org.jsonschema2pojo.GenerationConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2010-2014 Nokia
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jsonschema2pojo;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.jsonschema2pojo.rules.RuleFactory;
* Defines the configuration options for Java type generation, including source
* and target paths/packages and all behavioural options (e.g should builders be
* generated, should primitives be used, etc).
* Devs: add to this interface if you need to introduce a new config property.
public interface GenerationConfig {
* Gets the 'generateBuilders' configuration option.
* @return Whether to generate builder-style methods of the form
* withXxx(value)
(that return this
* alongside the standard, void-return setters.
boolean isGenerateBuilders();
* Gets the 'usePrimitives' configuration option.
* @return whether to use primitives (long
, double
* , boolean
) instead of wrapper types where possible
* when generating bean properties (has the side-effect of making
* those properties non-null).
boolean isUsePrimitives();
* Gets the 'source' configuration option.
* @return The source file(s) or directory(ies) from which JSON Schema will
* be read.
Iterator getSource();
* Gets the 'targetDirectory' configuration option.
* @return The target directory into which generated types will be written
* (may or may not exist before types are written)
File getTargetDirectory();
* Gets the 'targetPackage' configuration option.
* @return The java package used for generated types.
String getTargetPackage();
* Gets the 'propertyWordDelimiters' configuration option.
* @return an array of characters that should act as word delimiters when
* choosing java bean property names.
char[] getPropertyWordDelimiters();
* Gets the 'useLongIntegers' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use the java type long
* {@link java.lang.Long}) instead of int
* {@link java.lang.Integer}) when representing the JSON Schema type
* 'integer'.
boolean isUseLongIntegers();
* Gets the 'useDoubleNumbers' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use the java type double
* {@link java.lang.Double}) instead of float
* {@link java.lang.Float}) when representing the JSON Schema type
* 'number'.
boolean isUseDoubleNumbers();
* Gets the 'useBigDecimals' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use the java type BigDecimal
* instead of float
(or {@link java.lang.Float})
* when representing the JSON Schema type 'number'. Note
* that this configuration overrides isUseDoubleNumbers
boolean isUseBigDecimals();
* Gets the 'includeHashcodeAndEquals' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use include hashCode
* equals
methods in generated Java types.
boolean isIncludeHashcodeAndEquals();
* Gets the 'includeToString' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use include a toString
method in
* generated Java types.
boolean isIncludeToString();
* Gets the 'annotationStyle' configuration option.
* @return The style of annotations to use in the generated Java types.
* Supported values:
* jackson1
(apply annotations from the
* Jackson 1.x library)
* jackson2
(apply annotations from the
* Jackson 2.x library)
* gson
(apply annotations from the
* gson
* library)
* moshi1
(apply annotations from the
* moshi
* library)
* none
(apply no annotations at all)
* @see AnnotatorFactory
AnnotationStyle getAnnotationStyle();
* Gets the 'customAnnotator' configuration option.
* @return An annotator that will be used in addition to the one chosen by
* {@link #getAnnotationStyle()}
Class extends Annotator> getCustomAnnotator();
* Gets the 'customRuleFactory' configuration option.
* @return An Rule Factory that will be used for the creation of generation
* rules.
Class extends RuleFactory> getCustomRuleFactory();
* Gets the 'includeJsr303Annotations' configuration option.
* @return Whether to include
* JSR-303
* annotations (for schema rules like minimum, maximum, etc) in
* generated Java types.
boolean isIncludeJsr303Annotations();
* Gets the 'sourceType' configuration option.
* @return The type of input documents that will be read
* Supported values:
* jsonschema
* json
SourceType getSourceType();
* Gets the 'removeOldOutput' configuration option.
* @return Whether to empty the target directory before generation occurs,
* to clear out all source files that have been generated
* previously. Be warned, when activated this
* option will cause jsonschema2pojo to indiscriminately
* delete the entire contents of the target directory (all files and
* folders) before it begins generating sources.
boolean isRemoveOldOutput();
* Gets the 'outputEncoding' configuration option.
* @return The character encoding that should be used when writing the
* generated Java source files.
String getOutputEncoding();
* Gets the 'useJodaDates' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use {@link org.joda.time.DateTime} instead of
* {@link java.util.Date} when adding date type fields to generated
* Java types.
boolean isUseJodaDates();
* Gets the 'useJodaLocalDates' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use {@link org.joda.time.LocalDate} instead of string
* when adding string type fields with a format of date (not
* date-time) to generated Java types.
boolean isUseJodaLocalDates();
* Gets the 'useJodaLocalTimes' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use {@link org.joda.time.LocalTime} instead of string
* when adding string type fields with a format of time (not
* date-time) to generated Java types.
boolean isUseJodaLocalTimes();
* Gets the 'useCommonsLang3' configuration option.
* @return Whether to use commons-lang 3.x imports instead of commons-lang
* 2.x imports when adding equals, hashCode and toString methods.
boolean isUseCommonsLang3();
* Gets the 'parcelable' configuration option.
* @return Whether to make the generated types 'parcelable' (for Android
* development)
boolean isParcelable();
* Gets the 'serializable' configuration option.
* @return Whether to make the generated types 'serializable'
boolean isSerializable();
* Gets the file filter used to isolate the schema mapping files in the
* source directories.
* @return the file filter use when scanning for schema files.
FileFilter getFileFilter();
* Gets the 'initializeCollections' configuration option.
* @return Whether to initialize collections with empty instance or null.
boolean isInitializeCollections();
* Gets the 'getClassNamePrefix' configuration option.
* @return Whether to add a prefix to generated classes.
String getClassNamePrefix();
* Gets the 'getClassNameSuffix' configuration option.
* @return Whether to add a suffix to generated classes.
String getClassNameSuffix();
* Gets the 'fileExtensions' configuration option.
* @return An array of strings that should be considered as file extensions and therefore not included in class names.
String[] getFileExtensions();
* Gets the 'includeConstructors' configuration option.
* @return Whether to generate constructors or not.
boolean isIncludeConstructors();
* Gets the 'constructorsRequiredPropertiesOnly' configuration option
* @return Whether generated constructors should have parameters for all
* properties, or only required ones.
boolean isConstructorsRequiredPropertiesOnly();
* Gets the 'includeAdditionalProperties' configuration option.
* @return Whether to allow 'additional properties' support in objects.
* Setting this to false will disable additional properties support,
* regardless of the input schema(s).
boolean isIncludeAdditionalProperties();
* Gets the 'includeAccessors' configuration option.
* @return Whether to include getters/setters or to omit these accessor
* methods and create public fields instead.
boolean isIncludeAccessors();
* Gets the 'targetVersion' configuration option.
* @return The target version for generated source files.
String getTargetVersion();
* Gets the `includeDynamicAccessors` configuraiton option.
* @return Whether to include dynamic getters, setters, and builders
* or to omit these methods.
boolean isIncludeDynamicAccessors();
* Gets the `dateTimeType` configuration option.
* Example values:
* org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
* java.time.LocalDateTime
* null
(default behavior)
* @return The java type to use instead of {@link java.util.Date}
* when adding date type fields to generate Java types.
String getDateTimeType();
* Gets the `dateType` configuration option.
* Example values:
* org.joda.time.LocalDate
* java.time.LocalDate
* null
(default behavior)
* @return The java type to use instead of string
* when adding string type fields with a format of date (not
* date-time) to generated Java types.
String getDateType();
* Gets the `timeType` configuration option.
* Example values:
* org.joda.time.LocalTime
* java.time.LocalTime
* null
(default behavior)
* @return The java type to use instead of string
* when adding string type fields with a format of time (not
* date-time) to generated Java types.
String getTimeType();