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org.json4s.MonadicJValue.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.json4s

import java.util.Locale.ENGLISH

class MonadicJValue(jv: JValue) {

   * XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by name. Matches only fields on
   * next level.

* Example:

   * json \ "name"
*/ def \(nameToFind: String): JValue = jv match { case JArray(xs) => JArray(findDirectByName(xs, nameToFind)) case _ => findDirectByName(List(jv), nameToFind) match { case Nil ⇒ JNothing case x :: Nil ⇒ x case x ⇒ JArray(x) } } private[this] def findDirectByName(xs: List[JValue], name: String): List[JValue] = xs.flatMap { case JObject(l) ⇒ l.filter { case (n, _) if n == name ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } map (_._2) case JArray(l) ⇒ findDirectByName(l, name) case _ ⇒ Nil } private[this] def findDirect(xs: List[JValue], p: JValue ⇒ Boolean): List[JValue] = xs.flatMap { case JObject(l) ⇒ l.filter { case (n, x) if p(x) ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } map (_._2) case JArray(l) ⇒ findDirect(l, p) case x if p(x) ⇒ x :: Nil case _ ⇒ Nil } /** * XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by name. Returns all matching fields. *

* Example:

   * json \\ "name"
*/ def \\(nameToFind: String): JValue = { def find(json: JValue): List[JField] = json match { case JObject(l) ⇒ l.foldLeft(List[JField]()) { case (a, (name, value)) ⇒ if (name == nameToFind) a ::: List((name, value)) ::: find(value) else a ::: find(value) } case JArray(l) ⇒ l.foldLeft(List[JField]())((a, json) ⇒ a ::: find(json)) case _ ⇒ Nil } find(jv) match { case (_, x) :: Nil ⇒ x case xs ⇒ JObject(xs) } } /** * XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by type. Matches only fields on * next level. *

* Example:

   * json \ classOf[JInt]
*/ def \[A <: JValue](clazz: Class[A]): List[A#Values] = findDirect(jv.children, typePredicate(clazz) _).asInstanceOf[List[A]] map { _.values } /** * XPath-like expression to query JSON fields by type. Returns all matching fields. *

* Example:

   * json \\ classOf[JInt]
*/ def \\[A <: JValue](clazz: Class[A]): List[A#Values] = (jv filter typePredicate(clazz) _).asInstanceOf[List[A]] map { _.values } private def typePredicate[A <: JValue](clazz: Class[A])(json: JValue) = json match { case x if x.getClass == clazz ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } /** * Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f * for each element. The initial value is z. */ def fold[A](z: A)(f: (A, JValue) ⇒ A): A = { def rec(acc: A, v: JValue) = { val newAcc = f(acc, v) v match { case JObject(l) ⇒ l.foldLeft(newAcc) { case (a, (name, value)) ⇒ value.fold(a)(f) } case JArray(l) ⇒ l.foldLeft(newAcc)((a, e) ⇒ e.fold(a)(f)) case _ ⇒ newAcc } } rec(z, jv) } /** * Return a combined value by folding over JSON by applying a function f * for each field. The initial value is z. */ def foldField[A](z: A)(f: (A, JField) ⇒ A): A = { def rec(acc: A, v: JValue) = { v match { case JObject(l) ⇒ l.foldLeft(acc) { case (a, field @ (name, value)) ⇒ value.foldField(f(a, field))(f) } case JArray(l) ⇒ l.foldLeft(acc)((a, e) ⇒ e.foldField(a)(f)) case _ ⇒ acc } } rec(z, jv) } /** * Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f * to each value in JSON. *

* Example:

   * JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) map {
   *   case JInt(x) => JInt(x+1)
   *   case x => x
   * }
*/ def map(f: JValue ⇒ JValue): JValue = { def rec(v: JValue): JValue = v match { case JObject(l) ⇒ f(JObject( { case (n, va) ⇒ (n, rec(va)) })) case JArray(l) ⇒ f(JArray( case x ⇒ f(x) } rec(jv) } /** * Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given function f * to each field in JSON. *

* Example:

   * JObject(("age", JInt(10)) :: Nil) mapField {
   *   case ("age", JInt(x)) => ("age", JInt(x+1))
   *   case x => x
   * }
*/ def mapField(f: JField ⇒ JField): JValue = { def rec(v: JValue): JValue = v match { case JObject(l) ⇒ JObject( { case (n, va) ⇒ f(n -> rec(va)) }) case JArray(l) ⇒ JArray( case x ⇒ x } rec(jv) } /** * Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given partial function f * to each field in JSON. *

* Example:

   * JObject(("age", JInt(10)) :: Nil) transformField {
   *   case ("age", JInt(x)) => ("age", JInt(x+1))
   * }
*/ def transformField(f: PartialFunction[JField, JField]): JValue = mapField { x ⇒ if (f.isDefinedAt(x)) f(x) else x } /** * Return a new JValue resulting from applying the given partial function f * to each value in JSON. *

* Example:

   * JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) transform { case JInt(x) => JInt(x+1) }
*/ def transform(f: PartialFunction[JValue, JValue]): JValue = map { x ⇒ if (f.isDefinedAt(x)) f(x) else x } /** * Return a new JValue resulting from replacing the value at the specified field * path with the replacement value provided. This has no effect if the path is empty * or if the value is not a JObject instance. *

* Example:

   * JObject(List(JField("foo", JObject(List(JField("bar", JInt(1))))))).replace("foo" :: "bar" :: Nil, JString("baz"))
   * // returns JObject(List(JField("foo", JObject(List(JField("bar", JString("baz")))))))
*/ def replace(l: List[String], replacement: JValue): JValue = { def rep(l: List[String], in: JValue): JValue = { l match { case x :: xs ⇒ in match { case JObject(fields) ⇒ JObject( { case JField(`x`, value) ⇒ JField(x, if (xs == Nil) replacement else rep(xs, value)) case field ⇒ field }) case other ⇒ other } case Nil ⇒ in } } rep(l, jv) } /** * Return the first field from JSON which matches the given predicate. *

* Example:

   * JObject(("age", JInt(2))) findField { case (n, v) => n == "age" }
*/ def findField(p: JField ⇒ Boolean): Option[JField] = { def find(json: JValue): Option[JField] = json match { case JObject(fs) if (fs find p).isDefined ⇒ fs find p case JObject(fs) ⇒ fs.flatMap { case (n, v) ⇒ find(v) }.headOption case JArray(l) ⇒ l.flatMap(find _).headOption case _ ⇒ None } find(jv) } /** * Return the first element from JSON which matches the given predicate. *

* Example:

   * JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) find { _ == JInt(2) } == Some(JInt(2))
*/ def find(p: JValue ⇒ Boolean): Option[JValue] = { def find(json: JValue): Option[JValue] = { if (p(json)) return Some(json) json match { case JObject(fs) ⇒ fs.flatMap { case (n, v) ⇒ find(v) }.headOption case JArray(l) ⇒ l.flatMap(find _).headOption case _ ⇒ None } } find(jv) } /** * Return a List of all fields which matches the given predicate. *

* Example:

   * JObject(("age", JInt(10)) :: Nil) filterField {
   *   case ("age", JInt(x)) if x > 18 => true
   *   case _          => false
   * }
*/ def filterField(p: JField ⇒ Boolean): List[JField] = foldField(List[JField]())((acc, e) ⇒ if (p(e)) e :: acc else acc).reverse /** * Return a List of all values which matches the given predicate. *

* Example:

   * JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) filter { case JInt(x) => x > 1; case _ => false }
*/ def filter(p: JValue ⇒ Boolean): List[JValue] = fold(List[JValue]())((acc, e) ⇒ if (p(e)) e :: acc else acc).reverse def withFilter(p: JValue => Boolean) = new JValueWithFilter(jv, p) class JValueWithFilter(self: JValue, p: JValue => Boolean) { def map[T](f: JValue => T): List[T] = self.filter(p).map(f) def flatMap[T](f: JValue => List[T]): List[T] = self.filter(p).flatMap(f) def foreach(f: JValue => Unit): Unit = self.filter(p).foreach(f) def withFilter(q: JValue => Boolean): JValueWithFilter = new JValueWithFilter(self, x => p(x) && q(x)) } /** * Return a JSON where all fields matching the given predicate are removed. *

* Example:

   * JObject(("age", JInt(10)) :: Nil) removeField {
   *   case ("age", _) => true
   *   case _          => false
   * }
*/ def removeField(p: JField ⇒ Boolean): JValue = jv transform { case JObject(l) => JObject(l.filterNot(p)) } /** * Return a JSON where all values matching the given predicate are removed. *

* Example:

   * JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: JNull :: Nil) remove { _ == JNull }
*/ def remove(p: JValue ⇒ Boolean): JValue = { if(p(jv)) JNothing else jv transform { case JObject(l) => JObject(l.filterNot(f ⇒ p(f._2))) case JArray(l) => JArray(l.filterNot(p)) } } private[this] def camelize(word: String): String = { if (word.nonEmpty) { val w = pascalize(word) w.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(ENGLISH) + w.substring(1) } else { word } } private[this] def pascalize(word: String): String = { val lst = word.split("_").toList ( ⇒ s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(ENGLISH) + s.substring(1)).get :: ⇒ s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase + s.substring(1))).mkString("") } private[this] def underscore(word: String): String = { val spacesPattern = "[-\\s]".r val firstPattern = "([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])".r val secondPattern = "([a-z\\d])([A-Z])".r val replacementPattern = "$1_$2" spacesPattern.replaceAllIn( secondPattern.replaceAllIn( firstPattern.replaceAllIn( word, replacementPattern), replacementPattern), "_").toLowerCase } /** * Camelize all the keys in this [[org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue]] */ def camelizeKeys = rewriteJsonAST(camelize = true) /** * Underscore all the keys in this [[org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue]] */ def snakizeKeys = rewriteJsonAST(camelize = false) /** * Underscore all the keys in this [[org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue]] */ def underscoreKeys = snakizeKeys private[this] def rewriteJsonAST(camelize: Boolean): JValue = transformField { case JField(nm, x) if !nm.startsWith("_") ⇒ JField(if (camelize) this.camelize(nm) else underscore(nm), x) } /** * Remove the [[org.json4s.JsonAST.JNothing]] and [[org.json4s.JsonAST.JNull]] from * a [[org.json4s.JsonAST.JArray]] or [[org.json4s.JsonAST.JObject]] */ def noNulls = remove { case JNull | JNothing => true case _ => false } }

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