com.mysema.scalagen.SimpleEquals.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2011, Mysema Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mysema.scalagen
import japa.parser.ast.visitor.ModifierVisitorAdapter
import UnitTransformer._
import java.util.ArrayList
object SimpleEquals extends SimpleEquals
* SimpleEquals simplifies equals method implementations
class SimpleEquals extends UnitTransformerBase {
private val returnFalse: Statement = new Return(new BooleanLiteral(false))
private val replacer = new ModifierVisitor[(Name,Name)]() {
override def visit(n: Block, arg: (Name,Name)) = {
val visited = super.visit(n, arg)
val matched = n match {
case Block(Stmt(VariableDeclaration(_, Variable(newName, init) :: Nil)) :: Nil) if init == arg._1 => newName
case _ => null
if (matched != null) {
super.visit(n, (new Name(matched),arg._2))
} else {
super.visit(n, arg)
override def visit(n: Enclosed, arg: (Name,Name)) = {
super.visit(n, arg) match {
case Enclosed(n: Name) => n
case o => o
override def visit(n: Name, arg: (Name,Name)) = {
if (n == arg._1) arg._2 else n
override def visit(n: Cast, arg: (Name,Name)) = {
if (n.getExpr == arg._1) arg._2 else super.visit(n,arg)
def transform(cu: CompilationUnit): CompilationUnit = {
cu.accept(this, cu).asInstanceOf[CompilationUnit]
override def visit(n: Method, arg: CompilationUnit) = {
// transform
// if (obj == this) { true }
// else if (obj.isInstanceOf[Type]) { obj.asInstanceOf[Type].flag == flag }
// else { false }
// into
// obj match {
// case obj: JoinFlag => obj.flag == flag
// case _ => false
// }
n match {
case Method("equals", Type.Boolean, Parameter(name) :: Nil, stmt) => {
val converted = stmt match {
// skip obj == this check
case If(_ === This(_) | This(_) === _, Return(Literal(true)),
If(InstanceOf(_,t), action, Return(Literal(false)))) => createSwitch(name,t, action)
case If(InstanceOf(_,t), action, Return(Literal(false))) => createSwitch(name,t, action)
case Return(InstanceOf(_,t) and cond) => createSwitch(name, t, new Return(cond))
case _ => null
if (converted != null) {
n.setBody(new Block(converted :: Nil))
case _ => n
private def createSwitch(name: String, t: Type, action: Statement): Statement = {
// obj match {
// case obj: JoinFlag => obj.flag == flag
// case _ => false
// }
val selector = new Name(name)
val simplified = action.accept(replacer, (selector,selector)).asInstanceOf[Statement]
val matches = new SwitchEntry(VariableDeclaration(-1,name,t), simplified :: Nil)
val doesnt = new SwitchEntry(null, returnFalse :: Nil)
new Switch(selector, matches :: doesnt :: Nil)