org.json4s.ParserUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.json4s
import java.nio.charset.Charset
object ParserUtil {
class ParseException(message: String, cause: Exception) extends Exception(message, cause)
private val EOF = (-1).asInstanceOf[Char]
private val AsciiEncoder = Charset.forName("US-ASCII").newEncoder();
private[this] sealed abstract class StringAppender[T] {
def append(s: String): T
def subj: T
private[this] class StringWriterAppender(val subj: java.io.Writer) extends StringAppender[java.io.Writer] {
def append(s: String): java.io.Writer = subj.append(s)
private[this] class StringBuilderAppender(val subj: StringBuilder) extends StringAppender[StringBuilder] {
def append(s: String): StringBuilder = subj.append(s)
def quote(s: String)(implicit formats: Formats = DefaultFormats): String = quote(s, new StringBuilderAppender(new StringBuilder)).toString
private[json4s] def quote(s: String, writer: java.io.Writer)(implicit formats: Formats): java.io.Writer = quote(s, new StringWriterAppender(writer))
private[this] def quote[T](s: String, appender: StringAppender[T])(implicit formats: Formats): T = { // hot path
var i = 0
val l = s.length
while(i < l) {
(s(i): @annotation.switch) match {
case '"' => appender.append("\\\"")
case '\\' => appender.append("\\\\")
case '\b' => appender.append("\\b")
case '\f' => appender.append("\\f")
case '\n' => appender.append("\\n")
case '\r' => appender.append("\\r")
case '\t' => appender.append("\\t")
case c =>
val shouldEscape = if (formats.alwaysEscapeUnicode) {
} else {
(c >= '\u0000' && c <= '\u001f') || (c >= '\u0080' && c < '\u00a0') || (c >= '\u2000' && c < '\u2100')
if (shouldEscape)
appender.append("\\u%04x".format(c: Int))
else appender.append(c.toString)
i += 1
def unquote(string: String): String =
unquote(new Buffer(new java.io.StringReader(string), false))
private[json4s] def unquote(buf: Buffer): String = {
def unquote0(buf: Buffer, base: String): String = {
val s = new java.lang.StringBuilder(base)
var c = '\\'
while (c != '"') {
if (c == '\\') {
buf.next match {
case '"' => s.append('"')
case '\\' => s.append('\\')
case '/' => s.append('/')
case 'b' => s.append('\b')
case 'f' => s.append('\f')
case 'n' => s.append('\n')
case 'r' => s.append('\r')
case 't' => s.append('\t')
case 'u' =>
val chars = Array(buf.next, buf.next, buf.next, buf.next)
val codePoint = Integer.parseInt(new String(chars), 16)
case _ => s.append('\\')
} else s.append(c)
c = buf.next
buf.eofIsFailure = true
var c = buf.next
while (c != '"') {
if (c == '\\') {
val s = unquote0(buf, buf.substring)
buf.eofIsFailure = false
return s
c = buf.next
buf.eofIsFailure = false
/* Buffer used to parse JSON.
* Buffer is divided to one or more segments (preallocated in Segments pool).
private[json4s] class Buffer(in: java.io.Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean) {
var offset = 0
var curMark = -1
var curMarkSegment = -1
var eofIsFailure = false
private[this] var segments: List[Segment] = List(Segments.apply())
private[this] var segment: Array[Char] = segments.head.seg
private[this] var cur = 0 // Pointer which points current parsing location
private[this] var curSegmentIdx = 0 // Pointer which points current segment
def mark() = { curMark = cur; curMarkSegment = curSegmentIdx }
def back() = cur = cur-1
def next: Char = {
if (cur == offset && read < 0) {
if (eofIsFailure) throw new ParseException("unexpected eof", null) else EOF
} else {
val c = segment(cur)
cur += 1
def substring = {
if (curSegmentIdx == curMarkSegment) new String(segment, curMark, cur-curMark-1)
else { // slower path for case when string is in two or more segments
var parts: List[(Int, Int, Array[Char])] = Nil
var i = curSegmentIdx
while (i >= curMarkSegment) {
val s = segments(i).seg
val start = if (i == curMarkSegment) curMark else 0
val end = if (i == curSegmentIdx) cur else s.length+1
parts = (start, end, s) :: parts
i = i-1
val len = parts.map(p => p._2 - p._1 - 1).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
val chars = new Array[Char](len)
i = 0
var pos = 0
while (i < parts.size) {
val (start, end, b) = parts(i)
val partLen = end-start-1
System.arraycopy(b, start, chars, pos, partLen)
pos = pos + partLen
i = i+1
new String(chars)
def near = new String(segment, (cur-20) max 0, 20 min cur)
def release() = segments.foreach(Segments.release)
private[json4s] def automaticClose() = if (closeAutomatically) in.close
private[this] def read = {
if (offset >= segment.length) {
val newSegment = Segments.apply()
offset = 0
segment = newSegment.seg
segments = segments ::: List(newSegment)
curSegmentIdx = segments.length - 1
val length = in.read(segment, offset, segment.length-offset)
cur = offset
offset += length
/* A pool of preallocated char arrays.
private[json4s] object Segments {
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
private[json4s] var segmentSize = 1000
private[this] val maxNumOfSegments = 10000
private[this] var segmentCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
private[this] val segments = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Segment](maxNumOfSegments)
private[json4s] def clear() = segments.clear
def apply(): Segment = {
val s = acquire
// Give back a disposable segment if pool is exhausted.
if (s != null) s else DisposableSegment(new Array(segmentSize))
private[this] def acquire: Segment = {
val curCount = segmentCount.get
val createNew =
if (segments.size == 0 && curCount < maxNumOfSegments)
segmentCount.compareAndSet(curCount, curCount + 1)
else false
if (createNew) RecycledSegment(new Array(segmentSize)) else segments.poll
def release(s: Segment) = s match {
case _: RecycledSegment => segments.offer(s)
case _ =>
sealed abstract class Segment extends Product with Serializable {
val seg: Array[Char]
case class RecycledSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment
case class DisposableSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment
private val BrokenDouble = BigDecimal("2.2250738585072012e-308")
private[json4s] def parseDouble(s: String) = {
val d = BigDecimal(s)
if (d == BrokenDouble) sys.error("Error parsing 2.2250738585072012e-308")
else d.doubleValue
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