org.jruby.runtime.encoding.EncodingService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jruby.runtime.encoding;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.EncodingDB;
import org.jcodings.EncodingDB.Entry;
import org.jcodings.ascii.AsciiTables;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.util.CaseInsensitiveBytesHash;
import org.jcodings.util.Hash.HashEntryIterator;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyConverter;
import org.jruby.RubyEncoding;
import org.jruby.exceptions.MainExitException;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
public final class EncodingService {
private final CaseInsensitiveBytesHash encodings;
private final CaseInsensitiveBytesHash aliases;
// for fast lookup: encoding entry => org.jruby.RubyEncoding
private final IRubyObject[] encodingList;
// for fast lookup: org.joni.encoding.Encoding => org.jruby.RubyEncoding
private RubyEncoding[] encodingIndex = new RubyEncoding[4];
// the runtime
private final Ruby runtime;
private final Encoding ascii8bit;
private final Encoding javaDefault;
private static final ByteList LOCALE_BL = ByteList.create("locale");
private static final ByteList EXTERNAL_BL = ByteList.create("external");
private static final ByteList INTERNAL_BL = ByteList.create("internal");
private static final ByteList FILESYSTEM_BL = ByteList.create("filesystem");
public EncodingService (Ruby runtime) {
this.runtime = runtime;
encodings = EncodingDB.getEncodings();
aliases = EncodingDB.getAliases();
ascii8bit = encodings.get("ASCII-8BIT".getBytes()).getEncoding();
Charset javaDefaultCharset = Charset.defaultCharset();
ByteList javaDefaultBL = new ByteList(javaDefaultCharset.name().getBytes());
Entry javaDefaultEntry = findEncodingOrAliasEntry(javaDefaultBL);
javaDefault = javaDefaultEntry == null ? ascii8bit : javaDefaultEntry.getEncoding();
encodingList = new IRubyObject[encodings.size()];
if (runtime.is1_9()) {
// External should always have a value, but Encoding.external_encoding{,=} will lazily setup
String encoding = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getExternalEncoding();
if (encoding != null && !encoding.equals("")) {
Encoding loadedEncoding = loadEncoding(ByteList.create(encoding));
if (loadedEncoding == null) throw new MainExitException(1, "unknown encoding name - " + encoding);
} else {
encoding = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getInternalEncoding();
if (encoding != null && !encoding.equals("")) {
Encoding loadedEncoding = loadEncoding(ByteList.create(encoding));
if (loadedEncoding == null) throw new MainExitException(1, "unknown encoding name - " + encoding);
public Encoding getAscii8bitEncoding() {
return ascii8bit;
public CaseInsensitiveBytesHash getEncodings() {
return encodings;
public CaseInsensitiveBytesHash getAliases() {
return aliases;
public Entry findEncodingEntry(ByteList bytes) {
return encodings.get(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize());
public Entry findAliasEntry(ByteList bytes) {
return aliases.get(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize());
public Entry findEncodingOrAliasEntry(ByteList bytes) {
Entry e = findEncodingEntry(bytes);
return e != null ? e : findAliasEntry(bytes);
// rb_locale_charmap...mostly
public Encoding getLocaleEncoding() {
Entry entry = findEncodingOrAliasEntry(new ByteList(Charset.defaultCharset().name().getBytes()));
return entry == null ? ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE : entry.getEncoding();
public IRubyObject[] getEncodingList() {
return encodingList;
public Encoding loadEncoding(ByteList name) {
Entry entry = findEncodingOrAliasEntry(name);
if (entry == null) return null;
Encoding enc = entry.getEncoding(); // load the encoding
int index = enc.getIndex();
if (index >= encodingIndex.length) {
RubyEncoding tmp[] = new RubyEncoding[index + 4];
System.arraycopy(encodingIndex, 0, tmp, 0, encodingIndex.length);
encodingIndex = tmp;
encodingIndex[index] = (RubyEncoding)encodingList[entry.getIndex()];
return enc;
public RubyEncoding getEncoding(Encoding enc) {
int index = enc.getIndex();
RubyEncoding rubyEncoding;
if (index < encodingIndex.length && (rubyEncoding = encodingIndex[index]) != null) {
return rubyEncoding;
enc = loadEncoding(new ByteList(enc.getName(), false));
return encodingIndex[enc.getIndex()];
private void defineEncodings() {
HashEntryIterator hei = encodings.entryIterator();
while (hei.hasNext()) {
CaseInsensitiveBytesHash.CaseInsensitiveBytesHashEntry e =
Entry ee = e.value;
RubyEncoding encoding = RubyEncoding.newEncoding(runtime, e.bytes, e.p, e.end, ee.isDummy());
encodingList[ee.getIndex()] = encoding;
defineEncodingConstants(runtime, encoding, e.bytes, e.p, e.end);
private void defineAliases() {
HashEntryIterator hei = aliases.entryIterator();
while (hei.hasNext()) {
CaseInsensitiveBytesHash.CaseInsensitiveBytesHashEntry e =
Entry ee = e.value;
RubyEncoding encoding = (RubyEncoding)encodingList[ee.getIndex()];
defineEncodingConstants(runtime, encoding, e.bytes, e.p, e.end);
private void defineEncodingConstants(Ruby runtime, RubyEncoding encoding, byte[]name, int p,
int end) {
Encoding enc = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE;
int s = p;
int code = name[s] & 0xff;
if (enc.isDigit(code)) return;
boolean hasUpper = false;
boolean hasLower = false;
if (enc.isUpper(code)) {
hasUpper = true;
while (++s < end && (enc.isAlnum(name[s] & 0xff) || name[s] == (byte)'_')) {
if (enc.isLower(name[s] & 0xff)) hasLower = true;
boolean isValid = false;
if (s >= end) {
isValid = true;
defineEncodingConstant(runtime, encoding, name, p, end);
if (!isValid || hasLower) {
if (!hasLower || !hasUpper) {
do {
code = name[s] & 0xff;
if (enc.isLower(code)) hasLower = true;
if (enc.isUpper(code)) hasUpper = true;
} while (++s < end && (!hasLower || !hasUpper));
byte[]constName = new byte[end - p];
System.arraycopy(name, p, constName, 0, end - p);
s = 0;
code = constName[s] & 0xff;
if (!isValid) {
if (enc.isLower(code)) constName[s] = AsciiTables.ToUpperCaseTable[code];
for (; s < constName.length; ++s) {
if (!enc.isAlnum(constName[s] & 0xff)) constName[s] = (byte)'_';
if (hasUpper) {
defineEncodingConstant(runtime, encoding, constName, 0, constName.length);
if (hasLower) {
for (s = 0; s < constName.length; ++s) {
code = constName[s] & 0xff;
if (enc.isLower(code)) constName[s] = AsciiTables.ToUpperCaseTable[code];
defineEncodingConstant(runtime, encoding, constName, 0, constName.length);
private void defineEncodingConstant(Ruby runtime, RubyEncoding encoding, byte[]constName,
int constP, int constEnd) {
runtime.getEncoding().defineConstant(new String(constName, constP , constEnd), encoding);
public IRubyObject getDefaultExternal() {
IRubyObject defaultExternal = convertEncodingToRubyEncoding(runtime.getDefaultExternalEncoding());
if (defaultExternal.isNil()) {
// TODO: MRI seems to default blindly to US-ASCII and we were using Charset default from Java...which is right?
ByteList encodingName = ByteList.create("US-ASCII");
Encoding encoding = runtime.getEncodingService().loadEncoding(encodingName);
defaultExternal = convertEncodingToRubyEncoding(encoding);
return defaultExternal;
public IRubyObject getDefaultInternal() {
return convertEncodingToRubyEncoding(runtime.getDefaultInternalEncoding());
public IRubyObject convertEncodingToRubyEncoding(Encoding defaultEncoding) {
return defaultEncoding != null ? getEncoding(defaultEncoding) : runtime.getNil();
public Encoding getJavaDefault() {
return javaDefault;
public Encoding getEncodingFromObject(IRubyObject arg) {
if (arg == null) return null;
Encoding encoding = null;
if (arg instanceof RubyEncoding) {
encoding = ((RubyEncoding) arg).getEncoding();
} else if (!arg.isNil()) {
encoding = arg.convertToString().toEncoding(runtime);
return encoding;
* Find an encoding given a Ruby object, coercing it to a String in the process.
* @param runtime current Ruby instance
* @param str the object to coerce and use to look up encoding. The coerced String
* must be ASCII-compatible.
* @return the Encoding object found, nil (for internal), or raises ArgumentError
public Encoding findEncoding(IRubyObject str) {
ByteList name = str.convertToString().getByteList();
SpecialEncoding special = SpecialEncoding.valueOf(name);
if (special != null) {
return special.toEncoding(runtime);
return findEncodingWithError(name);
* Find an encoding given a Ruby object, coercing it to a String in the process.
* @param runtime current Ruby instance
* @param str the object to coerce and use to look up encoding. The coerced String
* must be ASCII-compatible.
* @return the Encoding object found, nil (for internal), or raises ArgumentError
public Entry findEntry(IRubyObject str) {
ByteList name = str.convertToString().getByteList();
SpecialEncoding special = SpecialEncoding.valueOf(name);
if (special != null) {
return findEntryFromEncoding(special.toEncoding(runtime));
return findEntryWithError(name);
* Look up the pre-existing RubyEncoding object for an EncodingDB.Entry.
* @param runtime
* @param entry
* @return
public IRubyObject rubyEncodingFromObject(IRubyObject str) {
Entry entry = findEntry(str);
if (entry == null) return runtime.getNil();
return getEncodingList()[entry.getIndex()];
private void checkAsciiEncodingName(ByteList name) {
if (!name.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible()) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid name encoding (non ASCII)");
* Represents one of the four "special" internal encoding names: internal,
* external, locale, or filesystem.
private enum SpecialEncoding {
public static SpecialEncoding valueOf(ByteList name) {
if (name.caseInsensitiveCmp(LOCALE_BL) == 0) {
return LOCALE;
} else if (name.caseInsensitiveCmp(EXTERNAL_BL) == 0) {
return EXTERNAL;
} else if (name.caseInsensitiveCmp(INTERNAL_BL) == 0) {
return INTERNAL;
} else if (name.caseInsensitiveCmp(FILESYSTEM_BL) == 0) {
return null;
public Encoding toEncoding(Ruby runtime) {
EncodingService service = runtime.getEncodingService();
switch (this) {
case LOCALE: return service.getLocaleEncoding();
case EXTERNAL: return runtime.getDefaultExternalEncoding();
case INTERNAL: return runtime.getDefaultInternalEncoding();
// This needs to do something different on Windows. See encoding.c,
// in the enc_set_filesystem_encoding function.
return runtime.getDefaultExternalEncoding();
throw new RuntimeException("invalid SpecialEncoding: " + this);
* Find a non-special encoding, raising argument error if it does not exist.
* @param runtime current Ruby instance
* @param name the name of the encoding to look up
* @return the Encoding object found, or raises ArgumentError
private Encoding findEncodingWithError(ByteList name) {
return findEntryWithError(name).getEncoding();
* Find a non-special encoding Entry, raising argument error if it does not exist.
* @param runtime current Ruby instance
* @param name the name of the encoding to look up
* @return the EncodingDB.Entry object found, or raises ArgumentError
private Entry findEntryWithError(ByteList name) {
Entry e = findEncodingOrAliasEntry(name);
if (e == null) throw runtime.newArgumentError("unknown encoding name - " + name);
return e;
private Entry findEntryFromEncoding(Encoding e) {
if (e == null) return null;
return findEncodingEntry(new ByteList(e.getName()));
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