opElementAsgnWithOrPartTwoNArgs(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject value, CallSite asetSite) {
IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[args.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, args.length);
newArgs[args.length] = value;, self, receiver, newArgs);
return value;
public static RubyArray arrayValue(IRubyObject value) {
Ruby runtime = value.getRuntime();
return arrayValue(runtime.getCurrentContext(), runtime, value);
public static RubyArray arrayValue(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) {
IRubyObject tmp = value.checkArrayType();
if (tmp.isNil()) {
// Object#to_a is obsolete. We match Ruby's hack until to_a goes away. Then we can
// remove this hack too.
if (value.respondsTo("to_a") && value.getMetaClass().searchMethod("to_a").getImplementationClass() != runtime.getKernel()) {
IRubyObject avalue = value.callMethod(context, "to_a");
if (!(avalue instanceof RubyArray)) {
if (runtime.is1_9() && avalue.isNil()) {
return runtime.newArray(value);
} else {
throw runtime.newTypeError("`to_a' did not return Array");
return (RubyArray)avalue;
} else {
return runtime.newArray(value);
return (RubyArray)tmp;
public static IRubyObject aryToAry(IRubyObject value) {
if (value instanceof RubyArray) return value;
if (value.respondsTo("to_ary")) {
return TypeConverter.convertToType(value, value.getRuntime().getArray(), "to_ary", false);
return value.getRuntime().newArray(value);
public static IRubyObject aValueSplat(IRubyObject value) {
if (!(value instanceof RubyArray) || ((RubyArray) value).length().getLongValue() == 0) {
return value.getRuntime().getNil();
RubyArray array = (RubyArray) value;
return array.getLength() == 1 ? array.first() : array;
public static IRubyObject aValueSplat19(IRubyObject value) {
if (!(value instanceof RubyArray)) {
return value.getRuntime().getNil();
return (RubyArray) value;
public static RubyArray splatValue(IRubyObject value) {
if (value.isNil()) {
return value.getRuntime().newArray(value);
return arrayValue(value);
public static RubyArray splatValue19(IRubyObject value) {
if (value.isNil()) {
return value.getRuntime().newEmptyArray();
return arrayValue(value);
public static IRubyObject unsplatValue19(IRubyObject argsResult) {
if (argsResult instanceof RubyArray) {
RubyArray array = (RubyArray) argsResult;
if (array.size() == 1) {
IRubyObject newResult = array.eltInternal(0);
// JRUBY-6729. It seems RubyArray should be returned as it is from here.
if (!(newResult instanceof RubyArray)) {
argsResult = newResult;
return argsResult;
public static IRubyObject[] splatToArguments(IRubyObject value) {
Ruby runtime = value.getRuntime();
if (value.isNil()) {
return runtime.getSingleNilArray();
return splatToArgumentsCommon(runtime, value);
public static IRubyObject[] splatToArguments19(IRubyObject value) {
Ruby runtime = value.getRuntime();
if (value.isNil()) {
return IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY;
return splatToArgumentsCommon(runtime, value);
private static IRubyObject[] splatToArgumentsCommon(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) {
if (value.isNil()) {
return runtime.getSingleNilArray();
IRubyObject tmp = value.checkArrayType();
if (tmp.isNil()) {
return convertSplatToJavaArray(runtime, value);
return ((RubyArray)tmp).toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe();
private static IRubyObject[] convertSplatToJavaArray(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) {
// Object#to_a is obsolete. We match Ruby's hack until to_a goes away. Then we can
// remove this hack too.
RubyClass metaClass = value.getMetaClass();
DynamicMethod method = metaClass.searchMethod("to_a");
if (method.isUndefined() || method.getImplementationClass() == runtime.getKernel()) {
return new IRubyObject[] {value};
IRubyObject avalue =, value, metaClass, "to_a");
if (!(avalue instanceof RubyArray)) {
if (runtime.is1_9() && avalue.isNil()) {
return new IRubyObject[] {value};
} else {
throw runtime.newTypeError("`to_a' did not return Array");
return ((RubyArray)avalue).toJavaArray();
public static IRubyObject[] argsCatToArguments(IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject cat) {
IRubyObject[] ary = splatToArguments(cat);
return argsCatToArgumentsCommon(args, ary, cat);
public static IRubyObject[] argsCatToArguments19(IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject cat) {
IRubyObject[] ary = splatToArguments19(cat);
return argsCatToArgumentsCommon(args, ary, cat);
private static IRubyObject[] argsCatToArgumentsCommon(IRubyObject[] args, IRubyObject[] ary, IRubyObject cat) {
if (ary.length > 0) {
IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[args.length + ary.length];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, args.length);
System.arraycopy(ary, 0, newArgs, args.length, ary.length);
args = newArgs;
return args;
public static void addInstanceMethod(RubyModule containingClass, String name, DynamicMethod method, Visibility visibility, ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime) {
containingClass.addMethod(name, method);
RubySymbol sym = runtime.fastNewSymbol(name);
if (visibility == Visibility.MODULE_FUNCTION) {
addModuleMethod(containingClass, name, method, context, sym);
callNormalMethodHook(containingClass, context, sym);
private static void addModuleMethod(RubyModule containingClass, String name, DynamicMethod method, ThreadContext context, RubySymbol sym) {
containingClass.getSingletonClass().addMethod(name, new WrapperMethod(containingClass.getSingletonClass(), method, Visibility.PUBLIC));
containingClass.callMethod(context, "singleton_method_added", sym);
private static void callNormalMethodHook(RubyModule containingClass, ThreadContext context, RubySymbol name) {
// 'class << state.self' and 'class << obj' uses defn as opposed to defs
if (containingClass.isSingleton()) {
callSingletonMethodHook(((MetaClass) containingClass).getAttached(), context, name);
} else {
containingClass.callMethod(context, "method_added", name);
private static void callSingletonMethodHook(IRubyObject receiver, ThreadContext context, RubySymbol name) {
receiver.callMethod(context, "singleton_method_added", name);
private static DynamicMethod constructNormalMethod(
MethodFactory factory,
String javaName,
String name,
RubyModule containingClass,
ISourcePosition position,
int arity,
StaticScope scope,
Visibility visibility,
Object scriptObject,
CallConfiguration callConfig,
String parameterDesc) {
DynamicMethod method;
if (name.equals("initialize") || name.equals("initialize_copy") || visibility == Visibility.MODULE_FUNCTION) {
visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE;
if (RubyInstanceConfig.LAZYHANDLES_COMPILE) {
method = factory.getCompiledMethodLazily(
} else {
method = factory.getCompiledMethod(
return method;
private static DynamicMethod constructSingletonMethod(
MethodFactory factory,
String javaName,
RubyClass rubyClass,
ISourcePosition position,
int arity,
StaticScope scope,
Object scriptObject,
CallConfiguration callConfig,
String parameterDesc) {
if (RubyInstanceConfig.LAZYHANDLES_COMPILE) {
return factory.getCompiledMethodLazily(
} else {
return factory.getCompiledMethod(
public static String encodeScope(StaticScope scope) {
StringBuilder namesBuilder = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String name : scope.getVariables()) {
if (!first) namesBuilder.append(';');
first = false;
return namesBuilder.toString();
public static LocalStaticScope decodeRootScope(ThreadContext context, String scopeString) {
String[][] decodedScope = decodeScopeDescriptor(scopeString);
LocalStaticScope scope = new LocalStaticScope(null, decodedScope[1]);
setAritiesFromDecodedScope(scope, decodedScope[0]);
return scope;
public static LocalStaticScope decodeLocalScope(ThreadContext context, String scopeString) {
String[][] decodedScope = decodeScopeDescriptor(scopeString);
LocalStaticScope scope = new LocalStaticScope(context.getCurrentScope().getStaticScope(), decodedScope[1]);
setAritiesFromDecodedScope(scope, decodedScope[0]);
return scope;
public static BlockStaticScope decodeBlockScope(ThreadContext context, String scopeString) {
String[][] decodedScope = decodeScopeDescriptor(scopeString);
BlockStaticScope scope = new BlockStaticScope(context.getCurrentScope().getStaticScope(), decodedScope[1]);
setAritiesFromDecodedScope(scope, decodedScope[0]);
return scope;
private static String[][] decodeScopeDescriptor(String scopeString) {
String[] scopeElements = scopeString.split(",");
String[] scopeNames = scopeElements[0].length() == 0 ? new String[0] : getScopeNames(scopeElements[0]);
return new String[][] {scopeElements, scopeNames};
private static void setAritiesFromDecodedScope(StaticScope scope, String[] scopeElements) {
scope.setArities(Integer.parseInt(scopeElements[1]), Integer.parseInt(scopeElements[2]), Integer.parseInt(scopeElements[3]));
private static StaticScope createScopeForClass(ThreadContext context, String scopeString) {
StaticScope scope = decodeLocalScope(context, scopeString);
return scope;
private static void performNormalMethodChecks(RubyModule containingClass, Ruby runtime, String name) throws RaiseException {
if (containingClass == runtime.getDummy()) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("no class/module to add method");
if (containingClass == runtime.getObject() && name.equals("initialize")) {
runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop");
if (name.equals("__id__") || name.equals("__send__")) {
runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining `" + name + "' may cause serious problem");
private static RubyClass performSingletonMethodChecks(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject receiver, String name) throws RaiseException {
if (runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 4 && !receiver.isTaint()) {
throw runtime.newSecurityError("Insecure; can't define singleton method.");
if (receiver instanceof RubyFixnum || receiver instanceof RubySymbol) {
throw runtime.newTypeError("can't define singleton method \"" + name + "\" for " + receiver.getMetaClass().getBaseName());
if (receiver.isFrozen()) {
throw runtime.newFrozenError("object");
RubyClass rubyClass = receiver.getSingletonClass();
if (runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 4 && rubyClass.getMethods().get(name) != null) {
throw runtime.newSecurityError("redefining method prohibited.");
return rubyClass;
public static IRubyObject arrayEntryOrNil(RubyArray array, int index) {
if (index < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(index);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject arrayEntryOrNilZero(RubyArray array) {
if (0 < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(0);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject arrayEntryOrNilOne(RubyArray array) {
if (1 < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(1);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject arrayEntryOrNilTwo(RubyArray array) {
if (2 < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(2);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject arrayPostOrNil(RubyArray array, int pre, int post, int index) {
if (pre + post < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(array.getLength() - post + index);
} else if (pre + index < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(pre + index);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject arrayPostOrNilZero(RubyArray array, int pre, int post) {
if (pre + post < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(array.getLength() - post + 0);
} else if (pre + 0 < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(pre + 0);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject arrayPostOrNilOne(RubyArray array, int pre, int post) {
if (pre + post < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(array.getLength() - post + 1);
} else if (pre + 1 < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(pre + 1);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static IRubyObject arrayPostOrNilTwo(RubyArray array, int pre, int post) {
if (pre + post < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(array.getLength() - post + 2);
} else if (pre + 2 < array.getLength()) {
return array.eltInternal(pre + 2);
} else {
return array.getRuntime().getNil();
public static RubyArray subarrayOrEmpty(RubyArray array, Ruby runtime, int index) {
if (index < array.getLength()) {
return createSubarray(array, index);
} else {
return RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);
public static RubyArray subarrayOrEmpty(RubyArray array, Ruby runtime, int index, int post) {
if (index + post < array.getLength()) {
return createSubarray(array, index, post);
} else {
return RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);
public static RubyModule checkIsModule(IRubyObject maybeModule) {
if (maybeModule instanceof RubyModule) return (RubyModule)maybeModule;
throw maybeModule.getRuntime().newTypeError(maybeModule + " is not a class/module");
public static IRubyObject getGlobalVariable(Ruby runtime, String name) {
return runtime.getGlobalVariables().get(name);
public static IRubyObject setGlobalVariable(IRubyObject value, Ruby runtime, String name) {
return runtime.getGlobalVariables().set(name, value);
public static IRubyObject getInstanceVariable(IRubyObject self, Ruby runtime, String internedName) {
IRubyObject result = self.getInstanceVariables().fastGetInstanceVariable(internedName);
if (result != null) return result;
if (runtime.isVerbose()) warnAboutUninitializedIvar(runtime, internedName);
return runtime.getNil();
private static void warnAboutUninitializedIvar(Ruby runtime, String internedName) {
runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.IVAR_NOT_INITIALIZED, "instance variable " + internedName + " not initialized");
public static IRubyObject setInstanceVariable(IRubyObject value, IRubyObject self, String name) {
return self.getInstanceVariables().fastSetInstanceVariable(name, value);
public static RubyProc newLiteralLambda(ThreadContext context, Block block, IRubyObject self) {
return RubyProc.newProc(context.getRuntime(), block, Block.Type.LAMBDA);
public static void fillNil(IRubyObject[]arr, int from, int to, Ruby runtime) {
IRubyObject nils[] = runtime.getNilPrefilledArray();
int i;
for (i = from; i + Ruby.NIL_PREFILLED_ARRAY_SIZE < to; i += Ruby.NIL_PREFILLED_ARRAY_SIZE) {
System.arraycopy(nils, 0, arr, i, Ruby.NIL_PREFILLED_ARRAY_SIZE);
System.arraycopy(nils, 0, arr, i, to - i);
public static void fillNil(IRubyObject[]arr, Ruby runtime) {
fillNil(arr, 0, arr.length, runtime);
public static boolean isFastSwitchableString(IRubyObject str) {
return str instanceof RubyString;
public static boolean isFastSwitchableSingleCharString(IRubyObject str) {
return str instanceof RubyString && ((RubyString)str).getByteList().length() == 1;
public static int getFastSwitchString(IRubyObject str) {
ByteList byteList = ((RubyString)str).getByteList();
return byteList.hashCode();
public static int getFastSwitchSingleCharString(IRubyObject str) {
ByteList byteList = ((RubyString)str).getByteList();
return byteList.get(0);
public static boolean isFastSwitchableSymbol(IRubyObject sym) {
return sym instanceof RubySymbol;
public static boolean isFastSwitchableSingleCharSymbol(IRubyObject sym) {
return sym instanceof RubySymbol && ((RubySymbol)sym).asJavaString().length() == 1;
public static int getFastSwitchSymbol(IRubyObject sym) {
String str = ((RubySymbol)sym).asJavaString();
return str.hashCode();
public static int getFastSwitchSingleCharSymbol(IRubyObject sym) {
String str = ((RubySymbol)sym).asJavaString();
return (int)str.charAt(0);
public static Block getBlock(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Node node) {
IterNode iter = (IterNode)node;
// Create block for this iter node
// FIXME: We shouldn't use the current scope if it's not actually from the same hierarchy of static scopes
if (iter.getBlockBody() instanceof InterpretedBlock) {
return InterpretedBlock.newInterpretedClosure(context, iter.getBlockBody(), self);
} else {
return Interpreted19Block.newInterpretedClosure(context, iter.getBlockBody(), self);
public static Block getBlock(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Node node, Block aBlock) {
return RuntimeHelpers.getBlockFromBlockPassBody(runtime, node.interpret(runtime, context, self, aBlock), aBlock);
* Equivalent to rb_equal in MRI
* @param context
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public static RubyBoolean rbEqual(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject a, IRubyObject b) {
Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
if (a == b) return runtime.getTrue();
IRubyObject res = invokedynamic(context, a, OP_EQUAL, b);
return runtime.newBoolean(res.isTrue());
public static void traceLine(ThreadContext context) {
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyModule type = context.getFrameKlazz();
context.getRuntime().callEventHooks(context, RubyEvent.LINE, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), name, type);
public static void traceClass(ThreadContext context) {
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyModule type = context.getFrameKlazz();
context.getRuntime().callEventHooks(context, RubyEvent.CLASS, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), name, type);
public static void traceEnd(ThreadContext context) {
String name = context.getFrameName();
RubyModule type = context.getFrameKlazz();
context.getRuntime().callEventHooks(context, RubyEvent.END, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), name, type);
* Some of this code looks scary. All names for an alias or undef is a
* fitem in 1.8/1.9 grammars. This means it is guaranteed to be either
* a LiteralNode of a DSymbolNode. Nothing else is possible. Also
* Interpreting a DSymbolNode will always yield a RubySymbol.
public static String interpretAliasUndefName(Node nameNode, Ruby runtime,
ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Block aBlock) {
String name;
if (nameNode instanceof LiteralNode) {
name = ((LiteralNode) nameNode).getName();
} else {
assert nameNode instanceof DSymbolNode: "Alias or Undef not literal or dsym";
name = ((RubySymbol) nameNode.interpret(runtime, context, self, aBlock)).asJavaString();
return name;
* Used by the compiler to simplify arg checking in variable-arity paths
* @param context thread context
* @param args arguments array
* @param min minimum required
* @param max maximum allowed
public static void checkArgumentCount(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, int min, int max) {
checkArgumentCount(context, args.length, min, max);
* Used by the compiler to simplify arg checking in variable-arity paths
* @param context thread context
* @param args arguments array
* @param req required number
public static void checkArgumentCount(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args, int req) {
checkArgumentCount(context, args.length, req, req);
public static void checkArgumentCount(ThreadContext context, int length, int min, int max) {
int expected = 0;
if (length < min) {
expected = min;
} else if (max > -1 && length > max) {
expected = max;
} else {
throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError(length, expected);
public static boolean isModuleAndHasConstant(IRubyObject left, String name) {
return left instanceof RubyModule && ((RubyModule) left).fastGetConstantFromNoConstMissing(name) != null;
public static ByteList getDefinedConstantOrBoundMethod(IRubyObject left, String name) {
if (isModuleAndHasConstant(left, name)) return Node.CONSTANT_BYTELIST;
if (left.getMetaClass().isMethodBound(name, true)) return Node.METHOD_BYTELIST;
return null;
public static RubyModule getSuperClassForDefined(Ruby runtime, RubyModule klazz) {
RubyModule superklazz = klazz.getSuperClass();
if (superklazz == null && klazz.isModule()) superklazz = runtime.getObject();
return superklazz;
public static boolean isGenerationEqual(IRubyObject object, int generation) {
RubyClass metaClass;
if (object instanceof RubyBasicObject) {
metaClass = ((RubyBasicObject)object).getMetaClass();
} else {
metaClass = object.getMetaClass();
return metaClass.getCacheToken() == generation;
public static String[] getScopeNames(String scopeNames) {
StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(scopeNames, ";");
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(10);
while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) {
return (String[])list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
public static IRubyObject[] arraySlice1N(IRubyObject arrayish) {
arrayish = aryToAry(arrayish);
RubyArray arrayish2 = ensureMultipleAssignableRubyArray(arrayish, arrayish.getRuntime(), true);
return new IRubyObject[] {arrayEntryOrNilZero(arrayish2), subarrayOrEmpty(arrayish2, arrayish2.getRuntime(), 1)};
public static IRubyObject arraySlice1(IRubyObject arrayish) {
arrayish = aryToAry(arrayish);
RubyArray arrayish2 = ensureMultipleAssignableRubyArray(arrayish, arrayish.getRuntime(), true);
return arrayEntryOrNilZero(arrayish2);
public static RubyClass metaclass(IRubyObject object) {
return object instanceof RubyBasicObject ?
((RubyBasicObject)object).getMetaClass() :
public static String rawBytesToString(byte[] bytes) {
// stuff bytes into chars
char[] chars = new char[bytes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) chars[i] = (char)bytes[i];
return new String(chars);
public static byte[] stringToRawBytes(String string) {
char[] chars = string.toCharArray();
byte[] bytes = new byte[chars.length];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) bytes[i] = (byte)chars[i];
return bytes;
public static String encodeCaptureOffsets(int[] scopeOffsets) {
char[] encoded = new char[scopeOffsets.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < scopeOffsets.length; i++) {
int offDepth = scopeOffsets[i];
char off = (char)(offDepth & 0xFFFF);
char depth = (char)(offDepth >> 16);
encoded[2 * i] = off;
encoded[2 * i + 1] = depth;
return new String(encoded);
public static int[] decodeCaptureOffsets(String encoded) {
char[] chars = encoded.toCharArray();
int[] scopeOffsets = new int[chars.length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < scopeOffsets.length; i++) {
char off = chars[2 * i];
char depth = chars[2 * i + 1];
scopeOffsets[i] = (((int)depth) << 16) | (int)off;
return scopeOffsets;
public static IRubyObject match2AndUpdateScope(IRubyObject receiver, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject value, String scopeOffsets) {
DynamicScope scope = context.getCurrentScope();
IRubyObject match = ((RubyRegexp)receiver).op_match(context, value);
updateScopeWithCaptures(context, scope, decodeCaptureOffsets(scopeOffsets), match);
return match;
public static IRubyObject match2AndUpdateScope19(IRubyObject receiver, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject value, String scopeOffsets) {
DynamicScope scope = context.getCurrentScope();
IRubyObject match = ((RubyRegexp)receiver).op_match19(context, value);
updateScopeWithCaptures(context, scope, decodeCaptureOffsets(scopeOffsets), match);
return match;
public static void updateScopeWithCaptures(ThreadContext context, DynamicScope scope, int[] scopeOffsets, IRubyObject result) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
if (result.isNil()) { // match2 directly calls match so we know we can count on result
IRubyObject nil = runtime.getNil();
for (int i = 0; i < scopeOffsets.length; i++) {
scope.setValue(nil, scopeOffsets[i], 0);
} else {
RubyMatchData matchData = (RubyMatchData)scope.getBackRef(runtime);
// FIXME: Mass assignment is possible since we know they are all locals in the same
// scope that are also contiguous
IRubyObject[] namedValues = matchData.getNamedBackrefValues(runtime);
for (int i = 0; i < scopeOffsets.length; i++) {
scope.setValue(namedValues[i], scopeOffsets[i] & 0xffff, scopeOffsets[i] >> 16);
public static RubyArray argsPush(RubyArray first, IRubyObject second) {
return ((RubyArray)first.dup()).append(second);
public static RubyArray argsCat(IRubyObject first, IRubyObject second) {
Ruby runtime = first.getRuntime();
IRubyObject secondArgs;
if (runtime.is1_9()) {
secondArgs = RuntimeHelpers.splatValue19(second);
} else {
secondArgs = RuntimeHelpers.splatValue(second);
return ((RubyArray)RuntimeHelpers.ensureRubyArray(runtime, first).dup()).concat(secondArgs);
public static String encodeParameterList(ArgsNode argsNode) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
boolean added = false;
if (argsNode.getPre() != null) {
for (Node preNode : argsNode.getPre().childNodes()) {
if (added) builder.append(';');
added = true;
if (preNode instanceof MultipleAsgn19Node) {
} else {
if (argsNode.getOptArgs() != null) {
for (Node optNode : argsNode.getOptArgs().childNodes()) {
if (added) builder.append(';');
added = true;
if (optNode instanceof OptArgNode) {
} else if (optNode instanceof LocalAsgnNode) {
} else if (optNode instanceof DAsgnNode) {
if (argsNode.getRestArg() >= 0) {
if (added) builder.append(';');
added = true;
if (argsNode.getRestArgNode() instanceof UnnamedRestArgNode) {
if (((UnnamedRestArgNode) argsNode.getRestArgNode()).isStar()) builder.append("R");
} else {
if (argsNode.getPost() != null) {
for (Node postNode : argsNode.getPost().childNodes()) {
if (added) builder.append(';');
added = true;
if (postNode instanceof MultipleAsgn19Node) {
} else {
if (argsNode.getBlock() != null) {
if (added) builder.append(';');
added = true;
if (!added) builder.append("NONE");
return builder.toString();
public static RubyArray parameterListToParameters(Ruby runtime, String[] parameterList, boolean isLambda) {
RubyArray parms = RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);
for (String param : parameterList) {
if (param.equals("NONE")) break;
RubyArray elem = RubyArray.newEmptyArray(runtime);
if (param.equals("nil")) {
// marker for masgn args (the parens in "a, b, (c, d)"
elem.add(RubySymbol.newSymbol(runtime, isLambda ? "req" : "opt"));
if (param.charAt(0) == 'q') {
// required/normal arg
elem.add(RubySymbol.newSymbol(runtime, isLambda ? "req" : "opt"));
} else if (param.charAt(0) == 'r') {
// named rest arg
elem.add(RubySymbol.newSymbol(runtime, "rest"));
} else if (param.charAt(0) == 'R') {
// unnamed rest arg (star)
elem.add(RubySymbol.newSymbol(runtime, "rest"));
} else if (param.charAt(0) == 'o') {
// optional arg
elem.add(RubySymbol.newSymbol(runtime, "opt"));
if (param.length() == 1) {
// no name; continue
} else if (param.charAt(0) == 'b') {
// block arg
elem.add(RubySymbol.newSymbol(runtime, "block"));
elem.add(RubySymbol.newSymbol(runtime, param.substring(1)));
return parms;
public static ByteList getDefinedCall(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, IRubyObject receiver, String name) {
RubyClass metaClass = receiver.getMetaClass();
DynamicMethod method = metaClass.searchMethod(name);
Visibility visibility = method.getVisibility();
if (visibility != Visibility.PRIVATE &&
(visibility != Visibility.PROTECTED || metaClass.getRealClass().isInstance(self)) && !method.isUndefined()) {
if (context.getRuntime().is1_9() && receiver.callMethod(context, "respond_to_missing?",
new IRubyObject[]{context.getRuntime().newSymbol(name), context.getRuntime().getFalse()}).isTrue()) {
return null;
public static ByteList getDefinedNot(Ruby runtime, ByteList definition) {
if (definition != null && runtime.is1_9()) {
definition = Node.METHOD_BYTELIST;
return definition;
public static IRubyObject invokedynamic(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, int index) {
RubyClass metaclass = self.getMetaClass();
String name = MethodIndex.METHOD_NAMES[index];
return getMethodCached(context, metaclass, index, name).call(context, self, metaclass, name);
public static IRubyObject invokedynamic(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, int index, IRubyObject arg0) {
RubyClass metaclass = self.getMetaClass();
String name = MethodIndex.METHOD_NAMES[index];
return getMethodCached(context, metaclass, index, name).call(context, self, metaclass, name, arg0);
private static DynamicMethod getMethodCached(ThreadContext context, RubyClass metaclass, int index, String name) {
if (metaclass.index >= ClassIndex.MAX_CLASSES) return metaclass.searchMethod(name);
return context.runtimeCache.getMethod(context, metaclass, metaclass.index * (index + 1), name);
public static RubyString appendAsString(RubyString target, IRubyObject other) {
return target.append(other.asString());
public static RubyString appendAsString19(RubyString target, IRubyObject other) {
return target.append19(other.asString());
* We need to splat incoming array to a block when |a, *b| (any required +
* rest) or |a, b| (>1 required).
public static boolean needsSplat19(int requiredCount, boolean isRest) {
return (isRest && requiredCount > 0) || (!isRest && requiredCount > 1);
// . Array given to rest should pass itself
// . Array with rest + other args should extract array
// . Array with multiple values and NO rest should extract args if there are more than one argument
// Note: In 1.9 alreadyArray is only relevent from our internal Java code in core libs. We never use it
// from interpreter or JIT. FIXME: Change core lib consumers to stop using alreadyArray param.
public static final IRubyObject[] restructureBlockArgs19(IRubyObject value, boolean needsSplat, boolean alreadyArray) {
if (value != null && !(value instanceof RubyArray) && needsSplat) value = RuntimeHelpers.aryToAry(value);
IRubyObject[] parameters;
if (value == null) {
parameters = IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY;
} else if (value instanceof RubyArray && (alreadyArray || needsSplat)) {
parameters = ((RubyArray) value).toJavaArray();
} else {
parameters = new IRubyObject[] { value };
return parameters;
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