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package org.jspringbot.maven.plugin;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.jspringbot.runner.SpringRobotFramework;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import java.util.*;
* Runs the Robot tests. Behaves like invoking the "jybot" command. The goal will not fail the maven
* build, rather the results are evaluated by the verify goal. For details see the maven-failsafe-plugin, which
* uses the same strategy for integration testing.
* Robot Framework tests cases are created in files and directories, and they are executed by
* configuring the path to the file or directory in question to the testCasesDirectory
* configuration. The given file or directory creates the top-level tests suites, which gets its
* name, unless overridden with the "name" option, from the file or directory name.
@Mojo(name = "acceptance-test", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.INTEGRATION_TEST, threadSafe = true, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.TEST)
public class AcceptanceTestMojo extends AbstractMojoWithLoadedClasspath {
* The directory where the test cases are located.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.basedir}/src/test/robotframework/acceptance")
private File testCasesDirectory;
* Sets the name of the top-level tests suites.
private String name;
* Sets the documentation of the top-level tests suites.
private String document;
* Sets free metadata for the top level tests suites.
private List metadata;
* Sets the tags(s) to all executed tests cases.
private List tags;
* Selects the tests cases by name.
private List tests;
* Selects the tests suites by name.
private List suites;
* Selects the tests cases by tags.
private List includes;
* Selects the tests cases by tags.
private List excludes;
* Tests that have the given tags are considered critical.
private List criticalTags;
* Tests that have the given tags are not critical.
private List nonCriticalTags;
* Sets the execution mode for this tests run. Valid modes are ContinueOnFailure, ExitOnFailure,
* SkipTeardownOnExit, DryRun, and Random:<what>.
private String runMode;
* Sets individual variables. Use the format "name:value"
private List variables;
* Sets variables using variables files. Use the format "path:args"
private List variableFiles;
* Configures where generated reports are to be placed.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}/robotframework-reports")
private File outputDirectory;
* Sets the path to the generated output file.
private File output;
* Sets the path to the generated log file.
private File log;
* Sets the path to the generated report file.
private File report;
* Sets the path to the generated summary file.
private File summary;
* Sets the path to the generated XUnit compatible result file, relative to outputDirectory. The
* file is in xml format. By default, the file name is derived from the testCasesDirectory
* parameter, replacing blanks in the directory name by underscores.
private File xunitFile;
* A debug file that is written during execution.
private File debugFile;
* Adds a timestamp to all output files.
private boolean timestampOutputs;
* Splits output and log files.
private String splitOutputs;
* Sets a title for the generated tests log.
private String logTitle;
* Sets a title for the generated tests report.
private String reportTitle;
* Sets a title for the generated summary report.
private String summaryTitle;
* Sets background colors for the generated report and summary.
private String reportBackground;
* Sets the threshold level for logging.
private String logLevel;
* Defines how many levels to show in the Statistics by Suite table in outputs.
private String suiteStatLevel;
* Includes only these tags in the Statistics by Tag and Test Details by Tag tables in outputs.
private List tagStatIncludes;
* Excludes these tags from the Statistics by Tag and Test Details by Tag tables in outputs.
private List tagStatExcludes;
* Creates combined statistics based on tags. Use the format "tags:title"
private List combinedTagStats;
* Adds documentation to the specified tags.
private List tagDocs;
* Adds external links to the Statistics by Tag table in outputs. Use the format
* "pattern:link:title"
private List tagStatLinks;
* Sets multiple listeners for monitoring tests execution. Use the format "ListenerWithArgs:arg1:arg2" or
* simply "ListenerWithoutArgs"
private List listeners;
* Sets a single listener for monitoring tests execution, can also be set via commandline using
* -Dlistener=MyListener.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${listener}")
private String listener;
* Show a warning when an invalid file is skipped.
private boolean warnOnSkippedFiles;
* Show a warning when an invalid file is skipped.
private List removeKeywords;
* Determines if no output is generated
private boolean noOutput;
* Width of the monitor output. Default is 78.
private String monitorWidth;
* Using ANSI colors in console. Normally colors work in unixes but not in Windows. Default is
* 'on'.
'on' - use colors in unixes but not in Windows
'off' - never use colors
'force' - always use colors (also in Windows)
* @since 1.1
private String monitorColors;
* Additional locations (directories, ZIPs, JARs) where to search test libraries from when they
* are imported. Maps to Jybot's --pythonpath option. Otherwise if no locations are declared,
* the default location is ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources/robotframework/libraries.
* @since 1.1
private File[] extraPathDirectories;
* The default location where extra packages will be searched. Effective if extraPath attribute
* is not used. Cannot be overridden.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.basedir}/src/test/resources/robotframework/libraries", required = true, readonly = true)
private File defaultExtraPath;
* A text file to read more arguments from.
private File argumentFile;
* Skip tests. Bound to -DskipTests. This allows to skip acceptance tests together with all
* other tests.
* @since 1.1
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${skipTests}")
private boolean skipTests;
* Skip acceptance tests executed by this plugin. Bound to -DskipATs. This allows to run tests
* and integration tests, but no acceptance tests.
* @since 1.1
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${skipATs}")
private boolean skipATs;
* Skip acceptance tests executed by this plugin together with other integration tests, e.g.
* tests run by the maven-failsafe-plugin. Bound to -DskipITs
* @since 1.1
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${skipITs}")
private boolean skipITs;
* Skip tests, bound to -Dmaven.test.skip, which suppresses test compilation as well.
* @since 1.1
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${maven.test.skip}")
private boolean skip = false;
* Executes tests also if the top level test suite is empty. Useful e.g. with
* --include/--exclude when it is not an error that no test matches the condition.
* @since 1.1
private boolean runEmptySuite;
* If true, sets the return code to zero regardless of failures in test cases. Error codes are
* returned normally.
* @since 1.1
private boolean noStatusReturnCode;
private boolean splitLogs;
protected void subclassExecute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
if (shouldSkipTests()) {
getLog().info("RobotFramework tests are skipped.");
String[] runArguments = generateRunArguments();
getLog().debug("robotframework arguments: " + StringUtils.join(runArguments, " "));
int robotRunReturnValue =;
protected void evaluateReturnCode(int robotRunReturnValue)
// ======== ==========================================
// RC Explanation
// ======== ==========================================
// 0 All critical tests passed.
// 1-249 Returned number of critical tests failed.
// 250 250 or more critical failures.
// 251 Help or version information printed.
// 252 Invalid test data or command line options.
// 253 Test execution stopped by user.
// 255 Unexpected internal error.
// ======== ==========================================
throws MojoFailureException, MojoExecutionException {
switch (robotRunReturnValue) {
// case 250:
// throw new MojoFailureException( robotRunReturnValue
// + " or more critical test cases failed. Check the logs for details." );
// case 251:
// getLog().info( "Help or version information printed. No tests were executed." );
// break;
case 252:
writeXunitFileWithError("Invalid test data or command line options (Returncode 252).");
case 255:
writeXunitFileWithError("Unexpected internal error (Returncode 255).");
// case 253:
// getLog().info( "Test execution stopped by user." );
// break;
// do nothing, rely on xunit file created by rf
private void writeXunitFileWithError(String message) {
try {
DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
Document document = builder.newDocument();
Element testsuite = document.createElement("testsuite");
testsuite.setAttribute("errors", "1");
testsuite.setAttribute("failures", "0");
testsuite.setAttribute("tests", "0");
testsuite.setAttribute("name", getTestSuiteName());
Element testcase = document.createElement("testcase");
testcase.setAttribute("classname", "ExecutionError");
testcase.setAttribute("name", message);
Element error = document.createElement("error");
error.setAttribute("message", message);
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance()
Source xmlSource = new DOMSource(document);
final File output;
output = makeAbsolute(outputDirectory, xunitFile);
Result outputTarget = new StreamResult(output);
transformer.transform(xmlSource, outputTarget);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private String getTestSuiteName() {
final String testSuiteName;
if (name != null) {
testSuiteName = name;
} else {
String delim = " -_";
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(testCasesDirectory.getName(), delim, true);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tokenOrDelim = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (delim.contains(tokenOrDelim)) {
} else {
testSuiteName = sb.toString();
return testSuiteName;
private boolean shouldSkipTests() {
return skipTests || skipITs || skipATs || skip;
private String[] generateRunArguments() {
ArrayList generatedArguments = new ArrayList();
// ignore 'all' value includes.
if(includes != null && includes.size() == 1 && includes.iterator().next().equals("all")) {
// support for comma delimited
if(includes != null && includes.size() == 1) {
String include = includes.iterator().next();
if(include.contains(",")) {
includes.addAll(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(include, ",")));
for(Iterator itr = includes.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
String item =;
if(StringUtils.isBlank(item)) {
// support for comma delimited
if(excludes != null && excludes.size() == 1) {
String exclude = excludes.iterator().next();
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(exclude)) {
} else if(exclude.contains(",")) {
excludes.addAll(Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(exclude, ",")));
for(Iterator itr = excludes.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
String item =;
if(StringUtils.isBlank(item)) {
// add jspringbot listener.
if(listener == null) {
listener = "JSpringBotListener";
} else {
if(listeners == null) {
listeners = new ArrayList();
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, outputDirectory, "-d");
if(!noOutput) {
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, output, "-o");
} else {
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, "NONE", "--output");
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, log, "-l");
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, report, "-r");
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, summary, "-S");
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, debugFile, "-b");
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, argumentFile, "-A");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, name, "-N");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, document, "-D");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, runMode, "--runmode");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, splitOutputs, "--splitoutputs");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, logTitle, "--logtitle");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, reportTitle, "--reporttitle");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, reportBackground, "--reportbackground");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, summaryTitle, "--summarytitle");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, logLevel, "-L");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, suiteStatLevel, "--suitestatlevel");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, monitorWidth, "--monitorwidth");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, monitorColors, "--monitorcolors");
addNonEmptyStringToArguments(generatedArguments, listener, "--listener");
addFlagToArguments(generatedArguments, runEmptySuite, "--runemptysuite");
addFlagToArguments(generatedArguments, noStatusReturnCode, "--nostatusrc");
addFlagToArguments(generatedArguments, timestampOutputs, "-T");
addFlagToArguments(generatedArguments, warnOnSkippedFiles, "--warnonskippedfiles");
addFlagToArguments(generatedArguments, splitLogs, "--splitlog");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, metadata, "-M");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, tags, "-G");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, tests, "-t");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, suites, "-s");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, includes, "-i");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, excludes, "-e");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, criticalTags, "-c");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, nonCriticalTags, "-n");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, variables, "-v");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, variableFiles, "-V");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, tagStatIncludes, "--tagstatinclude");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, tagStatExcludes, "--tagstatexclude");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, combinedTagStats, "--tagstatcombine");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, tagDocs, "--tagdoc");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, tagStatLinks, "--tagstatlink");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, listeners, "--listener");
addListToArguments(generatedArguments, removeKeywords, "--removekeywords");
if (extraPathDirectories == null) {
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, defaultExtraPath, "-P");
} else {
addFileListToArguments(generatedArguments, Arrays.asList(extraPathDirectories), "-P");
if (xunitFile == null) {
String testCasesFolderName = testCasesDirectory.getName();
xunitFile = new File("TEST-" + testCasesFolderName.replace(' ', '_') + ".xml");
addFileToArguments(generatedArguments, xunitFile, "-x");
return generatedArguments.toArray(new String[generatedArguments.size()]);