org.jsimpledb.kv.KeyRanges Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 Archie L. Cobbs. All rights reserved.
package org.jsimpledb.kv;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.common.collect.UnmodifiableIterator;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.jsimpledb.kv.util.KeyListEncoder;
import org.jsimpledb.util.ByteUtil;
import org.jsimpledb.util.SizeEstimating;
import org.jsimpledb.util.SizeEstimator;
import org.jsimpledb.util.UnsignedIntEncoder;
* A fixed set of {@link KeyRange} instances that can be treated as a unified whole, in particular as a {@link KeyFilter}.
* Instances are not thread safe.
* @see KeyRange
public class KeyRanges implements Iterable, KeyFilter, SizeEstimating, Cloneable {
private /*final*/ TreeSet ranges;
private transient KeyRange lastContainingKeyRange; // used for optimization
// Constructors
* Constructor.
* Creates an instance that contains all keys contained by any of the {@link KeyRange}s in {@code ranges}.
* The given {@code ranges} may be empty, adjacent, overlap, and/or be listed in any order; this constructor
* will normalize them.
* @param ranges individual key ranges
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ranges} or any {@link KeyRange} therein is null
public KeyRanges(Iterable extends KeyRange> ranges) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(ranges != null, "null ranges");
this.ranges = new TreeSet<>(KeyRange.SORT_BY_MIN);
for (KeyRange range : ranges) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(range != null, "null range");
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Constructor.
* Creates an instance that contains all keys contained by any of the {@link KeyRange}s in {@code ranges}.
* The given {@code ranges} may be empty, adjacent, overlap, and/or be listed in any order; this constructor
* will normalize them.
* @param ranges individual key ranges
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ranges} or any {@link KeyRange} therein is null
public KeyRanges(KeyRange... ranges) {
* Copy constructor.
* @param ranges value to copy
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ranges} is null
public KeyRanges(KeyRanges ranges) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(ranges != null, "null ranges");
this.ranges = (TreeSet)ranges.ranges.clone();
this.lastContainingKeyRange = ranges.lastContainingKeyRange;
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Constructor for an instance containing a single range.
* @param range single range
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code range} is null
public KeyRanges(KeyRange range) {
this.ranges = new TreeSet<>(KeyRange.SORT_BY_MIN);
if (!range.isEmpty())
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Constructor for an instance containing a single range containing a single key.
* @param key key in range; must not be null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is null
public KeyRanges(byte[] key) {
this.ranges = new TreeSet<>(KeyRange.SORT_BY_MIN);
this.ranges.add(new KeyRange(key));
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Constructor for an instance containing a single range.
* @param min minimum key (inclusive); must not be null
* @param max maximum key (exclusive), or null for no maximum
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code min > max}
public KeyRanges(byte[] min, byte[] max) {
this(new KeyRange(min, max));
* Constructor to deserialize an instance created by {@link #serialize serialize()}.
* @param input input stream containing data from {@link #serialize serialize()}
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
* @throws java.io.EOFException if the input ends unexpectedly
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code input} is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code input} is invalid
public KeyRanges(InputStream input) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(input != null, "null input");
this.ranges = new TreeSet<>(KeyRange.SORT_BY_MIN);
final int count = UnsignedIntEncoder.read(input);
byte[] prev = null;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final byte[] min = KeyListEncoder.read(input, prev);
final byte[] max = KeyListEncoder.read(input, min);
Preconditions.checkArgument(prev == null || ByteUtil.compare(min, prev) > 0, "invalid input");
ranges.add(new KeyRange(min, Arrays.equals(min, max) ? null : max)); // map final [min, min) to [min, null]
prev = max;
assert this.checkMinimal();
private KeyRanges(TreeSet ranges) {
assert ranges != null;
this.ranges = ranges;
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Construct an instance containing a single range corresponding to all keys with the given prefix.
* @param prefix prefix of all keys in the range
* @return instance containing all keys prefixed by {@code prefix}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code prefix} is null
public static KeyRanges forPrefix(byte[] prefix) {
return new KeyRanges(KeyRange.forPrefix(prefix));
* Create an empty instance containing zero ranges.
public static KeyRanges empty() {
return new KeyRanges();
* Create a "full" instance containing a single {@link KeyRange} that contains all keys.
public static KeyRanges full() {
return new KeyRanges(KeyRange.FULL);
// Instance methods
* Get the {@link KeyRange}s underlying with this instance as a list.
* The returned {@link KeyRange}s will be listed in order. Modifications to the returned list do not affect this instance.
* @return minimal list of {@link KeyRange}s sorted by key range
public List asList() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
return new ArrayList<>(this.ranges);
* Get a view of the {@link KeyRange}s underlying with this instance as a sorted set.
* The returned {@link KeyRange}s will be sorted in order according to {@link KeyRange#SORT_BY_MIN}.
* @return view of this instance as a minimal, unmodifiable sorted set of {@link KeyRange}s sorted by minimum key
public NavigableSet asSet() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
return Sets.unmodifiableNavigableSet(this.ranges); // JAVA8: Collections.unmodifiableNavigableSet()
* Determine the number of individual {@link KeyRange}s contained in this instance.
* @return size of this instance
public int size() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
return this.ranges.size();
* Remove all keys from this instance.
public void clear() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Determine whether this instance is empty, i.e., contains no keys.
* @return true if this instance is empty
public boolean isEmpty() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
return this.ranges.isEmpty();
* Determine whether this instance is "full", i.e., contains all keys.
* @return true if this instance is full
public boolean isFull() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
return !this.ranges.isEmpty() && this.ranges.first().isFull();
* Get the minimum key contained by this instance (inclusive).
* @return minimum key contained by this instance (inclusive), or null if this instance {@link #isEmpty}
public byte[] getMin() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
return !this.ranges.isEmpty() ? this.ranges.first().getMin() : null;
* Get the maximum key contained by this instance (exclusive).
* @return maximum key contained by this instance (exclusive),
* or null if there is no upper bound, or this instance {@link #isEmpty}
public byte[] getMax() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
return !this.ranges.isEmpty() ? this.ranges.last().getMax() : null;
* Create a new instance from this one, with each {@link KeyRange} prefixed by the given byte sequence.
* @param prefix prefix to apply to this instance
* @return prefixed instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code prefix} is null
public KeyRanges prefixedBy(final byte[] prefix) {
assert this.checkMinimal();
Preconditions.checkArgument(prefix != null, "null prefix");
return new KeyRanges(Iterables.transform(this.ranges, new Function() {
public KeyRange apply(KeyRange keyRange) {
return keyRange.prefixedBy(prefix);
* Create the inverse of this instance. The inverse contains all keys not contained by this instance.
* @return the inverse of this instance
public KeyRanges inverse() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
final Iterator i = this.ranges.iterator();
if (!i.hasNext())
return KeyRanges.full();
final TreeSet inverseRanges = new TreeSet<>(KeyRange.SORT_BY_MIN);
final KeyRange first = i.next();
byte[] lastMax = first.max;
if (first.min.length > 0)
inverseRanges.add(new KeyRange(ByteUtil.EMPTY, first.min));
while (lastMax != null) {
if (!i.hasNext()) {
inverseRanges.add(new KeyRange(lastMax, null));
final KeyRange next = i.next();
inverseRanges.add(new KeyRange(lastMax, next.min));
lastMax = next.max;
return new KeyRanges(inverseRanges);
* Determine whether this instance contains the given {@link KeyRanges}, i.e., all keys contained by
* the given {@link KeyRanges} are also contained by this instance.
* @param ranges other instance to test
* @return true if this instance contains {@code ranges}, otherwise false
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ranges} is null
public boolean contains(KeyRanges ranges) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(ranges != null, "null ranges");
assert this.checkMinimal();
for (KeyRange range : ranges.ranges) {
if (!this.contains(range))
return false;
return true;
* Determine whether this instance contains the given {@link KeyRange}, i.e., all keys contained by
* the given {@link KeyRange} are also contained by this instance.
* @param range key range to test
* @return true if this instance contains {@code range}, otherwise false
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code range} is null
public boolean contains(KeyRange range) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(range != null, "null range");
assert this.checkMinimal();
final KeyRange[] neighbors = this.findKey(range.min);
if (neighbors[0] != neighbors[1] || neighbors[0] == null)
return false;
final KeyRange match = neighbors[0];
return match.contains(range);
* Determine whether this instance intersects the given {@link KeyRange}, i.e., there exists at least one key contained in both.
* @param range key range to test
* @return true if this instance intersects {@code range}, otherwise false
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code range} is null
public boolean intersects(KeyRange range) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(range != null, "null range");
assert this.checkMinimal();
// Get search key
final KeyRange searchKey = new KeyRange(range.min, range.min);
assert !this.ranges.contains(searchKey);
// Check whether the next lower neighbor intersects the range
final KeyRange lower = this.ranges.lower(searchKey);
if (lower != null && KeyRange.compare(lower.max, range.min) > 0)
return true;
// Check whether the next higher neighbor intersects the range
final KeyRange higher = this.ranges.higher(searchKey);
if (higher != null && KeyRange.compare(higher.min, range.max) < 0)
return true;
// No intersection
return false;
* Find the contiguous {@link KeyRange}(s) within this instance containing, or adjacent to, the given key.
* This method returns an array of length two: if this instance contains {@code key} then both elements are the
* same Java object, namely, the {@link KeyRange} that contains {@code key}; otherwise, the first element is
* the nearest {@link KeyRange} to the left of {@code key}, or null if none exists, and the second element is
* the {@link KeyRange} to the right of {@code key}, or null if none exists. Note if this instance is empty
* then { null, null }
is returned.
* @param key key to find
* @return array with the containing {@link KeyRange} or nearest neighbor to the left (or null) and
* the containing {@link KeyRange} or nearest neighbor to the right (or null)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is null
public KeyRange[] findKey(byte[] key) {
// Sanity check
Preconditions.checkArgument(key != null, "null key");
assert this.checkMinimal();
// Optimization: assume previous success is likely to repeat
final KeyRange likelyKeyRange = this.lastContainingKeyRange;
if (likelyKeyRange != null) {
if (likelyKeyRange.contains(key) && this.ranges.contains(likelyKeyRange))
return new KeyRange[] { likelyKeyRange, likelyKeyRange };
this.lastContainingKeyRange = null;
// Check nearest neighbors
final KeyRange searchKey = new KeyRange(key, key);
assert !this.ranges.contains(searchKey);
final KeyRange lower = this.ranges.lower(searchKey);
if (lower != null) {
if (lower.contains(key)) {
this.lastContainingKeyRange = lower;
return new KeyRange[] { lower, lower };
final KeyRange higher = this.ranges.higher(searchKey);
if (higher != null) {
if (higher.contains(key)) {
this.lastContainingKeyRange = higher;
return new KeyRange[] { higher, higher };
// Not contained
return new KeyRange[] { lower, higher };
* Add all the keys in the given {@link KeyRange} to this instance.
* @param range key range to add
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code range} is null
public void add(KeyRange range) {
// Sanity checks
Preconditions.checkArgument(range != null, "null range");
assert this.checkMinimal();
// Handle trivial cases
if (range.isEmpty())
if (this.ranges.isEmpty()) {
assert this.checkMinimal();
// Get search key
final KeyRange searchKey = new KeyRange(range.min, range.min);
assert !this.ranges.contains(searchKey);
// Check for intersection with next lower range
final KeyRange prev = this.ranges.lower(searchKey);
if (prev != null) {
// Check if 'prev' contains - or is adjacent to - 'range's min key
if (KeyRange.compare(prev.max, range.min) >= 0) {
// If 'prev' completely contains 'range' then we're done
if (KeyRange.compare(prev.max, range.max) >= 0) {
assert this.checkMinimal();
// Absorb 'prev' into 'range'
range = new KeyRange(prev.min, range.max);
// Check for intersection with higher ranges
for (Iterator i = this.ranges.tailSet(searchKey, false).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
final KeyRange next = i.next();
// Does 'next' overlap or touch 'range'? If not, we're done looking
if (KeyRange.compare(next.min, range.max) > 0)
// Absorb 'next' into 'range'
if (KeyRange.compare(next.max, range.max) > 0) {
range = new KeyRange(range.min, next.max);
// Finally, add the new range
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Remove all the keys in the given {@link KeyRange} from this instance.
* @param range range to remove
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code range} is null
public void remove(KeyRange range) {
// Sanity checks
Preconditions.checkArgument(range != null, "null range");
assert this.checkMinimal();
// Handle trivial cases
if (range.isEmpty() || this.ranges.isEmpty())
// Get search key
final KeyRange searchKey = new KeyRange(range.min, range.min);
assert !this.ranges.contains(searchKey);
// Check for intersection with next lower range
final KeyRange prev = this.ranges.lower(searchKey);
if (prev != null && prev.contains(range.min)) { // if 'prev' contains 'range's min key, subtract 'range' from 'prev'
if (KeyRange.compare(prev.min, range.min) < 0)
this.ranges.add(new KeyRange(prev.min, range.min));
if (KeyRange.compare(prev.max, range.max) > 0) {
this.ranges.add(new KeyRange(range.max, prev.max));
assert this.checkMinimal();
// Check for intersection with higher ranges
for (Iterator i = this.ranges.tailSet(searchKey, false).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
final KeyRange next = i.next();
// Does 'next' overlap 'range'? If not, we're done looking
if (KeyRange.compare(next.min, range.max) >= 0)
// Remove 'next'
// If 'range' wholly contains 'next', continue looking
if (KeyRange.compare(next.max, range.max) <= 0)
// Replace 'next' with a truncated version
this.ranges.add(new KeyRange(range.max, next.max));
// Done
assert this.checkMinimal();
* Remove all the keys not also in the given {@link KeyRange} from this instance.
* @param range key range to intersect with
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code range} is null
public void intersect(KeyRange range) {
this.intersect(new KeyRanges(range));
* Add all the key ranges in the given {@link KeyRanges} to this instance.
* @param ranges key ranges to add
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ranges} is null
public void add(KeyRanges ranges) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(ranges != null, "null ranges");
assert this.checkMinimal();
if (this.ranges.isEmpty()) {
this.ranges = (TreeSet)ranges.ranges.clone();
for (KeyRange range : ranges.ranges)
* Remove all the key ranges in the given {@link KeyRanges} from this instance.
* @param ranges key ranges to remove
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ranges} is null
public void remove(KeyRanges ranges) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(ranges != null, "null ranges");
assert this.checkMinimal();
if (this.ranges.isEmpty())
for (KeyRange range : ranges.ranges)
* Remove all key ranges not also in the given {@link KeyRanges} from this instance.
* Equivalent to {@code remove(ranges.inverse())}.
* @param ranges key ranges to intersect with
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ranges} is null
public void intersect(KeyRanges ranges) {
// Iterable
public Iterator iterator() {
return this.asSet().iterator();
// SizeEstimating
public void addTo(SizeEstimator estimator) {
.addObjectOverhead() // this object overhead
.addTreeSetField(this.ranges) // this.ranges
.addReferenceField(); // this.lastContainingKeyRange (reference only)
for (KeyRange range : this.ranges)
// Serialization
* Serialize this instance.
* @param out output
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code out} is null
public void serialize(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
assert this.checkMinimal();
UnsignedIntEncoder.write(out, this.ranges.size());
byte[] prev = null;
for (KeyRange range : this.ranges) {
final byte[] min = range.min;
final byte[] max = range.max;
assert max != null || range == this.ranges.last();
KeyListEncoder.write(out, min, prev);
KeyListEncoder.write(out, max != null ? max : min, min); // map final [min, null) to [min, min]
prev = max;
* Calculate the number of bytes required to serialize this instance via {@link #serialize serialize()}.
* @return number of serialized bytes
public long serializedLength() {
long total = UnsignedIntEncoder.encodeLength(this.ranges.size());
byte[] prev = null;
for (KeyRange range : this.ranges) {
final byte[] min = range.min;
final byte[] max = range.max;
total += KeyListEncoder.writeLength(min, prev);
total += KeyListEncoder.writeLength(max != null ? max : min, min);
prev = max;
return total;
* Deserialize an instance created by {@link #serialize serialize()} in the form of an
* iterator of the individual {@link KeyRange}s.
* If an {@link IOException} is thrown while reading, the returned {@link Iterator}
* will throw a {@link RuntimeException} wrapping it. If invalid data is encountered,
* the returned {@link Iterator} will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* @param input input stream containing data from {@link #serialize serialize()}
* @return deserialized iteration of {@link KeyRange}s
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code input} is null
public static Iterator deserializeIterator(final InputStream input) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(input != null, "null input");
return new UnmodifiableIterator() {
private int remain = -1;
private byte[] prev;
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return this.remain > 0;
public KeyRange next() {
if (this.remain == 0)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
final byte[] min;
final byte[] max;
try {
min = KeyListEncoder.read(input, this.prev);
max = KeyListEncoder.read(input, min);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
final KeyRange range = new KeyRange(min, Arrays.equals(min, max) ? null : max);
this.prev = max;
return range;
private void init() throws IOException {
if (this.remain == -1)
this.remain = UnsignedIntEncoder.read(input);
// KeyFilter
public boolean contains(byte[] key) {
assert this.checkMinimal();
final KeyRange[] neighbors = this.findKey(key);
return neighbors[0] == neighbors[1] && neighbors[0] != null;
public byte[] seekHigher(byte[] key) {
assert this.checkMinimal();
final KeyRange[] neighbors = this.findKey(key);
if (neighbors[0] == neighbors[1])
return neighbors[0] != null ? key : null;
return neighbors[1] != null ? neighbors[1].getMin() : null;
public byte[] seekLower(byte[] key) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(key != null, "null key");
assert this.checkMinimal();
if (key.length == 0) {
if (this.ranges.isEmpty())
return null;
final byte[] lastMax = this.ranges.last().getMax();
return lastMax != null ? lastMax : ByteUtil.EMPTY;
final KeyRange[] neighbors = this.findKey(key);
if (neighbors[0] == neighbors[1])
return neighbors[0] != null ? key : null;
return neighbors[0] != null ? neighbors[0].getMax() : null;
// Cloneable
public KeyRanges clone() {
assert this.checkMinimal();
final KeyRanges clone;
try {
clone = (KeyRanges)super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
clone.ranges = (TreeSet)clone.ranges.clone();
return clone;
// Object
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this)
return true;
if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != this.getClass())
return false;
final KeyRanges that = (KeyRanges)obj;
return this.ranges.equals(that.ranges);
public int hashCode() {
return this.ranges.hashCode();
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int index = 0;
for (KeyRange range : this.ranges) {
switch (index++) {
case 0:
case 32:
break rangeLoop;
return buf.toString();
// Internal methods
private boolean checkMinimal() {
KeyRange prev = null;
for (KeyRange range : this.ranges) {
assert !range.isEmpty() : "contains empty range: " + range;
assert prev == null || KeyRange.compare(prev.max, range.min) < 0 : "touching ranges: " + prev + ", " + range;
prev = range;
return true;