org.jsimpledb.kv.simple.SimpleKVDatabase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package org.jsimpledb.kv.simple;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVDatabase;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVPair;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVStore;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KeyRange;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.RetryTransactionException;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.StaleTransactionException;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.TransactionTimeoutException;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.AtomicKVStore;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.LockManager;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.mvcc.Mutations;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.util.KeyWatchTracker;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.util.NavigableMapKVStore;
import org.jsimpledb.util.ByteUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Simple implementation of the {@link KVDatabase} interface that provides a concurrent, transactional view
* of an underlying {@link KVStore} with strong ACID semantics (Durability must be provided by the {@link KVStore}).
* The ACID semantics, as well as {@linkplain #getWaitTimeout wait timeouts} and {@linkplain #getHoldTimeout hold timeouts},
* are provided by the {@link LockManager} class. If the wait timeout is exceeded, a {@link RetryTransactionException}
* is thrown. If the hold timeout is exceeded, a {@link TransactionTimeoutException} is thrown.
* Instances wrap an underlying {@link KVStore} which provides persistence and from which committed data is read and written.
* During a transaction, all mutations are recorded internally; if/when the transaction is committed, those mutations are
* applied to the underlying {@link KVStore} all at once, and this operation is bracketed by calls to
* {@link #preCommit preCommit()} and {@link #postCommit postCommit()}. If the underlying {@link KVStore}
* is a {@link AtomicKVStore}, then {@link AtomicKVStore#mutate AtomicKVStore.mutate()} is used.
* {@linkplain SimpleKVTransaction#watchKey Key watches} are supported.
* @see LockManager
public class SimpleKVDatabase implements KVDatabase {
* Default {@linkplain #getWaitTimeout wait timeout} for newly created transactions in milliseconds
public static final long DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 500;
* Default {@linkplain #getHoldTimeout hold timeout} in milliseconds ({@value DEFAULT_HOLD_TIMEOUT}).
public static final long DEFAULT_HOLD_TIMEOUT = 5000;
* The {@link KVStore} for the committed data.
protected final KVStore kv;
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private final LockManager lockManager = new LockManager(this);
private final KeyWatchTracker keyWatchTracker = new KeyWatchTracker();
private long waitTimeout;
* Constructor. Uses an internal in-memory {@link NavigableMapKVStore} and the default wait and hold timeouts.
public SimpleKVDatabase() {
this(new NavigableMapKVStore());
* Constructor taking caller-supplied storage. Will use the default wait and hold timeouts.
* @param kv {@link KVStore} for the committed data, or null for an in-memory {@link KVStore}
public SimpleKVDatabase(KVStore kv) {
* Constructor taking timeout settings. Uses an internal in-memory {@link KVStore}.
* @param waitTimeout how long a thread will wait for a lock before throwing {@link RetryTransactionException}
* in milliseconds, or zero for unlimited
* @param holdTimeout how long a thread may hold a contestested lock before throwing {@link RetryTransactionException}
* in milliseconds, or zero for unlimited
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code waitTimeout} or {@code holdTimeout} is negative
public SimpleKVDatabase(long waitTimeout, long holdTimeout) {
this(null, waitTimeout, holdTimeout);
* Primary constructor.
* @param kv {@link KVStore} for the committed data, or null for an in-memory {@link NavigableMapKVStore}
* @param waitTimeout how long a thread will wait for a lock before throwing {@link RetryTransactionException}
* in milliseconds, or zero for unlimited
* @param holdTimeout how long a thread may hold a contestested lock before throwing {@link RetryTransactionException}
* in milliseconds, or zero for unlimited
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code waitTimeout} or {@code holdTimeout} is negative
public SimpleKVDatabase(KVStore kv, long waitTimeout, long holdTimeout) {
this.kv = kv != null ? kv : new NavigableMapKVStore();
* Get the wait timeout for newly created transactions.
* The wait timeout limits how long a thread will wait for a contested lock before giving up and throwing
* {@link RetryTransactionException}.
* @return wait timeout in milliseconds
public synchronized long getWaitTimeout() {
return this.waitTimeout;
* Set the wait timeout for newly created transactions. Default is {@link #DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT}.
* @param waitTimeout how long a thread will wait for a lock before throwing {@link RetryTransactionException}
* in milliseconds (default), or zero for unlimited
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code waitTimeout} is negative
public synchronized void setWaitTimeout(long waitTimeout) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(waitTimeout >= 0, "waitTimeout < 0");
this.waitTimeout = waitTimeout;
* Get the hold timeout configured for this instance.
* The hold timeout limits how long a thread may hold on to a contested lock before being forced to release
* all of its locks; after that, the next attempted operation will fail with {@link RetryTransactionException}.
* @return hold timeout in milliseconds
public long getHoldTimeout() {
return this.lockManager.getHoldTimeout();
* Set the hold timeout for this instance. Default is {@link #DEFAULT_HOLD_TIMEOUT}.
* @param holdTimeout how long a thread may hold a contestested lock before throwing {@link RetryTransactionException}
* in milliseconds, or zero for unlimited
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code holdTimeout} is negative
public void setHoldTimeout(long holdTimeout) {
// KVDatabase
public void start() {
public void stop() {
this.keyWatchTracker.failAll(new Exception("database stopped"));
public SimpleKVTransaction createTransaction(Map options) {
return this.createTransaction(); // no options supported yet
public synchronized SimpleKVTransaction createTransaction() {
return new SimpleKVTransaction(this, this.waitTimeout);
// Key Watches
synchronized ListenableFuture watchKey(byte[] key) {
return this.keyWatchTracker.register(key);
// Subclass hooks
* Invoked during transaction commit just prior to writing changes to the underlying {@link KVStore}.
* {@link SimpleKVDatabase} guarantees this method and {@link #postCommit postCommit()} will be invoked in matching pairs,
* and that this instance will be locked when these methods are invoked.
* The implementation in {@link SimpleKVDatabase} does nothing.
* @param tx the transaction about to be committed
* @throws RetryTransactionException if this transaction must be retried and is no longer usable
protected void preCommit(SimpleKVTransaction tx) {
* Invoked during transaction commit just after writing changes to the underlying {@link KVStore}.
* {@link SimpleKVDatabase} guarantees this method and {@link #preCommit preCommit()} will be invoked in matching pairs,
* and that this instance will be locked when these methods are invoked.
* This method is invoked even if the underlying {@link KVStore} throws an exception while changes were being written to it.
* In that case, {@code successful} will be false.
* The implementation in {@link SimpleKVDatabase} does nothing.
* @param tx the transaction that was committed
* @param successful true if all changes were written back successfully,
* false if the underlying {@link KVStore} threw an exception during commit update
protected void postCommit(SimpleKVTransaction tx, boolean successful) {
* Apply mutations to the underlying {@link KVStore}.
void applyMutations(final Iterable mutations) {
if (this.kv instanceof AtomicKVStore) {
((AtomicKVStore)this.kv).mutate(new Mutations() {
public Iterable getRemoveRanges() {
return Iterables.filter(mutations, Del.class);
public Iterable> getPutPairs() {
return Iterables.transform(Iterables.filter(mutations, Put.class),
new Function>() {
public Map.Entry apply(Put put) {
return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry(put.getKey(), put.getValue());
public Iterable> getAdjustPairs() {
return Collections.>emptySet();
}, true);
} else {
for (Mutation mutation : mutations)
* Verify that the given transaction is still usable.
* This method is invoked at the start of the {@link KVStore} data access and {@link SimpleKVTransaction#commit commit()}
* methods of the {@link SimpleKVTransaction} associated with this instance. This allows for any checks which depend on
* a consistent view of the transaction and database together. This instance's lock will be held when this method is invoked.
* Note: transaction state is also protected by this instance's lock.
* The implementation in {@link SimpleKVDatabase} does nothing.
* @param tx the transaction being accessed
* @throws StaleTransactionException if this instance is no longer usable
* @throws RetryTransactionException if this transaction should be retried
* @throws TransactionTimeoutException if the transaction has timed out
protected void checkState(SimpleKVTransaction tx) {
private void checkUsable(SimpleKVTransaction tx) {
if (tx.stale)
throw new StaleTransactionException(tx);
if (this.lockManager.checkHoldTimeout(tx.lockOwner) == -1) {
throw new TransactionTimeoutException(tx,
"transaction taking too long: hold timeout of " + this.lockManager.getHoldTimeout() + "ms has expired");
// SimpleKVTransaction hooks
synchronized byte[] get(SimpleKVTransaction tx, byte[] key) {
// Sanity check
Preconditions.checkArgument(key.length == 0 || key[0] != (byte)0xff, "key starts with 0xff");
// Check transaction mutations
final Mutation mutation = tx.findMutation(key);
if (mutation != null)
return mutation instanceof Put ? ((Put)mutation).getValue() : null;
// Read from underlying store
this.getLock(tx, key, ByteUtil.getNextKey(key), false);
return this.kv.get(key);
synchronized KVPair getAtLeast(SimpleKVTransaction tx, byte[] minKey) {
// Realize minKey
if (minKey == null)
minKey = ByteUtil.EMPTY;
// Sanity check
// Save original min key for locking purposes
final byte[] originalMinKey = minKey;
// Look for a mutation starting before minKey but containing it
if (minKey.length > 0) {
final Mutation overlap = tx.findMutation(minKey);
if (overlap != null) {
if (overlap instanceof Put) {
final Put put = (Put)overlap;
assert Arrays.equals(put.getKey(), minKey);
return new KVPair(put.getKey(), put.getValue());
assert overlap instanceof Del;
final byte[] max = overlap.getMax();
if (max == null)
return null;
minKey = max;
// Get read lock
this.getLock(tx, originalMinKey, null, false);
// Find whichever is first: a transaction Put, or an underlying store entry not covered by a transaction Delete
SortedSet mutations = tx.mutations;
while (true) {
// Get the next mutation and kvstore entry >= minKey (if they exist)
if (minKey != null)
mutations = mutations.tailSet(Mutation.key(minKey));
final Mutation mutation = !mutations.isEmpty() ? mutations.first() : null;
final KVPair entry = this.kv.getAtLeast(minKey);
// Handle the case where neither is found
if (mutation == null && entry == null)
return null;
// Check for whether mutation or kvstore wins (i.e., which is first)
if (mutation != null && (entry == null || mutation.compareTo(entry.getKey()) <= 0)) {
if (mutation instanceof Del) {
if ((minKey = mutation.getMax()) == null)
return null;
final Put put = (Put)mutation;
return new KVPair(put.getKey(), put.getValue());
} else
return entry;
synchronized KVPair getAtMost(SimpleKVTransaction tx, byte[] maxKey) {
// Sanity check
// Get read lock
this.getLock(tx, ByteUtil.EMPTY, maxKey, false);
// Find whichever is first: a transaction addition, or an underlying store entry not covered by a transaction deletion
SortedSet mutations = tx.mutations;
while (true) {
// Get the next mutation and kvstore entry < maxKey (if they exist)
if (maxKey != null)
mutations = mutations.headSet(Mutation.key(maxKey));
final Mutation mutation = !mutations.isEmpty() ? mutations.last() : null;
final KVPair entry = this.kv.getAtMost(maxKey);
// Handle the case where neither is found
if (mutation == null && entry == null)
return null;
// Check for whether mutation or kvstore wins (i.e., which is first)
if (mutation != null && (entry == null || mutation.compareTo(entry.getKey()) >= 0)) {
if (mutation instanceof Del) {
if ((maxKey = mutation.getMin()) == null)
return null;
final Put put = (Put)mutation;
return new KVPair(put.getKey(), put.getValue());
} else
return entry;
synchronized void put(SimpleKVTransaction tx, byte[] key, byte[] value) {
// Sanity check
if (value == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
Preconditions.checkArgument(key.length == 0 || key[0] != (byte)0xff, "key starts with 0xff");
final byte[] keyNext = ByteUtil.getNextKey(key);
// Check transaction mutations
final Mutation mutation = tx.findMutation(key);
if (mutation instanceof Put) {
assert Arrays.equals(((Put)mutation).getKey(), key);
// Replace Put with new Put
tx.mutations.add(new Put(key, value));
} else if (mutation instanceof Del) {
// Split [Del] -> [Del*, Put, Del*] *if needed
final Del del = (Del)mutation;
final byte[] delMin = del.getMin();
final byte[] delMax = del.getMax();
if (KeyRange.compare(delMin, key) < 0)
tx.mutations.add(new Del(delMin, key));
if (KeyRange.compare(keyNext, delMax) < 0)
tx.mutations.add(new Del(keyNext, delMax));
tx.mutations.add(new Put(key, value));
} else {
// Add write lock and new tx mutation
this.getLock(tx, key, keyNext, true);
tx.mutations.add(new Put(key, value));
synchronized void remove(SimpleKVTransaction tx, byte[] key) {
// Sanity check
Preconditions.checkArgument(key.length == 0 || key[0] != (byte)0xff, "key starts with 0xff");
final byte[] keyNext = ByteUtil.getNextKey(key);
// Check transaction mutations
final Mutation mutation = tx.findMutation(key);
if (mutation instanceof Put) {
assert Arrays.equals(((Put)mutation).getKey(), key);
// Replace Put with Del
tx.mutations.add(new Del(key));
} else if (mutation == null) {
// Add write lock and new tx mutation
this.getLock(tx, key, keyNext, true);
tx.mutations.add(new Del(key));
synchronized void removeRange(SimpleKVTransaction tx, byte[] minKey, byte[] maxKey) {
// Realize minKey
if (minKey == null)
minKey = ByteUtil.EMPTY;
// Sanity check
int diff = KeyRange.compare(minKey, maxKey);
Preconditions.checkArgument(diff <= 0, "minKey > maxKey");
if (diff == 0) // range is empty
final byte[] originalMinKey = minKey;
final byte[] originalMaxKey = maxKey;
// Deal with partial overlap at the left end of the range
if (minKey.length > 0) {
final Mutation leftMutation = tx.findMutation(minKey);
if (leftMutation instanceof Put) {
assert Arrays.equals(((Put)leftMutation).getKey(), minKey);
tx.mutations.remove(leftMutation); // overwritten by this change
} else if (leftMutation instanceof Del) {
final Del del = (Del)leftMutation;
tx.mutations.remove(del); // will merge into this change
minKey = del.getMin(); // guaranteed to be <= minKey
if (KeyRange.compare(del.getMax(), maxKey) > 0) // get higher of the two maxKeys
maxKey = del.getMax();
// Deal with partial overlap at the right end of the range
if (maxKey != null) {
Mutation rightMutation = null;
try {
rightMutation = minKey != null ?
tx.mutations.subSet(Mutation.key(minKey), Mutation.key(maxKey)).last() :
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
// ignore
if (rightMutation instanceof Put)
tx.mutations.remove(rightMutation); // overwritten by this change
else if (rightMutation instanceof Del) {
final Del del = (Del)rightMutation;
tx.mutations.remove(del); // will merge into this change
if (KeyRange.compare(del.getMax(), maxKey) > 0) // get higher of the two maxKeys
maxKey = del.getMax();
// Remove all mutations in the middle
if (originalMinKey == null && originalMaxKey == null)
else if (originalMinKey == null)
else if (originalMaxKey == null)
tx.mutations.subSet(Mutation.key(originalMinKey), Mutation.key(originalMaxKey)).clear();
// Add write lock and new tx mutation
this.getLock(tx, minKey, maxKey, true);
tx.mutations.add(new Del(minKey, maxKey));
synchronized void commit(SimpleKVTransaction tx) {
// Prevent use after commit() or rollback() invoked
if (tx.stale)
throw new StaleTransactionException(tx);
tx.stale = true;
// Sanity check locking here before releasing locks
boolean allMutationsWereLocked = true;
boolean assertionsEnabled = false;
assert assertionsEnabled = true;
if (assertionsEnabled) {
for (Mutation mutation : tx.mutations) {
if (!this.lockManager.isLocked(tx.lockOwner, mutation.getMin(), mutation.getMax(), true)) {
allMutationsWereLocked = false;
// Release all locks
if (!this.lockManager.release(tx.lockOwner)) {
throw new TransactionTimeoutException(tx,
"transaction taking too long: hold timeout of " + this.lockManager.getHoldTimeout() + "ms has expired");
assert allMutationsWereLocked;
// Check subclass state
// If there are no mutations, there's no need to write anything
if (tx.mutations.isEmpty())
// Commit mutations
boolean successful = false;
try {
// Apply mutations
successful = true;
// Trigger key watches
if (this.keyWatchTracker.getNumKeysWatched() > 0) {
for (Mutation mutation : tx.mutations)
} finally {
this.postCommit(tx, successful);
synchronized void rollback(SimpleKVTransaction tx) {
// Prevent use after commit() or rollback() invoked
if (tx.stale)
tx.stale = true;
// Release all locks
// Internal methods
private /*synchronized*/ void getLock(SimpleKVTransaction tx, byte[] minKey, byte[] maxKey, boolean write) {
// Attempt to get the lock
LockManager.LockResult lockResult;
try {
lockResult = this.lockManager.lock(tx.lockOwner, minKey, maxKey, write, tx.waitTimeout);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RetryTransactionException(tx, "transaction interrupted while waiting to acquire lock", e);
// Check result
switch (lockResult) {
throw new RetryTransactionException(tx, "could not acquire lock after " + tx.waitTimeout + "ms");
throw new TransactionTimeoutException(tx,
"transaction taking too long: hold timeout of " + this.lockManager.getHoldTimeout() + "ms has expired");
throw new RuntimeException("internal error");