org.json4s.native.JsonParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2009-2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.json4s
package native
import org.json4s.ParserUtil.{Buffer, parseDouble, ParseException}
/** JSON parser.
object JsonParser {
import java.io._
/** Parsed tokens from low level pull parser.
sealed abstract class Token
case object OpenObj extends Token
case object CloseObj extends Token
case class FieldStart(name: String) extends Token
case object End extends Token
case class StringVal(value: String) extends Token
case class IntVal(value: BigInt) extends Token
case class LongVal(value: Long) extends Token
case class DoubleVal(value: Double) extends Token
case class BigDecimalVal(value: BigDecimal) extends Token
case class BoolVal(value: Boolean) extends Token
case object NullVal extends Token
case object OpenArr extends Token
case object CloseArr extends Token
def parse(in: JsonInput, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean): JValue = {
parse(in, useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong = true)
def parse(in: JsonInput, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean, useBigIntForLong: Boolean): JValue = {
in match {
case StringInput(s) => parse(s, useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong)
case ReaderInput(rdr) => parse(rdr, useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong)
case StreamInput(stream) => parse(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"), useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong)
case FileInput(file) => parse(new FileReader(file), useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong)
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
def parse(s: String): JValue = parse(s, useBigDecimalForDouble = false, useBigIntForLong = true)
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
def parse(s: String, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean): JValue = parse(s, useBigDecimalForDouble = useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong = true)
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
def parse(s: String, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean, useBigIntForLong: Boolean): JValue =
parse(new Buffer(new StringReader(s), false), useBigDecimal = useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigInt = useBigIntForLong)
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF
* @param useBigDecimalForDouble true if double values need to be parsed as BigDecimal
* @param useBigIntForLong true if long values need to be parsed as BigInt
* @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
def parse(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean = false, useBigIntForLong: Boolean = true): JValue =
parse(new Buffer(s, closeAutomatically), useBigDecimal = useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigInt = useBigIntForLong)
/** Return parsed JSON.
def parseOpt(s: String): Option[JValue] = parseOpt(s, useBigDecimalForDouble = false)
/** Return parsed JSON.
def parseOpt(s: String, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean): Option[JValue] =
try { parse(s, useBigDecimalForDouble).toOption } catch { case e: Exception => None }
/** Return parsed JSON.
* @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF
def parseOpt(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean = false): Option[JValue] =
try { parse(s, closeAutomatically, useBigDecimalForDouble).toOption } catch { case e: Exception => None }
/** Parse in pull parsing style.
* Use p.nextToken
to parse tokens one by one from a string.
* @see org.json4s.JsonParser.Token
def parse[A](s: String, p: Parser => A): A = parse(s, p, useBigDecimalForDouble = false)
/** Parse in pull parsing style.
* Use p.nextToken
to parse tokens one by one from a string.
* @see org.json4s.JsonParser.Token
def parse[A](s: String, p: Parser => A, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean): A =
parse(new StringReader(s), p, useBigDecimalForDouble)
/** Parse in pull parsing style.
* Use p.nextToken
to parse tokens one by one from a stream.
* The Reader must be closed when parsing is stopped.
* @see org.json4s.JsonParser.Token
def parse[A](s: Reader, p: Parser => A): A = parse(s, p, useBigDecimalForDouble = false)
/** Parse in pull parsing style.
* Use p.nextToken
to parse tokens one by one from a stream.
* The Reader must be closed when parsing is stopped.
* @see org.json4s.JsonParser.Token
def parse[A](s: Reader, p: Parser => A, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean): A =
parse(s, p, useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong = true)
/** Parse in pull parsing style.
* Use p.nextToken
to parse tokens one by one from a stream.
* The Reader must be closed when parsing is stopped.
* @see org.json4s.JsonParser.Token
def parse[A](s: Reader, p: Parser => A, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean, useBigIntForLong: Boolean): A =
p(new Parser(new ParserUtil.Buffer(s, false), useBigDecimalForDouble, useBigIntForLong = useBigIntForLong))
private def parse(buf: ParserUtil.Buffer, useBigDecimal: Boolean, useBigInt: Boolean): JValue = {
try {
astParser(new Parser(buf, useBigDecimal, useBigInt), useBigDecimal, useBigInt)
} catch {
case e: ParseException => throw e
case e: Exception => throw new ParseException("parsing failed", e)
} finally { buf.release }
private val astParser = (p: Parser, useBigDecimal: Boolean, useBigIntForLong: Boolean) => {
val vals = new ValStack(p)
var token: Token = null
var root: Option[JValue] = None
// This is a slightly faster way to correct order of fields and arrays than using 'map'.
def reverse(v: JValue): JValue = v match {
case JObject(l) => JObject((l.map { case (n, v) => (n, reverse(v)) }).reverse)
case JArray(l) => JArray(l.map(reverse).reverse)
case x => x
def closeBlock(v: Any): Unit = {
@inline def toJValue(x: Any) = x match {
case json: JValue => json
case scala.util.control.NonFatal(_) => p.fail(s"unexpected field $x")
vals.peekOption match {
case Some((name: String, value)) =>
val obj = vals.peek(classOf[JObject])
vals.replace(JObject((name, toJValue(v)) :: obj.obj))
case Some(o: JObject) =>
vals.replace(JObject(vals.peek(classOf[JField]) :: o.obj))
case Some(a: JArray) => vals.replace(JArray(toJValue(v) :: a.arr))
case Some(x) => p.fail(s"expected field, array or object but got $x")
case None => root = Some(reverse(toJValue(v)))
def newValue(v: JValue): Unit = {
vals.peekAny match {
case (name: String, value) =>
val obj = vals.peek(classOf[JObject])
vals.replace(JObject((name, v) :: obj.obj))
case a: JArray => vals.replace(JArray(v :: a.arr))
case _ => p.fail("expected field or array")
do {
token = p.nextToken
token match {
case OpenObj => vals.push(JObject(Nil))
case FieldStart(name) => vals.push(JField(name, null))
case StringVal(x) => newValue(JString(x))
case IntVal(x) => newValue(JInt(x))
case LongVal(x) => newValue(JLong(x))
case DoubleVal(x) => newValue(JDouble(x))
case BigDecimalVal(x) => newValue(JDecimal(x))
case BoolVal(x) => newValue(JBool(x))
case NullVal => newValue(JNull)
case CloseObj => closeBlock(vals.popAny)
case OpenArr => vals.push(JArray(Nil))
case CloseArr => closeBlock(vals.pop(classOf[JArray]))
case End =>
} while (token != End)
root getOrElse JNothing
private val EOF = (-1).asInstanceOf[Char]
private class ValStack(parser: Parser) {
import java.util.LinkedList
private[this] val stack = new LinkedList[Any]()
def popAny = stack.poll
def pop[A](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.poll, expectedType)
def push(v: Any) = stack.addFirst(v)
def peekAny = stack.peek
def peek[A](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.peek, expectedType)
def replace[A](newTop: Any) = stack.set(0, newTop)
private def convert[A](x: Any, expectedType: Class[A]): A = {
if (x == null) parser.fail("expected object or array")
try { x.asInstanceOf[A] } catch { case _: ClassCastException => parser.fail(s"unexpected $x") }
def peekOption = if (stack isEmpty) None else Some(stack.peek)
class Parser(buf: Buffer, useBigDecimalForDouble: Boolean, useBigIntForLong: Boolean) {
import java.util.LinkedList
private[this] val blocks = new LinkedList[BlockMode]()
private[this] var fieldNameMode = true
def fail(msg: String) = throw new ParseException(s"$msg\nNear: ${buf.near}", null)
/** Parse next Token from stream.
def nextToken: Token = {
def parseString: String =
try {
} catch {
case p: ParseException => throw p
case scala.util.control.NonFatal(_) => fail("unexpected string end")
def parseValue(first: Char) = {
var wasInt = true
var doubleVal = false
val s = new StringBuilder
while (wasInt) {
val c = buf.next
if (c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
doubleVal = true
} else if (!(Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E' || c == '-' || c == '+')) {
wasInt = false
} else s.append(c)
val value = s.toString
if (doubleVal) {
if (useBigDecimalForDouble) { BigDecimalVal(BigDecimal(value)) } else { DoubleVal(parseDouble(value)) }
} else {
if (useBigIntForLong) IntVal(BigInt(value)) else LongVal(value.toLong)
while (true) {
(buf.next: @annotation.switch) match {
case '{' =>
fieldNameMode = true
return OpenObj
case '}' =>
return CloseObj
case '"' =>
if (fieldNameMode && blocks.peek == OBJECT) return FieldStart(parseString)
else {
fieldNameMode = true
return StringVal(parseString)
case 't' =>
fieldNameMode = true
if (buf.next == 'r' && buf.next == 'u' && buf.next == 'e') {
return BoolVal(true)
fail("expected boolean")
case 'f' =>
fieldNameMode = true
if (buf.next == 'a' && buf.next == 'l' && buf.next == 's' && buf.next == 'e') {
return BoolVal(false)
fail("expected boolean")
case 'n' =>
fieldNameMode = true
if (buf.next == 'u' && buf.next == 'l' && buf.next == 'l') {
return NullVal
fail("expected null")
case ':' =>
if (blocks.peek == ARRAY) fail("Colon in an invalid position")
fieldNameMode = false
case '[' =>
return OpenArr
case ']' =>
fieldNameMode = true
return CloseArr
case ' ' | '\n' | ',' | '\r' | '\t' =>
case c =>
if(EOF == c){
return End
}else if(Character.isDigit(c) || c == '-' || c == '+'){
fieldNameMode = true
return parseValue(c)
fail(s"unknown token $c")
sealed abstract class BlockMode
case object ARRAY extends BlockMode
case object OBJECT extends BlockMode
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