org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.Role Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package org.jsimpledb.kv.raft;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KeyRange;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.RetryTransactionException;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.Mutations;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.Writes;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.AppendRequest;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.AppendResponse;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.CommitRequest;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.CommitResponse;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.GrantVote;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.InstallSnapshot;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.Message;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.PingRequest;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.PingResponse;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.msg.RequestVote;
import org.jsimpledb.util.LongEncoder;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
* Common superclass for the three roles played by a Raft node:
* {@linkplain LeaderRole leader}, {@linkplain FollowerRole follower}, and {@linkplain CandidateRole candidate}.
public abstract class Role {
final Logger log;
final RaftKVDatabase raft;
final Service checkReadyTransactionsService = new Service(this, "check ready transactions") {
public void run() {
final Service checkWaitingTransactionsService = new Service(this, "check waiting transactions") {
public void run() {
final Service applyCommittedLogEntriesService = new Service(this, "apply committed logs") {
public void run() {
final Service triggerKeyWatchesService = new Service(this, "trigger key watches") {
public void run() {
// Constructors
Role(RaftKVDatabase raft) {
this.raft = raft;
this.log = this.raft.log;
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Status
* Get the {@link RaftKVDatabase} with which this instance is associated.
* @return associated database
public RaftKVDatabase getKVDatabase() {
return this.raft;
// Lifecycle
void setup() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
void shutdown() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
for (RaftKVTransaction tx : this.raft.openTransactions.values())
// Service
abstract void outputQueueEmpty(String address);
* Check transactions in the {@link TxState#COMMIT_READY} state to see if we can advance them.
void checkReadyTransactions() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
for (RaftKVTransaction tx : new ArrayList(this.raft.openTransactions.values()))
new CheckReadyTransactionService(this, tx).run();
* Check transactions in the {@link TxState#COMMIT_WAITING} state to see if they are committed yet.
* We invoke this service method whenever our {@code commitIndex} advances.
void checkWaitingTransactions() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
for (RaftKVTransaction tx : new ArrayList(this.raft.openTransactions.values()))
new CheckWaitingTransactionService(this, tx).run();
* Apply committed but unapplied log entries to the state machine.
* We invoke this service method whenever log entries are added or our {@code commitIndex} advances.
void applyCommittedLogEntries() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Apply committed log entries to the state machine
while (this.raft.lastAppliedIndex < this.raft.commitIndex) {
// Grab the first unwritten log entry
final LogEntry logEntry = this.raft.raftLog.get(0);
assert logEntry.getIndex() == this.raft.lastAppliedIndex + 1;
// Check with subclass
if (!this.mayApplyLogEntry(logEntry))
// Get the current config as of the log entry we're about to apply
final HashMap logEntryConfig = new HashMap<>(this.raft.lastAppliedConfig);
// Prepare combined Mutations containing prefixed log entry changes plus my own
final Writes logWrites = logEntry.getWrites();
final Writes myWrites = new Writes();
myWrites.getPuts().put(RaftKVDatabase.LAST_APPLIED_TERM_KEY, LongEncoder.encode(logEntry.getTerm()));
myWrites.getPuts().put(RaftKVDatabase.LAST_APPLIED_INDEX_KEY, LongEncoder.encode(logEntry.getIndex()));
myWrites.getPuts().put(RaftKVDatabase.LAST_APPLIED_CONFIG_KEY, this.raft.encodeConfig(logEntryConfig));
final byte[] stateMachinePrefix = this.raft.getStateMachinePrefix();
final Mutations mutations = new Mutations() {
public Iterable getRemoveRanges() {
return Iterables.transform(logWrites.getRemoveRanges(), new PrefixKeyRangeFunction(stateMachinePrefix));
public Iterable> getPutPairs() {
return Iterables.concat(
Iterables.transform(logWrites.getPutPairs(), new PrefixPutFunction(stateMachinePrefix)),
public Iterable> getAdjustPairs() {
return Iterables.transform(logWrites.getAdjustPairs(), new PrefixAdjustFunction(stateMachinePrefix));
// Apply updates to the key/value store (durably)
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("applying committed log entry " + logEntry + " to key/value store");
try {
this.raft.kv.mutate(mutations, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException && e.getCause() instanceof IOException)
e = (IOException)e.getCause();
this.error("error applying log entry " + logEntry + " to key/value store", e);
// Update in-memory state
this.raft.lastAppliedTerm = logEntry.getTerm();
assert logEntry.getIndex() == this.raft.lastAppliedIndex + 1;
this.raft.lastAppliedIndex = logEntry.getIndex();
assert this.raft.currentConfig.equals(this.raft.buildCurrentConfig());
// Delete the log entry
Util.delete(logEntry.getFile(), "applied log file");
* Determine whether the given log entry may be applied to the state machine.
boolean mayApplyLogEntry(LogEntry logEntry) {
return true;
* Trigger any key watches for changes in log entries committed since the last time we checked.
* This should be invoked:
* - After advancing the commitIndex
* - After resetting the state machine
* - After installing a snapshot
void triggerKeyWatches() {
// Sanity check
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert this.raft.commitIndex >= this.raft.lastAppliedIndex;
assert this.raft.commitIndex <= this.raft.lastAppliedIndex + this.raft.raftLog.size();
assert this.raft.keyWatchIndex <= this.raft.commitIndex;
// If nobody is watching, don't bother
if (this.raft.keyWatchTracker == null)
// If we have recevied a snapshot install, we may not be able to tell which keys have changed since last notification;
// in that case, trigger all key watches; otherwise, trigger the keys affected by newly committed log entries
if (this.raft.keyWatchIndex < this.raft.lastAppliedIndex) {
this.raft.keyWatchIndex = this.raft.commitIndex;
} else {
while (this.raft.keyWatchIndex < this.raft.commitIndex)
// Transactions
* Check a transaction that is ready to be committed (in the {@link TxState#COMMIT_READY} state).
* This should be invoked:
* - After changing roles
* - After a transaction has entered the {@link TxState#COMMIT_READY} state
* - After the leader is newly known (in {@link FollowerRole})
* - After the leader's output queue goes from non-empty to empty (in {@link FollowerRole})
* - After the leader's {@code commitIndex} has advanced, in case a config change transaction
* is waiting on a previous config change transaction (in {@link LeaderRole})
* @param tx the transaction
* @throws KVTransactionException if an error occurs
void checkReadyTransaction(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
// Sanity check
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert tx.getState().equals(TxState.COMMIT_READY);
// Get transaction mutations
final Writes writes = tx.getMutableView().getWrites();
final String[] configChange = tx.getConfigChange();
// Determine whether transaction is truly read-only
final boolean readOnly = tx.isReadOnly() || (writes.isEmpty() && configChange == null);
// Check whether we can commit the transaction immediately
if (readOnly && !tx.getConsistency().isWaitsForLogEntryToBeCommitted()) { // i.e., UNCOMMITTED
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("trivial commit for read-only, " + tx.getConsistency() + " " + tx);
// Check whether we don't need to bother talking to the leader
if (readOnly && !tx.getConsistency().isGuaranteesUpToDateReads()) { // i.e., EVENTUAL, EVENTUAL_COMMITTED
this.advanceReadyTransaction(tx, tx.getBaseTerm(), tx.getBaseIndex());
// Requires leader communication - let subclass handle it
this.checkReadyLeaderTransaction(tx, readOnly);
* Check a transaction that is ready to be committed (in the {@link TxState#COMMIT_READY} state)
* and requires communication with the leader.
* This will not be invoked unless the transaction is read/write or the consistency level provides up-to-date reads.
* @param tx the transaction
* @param readOnly if transaction is read-only
* @throws KVTransactionException if an error occurs
abstract void checkReadyLeaderTransaction(RaftKVTransaction tx, boolean readOnly);
* Advance a transaction from the {@link TxState#COMMIT_READY} state to the {@link TxState#COMMIT_WAITING} state.
* @param tx the transaction
* @param commitTerm term of log entry that must be committed before the transaction may succeed
* @param commitIndex index of log entry that must be committed before the transaction may succeed
void advanceReadyTransaction(RaftKVTransaction tx, long commitTerm, long commitIndex) {
// Sanity check
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert tx.getState().equals(TxState.COMMIT_READY);
// Set commit term & index and update state
if (this.log.isDebugEnabled())
this.debug("advancing " + tx + " to " + TxState.COMMIT_WAITING + " with commit " + commitIndex + "t" + commitTerm);
// Discard information we no longer need
// Check this transaction to see if it can be committed
* Check a transaction waiting for its log entry to be committed (in the {@link TxState#COMMIT_WAITING} state).
* This should be invoked:
* - After changing roles
* - After a transaction has entered the {@link TxState#COMMIT_WAITING} state
* - After advancing my {@code commitIndex} (as leader or follower)
* - After receiving an updated {@linkplain AppendResponse#getLeaderLeaseTimeout leader lease timeout}
* (in {@link FollowerRole})
* @param tx the transaction
* @throws KVTransactionException if an error occurs
void checkWaitingTransaction(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
// Sanity check
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Handle the case the transaction's committed log index has already been applied to the state machine
final long commitIndex = tx.getCommitIndex();
if (commitIndex < this.raft.lastAppliedIndex) {
// This can happen if we lose contact and by the time we're back the log entry has
// already been applied to the state machine on some leader and that leader sent
// use an InstallSnapshot message. We don't know whether it actually got committed
// or not, so the transaction must be retried.
throw new RetryTransactionException(tx, "committed log entry was missed");
// Has the transaction's log entry been received and committed yet?
if (commitIndex > this.raft.commitIndex)
// Verify the term of the committed log entry; if not what we expect, the log entry was overwritten by a new leader
final long commitTerm = tx.getCommitTerm();
if (this.raft.getLogTermAtIndex(commitIndex) != commitTerm)
throw new RetryTransactionException(tx, "leader was deposed during commit and transaction's log entry overwritten");
// Check with subclass
if (!this.mayCommit(tx))
// Transaction is officially committed now
if (this.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.trace("commit successful for " + tx + " (commit index " + this.raft.commitIndex + " >= " + commitIndex + ")");
boolean mayCommit(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
return true;
* Perform any role-specific transaction cleanups.
* Invoked either when transaction is closed or this role is being shutdown.
* The implementation in {@link Role} does nothing; subclasses should override if appropriate.
* @param tx the transaction
void cleanupForTransaction(RaftKVTransaction tx) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// Messages
// This is a package access version of "implements MessageSwitch"
abstract void caseAppendRequest(AppendRequest msg);
abstract void caseAppendResponse(AppendResponse msg);
abstract void caseCommitRequest(CommitRequest msg);
abstract void caseCommitResponse(CommitResponse msg);
abstract void caseGrantVote(GrantVote msg);
abstract void caseInstallSnapshot(InstallSnapshot msg);
abstract void caseRequestVote(RequestVote msg);
void casePingRequest(PingRequest msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
final int responseClusterId = this.raft.clusterId != 0 ? this.raft.clusterId : msg.getClusterId();
this.raft.sendMessage(new PingResponse(responseClusterId,
this.raft.identity, msg.getSenderId(), this.raft.currentTerm, msg.getTimestamp()));
void casePingResponse(PingResponse msg) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
// ignore by default
boolean mayAdvanceCurrentTerm(Message msg) {
return true;
void failUnexpectedMessage(Message msg) {
this.warn("rec'd unexpected message " + msg + " while in role " + this + "; ignoring");
// Debug
boolean checkState() {
return true;
// Logging
void trace(String msg, Throwable t) {
this.raft.trace(msg, t);
void trace(String msg) {
void debug(String msg, Throwable t) {
this.raft.debug(msg, t);
void debug(String msg) {
void info(String msg, Throwable t) {
this.raft.info(msg, t);
void info(String msg) {
void warn(String msg, Throwable t) {
this.raft.warn(msg, t);
void warn(String msg) {
void error(String msg, Throwable t) {
this.raft.error(msg, t);
void error(String msg) {
// Object
public abstract String toString();
String toStringPrefix() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
return this.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ "[term=" + this.raft.currentTerm
+ ",applied=" + this.raft.lastAppliedIndex + "t" + this.raft.lastAppliedTerm
+ ",commit=" + this.raft.commitIndex
+ ",log=" + this.raft.raftLog
+ "]";