org.jruby.RubyRegexp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Version: EPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Alan Moore
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Benoit Cerrina
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Jan Arne Petersen
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Thomas E Enebo
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust
* Copyright (C) 2005 David Corbin
* Copyright (C) 2006 Nick Sieger
* Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
* or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby;
import static org.jruby.anno.FrameField.BACKREF;
import static org.jruby.anno.FrameField.LASTLINE;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding;
import org.joni.Matcher;
import org.joni.NameEntry;
import org.joni.Option;
import org.joni.Regex;
import org.joni.Region;
import org.joni.Syntax;
import org.joni.exception.JOniException;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.common.IRubyWarnings.ID;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.parser.ReOptions;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.ClassIndex;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.encoding.EncodingCapable;
import org.jruby.runtime.encoding.MarshalEncoding;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.MarshalStream;
import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.KCode;
import org.jruby.util.RegexpOptions;
import org.jruby.util.RegexpSupport;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;
import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter;
import org.jruby.util.cli.Options;
import org.jruby.util.io.EncodingUtils;
import org.jruby.util.collections.WeakValuedMap;
import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class RubyRegexp extends RubyObject implements ReOptions, EncodingCapable, MarshalEncoding {
private Regex pattern;
private ByteList str = ByteList.EMPTY_BYTELIST;
private RegexpOptions options;
private int useCount;
public static final int ARG_ENCODING_FIXED = ReOptions.RE_FIXED;
public static final int ARG_ENCODING_NONE = ReOptions.RE_NONE;
public void setLiteral() {
public void clearLiteral() {
public boolean isLiteral() {
return options.isLiteral();
public boolean isKCodeDefault() {
return options.isKcodeDefault();
public void setEncodingNone() {
public void clearEncodingNone() {
public boolean isEncodingNone() {
return options.isEncodingNone();
public KCode getKCode() {
return options.getKCode();
public Encoding getEncoding() {
return pattern.getEncoding();
public void setEncoding(Encoding encoding) {
// FIXME: Which encoding should be changed here?
// FIXME: transcode?
public boolean shouldMarshalEncoding() {
return getEncoding() != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE;
public Encoding getMarshalEncoding() {
return getEncoding();
// FIXME: Maybe these should not be static?
static final WeakValuedMap patternCache = new WeakValuedMap();
static final WeakValuedMap quotedPatternCache = new WeakValuedMap();
static final WeakValuedMap preprocessedPatternCache = new WeakValuedMap();
private static Regex makeRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, RegexpOptions options, Encoding enc) {
try {
int p = bytes.getBegin();
return new Regex(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), p, p + bytes.getRealSize(), options.toJoniOptions(), enc, Syntax.DEFAULT, runtime.getWarnings());
} catch (Exception e) {
RegexpSupport.raiseRegexpError19(runtime, bytes, enc, options, e.getMessage());
return null; // not reached
static Regex getRegexpFromCache(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options) {
Regex regex = patternCache.get(bytes);
if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
regex = makeRegexp(runtime, bytes, options, enc);
patternCache.put(bytes, regex);
return regex;
static Regex getQuotedRegexpFromCache(Ruby runtime, RubyString str, RegexpOptions options) {
final ByteList bytes = str.getByteList();
Regex regex = quotedPatternCache.get(bytes);
Encoding enc = str.isAsciiOnly() ? USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE : bytes.getEncoding();
if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
final ByteList quoted = quote19(str);
regex = makeRegexp(runtime, quoted, options, quoted.getEncoding());
quotedPatternCache.put(bytes, regex);
return regex;
//static Regex getQuotedRegexpFromCache(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, RegexpOptions options, boolean asciiOnly) {
// Regex regex = quotedPatternCache.get(bytes);
// Encoding enc = asciiOnly ? USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE : bytes.getEncoding();
// if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
// final ByteList quoted = quote19(bytes, asciiOnly);
// regex = makeRegexp(runtime, quoted, options, quoted.getEncoding());
// regex.setUserObject(quoted);
// quotedPatternCache.put(bytes, regex);
// return regex;
private static Regex getPreprocessedRegexpFromCache(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
Regex regex = preprocessedPatternCache.get(bytes);
if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
ByteList preprocessed = RegexpSupport.preprocess(runtime, bytes, enc, new Encoding[]{null}, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode.RAISE);
regex = makeRegexp(runtime, preprocessed, options, enc);
preprocessedPatternCache.put(bytes, regex);
return regex;
public static RubyClass createRegexpClass(Ruby runtime) {
RubyClass regexpClass = runtime.defineClass("Regexp", runtime.getObject(), REGEXP_ALLOCATOR);
regexpClass.kindOf = new RubyModule.JavaClassKindOf(RubyRegexp.class);
regexpClass.defineConstant("IGNORECASE", runtime.newFixnum(RE_OPTION_IGNORECASE));
regexpClass.defineConstant("EXTENDED", runtime.newFixnum(RE_OPTION_EXTENDED));
regexpClass.defineConstant("MULTILINE", runtime.newFixnum(RE_OPTION_MULTILINE));
regexpClass.defineConstant("FIXEDENCODING", runtime.newFixnum(RE_FIXED));
regexpClass.defineConstant("NOENCODING", runtime.newFixnum(RE_NONE));
regexpClass.getSingletonClass().defineAlias("compile", "new");
return regexpClass;
private static ObjectAllocator REGEXP_ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() {
public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, klass);
public static int matcherSearch(Ruby runtime, Matcher matcher, int start, int range, int option) {
try {
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
RubyThread thread = context.getThread();
SearchMatchTask task = new SearchMatchTask(thread, start, range, option, false);
return thread.executeTask(context, matcher, task);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw runtime.newInterruptedRegexpError("Regexp Interrupted");
public static int matcherMatch(Ruby runtime, Matcher matcher, int start, int range, int option) {
try {
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
RubyThread thread = context.getThread();
SearchMatchTask task = new SearchMatchTask(thread, start, range, option, true);
return thread.executeTask(context, matcher, task);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw runtime.newInterruptedRegexpError("Regexp Interrupted");
private static class SearchMatchTask implements RubyThread.Task {
final RubyThread thread;
final int start;
final int range;
final int option;
final boolean match;
SearchMatchTask(RubyThread thread, int start, int range, int option, boolean match) {
this.thread = thread;
this.start = start;
this.range = range;
this.option = option;
this.match = match;
public Integer run(ThreadContext context, Matcher matcher) throws InterruptedException {
return match ?
matcher.matchInterruptible(start, range, option) :
matcher.searchInterruptible(start, range, option);
public void wakeup(RubyThread thread, Matcher matcher) {
public ClassIndex getNativeClassIndex() {
return ClassIndex.REGEXP;
/** used by allocator
private RubyRegexp(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
super(runtime, klass);
this.options = new RegexpOptions();
/** default constructor
RubyRegexp(Ruby runtime) {
super(runtime, runtime.getRegexp());
this.options = new RegexpOptions();
private RubyRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList str) {
this.str = str;
this.pattern = getRegexpFromCache(runtime, str, str.getEncoding(), RegexpOptions.NULL_OPTIONS);
private RubyRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList str, RegexpOptions options) {
regexpInitialize(str, str.getEncoding(), options);
// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static RubyRegexp newRegexp(Ruby runtime, String pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
return newRegexp(runtime, ByteList.create(pattern), options);
// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static RubyRegexp newRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList pattern, int options) {
return newRegexp(runtime, pattern, RegexpOptions.fromEmbeddedOptions(options));
// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static RubyRegexp newRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
try {
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, pattern, (RegexpOptions)options.clone());
} catch (RaiseException re) {
throw runtime.newSyntaxError(re.getMessage());
* throws RaiseException on error so parser can pick this up and give proper line and line number
* error as opposed to any non-literal regexp creation which may raise a syntax error but will not
* have this extra source info in the error message
public static RubyRegexp newRegexpParser(Ruby runtime, ByteList pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, pattern, (RegexpOptions)options.clone());
// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static RubyRegexp newDRegexp(Ruby runtime, RubyString pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
try {
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, pattern.getByteList(), (RegexpOptions)options.clone());
} catch (RaiseException re) {
throw runtime.newRegexpError(re.getMessage());
// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static RubyRegexp newDRegexp(Ruby runtime, RubyString pattern, int joniOptions) {
try {
RegexpOptions options = RegexpOptions.fromJoniOptions(joniOptions);
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, pattern.getByteList(), options);
} catch (RaiseException re) {
throw runtime.newRegexpError(re.getMessage());
// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static RubyRegexp newDRegexpEmbedded(Ruby runtime, RubyString pattern, int embeddedOptions) {
try {
RegexpOptions options = RegexpOptions.fromEmbeddedOptions(embeddedOptions);
// FIXME: Massive hack (fix in DRegexpNode too for interpreter)
if (pattern.getEncoding() == USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, pattern.getByteList(), options);
} catch (RaiseException re) {
throw runtime.newRegexpError(re.getMessage());
public static RubyRegexp newDRegexpEmbedded19(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject[] strings, int embeddedOptions) {
try {
RegexpOptions options = RegexpOptions.fromEmbeddedOptions(embeddedOptions);
RubyString pattern = preprocessDRegexp(runtime, strings, options);
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, pattern.getByteList(), options);
} catch (RaiseException re) {
throw runtime.newRegexpError(re.getMessage());
public static RubyRegexp newRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList pattern) {
return new RubyRegexp(runtime, pattern);
static RubyRegexp newRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList str, Regex pattern) {
RubyRegexp regexp = new RubyRegexp(runtime);
regexp.str = str;
regexp.options = RegexpOptions.fromJoniOptions(pattern.getOptions());
regexp.pattern = pattern;
return regexp;
// internal usage (Complex/Rational)
static RubyRegexp newDummyRegexp(Ruby runtime, Regex regex) {
RubyRegexp regexp = new RubyRegexp(runtime);
regexp.pattern = regex;
regexp.str = ByteList.EMPTY_BYTELIST;
return regexp;
// MRI: rb_reg_new_str
public static RubyRegexp newRegexpFromStr(Ruby runtime, RubyString s, int options) {
RubyRegexp re = (RubyRegexp)runtime.getRegexp().allocate();
re.regexpInitializeString(s, RegexpOptions.fromJoniOptions(options));
return re;
/** rb_reg_options
public RegexpOptions getOptions() {
return options;
public final Regex getPattern() {
return pattern;
private static void encodingMatchError(Ruby runtime, Regex pattern, Encoding strEnc) {
throw runtime.newEncodingCompatibilityError("incompatible encoding regexp match (" +
pattern.getEncoding() + " regexp with " + strEnc + " string)");
private Encoding checkEncoding(RubyString str, boolean warn) {
if (str.scanForCodeRange() == StringSupport.CR_BROKEN) {
throw getRuntime().newArgumentError("invalid byte sequence in " + str.getEncoding());
Encoding enc = str.getEncoding();
if (!enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
if (enc != pattern.getEncoding()) encodingMatchError(getRuntime(), pattern, enc);
} else if (options.isFixed()) {
if (enc != pattern.getEncoding() &&
(!pattern.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible() ||
str.scanForCodeRange() != StringSupport.CR_7BIT)) encodingMatchError(getRuntime(), pattern, enc);
enc = pattern.getEncoding();
if (warn && isEncodingNone() && enc != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE && str.scanForCodeRange() != StringSupport.CR_7BIT) {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.REGEXP_MATCH_AGAINST_STRING, "regexp match /.../n against to " + enc + " string");
return enc;
public final Regex preparePattern(RubyString str) {
// checkEncoding does `check();` no need to here
Encoding enc = checkEncoding(str, true);
if (enc == pattern.getEncoding()) return pattern;
return getPreprocessedRegexpFromCache(getRuntime(), this.str, enc, options, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode.PREPROCESS);
* Preprocess the given string for use in regexp, raising errors for encoding
* incompatibilities that arise.
* This version does not produce a new, unescaped version of the bytelist,
* and simply does the string-walking portion of the logic.
* @param runtime current runtime
* @param str string to preprocess
* @param enc string's encoding
* @param fixedEnc new encoding after fixing
* @param mode mode of errors
private static void preprocessLight(Ruby runtime, ByteList str, Encoding enc, Encoding[]fixedEnc, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
fixedEnc[0] = null;
} else {
fixedEnc[0] = enc;
boolean hasProperty = RegexpSupport.unescapeNonAscii(runtime, null, str.getUnsafeBytes(), str.getBegin(), str.getBegin() + str.getRealSize(), enc, fixedEnc, str, mode);
if (hasProperty && fixedEnc[0] == null) fixedEnc[0] = enc;
public static void preprocessCheck(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes) {
RegexpSupport.preprocess(runtime, bytes, bytes.getEncoding(), new Encoding[]{null}, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode.RAISE);
public static RubyString preprocessDRegexp(Ruby runtime, RubyString[] strings, int embeddedOptions) {
return preprocessDRegexp(runtime, strings, RegexpOptions.fromEmbeddedOptions(embeddedOptions));
// rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp
public static RubyString preprocessDRegexp(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject[] strings, RegexpOptions options) {
RubyString string = null;
Encoding regexpEnc = null;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
RubyString str = strings[i].convertToString();
regexpEnc = processDRegexpElement(runtime, options, regexpEnc, runtime.getCurrentContext().encodingHolder(), str);
string = string == null ? string = (RubyString)str.dup() : string.append19(str);
if (regexpEnc != null) string.setEncoding(regexpEnc);
return string;
public static RubyString preprocessDRegexp(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, RegexpOptions options) {
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, null, arg0, options, null, runtime.getCurrentContext().encodingHolder());
public static RubyString preprocessDRegexp(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, RegexpOptions options) {
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, null, arg0, arg1, options, null, runtime.getCurrentContext().encodingHolder());
public static RubyString preprocessDRegexp(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, RegexpOptions options) {
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, null, arg0, arg1, arg2, options, null, runtime.getCurrentContext().encodingHolder());
public static RubyString preprocessDRegexp(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3, RegexpOptions options) {
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, null, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, options, null, runtime.getCurrentContext().encodingHolder());
public static RubyString preprocessDRegexp(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2, IRubyObject arg3, IRubyObject arg4, RegexpOptions options) {
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, null, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, options, null, runtime.getCurrentContext().encodingHolder());
private static RubyString processElementIntoResult(
Ruby runtime,
RubyString result,
IRubyObject arg0,
IRubyObject arg1,
IRubyObject arg2,
IRubyObject arg3,
IRubyObject arg4,
RegexpOptions options,
Encoding regexpEnc,
Encoding[] fixedEnc) {
RubyString str = arg0.convertToString();
regexpEnc = processDRegexpElement(runtime, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc, str);
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, result == null ? str.strDup(runtime) : result.append19(str), arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc);
private static RubyString processElementIntoResult(
Ruby runtime,
RubyString result,
IRubyObject arg0,
IRubyObject arg1,
IRubyObject arg2,
IRubyObject arg3,
RegexpOptions options,
Encoding regexpEnc,
Encoding[] fixedEnc) {
RubyString str = arg0.convertToString();
regexpEnc = processDRegexpElement(runtime, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc, str);
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, result == null ? str.strDup(runtime) : result.append19(str), arg1, arg2, arg3, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc);
private static RubyString processElementIntoResult(
Ruby runtime,
RubyString result,
IRubyObject arg0,
IRubyObject arg1,
IRubyObject arg2,
RegexpOptions options,
Encoding regexpEnc,
Encoding[] fixedEnc) {
RubyString str = arg0.convertToString();
regexpEnc = processDRegexpElement(runtime, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc, str);
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, result == null ? str.strDup(runtime) : result.append19(str), arg1, arg2, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc);
private static RubyString processElementIntoResult(
Ruby runtime,
RubyString result,
IRubyObject arg0,
IRubyObject arg1,
RegexpOptions options,
Encoding regexpEnc,
Encoding[] fixedEnc) {
RubyString str = arg0.convertToString();
regexpEnc = processDRegexpElement(runtime, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc, str);
return processElementIntoResult(runtime, result == null ? str.strDup(runtime) : result.append19(str), arg1, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc);
private static RubyString processElementIntoResult(
Ruby runtime,
RubyString result,
IRubyObject arg0,
RegexpOptions options,
Encoding regexpEnc,
Encoding[] fixedEnc) {
RubyString str = arg0.convertToString();
regexpEnc = processDRegexpElement(runtime, options, regexpEnc, fixedEnc, str);
result = result == null ? str.strDup(runtime) : result.append19(str);
if (regexpEnc != null) result.setEncoding(regexpEnc);
return result;
private static Encoding processDRegexpElement(Ruby runtime, RegexpOptions options, Encoding regexpEnc, Encoding[] fixedEnc, RubyString str) {
Encoding strEnc = str.getEncoding();
if (options.isEncodingNone() && strEnc != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
if (str.scanForCodeRange() != StringSupport.CR_7BIT) {
throw runtime.newRegexpError("/.../n has a non escaped non ASCII character in non ASCII-8BIT script");
strEnc = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE;
// This used to call preprocess, but the resulting bytelist was not
// used. Since the preprocessing error-checking can be done without
// creating a new bytelist, I added a "light" path.
RubyRegexp.preprocessLight(runtime, str.getByteList(), strEnc, fixedEnc, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode.PREPROCESS);
if (fixedEnc[0] != null) {
if (regexpEnc != null && regexpEnc != fixedEnc[0]) {
throw runtime.newRegexpError("encoding mismatch in dynamic regexp: " + new String(regexpEnc.getName()) + " and " + new String(fixedEnc[0].getName()));
regexpEnc = fixedEnc[0];
return regexpEnc;
private void check() {
if (pattern == null) throw getRuntime().newTypeError("uninitialized Regexp");
@JRubyMethod(meta = true)
public static IRubyObject try_convert(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject args) {
return TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(args, context.runtime.getRegexp(), "to_regexp");
/** rb_reg_s_quote
@JRubyMethod(name = {"quote", "escape"}, meta = true)
public static IRubyObject quote19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject arg) {
final RubyString str = operandCheck(arg);
return RubyString.newStringShared(context.runtime, quote19(str));
static ByteList quote19(final RubyString str) {
final ByteList bytes = str.getByteList();
final ByteList qBytes = quote19(bytes, str.isAsciiOnly());
if (qBytes == bytes) str.setByteListShared();
return qBytes;
/** rb_reg_quote
private static final int QUOTED_V = 11;
public static ByteList quote19(ByteList bs, boolean asciiOnly) {
int p = bs.getBegin();
int end = p + bs.getRealSize();
byte[] bytes = bs.getUnsafeBytes();
Encoding enc = bs.getEncoding();
metaFound: do {
while (p < end) {
final int c;
final int cl;
if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
cl = 1;
c = bytes[p] & 0xff;
} else {
cl = StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end);
c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end);
if (!Encoding.isAscii(c)) {
p += StringSupport.length(enc, bytes, p, end);
switch (c) {
case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}':
case '(': case ')': case '|': case '-':
case '*': case '.': case '\\':
case '?': case '+': case '^': case '$':
case ' ': case '#':
case '\t': case '\f': case QUOTED_V: case '\n': case '\r':
break metaFound;
p += cl;
if (asciiOnly) {
ByteList tmp = bs.shallowDup();
return tmp;
return bs;
} while (false);
ByteList result = new ByteList(end * 2);
result.setEncoding(asciiOnly ? USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE : bs.getEncoding());
byte[]obytes = result.getUnsafeBytes();
int op = p - bs.getBegin();
System.arraycopy(bytes, bs.getBegin(), obytes, 0, op);
while (p < end) {
final int c;
final int cl;
if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
cl = 1;
c = bytes[p] & 0xff;
} else {
cl = StringSupport.preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end);
c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end);
if (!Encoding.isAscii(c)) {
int n = StringSupport.length(enc, bytes, p, end);
while (n-- > 0) obytes[op++] = bytes[p++];
p += cl;
switch (c) {
case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}':
case '(': case ')': case '|': case '-':
case '*': case '.': case '\\':
case '?': case '+': case '^': case '$':
case '#':
op += enc.codeToMbc('\\', obytes, op);
case ' ':
op += enc.codeToMbc('\\', obytes, op);
op += enc.codeToMbc(' ', obytes, op);
case '\t':
op += enc.codeToMbc('\\', obytes, op);
op += enc.codeToMbc('t', obytes, op);
case '\n':
op += enc.codeToMbc('\\', obytes, op);
op += enc.codeToMbc('n', obytes, op);
case '\r':
op += enc.codeToMbc('\\', obytes, op);
op += enc.codeToMbc('r', obytes, op);
case '\f':
op += enc.codeToMbc('\\', obytes, op);
op += enc.codeToMbc('f', obytes, op);
case QUOTED_V:
op += enc.codeToMbc('\\', obytes, op);
op += enc.codeToMbc('v', obytes, op);
op += enc.codeToMbc(c, obytes, op);
return result;
/** rb_reg_s_last_match / match_getter
@JRubyMethod(name = "last_match", meta = true, reads = BACKREF)
public static IRubyObject last_match_s(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) {
return getBackRef(context);
public static IRubyObject getBackRef(ThreadContext context) {
IRubyObject backref = context.getBackRef();
if (backref instanceof RubyMatchData) ((RubyMatchData) backref).use();
return backref;
/** rb_reg_s_last_match
@JRubyMethod(name = "last_match", meta = true, reads = BACKREF)
public static IRubyObject last_match_s(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject nth) {
IRubyObject match = context.getBackRef();
if (match.isNil()) return match;
return nth_match(((RubyMatchData)match).backrefNumber(nth), match);
/** rb_reg_s_union
public static IRubyObject union(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
return union19(context, recv, args);
@JRubyMethod(name = "union", rest = true, meta = true)
public static IRubyObject union19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
IRubyObject obj;
if (args.length == 1 && !(obj = args[0].checkArrayType()).isNil()) {
RubyArray ary = (RubyArray)obj;
IRubyObject[]tmp = new IRubyObject[ary.size()];
ary.copyInto(tmp, 0);
args = tmp;
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
if (args.length == 0) {
return runtime.getRegexp().newInstance(context, runtime.newString("(?!)"), Block.NULL_BLOCK);
} else if (args.length == 1) {
IRubyObject re = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(args[0], runtime.getRegexp(), "to_regexp");
return !re.isNil() ? re : newRegexpFromStr(runtime, (RubyString)quote19(context, recv, args[0]), 0);
} else {
boolean hasAsciiOnly = false;
RubyString source = runtime.newString();
Encoding hasAsciiCompatFixed = null;
Encoding hasAsciiIncompat = null;
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
IRubyObject e = args[i];
if (i > 0) source.cat((byte)'|');
IRubyObject v = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(e, runtime.getRegexp(), "to_regexp");
Encoding enc;
if (!v.isNil()) {
RubyRegexp regex = (RubyRegexp) v;
enc = regex.getEncoding();
if (!enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
if (hasAsciiIncompat == null) { // First regexp of union sets kcode.
hasAsciiIncompat = enc;
} else if (hasAsciiIncompat != enc) { // n kcode doesn't match first one
throw runtime.newArgumentError("incompatible encodings: " + hasAsciiIncompat + " and " + enc);
} else if (regex.getOptions().isFixed()) {
if (hasAsciiCompatFixed == null) { // First regexp of union sets kcode.
hasAsciiCompatFixed = enc;
} else if (hasAsciiCompatFixed != enc) { // n kcode doesn't match first one
throw runtime.newArgumentError("incompatible encodings: " + hasAsciiCompatFixed + " and " + enc);
} else {
hasAsciiOnly = true;
v = regex.to_s();
} else {
RubyString str = e.convertToString();
enc = str.getEncoding();
if (!enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
if (hasAsciiIncompat == null) { // First regexp of union sets kcode.
hasAsciiIncompat = enc;
} else if (hasAsciiIncompat != enc) { // n kcode doesn't match first one
throw runtime.newArgumentError("incompatible encodings: " + hasAsciiIncompat + " and " + enc);
} else if (str.isAsciiOnly()) {
hasAsciiOnly = true;
} else {
if (hasAsciiCompatFixed == null) { // First regexp of union sets kcode.
hasAsciiCompatFixed = enc;
} else if (hasAsciiCompatFixed != enc) { // n kcode doesn't match first one
throw runtime.newArgumentError("incompatible encodings: " + hasAsciiCompatFixed + " and " + enc);
v = quote19(context, recv, str);
if (hasAsciiIncompat != null) {
if (hasAsciiOnly) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("ASCII incompatible encoding: " + hasAsciiIncompat);
if (hasAsciiCompatFixed != null) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError("incompatible encodings: " + hasAsciiIncompat + " and " + hasAsciiCompatFixed);
// set encoding for first append
if (i == 0) source.setEncoding(enc);
if (hasAsciiIncompat != null) {
} else if (hasAsciiCompatFixed != null) {
} else {
return runtime.getRegexp().newInstance(context, source, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
/** rb_reg_init_copy
@JRubyMethod(required = 1, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize_copy(IRubyObject re) {
if (this == re) return this;
if (getMetaClass().getRealClass() != re.getMetaClass().getRealClass()) {
throw getRuntime().newTypeError("wrong argument type");
RubyRegexp regexp = (RubyRegexp)re;
return regexpInitialize(regexp.str, regexp.str.getEncoding(), regexp.getOptions());
private int objectAsJoniOptions(IRubyObject arg) {
if (arg instanceof RubyFixnum) return RubyNumeric.fix2int(arg);
if (arg.isTrue()) return RE_OPTION_IGNORECASE;
return 0;
public IRubyObject initialize_m(IRubyObject arg) {
return initialize_m19(arg);
public IRubyObject initialize_m(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
return initialize_m19(arg0, arg1);
public IRubyObject initialize_m(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) {
return initialize_m19(arg0, arg1, arg2);
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize_m19(IRubyObject arg) {
if (arg instanceof RubyRegexp) return initializeByRegexp19((RubyRegexp)arg);
return regexpInitializeString(arg.convertToString(), new RegexpOptions());
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize_m19(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp && Options.PARSER_WARN_FLAGS_IGNORED.load()) {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.REGEXP_IGNORED_FLAGS, "flags ignored");
return initializeByRegexp19((RubyRegexp)arg0);
return regexpInitializeString(arg0.convertToString(),
@JRubyMethod(name = "initialize", visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE)
public IRubyObject initialize_m19(IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, IRubyObject arg2) {
if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp && Options.PARSER_WARN_FLAGS_IGNORED.load()) {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.REGEXP_IGNORED_FLAGS, "flags ignored");
return initializeByRegexp19((RubyRegexp)arg0);
RegexpOptions newOptions = RegexpOptions.fromJoniOptions(objectAsJoniOptions(arg1));
if (!arg2.isNil()) {
ByteList kcodeBytes = arg2.convertToString().getByteList();
if ((kcodeBytes.getRealSize() > 0 && kcodeBytes.getUnsafeBytes()[kcodeBytes.getBegin()] == 'n') ||
(kcodeBytes.getRealSize() > 1 && kcodeBytes.getUnsafeBytes()[kcodeBytes.getBegin() + 1] == 'N')) {
return regexpInitialize(arg0.convertToString().getByteList(), ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, newOptions);
} else {
getRuntime().getWarnings().warn("encoding option is ignored - " + kcodeBytes);
return regexpInitializeString(arg0.convertToString(), newOptions);
private IRubyObject initializeByRegexp19(RubyRegexp regexp) {
// Clone and toggle flags since this is no longer a literal regular expression
// but it did come from one.
RegexpOptions newOptions = (RegexpOptions) regexp.getOptions().clone();
return regexpInitialize(regexp.str, regexp.getEncoding(), newOptions);
// rb_reg_initialize_str
private RubyRegexp regexpInitializeString(RubyString str, RegexpOptions options) {
if (isLiteral()) throw getRuntime().newSecurityError("can't modify literal regexp");
ByteList bytes = str.getByteList();
Encoding enc = bytes.getEncoding();
if (options.isEncodingNone()) {
if (enc != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
if (str.scanForCodeRange() != StringSupport.CR_7BIT) {
RegexpSupport.raiseRegexpError19(getRuntime(), bytes, enc, options, "/.../n has a non escaped non ASCII character in non ASCII-8BIT script");
enc = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE;
return regexpInitialize(bytes, enc, options);
// rb_reg_initialize
public RubyRegexp regexpInitialize(ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options) {
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
this.options = options;
// FIXME: Something unsets this bit, but we aren't...be more permissive until we figure this out
//if (isLiteral()) throw runtime.newSecurityError("can't modify literal regexp");
if (pattern != null) throw runtime.newTypeError("already initialized regexp");
if (enc.isDummy()) RegexpSupport.raiseRegexpError19(runtime, bytes, enc, options, "can't make regexp with dummy encoding");
Encoding[]fixedEnc = new Encoding[]{null};
ByteList unescaped = RegexpSupport.preprocess(runtime, bytes, enc, fixedEnc, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode.RAISE);
if (fixedEnc[0] != null) {
if ((fixedEnc[0] != enc && options.isFixed()) ||
(fixedEnc[0] != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE && options.isEncodingNone())) {
RegexpSupport.raiseRegexpError19(runtime, bytes, enc, options, "incompatible character encoding");
if (fixedEnc[0] != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
enc = fixedEnc[0];
} else if (!options.isFixed()) {
if (fixedEnc[0] != null) options.setFixed(true);
if (options.isEncodingNone()) setEncodingNone();
pattern = getRegexpFromCache(runtime, unescaped, enc, options);
str = bytes;
return this;
public RubyFixnum hash() {
int hash = pattern.getOptions();
int len = str.getRealSize();
int p = str.getBegin();
byte[]bytes = str.getUnsafeBytes();
while (len-- > 0) {
hash = hash * 33 + bytes[p++];
return getRuntime().newFixnum(hash + (hash >> 5));
@JRubyMethod(name = {"==", "eql?"}, required = 1)
public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) {
if (this == other) {
return context.runtime.getTrue();
if (!(other instanceof RubyRegexp)) {
return context.runtime.getFalse();
RubyRegexp otherRegex = (RubyRegexp)other;
return context.runtime.newBoolean(str.equal(otherRegex.str) &&
public IRubyObject op_match2(ThreadContext context) {
return op_match2_19(context);
@JRubyMethod(name = "~", reads = {LASTLINE, BACKREF}, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject op_match2_19(ThreadContext context) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
IRubyObject line = context.getLastLine();
if (line instanceof RubyString) {
int start = search19(context, (RubyString)line, 0, false);
if (start < 0) return runtime.getNil();
return runtime.newFixnum(start);
return runtime.getNil();
/** rb_reg_eqq
public IRubyObject eqq(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) {
return eqq19(context, arg);
@JRubyMethod(name = "===", required = 1, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject eqq19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
arg = operandNoCheck(arg);
if (arg.isNil()) {
return runtime.getFalse();
int start = search19(context, (RubyString)arg, 0, false);
return (start < 0) ? runtime.getFalse() : runtime.getTrue();
public IRubyObject op_match(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) {
return op_match19(context, arg);
// MRI: rb_reg_match
@JRubyMethod(name = "=~", required = 1, writes = BACKREF, reads = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject op_match19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str) {
final IRubyObject[] strp = { str };
int pos = matchPos(context, str, strp, null, 0);
if (pos < 0) return context.nil;
pos = ((RubyString) strp[0]).subLength(pos);
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, pos);
/** rb_reg_match_m
public IRubyObject match_m(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str) {
return match_m19(context, str, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
@JRubyMethod(name = "match", reads = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject match_m19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str, Block block) {
return match19Common(context, str, 0, true, block);
public IRubyObject match_m19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str, boolean useBackref, Block block) {
return match19Common(context, str, 0, useBackref, block);
@JRubyMethod(name = "match", reads = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject match_m19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str, IRubyObject pos, Block block) {
return match19Common(context, str, RubyNumeric.num2int(pos), true, block);
private IRubyObject match19Common(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject str, int pos, boolean setBackref, Block block) {
IRubyObject[] holder = setBackref ? null : new IRubyObject[] { context.nil };
if (matchPos(context, str, null, holder, pos) < 0) {
return context.nil;
IRubyObject backref = getBackRefInternal(context, holder);
if (block.isGiven()) return block.yield(context, backref);
return backref;
* MRI: reg_match_pos
* @param context thread context
* @param arg the stringlike to match
* @param strp an out param to hold the coerced string; ignored if null
* @param holder an out param to hold the resulting match object; ignored if null
* @param pos the position from which to start matching
private int matchPos(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject[] strp, IRubyObject[] holder, int pos) {
if (arg.isNil()) {
setBackRefInternal(context, holder, context.nil);
return -1;
final RubyString str = operandCheck(arg);
if (strp != null) strp[0] = str;
if (pos != 0) {
if (pos < 0) {
pos += str.strLength();
if (pos < 0) return pos;
pos = str.rbStrOffset(pos);
return search19(context, str, pos, false, holder);
/** rb_reg_search
public final int search(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, int pos, boolean reverse, IRubyObject[] holder) {
return search19(context, str, pos, reverse, holder);
* MRI: rb_reg_search
* This version uses current thread context to hold the resulting match data.
public final int search19(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, int pos, boolean reverse) {
return search19(context, str, pos, reverse, true, null);
* MRI: rb_reg_search
* Holder, if non-null, will receive the backref result rather than setting it into context.
public final int search19(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, int pos, boolean reverse, IRubyObject[] holder) {
return search19(context, str, pos, reverse, true, holder);
* MRI: rb_reg_search0
* Holder, if non-null, will receive the backref result rather than setting it into context.
public final int search19(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, int pos, boolean reverse, boolean setBackrefStr, IRubyObject[] holder) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
int result = -1;
IRubyObject match;
// Region regs = null;
ByteList strBL = str.getByteList();
int range = strBL.begin();
boolean tmpreg;
if (pos > str.size() || pos < 0) {
setBackRefInternal(context, holder, context.nil);
return -1;
final Regex reg = preparePattern(str);
tmpreg = reg != this.pattern;
if (!tmpreg) this.useCount++;
match = getBackRefInternal(context, holder);
if ( match instanceof RubyMatchData ) { // ! match.isNil()
if ( ((RubyMatchData) match).used() ) {
match = context.nil;
// else {
// regs = ((RubyMatchData)match).regs;
// }
// if (match.isNil()) {
// regs = null;
// }
if (!reverse) {
range += str.size();
Matcher matcher = reg.matcher(strBL.unsafeBytes(), strBL.begin(), strBL.begin() + strBL.realSize());
JOniException exception = null;
try {
result = matcherSearch(runtime, matcher, strBL.begin() + pos, range, RE_OPTION_NONE);
} catch (JOniException je) {
exception = je;
if (tmpreg) {
if (this.useCount > 0) {
// onig_free(reg);
else {
// onig_free(RREGEXP(re)->ptr);
this.pattern = reg;
else {
if (result < 0) {
if (result == -1) {
setBackRefInternal(context, holder, context.nil);
return result;
else {
throw runtime.newRegexpError(exception == null ? "FIXME: missing message" : exception.getMessage());
final RubyMatchData matchData;
if (match.isNil()) {
matchData = createMatchData19(context, str, matcher, reg);
else {
// FIXME: This could be reusing the MatchData object
matchData = createMatchData19(context, str, matcher, reg);
//if (setBackrefStr) {
// matchData.str = str.newFrozen();
// matchData.infectBy(str);
matchData.regexp = this;
setBackRefInternal(context, holder, matchData);
return result;
private static IRubyObject getBackRefInternal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] holder) {
return holder != null ? holder[0] : context.getBackRef();
private static void setBackRefInternal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] holder, IRubyObject match) {
if (holder != null) {
holder[0] = match;
} else {
static RubyMatchData createMatchData19(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, Matcher matcher, Regex pattern) {
final RubyMatchData match = new RubyMatchData(context.runtime);
match.initMatchData(context, str, matcher, pattern);
return match;
public IRubyObject options() {
return getRuntime().newFixnum(getOptions().toOptions());
@JRubyMethod(name = "casefold?")
public IRubyObject casefold_p(ThreadContext context) {
return context.runtime.newBoolean(getOptions().isIgnorecase());
/** rb_reg_source
public IRubyObject source() {
Encoding enc = (pattern == null) ? str.getEncoding() : pattern.getEncoding();
ByteList newStr = str.dup();
return RubyString.newString(getRuntime(), newStr).infectBy(this);
final int length() {
return str.getRealSize();
/** rb_reg_inspect
public IRubyObject inspect() {
return inspect19();
@JRubyMethod(name = "inspect")
public IRubyObject inspect19() {
if (pattern == null) return anyToString();
return RubyString.newString(getRuntime(), RegexpSupport.regexpDescription19(getRuntime(), str, options, str.getEncoding()));
public IRubyObject to_s() {
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
RegexpOptions newOptions = (RegexpOptions)options.clone();
int p = str.getBegin();
int len = str.getRealSize();
byte[] bytes = str.getUnsafeBytes();
ByteList result = new ByteList(len);
again: do {
if (len >= 4 && bytes[p] == '(' && bytes[p + 1] == '?') {
boolean err = true;
p += 2;
if ((len -= 2) > 0) {
do {
if (bytes[p] == 'm') {
} else if (bytes[p] == 'i') {
} else if (bytes[p] == 'x') {
} else {
} while (--len > 0);
if (len > 1 && bytes[p] == '-') {
do {
if (bytes[p] == 'm') {
} else if (bytes[p] == 'i') {
} else if (bytes[p] == 'x') {
} else {
} while (--len > 0);
if (bytes[p] == ')') {
continue again;
if (bytes[p] == ':' && bytes[p + len - 1] == ')') {
try {
new Regex(bytes, ++p, p + (len -= 2), Option.DEFAULT, str.getEncoding(), Syntax.DEFAULT);
err = false;
} catch (JOniException e) {
err = true;
if (err) {
newOptions = options;
p = str.getBegin();
len = str.getRealSize();
RegexpSupport.appendOptions(result, newOptions);
if (!newOptions.isEmbeddable()) {
if (!newOptions.isMultiline()) result.append((byte)'m');
if (!newOptions.isIgnorecase()) result.append((byte)'i');
if (!newOptions.isExtended()) result.append((byte)'x');
RegexpSupport.appendRegexpString19(runtime, result, bytes, p, len, str.getEncoding(), null);
return RubyString.newString(getRuntime(), result, getEncoding()).infectBy(this);
} while (true);
public String[] getNames() {
int nameLength = pattern.numberOfNames();
if (nameLength == 0) return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
String[] names = new String[nameLength];
int j = 0;
for (Iterator i = pattern.namedBackrefIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
NameEntry e = i.next();
names[j++] = new String(e.name, e.nameP, e.nameEnd - e.nameP).intern();
return names;
/** rb_reg_names
public IRubyObject names(ThreadContext context) {
final Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
if (pattern.numberOfNames() == 0) return runtime.newEmptyArray();
RubyArray ary = RubyArray.newBlankArray(runtime, pattern.numberOfNames());
int index = 0;
for (Iterator i = pattern.namedBackrefIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
NameEntry e = i.next();
RubyString name = RubyString.newStringShared(runtime, e.name, e.nameP, e.nameEnd - e.nameP, pattern.getEncoding());
ary.store(index++, name);
return ary;
/** rb_reg_named_captures
public IRubyObject named_captures(ThreadContext context) {
final Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
RubyHash hash = RubyHash.newHash(runtime);
if (pattern.numberOfNames() == 0) return hash;
for (Iterator i = pattern.namedBackrefIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
NameEntry e = i.next();
int[] backrefs = e.getBackRefs();
RubyArray ary = RubyArray.newBlankArray(runtime, backrefs.length);
int index = 0;
for (int backref : backrefs) {
ary.store(index++, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, backref));
RubyString name = RubyString.newStringShared(runtime, e.name, e.nameP, e.nameEnd - e.nameP);
hash.fastASet(name.freeze(context), ary);
return hash;
public IRubyObject encoding(ThreadContext context) {
Encoding enc = (pattern == null) ? str.getEncoding() : pattern.getEncoding();
return context.runtime.getEncodingService().getEncoding(enc);
@JRubyMethod(name = "fixed_encoding?")
public IRubyObject fixed_encoding_p(ThreadContext context) {
return context.runtime.newBoolean(options.isFixed());
/** rb_reg_nth_match
public static IRubyObject nth_match(int nth, IRubyObject match) {
if (match.isNil()) return match;
RubyMatchData m = (RubyMatchData)match;
Ruby runtime = m.getRuntime();
final int start, end;
if (m.regs == null) {
if (nth >= 1 || (nth < 0 && ++nth <= 0)) return runtime.getNil();
start = m.begin;
end = m.end;
} else {
if (nth >= m.regs.numRegs || (nth < 0 && (nth+=m.regs.numRegs) <= 0)) return runtime.getNil();
start = m.regs.beg[nth];
end = m.regs.end[nth];
if (start == -1) return runtime.getNil();
RubyString str = m.str.makeShared19(runtime, m.str.getType(), start, end - start);
return str;
/** rb_reg_last_match
public static IRubyObject last_match(IRubyObject match) {
return nth_match(0, match);
/** rb_reg_match_pre
public static IRubyObject match_pre(IRubyObject match) {
if (match.isNil()) return match;
RubyMatchData m = (RubyMatchData)match;
Ruby runtime = m.getRuntime();
if (m.begin == -1) runtime.getNil();
return m.str.makeShared19(runtime, m.str.getType(), 0, m.begin).infectBy(m);
/** rb_reg_match_post
public static IRubyObject match_post(IRubyObject match) {
if (match.isNil()) return match;
RubyMatchData m = (RubyMatchData)match;
Ruby runtime = m.getRuntime();
if (m.begin == -1) return runtime.getNil();
return m.str.makeShared19(runtime, m.str.getType(), m.end, m.str.getByteList().getRealSize() - m.end).infectBy(m);
/** rb_reg_match_last
public static IRubyObject match_last(IRubyObject match) {
if (match.isNil()) return match;
RubyMatchData m = (RubyMatchData)match;
if (m.regs == null || m.regs.beg[0] == -1) return match.getRuntime().getNil();
int i;
for (i = m.regs.numRegs - 1; m.regs.beg[i] == -1 && i > 0; i--);
if (i == 0) return match.getRuntime().getNil();
return nth_match(i, match);
// MRI: ASCGET macro from rb_reg_regsub
private static final int ASCGET(boolean acompat, byte[] sBytes, int s, int e, int[] cl, Encoding strEnc) {
if (acompat) {
cl[0] = 1;
return Encoding.isAscii(sBytes[s]) ? sBytes[s] & 0xFF : -1;
} else {
return EncodingUtils.encAscget(sBytes, s, e, cl, strEnc);
// rb_reg_regsub
static RubyString regsub19(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, RubyString src, Matcher matcher, Regex pattern) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
RubyString val = null;
int p, s, e;
int no = 0, clen[] = {0};
Encoding strEnc = EncodingUtils.encGet(context, str);
Encoding srcEnc = EncodingUtils.encGet(context, src);
boolean acompat = EncodingUtils.encAsciicompat(strEnc);
Region regs = matcher.getRegion();
ByteList bs = str.getByteList();
ByteList srcbs = src.getByteList();
byte[] sBytes = bs.getUnsafeBytes();
p = s = bs.getBegin();
e = p + bs.getRealSize();
while (s < e) {
int c = ASCGET(acompat, sBytes, s, e, clen, strEnc);
if (c == -1) {
s += StringSupport.length(strEnc, sBytes, s, e);
int ss = s;
s += clen[0];
if (c != '\\' || s == e) continue;
if (val == null) {
val = RubyString.newString(runtime, new ByteList(ss - p));
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, sBytes, p, ss - p, strEnc);
c = ASCGET(acompat, sBytes, s, e, clen, strEnc);
if (c == -1) {
s += StringSupport.length(strEnc, sBytes, s, e);
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, sBytes, ss, s - ss, strEnc);
p = s;
s += clen[0];
p = s;
switch (c) {
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
if (pattern.noNameGroupIsActive(Syntax.RUBY)) {
no = c - '0';
} else {
case 'k':
if (s < e && ASCGET(acompat, sBytes, s, e, clen, strEnc) == '<') {
int name = s + clen[0];
int nameEnd = name;
while (nameEnd < e) {
c = ASCGET(acompat, sBytes, nameEnd, e, clen, strEnc);
if (c == '>') break;
nameEnd += c == -1 ? StringSupport.length(strEnc, sBytes, nameEnd, e) : clen[0];
if (nameEnd < e) {
try {
no = pattern.nameToBackrefNumber(sBytes, name, nameEnd, regs);
} catch (JOniException je) {
throw runtime.newIndexError(je.getMessage());
p = s = nameEnd + clen[0];
} else {
throw runtime.newRuntimeError("invalid group name reference format");
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, sBytes, ss, s - ss, strEnc);
case '0': case '&':
no = 0;
case '`':
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, srcbs.getUnsafeBytes(), srcbs.getBegin(), matcher.getBegin(), srcEnc);
case '\'':
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, srcbs.getUnsafeBytes(), srcbs.getBegin() + matcher.getEnd(), srcbs.getRealSize() - matcher.getEnd(), srcEnc);
case '+':
if (regs != null) {
no = regs.numRegs - 1;
while (regs.beg[no] == -1 && no > 0) no--;
if (no == 0) continue;
case '\\':
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, sBytes, s - clen[0], clen[0], strEnc);
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, sBytes, ss, s - ss, strEnc);
if (regs != null) {
if (no >= 0) {
if (no >= regs.numRegs) continue;
if (regs.beg[no] == -1) continue;
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, srcbs.getUnsafeBytes(), srcbs.getBegin() + regs.beg[no], regs.end[no] - regs.beg[no], srcEnc);
} else {
if (no != 0 || matcher.getBegin() == -1) continue;
EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, srcbs.getUnsafeBytes(), srcbs.getBegin() + matcher.getBegin(), matcher.getEnd() - matcher.getBegin(), srcEnc);
if (val == null) return str;
if (p < e) EncodingUtils.encStrBufCat(runtime, val, sBytes, p, e - p, strEnc);
return val;
final int adjustStartPos(RubyString str, int pos, boolean reverse) {
return adjustStartPosInternal(str, pattern.getEncoding(), pos, reverse);
private static int adjustStartPosInternal(RubyString str, Encoding enc, int pos, boolean reverse) {
ByteList value = str.getByteList();
int len = value.getRealSize();
if (pos > 0 && enc.maxLength() != 1 && pos < len) {
int start = value.getBegin();
if ((reverse ? -pos : len - pos) > 0) {
return enc.rightAdjustCharHead(value.getUnsafeBytes(), start, start + pos, start + len) - start;
} else {
return enc.leftAdjustCharHead(value.getUnsafeBytes(), start, start + pos, start + len) - start;
return pos;
private static IRubyObject operandNoCheck(IRubyObject str) {
return regOperand(str, false);
private static RubyString operandCheck(IRubyObject str) {
return (RubyString) regOperand(str, true);
// MRI: reg_operand
private static IRubyObject regOperand(IRubyObject str, boolean check) {
if (str instanceof RubySymbol) return ((RubySymbol) str).to_s();
return check ? str.convertToString() : str.checkStringType();
public static RubyRegexp unmarshalFrom(UnmarshalStream input) throws java.io.IOException {
RubyRegexp result = newRegexp(input.getRuntime(), input.unmarshalString(), RegexpOptions.fromJoniOptions(input.readSignedByte()));
return result;
public static void marshalTo(RubyRegexp regexp, MarshalStream output) throws java.io.IOException {
int options = regexp.pattern.getOptions() & EMBEDDABLE;
if (regexp.getOptions().isFixed()) options |= RE_FIXED;
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