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import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.ast.*;
import org.jruby.ast.types.INameNode;
import org.jruby.compiler.NotCompilableException;
import org.jruby.runtime.ArgumentDescriptor;
import org.jruby.runtime.ArgumentType;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.RubyEvent;
import org.jruby.runtime.Signature;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.DefinedMessage;
import org.jruby.util.KeyValuePair;

import java.util.*;

import static*;

import static*;
import static*;

// This class converts an AST into a bunch of IR instructions

// IR Building Notes
// -----------------
// 1. More copy instructions added than necessary
// ----------------------------------------------
// Note that in general, there will be lots of a = b kind of copies
// introduced in the IR because the translation is entirely single-node focused.
// An example will make this clear.
// RUBY:
//     v = @f
// will translate to
// AST:
//     LocalAsgnNode v
//       InstrVarNode f
// will translate to
// IR:
//     tmp = self.f [ GET_FIELD(tmp,self,f) ]
//     v = tmp      [ COPY(v, tmp) ]
// instead of
//     v = self.f   [ GET_FIELD(v, self, f) ]
// We could get smarter and pass in the variable into which this expression is going to get evaluated
// and use that to store the value of the expression (or not build the expression if the variable is null).
// But, that makes the code more complicated, and in any case, all this will get fixed in a single pass of
// copy propagation and dead-code elimination.
// Something to pay attention to and if this extra pass becomes a concern (not convinced that it is yet),
// this smart can be built in here.  Right now, the goal is to do something simple and straightforward that is going to be correct.
// 2. Returning null vs manager.getNil()
// ----------------------------
// - We should be returning null from the build methods where it is a normal "error" condition
// - We should be returning manager.getNil() where the actual return value of a build is the ruby nil operand
//   Look in buildIf for an example of this.
// 3. Temporary variable reuse
// ---------------------------
// I am reusing variables a lot in places in this code.  Should I instead always get a new variable when I need it
// This introduces artificial data dependencies, but fewer variables.  But, if we are going to implement SSA pass
// this is not a big deal.  Think this through!

public class IRBuilder {
    static final Operand[] NO_ARGS = new Operand[]{};
    static final UnexecutableNil U_NIL = UnexecutableNil.U_NIL;

    public static final String USING_METHOD = "using";

    public static Node buildAST(boolean isCommandLineScript, String arg) {
        Ruby ruby = Ruby.getGlobalRuntime();

        // inline script
        if (isCommandLineScript) return ruby.parse(ByteList.create(arg), "-e", null, 0, false);

        // from file
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        try {
            File file = new File(arg);
            fis = new FileInputStream(file);
            long size = file.length();
            byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)size];
            System.out.println("-- processing " + arg + " --");
            return ruby.parse(new ByteList(bytes), arg, null, 0, false);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
        } finally {
            try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch(Exception ignored) { }

    private static class IRLoop {
        public final IRScope  container;
        public final IRLoop   parentLoop;
        public final Label    loopStartLabel;
        public final Label    loopEndLabel;
        public final Label    iterStartLabel;
        public final Label    iterEndLabel;
        public final Variable loopResult;

        public IRLoop(IRScope s, IRLoop outerLoop) {
            container = s;
            parentLoop = outerLoop;
            loopStartLabel = s.getNewLabel("_LOOP_BEGIN");
            loopEndLabel   = s.getNewLabel("_LOOP_END");
            iterStartLabel = s.getNewLabel("_ITER_BEGIN");
            iterEndLabel   = s.getNewLabel("_ITER_END");
            loopResult     = s.createTemporaryVariable();

    private static class RescueBlockInfo {
        Label      entryLabel;             // Entry of the rescue block
        Variable   savedExceptionVariable; // Variable that contains the saved $! variable

        public RescueBlockInfo(Label l, Variable v) {
            entryLabel = l;
            savedExceptionVariable = v;

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Every ensure block has a start label and end label
     * This ruby code will translate to the IR shown below
     * -----------------
     *   begin
     *       ... protected body ...
     *   ensure
     *       ... ensure block to run
     *   end
     * -----------------
     *  L_region_start
     *     IR instructions for the protected body
     *     .. copy of ensure block IR ..
     *  L_dummy_rescue:
     *     e = recv_exc
     *  L_start:
     *     .. ensure block IR ..
     *     throw e
     *  L_end:
     * -----------------
     * If N is a node in the protected body that might exit this scope (exception rethrows
     * and returns), N has to first run the ensure block before exiting.
     * Since we can have a nesting of ensure blocks, we are maintaining a stack of these
     * well-nested ensure blocks.  Every node N that will exit this scope will have to
     * run the stack of ensure blocks in the right order.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    private static class EnsureBlockInfo {
        Label    regionStart;
        Label    start;
        Label    end;
        Label    dummyRescueBlockLabel;
        Variable savedGlobalException;
        boolean needsBacktrace;

        // Label of block that will rescue exceptions raised by ensure code
        Label    bodyRescuer;

        // Innermost loop within which this ensure block is nested, if any
        IRLoop   innermostLoop;

        // AST node for any associated rescue node in the case of begin-rescue-ensure-end block
        // Will be null in the case of begin-ensure-end block
        RescueNode matchingRescueNode;

        // This ensure block's instructions
        List instrs;

        public EnsureBlockInfo(IRScope s, RescueNode n, IRLoop l, Label bodyRescuer) {
            regionStart = s.getNewLabel();
            start       = s.getNewLabel();
            end         = s.getNewLabel();
            dummyRescueBlockLabel = s.getNewLabel();
            instrs = new ArrayList<>();
            savedGlobalException = null;
            innermostLoop = l;
            matchingRescueNode = n;
            this.bodyRescuer = bodyRescuer;
            needsBacktrace = true;

        public void addInstr(Instr i) {

        public void addInstrAtBeginning(Instr i) {
            instrs.add(0, i);

        public void emitBody(IRBuilder b) {
            b.addInstr(new LabelInstr(start));
            for (Instr i: instrs) {

        public void cloneIntoHostScope(IRBuilder builder) {
            SimpleCloneInfo ii = new SimpleCloneInfo(builder.scope, true);

            // Clone required labels.
            // During normal cloning below, labels not found in the rename map
            // are not cloned.
            for (Instr i: instrs) {
                if (i instanceof LabelInstr) ii.renameLabel(((LabelInstr)i).getLabel());

            // $! should be restored before the ensure block is run
            if (savedGlobalException != null) {
                // We need make sure on all outgoing paths in optimized short-hand rescues we restore the backtrace
                if (!needsBacktrace) builder.addInstr(builder.manager.needsBacktrace(true));
                builder.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", savedGlobalException));

            // Clone instructions now
            builder.addInstr(new LabelInstr(ii.getRenamedLabel(start)));
            builder.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(bodyRescuer));
            for (Instr instr: instrs) {
                Instr clonedInstr = instr.clone(ii);
                if (clonedInstr instanceof CallBase) {
                    CallBase call = (CallBase)clonedInstr;
                    Operand block = call.getClosureArg(null);
                    if (block instanceof WrappedIRClosure) builder.scope.addClosure(((WrappedIRClosure)block).getClosure());
            builder.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr());

    // SSS FIXME: Currently only used for retries -- we should be able to eliminate this
    // Stack of nested rescue blocks -- this just tracks the start label of the blocks
    private Stack activeRescueBlockStack = new Stack<>();

    // Stack of ensure blocks that are currently active
    private Stack activeEnsureBlockStack = new Stack<>();

    // Stack of ensure blocks whose bodies are being constructed
    private Stack ensureBodyBuildStack   = new Stack<>();

    // Combined stack of active rescue/ensure nestings -- required to properly set up
    // rescuers for ensure block bodies cloned into other regions -- those bodies are
    // rescued by the active rescuers at the point of definition rather than the point
    // of cloning.
    private Stack

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