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#  Copyright 2008-2012 Nokia Siemens Networks Oyj
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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import sys
import os
if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
    from java.awt import Toolkit, Robot, Rectangle
    from javax.imageio import ImageIO
    from import File
elif sys.platform == 'cli':
    import clr
    from System.Drawing import Bitmap, Graphics, Imaging
    from System.Windows.Forms import Screen
        import wx
    except ImportError:
        wx = None
        from gtk import gdk
    except ImportError:
        gdk = None
        from PIL import ImageGrab  # apparently available only on Windows
    except ImportError:
        ImageGrab = None

from robot import utils
from robot.api import logger
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from robot.version import get_version

class Screenshot(object):
    """Test library for taking screenshots on the machine where tests are run.

    Notice that successfully taking screenshots requires tests to be run with
    a physical or virtual display.

    *Using with Python*

    With Python you need to have one of the following modules installed to be
    able to use this library. The first module that is found will be used.

    - wxPython :: :: Required also by RIDE so many Robot
      Framework users already have this module installed.
    - PyGTK :: :: This module is available by default on most
      Linux distributions.
    - Python Imaging Library (PIL) :: ::
      This module can take screenshots only on Windows.

    Python support was added in Robot Framework 2.5.5.

    *Using with Jython and IronPython*

    With Jython and IronPython this library uses APIs provided by JVM and .NET
    platforms, respectively. These APIs are always available and thus no
    external modules are needed.

    IronPython support was added in Robot Framework 2.7.5.

    *Where screenshots are saved*

    By default screenshots are saved into the same directory where the Robot
    Framework log file is written. If no log is created, screenshots are saved
    into the directory where the XML output file is written.

    It is possible to specify a custom location for screenshots using
   `screenshot_directory` argument in `importing` and `Set Screenshot Directory`
    keyword during execution. It is also possible to save screenshots using
    an absolute path.

    Note that prior to Robot Framework 2.5.5 the default screenshot location
    was system's temporary directory.

    *Changes in Robot Framework 2.5.5 and Robot Framework 2.6*

    This library was heavily enhanced in Robot Framework 2.5.5 release. The
    changes are listed below and explained more thoroughly in affected places.

    - The support for using this library on Python (see above) was added.
    - The default location where screenshots are saved was changed (see above).
    - New `Take Screenshot` and `Take Screenshot Without Embedding` keywords
      were added. These keywords should be used for taking screenshots in
      the future. Other screenshot taking keywords will be deprecated and
      removed later.
    - `log_file_directory` argument was deprecated everywhere it was used.

    In Robot Framework 2.6, following additional changes were made:

    - `log_file_directory` argument was removed altogether.
    - `Set Screenshot Directories` keyword was removed.
    - `Save Screenshot`, `Save Screenshot To` and `Log Screenshot`
      keywords were deprecated. They will be removed in Robot Framework 2.8.

    ROBOT_LIBRARY_VERSION = get_version()

    def __init__(self, screenshot_directory=None):
        """Configure where screenshots are saved.

        If `screenshot_directory` is not given, screenshots are saved into
        same directory as the log file. The directory can also be set using
        `Set Screenshot Directory` keyword.

        Examples (use only one of these):

        | *Setting* | *Value*  | *Value*    | *Value* |
        | Library | Screenshot |            | # Default location |
        | Library | Screenshot | ${TEMPDIR} | # System temp (this was default prior to 2.5.5) |
        self._given_screenshot_dir = self._norm_path(screenshot_directory)
        self._screenshot_taker = ScreenshotTaker()

    def _norm_path(self, path):
        if not path:
            return path
        return os.path.normpath(path.replace('/', os.sep))

    def _screenshot_dir(self):
        return self._given_screenshot_dir or self._log_dir

    def _log_dir(self):
        variables = BuiltIn().get_variables()
        outdir = variables['${OUTPUTDIR}']
        log = variables['${LOGFILE}']
        log = os.path.dirname(log) if log != 'NONE' else '.'
        return self._norm_path(os.path.join(outdir, log))

    def set_screenshot_directory(self, path):
        """Sets the directory where screenshots are saved.

        It is possible to use `/` as a path separator in all operating systems.
        Path to the old directory is returned.

        The directory can also be set in `importing`.
        path = self._norm_path(path)
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise RuntimeError("Directory '%s' does not exist." % path)
        old = self._screenshot_dir
        self._given_screenshot_dir = path
        return old

    def save_screenshot_to(self, path):
        """*DEPRECATED* Use `Take Screenshot` or `Take Screenshot Without Embedding` instead."""
        path = self._screenshot_to_file(path)
        return path

    def save_screenshot(self, basename="screenshot", directory=None):
        """*DEPRECATED* Use `Take Screenshot` or `Take Screenshot Without Embedding` instead."""
        path = self._save_screenshot(basename, directory)
        return path

    def log_screenshot(self, basename='screenshot', directory=None,
        """*DEPRECATED* Use `Take Screenshot` or `Take Screenshot Without Embedding` instead."""
        path = self._save_screenshot(basename, directory)
        self._embed_screenshot(path, width)
        return path

    def take_screenshot(self, name="screenshot", width="800px"):
        """Takes a screenshot in JPEG format and embeds it into the log file.

        Name of the file where the screenshot is stored is derived from the
        given `name`. If the `name` ends with extension `.jpg` or `.jpeg`,
        the screenshot will be stored with that exact name. Otherwise a unique
        name is created by adding an underscore, a running index and
        an extension to the `name`.

        The name will be interpreted to be relative to the directory where
        the log file is written. It is also possible to use absolute paths.
        Using `/` as a path separator works in all operating systems.

        `width` specifies the size of the screenshot in the log file.

        Examples: (LOGDIR is determined automatically by the library)
        | Take Screenshot |                  |     | # LOGDIR/screenshot_1.jpg (index automatically incremented) |
        | Take Screenshot | mypic            |     | # LOGDIR/mypic_1.jpg (index automatically incremented) |
        | Take Screenshot | ${TEMPDIR}/mypic |     | # /tmp/mypic_1.jpg (index automatically incremented) |
        | Take Screenshot | pic.jpg          |     | # LOGDIR/pic.jpg (always uses this file) |
        | Take Screenshot | images/login.jpg | 80% | # Specify both name and width. |
        | Take Screenshot | width=550px      |     | # Specify only width. |

        The path where the screenshot is saved is returned.
        path = self._save_screenshot(name)
        self._embed_screenshot(path, width)
        return path

    def take_screenshot_without_embedding(self, name="screenshot"):
        """Takes a screenshot and links it from the log file.

        This keyword is otherwise identical to `Take Screenshot` but the saved
        screenshot is not embedded into the log file. The screenshot is linked
        so it is nevertheless easily available.
        path = self._save_screenshot(name)
        return path

    def _save_screenshot(self, basename, directory=None):
        path = self._get_screenshot_path(basename, directory)
        return self._screenshot_to_file(path)

    def _screenshot_to_file(self, path):
        path = self._validate_screenshot_path(path)
        logger.debug('Using %s modules for taking screenshot.'
                     % self._screenshot_taker.module)
            logger.warn('Taking screenshot failed: %s\n'
                        'Make sure tests are run with a physical or virtual display.'
                        % utils.get_error_message())
        return path

    def _validate_screenshot_path(self, path):
        path = utils.abspath(self._norm_path(path))
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
            raise RuntimeError("Directory '%s' where to save the screenshot "
                               "does not exist" % os.path.dirname(path))
        return path

    def _get_screenshot_path(self, basename, directory):
        directory = self._norm_path(directory) if directory else self._screenshot_dir
        if basename.lower().endswith(('.jpg', '.jpeg')):
            return os.path.join(directory, basename)
        index = 0
        while True:
            index += 1
            path = os.path.join(directory, "%s_%d.jpg" % (basename, index))
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                return path

    def _embed_screenshot(self, path, width):
        link = utils.get_link_path(path, self._log_dir)''
                    % (link, link, width), html=True)

    def _link_screenshot(self, path):
        link = utils.get_link_path(path, self._log_dir)"Screenshot saved to '%s'."
                    % (link, path), html=True)

class ScreenshotTaker(object):

    def __init__(self, module_name=None):
        self._screenshot = self._get_screenshot_taker(module_name)
        self.module = self._screenshot.__name__.split('_')[1]
        self._wx_app_reference = None

    def __call__(self, path):

    def _get_screenshot_taker(self, module_name):
        if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
            return self._java_screenshot
        if sys.platform == 'cli':
            return self._cli_screenshot
        if module_name:
            method_name = '_%s_screenshot' % module_name.lower()
            if hasattr(self, method_name):
                return getattr(self, method_name)
        return self._get_default_screenshot_taker()

    def _get_default_screenshot_taker(self):
        for module, screenshot_taker in [(wx, self._wx_screenshot),
                                         (gdk, self._gtk_screenshot),
                                         (ImageGrab, self._pil_screenshot),
                                         (True, self._no_screenshot)]:
            if module:
                return screenshot_taker

    def _java_screenshot(self, path):
        size = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()
        rectangle = Rectangle(0, 0, size.width, size.height)
        image = Robot().createScreenCapture(rectangle)
        ImageIO.write(image, 'jpg', File(path))

    def _cli_screenshot(self, path):
        bmp = Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width,
        graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
            graphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, bmp.Size)
            bmp.Save(path, Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

    def _wx_screenshot(self, path):
        if not self._wx_app_reference:
            self._wx_app_reference = wx.PySimpleApp()
        context = wx.ScreenDC()
        width, height = context.GetSize()
        bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(width, height, -1)
        memory = wx.MemoryDC()
        memory.Blit(0, 0, width, height, context, -1, -1)
        bitmap.SaveFile(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)

    def _gtk_screenshot(self, path):
        window = gdk.get_default_root_window()
        if not window:
            raise RuntimeError('Taking screenshot failed')
        width, height = window.get_size()
        pb = gdk.Pixbuf(gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, width, height)
        pb = pb.get_from_drawable(window, window.get_colormap(),
                                  0, 0, 0, 0, width, height)
        if not pb:
            raise RuntimeError('Taking screenshot failed'), 'jpeg')

    def _pil_screenshot(self, path):
        ImageGrab.grab().save(path, 'JPEG')

    def _no_screenshot(self, path):
        raise RuntimeError('Taking screenshots is not supported on this platform '
                           'by default. See library documentation for details.')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) not in [2, 3]:
        sys.exit("Usage: %s  [wx|gtk|pil] OR test" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
    if sys.argv[1] == 'test':
        sys.exit('OK' if ScreenshotTaker().module != 'no' else 'NOK')
    path = utils.abspath(sys.argv[1])
    module = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 3 else None
    shooter = ScreenshotTaker(module)
    print 'Using %s modules' % shooter.module
    print path

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