org.jruby.truffle.extra.TrufflePosixNodes Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This
* code is released under a tri EPL/GPL/LGPL license. You can use it,
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the:
* Eclipse Public License version 1.0
* GNU General Public License version 2
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
package org.jruby.truffle.extra;
import com.kenai.jffi.Platform;
import com.kenai.jffi.Platform.OS;
import jnr.constants.platform.Fcntl;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding;
import org.jruby.truffle.Layouts;
import org.jruby.truffle.builtins.CoreClass;
import org.jruby.truffle.builtins.CoreMethod;
import org.jruby.truffle.builtins.CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.time.GetTimeZoneNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.extra.ffi.PointerPrimitiveNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.SnippetNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.control.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.truffle.platform.UnsafeGroup;
import org.jruby.truffle.platform.signal.Signal;
import static org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringOperations.decodeUTF8;
public abstract class TrufflePosixNodes {
private static void invalidateENV(String name) {
if (name.equals("TZ")) {
@CoreMethod(names = "access", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class AccessNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int access(DynamicObject path, int mode) {
final String pathString = decodeUTF8(path);
return posix().access(pathString, mode);
@CoreMethod(names = "chmod", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class ChmodNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int chmod(DynamicObject path, int mode) {
return posix().chmod(decodeUTF8(path), mode);
@CoreMethod(names = "chown", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = { 2, 3 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class ChownNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int chown(DynamicObject path, int owner, int group) {
return posix().chown(decodeUTF8(path), owner, group);
@CoreMethod(names = "dup", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class DupNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int dup(int descriptor) {
return posix().dup(descriptor);
@CoreMethod(names = "dup2", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class Dup2Node extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int dup2(int oldFd, int newFd) {
return posix().dup2(oldFd, newFd);
@CoreMethod(names = "fchmod", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = {1, 2}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class FchmodNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int fchmod(int one, int mode) {
return posix().fchmod(one, mode);
@CoreMethod(names = "fsync", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class FsyncNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int fsync(int descriptor) {
return posix().fsync(descriptor);
@CoreMethod(names = "fchown", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = {1, 2, 3}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class FchownNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int fchown(int descriptor, int owner, int group) {
return posix().fchown(descriptor, owner, group);
@CoreMethod(names = "getegid", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetEGIDNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getEGID() {
return posix().getegid();
@CoreMethod(names = "getenv", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = {UnsafeGroup.MEMORY, UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES})
public abstract static class GetenvNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(name)")
public DynamicObject getenv(DynamicObject name) {
Object result = posix().getenv(decodeUTF8(name));
if (result == null) {
return nil();
return createString(StringOperations.encodeRope((String) result, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE));
@CoreMethod(names = "geteuid", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetEUIDNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getEUID() {
return posix().geteuid();
@CoreMethod(names = "getgid", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetGIDNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getGID() {
return posix().getgid();
@CoreMethod(names = "getgroups", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = {UnsafeGroup.MEMORY, UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES})
public abstract static class GetGroupsNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public DynamicObject getgroups() {
final long[] groups = getGroups();
return createArray(groups, groups.length);
private static long[] getGroups() {
if (TruffleOptions.AOT) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("UnixSystem is not supported with AOT.");
return new UnixSystem().getGroups();
@CoreMethod(names = "getrlimit", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = {UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES, UnsafeGroup.MEMORY})
public abstract static class GetRLimitNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@TruffleBoundary(throwsControlFlowException = true)
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(pointer)")
public int getrlimit(int resource, DynamicObject pointer) {
final int result = posix().getrlimit(resource, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(pointer));
if (result == -1) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().errnoError(posix().errno(), this));
return result;
@CoreMethod(names = "getuid", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetUIDNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getUID() {
return posix().getuid();
@CoreMethod(names = "memset", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.MEMORY)
public abstract static class MemsetNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(pointer)")
public DynamicObject memset(DynamicObject pointer, int c, long length) {
Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(pointer).setMemory(0, length, (byte) c);
return pointer;
@CoreMethod(names = "mkfifo", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class MkfifoNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int mkfifo(DynamicObject path, int mode) {
return posix().mkfifo(decodeUTF8(path), mode);
@CoreMethod(names = "readlink", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = 3, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class ReadlinkNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@TruffleBoundary(throwsControlFlowException = true)
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(path)", "isRubyPointer(pointer)"})
public int readlink(DynamicObject path, DynamicObject pointer, int bufsize) {
final int result = posix().readlink(decodeUTF8(path), Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(pointer), bufsize);
if (result == -1) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().errnoError(posix().errno(), this));
return result;
@CoreMethod(names = "setenv", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = 3, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetenvNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = { "isRubyString(name)", "isRubyString(value)" })
public int setenv(DynamicObject name, DynamicObject value, int overwrite) {
final String nameString = decodeUTF8(name);
return posix().setenv(nameString, decodeUTF8(value), overwrite);
@CoreMethod(names = "lchmod", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class LchmodNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int lchmod(DynamicObject path, int mode) {
return posix().lchmod(decodeUTF8(path), mode);
@CoreMethod(names = "link", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class LinkNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(path)", "isRubyString(other)"})
public int link(DynamicObject path, DynamicObject other) {
return posix().link(decodeUTF8(path), decodeUTF8(other));
@CoreMethod(names = "unlink", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class UnlinkNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int unlink(DynamicObject path) {
return posix().unlink(decodeUTF8(path));
@CoreMethod(names = "umask", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class UmaskNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int umask(int mask) {
return posix().umask(mask);
@CoreMethod(names = "unsetenv", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class UnsetenvNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(name)")
public int unsetenv(DynamicObject name) {
final String nameString = decodeUTF8(name);
return posix().unsetenv(nameString);
@CoreMethod(names = "utimes", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, unsafe = {UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES, UnsafeGroup.MEMORY})
public abstract static class UtimesNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@TruffleBoundary(throwsControlFlowException = true)
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(path)", "isRubyPointer(pointer)"})
public int utimes(DynamicObject path, DynamicObject pointer) {
final int result = posix().utimes(decodeUTF8(path), Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(pointer));
if (result == -1) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().errnoError(posix().errno(), this));
return result;
@CoreMethod(names = "mkdir", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class MkdirNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int mkdir(DynamicObject path, int mode) {
return posix().mkdir(decodeUTF8(path), mode);
@CoreMethod(names = "chdir", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class ChdirNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int chdir(DynamicObject path) {
final String pathString = decodeUTF8(path);
final int result = posix().chdir(pathString);
if (result == 0) {
final String cwd = posix().getcwd();
return result;
@CoreMethod(names = "getpriority", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetPriorityNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getpriority(int kind, int id) {
return posix().getpriority(kind, id);
@CoreMethod(names = "setgid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetgidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setgid(int gid) {
return posix().setgid(gid);
@CoreMethod(names = "setpgid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = {1, 2}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetpgidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setpgid(int pid, int pgid) {
return posix().setpgid(pid, pgid);
@CoreMethod(names = "setpriority", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2, 3 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetPriorityNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setpriority(int kind, int id, int priority) {
return posix().setpriority(kind, id, priority);
@CoreMethod(names = "setresuid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2, 3 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetResuidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setresuid(int uid, int id, int priority) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().notImplementedError("setresuid", this));
@CoreMethod(names = "seteuid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetEuidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int seteuid(int uid) {
return posix().seteuid(uid);
@CoreMethod(names = "setreuid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetReuidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setreuid(int uid, int id) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().notImplementedError("setreuid", this));
@CoreMethod(names = "setrlimit", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetRLimitNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@TruffleBoundary(throwsControlFlowException = true)
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(pointer)")
public int setrlimit(int resource, DynamicObject pointer,
@Cached("create()") BranchProfile errorProfile) {
final int result = posix().setrlimit(resource, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(pointer));
if (result == -1) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().errnoError(posix().errno(), this));
return result;
@CoreMethod(names = "setruid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetRuidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setruid(int uid) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().notImplementedError("setruid", this));
@CoreMethod(names = "setuid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetUidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setuid(int uid) {
return posix().setuid(uid);
@CoreMethod(names = "setsid", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class SetSidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int setsid() {
return posix().setsid();
@CoreMethod(names = "flock", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class FlockNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int flock(int fd, int constant) {
return posix().flock(fd, constant);
@CoreMethod(names = "major", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class MajorNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int major(long dev) {
if (Platform.getPlatform().getOS() == OS.SOLARIS) {
return (int) (dev >> 32); // Solaris has major number in the upper 32 bits.
} else {
return (int) ((dev >> 24) & 0xff);
@CoreMethod(names = "minor", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class MinorNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int minor(long dev) {
if (Platform.getPlatform().getOS() == OS.SOLARIS) {
return (int) dev; // Solaris has minor number in the lower 32 bits.
} else {
return (int) (dev & 0xffffff);
@CoreMethod(names = "rename", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class RenameNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(path)", "isRubyString(other)"})
public int rename(DynamicObject path, DynamicObject other) {
return posix().rename(decodeUTF8(path), decodeUTF8(other));
@CoreMethod(names = "rmdir", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class RmdirNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(path)")
public int rmdir(DynamicObject path) {
return posix().rmdir(decodeUTF8(path));
@CoreMethod(names = "getcwd", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class GetcwdNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public DynamicObject getcwd() {
final String cwd = posix().getcwd();
final String path = getContext().getCurrentDirectory();
assert path.equals(cwd);
// TODO (nirvdrum 12-Sept-16) The rope table always returns UTF-8, but this call should be based on Encoding.default_external and reflect updates to that value.
return StringOperations.createString(getContext(), getContext().getRopeTable().getRope(path));
@CoreMethod(names = "errno", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class ErrnoNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int errno() {
return posix().errno();
@CoreMethod(names = "errno=", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class ErrnoAssignNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int errno(int errno) {
return 0;
@CoreMethod(names = "fcntl", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = {1, 2, 3}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class FcntlNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isNil(nil)")
public int fcntl(int fd, int fcntl, Object nil) {
return posix().fcntl(fd, Fcntl.valueOf(fcntl));
public int fcntl(int fd, int fcntl, int arg) {
return posix().fcntlInt(fd, Fcntl.valueOf(fcntl), arg);
@CoreMethod(names = "getpgid", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetpgidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getpgid(int pid) {
return posix().getpgid(pid);
@CoreMethod(names = "getpgrp", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetpgrpNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getpgrp() {
return posix().getpgrp();
@CoreMethod(names = "isatty", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class IsATTYNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int isATTY(int fd) {
return posix().isatty(fd);
@CoreMethod(names = "getppid", isModuleFunction = true, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES)
public abstract static class GetppidNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getppid() {
return posix().getppid();
@CoreMethod(names = "send", isModuleFunction = true, required = 4, lowerFixnum = {1, 3, 4}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class SendNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(buffer)")
public int send(int descriptor, DynamicObject buffer, int bytes, int flags) {
return nativeSockets().send(descriptor, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(buffer), bytes, flags);
@CoreMethod(names = "symlink", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class SymlinkNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(first)", "isRubyString(second)"})
public int symlink(DynamicObject first, DynamicObject second) {
return posix().symlink(decodeUTF8(first), decodeUTF8(second));
@CoreMethod(names = "_getaddrinfo", isModuleFunction = true, required = 4, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class GetAddrInfoNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = {"isNil(hostName)", "isRubyString(serviceName)"})
public int getaddrinfoNil(DynamicObject hostName, DynamicObject serviceName, DynamicObject hintsPointer, DynamicObject resultsPointer) {
return getaddrinfoString(create7BitString("", UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE), serviceName, hintsPointer, resultsPointer);
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(hostName)", "isRubyString(serviceName)", "isRubyPointer(hintsPointer)", "isRubyPointer(resultsPointer)"})
public int getaddrinfoString(DynamicObject hostName, DynamicObject serviceName, DynamicObject hintsPointer, DynamicObject resultsPointer) {
return nativeSockets().getaddrinfo(
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(hostName)", "isNil(serviceName)", "isRubyPointer(hintsPointer)", "isRubyPointer(resultsPointer)"})
public int getaddrinfo(DynamicObject hostName, DynamicObject serviceName, DynamicObject hintsPointer, DynamicObject resultsPointer) {
return nativeSockets().getaddrinfo(
@CoreMethod(names = "_connect", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = { 1, 3 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class ConnectNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(address)")
public int connect(int socket, DynamicObject address, int address_len) {
return nativeSockets().connect(socket, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(address), address_len);
@CoreMethod(names = "freeaddrinfo", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class FreeAddrInfoNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(addrInfo)")
public DynamicObject freeaddrinfo(DynamicObject addrInfo) {
return nil();
@CoreMethod(names = "_getnameinfo", isModuleFunction = true, required = 7, lowerFixnum = {2, 4, 6, 7}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class GetNameInfoNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyPointer(sa)", "isRubyPointer(host)", "isRubyPointer(serv)"})
public int getnameinfo(DynamicObject sa, int salen, DynamicObject host, int hostlen, DynamicObject serv, int servlen, int flags) {
assert hostlen > 0;
assert servlen > 0;
return nativeSockets().getnameinfo(
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyPointer(sa)", "isNil(host)", "isRubyPointer(serv)"})
public int getnameinfoNullHost(DynamicObject sa, int salen, DynamicObject host, int hostlen, DynamicObject serv, int servlen, int flags) {
assert hostlen == 0;
assert servlen > 0;
return nativeSockets().getnameinfo(
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyPointer(sa)", "isRubyPointer(host)", "isNil(serv)"})
public int getnameinfoNullService(DynamicObject sa, int salen, DynamicObject host, int hostlen, DynamicObject serv, int servlen, int flags) {
assert hostlen > 0;
assert servlen == 0;
return nativeSockets().getnameinfo(
@CoreMethod(names = "shutdown", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = {1, 2}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class ShutdownNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int shutdown(int socket, int how) {
return nativeSockets().shutdown(socket, how);
@CoreMethod(names = "socket", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = {1, 2, 3}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class SocketNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int getnameinfo(int domain, int type, int protocol) {
return nativeSockets().socket(domain, type, protocol);
@CoreMethod(names = "setsockopt", isModuleFunction = true, required = 5, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2, 3, 5 }, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class SetSockOptNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(optionValue)")
public int setsockopt(int socket, int level, int optionName, DynamicObject optionValue, int optionLength) {
return nativeSockets().setsockopt(socket, level, optionName, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(optionValue), optionLength);
@CoreMethod(names = "_bind", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = {1, 3}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class BindNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(address)")
public int bind(int socket, DynamicObject address, int addressLength) {
return nativeSockets().bind(socket, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(address), addressLength);
@CoreMethod(names = "listen", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = {1, 2}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class ListenNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int listen(int socket, int backlog) {
return nativeSockets().listen(socket, backlog);
@CoreMethod(names = "gethostname", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2, lowerFixnum = 2, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class GetHostNameNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyPointer(name)")
public int getHostName(DynamicObject name, int nameLength) {
return nativeSockets().gethostname(Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(name), nameLength);
@CoreMethod(names = "_getpeername", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class GetPeerNameNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyPointer(address)", "isRubyPointer(addressLength)"})
public int getPeerName(int socket, DynamicObject address, DynamicObject addressLength) {
return nativeSockets().getpeername(socket, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(address), Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(addressLength));
@CoreMethod(names = "_getsockname", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class GetSockNameNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyPointer(address)", "isRubyPointer(addressLength)"})
public int getSockName(int socket, DynamicObject address, DynamicObject addressLength) {
return nativeSockets().getsockname(socket, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(address), Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(addressLength));
@CoreMethod(names = "_getsockopt", isModuleFunction = true, required = 5, lowerFixnum = {1, 2, 3}, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class GetSockOptNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = { "isRubyPointer(optval)", "isRubyPointer(optlen)" })
public int getSockOptions(int sockfd, int level, int optname, DynamicObject optval, DynamicObject optlen) {
return nativeSockets().getsockopt(sockfd, level, optname, Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(optval), Layouts.POINTER.getPointer(optlen));
// This should probably done at a higher-level, but rubysl/socket does not handle it.
@Specialization(guards = { "isRubySymbol(level)", "isRubySymbol(optname)", "isRubyPointer(optval)", "isRubyPointer(optlen)" })
public int getSockOptionsSymbols(
VirtualFrame frame,
int sockfd,
DynamicObject level,
DynamicObject optname,
DynamicObject optval,
DynamicObject optlen,
@Cached("new()") SnippetNode snippetNode) {
int levelInt = (int) snippetNode.execute(frame, "Socket.const_get('SOL_' + name)", "name", Layouts.SYMBOL.getString(level));
int optnameInt = (int) snippetNode.execute(frame, "Socket.const_get('SOL_' + name)", "name", Layouts.SYMBOL.getString(optname));
return getSockOptions(sockfd, levelInt, optnameInt, optval, optlen);
@CoreMethod(names = "close", isModuleFunction = true, required = 1, lowerFixnum = 1, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public abstract static class CloseNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
public int close(int file) {
return posix().close(file);
@CoreMethod(names = "kill", isModuleFunction = true, required = 3, lowerFixnum = { 1, 2 }, unsafe = { UnsafeGroup.PROCESSES, UnsafeGroup.SIGNALS })
public abstract static class KillNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {
@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(signalName)")
public int kill(int pid, int signalNumber, DynamicObject signalName) {
int self = posix().getpid();
if (self == pid) {
Signal signal = getContext().getNativePlatform().getSignalManager().createSignal(decodeUTF8(signalName));
return raise(signal);
} else {
return posix().kill(pid, signalNumber);
@TruffleBoundary(throwsControlFlowException = true)
private int raise(Signal signal) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().argumentError(e.getMessage(), this));
return 1;
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