org.jsoup.parser.CharacterReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jsoup.parser;
import org.jsoup.UncheckedIOException;
import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Locale;
CharacterReader consumes tokens off a string. Used internally by jsoup. API subject to changes.
public final class CharacterReader {
static final char EOF = (char) -1;
private static final int maxStringCacheLen = 12;
static final int maxBufferLen = 1024 * 32; // visible for testing
static final int readAheadLimit = (int) (maxBufferLen * 0.75); // visible for testing
private static final int minReadAheadLen = 1024; // the minimum mark length supported. No HTML entities can be larger than this.
private char[] charBuf;
private Reader reader;
private int bufLength;
private int bufSplitPoint;
private int bufPos;
private int readerPos;
private int bufMark = -1;
private static final int stringCacheSize = 512;
private String[] stringCache = new String[stringCacheSize]; // holds reused strings in this doc, to lessen garbage
@Nullable private ArrayList newlinePositions = null; // optionally track the pos() position of newlines - scans during bufferUp()
private int lineNumberOffset = 1; // line numbers start at 1; += newlinePosition[indexof(pos)]
public CharacterReader(Reader input, int sz) {
reader = input;
charBuf = new char[Math.min(sz, maxBufferLen)];
public CharacterReader(Reader input) {
this(input, maxBufferLen);
public CharacterReader(String input) {
this(new StringReader(input), input.length());
public void close() {
if (reader == null)
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {
} finally {
reader = null;
charBuf = null;
stringCache = null;
private boolean readFully; // if the underlying stream has been completely read, no value in further buffering
private void bufferUp() {
if (readFully || bufPos < bufSplitPoint)
final int pos;
final int offset;
if (bufMark != -1) {
pos = bufMark;
offset = bufPos - bufMark;
} else {
pos = bufPos;
offset = 0;
try {
final long skipped = reader.skip(pos);
int read = 0;
while (read <= minReadAheadLen) {
int thisRead =, read, charBuf.length - read);
if (thisRead == -1)
readFully = true;
if (thisRead <= 0)
read += thisRead;
if (read > 0) {
Validate.isTrue(skipped == pos); // Previously asserted that there is room in buf to skip, so this will be a WTF
bufLength = read;
readerPos += pos;
bufPos = offset;
if (bufMark != -1)
bufMark = 0;
bufSplitPoint = Math.min(bufLength, readAheadLimit);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
scanBufferForNewlines(); // if enabled, we index newline positions for line number tracking
lastIcSeq = null; // cache for last containsIgnoreCase(seq)
* Gets the position currently read to in the content. Starts at 0.
* @return current position
public int pos() {
return readerPos + bufPos;
Enables or disables line number tracking. By default, will be off.Tracking line numbers improves the
legibility of parser error messages, for example. Tracking should be enabled before any content is read to be of
@param track set tracking on|off
@since 1.14.3
public void trackNewlines(boolean track) {
if (track && newlinePositions == null) {
newlinePositions = new ArrayList<>(maxBufferLen / 80); // rough guess of likely count
scanBufferForNewlines(); // first pass when enabled; subsequently called during bufferUp
else if (!track)
newlinePositions = null;
Check if the tracking of newlines is enabled.
@return the current newline tracking state
@since 1.14.3
public boolean isTrackNewlines() {
return newlinePositions != null;
Get the current line number (that the reader has consumed to). Starts at line #1.
@return the current line number, or 1 if line tracking is not enabled.
@since 1.14.3
@see #trackNewlines(boolean)
public int lineNumber() {
return lineNumber(pos());
int lineNumber(int pos) {
// note that this impl needs to be called before the next buffer up or line numberoffset will be wrong. if that
// causes issues, can remove the reset of newlinepositions during buffer, at the cost of a larger tracking array
if (!isTrackNewlines())
return 1;
int i = lineNumIndex(pos);
if (i == -1)
return lineNumberOffset; // first line
return i + lineNumberOffset + 1;
Get the current column number (that the reader has consumed to). Starts at column #1.
@return the current column number
@since 1.14.3
@see #trackNewlines(boolean)
public int columnNumber() {
return columnNumber(pos());
int columnNumber(int pos) {
if (!isTrackNewlines())
return pos + 1;
int i = lineNumIndex(pos);
if (i == -1)
return pos + 1;
return pos - newlinePositions.get(i) + 1;
Get a formatted string representing the current line and cursor positions. E.g. 5:10
indicating line
number 5 and column number 10.
@return line:col position
@since 1.14.3
@see #trackNewlines(boolean)
String cursorPos() {
return lineNumber() + ":" + columnNumber();
private int lineNumIndex(int pos) {
if (!isTrackNewlines()) return 0;
int i = Collections.binarySearch(newlinePositions, pos);
if (i < -1) i = Math.abs(i) - 2;
return i;
Scans the buffer for newline position, and tracks their location in newlinePositions.
private void scanBufferForNewlines() {
if (!isTrackNewlines())
if (newlinePositions.size() > 0) {
// work out the line number that we have read up to (as we have likely scanned past this point)
int index = lineNumIndex(readerPos);
if (index == -1) index = 0; // first line
int linePos = newlinePositions.get(index);
lineNumberOffset += index; // the num lines we've read up to
newlinePositions.add(linePos); // roll the last read pos to first, for cursor num after buffer
for (int i = bufPos; i < bufLength; i++) {
if (charBuf[i] == '\n')
newlinePositions.add(1 + readerPos + i);
* Tests if all the content has been read.
* @return true if nothing left to read.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return bufPos >= bufLength;
private boolean isEmptyNoBufferUp() {
return bufPos >= bufLength;
* Get the char at the current position.
* @return char
public char current() {
return isEmptyNoBufferUp() ? EOF : charBuf[bufPos];
char consume() {
char val = isEmptyNoBufferUp() ? EOF : charBuf[bufPos];
return val;
Unconsume one character (bufPos--). MUST only be called directly after a consume(), and no chance of a bufferUp.
void unconsume() {
if (bufPos < 1)
throw new UncheckedIOException(new IOException("WTF: No buffer left to unconsume.")); // a bug if this fires, need to trace it.
* Moves the current position by one.
public void advance() {
void mark() {
// make sure there is enough look ahead capacity
if (bufLength - bufPos < minReadAheadLen)
bufSplitPoint = 0;
bufMark = bufPos;
void unmark() {
bufMark = -1;
void rewindToMark() {
if (bufMark == -1)
throw new UncheckedIOException(new IOException("Mark invalid"));
bufPos = bufMark;
* Returns the number of characters between the current position and the next instance of the input char
* @param c scan target
* @return offset between current position and next instance of target. -1 if not found.
int nextIndexOf(char c) {
// doesn't handle scanning for surrogates
for (int i = bufPos; i < bufLength; i++) {
if (c == charBuf[i])
return i - bufPos;
return -1;
* Returns the number of characters between the current position and the next instance of the input sequence
* @param seq scan target
* @return offset between current position and next instance of target. -1 if not found.
int nextIndexOf(CharSequence seq) {
// doesn't handle scanning for surrogates
char startChar = seq.charAt(0);
for (int offset = bufPos; offset < bufLength; offset++) {
// scan to first instance of startchar:
if (startChar != charBuf[offset])
while(++offset < bufLength && startChar != charBuf[offset]) { /* empty */ }
int i = offset + 1;
int last = i + seq.length()-1;
if (offset < bufLength && last <= bufLength) {
for (int j = 1; i < last && seq.charAt(j) == charBuf[i]; i++, j++) { /* empty */ }
if (i == last) // found full sequence
return offset - bufPos;
return -1;
* Reads characters up to the specific char.
* @param c the delimiter
* @return the chars read
public String consumeTo(char c) {
int offset = nextIndexOf(c);
if (offset != -1) {
String consumed = cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, bufPos, offset);
bufPos += offset;
return consumed;
} else {
return consumeToEnd();
String consumeTo(String seq) {
int offset = nextIndexOf(seq);
if (offset != -1) {
String consumed = cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, bufPos, offset);
bufPos += offset;
return consumed;
} else if (bufLength - bufPos < seq.length()) {
// nextIndexOf() did a bufferUp(), so if the buffer is shorter than the search string, we must be at EOF
return consumeToEnd();
} else {
// the string we're looking for may be straddling a buffer boundary, so keep (length - 1) characters
// unread in case they contain the beginning of the search string
int endPos = bufLength - seq.length() + 1;
String consumed = cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, bufPos, endPos - bufPos);
bufPos = endPos;
return consumed;
* Read characters until the first of any delimiters is found.
* @param chars delimiters to scan for
* @return characters read up to the matched delimiter.
public String consumeToAny(final char... chars) {
int pos = bufPos;
final int start = pos;
final int remaining = bufLength;
final char[] val = charBuf;
final int charLen = chars.length;
int i;
OUTER: while (pos < remaining) {
for (i = 0; i < charLen; i++) {
if (val[pos] == chars[i])
break OUTER;
bufPos = pos;
return pos > start ? cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos -start) : "";
String consumeToAnySorted(final char... chars) {
int pos = bufPos;
final int start = pos;
final int remaining = bufLength;
final char[] val = charBuf;
while (pos < remaining) {
if (Arrays.binarySearch(chars, val[pos]) >= 0)
bufPos = pos;
return bufPos > start ? cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos -start) : "";
String consumeData() {
// &, <, null
//bufferUp(); // no need to bufferUp, just called consume()
int pos = bufPos;
final int start = pos;
final int remaining = bufLength;
final char[] val = charBuf;
OUTER: while (pos < remaining) {
switch (val[pos]) {
case '&':
case '<':
case TokeniserState.nullChar:
break OUTER;
bufPos = pos;
return pos > start ? cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos -start) : "";
String consumeAttributeQuoted(final boolean single) {
// null, " or ', &
//bufferUp(); // no need to bufferUp, just called consume()
int pos = bufPos;
final int start = pos;
final int remaining = bufLength;
final char[] val = charBuf;
OUTER: while (pos < remaining) {
switch (val[pos]) {
case '&':
case TokeniserState.nullChar:
break OUTER;
case '\'':
if (single) break OUTER;
case '"':
if (!single) break OUTER;
bufPos = pos;
return pos > start ? cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos -start) : "";
String consumeRawData() {
// <, null
//bufferUp(); // no need to bufferUp, just called consume()
int pos = bufPos;
final int start = pos;
final int remaining = bufLength;
final char[] val = charBuf;
OUTER: while (pos < remaining) {
switch (val[pos]) {
case '<':
case TokeniserState.nullChar:
break OUTER;
bufPos = pos;
return pos > start ? cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos -start) : "";
String consumeTagName() {
// '\t', '\n', '\r', '\f', ' ', '/', '>'
// NOTE: out of spec, added '<' to fix common author bugs; does not stop and append on nullChar but eats
int pos = bufPos;
final int start = pos;
final int remaining = bufLength;
final char[] val = charBuf;
OUTER: while (pos < remaining) {
switch (val[pos]) {
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\f':
case ' ':
case '/':
case '>':
case '<':
break OUTER;
bufPos = pos;
return pos > start ? cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, pos -start) : "";
String consumeToEnd() {
String data = cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, bufPos, bufLength - bufPos);
bufPos = bufLength;
return data;
String consumeLetterSequence() {
int start = bufPos;
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || Character.isLetter(c))
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start);
String consumeLetterThenDigitSequence() {
int start = bufPos;
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || Character.isLetter(c))
while (!isEmptyNoBufferUp()) {
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start);
String consumeHexSequence() {
int start = bufPos;
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'))
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start);
String consumeDigitSequence() {
int start = bufPos;
while (bufPos < bufLength) {
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return cacheString(charBuf, stringCache, start, bufPos - start);
boolean matches(char c) {
return !isEmpty() && charBuf[bufPos] == c;
boolean matches(String seq) {
int scanLength = seq.length();
if (scanLength > bufLength - bufPos)
return false;
for (int offset = 0; offset < scanLength; offset++)
if (seq.charAt(offset) != charBuf[bufPos +offset])
return false;
return true;
boolean matchesIgnoreCase(String seq) {
int scanLength = seq.length();
if (scanLength > bufLength - bufPos)
return false;
for (int offset = 0; offset < scanLength; offset++) {
char upScan = Character.toUpperCase(seq.charAt(offset));
char upTarget = Character.toUpperCase(charBuf[bufPos + offset]);
if (upScan != upTarget)
return false;
return true;
boolean matchesAny(char... seq) {
if (isEmpty())
return false;
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
for (char seek : seq) {
if (seek == c)
return true;
return false;
boolean matchesAnySorted(char[] seq) {
return !isEmpty() && Arrays.binarySearch(seq, charBuf[bufPos]) >= 0;
boolean matchesLetter() {
if (isEmpty())
return false;
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || Character.isLetter(c);
Checks if the current pos matches an ascii alpha (A-Z a-z) per
@return if it matches or not
boolean matchesAsciiAlpha() {
if (isEmpty())
return false;
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
boolean matchesDigit() {
if (isEmpty())
return false;
char c = charBuf[bufPos];
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
boolean matchConsume(String seq) {
if (matches(seq)) {
bufPos += seq.length();
return true;
} else {
return false;
boolean matchConsumeIgnoreCase(String seq) {
if (matchesIgnoreCase(seq)) {
bufPos += seq.length();
return true;
} else {
return false;
// we maintain a cache of the previously scanned sequence, and return that if applicable on repeated scans.
// that improves the situation where there is a sequence of and we're bashing on the
. Resets in bufferUp()
@Nullable private String lastIcSeq; // scan cache
private int lastIcIndex; // nearest found indexOf
/** Used to check presence of , when we're in RCData and see a = bufPos) return true;
lastIcSeq = seq;
String loScan = seq.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
int lo = nextIndexOf(loScan);
if (lo > -1) {
lastIcIndex = bufPos + lo; return true;
String hiScan = seq.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
int hi = nextIndexOf(hiScan);
boolean found = hi > -1;
lastIcIndex = found ? bufPos + hi : -1; // we don't care about finding the nearest, just that buf contains
return found;
public String toString() {
if (bufLength - bufPos < 0)
return "";
return new String(charBuf, bufPos, bufLength - bufPos);
* Caches short strings, as a flyweight pattern, to reduce GC load. Just for this doc, to prevent leaks.
* Simplistic, and on hash collisions just falls back to creating a new string, vs a full HashMap with Entry list.
* That saves both having to create objects as hash keys, and running through the entry list, at the expense of
* some more duplicates.
private static String cacheString(final char[] charBuf, final String[] stringCache, final int start, final int count) {
// limit (no cache):
if (count > maxStringCacheLen)
return new String(charBuf, start, count);
if (count < 1)
return "";
// calculate hash:
int hash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
hash = 31 * hash + charBuf[start + i];
// get from cache
final int index = hash & stringCacheSize - 1;
String cached = stringCache[index];
if (cached != null && rangeEquals(charBuf, start, count, cached)) // positive hit
return cached;
else {
cached = new String(charBuf, start, count);
stringCache[index] = cached; // add or replace, assuming most recently used are most likely to recur next
return cached;
* Check if the value of the provided range equals the string.
static boolean rangeEquals(final char[] charBuf, final int start, int count, final String cached) {
if (count == cached.length()) {
int i = start;
int j = 0;
while (count-- != 0) {
if (charBuf[i++] != cached.charAt(j++))
return false;
return true;
return false;
// just used for testing
boolean rangeEquals(final int start, final int count, final String cached) {
return rangeEquals(charBuf, start, count, cached);