org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jan Arne Petersen
* Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas E Enebo
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Charles O Nutter
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust
* Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Studman
* Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias
* Copyright (C) 2007 William N Dortch
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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* the terms of any one of the CPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.runtime;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.BacktraceElement;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.RubyStackTraceElement;
import org.jruby.runtime.profile.IProfileData;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.jruby.runtime.profile.ProfileData;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jruby.runtime.scope.ManyVarsDynamicScope;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyContinuation.Continuation;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.RubyThread;
import org.jruby.ast.executable.RuntimeCache;
import org.jruby.exceptions.JumpException.ReturnJump;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
import org.jruby.ext.fiber.Fiber;
import org.jruby.parser.BlockStaticScope;
import org.jruby.parser.LocalStaticScope;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.TraceType;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.TraceType.Gather;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.RecursiveComparator;
public final class ThreadContext {
public static ThreadContext newContext(Ruby runtime) {
ThreadContext context = new ThreadContext(runtime);
return context;
private final static int INITIAL_SIZE = 10;
private final static int INITIAL_FRAMES_SIZE = 10;
/** The number of calls after which to do a thread event poll */
private final static int CALL_POLL_COUNT = 0xFFF;
// runtime, nil, and runtimeCache cached here for speed of access from any thread
public final Ruby runtime;
public final IRubyObject nil;
public final RuntimeCache runtimeCache;
// Is this thread currently with in a function trace?
private boolean isWithinTrace;
// Is this thread currently doing an defined? defined should set things like $!
private boolean isWithinDefined;
private RubyThread thread;
private Fiber fiber;
private RubyModule[] parentStack = new RubyModule[INITIAL_SIZE];
private int parentIndex = -1;
private Frame[] frameStack = new Frame[INITIAL_FRAMES_SIZE];
private int frameIndex = -1;
private BacktraceElement[] backtrace = new BacktraceElement[INITIAL_FRAMES_SIZE];
private int backtraceIndex = -1;
// List of active dynamic scopes. Each of these may have captured other dynamic scopes
// to implement closures.
private DynamicScope[] scopeStack = new DynamicScope[INITIAL_SIZE];
private int scopeIndex = -1;
private static final Continuation[] EMPTY_CATCHTARGET_STACK = new Continuation[0];
private Continuation[] catchStack = EMPTY_CATCHTARGET_STACK;
private int catchIndex = -1;
private boolean isProfiling = false;
// The flat profile data for this thread
private IProfileData profileData;
// In certain places, like grep, we don't use real frames for the
// call blocks. This has the effect of not setting the backref in
// the correct frame - this delta is activated to the place where
// the grep is running in so that the backref will be set in an
// appropriate place.
private int rubyFrameDelta = 0;
private boolean eventHooksEnabled = true;
CallType lastCallType;
Visibility lastVisibility;
IRubyObject lastExitStatus;
* Constructor for Context.
private ThreadContext(Ruby runtime) {
this.runtime = runtime;
this.nil = runtime.getNil();
if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isProfilingEntireRun())
this.runtimeCache = runtime.getRuntimeCache();
// TOPLEVEL self and a few others want a top-level scope. We create this one right
// away and then pass it into top-level parse so it ends up being the top level.
StaticScope topStaticScope = new LocalStaticScope(null);
pushScope(new ManyVarsDynamicScope(topStaticScope, null));
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
int length = stack.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
stack[i] = new Frame();
BacktraceElement[] stack2 = backtrace;
int length2 = stack2.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
stack2[i] = new BacktraceElement();
ThreadContext.pushBacktrace(this, "", "", "", 0);
ThreadContext.pushBacktrace(this, "", "", "", 0);
fiber = (Fiber) runtime.getRootFiber();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
if (thread != null) {
public final Ruby getRuntime() {
return runtime;
public IRubyObject getErrorInfo() {
return thread.getErrorInfo();
public IRubyObject setErrorInfo(IRubyObject errorInfo) {
return errorInfo;
public ReturnJump returnJump(IRubyObject value) {
return new ReturnJump(getFrameJumpTarget(), value);
* Returns the lastCallStatus.
* @return LastCallStatus
public void setLastCallStatus(CallType callType) {
lastCallType = callType;
public CallType getLastCallType() {
return lastCallType;
public void setLastVisibility(Visibility visibility) {
lastVisibility = visibility;
public Visibility getLastVisibility() {
return lastVisibility;
public void setLastCallStatusAndVisibility(CallType callType, Visibility visibility) {
lastCallType = callType;
lastVisibility = visibility;
public IRubyObject getLastExitStatus() {
return lastExitStatus;
public void setLastExitStatus(IRubyObject lastExitStatus) {
this.lastExitStatus = lastExitStatus;
public void printScope() {
System.out.println("SCOPE STACK:");
for (int i = 0; i <= scopeIndex; i++) {
public DynamicScope getCurrentScope() {
return scopeStack[scopeIndex];
public DynamicScope getPreviousScope() {
return scopeStack[scopeIndex - 1];
private void expandFramesIfNecessary() {
int newSize = frameStack.length * 2;
frameStack = fillNewFrameStack(new Frame[newSize], newSize);
private Frame[] fillNewFrameStack(Frame[] newFrameStack, int newSize) {
System.arraycopy(frameStack, 0, newFrameStack, 0, frameStack.length);
for (int i = frameStack.length; i < newSize; i++) {
newFrameStack[i] = new Frame();
return newFrameStack;
private void expandParentsIfNecessary() {
int newSize = parentStack.length * 2;
RubyModule[] newParentStack = new RubyModule[newSize];
System.arraycopy(parentStack, 0, newParentStack, 0, parentStack.length);
parentStack = newParentStack;
public void pushScope(DynamicScope scope) {
int index = ++scopeIndex;
DynamicScope[] stack = scopeStack;
stack[index] = scope;
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
public void popScope() {
scopeStack[scopeIndex--] = null;
private void expandScopesIfNecessary() {
int newSize = scopeStack.length * 2;
DynamicScope[] newScopeStack = new DynamicScope[newSize];
System.arraycopy(scopeStack, 0, newScopeStack, 0, scopeStack.length);
scopeStack = newScopeStack;
public RubyThread getThread() {
return thread;
public void setThread(RubyThread thread) {
this.thread = thread;
// associate the thread with this context, unless we're clearing the reference
if (thread != null) {
public Fiber getFiber() {
return fiber;
public void setFiber(Fiber fiber) {
this.fiber = fiber;
//////////////////// CATCH MANAGEMENT ////////////////////////
private void expandCatchIfNecessary() {
int newSize = catchStack.length * 2;
if (newSize == 0) newSize = 1;
Continuation[] newCatchStack = new Continuation[newSize];
System.arraycopy(catchStack, 0, newCatchStack, 0, catchStack.length);
catchStack = newCatchStack;
public void pushCatch(Continuation catchTarget) {
int index = ++catchIndex;
if (index == catchStack.length) {
catchStack[index] = catchTarget;
public void popCatch() {
* Find the active Continuation for the given tag. Must be called with an
* interned string.
* @param tag The interned string to search for
* @return The continuation associated with this tag
public Continuation getActiveCatch(Object tag) {
for (int i = catchIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
Continuation c = catchStack[i];
if (runtime.is1_9()) {
if (c.tag == tag) return c;
} else {
if (c.tag.equals(tag)) return c;
return null;
//////////////////// FRAME MANAGEMENT ////////////////////////
private void pushFrameCopy() {
int index = ++this.frameIndex;
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
Frame currentFrame = stack[index - 1];
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
private Frame pushFrame(Frame frame) {
int index = ++this.frameIndex;
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
stack[index] = frame;
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
return frame;
private void pushCallFrame(RubyModule clazz, String name,
IRubyObject self, Block block) {
int index = ++this.frameIndex;
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
stack[index].updateFrame(clazz, self, name, block, callNumber);
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
private void pushEvalFrame(IRubyObject self) {
int index = ++this.frameIndex;
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
stack[index].updateFrameForEval(self, callNumber);
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
private void pushFrame(String name) {
int index = ++this.frameIndex;
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
public void pushFrame() {
int index = ++this.frameIndex;
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
public void popFrame() {
Frame frame = frameStack[frameIndex--];
private void popFrameReal(Frame oldFrame) {
frameStack[frameIndex--] = oldFrame;
public Frame getCurrentFrame() {
return frameStack[frameIndex];
public int getRubyFrameDelta() {
return this.rubyFrameDelta;
public void setRubyFrameDelta(int newDelta) {
this.rubyFrameDelta = newDelta;
public Frame getCurrentRubyFrame() {
return frameStack[frameIndex-rubyFrameDelta];
public Frame getNextFrame() {
int index = frameIndex;
Frame[] stack = frameStack;
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
return stack[index + 1];
public Frame getPreviousFrame() {
int index = frameIndex;
return index < 1 ? null : frameStack[index - 1];
public int getFrameCount() {
return frameIndex + 1;
public Frame[] getFrames(int delta) {
int top = frameIndex + delta;
Frame[] frames = new Frame[top + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= top; i++) {
frames[i] = frameStack[i].duplicateForBacktrace();
return frames;
/////////////////// BACKTRACE ////////////////////
private static void expandBacktraceIfNecessary(ThreadContext context) {
int newSize = context.backtrace.length * 2;
context.backtrace = fillNewBacktrace(context, new BacktraceElement[newSize], newSize);
private static BacktraceElement[] fillNewBacktrace(ThreadContext context, BacktraceElement[] newBacktrace, int newSize) {
System.arraycopy(context.backtrace, 0, newBacktrace, 0, context.backtrace.length);
for (int i = context.backtrace.length; i < newSize; i++) {
newBacktrace[i] = new BacktraceElement();
return newBacktrace;
public static void pushBacktrace(ThreadContext context, String klass, String method, ISourcePosition position) {
int index = ++context.backtraceIndex;
BacktraceElement[] stack = context.backtrace;
BacktraceElement.update(stack[index], klass, method, position);
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
public static void pushBacktrace(ThreadContext context, String klass, String method, String file, int line) {
int index = ++context.backtraceIndex;
BacktraceElement[] stack = context.backtrace;
BacktraceElement.update(stack[index], klass, method, file, line);
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
public static void popBacktrace(ThreadContext context) {
* Search the frame stack for the given JumpTarget. Return true if it is
* found and false otherwise. Skip the given number of frames before
* beginning the search.
* @param target The JumpTarget to search for
* @param skipFrames The number of frames to skip before searching
* @return
public boolean isJumpTargetAlive(int target, int skipFrames) {
for (int i = frameIndex - skipFrames; i >= 0; i--) {
if (frameStack[i].getJumpTarget() == target) return true;
return false;
public String getFrameName() {
return getCurrentFrame().getName();
public IRubyObject getFrameSelf() {
return getCurrentFrame().getSelf();
public int getFrameJumpTarget() {
return getCurrentFrame().getJumpTarget();
public RubyModule getFrameKlazz() {
return getCurrentFrame().getKlazz();
public Block getFrameBlock() {
return getCurrentFrame().getBlock();
public String getFile() {
return backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename;
public int getLine() {
return backtrace[backtraceIndex].line;
public void setFile(String file) {
backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename = file;
public void setLine(int line) {
backtrace[backtraceIndex].line = line;
public void setFileAndLine(String file, int line) {
backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename = file;
backtrace[backtraceIndex].line = line;
public void setFileAndLine(ISourcePosition position) {
backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename = position.getFile();
backtrace[backtraceIndex].line = position.getStartLine();
public Visibility getCurrentVisibility() {
return getCurrentFrame().getVisibility();
public Visibility getPreviousVisibility() {
return getPreviousFrame().getVisibility();
public void setCurrentVisibility(Visibility visibility) {
public void pollThreadEvents() {
public int callNumber = 0;
public int getCurrentTarget() {
return callNumber;
public void callThreadPoll() {
if ((callNumber++ & CALL_POLL_COUNT) == 0) pollThreadEvents();
public static void callThreadPoll(ThreadContext context) {
if ((context.callNumber++ & CALL_POLL_COUNT) == 0) context.pollThreadEvents();
public void trace(RubyEvent event, String name, RubyModule implClass) {
trace(event, name, implClass, backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename, backtrace[backtraceIndex].line);
public void trace(RubyEvent event, String name, RubyModule implClass, String file, int line) {
runtime.callEventHooks(this, event, file, line, name, implClass);
public void pushRubyClass(RubyModule currentModule) {
// FIXME: this seems like a good assertion, but it breaks compiled code and the code seems
// to run without it...
//assert currentModule != null : "Can't push null RubyClass";
int index = ++parentIndex;
RubyModule[] stack = parentStack;
stack[index] = currentModule;
if (index + 1 == stack.length) {
public RubyModule popRubyClass() {
int index = parentIndex;
RubyModule[] stack = parentStack;
RubyModule ret = stack[index];
stack[index] = null;
parentIndex = index - 1;
return ret;
public RubyModule getRubyClass() {
assert parentIndex != -1 : "Trying to get RubyClass from empty stack";
RubyModule parentModule = parentStack[parentIndex];
return parentModule.getNonIncludedClass();
public RubyModule getPreviousRubyClass() {
assert parentIndex != 0 : "Trying to get RubyClass from too-shallow stack";
RubyModule parentModule = parentStack[parentIndex - 1];
return parentModule.getNonIncludedClass();
public boolean getConstantDefined(String internedName) {
IRubyObject value = getConstant(internedName);
return value != null;
* Used by the evaluator and the compiler to look up a constant by name
public IRubyObject getConstant(String internedName) {
return getCurrentScope().getStaticScope().getConstant(runtime, internedName, runtime.getObject());
* Used by the evaluator and the compiler to set a constant by name
* This is for a null const decl
public IRubyObject setConstantInCurrent(String internedName, IRubyObject result) {
RubyModule module;
if ((module = getCurrentScope().getStaticScope().getModule()) != null) {
module.fastSetConstant(internedName, result);
return result;
// TODO: wire into new exception handling mechanism
throw runtime.newTypeError("no class/module to define constant");
* Used by the evaluator and the compiler to set a constant by name.
* This is for a Colon2 const decl
public IRubyObject setConstantInModule(String internedName, IRubyObject target, IRubyObject result) {
if (!(target instanceof RubyModule)) {
throw runtime.newTypeError(target.toString() + " is not a class/module");
RubyModule module = (RubyModule)target;
module.fastSetConstant(internedName, result);
return result;
* Used by the evaluator and the compiler to set a constant by name
* This is for a Colon2 const decl
public IRubyObject setConstantInObject(String internedName, IRubyObject result) {
runtime.getObject().fastSetConstant(internedName, result);
return result;
private static void addBackTraceElement(Ruby runtime, RubyArray backtrace, RubyStackTraceElement element) {
RubyString str = RubyString.newString(runtime, element.getFileName() + ":" + element.getLineNumber() + ":in `" + element.getMethodName() + "'");
* Create an Array with backtrace information.
* @param runtime
* @param level
* @param nativeException
* @return an Array with the backtrace
public IRubyObject createCallerBacktrace(Ruby runtime, int level) {
RubyStackTraceElement[] trace = gatherCallerBacktrace(level);
RubyArray backtrace = runtime.newArray(trace.length - level);
for (int i = level; i < trace.length; i++) {
addBackTraceElement(runtime, backtrace, trace[i]);
if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_CALLERS) TraceType.dumpCaller(backtrace);
return backtrace;
public RubyStackTraceElement[] gatherCallerBacktrace(int level) {
Thread nativeThread = thread.getNativeThread();
// Future thread or otherwise unforthgiving thread impl.
if (nativeThread == null) return new RubyStackTraceElement[] {};
BacktraceElement[] copy = new BacktraceElement[backtraceIndex + 1];
System.arraycopy(backtrace, 0, copy, 0, backtraceIndex + 1);
RubyStackTraceElement[] trace = Gather.CALLER.getBacktraceData(this, false).getBacktrace(runtime);
return trace;
* Create an Array with backtrace information.
* @param runtime
* @param level
* @param nativeException
* @return an Array with the backtrace
public Frame[] createBacktrace(int level, boolean nativeException) {
int traceSize = frameIndex - level + 1;
Frame[] traceFrames;
if (traceSize <= 0) return null;
if (nativeException) {
// assert level == 0;
traceFrames = new Frame[traceSize + 1];
traceFrames[traceSize] = frameStack[frameIndex];
} else {
traceFrames = new Frame[traceSize];
System.arraycopy(frameStack, 0, traceFrames, 0, traceSize);
return traceFrames;
public boolean isEventHooksEnabled() {
return eventHooksEnabled;
public void setEventHooksEnabled(boolean flag) {
eventHooksEnabled = flag;
* Create an Array with backtrace information.
* @param runtime
* @param level
* @param nativeException
* @return an Array with the backtrace
public BacktraceElement[] createBacktrace2(int level, boolean nativeException) {
BacktraceElement[] newTrace = new BacktraceElement[backtraceIndex + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= backtraceIndex; i++) {
newTrace[i] = backtrace[i].clone();
return newTrace;
private static String createRubyBacktraceString(StackTraceElement element) {
return element.getFileName() + ":" + element.getLineNumber() + ":in `" + element.getMethodName() + "'";
public static String createRawBacktraceStringFromThrowable(Throwable t) {
StackTraceElement[] javaStackTrace = t.getStackTrace();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (javaStackTrace != null && javaStackTrace.length > 0) {
StackTraceElement element = javaStackTrace[0];
.append(": ")
for (int i = 1; i < javaStackTrace.length; i++) {
element = javaStackTrace[i];
.append("\tfrom ")
if (i + 1 < javaStackTrace.length) buffer.append("\n");
return buffer.toString();
public static RubyStackTraceElement[] gatherRawBacktrace(Ruby runtime, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
List trace = new ArrayList(stackTrace.length);
for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace.length; i++) {
StackTraceElement element = stackTrace[i];
trace.add(new RubyStackTraceElement(element));
RubyStackTraceElement[] rubyStackTrace = new RubyStackTraceElement[trace.size()];
return (RubyStackTraceElement[])trace.toArray(rubyStackTrace);
private Frame pushFrameForBlock(Binding binding) {
Frame lastFrame = getNextFrame();
Frame f = pushFrame(binding.getFrame());
return lastFrame;
private Frame pushFrameForEval(Binding binding) {
Frame lastFrame = getNextFrame();
Frame f = pushFrame(binding.getFrame());
return lastFrame;
public void preAdoptThread() {
public void preExtensionLoad(IRubyObject self) {
public void postExtensionLoad() {
public void preCompiledClass(RubyModule type, StaticScope staticScope) {
public void preCompiledClassDummyScope(RubyModule type, StaticScope staticScope) {
public void postCompiledClass() {
public void preScopeNode(StaticScope staticScope) {
pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(staticScope, getCurrentScope()));
public void postScopeNode() {
public void preClassEval(StaticScope staticScope, RubyModule type) {
pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(staticScope, null));
public void postClassEval() {
public void preBsfApply(String[] names) {
// FIXME: I think we need these pushed somewhere?
LocalStaticScope staticScope = new LocalStaticScope(null);
public void postBsfApply() {
public void preMethodFrameAndScope(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Block block,
StaticScope staticScope) {
RubyModule implementationClass = staticScope.getModule();
// FIXME: This is currently only here because of some problems with IOOutputStream writing to a "bare" runtime without a proper scope
if (implementationClass == null) {
implementationClass = clazz;
pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, block);
public void preMethodFrameAndDummyScope(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Block block,
StaticScope staticScope) {
RubyModule implementationClass = staticScope.getModule();
// FIXME: This is currently only here because of some problems with IOOutputStream writing to a "bare" runtime without a proper scope
if (implementationClass == null) {
implementationClass = clazz;
pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, block);
public void preMethodNoFrameAndDummyScope(RubyModule clazz, StaticScope staticScope) {
RubyModule implementationClass = staticScope.getModule();
// FIXME: This is currently only here because of some problems with IOOutputStream writing to a "bare" runtime without a proper scope
if (implementationClass == null) {
implementationClass = clazz;
public void postMethodFrameAndScope() {
public void preMethodFrameOnly(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Block block) {
pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, block);
public void postMethodFrameOnly() {
public void preMethodScopeOnly(RubyModule clazz, StaticScope staticScope) {
RubyModule implementationClass = staticScope.getModule();
// FIXME: This is currently only here because of some problems with IOOutputStream writing to a "bare" runtime without a proper scope
if (implementationClass == null) {
implementationClass = clazz;
public void postMethodScopeOnly() {
public void preMethodBacktraceAndScope(String name, RubyModule clazz, StaticScope staticScope) {
preMethodScopeOnly(clazz, staticScope);
public void postMethodBacktraceAndScope() {
public void preMethodBacktraceOnly(String name) {
public void preMethodBacktraceDummyScope(RubyModule clazz, String name, StaticScope staticScope) {
RubyModule implementationClass = staticScope.getModule();
// FIXME: This is currently only here because of some problems with IOOutputStream writing to a "bare" runtime without a proper scope
if (implementationClass == null) {
implementationClass = clazz;
public void postMethodBacktraceOnly() {
public void postMethodBacktraceDummyScope() {
public void prepareTopLevel(RubyClass objectClass, IRubyObject topSelf) {
Frame frame = getCurrentFrame();
public void preNodeEval(RubyModule rubyClass, IRubyObject self, String name) {
public void preNodeEval(RubyModule rubyClass, IRubyObject self) {
public void postNodeEval() {
// XXX: Again, screwy evaling under previous frame's scope
public void preExecuteUnder(RubyModule executeUnderClass, Block block) {
Frame frame = getCurrentFrame();
DynamicScope scope = getCurrentScope();
StaticScope sScope = new BlockStaticScope(scope.getStaticScope());
pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(sScope, scope));
pushCallFrame(frame.getKlazz(), frame.getName(), frame.getSelf(), block);
public void postExecuteUnder() {
public void preMproc() {
public void postMproc() {
public void preRunThread(Frame[] currentFrames) {
for (Frame frame : currentFrames) {
public void preTrace() {
public void postTrace() {
public Frame preForBlock(Binding binding, RubyModule klass) {
Frame lastFrame = preYieldNoScope(binding, klass);
return lastFrame;
public Frame preYieldSpecificBlock(Binding binding, StaticScope scope, RubyModule klass) {
Frame lastFrame = preYieldNoScope(binding, klass);
// new scope for this invocation of the block, based on parent scope
pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(scope, binding.getDynamicScope()));
return lastFrame;
public Frame preYieldLightBlock(Binding binding, DynamicScope emptyScope, RubyModule klass) {
Frame lastFrame = preYieldNoScope(binding, klass);
// just push the same empty scope, since we won't use one
return lastFrame;
public Frame preYieldNoScope(Binding binding, RubyModule klass) {
pushRubyClass((klass != null) ? klass : binding.getKlass());
return pushFrameForBlock(binding);
public void preEvalScriptlet(DynamicScope scope) {
public void postEvalScriptlet() {
public Frame preEvalWithBinding(Binding binding) {
Frame lastFrame = pushFrameForEval(binding);
return lastFrame;
public void postEvalWithBinding(Binding binding, Frame lastFrame) {
public void postYield(Binding binding, Frame lastFrame) {
public void postYieldLight(Binding binding, Frame lastFrame) {
public void postYieldNoScope(Frame lastFrame) {
public void preScopedBody(DynamicScope scope) {
public void postScopedBody() {
* Is this thread actively tracing at this moment.
* @return true if so
* @see org.jruby.Ruby#callTraceFunction(String, ISourcePosition, IRubyObject, String, IRubyObject)
public boolean isWithinTrace() {
return isWithinTrace;
* Set whether we are actively tracing or not on this thread.
* @param isWithinTrace true is so
* @see org.jruby.Ruby#callTraceFunction(String, ISourcePosition, IRubyObject, String, IRubyObject)
public void setWithinTrace(boolean isWithinTrace) {
this.isWithinTrace = isWithinTrace;
* Is this thread actively in defined? at the moment.
* @return true if within defined?
public boolean isWithinDefined() {
return isWithinDefined;
* Set whether we are actively within defined? or not.
* @param isWithinDefined true if so
public void setWithinDefined(boolean isWithinDefined) {
this.isWithinDefined = isWithinDefined;
* Return a binding representing the current call's state
* @return the current binding
public Binding currentBinding() {
Frame frame = getCurrentFrame();
return new Binding(frame, getRubyClass(), getCurrentScope(), backtrace[backtraceIndex].clone());
* Return a binding representing the current call's state but with a specified self
* @param self the self object to use
* @return the current binding, using the specified self
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self) {
Frame frame = getCurrentFrame();
return new Binding(self, frame, frame.getVisibility(), getRubyClass(), getCurrentScope(), backtrace[backtraceIndex].clone());
* Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the
* specified visibility and self.
* @param self the self object to use
* @param visibility the visibility to use
* @return the current binding using the specified self and visibility
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self, Visibility visibility) {
Frame frame = getCurrentFrame();
return new Binding(self, frame, visibility, getRubyClass(), getCurrentScope(), backtrace[backtraceIndex].clone());
* Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the
* specified scope and self.
* @param self the self object to use
* @param visibility the scope to use
* @return the current binding using the specified self and scope
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self, DynamicScope scope) {
Frame frame = getCurrentFrame();
return new Binding(self, frame, frame.getVisibility(), getRubyClass(), scope, backtrace[backtraceIndex].clone());
* Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the
* specified visibility, scope, and self. For shared-scope binding
* consumers like for loops.
* @param self the self object to use
* @param visibility the visibility to use
* @param scope the scope to use
* @return the current binding using the specified self, scope, and visibility
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self, Visibility visibility, DynamicScope scope) {
Frame frame = getCurrentFrame();
return new Binding(self, frame, visibility, getRubyClass(), scope, backtrace[backtraceIndex].clone());
* Return a binding representing the previous call's state
* @return the current binding
public Binding previousBinding() {
Frame frame = getPreviousFrame();
return new Binding(frame, getPreviousRubyClass(), getCurrentScope(), backtrace[backtraceIndex].clone());
* Return a binding representing the previous call's state but with a specified self
* @param self the self object to use
* @return the current binding, using the specified self
public Binding previousBinding(IRubyObject self) {
Frame frame = getPreviousFrame();
return new Binding(self, frame, frame.getVisibility(), getPreviousRubyClass(), getCurrentScope(), backtrace[backtraceIndex].clone());
* Get the profile data for this thread (ThreadContext).
* @return the thread's profile data
public IProfileData getProfileData() {
if (profileData == null)
profileData = new ProfileData(this);
return profileData;
private int currentMethodSerial = 0;
public int profileEnter(int nextMethod) {
int previousMethodSerial = currentMethodSerial;
currentMethodSerial = nextMethod;
if (isProfiling)
return previousMethodSerial;
public int profileExit(int nextMethod, long startTime) {
int previousMethodSerial = currentMethodSerial;
currentMethodSerial = nextMethod;
if (isProfiling)
getProfileData().profileExit(nextMethod, startTime);
return previousMethodSerial;
public void startProfiling() {
isProfiling = true;
public void stopProfiling() {
isProfiling = false;
public boolean isProfiling() {
return isProfiling;
public Set getRecursiveSet() {
return recursiveSet;
public void setRecursiveSet(Set recursiveSet) {
this.recursiveSet = recursiveSet;
private Set recursiveSet;
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