org.jruby.truffle.parser.lexer.RubyLexer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Version: EPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2002 Benoit Cerrina
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jan Arne Petersen
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Thomas E Enebo
* Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 David Corbin
* Copyright (C) 2005 Zach Dennis
* Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Corbat
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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* GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.truffle.parser.lexer;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding;
import org.joni.Matcher;
import org.joni.Option;
import org.joni.Regex;
import org.jruby.truffle.Layouts;
import org.jruby.truffle.RubyContext;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.regexp.ClassicRegexp;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.CodeRange;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.SourceIndexLength;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.control.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ParserByteList;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ParserByteListBuilder;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.RubyWarnings;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.SafeDoubleParser;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.BackRefParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.BignumParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.ComplexParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.FixnumParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.FloatParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.ListParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.NthRefParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.NumericParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.ParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.RationalParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ast.StrParseNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.parser.ParserSupport;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.parser.RubyParser;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.parser.Tokens;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
* This is a port of the MRI lexer to Java.
public class RubyLexer {
private static final HashMap map;
static {
map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("end", Keyword.END);
map.put("else", Keyword.ELSE);
map.put("case", Keyword.CASE);
map.put("ensure", Keyword.ENSURE);
map.put("module", Keyword.MODULE);
map.put("elsif", Keyword.ELSIF);
map.put("def", Keyword.DEF);
map.put("rescue", Keyword.RESCUE);
map.put("not", Keyword.NOT);
map.put("then", Keyword.THEN);
map.put("yield", Keyword.YIELD);
map.put("for", Keyword.FOR);
map.put("self", Keyword.SELF);
map.put("false", Keyword.FALSE);
map.put("retry", Keyword.RETRY);
map.put("return", Keyword.RETURN);
map.put("true", Keyword.TRUE);
map.put("if", Keyword.IF);
map.put("defined?", Keyword.DEFINED_P);
map.put("super", Keyword.SUPER);
map.put("undef", Keyword.UNDEF);
map.put("break", Keyword.BREAK);
map.put("in", Keyword.IN);
map.put("do", Keyword.DO);
map.put("nil", Keyword.NIL);
map.put("until", Keyword.UNTIL);
map.put("unless", Keyword.UNLESS);
map.put("or", Keyword.OR);
map.put("next", Keyword.NEXT);
map.put("when", Keyword.WHEN);
map.put("redo", Keyword.REDO);
map.put("and", Keyword.AND);
map.put("begin", Keyword.BEGIN);
map.put("__LINE__", Keyword.__LINE__);
map.put("class", Keyword.CLASS);
map.put("__FILE__", Keyword.__FILE__);
map.put("END", Keyword.LEND);
map.put("BEGIN", Keyword.LBEGIN);
map.put("while", Keyword.WHILE);
map.put("alias", Keyword.ALIAS);
map.put("__ENCODING__", Keyword.__ENCODING__);
private BignumParseNode newBignumNode(String value, int radix) {
return new BignumParseNode(getPosition(), new BigInteger(value, radix));
private FixnumParseNode newFixnumNode(String value, int radix) throws NumberFormatException {
return new FixnumParseNode(getPosition(), Long.parseLong(value, radix));
private RationalParseNode newRationalNode(String value, int radix) throws NumberFormatException {
return new RationalParseNode(getPosition(), Long.parseLong(value, radix), 1);
private ComplexParseNode newComplexNode(NumericParseNode number) {
return new ComplexParseNode(getPosition(), number);
protected void ambiguousOperator(String op, String syn) {
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, getFile(), getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "`" + op + "' after local variable or literal is interpreted as binary operator");
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, getFile(), getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "even though it seems like " + syn);
public Source getSource() {
return src.getSource();
public enum Keyword {
END ("end", Tokens.kEND, Tokens.kEND, EXPR_END),
ELSE ("else", Tokens.kELSE, Tokens.kELSE, EXPR_BEG),
CASE ("case", Tokens.kCASE, Tokens.kCASE, EXPR_BEG),
ENSURE ("ensure", Tokens.kENSURE, Tokens.kENSURE, EXPR_BEG),
MODULE ("module", Tokens.kMODULE, Tokens.kMODULE, EXPR_BEG),
ELSIF ("elsif", Tokens.kELSIF, Tokens.kELSIF, EXPR_BEG),
DEF ("def", Tokens.kDEF, Tokens.kDEF, EXPR_FNAME),
RESCUE ("rescue", Tokens.kRESCUE, Tokens.kRESCUE_MOD, EXPR_MID),
NOT ("not", Tokens.kNOT, Tokens.kNOT, EXPR_ARG),
THEN ("then", Tokens.kTHEN, Tokens.kTHEN, EXPR_BEG),
YIELD ("yield", Tokens.kYIELD, Tokens.kYIELD, EXPR_ARG),
FOR ("for", Tokens.kFOR, Tokens.kFOR, EXPR_BEG),
SELF ("self", Tokens.kSELF, Tokens.kSELF, EXPR_END),
FALSE ("false", Tokens.kFALSE, Tokens.kFALSE, EXPR_END),
RETRY ("retry", Tokens.kRETRY, Tokens.kRETRY, EXPR_END),
RETURN ("return", Tokens.kRETURN, Tokens.kRETURN, EXPR_MID),
TRUE ("true", Tokens.kTRUE, Tokens.kTRUE, EXPR_END),
IF ("if", Tokens.kIF, Tokens.kIF_MOD, EXPR_BEG),
DEFINED_P ("defined?", Tokens.kDEFINED, Tokens.kDEFINED, EXPR_ARG),
SUPER ("super", Tokens.kSUPER, Tokens.kSUPER, EXPR_ARG),
UNDEF ("undef", Tokens.kUNDEF, Tokens.kUNDEF, EXPR_FNAME),
BREAK ("break", Tokens.kBREAK, Tokens.kBREAK, EXPR_MID),
IN ("in", Tokens.kIN, Tokens.kIN, EXPR_BEG),
DO ("do", Tokens.kDO, Tokens.kDO, EXPR_BEG),
NIL ("nil", Tokens.kNIL, Tokens.kNIL, EXPR_END),
UNTIL ("until", Tokens.kUNTIL, Tokens.kUNTIL_MOD, EXPR_BEG),
UNLESS ("unless", Tokens.kUNLESS, Tokens.kUNLESS_MOD, EXPR_BEG),
OR ("or", Tokens.kOR, Tokens.kOR, EXPR_BEG),
NEXT ("next", Tokens.kNEXT, Tokens.kNEXT, EXPR_MID),
WHEN ("when", Tokens.kWHEN, Tokens.kWHEN, EXPR_BEG),
REDO ("redo", Tokens.kREDO, Tokens.kREDO, EXPR_END),
AND ("and", Tokens.kAND, Tokens.kAND, EXPR_BEG),
BEGIN ("begin", Tokens.kBEGIN, Tokens.kBEGIN, EXPR_BEG),
__LINE__ ("__LINE__", Tokens.k__LINE__, Tokens.k__LINE__, EXPR_END),
CLASS ("class", Tokens.kCLASS, Tokens.kCLASS, EXPR_CLASS),
__FILE__("__FILE__", Tokens.k__FILE__, Tokens.k__FILE__, EXPR_END),
LEND ("END", Tokens.klEND, Tokens.klEND, EXPR_END),
WHILE ("while", Tokens.kWHILE, Tokens.kWHILE_MOD, EXPR_BEG),
ALIAS ("alias", Tokens.kALIAS, Tokens.kALIAS, EXPR_FNAME),
__ENCODING__("__ENCODING__", Tokens.k__ENCODING__, Tokens.k__ENCODING__, EXPR_END);
public final String name;
public final int id0;
public final int id1;
public final int state;
Keyword(String name, int id0, int id1, int state) { = name;
this.id0 = id0;
this.id1 = id1;
this.state = state;
public static Keyword getKeyword(String str) {
return map.get(str);
// Used for tiny smidgen of grammar in lexer (see setParserSupport())
private ParserSupport parserSupport = null;
// What handles warnings
private RubyWarnings warnings;
public int tokenize_ident(int result) {
// FIXME: Get token from newtok index to lex_p?
String value = createTokenString();
if (isLexState(last_state, EXPR_DOT|EXPR_FNAME) && parserSupport.getCurrentScope().isDefined(value) >= 0) {
yaccValue = value.intern();
return result;
private StrTerm lex_strterm;
public RubyLexer(ParserSupport support, LexerSource source, RubyWarnings warnings) {
this.src = source;
this.parserSupport = support;
this.warnings = warnings;
public RubyLexer(ParserSupport support, LexerSource source) {
this.src = source;
this.parserSupport = support;
public void reset() {
lex_strterm = null;
// FIXME: ripper offsets correctly but we need to subtract one?
ruby_sourceline = src.getLineStartOffset() - 1;
public int nextc() {
if (lex_p == lex_pend) {
line_offset += lex_pend;
ParserByteList v = lex_nextline;
lex_nextline = null;
if (v == null) {
if (eofp) return EOF;
if (src == null || (v = src.gets()) == null) {
eofp = true;
return EOF;
if (heredoc_end > 0) {
ruby_sourceline = heredoc_end;
heredoc_end = 0;
lex_pbeg = lex_p = 0;
lex_pend = lex_p + v.getLength();
lexb = v;
lex_lastline = v;
int c = p(lex_p);
if (c == '\r') {
if (peek('\n')) {
c = '\n';
} else if (ruby_sourceline > last_cr_line) {
last_cr_line = ruby_sourceline;
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.VOID_VALUE_EXPRESSION, getFile(), ruby_sourceline, "encountered \\r in middle of line, treated as a mere space");
c = ' ';
return c;
public void heredoc_dedent(ParseNode root) {
int indent = heredoc_indent;
if (indent <= 0 || root == null) return;
if (root instanceof StrParseNode) {
StrParseNode str = (StrParseNode) root;
ParserByteListBuilder builder = new ParserByteListBuilder();
dedent_string(builder, indent);
} else if (root instanceof ListParseNode) {
ListParseNode list = (ListParseNode) root;
int length = list.size();
int currentLine = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ParseNode child = list.get(i);
if (currentLine == child.getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine() - 1) continue; // Only process first element on a line?
currentLine = child.getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine() - 1; // New line
if (child instanceof StrParseNode) {
ParserByteListBuilder builder = new ParserByteListBuilder();
builder.append(((StrParseNode) child).getValue());
dedent_string(builder, indent);
((StrParseNode) child).setValue(builder.toParserByteList());
public void compile_error(String message) {
throw new SyntaxException(SyntaxException.PID.BAD_HEX_NUMBER, getFile(), ruby_sourceline, lexb.toString(), message);
// FIXME: How does lexb.toString() vs getCurrentLine() differ.
public void compile_error(SyntaxException.PID pid, String message) {
String src = lex_lastline.toEncodedString();
throw new SyntaxException(pid, getFile(), ruby_sourceline, src, message);
public void heredoc_restore(HeredocTerm here) {
ParserByteList line = here.lastLine;
lex_lastline = line;
lex_pbeg = 0;
lex_pend = lex_pbeg + line.getLength();
lex_p = lex_pbeg + here.nth;
lexb = line;
heredoc_end = ruby_sourceline;
ruby_sourceline = here.line;
public int nextToken() throws IOException {
token = yylex();
return token == EOF ? 0 : token;
public SourceIndexLength getPosition() {
if (tokline != null && ruby_sourceline == ruby_sourceline_when_tokline_created) {
return tokline;
final SourceSection sectionFromLine = src.getSource().createSection(ruby_sourceline + 1);
assert sectionFromLine.getStartLine() == ruby_sourceline + 1;
final SourceSection sectionFromOffsets = src.getSource().createSection(ruby_sourceline_char_offset, ruby_sourceline_char_length);
assert sectionFromOffsets.getStartLine() == ruby_sourceline + 1 : String.format("%d %d %s:%d %d %d", sectionFromOffsets.getStartLine(), ruby_sourceline + 1, src.getSource().getPath(), ruby_sourceline + 1, ruby_sourceline_char_offset, ruby_sourceline_char_length);
assert sectionFromLine.getCharIndex() == sectionFromOffsets.getCharIndex() : String.format("%d %d %s:%d %d %d", sectionFromLine.getCharIndex(), sectionFromOffsets.getCharIndex(), src.getSource().getPath(), ruby_sourceline + 1, ruby_sourceline_char_offset, ruby_sourceline_char_length);
assert sectionFromLine.getCharLength() == sectionFromOffsets.getCharLength() : String.format("%d %d %s:%d %d %d", sectionFromLine.getCharLength(), sectionFromOffsets.getCharLength(), src.getSource().getPath(), ruby_sourceline + 1, ruby_sourceline_char_offset, ruby_sourceline_char_length);
return new SourceIndexLength(sectionFromLine.getCharIndex(), sectionFromLine.getCharLength());
private void updateLineOffset() {
if (ruby_sourceline != -1) {
ruby_sourceline_char_offset = src.getSource().getLineStartOffset(ruby_sourceline + 1);
ruby_sourceline_char_length = src.getSource().getLineLength(ruby_sourceline + 1);
* Parse must pass its support object for some check at bottom of
* yylex(). Ruby does it this way as well (i.e. a little parsing
* logic in the lexer).
* @param parserSupport
public void setParserSupport(ParserSupport parserSupport) {
this.parserSupport = parserSupport;
protected void setCompileOptionFlag(String name, ParserByteList value) {
if (tokenSeen) {
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.ACCESSOR_MODULE_FUNCTION, "`" + name + "' is ignored after any tokens");
int b = asTruth(name, value);
if (b < 0) return;
// Enebo: This is a hash in MRI for multiple potential compile options but we currently only support one.
// I am just going to set it and when a second is done we will reevaluate how they are populated.
parserSupport.getConfiguration().setFrozenStringLiteral(b == 1);
private final ParserByteList TRUE = new ParserByteList(new byte[] {'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'});
private final ParserByteList FALSE = new ParserByteList(new byte[] {'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'});
protected int asTruth(String name, ParserByteList value) {
int result = value.caseInsensitiveCmp(TRUE);
if (result == 0) return 1;
result = value.caseInsensitiveCmp(FALSE);
if (result == 0) return 0;
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.ACCESSOR_MODULE_FUNCTION, "invalid value for " + name + ": " + value);
return -1;
protected void setTokenInfo(String name, ParserByteList value) {
protected void setEncoding(ParserByteList name) {
final RubyContext context = parserSupport.getConfiguration().getContext();
Encoding newEncoding = Layouts.ENCODING.getEncoding(context.getEncodingManager().getRubyEncoding(name.toString()));
if (newEncoding == null) throw new RaiseException(context.getCoreExceptions().argumentError("unknown encoding name: " + name.toString(), null));
if (!newEncoding.isAsciiCompatible()) throw new RaiseException(context.getCoreExceptions().argumentError(name.toString() + " is not ASCII compatible", null));
public StrTerm getStrTerm() {
return lex_strterm;
public void setStrTerm(StrTerm strterm) {
this.lex_strterm = strterm;
public void setWarnings(RubyWarnings warnings) {
this.warnings = warnings;
private int considerComplex(int token, int suffix) {
if ((suffix & SUFFIX_I) == 0) {
return token;
} else {
yaccValue = newComplexNode((NumericParseNode) yaccValue);
return RubyParser.tIMAGINARY;
private int getFloatToken(String number, int suffix) {
if ((suffix & SUFFIX_R) != 0) {
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(number);
BigDecimal denominator = BigDecimal.ONE.scaleByPowerOfTen(bd.scale());
BigDecimal numerator = bd.multiply(denominator);
try {
yaccValue = new RationalParseNode(getPosition(), numerator.longValueExact(), denominator.longValueExact());
} catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
// FIXME: Rational supports Bignum numerator and denominator
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.RATIONAL_OUT_OF_RANGE, "Rational (" + numerator + "/" + denominator + ") out of range.");
return considerComplex(Tokens.tRATIONAL, suffix);
double d;
try {
d = SafeDoubleParser.parseDouble(number);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE, getFile(), getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "Float " + number + " out of range.");
d = number.startsWith("-") ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
yaccValue = new FloatParseNode(getPosition(), d);
return considerComplex(Tokens.tFLOAT, suffix);
private int getIntegerToken(String value, int radix, int suffix) {
ParseNode literalValue;
if ((suffix & SUFFIX_R) != 0) {
literalValue = newRationalNode(value, radix);
} else {
try {
literalValue = newFixnumNode(value, radix);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
literalValue = newBignumNode(value, radix);
yaccValue = literalValue;
return considerComplex(Tokens.tINTEGER, suffix);
public StrParseNode createStr(ParserByteListBuilder buffer, int flags) {
return createStr(buffer.toParserByteList(), flags);
// STR_NEW3/parser_str_new
public StrParseNode createStr(ParserByteList buffer, int flags) {
Encoding bufferEncoding = buffer.getEncoding();
CodeRange codeRange = buffer.codeRangeScan();
if ((flags & STR_FUNC_REGEXP) == 0 && bufferEncoding.isAsciiCompatible()) {
// If we have characters outside 7-bit range and we are still ascii then change to ascii-8bit
if (codeRange == CodeRange.CR_7BIT) {
// Do nothing like MRI
} else if (getEncoding() == USASCII_ENCODING &&
bufferEncoding != UTF8_ENCODING) {
codeRange = associateEncoding(buffer, ASCII8BIT_ENCODING, codeRange);
buffer = buffer.withEncoding(ASCII8BIT_ENCODING);
StrParseNode newStr = new StrParseNode(getPosition(), buffer, codeRange);
if (parserSupport.getConfiguration().isFrozenStringLiteral()) newStr.setFrozen(true);
return newStr;
public static CodeRange associateEncoding(ParserByteList buffer, Encoding newEncoding, CodeRange codeRange) {
Encoding bufferEncoding = buffer.getEncoding();
if (newEncoding == bufferEncoding) return codeRange;
// TODO: Special const error
if (codeRange != CodeRange.CR_7BIT || !newEncoding.isAsciiCompatible()) {
return CodeRange.CR_UNKNOWN;
return codeRange;
* What type/kind of quote are we dealing with?
* @param c first character the the quote construct
* @return a token that specifies the quote type
private int parseQuote(int c) throws IOException {
int begin, end;
boolean shortHand;
// Short-hand (e.g. %{,%.,%!,... versus %Q{).
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) {
begin = c;
c = 'Q';
shortHand = true;
// Long-hand (e.g. %Q{}).
} else {
shortHand = false;
begin = nextc();
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(begin) /* no mb || ismbchar(term)*/) compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.STRING_UNKNOWN_TYPE, "unknown type of %string");
if (c == EOF || begin == EOF) compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.STRING_HITS_EOF, "unterminated quoted string meets end of file");
// Figure end-char. '\0' is special to indicate begin=end and that no nesting?
switch(begin) {
case '(': end = ')'; break;
case '[': end = ']'; break;
case '{': end = '}'; break;
case '<': end = '>'; break;
end = begin;
begin = '\0';
switch (c) {
case 'Q':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dquote, begin ,end);
yaccValue = "%"+ (shortHand ? (""+end) : ("" + c + begin));
return Tokens.tSTRING_BEG;
case 'q':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_squote, begin, end);
yaccValue = "%"+c+begin;
return Tokens.tSTRING_BEG;
case 'W':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dquote | STR_FUNC_QWORDS, begin, end);
do {c = nextc();} while (Character.isWhitespace(c));
yaccValue = "%"+c+begin;
return Tokens.tWORDS_BEG;
case 'w':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(/* str_squote | */ STR_FUNC_QWORDS, begin, end);
do {c = nextc();} while (Character.isWhitespace(c));
yaccValue = "%"+c+begin;
return Tokens.tQWORDS_BEG;
case 'x':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_xquote, begin, end);
yaccValue = "%"+c+begin;
return Tokens.tXSTRING_BEG;
case 'r':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_regexp, begin, end);
yaccValue = "%"+c+begin;
return Tokens.tREGEXP_BEG;
case 's':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_ssym, begin, end);
yaccValue = "%"+c+begin;
return Tokens.tSYMBEG;
case 'I':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dquote | STR_FUNC_QWORDS, begin, end);
do {c = nextc();} while (Character.isWhitespace(c));
yaccValue = "%" + c + begin;
return Tokens.tSYMBOLS_BEG;
case 'i':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(/* str_squote | */STR_FUNC_QWORDS, begin, end);
do {c = nextc();} while (Character.isWhitespace(c));
yaccValue = "%" + c + begin;
return Tokens.tQSYMBOLS_BEG;
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.STRING_UNKNOWN_TYPE, "unknown type of %string");
return -1; // not-reached
private int hereDocumentIdentifier() throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
int term;
int func = 0;
if (c == '-') {
c = nextc();
} else if (c == '~') {
c = nextc();
heredoc_indent = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
heredoc_line_indent = 0;
ParserByteList markerValue;
if (c == '\'' || c == '"' || c == '`') {
if (c == '\'') {
func |= str_squote;
} else if (c == '"') {
func |= str_dquote;
} else {
func |= str_xquote;
newtok(false); // skip past quote type
term = c;
while ((c = nextc()) != EOF && c != term) {
if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return EOF;
if (c == EOF) compile_error("unterminated here document identifier");
// c == term. This differs from MRI in that we unwind term symbol so we can make
// our marker with just tokp and lex_p info (e.g. we don't make second numberBuffer).
markerValue = createTokenByteArrayView();
} else {
if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) {
if ((func & STR_FUNC_INDENT) != 0) {
pushback(heredoc_indent > 0 ? '~' : '-');
return 0;
term = '"';
func |= str_dquote;
do {
if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return EOF;
} while ((c = nextc()) != EOF && isIdentifierChar(c));
markerValue = createTokenByteArrayView();
int len = lex_p - lex_pbeg;
lex_strterm = new HeredocTerm(markerValue, func, len, ruby_sourceline, lex_lastline);
if (term == '`') {
yaccValue = "`";
return Tokens.tXSTRING_BEG;
yaccValue = "\"";
return Tokens.tSTRING_BEG;
private boolean arg_ambiguous() {
if (warnings.isVerbose() && !parserSupport.skipTruffleRubiniusWarnings(this)) {
warnings.warning(RubyWarnings.ID.AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, getFile(), getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "Ambiguous first argument; make sure.");
return true;
* Not normally used, but is left in here since it can be useful in debugging
* grammar and lexing problems.
private void printToken(int token) {
//System.out.print("LOC: " + support.getPosition() + " ~ ");
switch (token) {
case Tokens.yyErrorCode: System.err.print("yyErrorCode,"); break;
case Tokens.kCLASS: System.err.print("kClass,"); break;
case Tokens.kMODULE: System.err.print("kModule,"); break;
case Tokens.kDEF: System.err.print("kDEF,"); break;
case Tokens.kUNDEF: System.err.print("kUNDEF,"); break;
case Tokens.kBEGIN: System.err.print("kBEGIN,"); break;
case Tokens.kRESCUE: System.err.print("kRESCUE,"); break;
case Tokens.kENSURE: System.err.print("kENSURE,"); break;
case Tokens.kEND: System.err.print("kEND,"); break;
case Tokens.kIF: System.err.print("kIF,"); break;
case Tokens.kUNLESS: System.err.print("kUNLESS,"); break;
case Tokens.kTHEN: System.err.print("kTHEN,"); break;
case Tokens.kELSIF: System.err.print("kELSIF,"); break;
case Tokens.kELSE: System.err.print("kELSE,"); break;
case Tokens.kCASE: System.err.print("kCASE,"); break;
case Tokens.kWHEN: System.err.print("kWHEN,"); break;
case Tokens.kWHILE: System.err.print("kWHILE,"); break;
case Tokens.kUNTIL: System.err.print("kUNTIL,"); break;
case Tokens.kFOR: System.err.print("kFOR,"); break;
case Tokens.kBREAK: System.err.print("kBREAK,"); break;
case Tokens.kNEXT: System.err.print("kNEXT,"); break;
case Tokens.kREDO: System.err.print("kREDO,"); break;
case Tokens.kRETRY: System.err.print("kRETRY,"); break;
case Tokens.kIN: System.err.print("kIN,"); break;
case Tokens.kDO: System.err.print("kDO,"); break;
case Tokens.kDO_COND: System.err.print("kDO_COND,"); break;
case Tokens.kDO_BLOCK: System.err.print("kDO_BLOCK,"); break;
case Tokens.kRETURN: System.err.print("kRETURN,"); break;
case Tokens.kYIELD: System.err.print("kYIELD,"); break;
case Tokens.kSUPER: System.err.print("kSUPER,"); break;
case Tokens.kSELF: System.err.print("kSELF,"); break;
case Tokens.kNIL: System.err.print("kNIL,"); break;
case Tokens.kTRUE: System.err.print("kTRUE,"); break;
case Tokens.kFALSE: System.err.print("kFALSE,"); break;
case Tokens.kAND: System.err.print("kAND,"); break;
case Tokens.kOR: System.err.print("kOR,"); break;
case Tokens.kNOT: System.err.print("kNOT,"); break;
case Tokens.kIF_MOD: System.err.print("kIF_MOD,"); break;
case Tokens.kUNLESS_MOD: System.err.print("kUNLESS_MOD,"); break;
case Tokens.kWHILE_MOD: System.err.print("kWHILE_MOD,"); break;
case Tokens.kUNTIL_MOD: System.err.print("kUNTIL_MOD,"); break;
case Tokens.kRESCUE_MOD: System.err.print("kRESCUE_MOD,"); break;
case Tokens.kALIAS: System.err.print("kALIAS,"); break;
case Tokens.kDEFINED: System.err.print("kDEFINED,"); break;
case Tokens.klBEGIN: System.err.print("klBEGIN,"); break;
case Tokens.klEND: System.err.print("klEND,"); break;
case Tokens.k__LINE__: System.err.print("k__LINE__,"); break;
case Tokens.k__FILE__: System.err.print("k__FILE__,"); break;
case Tokens.k__ENCODING__: System.err.print("k__ENCODING__,"); break;
case Tokens.kDO_LAMBDA: System.err.print("kDO_LAMBDA,"); break;
case Tokens.tIDENTIFIER: System.err.print("tIDENTIFIER["+ value() + "],"); break;
case Tokens.tFID: System.err.print("tFID[" + value() + "],"); break;
case Tokens.tGVAR: System.err.print("tGVAR[" + value() + "],"); break;
case Tokens.tIVAR: System.err.print("tIVAR[" + value() +"],"); break;
case Tokens.tCONSTANT: System.err.print("tCONSTANT["+ value() +"],"); break;
case Tokens.tCVAR: System.err.print("tCVAR,"); break;
case Tokens.tINTEGER: System.err.print("tINTEGER,"); break;
case Tokens.tFLOAT: System.err.print("tFLOAT,"); break;
case Tokens.tSTRING_CONTENT: System.err.print("tSTRING_CONTENT[" + ((StrParseNode) value()).getValue() + "],"); break;
case Tokens.tSTRING_BEG: System.err.print("tSTRING_BEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tSTRING_END: System.err.print("tSTRING_END,"); break;
case Tokens.tSTRING_DBEG: System.err.print("tSTRING_DBEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tSTRING_DVAR: System.err.print("tSTRING_DVAR,"); break;
case Tokens.tXSTRING_BEG: System.err.print("tXSTRING_BEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tREGEXP_BEG: System.err.print("tREGEXP_BEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tREGEXP_END: System.err.print("tREGEXP_END,"); break;
case Tokens.tWORDS_BEG: System.err.print("tWORDS_BEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tQWORDS_BEG: System.err.print("tQWORDS_BEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tBACK_REF: System.err.print("tBACK_REF,"); break;
case Tokens.tBACK_REF2: System.err.print("tBACK_REF2,"); break;
case Tokens.tNTH_REF: System.err.print("tNTH_REF,"); break;
case Tokens.tUPLUS: System.err.print("tUPLUS"); break;
case Tokens.tUMINUS: System.err.print("tUMINUS,"); break;
case Tokens.tPOW: System.err.print("tPOW,"); break;
case Tokens.tCMP: System.err.print("tCMP,"); break;
case Tokens.tEQ: System.err.print("tEQ,"); break;
case Tokens.tEQQ: System.err.print("tEQQ,"); break;
case Tokens.tNEQ: System.err.print("tNEQ,"); break;
case Tokens.tGEQ: System.err.print("tGEQ,"); break;
case Tokens.tLEQ: System.err.print("tLEQ,"); break;
case Tokens.tANDOP: System.err.print("tANDOP,"); break;
case Tokens.tOROP: System.err.print("tOROP,"); break;
case Tokens.tMATCH: System.err.print("tMATCH,"); break;
case Tokens.tNMATCH: System.err.print("tNMATCH,"); break;
case Tokens.tDOT: System.err.print("tDOT,"); break;
case Tokens.tDOT2: System.err.print("tDOT2,"); break;
case Tokens.tDOT3: System.err.print("tDOT3,"); break;
case Tokens.tAREF: System.err.print("tAREF,"); break;
case Tokens.tASET: System.err.print("tASET,"); break;
case Tokens.tLSHFT: System.err.print("tLSHFT,"); break;
case Tokens.tRSHFT: System.err.print("tRSHFT,"); break;
case Tokens.tCOLON2: System.err.print("tCOLON2,"); break;
case Tokens.tCOLON3: System.err.print("tCOLON3,"); break;
case Tokens.tOP_ASGN: System.err.print("tOP_ASGN,"); break;
case Tokens.tASSOC: System.err.print("tASSOC,"); break;
case Tokens.tLPAREN: System.err.print("tLPAREN,"); break;
case Tokens.tLPAREN2: System.err.print("tLPAREN2,"); break;
case Tokens.tLPAREN_ARG: System.err.print("tLPAREN_ARG,"); break;
case Tokens.tLBRACK: System.err.print("tLBRACK,"); break;
case Tokens.tRBRACK: System.err.print("tRBRACK,"); break;
case Tokens.tLBRACE: System.err.print("tLBRACE,"); break;
case Tokens.tLBRACE_ARG: System.err.print("tLBRACE_ARG,"); break;
case Tokens.tSTAR: System.err.print("tSTAR,"); break;
case Tokens.tSTAR2: System.err.print("tSTAR2,"); break;
case Tokens.tAMPER: System.err.print("tAMPER,"); break;
case Tokens.tAMPER2: System.err.print("tAMPER2,"); break;
case Tokens.tSYMBEG: System.err.print("tSYMBEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tTILDE: System.err.print("tTILDE,"); break;
case Tokens.tPERCENT: System.err.print("tPERCENT,"); break;
case Tokens.tDIVIDE: System.err.print("tDIVIDE,"); break;
case Tokens.tPLUS: System.err.print("tPLUS,"); break;
case Tokens.tMINUS: System.err.print("tMINUS,"); break;
case Tokens.tLT: System.err.print("tLT,"); break;
case Tokens.tGT: System.err.print("tGT,"); break;
case Tokens.tCARET: System.err.print("tCARET,"); break;
case Tokens.tBANG: System.err.print("tBANG,"); break;
case Tokens.tLCURLY: System.err.print("tTLCURLY,"); break;
case Tokens.tRCURLY: System.err.print("tRCURLY,"); break;
case Tokens.tPIPE: System.err.print("tTPIPE,"); break;
case Tokens.tLAMBDA: System.err.print("tLAMBDA,"); break;
case Tokens.tLAMBEG: System.err.print("tLAMBEG,"); break;
case Tokens.tRPAREN: System.err.print("tRPAREN,"); break;
case Tokens.tLABEL: System.err.print("tLABEL("+ value() +":),"); break;
case Tokens.tLABEL_END: System.err.print("tLABEL_END"); break;
case '\n': System.err.println("NL"); break;
case EOF: System.out.println("EOF"); break;
case Tokens.tDSTAR: System.err.print("tDSTAR"); break;
default: System.err.print("'" + (char)token + "',"); break;
private int yylex2() throws IOException {
int currentToken = yylex2();
return currentToken;
* Returns the next token. Also sets yyVal is needed.
*@return Description of the Returned Value
private int yylex() throws IOException {
int c;
boolean spaceSeen = false;
boolean commandState;
boolean tokenSeen = this.tokenSeen;
if (lex_strterm != null) {
int tok = lex_strterm.parseString(this);
if (tok == Tokens.tSTRING_END && (lex_strterm.getFlags() & STR_FUNC_LABEL) != 0) {
if ((isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG|EXPR_ENDFN) && !conditionState.isInState() ||
isARG()) && isLabelSuffix()) {
tok = Tokens.tLABEL_END;
lex_strterm = null;
if (tok == Tokens.tSTRING_END || tok == Tokens.tREGEXP_END) {
lex_strterm = null;
return tok;
commandState = commandStart;
commandStart = false;
this.tokenSeen = true;
loop: for(;;) {
last_state = lex_state;
c = nextc();
switch(c) {
case '\000': /* NUL */
case '\004': /* ^D */
case '\032': /* ^Z */
case EOF: /* end of script. */
return EOF;
/* white spaces */
case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r':
case '\13': /* '\v' */
spaceSeen = true;
case '#': { /* it's a comment */
this.tokenSeen = tokenSeen;
if (!parseMagicComment(lexb.makeShared(lex_p, lex_pend - lex_p))) {
if (comment_at_top()) set_file_encoding(lex_p, lex_pend);
lex_p = lex_pend;
/* fall through */
case '\n': {
this.tokenSeen = tokenSeen;
boolean normalArg = isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG | EXPR_CLASS | EXPR_FNAME | EXPR_DOT) &&
!isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED);
if (normalArg || isLexStateAll(lex_state, EXPR_ARG | EXPR_LABELED)) {
if (!normalArg && inKwarg) {
commandStart = true;
return '\n';
continue loop;
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
c = nextc();
switch (c) {
case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r': case '\13': /* '\v' */
spaceSeen = true;
case '&':
case '.': {
if (peek('.') == (c == '&')) {
continue loop;
case -1: // EOF (ENEBO: After default?
done = true;
if (c == -1) return EOF;
commandStart = true;
return '\n';
case '*':
return star(spaceSeen);
case '!':
return bang();
case '=':
// documentation nodes
if (was_bol()) {
if (strncmp(lexb.makeShared(lex_p, lex_pend - lex_p), BEGIN_DOC_MARKER, BEGIN_DOC_MARKER.getLength()) &&
Character.isWhitespace(p(lex_p + 5))) {
for (;;) {
c = nextc();
if (c == EOF) {
compile_error("embedded document meets end of file");
return EOF;
if (c != '=') continue;
if (strncmp(lexb.makeShared(lex_p, lex_pend - lex_p), END_DOC_MARKER, END_DOC_MARKER.getLength()) &&
(lex_p + 3 == lex_pend || Character.isWhitespace(p(lex_p + 3)))) {
continue loop;
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG);
c = nextc();
if (c == '=') {
c = nextc();
if (c == '=') {
yaccValue = "===";
return Tokens.tEQQ;
yaccValue = "==";
return Tokens.tEQ;
if (c == '~') {
yaccValue = "=~";
return Tokens.tMATCH;
} else if (c == '>') {
yaccValue = "=>";
return Tokens.tASSOC;
yaccValue = "=";
return '=';
case '<':
return lessThan(spaceSeen);
case '>':
return greaterThan();
case '"':
return doubleQuote(commandState);
case '`':
return backtick(commandState);
case '\'':
return singleQuote(commandState);
case '?':
return questionMark();
case '&':
return ampersand(spaceSeen);
case '|':
return pipe();
case '+':
return plus(spaceSeen);
case '-':
return minus(spaceSeen);
case '.':
return dot();
case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case '4' :
case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : case '8' : case '9' :
return parseNumber(c);
case ')':
return rightParen();
case ']':
return rightBracket();
case '}':
return rightCurly();
case ':':
return colon(spaceSeen);
case '/':
return slash(spaceSeen);
case '^':
return caret();
case ';':
commandStart = true;
yaccValue = ";";
return ';';
case ',':
return comma(c);
case '~':
return tilde();
case '(':
return leftParen(spaceSeen);
case '[':
return leftBracket(spaceSeen);
case '{':
return leftCurly();
case '\\':
c = nextc();
if (c == '\n') {
spaceSeen = true;
yaccValue = "\\";
return '\\';
case '%':
return percent(spaceSeen);
case '$':
return dollar();
case '@':
return at();
case '_':
if (was_bol() && whole_match_p(END_MARKER, false)) {
line_offset += lex_pend;
__end__seen = true;
eofp = true;
return EOF;
return identifier(c, commandState);
return identifier(c, commandState);
private int identifierToken(int result, String value) {
if (result == Tokens.tIDENTIFIER && !isLexState(last_state, EXPR_DOT|EXPR_FNAME) &&
parserSupport.getCurrentScope().isDefined(value) >= 0) {
yaccValue = value;
return result;
private int ampersand(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
switch (c) {
case '&':
if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
yaccValue = "&&";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
yaccValue = "&&";
return Tokens.tANDOP;
case '=':
yaccValue = "&";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
case '.':
yaccValue = "&.";
return Tokens.tANDDOT;
//tmpPosition is required because getPosition()'s side effects.
//if the warning is generated, the getPosition() on line 954 (this line + 18) will create
//a wrong position if the "inclusive" flag is not set.
SourceIndexLength tmpPosition = getPosition();
if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) {
if (warnings.isVerbose())
warnings.warning(RubyWarnings.ID.ARGUMENT_AS_PREFIX, getFile(), tmpPosition.toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "`&' interpreted as argument prefix");
c = Tokens.tAMPER;
} else if (isBEG()) {
c = Tokens.tAMPER;
} else {
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "&", "argument prefix");
c = Tokens.tAMPER2;
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG);
yaccValue = "&";
return c;
// MRI: parser_magic_comment
public boolean parseMagicComment(ParserByteList magicLine) throws IOException {
int length = magicLine.getLength();
if (length <= 7) return false;
int beg = magicCommentMarker(magicLine, 0);
if (beg >= 0) {
int end = magicCommentMarker(magicLine, beg);
if (end < 0) return false;
length = end - beg - 3; // -3 is to backup over end just found
} else {
beg = 0;
int begin = beg;
Matcher matcher = magicRegexp.matcher(magicLine.getBytes());
int result = ClassicRegexp.matcherSearch(matcher, begin, begin + length, Option.NONE);
if (result < 0) return false;
// Regexp is guaranteed to have three matches
int begs[] = matcher.getRegion().beg;
int ends[] = matcher.getRegion().end;
String name = magicLine.toString().subSequence(beg + begs[1], beg + ends[1]).toString().replace('-', '_');
ParserByteList value = magicLine.makeShared(beg + begs[2], ends[2] - begs[2]);
if ("coding".equals(name) || "encoding".equals(name)) {
} else if ("frozen_string_literal".equals(name)) {
setCompileOptionFlag(name, value);
} else if ("warn_indent".equals(name)) {
setTokenInfo(name, value);
} else {
return false;
return true;
private int at() throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
int result;
if (c == '@') {
c = nextc();
result = Tokens.tCVAR;
} else {
result = Tokens.tIVAR;
if (c == EOF || Character.isSpaceChar(c)) {
if (result == Tokens.tIVAR) {
compile_error("`@' without identifiers is not allowed as an instance variable name");
compile_error("`@@' without identifiers is not allowed as a class variable name");
} else if (Character.isDigit(c) || !isIdentifierChar(c)) {
if (result == Tokens.tIVAR) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.IVAR_BAD_NAME, "`@" + ((char) c) + "' is not allowed as an instance variable name");
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.CVAR_BAD_NAME, "`@@" + ((char) c) + "' is not allowed as a class variable name");
if (!tokadd_ident(c)) return EOF;
last_state = lex_state;
return tokenize_ident(result);
private int backtick(boolean commandState) throws IOException {
yaccValue = "`";
if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_FNAME)) {
return Tokens.tBACK_REF2;
if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_DOT)) {
setState(commandState ? EXPR_CMDARG : EXPR_ARG);
return Tokens.tBACK_REF2;
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_xquote, '\0', '`');
return Tokens.tXSTRING_BEG;
private int bang() throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
if (isAfterOperator()) {
if (c == '@') {
yaccValue = "!";
return Tokens.tBANG;
} else {
switch (c) {
case '=':
yaccValue = "!=";
return Tokens.tNEQ;
case '~':
yaccValue = "!~";
return Tokens.tNMATCH;
default: // Just a plain bang
yaccValue = "!";
return Tokens.tBANG;
private int caret() throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
if (c == '=') {
yaccValue = "^";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG);
yaccValue = "^";
return Tokens.tCARET;
private int colon(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
if (c == ':') {
if (isBEG() || isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_CLASS) || (isARG() && spaceSeen)) {
yaccValue = "::";
return Tokens.tCOLON3;
yaccValue = ":";
return Tokens.tCOLON2;
if (isEND() || Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == '#') {
yaccValue = ":";
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, ":", "symbol literal");
return ':';
switch (c) {
case '\'':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_ssym, '\0', c);
case '"':
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dsym, '\0', c);
yaccValue = ":";
return Tokens.tSYMBEG;
private int comma(int c) throws IOException {
yaccValue = ",";
return c;
private int doKeyword(int state) {
int leftParenBegin = getLeftParenBegin();
if (leftParenBegin > 0 && leftParenBegin == parenNest) {
return Tokens.kDO_LAMBDA;
if (conditionState.isInState()) return Tokens.kDO_COND;
if (cmdArgumentState.isInState() && !isLexState(state, EXPR_CMDARG)) {
return Tokens.kDO_BLOCK;
if (isLexState(state, EXPR_BEG|EXPR_ENDARG)) {
return Tokens.kDO_BLOCK;
return Tokens.kDO;
private int dollar() throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
switch (c) {
case '_': /* $_: last read line string */
c = nextc();
if (isIdentifierChar(c)) {
if (!tokadd_ident(c)) return EOF;
last_state = lex_state;
yaccValue = createTokenString().intern();
return Tokens.tGVAR;
c = '_';
// fall through
case '~': /* $~: match-data */
case '*': /* $*: argv */
case '$': /* $$: pid */
case '?': /* $?: last status */
case '!': /* $!: error string */
case '@': /* $@: error position */
case '/': /* $/: input record separator */
case '\\': /* $\: output record separator */
case ';': /* $;: field separator */
case ',': /* $,: output field separator */
case '.': /* $.: last read line number */
case '=': /* $=: ignorecase */
case ':': /* $:: load path */
case '<': /* $<: reading filename */
case '>': /* $>: default output handle */
case '\"': /* $": already loaded files */
yaccValue = "$" + (char) c;
return Tokens.tGVAR;
case '-':
c = nextc();
if (isIdentifierChar(c)) {
if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return EOF;
} else {
return '$';
yaccValue = createTokenString().intern();
/* xxx shouldn't check if valid option variable */
return Tokens.tGVAR;
case '&': /* $&: last match */
case '`': /* $`: string before last match */
case '\'': /* $': string after last match */
case '+': /* $+: string matches last paren. */
// Explicit reference to these vars as symbols...
if (isLexState(last_state, EXPR_FNAME)) {
yaccValue = "$" + (char) c;
return Tokens.tGVAR;
yaccValue = new BackRefParseNode(getPosition(), c);
return Tokens.tBACK_REF;
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6':
case '7': case '8': case '9':
do {
c = nextc();
} while (Character.isDigit(c));
if (isLexState(last_state, EXPR_FNAME)) {
yaccValue = createTokenString().intern();
return Tokens.tGVAR;
int ref;
String refAsString = createTokenString();
try {
ref = Integer.parseInt(refAsString.substring(1).intern());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, "`" + refAsString + "' is too big for a number variable, always nil");
ref = 0;
yaccValue = new NthRefParseNode(getPosition(), ref);
return Tokens.tNTH_REF;
case '0':
return identifierToken(Tokens.tGVAR, ("$" + (char) c).intern());
if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) {
if (c == EOF || Character.isSpaceChar(c)) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.CVAR_BAD_NAME, "`$' without identifiers is not allowed as a global variable name");
} else {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.CVAR_BAD_NAME, "`$" + ((char) c) + "' is not allowed as a global variable name");
last_state = lex_state;
return identifierToken(Tokens.tGVAR, createTokenString().intern()); // $blah
private int dot() throws IOException {
int c;
if ((c = nextc()) == '.') {
if ((c = nextc()) == '.') {
yaccValue = "...";
return Tokens.tDOT3;
yaccValue = "..";
return Tokens.tDOT2;
if (Character.isDigit(c)) compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.FLOAT_MISSING_ZERO, "no . floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot");
yaccValue = ".";
return Tokens.tDOT;
private int doubleQuote(boolean commandState) throws IOException {
int label = isLabelPossible(commandState) ? str_label : 0;
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_dquote|label, '\0', '"');
yaccValue = "\"";
return Tokens.tSTRING_BEG;
private int greaterThan() throws IOException {
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG);
int c = nextc();
switch (c) {
case '=':
yaccValue = ">=";
return Tokens.tGEQ;
case '>':
if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
yaccValue = ">>";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
yaccValue = ">>";
return Tokens.tRSHFT;
yaccValue = ">";
return Tokens.tGT;
private int identifier(int c, boolean commandState) throws IOException {
if (!isIdentifierChar(c)) {
String badChar = "\\" + Integer.toOctalString(c & 0xff);
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.CHARACTER_BAD, "Invalid char `" + badChar + "' ('" + (char) c + "') in expression");
do {
if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return EOF;
c = nextc();
} while (isIdentifierChar(c));
boolean lastBangOrPredicate = false;
// methods 'foo!' and 'foo?' are possible but if followed by '=' it is relop
if (c == '!' || c == '?') {
if (!peek('=')) {
lastBangOrPredicate = true;
} else {
} else {
int result = 0;
last_state = lex_state;
String tempVal;
if (lastBangOrPredicate) {
result = Tokens.tFID;
tempVal = createTokenString();
} else {
if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_FNAME)) {
if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
int c2 = nextc();
if (c2 != '~' && c2 != '>' &&
(c2 != '=' || peek('>'))) {
result = Tokens.tIDENTIFIER;
} else {
} else {
tempVal = createTokenString();
if (result == 0 && Character.isUpperCase(tempVal.charAt(0))) {
result = Tokens.tCONSTANT;
} else {
result = Tokens.tIDENTIFIER;
if (isLabelPossible(commandState)) {
if (isLabelSuffix()) {
yaccValue = tempVal.intern();
return Tokens.tLABEL;
if (lex_state != EXPR_DOT) {
Keyword keyword = getKeyword(tempVal); // Is it is a keyword?
if (keyword != null) {
int state = lex_state; // Save state at time keyword is encountered
if (isLexState(state, EXPR_FNAME)) {
yaccValue =;
return keyword.id0;
} else {
yaccValue = getPosition();
if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG)) commandStart = true;
if (keyword.id0 == Tokens.kDO) return doKeyword(state);
if (isLexState(state, EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABELED)) {
return keyword.id0;
} else {
if (keyword.id0 != keyword.id1) setState(EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL);
return keyword.id1;
if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG_ANY|EXPR_ARG_ANY|EXPR_DOT)) {
setState(commandState ? EXPR_CMDARG : EXPR_ARG);
} else if (lex_state == EXPR_FNAME) {
} else {
tempVal = tempVal.intern();
if (tempVal.equals("function") && parserSupport.getContext().getOptions().INLINE_JS) {
return javaScript(tempVal);
return identifierToken(result, tempVal);
private int javaScript(String keyword) {
if (!Character.isWhitespace(p(lex_p))) {
return identifierToken(Tokens.tIDENTIFIER, keyword);
int length = 0;
while (Character.isWhitespace(p(lex_p + length))) {
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(p(lex_p + length))) {
return identifierToken(Tokens.tIDENTIFIER, keyword);
while (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(p(lex_p + length))) {
if (p(lex_p + length) != '(') {
return identifierToken(Tokens.tIDENTIFIER, keyword);
// Commit to parsing this as JavaScript
// TODO CS 11-09-16 strings, escaping etc
while (p(lex_p + length) != '{') {
int depth = 0;
int c;
while ((c = p(lex_p + length)) != '}' || depth > 0) {
switch (c) {
case '{':
case '}':
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int n = 0; n < length; n++) {
builder.append((char) nextc());
yaccValue = builder.toString();
return Tokens.tJAVASCRIPT;
private int leftBracket(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
int c = '[';
if (isAfterOperator()) {
if ((c = nextc()) == ']') {
if (peek('=')) {
yaccValue = "[]=";
return Tokens.tASET;
yaccValue = "[]";
return Tokens.tAREF;
setState(getState() | EXPR_LABEL);
yaccValue = "[";
return '[';
} else if (isBEG() || (isARG() && (spaceSeen || isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED)))) {
c = Tokens.tLBRACK;
yaccValue = "[";
return c;
private int leftCurly() {
int leftParenBegin = getLeftParenBegin();
if (leftParenBegin > 0 && leftParenBegin == parenNest) {
yaccValue = "{";
return Tokens.tLAMBEG;
char c;
if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED)) {
c = Tokens.tLBRACE;
} else if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_ARG_ANY|EXPR_END|EXPR_ENDFN)) { // block (primary)
c = Tokens.tLCURLY;
} else if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_ENDARG)) { // block (expr)
c = Tokens.tLBRACE_ARG;
} else { // hash
c = Tokens.tLBRACE;
if (c != Tokens.tLBRACE_ARG) setState(getState() | EXPR_LABEL);
if (c != Tokens.tLBRACE) commandStart = true;
yaccValue = getPosition();
return c;
private int leftParen(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
int result;
if (isBEG()) {
result = Tokens.tLPAREN;
} else if (isSpaceArg('(', spaceSeen)) {
result = Tokens.tLPAREN_ARG;
} else {
result = Tokens.tLPAREN2;
yaccValue = getPosition();
return result;
private int lessThan(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
last_state = lex_state;
int c = nextc();
if (c == '<' && !isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_DOT|EXPR_CLASS) &&
!isEND() && (!isARG() || isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABELED) || spaceSeen)) {
int tok = hereDocumentIdentifier();
if (tok != 0) return tok;
if (isAfterOperator()) {
} else {
if (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_CLASS)) commandStart = true;
switch (c) {
case '=':
if ((c = nextc()) == '>') {
yaccValue = "<=>";
return Tokens.tCMP;
yaccValue = "<=";
return Tokens.tLEQ;
case '<':
if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
yaccValue = "<<";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
yaccValue = "<<";
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "<<", "here document");
return Tokens.tLSHFT;
yaccValue = "<";
return Tokens.tLT;
private int minus(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
if (isAfterOperator()) {
if (c == '@') {
yaccValue = "-@";
return Tokens.tUMINUS;
yaccValue = "-";
return Tokens.tMINUS;
if (c == '=') {
yaccValue = "-";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
if (c == '>') {
yaccValue = "->";
return Tokens.tLAMBDA;
if (isBEG() || (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen) && arg_ambiguous())) {
yaccValue = "-";
if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
return Tokens.tUMINUS_NUM;
return Tokens.tUMINUS;
yaccValue = "-";
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "-", "unary operator");
return Tokens.tMINUS;
private int percent(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
if (isBEG()) return parseQuote(nextc());
int c = nextc();
if (c == '=') {
yaccValue = "%";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) return parseQuote(c);
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG);
yaccValue = "%";
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "%", "string literal");
return Tokens.tPERCENT;
private int pipe() throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
switch (c) {
case '|':
if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
yaccValue = "||";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
yaccValue = "||";
return Tokens.tOROP;
case '=':
yaccValue = "|";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL);
yaccValue = "|";
return Tokens.tPIPE;
private int plus(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
if (isAfterOperator()) {
if (c == '@') {
yaccValue = "+@";
return Tokens.tUPLUS;
yaccValue = "+";
return Tokens.tPLUS;
if (c == '=') {
yaccValue = "+";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
if (isBEG() || (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen) && arg_ambiguous())) {
if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
c = '+';
return parseNumber(c);
yaccValue = "+";
return Tokens.tUPLUS;
yaccValue = "+";
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "+", "unary operator");
return Tokens.tPLUS;
private int questionMark() throws IOException {
int c;
if (isEND()) {
yaccValue = "?";
return '?';
c = nextc();
if (c == EOF) compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INCOMPLETE_CHAR_SYNTAX, "incomplete character syntax");
if (Character.isWhitespace(c)){
if (!isARG()) {
int c2 = 0;
switch (c) {
case ' ':
c2 = 's';
case '\n':
c2 = 'n';
case '\t':
c2 = 't';
/* What is \v in C?
case '\v':
c2 = 'v';
case '\r':
c2 = 'r';
case '\f':
c2 = 'f';
if (c2 != 0) {
warnings.warn(RubyWarnings.ID.INVALID_CHAR_SEQUENCE, getFile(), getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "invalid character syntax; use ?\\" + c2);
yaccValue = "?";
return '?';
if (!isASCII(c)) {
if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return EOF;
} else if (isIdentifierChar(c) && !peek('\n') && isNext_identchar()) {
yaccValue = "?";
return '?';
} else if (c == '\\') {
if (peek('u')) {
nextc(); // Eat 'u'
ParserByteListBuilder oneCharBL = new ParserByteListBuilder();
c = readUTFEscape(oneCharBL, false, false);
if (c >= 0x80) {
tokaddmbc(c, oneCharBL);
} else {
yaccValue = new StrParseNode(getPosition(), oneCharBL.toParserByteList());
return Tokens.tCHAR;
} else {
c = readEscape();
} else {
ParserByteListBuilder oneCharBL = new ParserByteListBuilder();
yaccValue = new StrParseNode(getPosition(), oneCharBL.toParserByteList());
return Tokens.tCHAR;
private int rightBracket() {
yaccValue = "]";
return Tokens.tRBRACK;
private int rightCurly() {
yaccValue = "}";
int tok = braceNest == 0 ? Tokens.tSTRING_DEND : Tokens.tRCURLY;
return tok;
private int rightParen() {
yaccValue = ")";
return Tokens.tRPAREN;
private int singleQuote(boolean commandState) throws IOException {
int label = isLabelPossible(commandState) ? str_label : 0;
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_squote|label, '\0', '\'');
yaccValue = "'";
return Tokens.tSTRING_BEG;
private int slash(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
if (isBEG()) {
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_regexp, '\0', '/');
yaccValue = "/";
return Tokens.tREGEXP_BEG;
int c = nextc();
if (c == '=') {
yaccValue = "/";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) {
lex_strterm = new StringTerm(str_regexp, '\0', '/');
yaccValue = "/";
return Tokens.tREGEXP_BEG;
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG);
yaccValue = "/";
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "/", "regexp literal");
return Tokens.tDIVIDE;
private int star(boolean spaceSeen) throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
switch (c) {
case '*':
if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
yaccValue = "**";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
pushback(c); // not a '=' put it back
yaccValue = "**";
if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) {
if (warnings.isVerbose())
warnings.warning(RubyWarnings.ID.ARGUMENT_AS_PREFIX, getFile(), getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "`**' interpreted as argument prefix");
c = Tokens.tDSTAR;
} else if (isBEG()) {
c = Tokens.tDSTAR;
} else {
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "**", "argument prefix");
c = Tokens.tPOW;
case '=':
yaccValue = "*";
return Tokens.tOP_ASGN;
if (isSpaceArg(c, spaceSeen)) {
if (warnings.isVerbose() && !parserSupport.skipTruffleRubiniusWarnings(this))
warnings.warning(RubyWarnings.ID.ARGUMENT_AS_PREFIX, getFile(), getPosition().toSourceSection(src.getSource()).getStartLine(), "`*' interpreted as argument prefix");
c = Tokens.tSTAR;
} else if (isBEG()) {
c = Tokens.tSTAR;
} else {
warn_balanced(c, spaceSeen, "*", "argument prefix");
c = Tokens.tSTAR2;
yaccValue = "*";
setState(isAfterOperator() ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_BEG);
return c;
private int tilde() throws IOException {
int c;
if (isAfterOperator()) {
if ((c = nextc()) != '@') pushback(c);
} else {
yaccValue = "~";
return Tokens.tTILDE;
private ParserByteListBuilder numberBuffer = new ParserByteListBuilder(); // ascii is good enough.
* Parse a number from the input stream.
*@param c The first character of the number.
*@return A int constant wich represents a token.
private int parseNumber(int c) throws IOException {
if (c == '-') {
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
c = nextc();
} else if (c == '+') {
// We don't append '+' since Java number parser gets confused
c = nextc();
int nondigit = 0;
if (c == '0') {
int startLen = numberBuffer.getLength();
switch (c = nextc()) {
case 'x' :
case 'X' : // hexadecimal
c = nextc();
if (isHexChar(c)) {
for (;; c = nextc()) {
if (c == '_') {
if (nondigit != '\0') break;
nondigit = c;
} else if (isHexChar(c)) {
nondigit = '\0';
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
} else {
if (numberBuffer.getLength() == startLen) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.BAD_HEX_NUMBER, "Hexadecimal number without hex-digits.");
} else if (nondigit != '\0') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
return getIntegerToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), 16, numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL));
case 'b' :
case 'B' : // binary
c = nextc();
if (c == '0' || c == '1') {
for (;; c = nextc()) {
if (c == '_') {
if (nondigit != '\0') break;
nondigit = c;
} else if (c == '0' || c == '1') {
nondigit = '\0';
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
} else {
if (numberBuffer.getLength() == startLen) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.EMPTY_BINARY_NUMBER, "Binary number without digits.");
} else if (nondigit != '\0') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
return getIntegerToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), 2, numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL));
case 'd' :
case 'D' : // decimal
c = nextc();
if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
for (;; c = nextc()) {
if (c == '_') {
if (nondigit != '\0') break;
nondigit = c;
} else if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
nondigit = '\0';
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
} else {
if (numberBuffer.getLength() == startLen) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.EMPTY_BINARY_NUMBER, "Binary number without digits.");
} else if (nondigit != '\0') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
return getIntegerToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), 10, numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL));
case 'o':
case 'O':
c = nextc();
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': //Octal
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '_':
for (;; c = nextc()) {
if (c == '_') {
if (nondigit != '\0') break;
nondigit = c;
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') {
nondigit = '\0';
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
} else {
if (numberBuffer.getLength() > startLen) {
if (nondigit != '\0') compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
return getIntegerToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), 8, numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL));
case '8' :
case '9' :
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.BAD_OCTAL_DIGIT, "Illegal octal digit.");
case '.' :
case 'e' :
case 'E' :
default :
return getIntegerToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), 10, numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL));
boolean seen_point = false;
boolean seen_e = false;
for (;; c = nextc()) {
switch (c) {
case '0' :
case '1' :
case '2' :
case '3' :
case '4' :
case '5' :
case '6' :
case '7' :
case '8' :
case '9' :
nondigit = '\0';
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
case '.' :
if (nondigit != '\0') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
} else if (seen_point || seen_e) {
return getNumberToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), seen_e, seen_point, nondigit);
} else {
int c2;
if (!Character.isDigit(c2 = nextc())) {
if (c == '_') {
// Enebo: c can never be antrhign but '.'
// Why did I put this here?
} else {
return getIntegerToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), 10, numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL));
} else {
numberBuffer.append((char) c2);
seen_point = true;
nondigit = '\0';
case 'e' :
case 'E' :
if (nondigit != '\0') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
} else if (seen_e) {
return getNumberToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), seen_e, seen_point, nondigit);
} else {
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
seen_e = true;
nondigit = c;
c = nextc();
if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
numberBuffer.append((char) c);
nondigit = c;
} else {
case '_' : // '_' in number just ignored
if (nondigit != '\0') compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
nondigit = c;
default :
return getNumberToken(numberBuffer.toParserByteList().toString(), seen_e, seen_point, nondigit);
private int getNumberToken(String number, boolean seen_e, boolean seen_point, int nondigit) throws IOException {
boolean isFloat = seen_e || seen_point;
if (nondigit != '\0') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.TRAILING_UNDERSCORE_IN_NUMBER, "Trailing '_' in number.");
} else if (isFloat) {
int suffix = numberLiteralSuffix(seen_e ? SUFFIX_I : SUFFIX_ALL);
return getFloatToken(number, suffix);
return getIntegerToken(number, 10, numberLiteralSuffix(SUFFIX_ALL));
// Note: parser_tokadd_utf8 variant just for regexp literal parsing. This variant is to be
// called when string_literal and regexp_literal.
public void readUTFEscapeRegexpLiteral(ParserByteListBuilder buffer) throws IOException {
if (peek('{')) { // handle \\u{...}
do {
if (scanHexLiteral(buffer, 6, false, "invalid Unicode escape") > 0x10ffff) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)");
} while (peek(' ') || peek('\t'));
int c = nextc();
if (c != '}') compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "unterminated Unicode escape");
buffer.append((char) c);
} else { // handle \\uxxxx
scanHexLiteral(buffer, 4, true, "Invalid Unicode escape");
// MRI: parser_tokadd_utf8 sans regexp literal parsing
public int readUTFEscape(ParserByteListBuilder buffer, boolean stringLiteral, boolean symbolLiteral) throws IOException {
int codepoint;
int c;
if (peek('{')) { // handle \\u{...}
do {
nextc(); // Eat curly or whitespace
codepoint = scanHex(6, false, "invalid Unicode escape");
if (codepoint > 0x10ffff) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "invalid Unicode codepoint (too large)");
if (buffer != null) readUTF8EscapeIntoBuffer(codepoint, buffer, stringLiteral);
} while (peek(' ') || peek('\t'));
c = nextc();
if (c != '}') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "unterminated Unicode escape");
} else { // handle \\uxxxx
codepoint = scanHex(4, true, "Invalid Unicode escape");
if (buffer != null) readUTF8EscapeIntoBuffer(codepoint, buffer, stringLiteral);
return codepoint;
private void readUTF8EscapeIntoBuffer(int codepoint, ParserByteListBuilder buffer, boolean stringLiteral) throws IOException {
if (codepoint >= 0x80) {
if (stringLiteral) tokaddmbc(codepoint, buffer);
} else if (stringLiteral) {
buffer.append((char) codepoint);
public int readEscape() throws IOException {
int c = nextc();
switch (c) {
case '\\' : // backslash
return c;
case 'n' : // newline
return '\n';
case 't' : // horizontal tab
return '\t';
case 'r' : // carriage return
return '\r';
case 'f' : // form feed
return '\f';
case 'v' : // vertical tab
return '\u000B';
case 'a' : // alarm(bell)
return '\u0007';
case 'e' : // escape
return '\u001B';
case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : // octal constant
case '4' : case '5' : case '6' : case '7' :
return scanOct(3);
case 'x' : // hex constant
return scanHex(2, false, "Invalid escape character syntax");
case 'b' : // backspace
return '\010';
case 's' : // space
return ' ';
case 'M' :
if ((c = nextc()) != '-') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "Invalid escape character syntax");
} else if ((c = nextc()) == '\\') {
return (char) (readEscape() | 0x80);
} else if (c == EOF) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "Invalid escape character syntax");
return (char) ((c & 0xff) | 0x80);
case 'C' :
if (nextc() != '-') {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "Invalid escape character syntax");
case 'c' :
if ((c = nextc()) == '\\') {
c = readEscape();
} else if (c == '?') {
return '\177';
} else if (c == EOF) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "Invalid escape character syntax");
return (char) (c & 0x9f);
case EOF :
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, "Invalid escape character syntax");
default :
return c;
* Read up to count hexadecimal digits and store those digits in a token numberBuffer. If strict is
* provided then count number of hex digits must be present. If no digits can be read a syntax
* exception will be thrown. This will also return the codepoint as a value so codepoint
* ranges can be checked.
private char scanHexLiteral(ParserByteListBuilder buffer, int count, boolean strict, String errorMessage)
throws IOException {
int i = 0;
char hexValue = '\0';
for (; i < count; i++) {
int h1 = nextc();
if (!isHexChar(h1)) {
hexValue <<= 4;
hexValue |= Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf((char) h1), 16) & 15;
// No hex value after the 'x'.
if (i == 0 || strict && count != i) {
compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, errorMessage);
return hexValue;
* Read up to count hexadecimal digits. If strict is provided then count number of hex
* digits must be present. If no digits can be read a syntax exception will be thrown.
private int scanHex(int count, boolean strict, String errorMessage) throws IOException {
int i = 0;
int hexValue = '\0';
for (; i < count; i++) {
int h1 = nextc();
if (!isHexChar(h1)) {
hexValue <<= 4;
hexValue |= Integer.parseInt("" + (char) h1, 16) & 15;
// No hex value after the 'x'.
if (i == 0 || (strict && count != i)) compile_error(SyntaxException.PID.INVALID_ESCAPE_SYNTAX, errorMessage);
return hexValue;
public static final int EXPR_BEG = 1;
public static final int EXPR_END = 1<<1;
public static final int EXPR_ENDARG = 1<<2;
public static final int EXPR_ENDFN = 1<<3;
public static final int EXPR_ARG = 1<<4;
public static final int EXPR_CMDARG = 1<<5;
public static final int EXPR_MID = 1<<6;
public static final int EXPR_FNAME = 1<<7;
public static final int EXPR_DOT = 1<<8;
public static final int EXPR_CLASS = 1<<9;
public static final int EXPR_LABEL = 1<<10;
public static final int EXPR_LABELED = 1<<11;
public static final int EXPR_VALUE = EXPR_BEG;
public static final int EXPR_BEG_ANY = EXPR_BEG | EXPR_MID | EXPR_CLASS;
public static final int EXPR_ARG_ANY = EXPR_ARG | EXPR_CMDARG;
public static final int EXPR_END_ANY = EXPR_END | EXPR_ENDARG | EXPR_ENDFN;
protected int braceNest = 0;
public boolean commandStart;
protected StackState conditionState = new StackState();
protected StackState cmdArgumentState = new StackState();
private String current_arg;
private Encoding current_enc;
protected boolean __end__seen = false;
public boolean eofp = false;
protected boolean has_shebang = false;
protected int heredoc_end = 0;
protected int heredoc_indent = 0;
protected int heredoc_line_indent = 0;
public boolean inKwarg = false;
protected int last_cr_line;
protected int last_state;
private int leftParenBegin = 0;
public ParserByteList lexb = null;
public ParserByteList lex_lastline = null;
protected ParserByteList lex_nextline = null;
public int lex_p = 0; // Where current position is in current line
protected int lex_pbeg = 0;
public int lex_pend = 0; // Where line ends
protected int lex_state;
protected int line_count = 0;
protected int line_offset = 0;
protected int parenNest = 0;
protected int ruby_sourceline = 0;
protected int ruby_sourceline_char_offset = 0;
protected int ruby_sourceline_char_length = 0;
protected LexerSource src; // Stream of data that yylex() examines.
protected int token; // Last token read via yylex().
private CodeRange tokenCR;
protected boolean tokenSeen = false;
public SourceIndexLength tokline;
private int ruby_sourceline_when_tokline_created;
public int tokp = 0; // Where last token started
protected Object yaccValue; // Value of last token which had a value associated with it.
public int column() {
return tokp - lex_pbeg;
protected boolean comment_at_top() {
int p = lex_pbeg;
int pend = lex_p - 1;
if (line_count != (has_shebang ? 2 : 1)) return false;
while (p < pend) {
if (!Character.isSpaceChar(p(p))) return false;
return true;
public ParserByteList createTokenByteArrayView() {
return lexb.makeShared(tokp, lex_p - tokp);
public String createTokenString(int start) {
return lexb.makeShared(start, lex_p - start).toEncodedString();
public String createTokenString() {
return createTokenString(tokp);
protected int dedent_string(ParserByteListBuilder string, int width) {
long len = string.getLength();
int i, col = 0;
byte[] str = string.getUnsafeBytes();
for (i = 0; i < len && col < width; i++) {
if (str[i] == ' ') {
} else if (str[i] == '\t') {
int n = TAB_WIDTH * (col / TAB_WIDTH + 1);
if (n > width) break;
col = n;
} else {
return i;
protected void flush() {
tokp = lex_p;
public int getBraceNest() {
return braceNest;
public StackState getCmdArgumentState() {
return cmdArgumentState;
public StackState getConditionState() {
return conditionState;
public String getCurrentArg() {
return current_arg;
public String getCurrentLine() {
return lex_lastline.toString();
public Encoding getEncoding() {
return current_enc;
public String getFile() {
return src.getSource().getName();
public int getHeredocIndent() {
return heredoc_indent;
public int getLeftParenBegin() {
return leftParenBegin;
public int getLineOffset() {
return line_offset;
public int getState() {
return lex_state;
public CodeRange getTokenCR() {
return tokenCR;
public int incrementParenNest() {
return parenNest;
public boolean isEndSeen() {
return __end__seen;
// mri: parser_isascii
public boolean isASCII() {
return Encoding.isMbcAscii((byte) lexb.charAt(lex_p - 1));
public boolean isASCII(int c) {
return Encoding.isMbcAscii((byte) c);
// FIXME: I added number gvars here and they did not.
public boolean isGlobalCharPunct(int c) {
switch (c) {
case '_': case '~': case '*': case '$': case '?': case '!': case '@':
case '/': case '\\': case ';': case ',': case '.': case '=': case ':':
case '<': case '>': case '\"': case '-': case '&': case '`': case '\'':
case '+': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6':
case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0':
return true;
return isIdentifierChar(c);
* This is a valid character for an identifier?
* @param c is character to be compared
* @return whether c is an identifier or not
* mri: is_identchar
public boolean isIdentifierChar(int c) {
return c != EOF && (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_' || !isASCII(c));
public void lex_goto_eol() {
lex_p = lex_pend;
protected void magicCommentEncoding(ParserByteList encoding) {
if (!comment_at_top()) return;
// FIXME: We significantly different from MRI in that we are just mucking
// with lex_p pointers and not alloc'ing our own buffer (or using bytelist).
// In most cases this does not matter much but for ripper or a place where
// we remove actual source characters (like extra '"') then this acts differently.
public void newtok(boolean unreadOnce) {
tokline = getPosition();
ruby_sourceline_when_tokline_created = ruby_sourceline;
// We assume all idents are 7BIT until they aren't.
tokenCR = CodeRange.CR_7BIT;
tokp = lex_p - (unreadOnce ? 1 : 0); // We use tokp of ripper to mark beginning of tokens.
protected int numberLiteralSuffix(int mask) {
int c = nextc();
if (c == 'i') return (mask & SUFFIX_I) != 0 ? mask & SUFFIX_I : 0;
if (c == 'r') {
int result = 0;
if ((mask & SUFFIX_R) != 0) result |= (mask & SUFFIX_R);
if (peek('i') && (mask & SUFFIX_I) != 0) {
c = nextc();
result |= (mask & SUFFIX_I);
return result;
if (c == '.') {
int c2 = nextc();
if (Character.isDigit(c2)) {
compile_error("unexpected fraction part after numeric literal");
do { // Ripper does not stop so we follow MRI here and read over next word...
c2 = nextc();
} while (isIdentifierChar(c2));
} else {
return 0;
public void parser_prepare() {
int c = nextc();
switch(c) {
case '#':
if (peek('!')) has_shebang = true;
case 0xef:
if (lex_pend - lex_p >= 2 && p(lex_p) == 0xbb && p(lex_p + 1) == 0xbf) {
lex_p += 2;
lex_pbeg = lex_p;
case EOF:
current_enc = lex_lastline.getEncoding();
public int p(int offset) {
return lexb.charAt(offset) & 0xff;
public boolean peek(int c) {
return peek(c, 0);
protected boolean peek(int c, int n) {
return lex_p+n < lex_pend && p(lex_p+n) == c;
public int precise_mbclen() {
// we subtract one since we have read past first byte by time we are calling this.
int start = lex_p - 1;
int end = lex_pend;
int length = end - start;
return lexb.makeShared(start, length).getEncodingLength(current_enc);
public void pushback(int c) {
if (c == -1) return;
if (lex_p > lex_pbeg && p(lex_p) == '\n' && p(lex_p-1) == '\r') {
public void superReset() {
braceNest = 0;
commandStart = true;
heredoc_indent = 0;
heredoc_line_indent = 0;
last_cr_line = -1;
parenNest = 0;
ruby_sourceline = 0;
// No updateLineOffset becuase it's about to be done anyway in the only caller of this method
token = 0;
tokenSeen = false;
tokp = 0;
yaccValue = null;
public void resetStacks() {
protected char scanOct(int count) {
char value = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int c = nextc();
if (!isOctChar(c)) {
value <<= 3;
value |= Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf((char) c), 8);
return value;
public void setCurrentArg(String current_arg) {
this.current_arg = current_arg;
// FIXME: This is icky. Ripper is setting encoding immediately but in Parsers lexer we are not.
public void setCurrentEncoding(Encoding encoding) {
current_enc = encoding;
// FIXME: This is mucked up...current line knows it's own encoding so that must be changed. but we also have two
// other sources. I am thinking current_enc should be removed in favor of src since it needs to know encoding to
// provide next line.
public void setEncoding(Encoding encoding) {
lexb = lexb.withEncoding(encoding);
protected void set_file_encoding(int str, int send) {
boolean sep = false;
for (;;) {
if (send - str <= 6) return;
switch(p(str+6)) {
case 'C': case 'c': str += 6; continue;
case 'O': case 'o': str += 5; continue;
case 'D': case 'd': str += 4; continue;
case 'I': case 'i': str += 3; continue;
case 'N': case 'n': str += 2; continue;
case 'G': case 'g': str += 1; continue;
case '=': case ':':
sep = true;
str += 6;
str += 6;
if (Character.isSpaceChar(p(str))) break;
if (lexb.makeShared(str - 6, 6).caseInsensitiveCmp(CODING) == 0) break;
for(;;) {
do {
if (str >= send) return;
} while(Character.isSpaceChar(p(str)));
if (sep) break;
if (p(str) != '=' && p(str) != ':') return;
sep = true;
int beg = str;
while ((p(str) == '-' || p(str) == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(p(str))) && ++str < send) {}
setEncoding(lexb.makeShared(beg, str - beg));
public void setHeredocLineIndent(int heredoc_line_indent) {
this.heredoc_line_indent = heredoc_line_indent;
public void setHeredocIndent(int heredoc_indent) {
this.heredoc_indent = heredoc_indent;
public void setBraceNest(int nest) {
braceNest = nest;
public void setLeftParenBegin(int value) {
leftParenBegin = value;
* Allow the parser to set the source for its lexer.
* @param source where the lexer gets raw data
public void setSource(LexerSource source) {
this.src = source;
public void setState(int state) {
this.lex_state = state;
public void setValue(Object yaccValue) {
this.yaccValue = yaccValue;
protected boolean strncmp(ParserByteList one, ParserByteList two, int length) {
if (one.getLength() < length || two.getLength() < length) return false;
return one.makeShared(0, length).equal(two.makeShared(0, length));
public void tokAdd(int first_byte, ParserByteListBuilder buffer) {
buffer.append((byte) first_byte);
public void tokCopy(int length, ParserByteListBuilder buffer) {
buffer.append(lexb.makeShared(lex_p - length, length));
public boolean tokadd_ident(int c) {
do {
if (!tokadd_mbchar(c)) return false;
c = nextc();
} while (isIdentifierChar(c));
return true;
// mri: parser_tokadd_mbchar
* This differs from MRI in a few ways. This version does not apply value to a separate token buffer.
* It is for use when we know we will not be omitting or including ant non-syntactical characters. Use
* tokadd_mbchar(int, ByteArrayView) if the string differs from actual source. Secondly, this returns a boolean
* instead of the first byte passed. MRI only used the return value as a success/failure code to return
* EOF.
* Because this version does not use a separate token buffer we only just increment lex_p. When we reach
* end of the token it will just get the bytes directly from source directly.
public boolean tokadd_mbchar(int first_byte) {
int length = precise_mbclen();
if (length <= 0) {
compile_error("invalid multibyte char (" + getEncoding() + ")");
} else if (length > 1) {
tokenCR = CodeRange.CR_VALID;
lex_p += length - 1; // we already read first byte so advance pointer for remainder
return true;
// mri: parser_tokadd_mbchar
public boolean tokadd_mbchar(int first_byte, ParserByteListBuilder buffer) {
int length = precise_mbclen();
if (length <= 0) compile_error("invalid multibyte char (" + getEncoding() + ")");
tokAdd(first_byte, buffer); // add first byte since we have it.
lex_p += length - 1; // we already read first byte so advance pointer for remainder
if (length > 1) tokCopy(length - 1, buffer); // copy next n bytes over.
return true;
* This looks deceptively like tokadd_mbchar(int, ByteArrayView) but it differs in that it uses
* the bytelists encoding and the first parameter is a full codepoint and not the first byte
* of a mbc sequence.
public void tokaddmbc(int codepoint, ParserByteListBuilder buffer) {
Encoding encoding = buffer.getEncoding();
int length = encoding.codeToMbcLength(codepoint);
encoding.codeToMbc(codepoint, buffer.getUnsafeBytes(), buffer.getLength());
buffer.setLength(buffer.getLength() + length);
* Last token read from the lexer at the end of a call to yylex()
* @return last token read
public int token() {
return token;
public boolean update_heredoc_indent(int c) {
if (heredoc_line_indent == -1) {
if (c == '\n') heredoc_line_indent = 0;
} else if (c == ' ') {
return true;
} else if (c == '\t') {
int w = (heredoc_line_indent / TAB_WIDTH) + 1;
heredoc_line_indent = w * TAB_WIDTH;
return true;
} else if (c != '\n') {
if (heredoc_indent > heredoc_line_indent) heredoc_indent = heredoc_line_indent;
heredoc_line_indent = -1;
return false;
public void validateFormalIdentifier(String identifier) {
char first = identifier.charAt(0);
if (Character.isUpperCase(first)) {
compile_error("formal argument cannot be a constant");
switch(first) {
case '@':
if (identifier.charAt(1) == '@') {
compile_error("formal argument cannot be a class variable");
} else {
compile_error("formal argument cannot be an instance variable");
case '$':
compile_error("formal argument cannot be a global variable");
// This mechanism feels a tad dicey but at this point we are dealing with a valid
// method name at least so we should not need to check the entire string...
char last = identifier.charAt(identifier.length() - 1);
if (last == '=' || last == '?' || last == '!') {
compile_error("formal argument must be local variable");
* Value of last token (if it is a token which has a value).
* @return value of last value-laden token
public Object value() {
return yaccValue;
protected void warn_balanced(int c, boolean spaceSeen, String op, String syn) {
if (!isLexState(last_state, EXPR_CLASS|EXPR_DOT|EXPR_FNAME|EXPR_ENDFN|EXPR_ENDARG) && spaceSeen && !Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
ambiguousOperator(op, syn);
public boolean was_bol() {
return lex_p == lex_pbeg + 1;
public boolean whole_match_p(ParserByteList eos, boolean indent) {
int len = eos.getLength();
int p = lex_pbeg;
if (indent) {
for (int i = 0; i < lex_pend; i++) {
if (!Character.isWhitespace(p(i+p))) {
p += i;
int n = lex_pend - (p + len);
if (n < 0) return false;
if (n > 0 && p(p+len) != '\n') {
if (p(p+len) != '\r') return false;
if (n == 1 || p(p+len+1) != '\n') return false;
return strncmp(eos, lexb.makeShared(p, len), len);
public static final int TAB_WIDTH = 8;
// ruby constants for strings (should this be moved somewhere else?)
public static final int STR_FUNC_ESCAPE=0x01;
public static final int STR_FUNC_EXPAND=0x02;
public static final int STR_FUNC_REGEXP=0x04;
public static final int STR_FUNC_QWORDS=0x08;
public static final int STR_FUNC_SYMBOL=0x10;
// When the heredoc identifier specifies <<-EOF that indents before ident. are ok (the '-').
public static final int STR_FUNC_INDENT=0x20;
public static final int STR_FUNC_LABEL=0x40;
public static final int str_label = STR_FUNC_LABEL;
public static final int str_squote = 0;
public static final int str_dquote = STR_FUNC_EXPAND;
public static final int str_xquote = STR_FUNC_EXPAND;
public static final int str_regexp = STR_FUNC_REGEXP | STR_FUNC_ESCAPE | STR_FUNC_EXPAND;
public static final int str_ssym = STR_FUNC_SYMBOL;
public static final int str_dsym = STR_FUNC_SYMBOL | STR_FUNC_EXPAND;
public static final int EOF = -1; // 0 in MRI
public static ParserByteList END_MARKER = new ParserByteList(new byte[] {'_', '_', 'E', 'N', 'D', '_', '_'});
public static ParserByteList BEGIN_DOC_MARKER = new ParserByteList(new byte[] {'b', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'n'});
public static ParserByteList END_DOC_MARKER = new ParserByteList(new byte[] {'e', 'n', 'd'});
public static ParserByteList CODING = new ParserByteList(new byte[] {'c', 'o', 'd', 'i', 'n', 'g'});
public static final Encoding UTF8_ENCODING = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE;
public static final Encoding USASCII_ENCODING = USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE;
public static final Encoding ASCII8BIT_ENCODING = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE;
public static final int SUFFIX_R = 1<<0;
public static final int SUFFIX_I = 1<<1;
public static final int SUFFIX_ALL = 3;
* @param c the character to test
* @return true if character is a hex value (0-9a-f)
public static boolean isHexChar(int c) {
return Character.isDigit(c) || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'F');
public static boolean isLexState(int state, int mask) {
return (mask & state) != 0;
protected boolean isLexStateAll(int state, int mask) {
return (mask & state) == mask;
protected boolean isARG() {
return isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_ARG_ANY);
protected boolean isBEG() {
return isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_BEG_ANY) || isLexStateAll(lex_state, EXPR_ARG|EXPR_LABELED);
protected boolean isEND() {
return isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_END_ANY);
protected boolean isLabelPossible(boolean commandState) {
return (isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_LABEL|EXPR_ENDFN) && !commandState) || isARG();
protected boolean isLabelSuffix() {
return peek(':') && !peek(':', 1);
protected boolean isAfterOperator() {
return isLexState(lex_state, EXPR_FNAME|EXPR_DOT);
protected boolean isNext_identchar() {
int c = nextc();
return c != EOF && (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_');
* @param c the character to test
* @return true if character is an octal value (0-7)
public static boolean isOctChar(int c) {
return '0' <= c && c <= '7';
protected boolean isSpaceArg(int c, boolean spaceSeen) {
return isARG() && spaceSeen && !Character.isWhitespace(c);
/* MRI: magic_comment_marker */
/* This impl is a little sucky. We basically double scan the same bytelist twice. Once here
* and once in parseMagicComment.
public static int magicCommentMarker(ParserByteList str, int begin) {
int i = begin;
int len = str.getLength();
while (i < len) {
switch (str.charAt(i)) {
case '-':
if (i >= 2 && str.charAt(i - 1) == '*' && str.charAt(i - 2) == '-') return i + 1;
i += 2;
case '*':
if (i + 1 >= len) return -1;
if (str.charAt(i + 1) != '-') {
i += 4;
} else if (str.charAt(i - 1) != '-') {
i += 2;
} else {
return i + 2;
i += 3;
return -1;
public static final String magicString = "^[^\\S]*([^\\s\'\":;]+)\\s*:\\s*(\"(?:\\\\.|[^\"])*\"|[^\"\\s;]+)[\\s;]*[^\\S]*$";
public static final Regex magicRegexp = new Regex(magicString.getBytes(), 0, magicString.length(), 0, Encoding.load("ASCII"));
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