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robotframework-2.7.7.doc.userguide.src.Appendices.CommandLineOptions.rst Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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All command line options

This appendix lists all the command line options that are available
when `executing test cases`__ with :prog:`pybot` or :prog:`jybot`, and when
`post-processing outputs`_ with :prog:`rebot`.

__ `Starting test execution`_

.. contents::
   :depth: 2

Command line options for test execution

  -N, --name        `Sets the name`_ of the top-level test suite.
  -D, --doc     `Sets the documentation`_ of the top-level test suite.
  -M, --metadata   `Sets free metadata`_ for the top level test suite.
  -G, --settag       `Sets the tag(s)`_ to all executed test cases.
  -t, --test        `Selects the test cases by name`_.
  -s, --suite       `Selects the test suites`_ by name.
  -i, --include      `Selects the test cases`_ by tag.
  -e, --exclude      `Selects the test cases`_ by tag.
  -c, --critical     Tests that have the given tag are `considered critical`_.
  -n, --noncritical   Tests that have the given tag are `not critical`_.
  -v, --variable    Sets `individual variables`_.
  -V, --variablefile   Sets variables using `variable files`_.
  -d, --outputdir    Defines where to `create output files`_.
  -o, --output      Sets the path to the generated `output file`_.
  -l, --log         Sets the path to the generated `log file`_.
  -r, --report      Sets the path to the generated `report file`_.
  -x, --xunitfile   Sets the path to the generated `XUnit compatible result file`_.
  -b, --debugfile   A `debug file`_ that is written during execution.
  -T, --timestampoutputs  `Adds a timestamp`_ to all output files.
  --splitlog              `Split log file`_ into smaller pieces that open in
                          browser transparently.
  --logtitle       `Sets a title`_ for the generated test log.
  --reporttitle <title>   `Sets a title`_ for the generated test report.
  --reportbackground <colors>  `Sets background colors`_ of the generated report.
  -L, --loglevel <level>  `Sets the threshold level`_ for logging. Optionally
                          the default `visible log level`_ can be given
                          separated with a colon (:).
  --suitestatlevel <level>  Defines how many `levels to show`_ in the
                           :name:`Statistics by Suite` table in outputs.
  --tagstatinclude <tag>  `Includes only these tags`_ in the :name:`Statistics
                          by Tag` table.
  --tagstatexclude <tag>  `Excludes these tags`_ from the :name:`Statistics
                          by Tag` table.
  --tagstatcombine <tags:title>  Creates `combined statistics based on tags`_.
  --tagdoc <pattern:doc>  Adds `documentation to the specified tags`_.
  --tagstatlink <pattern:link:title>  Adds `external links`_ to the :name:`Statistics by
                          Tag` table.
  --removekeywords <all|passed|for|wuks>  `Removes keyword data`_ from the
                          generated log file.
  --listener <name:args>  `Sets a listener`_ for monitoring test execution.
  --warnonskippedfiles    Show a warning when `an invalid file is skipped`_.
  --nostatusrc            Sets the `return code`_ to zero regardless of failures
                          in test cases. Error codes are returned normally.
  --runemptysuite         Executes tests also if the top level `test suite is
  --runmode <mode>        Sets the execution mode for this test run.
                          Valid modes are `ExitOnFailure`_, `SkipTeardownOnExit`_,
                          `DryRun`_, and `Random`_:<what>.
  -W, --monitorwidth <chars>  `Sets the width`_ of the console output.
  -C, --monitorcolors <on|off|force>  `Specifies are colors`_ used on the console.
  -K, --monitormarkers <on|off|force>  Specifies are `console markers`_
                          (:cli:`.` and :cli:`F`) used.
  -P, --pythonpath <path>   Additional locations where to `search test libraries`_ from when they are imported.
  -E, --escape <what:with>   `Escapes characters`_ that are problematic in the console.
  -A, --argumentfile <path>   A text file to `read more arguments`_ from.
  -h, --help              Prints `usage instructions`_.
  --version               Prints the `version information`_.

Command line options for post-processing outputs

  -N, --name <name>       `Sets the name`_ of the top level test suite.
  -D, --doc <document>    `Sets the documentation`_ of the top-level test suite.
  -M, --metadata <name:value>  `Sets free metadata`_ for the top-level test suite.
  -G, --settag <tag>      `Sets the tag(s)`_ to all processed test cases.
  -t, --test <name>       `Selects the test cases by name`_.
  -s, --suite <name>      `Selects the test suites`_ by name.
  -i, --include <tag>     `Selects the test cases`_ by tag.
  -e, --exclude <tag>     `Selects the test cases`_ by tag.
  -c, --critical <tag>    Tests that have the given tag are `considered critical`_.
  -n, --noncritical <tag>  Tests that have the given tag are `not critical`_.
  -d, --outputdir <dir>   Defines where to `create output files`_.
  -o, --output <file>     Sets the path to the generated `output file`_.
  -l, --log <file>        Sets the path to the generated `log file`_.
  -r, --report <file>     Sets the path to the generated `report file`_.
  -x, --xunitfile <file>  Sets the path to the generated `XUnit compatible result file`_.
  -T, --timestampoutputs  `Adds a timestamp`_ to all output files.
  --splitlog              `Split log file`_ into smaller pieces that open in
                          browser transparently.
  --logtitle <title>      `Sets a title`_ for the generated test log.
  --reporttitle <title>   `Sets a title`_ for the generated test report.
  --reportbackground <colors>  `Sets background colors`_ of the generated report.
  -L, --loglevel <level>  `Sets the threshold level`_ to select log messages.
                          Optionally the default `visible log level`_ can be given
                          separated with a colon (:).
  --suitestatlevel <level>  Defines how many `levels to show`_ in the
                           :name:`Statistics by Suite` table in outputs.
  --tagstatinclude <tag>  `Includes only these tags`_ in the :name:`Statistics
                          by Tag` table.
  --tagstatexclude <tag>  `Excludes these tags`_ from the :name:`Statistics
                          by Tag` table.
  --tagstatcombine <tags:title>  Creates `combined statistics based on tags`_.
  --tagdoc <pattern:doc>  Adds `documentation to the specified tags`_.
  --tagstatlink <pattern:link:title>  Adds `external links`_ to the :name:`Statistics by
                          Tag` table.
                          table in outputs.
  --removekeywords <all|passed|for|wuks>  `Removes keyword data`_ from the generated outputs.
  --starttime <timestamp>  Sets the `starting time`_ of test execution when creating
  --endtime <timestamp>   Sets the `ending time`_ of test execution when creating reports.
  --nostatusrc            Sets the `return code`_ to zero regardless of failures
                          in test cases. Error codes are returned normally.
  --processemptysuite     Processes an output file even if the top level `test suite is
  -E, --escape <what:with>  `Escapes characters`_ that are problematic in the console.
  -A, --argumentfile <path>   A text file to `read more arguments`_ from.
  -h, --help              Prints `usage instructions`_.
  --version               Prints the `version information`_.

.. _Sets the name: `Setting the name`_
.. _Sets the documentation: `Setting the documentation`_
.. _Sets free metadata: `Setting free metadata`_
.. _Sets the tag(s): `Setting tags`_
.. _Selects the test cases by name: `By test suite and test case names`_
.. _Selects the test suites: `Selects the test cases by name`_
.. _Selects the test cases: `By tag names`_
.. _considered critical: `Setting criticality`_
.. _not critical: `considered critical`_
.. _ContinueOnFailure: `Continue on failure`_
.. _ExitOnFailure: `ExitOnFailure mode`_
.. _SkipTeardownOnExit: `Handling Teardowns`_
.. _DryRun: `Dry run`_
.. _Random: `Randomizing execution order`_
.. _individual variables: `Setting variables in command line`_

.. _create output files: `Output directory`_
.. _Adds a timestamp: `Timestamping output files`_
.. _Split log file: `Splitting logs`_
.. _Sets a title: `Setting titles`_
.. _Sets background colors: `Setting background colors`_

.. _Sets the threshold level: `Setting log level`_
.. _levels to show: `Configuring displayed suite statistics`_
.. _Includes only these tags: `Including and excluding tag statistics`_
.. _Excludes these tags: `Includes only these tags`_
.. _combined statistics based on tags: `Generating combined tag statistics`_
.. _documentation to the specified tags: `Adding documentation to tags`_
.. _external links: `Creating links from tag names`_

.. _Sets a listener: `Setting listeners`_
.. _an invalid file is skipped: `Warning on invalid files`_
.. _test suite is empty: `When no tests match selection`_
.. _Sets the width: `Console width`_
.. _Specifies are colors: `Console colors`_
.. _search test libraries: `library search path`_
.. _Escapes characters: `Escaping complicated characters`_
.. _read more arguments: `Argument files`_
.. _usage instructions: `Getting help and version information`_
.. _version information: `usage instructions`_

.. _Removes keyword data: `Removing keywords from outputs`_
.. _starting time: `Setting start and end time of execution`_
.. _ending time: `starting time`_

</code></pre>    <br/>
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