gems.sass-3.2.8.lib.sass.selector.sequence.rb Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector
inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a
web-framework plugin.
This is a repackaged GEM in a JAR format of the sass-lang.gem package. The sass-gems package version
follows the sass-lang.gem versions located Simply change
the version of this package to download and repackage the same GEM version.
module Sass
module Selector
# An operator-separated sequence of
# {SimpleSequence simple selector sequences}.
class Sequence < AbstractSequence
# Sets the line of the Sass template on which this selector was declared.
# This also sets the line for all child selectors.
# @param line [Fixnum]
# @return [Fixnum]
def line=(line)
members.each {|m| m.line = line if m.is_a?(SimpleSequence)}
# Sets the name of the file in which this selector was declared,
# or `nil` if it was not declared in a file (e.g. on stdin).
# This also sets the filename for all child selectors.
# @param filename [String, nil]
# @return [String, nil]
def filename=(filename)
members.each {|m| m.filename = filename if m.is_a?(SimpleSequence)}
# The array of {SimpleSequence simple selector sequences}, operators, and
# newlines. The operators are strings such as `"+"` and `">"` representing
# the corresponding CSS operators, or interpolated SassScript. Newlines
# are also newline strings; these aren't semantically relevant, but they
# do affect formatting.
# @return [Array>]
attr_reader :members
# @param seqs_and_ops [Array>] See \{#members}
def initialize(seqs_and_ops)
@members = seqs_and_ops
# Resolves the {Parent} selectors within this selector
# by replacing them with the given parent selector,
# handling commas appropriately.
# @param super_seq [Sequence] The parent selector sequence
# @return [Sequence] This selector, with parent references resolved
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] If a parent selector is invalid
def resolve_parent_refs(super_seq)
members = @members.dup
nl = (members.first == "\n" && members.shift)
unless members.any? do |seq_or_op|
seq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence) && seq_or_op.members.first.is_a?(Parent)
old_members, members = members, []
members << nl if nl
members <<[], false)
members += old_members
end do |seq_or_op|
next seq_or_op unless seq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence)
# Non-destructively extends this selector with the extensions specified in a hash
# (which should come from {Sass::Tree::Visitors::Cssize}).
# @overload def do_extend(extends, parent_directives)
# @param extends [Sass::Util::SubsetMap{Selector::Simple =>
# Sass::Tree::Visitors::Cssize::Extend}]
# The extensions to perform on this selector
# @param parent_directives [Array]
# The directives containing this selector.
# @return [Array] A list of selectors generated
# by extending this selector with `extends`.
# These correspond to a {CommaSequence}'s {CommaSequence#members members array}.
# @see CommaSequence#do_extend
def do_extend(extends, parent_directives, seen =
extended_not_expanded = do |sseq_or_op|
next [[sseq_or_op]] unless sseq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence)
extended = sseq_or_op.do_extend(extends, parent_directives, seen)
choices = {|seq| seq.members}
choices.unshift([sseq_or_op]) unless extended.any? {|seq| seq.superselector?(sseq_or_op)}
weaves = Sass::Util.paths(extended_not_expanded).map {|path| weave(path)}
Sass::Util.flatten(trim(weaves), 1).map {|p|}
# Returns whether or not this selector matches all elements
# that the given selector matches (as well as possibly more).
# @example
# (.foo).superselector?( #=> true
# (.foo).superselector?(.bar) #=> false
# (.bar .foo).superselector?(.foo) #=> false
# @param sseq [SimpleSequence]
# @return [Boolean]
def superselector?(sseq)
return false unless members.size == 1
# @see Simple#to_a
def to_a
ary = {|seq_or_op| seq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence) ? seq_or_op.to_a : seq_or_op}
Sass::Util.intersperse(ary, " ").flatten.compact
# Returns a string representation of the sequence.
# This is basically the selector string.
# @return [String]
def inspect {|m| m.inspect}.join(" ")
# Add to the {SimpleSequence#sources} sets of the child simple sequences.
# This destructively modifies this sequence's members array, but not the
# child simple sequences.
# @param sources [Set]
def add_sources!(sources)! {|m| m.is_a?(SimpleSequence) ? m.with_more_sources(sources) : m}
# Conceptually, this expands "parenthesized selectors".
# That is, if we have `.A .B {@extend .C}` and `.D .C {...}`,
# this conceptually expands into `.D .C, .D (.A .B)`,
# and this function translates `.D (.A .B)` into `.D .A .B, .A.D .B, .D .A .B`.
# @param path [Array>] A list of parenthesized selector groups.
# @return [Array>] A list of fully-expanded selectors.
def weave(path)
# This function works by moving through the selector path left-to-right,
# building all possible prefixes simultaneously. These prefixes are
# `befores`, while the remaining parenthesized suffixes is `afters`.
befores = [[]]
afters = path.dup
until afters.empty?
current = afters.shift.dup
last_current = [current.pop]
befores = Sass::Util.flatten( do |before|
next [] unless sub = subweave(before, current) {|seqs| seqs + last_current}
end, 1)
return befores
# This interweaves two lists of selectors,
# returning all possible orderings of them (including using unification)
# that maintain the relative ordering of the input arrays.
# For example, given `.foo .bar` and `.baz .bang`,
# this would return `.foo .bar .baz .bang`, `.foo .bar.baz .bang`,
# `.foo .baz .bar .bang`, `.foo .baz .bar.bang`, `.foo .baz .bang .bar`,
# and so on until `.baz .bang .foo .bar`.
# Semantically, for selectors A and B, this returns all selectors `AB_i`
# such that the union over all i of elements matched by `AB_i X` is
# identical to the intersection of all elements matched by `A X` and all
# elements matched by `B X`. Some `AB_i` are elided to reduce the size of
# the output.
# @param seq1 [Array]
# @param seq2 [Array]
# @return [Array>]
def subweave(seq1, seq2)
return [seq2] if seq1.empty?
return [seq1] if seq2.empty?
seq1, seq2 = seq1.dup, seq2.dup
return unless init = merge_initial_ops(seq1, seq2)
return unless fin = merge_final_ops(seq1, seq2)
seq1 = group_selectors(seq1)
seq2 = group_selectors(seq2)
lcs = Sass::Util.lcs(seq2, seq1) do |s1, s2|
next s1 if s1 == s2
next unless s1.first.is_a?(SimpleSequence) && s2.first.is_a?(SimpleSequence)
next s2 if parent_superselector?(s1, s2)
next s1 if parent_superselector?(s2, s1)
diff = [[init]]
until lcs.empty?
diff << chunks(seq1, seq2) {|s| parent_superselector?(s.first, lcs.first)} << [lcs.shift]
diff << chunks(seq1, seq2) {|s| s.empty?}
diff += {|sel| sel.is_a?(Array) ? sel : [sel]}
diff.reject! {|c| c.empty?}
Sass::Util.paths(diff).map {|p| p.flatten}.reject {|p| path_has_two_subjects?(p)}
# Extracts initial selector combinators (`"+"`, `">"`, `"~"`, and `"\n"`)
# from two sequences and merges them together into a single array of
# selector combinators.
# @param seq1 [Array]
# @param seq2 [Array]
# @return [Array, nil] If there are no operators in the merged
# sequence, this will be the empty array. If the operators cannot be
# merged, this will be nil.
def merge_initial_ops(seq1, seq2)
ops1, ops2 = [], []
ops1 << seq1.shift while seq1.first.is_a?(String)
ops2 << seq2.shift while seq2.first.is_a?(String)
newline = false
newline ||= !!ops1.shift if ops1.first == "\n"
newline ||= !!ops2.shift if ops2.first == "\n"
# If neither sequence is a subsequence of the other, they cannot be
# merged successfully
lcs = Sass::Util.lcs(ops1, ops2)
return unless lcs == ops1 || lcs == ops2
return (newline ? ["\n"] : []) + (ops1.size > ops2.size ? ops1 : ops2)
# Extracts final selector combinators (`"+"`, `">"`, `"~"`) and the
# selectors to which they apply from two sequences and merges them
# together into a single array.
# @param seq1 [Array]
# @param seq2 [Array]
# @return [Array>]
# If there are no trailing combinators to be merged, this will be the
# empty array. If the trailing combinators cannot be merged, this will
# be nil. Otherwise, this will contained the merged selector. Array
# elements are [Sass::Util#paths]-style options; conceptually, an "or"
# of multiple selectors.
def merge_final_ops(seq1, seq2, res = [])
ops1, ops2 = [], []
ops1 << seq1.pop while seq1.last.is_a?(String)
ops2 << seq2.pop while seq2.last.is_a?(String)
# Not worth the headache of trying to preserve newlines here. The most
# important use of newlines is at the beginning of the selector to wrap
# across lines anyway.
ops1.reject! {|o| o == "\n"}
ops2.reject! {|o| o == "\n"}
return res if ops1.empty? && ops2.empty?
if ops1.size > 1 || ops2.size > 1
# If there are multiple operators, something hacky's going on. If one
# is a supersequence of the other, use that, otherwise give up.
lcs = Sass::Util.lcs(ops1, ops2)
return unless lcs == ops1 || lcs == ops2
res.unshift *(ops1.size > ops2.size ? ops1 : ops2).reverse
return res
# This code looks complicated, but it's actually just a bunch of special
# cases for interactions between different combinators.
op1, op2 = ops1.first, ops2.first
if op1 && op2
sel1 = seq1.pop
sel2 = seq2.pop
if op1 == '~' && op2 == '~'
if sel1.superselector?(sel2)
res.unshift sel2, '~'
elsif sel2.superselector?(sel1)
res.unshift sel1, '~'
merged = sel1.unify(sel2.members, sel2.subject?)
res.unshift [
[sel1, '~', sel2, '~'],
[sel2, '~', sel1, '~'],
([merged, '~'] if merged)
elsif (op1 == '~' && op2 == '+') || (op1 == '+' && op2 == '~')
if op1 == '~'
tilde_sel, plus_sel = sel1, sel2
tilde_sel, plus_sel = sel2, sel1
if tilde_sel.superselector?(plus_sel)
res.unshift plus_sel, '+'
merged = plus_sel.unify(tilde_sel.members, tilde_sel.subject?)
res.unshift [
[tilde_sel, '~', plus_sel, '+'],
([merged, '+'] if merged)
elsif op1 == '>' && %w[~ +].include?(op2)
res.unshift sel2, op2
seq1.push sel1, op1
elsif op2 == '>' && %w[~ +].include?(op1)
res.unshift sel1, op1
seq2.push sel2, op2
elsif op1 == op2
return unless merged = sel1.unify(sel2.members, sel2.subject?)
res.unshift merged, op1
# Unknown selector combinators can't be unified
return merge_final_ops(seq1, seq2, res)
elsif op1
seq2.pop if op1 == '>' && seq2.last && seq2.last.superselector?(seq1.last)
res.unshift seq1.pop, op1
return merge_final_ops(seq1, seq2, res)
else # op2
seq1.pop if op2 == '>' && seq1.last && seq1.last.superselector?(seq2.last)
res.unshift seq2.pop, op2
return merge_final_ops(seq1, seq2, res)
# Takes initial subsequences of `seq1` and `seq2` and returns all
# orderings of those subsequences. The initial subsequences are determined
# by a block.
# Destructively removes the initial subsequences of `seq1` and `seq2`.
# For example, given `(A B C | D E)` and `(1 2 | 3 4 5)` (with `|`
# denoting the boundary of the initial subsequence), this would return
# `[(A B C 1 2), (1 2 A B C)]`. The sequences would then be `(D E)` and
# `(3 4 5)`.
# @param seq1 [Array]
# @param seq2 [Array]
# @yield [a] Used to determine when to cut off the initial subsequences.
# Called repeatedly for each sequence until it returns true.
# @yieldparam a [Array] A final subsequence of one input sequence after
# cutting off some initial subsequence.
# @yieldreturn [Boolean] Whether or not to cut off the initial subsequence
# here.
# @return [Array] All possible orderings of the initial subsequences.
def chunks(seq1, seq2)
chunk1 = []
chunk1 << seq1.shift until yield seq1
chunk2 = []
chunk2 << seq2.shift until yield seq2
return [] if chunk1.empty? && chunk2.empty?
return [chunk2] if chunk1.empty?
return [chunk1] if chunk2.empty?
[chunk1 + chunk2, chunk2 + chunk1]
# Groups a sequence into subsequences. The subsequences are determined by
# strings; adjacent non-string elements will be put into separate groups,
# but any element adjacent to a string will be grouped with that string.
# For example, `(A B "C" D E "F" G "H" "I" J)` will become `[(A) (B "C" D)
# (E "F" G "H" "I" J)]`.
# @param seq [Array]
# @return [Array]
def group_selectors(seq)
newseq = []
tail = seq.dup
until tail.empty?
head = []
head << tail.shift
end while !tail.empty? && head.last.is_a?(String) || tail.first.is_a?(String)
newseq << head
return newseq
# Given two selector sequences, returns whether `seq1` is a
# superselector of `seq2`; that is, whether `seq1` matches every
# element `seq2` matches.
# @param seq1 [Array]
# @param seq2 [Array]
# @return [Boolean]
def _superselector?(seq1, seq2)
seq1 = seq1.reject {|e| e == "\n"}
seq2 = seq2.reject {|e| e == "\n"}
# Selectors with leading or trailing operators are neither
# superselectors nor subselectors.
return if seq1.last.is_a?(String) || seq2.last.is_a?(String) ||
seq1.first.is_a?(String) || seq2.first.is_a?(String)
# More complex selectors are never superselectors of less complex ones
return if seq1.size > seq2.size
return seq1.first.superselector?(seq2.last) if seq1.size == 1
_, si = Sass::Util.enum_with_index(seq2).find do |e, i|
return if i == seq2.size - 1
next if e.is_a?(String)
return unless si
if seq1[1].is_a?(String)
return unless seq2[si+1].is_a?(String)
# .foo ~ .bar is a superselector of .foo + .bar
return unless seq1[1] == "~" ? seq2[si+1] != ">" : seq1[1] == seq2[si+1]
return _superselector?(seq1[2..-1], seq2[si+2..-1])
elsif seq2[si+1].is_a?(String)
return unless seq2[si+1] == ">"
return _superselector?(seq1[1..-1], seq2[si+2..-1])
return _superselector?(seq1[1..-1], seq2[si+1..-1])
# Like \{#_superselector?}, but compares the selectors in the
# context of parent selectors, as though they shared an implicit
# base simple selector. For example, `B` is not normally a
# superselector of `B A`, since it doesn't match `A` elements.
# However, it is a parent superselector, since `B X` is a
# superselector of `B A X`.
# @param seq1 [Array]
# @param seq2 [Array]
# @return [Boolean]
def parent_superselector?(seq1, seq2)
base =['')], false)
_superselector?(seq1 + [base], seq2 + [base])
# Removes redundant selectors from between multiple lists of
# selectors. This takes a list of lists of selector sequences;
# each individual list is assumed to have no redundancy within
# itself. A selector is only removed if it's redundant with a
# selector in another list.
# "Redundant" here means that one selector is a superselector of
# the other. The more specific selector is removed.
# @param seqses [Array>>]
# @return [Array>>]
def trim(seqses)
# Avoid truly horrific quadratic behavior. TOOD: I think there
# may be a way to get perfect trimming without going quadratic.
return seqses if seqses.size > 100
# This is n^2 on the sequences, but only comparing between
# separate sequences should limit the quadratic behavior. do |seqs1|
seqs1.reject do |seq1|
min_spec = _sources(seq1).map {|seq| seq.specificity}.min || 0
seqses.any? do |seqs2|
next if seqs1.equal?(seqs2)
# Second Law of Extend: the specificity of a generated selector
# should never be less than the specificity of the extending
# selector.
# See
seqs2.any? {|seq2| _specificity(seq2) >= min_spec && _superselector?(seq2, seq1)}
def _hash
members.reject {|m| m == "\n"}.hash
def _eql?(other)
other.members.reject {|m| m == "\n"}.eql?(self.members.reject {|m| m == "\n"})
def path_has_two_subjects?(path)
subject = false
path.each do |sseq_or_op|
next unless sseq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence)
next unless sseq_or_op.subject?
return true if subject
subject = true
def _sources(seq)
s = {|sseq_or_op| s.merge sseq_or_op.sources if sseq_or_op.is_a?(SimpleSequence)}
def extended_not_expanded_to_s(extended_not_expanded) do |choices|
choices = do |sel|
next sel.first.to_s if sel.size == 1
"#{sel.join ' '}"
next choices.first if choices.size == 1 && !choices.include?(' ')
"(#{choices.join ', '})"
end.join ' '