org.jruby.ext.rbconfig.RbConfigLibrary Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
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* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust
* Copyright (C) 2005 Charles O Nutter
* Copyright (C) 2006 Nick Sieger
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.ext.rbconfig;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyModule;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.runtime.Constants;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.load.Library;
import org.jruby.util.SafePropertyAccessor;
public class RbConfigLibrary implements Library {
// Ruby's designation for some platforms, minus version numbers in some cases
private static final String RUBY_DARWIN = "darwin";
private static final String RUBY_LINUX = "linux";
private static final String RUBY_WIN32 = "mswin32";
private static final String RUBY_SOLARIS = "solaris";
private static final String RUBY_FREEBSD = "freebsd";
private static final String RUBY_AIX = "aix";
private static String normalizedHome;
/** This is a map from Java's "friendly" OS names to those used by Ruby */
public static final Map RUBY_OS_NAMES = new HashMap<>(24, 1);
static {
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows 95", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows 98", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows Me", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows NT", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows 2000", RUBY_WIN32);
// that's what JDK5 produces on Windows Vista
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows NT (unknown)", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows XP", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows 2003", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows Vista", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows 7", RUBY_WIN32);
RUBY_OS_NAMES.put("Windows Server 2008", RUBY_WIN32);
public static String getOSName() {
if (Platform.IS_LINUX) return RUBY_LINUX;
if (Platform.IS_MAC) return RUBY_DARWIN;
if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) return RUBY_WIN32;
String osName = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("");
String rubyName = RUBY_OS_NAMES.get(osName);
return rubyName == null ? osName : rubyName;
public static String getArchitecture() {
String architecture = Platform.ARCH;
if (architecture == null) architecture = "unknown";
if ("amd64".equals(architecture)) architecture = "x86_64";
return architecture;
public static String getRuntimeVerStr(Ruby runtime) {
return Constants.RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION;
public static String getNormalizedHome(Ruby runtime) {
normalizedHome = runtime.getJRubyHome();
if (normalizedHome == null && Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) {
normalizedHome = "SECURITY RESTRICTED";
return normalizedHome;
public static String getLibDir(Ruby runtime) {
String libdir = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.lib");
if (libdir == null) {
String home = getNormalizedHome(runtime);
if (home.startsWith("uri:")) {
libdir = home + "/lib";
else {
libdir = newFile(home, "lib").getPath();
} else {
try {
// Our shell scripts pass in non-canonicalized paths, but even if we didn't
// anyone who did would become unhappy because Ruby apps expect no relative
// operators in the pathname (rubygems, for example).
libdir = newFile(libdir).getCanonicalPath();
catch (IOException e) {
libdir = newFile(libdir).getAbsolutePath();
return libdir;
public static String getVendorDirGeneral(Ruby runtime) {
// vendorDirGeneral example: /usr/share/jruby/lib/ - commonly the same as libdir
return newFile(SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("vendor.dir.general", getLibDir(runtime))).getPath();
public static String getSiteDirGeneral(Ruby runtime) {
// siteDirGeneral example: /usr/local/share/jruby/lib/
return newFile(SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("site.dir.general", getLibDir(runtime))).getPath();
public static Boolean isSiteVendorSame(Ruby runtime) {
return getVendorDirGeneral(runtime).equals(getSiteDirGeneral(runtime));
public static String getRubygemsDir(Ruby runtime) {
// used when integrating JRuby with system RubyGems - example: /usr/share/rubygems
return SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("vendor.dir.rubygems", null);
public static String getRubySharedLibDir(Ruby runtime) {
return newFile(getVendorDirGeneral(runtime), "ruby/shared").getPath();
public static String getRubyLibDir(Ruby runtime) {
return getRubyLibDirFor(runtime, "stdlib");
public static String getRubyLibDirFor(Ruby runtime, String runtimeVerStr) {
return newFile(getVendorDirGeneral(runtime), String.format("ruby/%s", runtimeVerStr)).getPath();
public static String getArchDir(Ruby runtime) {
return getRubyLibDir(runtime);
public static String getVendorDir(Ruby runtime) {
return newFile(getRubyLibDir(runtime), "vendor_ruby").getPath();
public static String getVendorLibDir(Ruby runtime) {
return getVendorDir(runtime);
public static String getVendorArchDir(Ruby runtime) {
return getVendorDir(runtime);
public static String getSiteDir(Ruby runtime) {
return newFile(getSiteDirGeneral(runtime), String.format("ruby/%s/site_ruby", getRuntimeVerStr(runtime))).getPath();
public static String getSiteLibDir(Ruby runtime) {
return getSiteDir(runtime);
public static String getSiteArchDir(Ruby runtime) {
return getSiteDir(runtime);
public static String getSysConfDir(Ruby runtime) {
return newFile(getNormalizedHome(runtime), "etc").getPath();
* Just enough configuration settings (most don't make sense in Java) to run the rubytests
* unit tests. The tests use bindir
public void load(Ruby runtime, boolean wrap) {
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
final RubyModule rbConfig = runtime.defineModule("RbConfig");
final RubyHash CONFIG = new RubyHash(runtime, 48);
String[] versionParts;
versionParts = Constants.RUBY_VERSION.split("\\.");
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "MAJOR", versionParts[0]);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "MINOR", versionParts[1]);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "TEENY", versionParts[2]);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "ruby_version", versionParts[0] + '.' + versionParts[1] + ".0");
// Rubygems is too specific on host cpu so until we have real need lets default to universal
//setConfig(CONFIG, "arch", System.getProperty("os.arch") + "-java" + System.getProperty("java.specification.version"));
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "arch", "universal-java" + System.getProperty("java.specification.version"));
normalizedHome = getNormalizedHome(runtime);
// Use property for binDir if available, otherwise fall back to common bin default
String binDir = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.bindir");
if (binDir == null) {
binDir = newFile(normalizedHome, "bin").getPath();
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "bindir", binDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "RUBY_INSTALL_NAME", jrubyScript());
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "RUBYW_INSTALL_NAME", Platform.IS_WINDOWS ? "jrubyw.exe" : jrubyScript());
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "ruby_install_name", jrubyScript());
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "rubyw_install_name", Platform.IS_WINDOWS ? "jrubyw.exe" : jrubyScript());
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "SHELL", jrubyShell());
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "prefix", normalizedHome);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "exec_prefix", normalizedHome);
final String osName = getOSName();
final String arch = getArchitecture();
final String vendor = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("java.vendor");
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "host_os", osName);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "host_vendor", vendor);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "host_cpu", arch);
String host = String.format("%s-%s-%s", osName, vendor, arch);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "host", host);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "host_alias", host);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "target_os", osName);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "target_cpu", arch);
String jrubyJarFile = "jruby.jar";
URL jrubyPropertiesUrl = Ruby.getClassLoader().getResource("/org/jruby/Ruby.class");
if (jrubyPropertiesUrl != null) {
Pattern jarFile = Pattern.compile("jar:file:.*?([a-zA-Z0-9.\\-]+\\.jar)!" + "/org/jruby/Ruby.class");
Matcher jarMatcher = jarFile.matcher(jrubyPropertiesUrl.toString());
if (jarMatcher.matches()) {
jrubyJarFile =;
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "LIBRUBY", jrubyJarFile);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "LIBRUBY_SO", jrubyJarFile);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "LIBRUBY_SO", jrubyJarFile);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "LIBRUBY_ALIASES", jrubyJarFile);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "build", Constants.BUILD);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "target", Constants.TARGET);
String shareDir = newFile(normalizedHome, "share").getPath();
String includeDir = newFile(normalizedHome, "lib/ruby/include").getPath();
String vendorDirGeneral = getVendorDirGeneral(runtime);
String siteDirGeneral = getSiteDirGeneral(runtime);
String rubySharedLibDir = getRubySharedLibDir(runtime);
String rubyLibDir = getRubyLibDir(runtime);
String archDir = getArchDir(runtime);
String vendorDir = getVendorDir(runtime);
String vendorLibDir = getVendorLibDir(runtime);
String vendorArchDir = getVendorArchDir(runtime);
String siteDir = getSiteDir(runtime);
String siteLibDir = getSiteLibDir(runtime);
String siteArchDir = getSiteArchDir(runtime);
String sysConfDir = getSysConfDir(runtime);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "libdir", vendorDirGeneral);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "rubylibprefix", vendorDirGeneral + "/ruby");
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "rubylibdir", rubyLibDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "rubysharedlibdir", rubySharedLibDir);
if (!isSiteVendorSame(runtime)) {
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "vendordir", vendorDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "vendorlibdir", vendorLibDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "vendorarchdir", vendorArchDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "sitedir", siteDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "sitelibdir", siteLibDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "sitearchdir", siteArchDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "sitearch", "java");
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "archdir", archDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "topdir", archDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "includedir", includeDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "rubyhdrdir", includeDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "configure_args", "");
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "datadir", shareDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "mandir", newFile(normalizedHome, "man").getPath());
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "sysconfdir", sysConfDir);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "localstatedir", newFile(normalizedHome, "var").getPath());
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "DLEXT", "jar");
final String rubygemsDir = getRubygemsDir(runtime);
if (rubygemsDir != null) {
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "rubygemsdir", newFile(rubygemsDir).getPath());
if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) {
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "EXEEXT", ".exe");
} else {
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "EXEEXT", "");
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "ridir", newFile(shareDir, "ri").getPath());
// These will be used as jruby defaults for rubygems if found
String gemhome = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.gem.home");
String gempath = SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.gem.path");
if (gemhome != null) setConfig(context, CONFIG, "default_gem_home", gemhome);
if (gempath != null) setConfig(context, CONFIG, "default_gem_path", gempath);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "joda-time.version", Constants.JODA_TIME_VERSION);
setConfig(context, CONFIG, "tzdata.version", Constants.TZDATA_VERSION);
rbConfig.defineConstant("CONFIG", CONFIG);
// TODO CONFIG and MAKEFILE_CONFIG seems to be the same Hash in Ruby 2.5
final RubyHash mkmfHash = new RubyHash(runtime, 64);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "libdir", vendorDirGeneral);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "arch", "java");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "rubylibdir", rubyLibDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "rubysharedlibdir", rubySharedLibDir);
if (!isSiteVendorSame(runtime)) {
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "vendordir", vendorDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "vendorlibdir", vendorLibDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "vendorarchdir", vendorArchDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "sitedir", siteDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "sitelibdir", siteLibDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "sitearchdir", siteArchDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "sitearch", "java");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "archdir", archDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "topdir", archDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "configure_args", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "datadir", newFile(normalizedHome, "share").getPath());
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "mandir", newFile(normalizedHome, "man").getPath());
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "sysconfdir", sysConfDir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "localstatedir", newFile(normalizedHome, "var").getPath());
if (rubygemsDir != null) {
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "rubygemsdir", newFile(rubygemsDir).getPath());
setupMakefileConfig(context, mkmfHash);
rbConfig.defineConstant("MAKEFILE_CONFIG", mkmfHash);
runtime.getLoadService().load("jruby/kernel/rbconfig.rb", false);
private static final boolean IS_64_BIT = jnr.posix.util.Platform.IS_64_BIT;
private static void setupMakefileConfig(ThreadContext context, final RubyHash mkmfHash) {
RubyHash envHash = (RubyHash) context.runtime.getObject().fetchConstant("ENV");
String cc = getRubyEnv(envHash, "CC", "cc");
String cpp = getRubyEnv(envHash, "CPP", "cc -E");
String cxx = getRubyEnv(envHash, "CXX", "c++");
String jflags = " -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing ";
// String oflags = " -O2 -DNDEBUG";
// String wflags = " -W -Werror -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses ";
// String picflags = true ? "" : " -fPIC -pthread ";
// String iflags = " -I\"$(JDK_HOME)/include\" -I\"$(JDK_HOME)/include/$(OS)\" -I\"$(BUILD_DIR)\" ";
// String soflags = true ? "" : " -shared -static-libgcc -mimpure-text -Wl,-O1 ";
String cflags = jflags + " -fexceptions" /* + picflags */ + " $(cflags)";
String cppflags = " $(DEFS) $(cppflags)";
String cxxflags = cflags + " $(cxxflags)";
String ldflags = ""; // + soflags;
String dldflags = "";
String ldsharedflags = " -shared ";
String archflags = " -m" + (IS_64_BIT ? "64" : "32");
String hdr_dir = newFile(normalizedHome, "lib/native/include/").getPath();
// A few platform specific values
if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) {
ldflags += " -L" + newFile(normalizedHome, "lib/native/" + (IS_64_BIT ? "x86_64" : "i386") + "-Windows").getPath();
ldsharedflags += " $(if $(filter-out -g -g0,$(debugflags)),,-s)";
dldflags = "-Wl,--enable-auto-image-base,--enable-auto-import $(DEFFILE)";
archflags += " -march=native -mtune=native";
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "DLEXT", "dll");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "EXEEXT", ".exe");
} else if (Platform.IS_MAC) {
ldsharedflags = " -dynamic -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup ";
cflags = " -fPIC -DTARGET_RT_MAC_CFM=0 " + cflags;
archflags = " -arch " + getArchitecture();
cppflags = " -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE " + cppflags;
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "DLEXT", "bundle");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "EXEEXT", "");
} else {
cflags = " -fPIC " + cflags;
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "DLEXT", "so");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "EXEEXT", "");
String libext = "a";
String objext = "o";
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "configure_args", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "CFLAGS", cflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "CPPFLAGS", cppflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "CXXFLAGS", cxxflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "ARCH_FLAG", archflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LDFLAGS", ldflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "DLDFLAGS", dldflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "DEFS", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LIBEXT", libext);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "OBJEXT", objext);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LIBRUBYARG_STATIC", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LIBRUBYARG_SHARED", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LIBS", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "DLDLIBS", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "ENABLED_SHARED", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LIBRUBY", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LIBRUBY_A", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LIBRUBYARG", "");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "prefix", " "); // This must not be empty for some extconf.rb's to work
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "ruby_install_name", jrubyScript());
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LDSHARED", cc + ldsharedflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "LDSHAREDXX", cxx + ldsharedflags);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "RUBY_PLATFORM", getOSName());
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "RUBY_SO_NAME", "jruby");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "CC", cc);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "CPP", cpp);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "CXX", cxx);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "OUTFLAG", "-o ");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "COMMON_HEADERS", "ruby.h");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "PATH_SEPARATOR", ":");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "INSTALL", "install -c ");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "RM", "rm -f");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "CP", "cp ");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "MAKEDIRS", "mkdir -p ");
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "includedir", hdr_dir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "rubyhdrdir", hdr_dir);
setConfig(context, mkmfHash, "archdir", hdr_dir);
context.runtime.getObject().defineConstant("CROSS_COMPILING", context.nil);
private static void setConfig(ThreadContext context, RubyHash hash, String key, String value) {
final Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
hash.fastASetCheckString(runtime, runtime.newString(key), runtime.newString(value));
public static String jrubyScript() {
return SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("jruby.script", "jruby").replace('\\', '/');
// TODO: note lack of support for Win 9x...
public static String jrubyShell() {
return SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("", Platform.IS_WINDOWS ? "cmd.exe" : "/bin/sh").replace('\\', '/');
@JRubyMethod(name = "ruby", meta = true)
public static IRubyObject ruby(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
RubyHash configHash = (RubyHash) runtime.getModule("RbConfig").getConstant("CONFIG");
IRubyObject bindir = configHash.op_aref(context, runtime.newString("bindir"));
IRubyObject ruby_install_name = configHash.op_aref(context, runtime.newString("ruby_install_name"));
IRubyObject exeext = configHash.op_aref(context, runtime.newString("EXEEXT"));
return Helpers.invoke(context, runtime.getClass("File"), "join", bindir, ruby_install_name.callMethod(context, "+", exeext));
private static String getRubyEnv(RubyHash envHash, String var, String default_value) {
var = (String) envHash.get(var);
return var == null ? default_value : var;
private static File newFile(final String path) {
return new org.jruby.util.NormalizedFile(path);
private static File newFile(final String parent, final String child) {
return new org.jruby.util.NormalizedFile(parent, child);
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