com.mysema.scalagen.Helpers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2011, Mysema Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mysema.scalagen
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import japa.parser.ast.body.ModifierSet
import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions
import _root_.scala.collection.Set
import java.util.ArrayList
* Common helper methods for transformers and ScalaDumpVisitor
trait Helpers {
import Types._
val PRIVATE = Modifier.PRIVATE
val PROPERTY = 0x00001000
val LAZY = 0x00002000
val OBJECT = 0x00004000
val IMPLICIT = 0x00008000
implicit def toRichModifiers(i: Int) = new RichModifiers(i)
class RichModifiers(i: Int) {
def isAbstract = ModifierSet.isAbstract(i)
def isFinal = ModifierSet.isFinal(i)
def isImplicit = ModifierSet.hasModifier(i, IMPLICIT)
def isLazy = ModifierSet.hasModifier(i, LAZY)
def isNative = ModifierSet.isNative(i)
def isObject = ModifierSet.hasModifier(i, OBJECT)
def isPrivate = ModifierSet.isPrivate(i)
def isProtected = ModifierSet.isProtected(i)
def isProperty = ModifierSet.hasModifier(i, PROPERTY)
def isPublic = ModifierSet.isPublic(i)
def isStatic = ModifierSet.isStatic(i)
def isStrictfp = ModifierSet.isStrictfp(i)
def isSynchronized = ModifierSet.isSynchronized(i)
def isTransient = ModifierSet.isTransient(i)
def isVolatile = ModifierSet.isVolatile(i)
def hasModifier(mod: Int) = ModifierSet.hasModifier(i,mod)
def addModifier(mod: Int) = ModifierSet.addModifier(i,mod)
def removeModifier(mod: Int) = ModifierSet.removeModifier(i,mod)
type WithModifiers = { def getModifiers(): Int ; def setModifiers(v: Int): Unit }
implicit def toRichWithModifiers(wm: WithModifiers) = new RichWithModifiers(wm)
class RichWithModifiers(wm: WithModifiers) {
def addModifier(mod: Int): RichWithModifiers = {
wm.setModifiers(ModifierSet.addModifier(wm.getModifiers, mod))
def removeModifier(mod: Int): RichWithModifiers = {
wm.setModifiers(ModifierSet.removeModifier(wm.getModifiers, mod))
implicit def toRichBlock(b: Block) = new RichBlockStmt(b)
class RichBlockStmt(b: Block) {
def apply(i: Int) = if (isEmpty) null else b.getStmts.get(i)
def isEmpty = b.getStmts == null || b.getStmts.isEmpty
def add(s: Statement) {
b.setStmts(b.getStmts :+ s)
def addAll(s: List[Statement]) {
b.setStmts(b.getStmts ++ s)
def remove(s: Statement) {
b.setStmts(b.getStmts.filterNot(_ == s))
def removeAll(s: List[Statement]) {
def copy(): Block = {
def block = new Block()
def stmts = new ArrayList[Statement]()
def size = if (b.getStmts != null) b.getStmts.size else 0
def isEmpty(col: JavaCollection[_]): Boolean = col == null || col.isEmpty
def getAssignment(s: Statement): Assign = s match {
case Stmt(a: Assign) => a
case _ => null
// TODO use pattern matching
def getLazyInit(block: Block) = {
def isLazyCreation(block: Block, f: String): Boolean = block match {
case Block(
If(isnull(field(`f`)), Stmt(field(`f`) set init), null) ::
Return(field(`f`)) :: Nil) => true
case _ => false
def isAssignment(s: Statement): Boolean = s match {
case Stmt(_ set _) => true
case _ => false
def isThisConstructor(s: Statement): Boolean = s match {
case ci: ConstructorInvocation => ci.isThis
case _ => false
def isStatic(member: BodyDecl): Boolean = member match {
case t: ClassOrInterfaceDecl => t.getModifiers.isStatic || t.getModifiers.isObject || t.isInterface
case t: TypeDecl => t.getModifiers.isStatic || t.getModifiers.isObject
case f: Field => f.getModifiers.isStatic
case m: Method => m.getModifiers.isStatic
case i: Initializer => i.isStatic
case _ => false
def isHashCode(n: Method): Boolean = n match {
case Method("hashCode", Type.Int, Nil, _) => true
case _ => false
def isEquals(n: Method): Boolean = n match {
case Method("equals", Type.Boolean,_ :: Nil, _) => true
case _ => false
def isReturnFieldStmt(stmt: Statement): Boolean = stmt match {
case Return(field(_)) => true
case _ => false
def isSetFieldStmt(stmt: Statement): Boolean = stmt match {
case Stmt(_ set _) => true
case _ => false
def isToString(n: Method): Boolean = n match {
case Method("toString", Type.String, Nil, _) => true
case _ => false