org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jsoup.helper;
import org.jsoup.*;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.parser.Parser;
import org.jsoup.parser.TokenQueue;
import javax.net.ssl.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.security.KeyManagementException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import static org.jsoup.Connection.Method.HEAD;
* Implementation of {@link Connection}.
* @see org.jsoup.Jsoup#connect(String)
public class HttpConnection implements Connection {
public static final String CONTENT_ENCODING = "Content-Encoding";
private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type";
private static final String MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = "multipart/form-data";
private static final String FORM_URL_ENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
private static final int HTTP_TEMP_REDIR = 307; // http/1.1 temporary redirect, not in Java's set.
public static Connection connect(String url) {
Connection con = new HttpConnection();
return con;
public static Connection connect(URL url) {
Connection con = new HttpConnection();
return con;
private static String encodeUrl(String url) {
if(url == null)
return null;
return url.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
private static String encodeMimeName(String val) {
if (val == null)
return null;
return val.replaceAll("\"", "%22");
private Connection.Request req;
private Connection.Response res;
private HttpConnection() {
req = new Request();
res = new Response();
public Connection url(URL url) {
return this;
public Connection url(String url) {
Validate.notEmpty(url, "Must supply a valid URL");
try {
req.url(new URL(encodeUrl(url)));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Malformed URL: " + url, e);
return this;
public Connection proxy(Proxy proxy) {
return this;
public Connection proxy(String host, int port) {
req.proxy(host, port);
return this;
public Connection userAgent(String userAgent) {
Validate.notNull(userAgent, "User agent must not be null");
req.header("User-Agent", userAgent);
return this;
public Connection timeout(int millis) {
return this;
public Connection maxBodySize(int bytes) {
return this;
public Connection followRedirects(boolean followRedirects) {
return this;
public Connection referrer(String referrer) {
Validate.notNull(referrer, "Referrer must not be null");
req.header("Referer", referrer);
return this;
public Connection method(Method method) {
return this;
public Connection ignoreHttpErrors(boolean ignoreHttpErrors) {
return this;
public Connection ignoreContentType(boolean ignoreContentType) {
return this;
public Connection validateTLSCertificates(boolean value) {
return this;
public Connection data(String key, String value) {
req.data(KeyVal.create(key, value));
return this;
public Connection data(String key, String filename, InputStream inputStream) {
req.data(KeyVal.create(key, filename, inputStream));
return this;
public Connection data(Map data) {
Validate.notNull(data, "Data map must not be null");
for (Map.Entry entry : data.entrySet()) {
req.data(KeyVal.create(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
return this;
public Connection data(String... keyvals) {
Validate.notNull(keyvals, "Data key value pairs must not be null");
Validate.isTrue(keyvals.length %2 == 0, "Must supply an even number of key value pairs");
for (int i = 0; i < keyvals.length; i += 2) {
String key = keyvals[i];
String value = keyvals[i+1];
Validate.notEmpty(key, "Data key must not be empty");
Validate.notNull(value, "Data value must not be null");
req.data(KeyVal.create(key, value));
return this;
public Connection data(Collection data) {
Validate.notNull(data, "Data collection must not be null");
for (Connection.KeyVal entry: data) {
return this;
public Connection.KeyVal data(String key) {
Validate.notEmpty(key, "Data key must not be empty");
for (Connection.KeyVal keyVal : request().data()) {
if (keyVal.key().equals(key))
return keyVal;
return null;
public Connection requestBody(String body) {
return this;
public Connection header(String name, String value) {
req.header(name, value);
return this;
public Connection cookie(String name, String value) {
req.cookie(name, value);
return this;
public Connection cookies(Map cookies) {
Validate.notNull(cookies, "Cookie map must not be null");
for (Map.Entry entry : cookies.entrySet()) {
req.cookie(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return this;
public Connection parser(Parser parser) {
return this;
public Document get() throws IOException {
return res.parse();
public Document post() throws IOException {
return res.parse();
public Connection.Response execute() throws IOException {
res = Response.execute(req);
return res;
public Connection.Request request() {
return req;
public Connection request(Connection.Request request) {
req = request;
return this;
public Connection.Response response() {
return res;
public Connection response(Connection.Response response) {
res = response;
return this;
public Connection postDataCharset(String charset) {
return this;
private static abstract class Base implements Connection.Base {
URL url;
Method method;
Map headers;
Map cookies;
private Base() {
headers = new LinkedHashMap();
cookies = new LinkedHashMap();
public URL url() {
return url;
public T url(URL url) {
Validate.notNull(url, "URL must not be null");
this.url = url;
return (T) this;
public Method method() {
return method;
public T method(Method method) {
Validate.notNull(method, "Method must not be null");
this.method = method;
return (T) this;
public String header(String name) {
Validate.notNull(name, "Header name must not be null");
return getHeaderCaseInsensitive(name);
public T header(String name, String value) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "Header name must not be empty");
Validate.notNull(value, "Header value must not be null");
removeHeader(name); // ensures we don't get an "accept-encoding" and a "Accept-Encoding"
headers.put(name, value);
return (T) this;
public boolean hasHeader(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "Header name must not be empty");
return getHeaderCaseInsensitive(name) != null;
* Test if the request has a header with this value (case insensitive).
public boolean hasHeaderWithValue(String name, String value) {
return hasHeader(name) && header(name).equalsIgnoreCase(value);
public T removeHeader(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "Header name must not be empty");
Map.Entry entry = scanHeaders(name); // remove is case insensitive too
if (entry != null)
headers.remove(entry.getKey()); // ensures correct case
return (T) this;
public Map headers() {
return headers;
private String getHeaderCaseInsensitive(String name) {
Validate.notNull(name, "Header name must not be null");
// quick evals for common case of title case, lower case, then scan for mixed
String value = headers.get(name);
if (value == null)
value = headers.get(name.toLowerCase());
if (value == null) {
Map.Entry entry = scanHeaders(name);
if (entry != null)
value = entry.getValue();
return value;
private Map.Entry scanHeaders(String name) {
String lc = name.toLowerCase();
for (Map.Entry entry : headers.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().toLowerCase().equals(lc))
return entry;
return null;
public String cookie(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "Cookie name must not be empty");
return cookies.get(name);
public T cookie(String name, String value) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "Cookie name must not be empty");
Validate.notNull(value, "Cookie value must not be null");
cookies.put(name, value);
return (T) this;
public boolean hasCookie(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "Cookie name must not be empty");
return cookies.containsKey(name);
public T removeCookie(String name) {
Validate.notEmpty(name, "Cookie name must not be empty");
return (T) this;
public Map cookies() {
return cookies;
public static class Request extends HttpConnection.Base implements Connection.Request {
private Proxy proxy; // nullable
private int timeoutMilliseconds;
private int maxBodySizeBytes;
private boolean followRedirects;
private Collection data;
private String body = null;
private boolean ignoreHttpErrors = false;
private boolean ignoreContentType = false;
private Parser parser;
private boolean parserDefined = false; // called parser(...) vs initialized in ctor
private boolean validateTSLCertificates = true;
private String postDataCharset = DataUtil.defaultCharset;
private Request() {
timeoutMilliseconds = 3000;
maxBodySizeBytes = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB
followRedirects = true;
data = new ArrayList();
method = Method.GET;
headers.put("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
parser = Parser.htmlParser();
public Proxy proxy() {
return proxy;
public Request proxy(Proxy proxy) {
this.proxy = proxy;
return this;
public Request proxy(String host, int port) {
this.proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(host, port));
return this;
public int timeout() {
return timeoutMilliseconds;
public Request timeout(int millis) {
Validate.isTrue(millis >= 0, "Timeout milliseconds must be 0 (infinite) or greater");
timeoutMilliseconds = millis;
return this;
public int maxBodySize() {
return maxBodySizeBytes;
public Connection.Request maxBodySize(int bytes) {
Validate.isTrue(bytes >= 0, "maxSize must be 0 (unlimited) or larger");
maxBodySizeBytes = bytes;
return this;
public boolean followRedirects() {
return followRedirects;
public Connection.Request followRedirects(boolean followRedirects) {
this.followRedirects = followRedirects;
return this;
public boolean ignoreHttpErrors() {
return ignoreHttpErrors;
public boolean validateTLSCertificates() {
return validateTSLCertificates;
public void validateTLSCertificates(boolean value) {
validateTSLCertificates = value;
public Connection.Request ignoreHttpErrors(boolean ignoreHttpErrors) {
this.ignoreHttpErrors = ignoreHttpErrors;
return this;
public boolean ignoreContentType() {
return ignoreContentType;
public Connection.Request ignoreContentType(boolean ignoreContentType) {
this.ignoreContentType = ignoreContentType;
return this;
public Request data(Connection.KeyVal keyval) {
Validate.notNull(keyval, "Key val must not be null");
return this;
public Collection data() {
return data;
public Connection.Request requestBody(String body) {
this.body = body;
return this;
public String requestBody() {
return body;
public Request parser(Parser parser) {
this.parser = parser;
parserDefined = true;
return this;
public Parser parser() {
return parser;
public Connection.Request postDataCharset(String charset) {
Validate.notNull(charset, "Charset must not be null");
if (!Charset.isSupported(charset)) throw new IllegalCharsetNameException(charset);
this.postDataCharset = charset;
return this;
public String postDataCharset() {
return postDataCharset;
public static class Response extends HttpConnection.Base implements Connection.Response {
private static final int MAX_REDIRECTS = 20;
private static SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory;
private static final String LOCATION = "Location";
private int statusCode;
private String statusMessage;
private ByteBuffer byteData;
private String charset;
private String contentType;
private boolean executed = false;
private int numRedirects = 0;
private Connection.Request req;
* Matches XML content types (like text/xml, application/xhtml+xml;charset=UTF8, etc)
private static final Pattern xmlContentTypeRxp = Pattern.compile("(application|text)/\\w*\\+?xml.*");
Response() {
private Response(Response previousResponse) throws IOException {
if (previousResponse != null) {
numRedirects = previousResponse.numRedirects + 1;
if (numRedirects >= MAX_REDIRECTS)
throw new IOException(String.format("Too many redirects occurred trying to load URL %s", previousResponse.url()));
static Response execute(Connection.Request req) throws IOException {
return execute(req, null);
static Response execute(Connection.Request req, Response previousResponse) throws IOException {
Validate.notNull(req, "Request must not be null");
String protocol = req.url().getProtocol();
if (!protocol.equals("http") && !protocol.equals("https"))
throw new MalformedURLException("Only http & https protocols supported");
final boolean methodHasBody = req.method().hasBody();
final boolean hasRequestBody = req.requestBody() != null;
if (!methodHasBody)
Validate.isFalse(hasRequestBody, "Cannot set a request body for HTTP method " + req.method());
// set up the request for execution
String mimeBoundary = null;
if (req.data().size() > 0 && (!methodHasBody || hasRequestBody))
else if (methodHasBody)
mimeBoundary = setOutputContentType(req);
HttpURLConnection conn = createConnection(req);
Response res;
try {
if (conn.getDoOutput())
writePost(req, conn.getOutputStream(), mimeBoundary);
int status = conn.getResponseCode();
res = new Response(previousResponse);
res.setupFromConnection(conn, previousResponse);
res.req = req;
// redirect if there's a location header (from 3xx, or 201 etc)
if (res.hasHeader(LOCATION) && req.followRedirects()) {
if (status != HTTP_TEMP_REDIR) {
req.method(Method.GET); // always redirect with a get. any data param from original req are dropped.
String location = res.header(LOCATION);
if (location != null && location.startsWith("http:/") && location.charAt(6) != '/') // fix broken Location: http:/temp/AAG_New/en/index.php
location = location.substring(6);
req.url(StringUtil.resolve(req.url(), encodeUrl(location)));
for (Map.Entry cookie : res.cookies.entrySet()) { // add response cookies to request (for e.g. login posts)
req.cookie(cookie.getKey(), cookie.getValue());
return execute(req, res);
if ((status < 200 || status >= 400) && !req.ignoreHttpErrors())
throw new HttpStatusException("HTTP error fetching URL", status, req.url().toString());
// check that we can handle the returned content type; if not, abort before fetching it
String contentType = res.contentType();
if (contentType != null
&& !req.ignoreContentType()
&& !contentType.startsWith("text/")
&& !xmlContentTypeRxp.matcher(contentType).matches()
throw new UnsupportedMimeTypeException("Unhandled content type. Must be text/*, application/xml, or application/xhtml+xml",
contentType, req.url().toString());
// switch to the XML parser if content type is xml and not parser not explicitly set
if (contentType != null && xmlContentTypeRxp.matcher(contentType).matches()) {
// only flip it if a HttpConnection.Request (i.e. don't presume other impls want it):
if (req instanceof HttpConnection.Request && !((Request) req).parserDefined) {
res.charset = DataUtil.getCharsetFromContentType(res.contentType); // may be null, readInputStream deals with it
if (conn.getContentLength() != 0 && req.method() != HEAD) { // -1 means unknown, chunked. sun throws an IO exception on 500 response with no content when trying to read body
InputStream bodyStream = null;
try {
bodyStream = conn.getErrorStream() != null ? conn.getErrorStream() : conn.getInputStream();
if (res.hasHeaderWithValue(CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip"))
bodyStream = new GZIPInputStream(bodyStream);
res.byteData = DataUtil.readToByteBuffer(bodyStream, req.maxBodySize());
} finally {
if (bodyStream != null) bodyStream.close();
} else {
res.byteData = DataUtil.emptyByteBuffer();
} finally {
// per Java's documentation, this is not necessary, and precludes keepalives. However in practise,
// connection errors will not be released quickly enough and can cause a too many open files error.
res.executed = true;
return res;
public int statusCode() {
return statusCode;
public String statusMessage() {
return statusMessage;
public String charset() {
return charset;
public String contentType() {
return contentType;
public Document parse() throws IOException {
Validate.isTrue(executed, "Request must be executed (with .execute(), .get(), or .post() before parsing response");
Document doc = DataUtil.parseByteData(byteData, charset, url.toExternalForm(), req.parser());
charset = doc.outputSettings().charset().name(); // update charset from meta-equiv, possibly
return doc;
public String body() {
Validate.isTrue(executed, "Request must be executed (with .execute(), .get(), or .post() before getting response body");
// charset gets set from header on execute, and from meta-equiv on parse. parse may not have happened yet
String body;
if (charset == null)
body = Charset.forName(DataUtil.defaultCharset).decode(byteData).toString();
body = Charset.forName(charset).decode(byteData).toString();
return body;
public byte[] bodyAsBytes() {
Validate.isTrue(executed, "Request must be executed (with .execute(), .get(), or .post() before getting response body");
return byteData.array();
// set up connection defaults, and details from request
private static HttpURLConnection createConnection(Connection.Request req) throws IOException {
final HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) (
req.proxy() == null ?
req.url().openConnection() :
conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); // don't rely on native redirection support
if (conn instanceof HttpsURLConnection) {
if (!req.validateTLSCertificates()) {
if (req.method().hasBody())
if (req.cookies().size() > 0)
conn.addRequestProperty("Cookie", getRequestCookieString(req));
for (Map.Entry header : req.headers().entrySet()) {
conn.addRequestProperty(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
return conn;
* Instantiate Hostname Verifier that does nothing.
* This is used for connections with disabled SSL certificates validation.
* @return Hostname Verifier that does nothing and accepts all hostnames
private static HostnameVerifier getInsecureVerifier() {
return new HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(String urlHostName, SSLSession session) {
return true;
* Initialise Trust manager that does not validate certificate chains and
* add it to current SSLContext.
* please not that this method will only perform action if sslSocketFactory is not yet
* instantiated.
* @throws IOException
private static synchronized void initUnSecureTSL() throws IOException {
if (sslSocketFactory == null) {
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
final TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{new X509TrustManager() {
public void checkClientTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType) {
public void checkServerTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType) {
public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
return null;
// Install the all-trusting trust manager
final SSLContext sslContext;
try {
sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
sslContext.init(null, trustAllCerts, new java.security.SecureRandom());
// Create an ssl socket factory with our all-trusting manager
sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new IOException("Can't create unsecure trust manager");
} catch (KeyManagementException e) {
throw new IOException("Can't create unsecure trust manager");
// set up url, method, header, cookies
private void setupFromConnection(HttpURLConnection conn, Connection.Response previousResponse) throws IOException {
method = Method.valueOf(conn.getRequestMethod());
url = conn.getURL();
statusCode = conn.getResponseCode();
statusMessage = conn.getResponseMessage();
contentType = conn.getContentType();
Map> resHeaders = createHeaderMap(conn);
// if from a redirect, map previous response cookies into this response
if (previousResponse != null) {
for (Map.Entry prevCookie : previousResponse.cookies().entrySet()) {
if (!hasCookie(prevCookie.getKey()))
cookie(prevCookie.getKey(), prevCookie.getValue());
private static LinkedHashMap> createHeaderMap(HttpURLConnection conn) {
// the default sun impl of conn.getHeaderFields() returns header values out of order
final LinkedHashMap> headers = new LinkedHashMap>();
int i = 0;
while (true) {
final String key = conn.getHeaderFieldKey(i);
final String val = conn.getHeaderField(i);
if (key == null && val == null)
if (key == null || val == null)
continue; // skip http1.1 line
if (headers.containsKey(key))
else {
final ArrayList vals = new ArrayList();
headers.put(key, vals);
return headers;
void processResponseHeaders(Map> resHeaders) {
for (Map.Entry> entry : resHeaders.entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
if (name == null)
continue; // http/1.1 line
List values = entry.getValue();
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) {
for (String value : values) {
if (value == null)
TokenQueue cd = new TokenQueue(value);
String cookieName = cd.chompTo("=").trim();
String cookieVal = cd.consumeTo(";").trim();
// ignores path, date, domain, validateTLSCertificates et al. req'd?
// name not blank, value not null
if (cookieName.length() > 0)
cookie(cookieName, cookieVal);
} else { // combine same header names with comma: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2
if (values.size() == 1)
header(name, values.get(0));
else if (values.size() > 1) {
StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
final String val = values.get(i);
if (i != 0)
accum.append(", ");
header(name, accum.toString());
private static String setOutputContentType(final Connection.Request req) {
String bound = null;
if (needsMultipart(req)) {
bound = DataUtil.mimeBoundary();
req.header(CONTENT_TYPE, MULTIPART_FORM_DATA + "; boundary=" + bound);
} else {
req.header(CONTENT_TYPE, FORM_URL_ENCODED + "; charset=" + req.postDataCharset());
return bound;
private static void writePost(final Connection.Request req, final OutputStream outputStream, final String bound) throws IOException {
final Collection data = req.data();
final BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, req.postDataCharset()));
if (bound != null) {
// boundary will be set if we're in multipart mode
for (Connection.KeyVal keyVal : data) {
w.write("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"");
w.write(encodeMimeName(keyVal.key())); // encodes " to %22
if (keyVal.hasInputStream()) {
w.write("; filename=\"");
w.write("\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n");
w.flush(); // flush
DataUtil.crossStreams(keyVal.inputStream(), outputStream);
} else {
} else if (req.requestBody() != null) {
// data will be in query string, we're sending a plaintext body
else {
// regular form data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
boolean first = true;
for (Connection.KeyVal keyVal : data) {
if (!first)
first = false;
w.write(URLEncoder.encode(keyVal.key(), req.postDataCharset()));
w.write(URLEncoder.encode(keyVal.value(), req.postDataCharset()));
private static String getRequestCookieString(Connection.Request req) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry cookie : req.cookies().entrySet()) {
if (!first)
sb.append("; ");
first = false;
// todo: spec says only ascii, no escaping / encoding defined. validate on set? or escape somehow here?
return sb.toString();
// for get url reqs, serialise the data map into the url
private static void serialiseRequestUrl(Connection.Request req) throws IOException {
URL in = req.url();
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
// reconstitute the query, ready for appends
.append(in.getAuthority()) // includes host, port
if (in.getQuery() != null) {
first = false;
for (Connection.KeyVal keyVal : req.data()) {
Validate.isFalse(keyVal.hasInputStream(), "InputStream data not supported in URL query string.");
if (!first)
first = false;
.append(URLEncoder.encode(keyVal.key(), DataUtil.defaultCharset))
.append(URLEncoder.encode(keyVal.value(), DataUtil.defaultCharset));
req.url(new URL(url.toString()));
req.data().clear(); // moved into url as get params
private static boolean needsMultipart(Connection.Request req) {
// multipart mode, for files. add the header if we see something with an inputstream, and return a non-null boundary
boolean needsMulti = false;
for (Connection.KeyVal keyVal : req.data()) {
if (keyVal.hasInputStream()) {
needsMulti = true;
return needsMulti;
public static class KeyVal implements Connection.KeyVal {
private String key;
private String value;
private InputStream stream;
public static KeyVal create(String key, String value) {
return new KeyVal().key(key).value(value);
public static KeyVal create(String key, String filename, InputStream stream) {
return new KeyVal().key(key).value(filename).inputStream(stream);
private KeyVal() {}
public KeyVal key(String key) {
Validate.notEmpty(key, "Data key must not be empty");
this.key = key;
return this;
public String key() {
return key;
public KeyVal value(String value) {
Validate.notNull(value, "Data value must not be null");
this.value = value;
return this;
public String value() {
return value;
public KeyVal inputStream(InputStream inputStream) {
Validate.notNull(value, "Data input stream must not be null");
this.stream = inputStream;
return this;
public InputStream inputStream() {
return stream;
public boolean hasInputStream() {
return stream != null;
public String toString() {
return key + "=" + value;
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