org.json4s.Extraction.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2009-2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.json4s
import java.lang.{Integer => JavaInteger, Long => JavaLong, Short => JavaShort, Byte => JavaByte, Boolean => JavaBoolean, Double => JavaDouble, Float => JavaFloat}
import java.math.{BigDecimal => JavaBigDecimal}
import java.util.Date
import java.sql.Timestamp
import reflect._
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
/** Function to extract values from JSON AST using case classes.
* See: ExtractionExamples.scala
object Extraction {
/** Extract a case class from JSON.
* @see org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue#extract
* @throws MappingException is thrown if extraction fails
def extract[A](json: JValue)(implicit formats: Formats, mf: Manifest[A]): A = {
// def allTypes(mf: Manifest[_]): List[Class[_]] = mf.erasure :: (mf.typeArguments flatMap allTypes)
try {
// val types = allTypes(mf)
// println("the types: %s" format types)
extract(json, Reflector.scalaTypeOf[A]).asInstanceOf[A]
} catch {
case e: MappingException => throw e
case e: Exception =>
throw new MappingException("unknown error", e)
/** Extract a case class from JSON.
* @see org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue#extract
def extractOpt[A](json: JValue)(implicit formats: Formats, mf: Manifest[A]): Option[A] =
try { Option(extract(json)(formats, mf)) } catch { case _: MappingException => None }
def extract(json: JValue, target: TypeInfo)(implicit formats: Formats): Any = extract(json, ScalaType(target))
/** Decompose a case class into JSON.
* Example:
* case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
* implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
* Extraction.decompose(Person("joe", 25)) == JObject(JField("age",JInt(25)) :: JField("name",JString("joe")) :: Nil)
def decomposeWithBuilder[T](a: Any, builder: JsonWriter[T])(implicit formats: Formats): T = {
/** Decompose a case class into JSON.
* This is broken out to avoid calling builder.result when we return from recusion
def internalDecomposeWithBuilder[T](a: Any, builder: JsonWriter[T])(implicit formats: Formats):Unit = {
val current = builder
def prependTypeHint(clazz: Class[_], o: JObject) =
JObject(JField(formats.typeHintFieldName, JString(formats.typeHints.hintFor(clazz))) :: o.obj)
def addField(name: String, v: Any, obj: JsonWriter[T]) =
if (v != None) {
val f = obj.startField(name)
internalDecomposeWithBuilder(v, f)
val serializer = formats.typeHints.serialize
val any = a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
def decomposeObject(k: Class[_]) = {
val klass = Reflector.scalaTypeOf(k)
val descriptor = Reflector.describe(klass).asInstanceOf[reflect.ClassDescriptor]
val ctorParams = descriptor.mostComprehensive.map(_.name)
val iter = descriptor.properties.iterator
val obj = current.startObject()
if (formats.typeHints.containsHint(k)) {
val f = obj.startField(formats.typeHintFieldName)
val fs = formats.fieldSerializer(k)
while(iter.hasNext) {
val prop = iter.next()
val fieldVal = prop.get(any)
val n = prop.name
if (fs.isDefined) {
val ff = (fs.get.serializer orElse Map((n, fieldVal) -> Some((n, fieldVal))))((n, fieldVal))
if (ff.isDefined) {
val Some((nn, vv)) = ff
addField(nn, vv, obj)
} else if (ctorParams contains prop.name) addField(n, fieldVal, obj)
if (formats.customSerializer(formats).isDefinedAt(a)) {
current addJValue formats.customSerializer(formats)(a)
} else if (!serializer.isDefinedAt(a)) {
val k = if (any != null) any.getClass else null
// A series of if branches because of performance reasons
if (any == null) {
} else if (classOf[JValue].isAssignableFrom(k)) {
} else if (Reflector.isPrimitive(any.getClass)) {
writePrimitive(any, current)(formats)
} else if (classOf[scala.collection.Map[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(k)) {
val obj = current.startObject()
val iter = any.asInstanceOf[scala.collection.Map[_, _]].iterator
while(iter.hasNext) {
iter.next() match {
case (k: String, v) => addField(k, v, obj)
case (k: Symbol, v) => addField(k.name, v, obj)
case (k: Int, v) => addField(k.toString, v, obj)
case (k: Long, v) => addField(k.toString, v, obj)
case (k: Date, v) => addField(formats.dateFormat.format(k), v, obj)
case (k: JavaInteger, v) => addField(k.toString, v, obj)
case (k: BigInt, v) => addField(k.toString, v, obj)
case (k: JavaLong, v) => addField(k.toString, v, obj)
case (k: Short, v) => addField(k.toString, v, obj)
case (k: JavaShort, v) => addField(k.toString, v, obj)
case (k, v) => {
val customKeySerializer = formats.customKeySerializer(formats)
if(customKeySerializer.isDefinedAt(k)) {
addField(customKeySerializer(k), v, obj)
} else {
fail("Do not know how to serialize key of type " + k.getClass + ". " +
"Consider implementing a CustomKeySerializer.")
} else if (classOf[Iterable[_]].isAssignableFrom(k)) {
val arr = current.startArray()
val iter = any.asInstanceOf[Iterable[_]].iterator
while(iter.hasNext) { internalDecomposeWithBuilder(iter.next(), arr) }
} else if (classOf[java.util.Collection[_]].isAssignableFrom(k)) {
val arr = current.startArray()
val iter = any.asInstanceOf[java.util.Collection[_]].iterator
while(iter.hasNext) { internalDecomposeWithBuilder(iter.next(), arr) }
} else if (k.isArray) {
val arr = current.startArray()
val iter = any.asInstanceOf[Array[_]].iterator
while(iter.hasNext) { internalDecomposeWithBuilder(iter.next(), arr) }
} else if (classOf[Option[_]].isAssignableFrom(k)) {
val v = any.asInstanceOf[Option[_]]
if (v.isDefined) {
internalDecomposeWithBuilder(v.get, current)
} else if (classOf[Either[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(k)) {
val v = any.asInstanceOf[Either[_, _]]
if (v.isLeft) {
internalDecomposeWithBuilder(v.left.get, current)
} else {
internalDecomposeWithBuilder(v.right.get, current)
} else if (classOf[(_, _)].isAssignableFrom(k)) {
any.asInstanceOf[(_, _)] match {
case (k: String, v) =>
val obj = current.startObject()
addField(k, v, obj)
case (k: Symbol, v) =>
val obj = current.startObject()
addField(k.name, v, obj)
case _: (_, _) =>
} else {
} else current addJValue prependTypeHint(any.getClass, serializer(any))
/** Decompose a case class into JSON.
* Example:
* case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
* implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
* Extraction.decompose(Person("joe", 25)) == JObject(JField("age",JInt(25)) :: JField("name",JString("joe")) :: Nil)
def decompose(a: Any)(implicit formats: Formats): JValue =
decomposeWithBuilder(a, if (formats.wantsBigDecimal) JsonWriter.bigDecimalAst else JsonWriter.ast)
private[this] def writePrimitive(a: Any, builder: JsonWriter[_])(implicit formats: Formats) = a match {
case x: String => builder.string(x)
case x: Int => builder.int(x)
case x: Long => builder.long(x)
case x: Double => builder.double(x)
case x: Float => builder.float(x)
case x: Byte => builder.byte(x)
case x: BigInt => builder.bigInt(x)
case x: BigDecimal => builder.bigDecimal(x)
case x: Boolean => builder.boolean(x)
case x: Short => builder.short(x)
case x: java.lang.Integer => builder.int(x.intValue())
case x: java.lang.Long => builder.long(x.longValue())
case x: java.lang.Double => builder.double(x.doubleValue())
case x: java.lang.Float => builder.float(x.floatValue())
case x: java.lang.Byte => builder.byte(x.byteValue())
case x: java.lang.Boolean => builder.boolean(x.booleanValue())
case x: java.lang.Short => builder.short(x.shortValue())
case x: Date => builder.string(formats.dateFormat.format(x))
case x: Symbol => builder.string(x.name)
case _ => sys.error("not a primitive " + a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass)
/** Flattens the JSON to a key/value map.
def flatten(json: JValue): Map[String, String] = {
def escapePath(str: String) = str
def flatten0(path: String, json: JValue): Map[String, String] = {
json match {
case JNothing | JNull => Map()
case JString(s) => Map(path -> ("\"" + JsonAST.quote(s) + "\""))
case JDouble(num) => Map(path -> num.toString)
case JDecimal(num) => Map(path -> num.toString)
case JInt(num) => Map(path -> num.toString)
case JBool(value) => Map(path -> value.toString)
// case JField(name, value) => flatten0(path + escapePath(name), value)
case JObject(obj) => obj.foldLeft(Map[String, String]()) { case (map, (name, value)) =>
map ++ flatten0(path + "." + escapePath(name), value)
case JArray(arr) => arr.length match {
case 0 => Map(path -> "[]")
case _ => arr.foldLeft((Map[String, String](), 0)) {
(tuple, value) => (tuple._1 ++ flatten0(path + "[" + tuple._2 + "]", value), tuple._2 + 1)
flatten0("", json)
/** Unflattens a key/value map to a JSON object.
def unflatten(map: Map[String, String], useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean = false): JValue = {
import scala.util.matching.Regex
def extractValue(value: String): JValue = value.toLowerCase match {
case "" => JNothing
case "null" => JNull
case "true" => JBool(true)
case "false" => JBool(false)
case "[]" => JArray(Nil)
case x @ _ =>
if (value.charAt(0).isDigit) {
if (value.indexOf('.') == -1) JInt(BigInt(value))
else {
if (!useBigDecimalForDouble) JDouble(ParserUtil.parseDouble(value))
else JDecimal(BigDecimal(value))
else JString(ParserUtil.unquote(value.substring(1)))
def submap(prefix: String): Map[String, String] =
map.filter(t => t._1.startsWith(prefix)).map(
t => (t._1.substring(prefix.length), t._2)
).toList.toArray: _*
val ArrayProp = new Regex("""^(\.([^\.\[]+))\[(\d+)\].*$""")
val ArrayElem = new Regex("""^(\[(\d+)\]).*$""")
val OtherProp = new Regex("""^(\.([^\.\[]+)).*$""")
val uniquePaths = map.keys.foldLeft[Set[String]](Set()) {
(set, key) =>
key match {
case ArrayProp(p, f, i) => set + p
case OtherProp(p, f) => set + p
case ArrayElem(p, i) => set + p
case x @ _ => set + x
}.toList.sortWith(_ < _) // Sort is necessary to get array order right
uniquePaths.foldLeft[JValue](JNothing) { (jvalue, key) =>
jvalue.merge(key match {
case ArrayProp(p, f, i) => JObject(List(JField(f, unflatten(submap(key)))))
case ArrayElem(p, i) => JArray(List(unflatten(submap(key))))
case OtherProp(p, f) => JObject(List(JField(f, unflatten(submap(key)))))
case "" => extractValue(map(key))
def extract(json: JValue, scalaType: ScalaType)(implicit formats: Formats): Any = {
if (scalaType.isEither) {
import scala.util.control.Exception.allCatch
(allCatch opt {
Left(extract(json, scalaType.typeArgs(0)))
} orElse (allCatch opt {
Right(extract(json, scalaType.typeArgs(1)))
})).getOrElse(fail("Expected value but got " + json))
} else if (scalaType.isOption) {
customOrElse(scalaType, json)(_.toOption flatMap (j => Option(extract(j, scalaType.typeArgs.head))))
} else if (scalaType.isMap) {
json match {
case JObject(xs) => {
val kta = scalaType.typeArgs(0)
val ta = scalaType.typeArgs(1)
Map(xs.map(x => (convert(x._1, kta, formats), extract(x._2, ta))): _*)
case x => fail("Expected object but got " + x)
} else if (scalaType.isCollection) {
customOrElse(scalaType, json)(new CollectionBuilder(_, scalaType).result)
} else if (classOf[(_, _)].isAssignableFrom(scalaType.erasure) && (classOf[String].isAssignableFrom(scalaType.typeArgs.head.erasure) || classOf[Symbol].isAssignableFrom(scalaType.typeArgs.head.erasure) )) {
val ta = scalaType.typeArgs(1)
json match {
case JObject(xs :: Nil) =>
if (classOf[Symbol].isAssignableFrom(scalaType.typeArgs.head.erasure)) (Symbol(xs._1), extract(xs._2, ta))
else (xs._1, extract(xs._2, ta))
case x => fail("Expected object with 1 element but got " + x)
} else {
Reflector.describe(scalaType) match {
case PrimitiveDescriptor(tpe, default) => convert(json, tpe, formats, default) //customOrElse(tpe, json)(convert(_, tpe, formats, default))
case c: ClassDescriptor => new ClassInstanceBuilder(json, c).result
private class CollectionBuilder(json: JValue, tpe: ScalaType)(implicit formats: Formats) {
private[this] val typeArg = tpe.typeArgs.head
private[this] def mkCollection(constructor: Array[_] => Any) = {
val array: Array[_] = json match {
case JArray(arr) => arr.map(extract(_, typeArg)).toArray
case JNothing | JNull => Array[AnyRef]()
case x => fail("Expected collection but got " + x + " for root " + json + " and mapping " + tpe)
private[this] def mkTypedArray(a: Array[_]) = {
import java.lang.reflect.Array.{newInstance => newArray}
a.foldLeft((newArray(typeArg.erasure, a.length), 0)) { (tuple, e) => {
java.lang.reflect.Array.set(tuple._1, tuple._2, e)
(tuple._1, tuple._2 + 1)
def result: Any = {
val custom = formats.customDeserializer(formats)
if (custom.isDefinedAt(tpe.typeInfo, json)) custom(tpe.typeInfo, json)
else if (tpe.erasure == classOf[List[_]]) mkCollection(a => List(a: _*))
else if (tpe.erasure == classOf[Set[_]]) mkCollection(a => Set(a: _*))
else if (tpe.erasure == classOf[java.util.ArrayList[_]]) mkCollection(a => new java.util.ArrayList[Any](a.toList.asJavaCollection))
else if (tpe.erasure.isArray) mkCollection(mkTypedArray)
else if (classOf[Seq[_]].isAssignableFrom(tpe.erasure)) mkCollection(a => Seq(a: _*))
else fail("Expected collection but got " + tpe)
private class ClassInstanceBuilder(json: JValue, descr: ClassDescriptor)(implicit formats: Formats) {
private object TypeHint {
def unapply(fs: List[JField]): Option[(String, List[JField])] =
if (formats.typeHints == NoTypeHints) None
else {
fs.partition(_._1 == formats.typeHintFieldName) match {
case (Nil, _) => None
case (t, f) => Some((t.head._2.values.toString, f))
// val grouped = fs groupBy (_._1 == formats.typeHintFieldName)
// if (grouped.isDefinedAt(true))
// Some((grouped(true).head._2.values.toString, grouped.get(false).getOrElse(Nil)))
// else None
private[this] var _constructor: ConstructorDescriptor = null
private[this] def constructor = {
if (_constructor == null) {
_constructor =
if (descr.constructors.size == 1) descr.constructors.head
else {
val argNames = json match {
case JObject(fs) => fs.map(_._1)
case _ => Nil
// println("Finding argument names: %s in constructors: %s" format (argNames, descr.constructors.map(_.params.map(_.name))))
val r = descr.bestMatching(argNames)
r.getOrElse(fail("No constructor for type " + descr.erasure + ", " + json))
private[this] def setFields(a: AnyRef) = json match {
case JObject(fields) =>
formats.fieldSerializer(a.getClass) map { serializer =>
val ctorArgs = constructor.params.map(_.name)
val fieldsToSet = descr.properties.filterNot(f => ctorArgs.contains(f.name))
val idPf: PartialFunction[JField, JField] = { case f => f }
val jsonSerializers = (fields map { f =>
val JField(n, v) = (serializer.deserializer orElse idPf)(f)
(n, (n, v))
fieldsToSet foreach { prop =>
jsonSerializers get prop.name foreach { case (_, v) =>
prop.set(a, extract(v, prop.returnType))
case _ => a
private[this] def buildCtorArg(json: JValue, descr: ConstructorParamDescriptor) = {
val default = descr.defaultValue
def defv(v: Any) = if (default.isDefined) default.get() else v
if (descr.isOptional && json == JNothing) defv(None)
else {
try {
val x = if (json == JNothing && default.isDefined) default.get() else extract(json, descr.argType)
if (descr.isOptional) { if (x == null) defv(None) else x }
else if (x == null) defv(x)
else x
} catch {
case e @ MappingException(msg, _) =>
if (descr.isOptional) defv(None) else fail("No usable value for " + descr.name + "\n" + msg, e)
private[this] def instantiate = {
val jconstructor = constructor.constructor
val deserializedJson = json match {
case JObject(fields) =>
formats.fieldSerializer(descr.erasure.erasure) map { serializer =>
val idPf: PartialFunction[JField, JField] = { case f => f }
JObject(fields map { f =>
(serializer.deserializer orElse idPf)(f)
} getOrElse json
case other: JValue => other
val args = constructor.params.map(a => buildCtorArg(deserializedJson \ a.name, a))
try {
if (jconstructor.getDeclaringClass == classOf[java.lang.Object]) {
deserializedJson match {
case JObject(TypeHint(t, fs)) => mkWithTypeHint(t: String, fs: List[JField], descr.erasure)
case v: JValue => v.values
} else {
val instance = jconstructor.newInstance(args.map(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).toArray: _*)
} catch {
case e @ (_:IllegalArgumentException | _:InstantiationException) =>
fail("Parsed JSON values do not match with class constructor\nargs=" +
args.mkString(",") + "\narg types=" + args.map(a => if (a != null)
a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass.getName else "null").mkString(",") +
"\nconstructor=" + jconstructor)
private[this] def mkWithTypeHint(typeHint: String, fields: List[JField], typeInfo: ScalaType) = {
val obj = JObject(fields filterNot (_._1 == formats.typeHintFieldName))
val deserializer = formats.typeHints.deserialize
if (!deserializer.isDefinedAt(typeHint, obj)) {
val concreteClass = formats.typeHints.classFor(typeHint) getOrElse fail("Do not know how to deserialize '" + typeHint + "'")
extract(obj, typeInfo.copy(erasure = concreteClass))
} else deserializer(typeHint, obj)
def result: Any =
customOrElse(descr.erasure, json){
case JNull => null
case JObject(TypeHint(t, fs)) => mkWithTypeHint(t, fs, descr.erasure)
case _ => instantiate
private[this] def customOrElse(target: ScalaType, json: JValue)(thunk: JValue => Any)(implicit formats: Formats): Any = {
val custom = formats.customDeserializer(formats)
val targetType = target.typeInfo
if (custom.isDefinedAt(targetType, json)) {
custom(targetType, json)
} else thunk(json)
private[this] def convert(key: String, target: ScalaType, formats: Formats): Any = {
val targetType = target.erasure
targetType match {
case tt if tt == classOf[String] => key
case tt if tt == classOf[Symbol] => Symbol(key)
case tt if tt == classOf[Int] => key.toInt
case tt if tt == classOf[JavaInteger] => new JavaInteger(key.toInt)
case tt if tt == classOf[BigInt] => key.toInt
case tt if tt == classOf[Long] => key.toLong
case tt if tt == classOf[JavaLong] => new JavaLong(key.toLong)
case tt if tt == classOf[Short] => key.toShort
case tt if tt == classOf[JavaShort] => new JavaShort(key.toShort)
case tt if tt == classOf[Date] => formatDate(key, formats)
case tt if tt == classOf[Timestamp] => formatTimestamp(key, formats)
case _ =>
val deserializer = formats.customKeyDeserializer(formats)
val typeInfo = TypeInfo(targetType, None)
if(deserializer.isDefinedAt((typeInfo, key))) {
deserializer((typeInfo, key))
} else {
fail("Do not know how to deserialize key of type " + targetType + ". Consider implementing a CustomKeyDeserializer.")
private[this] def convert(json: JValue, target: ScalaType, formats: Formats, default: Option[() => Any]): Any = {
val targetType = target.erasure
json match {
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[Int]) => x.intValue
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaInteger]) => new JavaInteger(x.intValue)
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[BigInt]) => x
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[Long]) => x.longValue
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaLong]) => new JavaLong(x.longValue)
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[Double]) => x.doubleValue
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaDouble]) => new JavaDouble(x.doubleValue)
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[Float]) => x.floatValue
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaFloat]) => new JavaFloat(x.floatValue)
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[Short]) => x.shortValue
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaShort]) => new JavaShort(x.shortValue)
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[Byte]) => x.byteValue
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaByte]) => new JavaByte(x.byteValue)
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[String]) => x.toString
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[Number]) => x.longValue
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[BigDecimal]) => BigDecimal(x)
case JInt(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaBigDecimal]) => BigDecimal(x).bigDecimal
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[Double]) => x
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaDouble]) => new JavaDouble(x)
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[Float]) => x.floatValue
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaFloat]) => new JavaFloat(x.floatValue)
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[String]) => x.toString
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[Int]) => x.intValue
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[Long]) => x.longValue
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[Number]) => x
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[BigDecimal]) => BigDecimal(x)
case JDouble(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaBigDecimal]) => BigDecimal(x).bigDecimal
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[Double]) => x.doubleValue()
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaDouble]) => new JavaDouble(x.doubleValue())
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[BigDecimal]) => x
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaBigDecimal]) => x.bigDecimal
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[Float]) => x.floatValue
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaFloat]) => new JavaFloat(x.floatValue)
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[String]) => x.toString
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[Int]) => x.intValue
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[Long]) => x.longValue
case JDecimal(x) if (targetType == classOf[Number]) => x
case JString(s) if (targetType == classOf[String]) => s
case JString(s) if (targetType == classOf[Symbol]) => Symbol(s)
case JString(s) if (targetType == classOf[Date]) => formatDate(s, formats)
case JString(s) if (targetType == classOf[Timestamp]) => formatTimestamp(s, formats)
case JBool(x) if (targetType == classOf[Boolean]) => x
case JBool(x) if (targetType == classOf[JavaBoolean]) => new JavaBoolean(x)
case j: JValue if (targetType == classOf[JValue]) => j
case j: JObject if (targetType == classOf[JObject]) => j
case j: JArray if (targetType == classOf[JArray]) => j
case JNull => null
case JNothing =>
default map (_.apply()) getOrElse fail("Did not find value which can be converted into " + targetType.getName)
case _ =>
val custom = formats.customDeserializer(formats)
val typeInfo = target.typeInfo
if (custom.isDefinedAt(typeInfo, json)) custom(typeInfo, json)
else fail("Do not know how to convert " + json + " into " + targetType)
private[this] def formatTimestamp(s: String, formats: Formats): Timestamp = {
new Timestamp(formats.dateFormat.parse(s).getOrElse(fail("Invalid date '" + s + "'")).getTime)
private[this] def formatDate(s: String, formats: Formats): Date = {
formats.dateFormat.parse(s).getOrElse(fail("Invalid date '" + s + "'"))