org.jsimpledb.kv.util.AbstractKVNavigableMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package org.jsimpledb.kv.util;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVPair;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KVStore;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KeyFilter;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KeyFilterUtil;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.KeyRange;
import org.jsimpledb.util.AbstractIterationSet;
import org.jsimpledb.util.AbstractNavigableMap;
import org.jsimpledb.util.Bounds;
import org.jsimpledb.util.ByteReader;
import org.jsimpledb.util.ByteUtil;
import org.jsimpledb.util.ByteWriter;
* {@link java.util.NavigableMap} support superclass for maps backed by keys and values encoded as {@code byte[]}
* arrays in a {@link KVStore}, and whose key sort order is consistent with the {@code byte[]} key encoding.
* There must be an equivalence between map keys and {@code byte[]} key encodings (i.e., there must be
* only one valid encoding per map key).
* Subclass Methods
* Subclasses must implement the {@linkplain #encodeKey encodeKey()}, {@linkplain #decodeKey decodeKey()},
* and {@linkplain #decodeValue decodeValue()} methods to convert keys and value to/from {@link KVStore} keys and values,
* and {@link #createSubMap(boolean, KeyRange, KeyFilter, Bounds) createSubMap()}
* to allow creating reversed and restricted range sub-maps.
* Subclasses must also implement {@link #comparator comparator()}, and the resulting sort order must be consistent with
* the sort order of the encoded {@code byte[]} keys (possibly {@link #reversed}).
* This class provides a read-only implementation; for a mutable implementation, subclasses should also implement
* {@link #put put()}, {@link #remove remove()}, and {@link #clear}; note, these methods must verify the key
* {@link #isVisible isVisible()} before making any changes.
* Additional subclass notes:
* - {@link #navigableKeySet} returns a {@link Set} for which:
* - The {@link Set#add add()} method is not supported.
* - The {@link Set#remove remove()} method and the {@link Iterator#remove remove()} method of the
* associated {@link Iterator} delegate to this instance's {@link #remove remove()} method.
* - The {@link Set#clear clear()} method delegates to this instance's {@link #clear} method.
* - {@link #entrySet} returns a {@link Set} for which:
* - The {@link Set#add add()} method is not supported.
* - The {@link Set#remove remove()} method and the {@link Iterator#remove remove()} method of the
* associated {@link Iterator} delegate to this instance's {@link #remove remove()} method (but
* only when the {@link java.util.Map.Entry} is still contained in the map).
- The {@link java.util.Map.Entry} elements' {@link java.util.Map.Entry#setValue setValue()} method delegates to
* this instance's {@link #put put()} method (but only when the {@link java.util.Map.Entry} is still contained in the map).
- The {@link Set#clear clear()} method delegates to this instance's {@link #clear} method.
* Prefix Mode
* Instances support "prefix mode" where the {@code byte[]} keys may have arbitrary trailing garbage, which is ignored,
* and so by definition no key can be a prefix of any other key. The length of the prefix is determined implicitly by the
* number of bytes produced by {@link #encodeKey encodeKey()} or consumed by {@link #decodeKey decodeKey()}.
* When not in prefix mode, {@link #decodeKey decodeKey()} must consume the entire key to preserve correct semantics.
Key Restrictions
* Instances are configured with an (optional) {@link KeyRange}; when {@linkplain #bounds range restriction} is in
* effect, this key range corresponds to the bounds.
* Instances also support filtering visible keys using a {@link KeyFilter}; see {@link #filterKeys filterKeys()}.
* To be {@linkplain #isVisible} in the map, keys must both be in the {@link KeyRange} and pass the {@link KeyFilter}.
Concurrent Modifications
* This implementation never throws {@link java.util.ConcurrentModificationException}; instead, iterators always
* see the most up-to-date state of the associated {@link KVStore}.
* @see AbstractKVNavigableSet
* @param key type
* @param value type
public abstract class AbstractKVNavigableMap extends AbstractNavigableMap {
* The underlying {@link KVStore}.
protected final KVStore kv;
* Whether we are in "prefix" mode.
protected final boolean prefixMode;
* Whether the ordering of this instance is reversed.
protected final boolean reversed;
* Key range, or null for the entire range.
protected final KeyRange keyRange;
* Key filter, or null if all keys in the range should be visible.
protected final KeyFilter keyFilter;
// Constructors
* Convenience constructor for when there are no range restrictions.
* @param kv underlying {@link KVStore}
* @param prefixMode whether to allow keys to have trailing garbage
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code kv} is null
protected AbstractKVNavigableMap(KVStore kv, boolean prefixMode) {
this(kv, prefixMode, (KeyRange)null);
* Convenience constructor for when the range of visible {@link KVStore} keys is all keys sharing a given {@code byte[]} prefix.
* @param kv underlying {@link KVStore}
* @param prefixMode whether to allow keys to have trailing garbage
* @param prefix prefix defining minimum and maximum keys
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code kv} is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code prefix} is null or empty
protected AbstractKVNavigableMap(KVStore kv, boolean prefixMode, byte[] prefix) {
this(kv, prefixMode, KeyRange.forPrefix(prefix));
* Primary constructor.
* @param kv underlying {@link KVStore}
* @param prefixMode whether to allow keys to have trailing garbage
* @param keyRange key range restriction, or null for none
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code kv} is null
protected AbstractKVNavigableMap(KVStore kv, boolean prefixMode, KeyRange keyRange) {
this(kv, prefixMode, false, keyRange, null, new Bounds());
* Internal constructor. Used for creating sub-maps and reversed views.
* Note: if {@code bounds} are set, then {@code keyRange} must exclude all keys outside of those bounds.
* @param kv underlying {@link KVStore}
* @param prefixMode whether to allow keys to have trailing garbage
* @param reversed whether ordering is reversed (implies {@code bounds} are also inverted, but not {@code keyRange})
* @param keyRange key range restriction, or null for none
* @param keyFilter key filter, or null for none
* @param bounds range restriction
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code kv} or {@code bounds} is null
protected AbstractKVNavigableMap(KVStore kv, boolean prefixMode, boolean reversed,
KeyRange keyRange, KeyFilter keyFilter, Bounds bounds) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(kv != null, "null kv");
this.kv = kv;
this.prefixMode = prefixMode;
this.reversed = reversed;
this.keyRange = keyRange;
this.keyFilter = keyFilter;
public V get(Object obj) {
// Encode key and check visibility
final byte[] key = this.encodeVisibleKey(obj, false);
if (key == null)
return null;
// Find key, or some longer key with the same prefix in prefix mode
final KVPair pair;
if (this.prefixMode) {
pair = this.kv.getAtLeast(key);
if (pair == null || !ByteUtil.isPrefixOf(key, pair.getKey()))
return null;
} else {
final byte[] value = this.kv.get(key);
if (value == null)
return null;
pair = new KVPair(key, value);
// Decode value
return this.decodeValue(pair);
public Set> entrySet() {
return this.new EntrySet();
public NavigableSet navigableKeySet() {
return new KeySet();
* Create a view of this instance with additional filtering applied to the underlying {@code byte[]} keys.
* Any map entry for which the corresponding key does not pass {@code keyFilter} will be effectively hidden from view.
* The restrictions of the given {@link KeyFilter} will be added to any current {@link KeyFilter} restrictions on this instance.
* The {@link #bounds} associated with this instance will not change.
* @param keyFilter additional key filtering to apply
* @return filtered view of this instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code keyFilter} is null
public NavigableMap filterKeys(KeyFilter keyFilter) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(keyFilter != null, "null keyFilter");
if (this.keyFilter != null)
keyFilter = KeyFilterUtil.intersection(keyFilter, this.keyFilter);
return this.createSubMap(this.reversed, this.keyRange, keyFilter, this.bounds);
protected boolean isWithinLowerBound(K key) {
if (!super.isWithinLowerBound(key))
return false;
if (this.keyRange == null)
return true;
final ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter();
this.encodeKey(writer, key);
return KeyRange.compare(writer.getBytes(), this.keyRange.getMin()) >= 0;
protected boolean isWithinUpperBound(K key) {
if (!super.isWithinUpperBound(key))
return false;
if (this.keyRange == null)
return true;
final ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter();
this.encodeKey(writer, key);
return KeyRange.compare(writer.getBytes(), this.keyRange.getMax()) < 0;
protected final NavigableMap createSubMap(boolean reverse, Bounds newBounds) {
// Determine the direction of the new sub-map
final boolean newReversed = this.reversed ^ reverse;
// Determine new min and max keys
final KeyRange newKeyRange = this.buildKeyRange(newReversed ? newBounds.reverse() : newBounds);
// Create submap
return this.createSubMap(newReversed, newKeyRange, this.keyFilter, newBounds);
* Create a (possibly reversed) view of this instance with (possibly) tighter lower and/or upper bounds and
* the given {@link KeyFilter}, if any.
* The bounds are consistent with the reversed ordering (i.e., reversed if {@code reverse} is true)
* and have already been range-checked against this instance's bounds.
* @param newReversed whether the new map's ordering should be reversed (implies {@code newBounds} are also inverted,
* but not {@code keyRange}); note: means "absolutely" reversed, not relative to this instance
* @param newKeyRange new key range, or null for none; will be consistent with {@code bounds}, if any
* @param newKeyFilter new key filter, or null for none
* @param newBounds new bounds
* @return restricted and/or filtered view of this instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code newBounds} is null
protected abstract NavigableMap createSubMap(boolean newReversed,
KeyRange newKeyRange, KeyFilter newKeyFilter, Bounds newBounds);
* Encode the given key object into a {@code byte[]} key.
* Note that this method must throw {@link IllegalArgumentException}, not {@link ClassCastException}
* or {@code NullPointerException}, if {@code obj} does not have the correct type or is an illegal null value.
* @param writer output for encoded {@code byte[]} key corresponding to {@code obj}
* @param obj map key object
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code obj} is not of the required Java type supported by this set
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code obj} is null and this set does not support null elements
protected abstract void encodeKey(ByteWriter writer, Object obj);
* Decode a key object from an encoded {@code byte[]} key.
* If not in prefix mode, all of {@code reader} must be consumed; otherwise, the consumed portion
* is the prefix and any following keys with the same prefix are ignored.
* @param reader input for encoded bytes
* @return decoded map key
protected abstract K decodeKey(ByteReader reader);
* Decode a value object from an encoded {@code byte[]} key/value pair.
* @param pair key/value pair
* @return decoded map value
protected abstract V decodeValue(KVPair pair);
* Determine if the given {@code byte[]} key is visible in this map according to the configured
* {@link KeyRange} and/or {@link KeyFilter}, if any.
* @param key key to test
* @return true if key is visible
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is null
* @see #filterKeys filterKeys()
protected boolean isVisible(byte[] key) {
return (this.keyRange == null || this.keyRange.contains(key))
&& (this.keyFilter == null || this.keyFilter.contains(key));
* Encode the given key object, if possible, and verify the corresponding {@code byte[]} key is visible,
* otherwise return null or throw an exception.
* Delegates to {@link #encodeKey(ByteWriter, Object)} to attempt the actual encoding.
* @param obj key object to encode, possibly null
* @param fail whether, if {@code obj} can't be encoded, to throw an exception (true) or return null (false)
* @return encoed key for {@code obj}, or null if {@code fail} is false and {@code obj} has the wrong type or is out of bounds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code fail} is true and {@code obj} has the wrong type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code fail} is true and the resulting key is not {@linkplain #isVisible visible}
protected byte[] encodeVisibleKey(Object obj, boolean fail) {
final ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter();
try {
this.encodeKey(writer, obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (!fail)
return null;
throw e;
final byte[] key = writer.getBytes();
if (this.keyRange != null && !this.keyRange.contains(key)) {
if (fail)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key is out of bounds: " + obj);
return null;
if (this.keyFilter != null && !this.keyFilter.contains(key)) {
if (fail)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("key is filtered out: " + obj);
return null;
return key;
* Derive a new {@link KeyRange} from (possibly) new element bounds. The given bounds must not ever be reversed.
private KeyRange buildKeyRange(Bounds bounds) {
final byte[] minKey = this.keyRange != null ? this.keyRange.getMin() : null;
final byte[] maxKey = this.keyRange != null ? this.keyRange.getMax() : null;
byte[] newMinKey;
byte[] newMaxKey;
switch (bounds.getLowerBoundType()) {
case NONE:
newMinKey = minKey;
final ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter();
this.encodeKey(writer, bounds.getLowerBound());
newMinKey = writer.getBytes();
if (!bounds.getLowerBoundType().isInclusive())
newMinKey = this.prefixMode ? ByteUtil.getKeyAfterPrefix(newMinKey) : ByteUtil.getNextKey(newMinKey);
if (minKey != null)
newMinKey = ByteUtil.max(newMinKey, minKey);
if (maxKey != null)
newMinKey = ByteUtil.min(newMinKey, maxKey);
switch (bounds.getUpperBoundType()) {
case NONE:
newMaxKey = maxKey;
final ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter();
this.encodeKey(writer, bounds.getUpperBound());
newMaxKey = writer.getBytes();
if (bounds.getUpperBoundType().isInclusive())
newMaxKey = this.prefixMode ? ByteUtil.getKeyAfterPrefix(newMaxKey) : ByteUtil.getNextKey(newMaxKey);
if (maxKey != null)
newMaxKey = ByteUtil.min(newMaxKey, maxKey);
if (minKey != null)
newMaxKey = ByteUtil.max(newMaxKey, minKey);
return new KeyRange(newMinKey != null ? newMinKey : ByteUtil.EMPTY, newMaxKey);
// KeySet
private class KeySet extends AbstractKVNavigableSet {
KeySet() {
super(AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.kv, AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.prefixMode, AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.reversed,
AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.keyRange, AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.keyFilter, AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.bounds);
public Comparator super K> comparator() {
return AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.comparator();
public boolean remove(Object obj) {
final boolean existed = AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.containsKey(obj);
return existed;
public void clear() {
protected void encode(ByteWriter writer, Object obj) {
AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.encodeKey(writer, obj);
protected K decode(ByteReader reader) {
return AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.decodeKey(reader);
protected NavigableSet createSubSet(boolean newReversed,
KeyRange newKeyRange, KeyFilter newKeyFilter, Bounds newBounds) {
return AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.createSubMap(newReversed, newKeyRange, newKeyFilter, newBounds).navigableKeySet();
// EntrySet
private class EntrySet extends AbstractIterationSet> {
public Iterator> iterator() {
return new AbstractKVIterator>(AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.kv, AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.prefixMode,
AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.reversed, AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.keyRange, AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.keyFilter) {
protected Map.Entry decodePair(KVPair pair, ByteReader keyReader) {
final K key = AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.decodeKey(keyReader);
final V value = AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.decodeValue(pair);
return new MapEntry(key, value);
protected void doRemove(Map.Entry entry, KVPair pair) {
public boolean contains(Object obj) {
// Check type
if (!(obj instanceof Map.Entry))
return false;
final Map.Entry, ?> entry = (Map.Entry, ?>)obj;
// Find key
if (!AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
return false;
// Compare key/value pair
final K key = (K)entry.getKey();
final V value = AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.get(entry.getKey());
return new MapEntry(key, value).equals(entry);
public boolean remove(Object obj) {
// Check type
if (!(obj instanceof Map.Entry))
return false;
final Map.Entry, ?> entry = (Map.Entry, ?>)obj;
// Find key
if (!AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.containsKey(entry.getKey()))
return false;
// Compare key/value pair and remove entry (if contained)
final K key = (K)entry.getKey();
final V value = AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.get(entry.getKey());
if (new MapEntry(key, value).equals(entry)) {
return true;
// Not found
return false;
public void clear() {
// MapEntry
private class MapEntry extends AbstractMap.SimpleEntry {
MapEntry(K key, V value) {
super(key, value);
public V setValue(V value) {
AbstractKVNavigableMap.this.put(this.getKey(), value);
return super.setValue(value);