org.jsimpledb.kv.raft.RaftKVTransaction Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package org.jsimpledb.kv.raft;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.CloseableKVStore;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVPair;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVStore;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVTransaction;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVTransactionException;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.StaleTransactionException;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.MutableView;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.SnapshotRefs;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.Writes;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.util.CloseableForwardingKVStore;
import org.jsimpledb.util.CloseableIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* {@link RaftKVDatabase} transaction.
public class RaftKVTransaction implements KVTransaction {
How transactions are managed
Transactions have a base term+index, which dictates the MVCC version of the database that the transaction sees,
and (eventually) a commit term+index, which represents the log entry that must be committed (in the Raft sense)
before the transaction itself may commit.
When a transaction is created, a MutableView is setup using the log entry corresponding to the transaction's base
term+index as the underlying read-only data. The transaction's consistency determines whether this log entry is
the last log entry (LINEARIZABLE, EVENTUAL, UNCOMMITTED) or the last committed log entry (EVENTUAL_COMMITTED).
For non-LINEARIZABLE transactions, the commit term+index can always be determined immediately: for EVENTUAL and
EVENTUAL_COMMITTED, it is just the base log entry; for UNCOMMITTED, both values are zero. Therefore, UNCOMMITTED
and EVENTUAL_COMMITTED transactions can always commit() immediately, because their commit term+index is already
committed at the time the transaction starts.
For LINEARIZABLE transactions, the base term+index must change over time as new log entries are received, to keep
the transaction's view up-to-date. This is called "rebasing" the transaction. The rebase operation can fail due
to read/write conflicts, whereby a newly added log entry mutates a key that has been accessed by the transaction.
If such a conflict is detected, the transaction must retry because it has seen out-of-date information.
For LINEARIZABLE transactions, the leader must be consulted (via CommitRequest) to determine the commit term+index.
If the transaction is read-only, the commit term+index is taken from the leader's last log entry at the time the
CommitRequest is received. In addition, the transaction must also wait until the leader's lease expiration time
exceeds the leader's current time, to guarantee that the leader's last log entry is in fact up-to-date (i.e., there's
not some other leader we don't know about who has already been elected).
If the LINEARIZABLE transaction is read-write, the leader checks for conflicts caused by any log entries it has between
the transaction's base log entry and the leader's last log entry, then appends a new log entry, and returns the new log
entry as the transaction's commit term+index in a CommitResponse.
Followers must continue to rebase read-only LINEARIZABLE until their commit term+index is received, but for mutating
transactions they do not need to rebase beyond the base term+index that was sent to the leader in the CommitRequest,
because the leader takes over conflict detection from that point as described above.
If a follower transaction's base log entry is ever overwritten then the transaction fails immediately with a retry
(unless UNCOMMITTED). This can occur both during normal execution, and while blocked in commit(). Therefore it's always
the case that a transaction's base term+index actually exists in the node's log as an entry (possibly compacted),
CommitRequest's are sent by followers to leaders for LINEARIZABLE transactions. For read-write transactions, they are
sent when commit() is invoked, and contain both the transaction's reads and writes. For read-only transactions, the
CommitRequest is sent as soon as possible, i.e., as soon as it is known that the transaction is read-only. This is
allowed because the "up-to-date" guarantee of LINEARIZABLE is only that the transaction sees the database as it
existed at some point in time between begin() and commit().
When commit() is invoked, the thread blocks until the commit term+index log entry is committed. The leader's response
may be delayed or lost; if so the transaction times out.
Compacting Log Entries
A tranasction's base log entry, if committed, may be applied into the state machine without affecting the transaction
due to the view being based on a read-only AtomicKVStore snapshot, which persists until closed.
Therefore because LINEARIZABLE transactions are always rebased to the last log entry, and all other transactions are never
rebased, there is no reason for followers to not apply committed log entries immediately.
For leaders, the situation is more complicated. Applying committed log entries too aggressively can cause these issues:
o If some follower has not received a log entry, but the leader has applied that log entry to its state machine, then
the only way the follower can be synchronized is via InstallSnapshot (i.e., full state machine dump), which is costly.
o In order to detect conflicts in a mutating LINEARIZABLE transaction received in a follower's CommitRequest, a leader
must have access to all log entries after the transaction's base term+index. If any of these have already been applied
to the state machine, the leader has no choice but to return a retry error.
Actually, these issues also apply to followers, in the sense that they could become leaders at any time, but we don't
worry about optimizing that relatively rare case.
To address these issues, leaders wait until all followers acknowlegde receipt of a log entry before applying it to
their state machine. This clearly addresses the first issue above, but also the second, assuming message reordering
between nodes is unlikely: followers' LINEARIZABLE transactions are always based on their last received log entry, so
no commit request should have a base term+index less than what the follower has already acknowledged receiving.
Lock Order
If locks are to be obtained on both this.raft and this.view, the order is: (1) this.raft, (2) this.view
static final Comparator SORT_BY_ID = Comparator.comparingLong(tx -> tx.txId);
private static final AtomicLong COUNTER = new AtomicLong(); // provides unique transaction ID numbers
// Static setup
final RaftKVDatabase raft;
final long txId = COUNTER.incrementAndGet(); // transaction's unique ID (on this node)
final Consistency consistency; // transaction's consistency level guarantee
final MutableView view; // transaction's view of key/value store
// Base and commit log entry
private long baseTerm; // term of the log entry on which this transaction is based
private long baseIndex; // index of the log entry on which this transaction is based
private long commitTerm; // term of the log entry representing this transaction's commit
private long commitIndex; // index of the log entry representing this transaction's commit
private boolean rebasable; // transaction should be rebased on newly committed log entries
// Transaction state
private TxState state = TxState.EXECUTING; // curent state
private volatile boolean executing; // allows for quick checks without synchronization
private Timestamp lastStateChangeTime = new Timestamp(); // timestamp of most recent state change
private boolean readOnly; // read-only status
private String[] configChange; // cluster config change associated with this transaction
private KVTransactionException failure; // exception to throw on next access, if any; state CLOSED only
private SnapshotRefs snapshotRefs; // snapshot of the committed key/value store
// commit() status
private final SettableFuture commitFuture = SettableFuture.create(); // the result for the thread invoking commit()
private Timer commitTimer; // commit timeout timer
private int timeout; // commit timeout, or zero for none
private boolean committable; // transaction can be committed after commitLeaderLeaseTimeout
private Timestamp commitLeaderLeaseTimeout; // minimum required leader lease timeout for commit (if not null)
// Private transaction state
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
* Constructor.
* @param raft associated database
* @param consistency consistency guarantee
* @param baseTerm term of the Raft log entry on which this transaction is based
* @param baseIndex index of the Raft log entry on which this transaction is based
* @param snapshot underlying state machine snapshot; will be closed with this instance
* @param view this transaction's view of the (prefixed) key/value store
RaftKVTransaction(RaftKVDatabase raft, Consistency consistency,
long baseTerm, long baseIndex, CloseableKVStore snapshot, MutableView view) {
this.raft = raft;
this.consistency = consistency;
this.baseTerm = baseTerm;
this.baseIndex = baseIndex;
this.snapshotRefs = new SnapshotRefs(snapshot);
this.view = view;
this.rebasable = consistency.isGuaranteesUpToDateReads(); // i.e., LINEARIZABLE
if (!this.rebasable)
// Properties
* Get the locally unique ID of this transaction.
* @return transaction ID
public long getTxId() {
return this.txId;
* Get the state of this transaction.
* @return transaction state
public TxState getState() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.state;
void setState(TxState state) {
assert state != null;
synchronized (this.raft) {
assert state.compareTo(this.state) >= 0;
if (this.state.equals(TxState.EXECUTING) && !this.state.equals(state)) {
synchronized (this.view) {
this.snapshotRefs = null;
this.state = state;
this.lastStateChangeTime = new Timestamp();
this.executing = state.equals(TxState.EXECUTING);
* Get the {@link Timestamp} of the most recent state change.
* @return timestamp of most recent state change
public Timestamp getLastStateChangeTime() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.lastStateChangeTime;
* Get the term of the log entry on which this transaction is based.
* @return associated base log term
public long getBaseTerm() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.baseTerm;
* Get the index of the log entry on which this transaction is based.
* @return associated base log index
public long getBaseIndex() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.baseIndex;
* Get the term of the Raft log entry on which this transaction is waiting to be committed (in the Raft sense)
* before it can complete.
* For {@link Consistency#UNCOMMITTED} transactions, this will always return zero.
* @return associated commit log entry index, or zero if not yet determined
public long getCommitTerm() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.commitTerm;
* Get the index of the Raft log entry on which this transaction is waiting to be committed (in the Raft sense)
* before it can complete.
* For {@link Consistency#UNCOMMITTED} transactions, this will always return zero.
* @return associated commit log entry term, or zero if not yet determined
public long getCommitIndex() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.commitIndex;
* Get the consistency level for this transaction.
* The default consistency level is {@link Consistency#LINEARIZABLE}.
* @return transaction consistency level
public Consistency getConsistency() {
return this.consistency;
* Determine whether this transaction is configured as read-only.
* Default is false.
* @return true if this transaction is configured read-only
public boolean isReadOnly() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.readOnly;
* Set whether this transaction should be read-only.
* Read-only transactions support modifications during the transaction, and these modifications will be visible
* when read back, but they are discarded on {@link #commit commit()}.
* By default, {@link Consistency#LINEARIZABLE} transactions are read-write. They may be changed to read-only via
* this method, and once changed, may not be changed back. Non-{@link Consistency#LINEARIZABLE} are always read-only.
* @param readOnly true to discard mutations on commit, false to apply mutations on commit
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code readOnly} is false and
* {@linkplain #getConsistency this transaction's consistency} is not {@link Consistency#LINEARIZABLE}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code readOnly} is false and this transaction is currently read-only
* @throws StaleTransactionException if this transaction is no longer open
public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
synchronized (this.raft) {
if (readOnly == this.readOnly)
Preconditions.checkArgument(readOnly || this.consistency.equals(Consistency.LINEARIZABLE),
this.consistency + " transactions must be read-only");
Preconditions.checkArgument(readOnly || !this.consistency.equals(Consistency.LINEARIZABLE),
this.consistency + " transactions cannot be changed back to read-write after being set read-only");
assert this.consistency.equals(Consistency.LINEARIZABLE);
assert !this.readOnly;
this.readOnly = readOnly;
// Configuration Stuff
* Include a cluster configuration change when this transaction is committed.
* The change will have been applied once this transaction is successfully committed.
* Raft supports configuration changes that add or remove one node at a time to/from the cluster.
* If this method is invoked more than once in a single transaction, all but the last invocation are ignored.
* Initially, nodes are unconfigured. An unconfigured node becomes configured in one of two ways:
* - By receiving a message from a leader of some existing cluster, in which case the node joins that cluster
* based on the provided configuration; or
* - By this method being invoked with {@code identity} equal to this node's identity and a non-null {@code address},
* which creates a new cluster and adds this node to it.
* Therefore, this method must be used to intialize a new cluster.
* @param identity the identity of the node to add or remove
* @param address the network address of the node if adding, or null if removing
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method has been invoked previously on this instance
* @throws IllegalStateException if this transaction is read-only
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code identity} is null
public void configChange(String identity, String address) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(identity != null, "null identity");
synchronized (this.raft) {
Preconditions.checkState(this.configChange == null, "duplicate config change; only one is supported per transaction");
Preconditions.checkState(!this.readOnly, "transaction is read-only");
this.configChange = new String[] { identity, address };
* Get the cluster configuration change associated with this transaction, if any.
* The returned array has length two and contains the {@code identity} and {@code address}
* parameters passed to {@link #configChange configChange()}.
* The returned array is a copy; changes have no effect on this instance.
* @return cluster config change, or null if there is none
public String[] getConfigChange() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.configChange != null ? this.configChange.clone() : null;
// KVStore
public byte[] get(byte[] key) {
return this.view.get(key);
public KVPair getAtLeast(byte[] minKey, byte[] maxKey) {
return this.view.getAtLeast(minKey, maxKey);
public KVPair getAtMost(byte[] maxKey, byte[] minKey) {
return this.view.getAtMost(maxKey, minKey);
public CloseableIterator getRange(byte[] minKey, byte[] maxKey, boolean reverse) {
return this.view.getRange(minKey, maxKey, reverse);
public void put(byte[] key, byte[] value) {
this.view.put(key, value);
public void remove(byte[] key) {
public void removeRange(byte[] minKey, byte[] maxKey) {
this.view.removeRange(minKey, maxKey);
public void adjustCounter(byte[] key, long amount) {
this.view.adjustCounter(key, amount);
public byte[] encodeCounter(long value) {
return this.view.encodeCounter(value);
public long decodeCounter(byte[] bytes) {
return this.view.decodeCounter(bytes);
private void fastVerifyExecuting() {
if (executing)
synchronized (this.raft) {
// KVTransaction
public RaftKVDatabase getKVDatabase() {
return this.raft;
* Set the commit timeout for this instance.
* {@link RaftKVTransaction}s do not block while the transaction is open; the configured value is used
* as a timeout for the {@link #commit} operation only. If {@link #commit} takes longer than {@code timeout}
* milliseconds, a {@link org.jsimpledb.kv.RetryTransactionException} is thrown.
* The default value for all transactions is configured by {@link RaftKVDatabase#setCommitTimeout}.
* @param timeout transaction commit timeout in milliseconds, or zero for unlimited
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code timeout} is negative
* @throws StaleTransactionException if this transaction is no longer open
public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(timeout >= 0, "timeout < 0");
synchronized (this.raft) {
if (timeout == this.timeout)
this.timeout = (int)Math.min(timeout, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Key watches are supported by {@link RaftKVTransaction}.
* Raft key watches are compatible with all {@link Consistency} levels, in that if a key watch fires due
* to a mutation to some key, then a subsequent transaction will see that mutation, no matter what
* {@link Consistency} level is configured for that transaction.
* Listeners registered on the returned {@link ListenableFuture} must not perform any long running
* or blocking operations.
* @param key {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @throws StaleTransactionException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws org.jsimpledb.kv.RetryTransactionException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws org.jsimpledb.kv.KVDatabaseException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
public ListenableFuture watchKey(byte[] key) {
return this.raft.watchKey(this, key);
public void commit() {
public void rollback() {
* {@inheritDoc}
* Mutable snapshots are supported by {@link RaftKVTransaction}.
* @return {@inheritDoc}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws StaleTransactionException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws org.jsimpledb.kv.RetryTransactionException {@inheritDoc}
public CloseableKVStore mutableSnapshot() {
final Writes writes;
synchronized (this.view) {
writes = this.view.getWrites().clone();
synchronized (this.raft) {
assert this.snapshotRefs != null;
final MutableView snapshotView = new MutableView(this.snapshotRefs.getKVStore(), null, writes);
return new CloseableForwardingKVStore(snapshotView, this.snapshotRefs.getUnrefCloseable());
// Package-access methods
SettableFuture getCommitFuture() {
return this.commitFuture;
int getTimeout() {
return this.timeout;
Timer getCommitTimer() {
return this.commitTimer;
void setCommitTimer(final Timer commitTimer) {
this.commitTimer = commitTimer;
KVTransactionException getFailure() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
return this.failure;
Timestamp getCommitLeaderLeaseTimeout() {
return this.commitLeaderLeaseTimeout;
void setFailure(final KVTransactionException failure) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
this.failure = failure;
boolean hasCommitInfo() {
assert (this.commitTerm == 0) == (this.commitIndex == 0);
return this.commitTerm != 0;
void setCommitInfo(long commitTerm, long commitIndex, Timestamp commitLeaderLeaseTimeout) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert !this.hasCommitInfo();
if (this.raft.log.isTraceEnabled()) {
this.raft.trace("setting commit to " + commitIndex + "t" + commitTerm
+ (commitLeaderLeaseTimeout != null ? "@" + commitLeaderLeaseTimeout : "") + " for " + this);
this.commitTerm = commitTerm;
this.commitIndex = commitIndex;
this.commitLeaderLeaseTimeout = commitLeaderLeaseTimeout;
if (this.rebasable && this.baseIndex >= this.commitIndex)
void rebase(long baseTerm, long baseIndex, KVStore kvstore, CloseableKVStore snapshot) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.view);
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert this.state.equals(TxState.EXECUTING);
assert this.snapshotRefs != null;
this.rebase(baseTerm, baseIndex);
this.snapshotRefs = new SnapshotRefs(snapshot);
void rebase(long baseTerm, long baseIndex) {
assert baseIndex > this.baseIndex;
this.setBase(baseTerm, baseIndex);
void setBase(long baseTerm, long baseIndex) {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert this.failure == null;
this.baseTerm = baseTerm;
this.baseIndex = baseIndex;
void verifyExecuting() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
if (!this.state.equals(TxState.EXECUTING))
throw this.failure != null ? this.failure.duplicate() : new StaleTransactionException(this);
boolean isCommittable() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
return this.committable;
void setCommittable() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert !this.committable;
this.committable = true;
boolean isRebasable() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
return this.rebasable;
void setNoLongerRebasable() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
assert this.rebasable == (this.view.getReads() != null);
if (this.rebasable) {
if (this.raft.log.isTraceEnabled())
this.raft.trace("stopping rebasing for " + this);
this.rebasable = false;
* Determine if committing this transaction will require appending a new log entry to the Raft log.
* @return true if this is not a read-only transaction and has either a config change or a key/value store mutation
boolean addsLogEntry() {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this.raft);
if (this.readOnly)
return false;
if (this.configChange != null)
return true;
synchronized (this.view) {
return !this.view.getWrites().isEmpty();
// Object
public String toString() {
synchronized (this.raft) {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ "[txId=" + this.txId
+ "," + this.state
+ ",base=" + this.baseIndex + "t" + this.baseTerm
+ (this.rebasable ? ",rebasable" : "")
+ "," + this.consistency
+ (this.addsLogEntry() ? ",mutating" : !this.readOnly ? ",non-mutating" : "")
+ (this.readOnly ? ",readOnly" : "")
+ (this.configChange != null ? ",config=" + (this.configChange[1] != null ?
"+" + this.configChange[0] + "@" + this.configChange[1] : "-" + this.configChange[0]) : "")
+ ((this.commitIndex | this.commitTerm) != 0 ? ",commit=" + this.commitIndex + "t" + this.commitTerm : "")
+ (this.committable ? ",committable" : "")
+ (this.timeout != 0 ? ",timeout=" + this.timeout : "")
+ (this.commitLeaderLeaseTimeout != null ? ",leaseTimeout=" + this.commitLeaderLeaseTimeout : "")
+ "]";
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
synchronized (this.raft) {
if (!TxState.CLOSED.equals(this.state)) {
this.log.warn(this + " leaked without commit() or rollback()");
} finally {
// Debug/Sanity Checking
void checkStateOpen(long currentTerm, long lastIndex, long raftCommitIndex) {
assert !this.commitFuture.isCancelled();
assert this.commitFuture.isDone() == this.state.compareTo(TxState.COMPLETED) >= 0;
if (this.state.compareTo(TxState.COMPLETED) < 0) {
assert this.baseTerm <= currentTerm;
assert this.commitIndex == 0 || this.commitIndex >= this.baseIndex;
assert this.commitTerm <= currentTerm;
assert !this.committable || this.commitTerm > 0 || this.commitIndex > 0 || this.consistency == Consistency.UNCOMMITTED;
assert this.commitLeaderLeaseTimeout == null || this.commitTerm > 0 || this.commitIndex > 0;
assert this.raft.role.checkRebasableAndCommittableUpToDate(this);
assert !this.rebasable || !this.committable;
assert !this.rebasable || this.baseIndex >= lastIndex;
assert !this.rebasable || this.consistency == Consistency.LINEARIZABLE;
assert !this.rebasable || this.commitIndex == 0 || this.commitIndex > raftCommitIndex;
assert !this.rebasable || this.commitIndex == 0 || !this.addsLogEntry();
assert this.rebasable == (this.view.getReads() != null);
switch (this.consistency) {
assert !this.committable || this.addsLogEntry() || this.baseIndex == this.commitIndex
|| this.state.compareTo(TxState.COMMIT_WAITING) >= 0;
assert !this.committable || !this.addsLogEntry() || this.baseIndex < this.commitIndex;
assert this.commitIndex == 0 || !this.addsLogEntry() || this.state.compareTo(TxState.COMMIT_WAITING) >= 0;
assert this.commitTerm == 0 || this.commitTerm >= this.baseTerm;
assert this.commitIndex == 0 || this.commitIndex >= this.baseIndex;
assert this.readOnly;
assert !this.rebasable;
assert this.configChange == null;
assert this.commitTerm == this.baseTerm;
assert this.commitIndex == this.baseIndex;
assert this.readOnly;
assert !this.rebasable;
assert this.configChange == null;
assert this.commitTerm == this.baseTerm;
assert this.commitIndex == this.baseIndex;
assert this.commitIndex <= raftCommitIndex;
assert this.committable;
assert this.readOnly;
assert !this.rebasable;
assert this.configChange == null;
assert this.commitTerm == 0;
assert this.commitIndex == 0;
assert this.committable;
assert raftCommitIndex >= this.commitIndex;
assert false;
assert this.readOnly || this.consistency.equals(Consistency.LINEARIZABLE);
assert !this.readOnly || this.configChange == null;
switch (this.state) {
assert this.snapshotRefs != null;
assert this.failure == null;
assert this.snapshotRefs == null;
assert this.failure == null;
assert this.commitTerm <= currentTerm;
if (this.consistency != Consistency.UNCOMMITTED) {
assert this.commitTerm >= this.baseTerm;
assert this.commitIndex >= this.baseIndex;
assert this.failure == null;
assert this.commitFuture.isDone();
assert this.commitTerm == 0 || this.commitTerm >= this.baseTerm;
assert this.commitIndex == 0 || this.commitIndex >= this.baseIndex;
assert this.commitTerm <= currentTerm;
assert this.failure == null;
case CLOSED:
assert false;