gems.sass-3.2.9.lib.sass.importers.base.rb Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector
inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a
web-framework plugin.
This is a repackaged GEM in a JAR format of the sass-lang.gem package. The sass-gems package version
follows the sass-lang.gem versions located Simply change
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module Sass
module Importers
# The abstract base class for Sass importers.
# All importers should inherit from this.
# At the most basic level, an importer is given a string
# and must return a {Sass::Engine} containing some Sass code.
# This string can be interpreted however the importer wants;
# however, subclasses are encouraged to use the URI format
# for pathnames.
# Importers that have some notion of "relative imports"
# should take a single load path in their constructor,
# and interpret paths as relative to that.
# They should also implement the \{#find\_relative} method.
# Importers should be serializable via `Marshal.dump`.
# In addition to the standard `_dump` and `_load` methods,
# importers can define `_before_dump`, `_after_dump`, `_around_dump`,
# and `_after_load` methods as per {Sass::Util#dump} and {Sass::Util#load}.
# @abstract
class Base
# Find a Sass file relative to another file.
# Importers without a notion of "relative paths"
# should just return nil here.
# If the importer does have a notion of "relative paths",
# it should ignore its load path during this method.
# See \{#find} for important information on how this method should behave.
# The `:filename` option passed to the returned {Sass::Engine}
# should be of a format that could be passed to \{#find}.
# @param uri [String] The URI to import. This is not necessarily relative,
# but this method should only return true if it is.
# @param base [String] The base filename. If `uri` is relative,
# it should be interpreted as relative to `base`.
# `base` is guaranteed to be in a format importable by this importer.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] Options for the Sass file
# containing the `@import` that's currently being resolved.
# @return [Sass::Engine, nil] An Engine containing the imported file,
# or nil if it couldn't be found or was in the wrong format.
def find_relative(uri, base, options)
# Find a Sass file, if it exists.
# This is the primary entry point of the Importer.
# It corresponds directly to an `@import` statement in Sass.
# It should do three basic things:
# * Determine if the URI is in this importer's format.
# If not, return nil.
# * Determine if the file indicated by the URI actually exists and is readable.
# If not, return nil.
# * Read the file and place the contents in a {Sass::Engine}.
# Return that engine.
# If this importer's format allows for file extensions,
# it should treat them the same way as the default {Filesystem} importer.
# If the URI explicitly has a `.sass` or `.scss` filename,
# the importer should look for that exact file
# and import it as the syntax indicated.
# If it doesn't exist, the importer should return nil.
# If the URI doesn't have either of these extensions,
# the importer should look for files with the extensions.
# If no such files exist, it should return nil.
# The {Sass::Engine} to be returned should be passed `options`,
# with a few modifications. `:syntax` should be set appropriately,
# `:filename` should be set to `uri`,
# and `:importer` should be set to this importer.
# @param uri [String] The URI to import.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] Options for the Sass file
# containing the `@import` that's currently being resolved.
# This is safe for subclasses to modify destructively.
# Callers should only pass in a value they don't mind being destructively modified.
# @return [Sass::Engine, nil] An Engine containing the imported file,
# or nil if it couldn't be found or was in the wrong format.
def find(uri, options)
# Returns the time the given Sass file was last modified.
# If the given file has been deleted or the time can't be accessed
# for some other reason, this should return nil.
# @param uri [String] The URI of the file to check.
# Comes from a `:filename` option set on an engine returned by this importer.
# @param options [{Symbol => Objet}] Options for the Sass file
# containing the `@import` currently being checked.
# @return [Time, nil]
def mtime(uri, options)
# Get the cache key pair for the given Sass URI.
# The URI need not be checked for validity.
# The only strict requirement is that the returned pair of strings
# uniquely identify the file at the given URI.
# However, the first component generally corresponds roughly to the directory,
# and the second to the basename, of the URI.
# Note that keys must be unique *across importers*.
# Thus it's probably a good idea to include the importer name
# at the beginning of the first component.
# @param uri [String] A URI known to be valid for this importer.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] Options for the Sass file
# containing the `@import` currently being checked.
# @return [(String, String)] The key pair which uniquely identifies
# the file at the given URI.
def key(uri, options)
# A string representation of the importer.
# Should be overridden by subclasses.
# This is used to help debugging,
# and should usually just show the load path encapsulated by this importer.
# @return [String]
def to_s