org.jtransfo.internal.ConverterHelper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This file is part of jTransfo, a library for converting to and from transfer objects.
* Copyright (c) PROGS bvba, Belgium
* The program is available in open source according to the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* For full licensing details, see LICENSE.txt in the project root.
package org.jtransfo.internal;
import org.jtransfo.JTransfoException;
import org.jtransfo.MapOnlies;
import org.jtransfo.MapOnly;
import org.jtransfo.MappedBy;
import org.jtransfo.Named;
import org.jtransfo.NoConversionTypeConverter;
import org.jtransfo.NotMapped;
import org.jtransfo.PostConvert;
import org.jtransfo.PostConverter;
import org.jtransfo.PreConvert;
import org.jtransfo.PreConverter;
import org.jtransfo.ToConverter;
import org.jtransfo.TypeConverter;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Helper class for building the converters for a pair of classes.
public class ConverterHelper {
private static final String DECLARED_TYPE_CONVERTER_CLASS = "Declared TypeConverter class ";
private ReflectionHelper reflectionHelper = new ReflectionHelper();
private ConcurrentHashMap typeConverterInstances = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private List typeConvertersInOrder = Collections.emptyList(); // empty list for starters
private ConcurrentHashMap preConverterInstances = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private ConcurrentHashMap postConverterInstances = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Build the descriptor for conversion between given object types.
* @param toClass transfer object class, contains the annotations for the conversion
* @param domainClass domain class as other side of conversion
* @return conversion descriptor
* @throws JTransfoException cannot build converter
public ToConverter getToConverter(Class toClass, Class domainClass) throws JTransfoException {
ToConverter converter = withPreConverter(toClass);
List domainFields = reflectionHelper.getSyntheticFields(domainClass);
for (Field field : reflectionHelper.getFields(toClass)) {
boolean isTransient = Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers());
List notMapped = reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(field, NotMapped.class);
if (!isTransient && (0 == notMapped.size())) {
List mappedBies = reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(field, MappedBy.class);
if (mappedBies.size() > 1) {
throw new JTransfoException("Field " + field.getName() + " on type " +
field.getDeclaringClass().getName() +
" MappedBy is ambiguous, check your meta-annotations.");
MappedBy mappedBy = null;
if (1 == mappedBies.size()) {
mappedBy = mappedBies.get(0);
boolean isStatic = (0 != (field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC));
if (0 != mappedBies.size() || !isStatic) {
buildConverters(field, domainFields, domainClass, converter, mappedBy);
addPostConverter(converter, toClass);
return converter;
private SyntheticField[] getDomainField(Field field, List domainFields, Class domainClass,
String fieldParam, String pathParam, boolean readOnlyParam) {
String domainFieldName = field.getName();
String[] domainFieldPath = new String[0];
boolean readOnlyField = (0 != (field.getModifiers() & Modifier.FINAL)) || readOnlyParam; // final -> read-only
if (!MappedBy.DEFAULT_FIELD.equals(fieldParam)) {
domainFieldName = fieldParam;
if (!MappedBy.DEFAULT_PATH.equals(pathParam)) {
domainFieldPath = pathParam.split("\\.");
SyntheticField[] domainField;
try {
domainField = findField(domainFields, domainFieldName, domainFieldPath, domainClass,
} catch (JTransfoException jte) {
throw new JTransfoException(String.format("Cannot determine mapping for field %s in class " +
"%s. The field %s in class %s %scannot be found.",
field.getName(), field.getDeclaringClass().getName(),
domainFieldName, domainClass.getName(), withPath(domainFieldPath)), jte);
return domainField;
private SyntheticField[] getDomainField(Field field, List domainFields, Class domainClass,
MappedBy mappedBy) {
if (null == mappedBy) {
return getDomainField(field, domainFields, domainClass,
MappedBy.DEFAULT_FIELD, MappedBy.DEFAULT_PATH, false);
} else {
return getDomainField(field, domainFields, domainClass,
mappedBy.field(), mappedBy.path(), mappedBy.readOnly());
private void buildConverters(Field field, List domainFields, Class domainClass,
ToConverter converter, MappedBy mappedBy) {
SyntheticField sField = new SimpleSyntheticField(field);
List mapOnlies = getMapOnlies(field);
if (null == mapOnlies) {
SyntheticField[] domainField = getDomainField(field, domainFields, domainClass, mappedBy);
TypeConverter typeConverter = getDeclaredTypeConverter(mappedBy);
if (null == typeConverter) {
typeConverter = getDefaultTypeConverter(field.getGenericType(),
domainField[domainField.length - 1].getGenericType());
if (0 == (field.getModifiers() & Modifier.FINAL)) { // cannot write final fields
converter.getToTo().add(new ToToConverter(sField, domainField, typeConverter));
if (null == mappedBy || !mappedBy.readOnly()) {
converter.getToDomain().add(new ToDomainConverter(sField, domainField, typeConverter));
} else {
TaggedConverter toTo = new TaggedConverter();
TaggedConverter toDomain = new TaggedConverter();
for (MapOnly mapOnly : mapOnlies) {
// determine new domain field if path or field declare on mapOnly
SyntheticField[] mapOnlyDomainField = null;
if (!MappedBy.DEFAULT_PATH.equals(mapOnly.path()) || !MappedBy.DEFAULT_FIELD.equals(mapOnly.field())) {
mapOnlyDomainField = getDomainField(field, domainFields, domainClass,
mapOnly.field(), mapOnly.path(), mapOnly.readOnly());
if (null == mapOnlyDomainField) {
mapOnlyDomainField = getDomainField(field, domainFields, domainClass, mappedBy);
TypeConverter typeConverter = getDeclaredTypeConverter(mappedBy);
if (null == typeConverter) {
typeConverter = getDefaultTypeConverter(field.getGenericType(),
mapOnlyDomainField[mapOnlyDomainField.length - 1].getGenericType());
TypeConverter moTypeConverter = getDeclaredTypeConverter(mapOnly, typeConverter);
ToToConverter ttc = new ToToConverter(sField, mapOnlyDomainField, moTypeConverter);
toTo.addConverters(ttc, mapOnly.value());
if (!mapOnly.readOnly()) {
ToDomainConverter tdc = new ToDomainConverter(sField, mapOnlyDomainField, moTypeConverter);
toDomain.addConverters(tdc, mapOnly.value());
private ToConverter withPreConverter(Class toClass) {
List preConvertListAnnotations =
reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(toClass, PreConvert.List.class);
List preConvertAnnotations = reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(toClass, PreConvert.class);
preConvertListAnnotations.forEach(list -> preConvertAnnotations.addAll(Arrays.asList(list.value())));
if (preConvertAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
return new ToConverter();
} else {
List preConverters = new ArrayList<>();
for (PreConvert ann : preConvertAnnotations) {
getConverter(ann.value(), ann.converterClass(), preConverterInstances, "preConverter"));
if (preConverters.size() == 1) {
return new ToConverter(preConverters.get(0));
} else {
return new ToConverter(new CombinedPreConverter(preConverters));
private void addPostConverter(ToConverter converter, Class toClass) {
List postConvertListAnnotations =
reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(toClass, PostConvert.List.class);
List postConvertAnnotations = reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(toClass, PostConvert.class);
postConvertListAnnotations.forEach(list -> postConvertAnnotations.addAll(Arrays.asList(list.value())));
for (PostConvert ann : postConvertAnnotations) {
PostConverter postConverter =
getConverter(ann.value(), ann.converterClass(), postConverterInstances, "postConverter");
private C getConverter(String converterName, Class converterClass,
Map converterInstances, String typeForException) {
String name = converterName;
if (PreConvert.DEFAULT_NAME.equals(name)) {
name = converterClass.getName();
C converter = converterInstances.get(name);
if (null == converter) {
throw new JTransfoException(String.format("Cannot find %s %s.", typeForException, name));
return converter;
* Get the @MapOnly definitions which exist on a field, be it an individual {@link MapOnly} annotation or grouped
* in {@link MapOnlies} or both.
* @param field field to get annotations for
* @return list of annotations
List getMapOnlies(Field field) {
List mapOnly = reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(field, MapOnly.class);
List mapOnlies = reflectionHelper.getAnnotationWithMeta(field, MapOnlies.class);
if (0 == mapOnly.size() && 0 == mapOnlies.size()) {
return null;
List res = new ArrayList<>();
mapOnlies.forEach(mo -> Collections.addAll(res, mo.value()));
return res;
* Convert path array to a readable representation.
* @param path array of path elements
* @return original path string
String withPath(String[] path) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (path.length > 0) {
sb.append(" (with path ");
for (int i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
sb.append(path[path.length - 1]);
sb.append(") ");
return sb.toString();
* Find one field in a list of fields.
* @param domainFields list of fields in domain object
* @param fieldName field to search
* @param path list of intermediate fields for transitive fields
* @param type type of object to find fields in
* @param readOnlyField is the requested field read only
* @return field with requested name or null when not found
* @throws JTransfoException cannot find fields
SyntheticField[] findField(List domainFields, String fieldName, String[] path,
Class> type, boolean readOnlyField) throws JTransfoException {
List fields = domainFields;
SyntheticField[] result = new SyntheticField[path.length + 1];
int index = 0;
Class> currentType = type;
for (; index < path.length; index++) {
boolean found = false;
for (SyntheticField field : fields) {
if (field.getName().equals(path[index])) {
found = true;
result[index] = field;
if (!found) {
result[index] = new AccessorSyntheticField(reflectionHelper, currentType, path[index], readOnlyField);
currentType = result[index].getType();
fields = reflectionHelper.getSyntheticFields(currentType);
for (SyntheticField field : fields) {
if (field.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
result[index] = field;
return result;
result[index] = new AccessorSyntheticField(reflectionHelper, currentType, fieldName, readOnlyField);
return result;
* Get the {@link TypeConverter} which was specified in the {@link MappedBy} annotation (if any).
* @param typeConverterClassName1 highest priority type converter name (from class in annotation)
* @param typeConverterClassName2 second highest priority type converter name (FQN)
* @return type converter with highest precedence
TypeConverter getDeclaredTypeConverter(String typeConverterClassName1, String typeConverterClassName2) {
String typeConverterClass = typeConverterClassName1;
if (MappedBy.DefaultTypeConverter.class.getName().equals(typeConverterClass)) {
typeConverterClass = typeConverterClassName2;
if (!MappedBy.DEFAULT_TYPE_CONVERTER.equals(typeConverterClass)) {
TypeConverter typeConverter = typeConverterInstances.get(typeConverterClass);
if (null == typeConverter) {
try {
typeConverter = reflectionHelper.newInstance(typeConverterClass);
typeConverterInstances.put(typeConverterClass, typeConverter);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new JTransfoException(DECLARED_TYPE_CONVERTER_CLASS + typeConverterClass +
" cannot be found.", cnfe);
} catch (InstantiationException ie) {
throw new JTransfoException(DECLARED_TYPE_CONVERTER_CLASS + typeConverterClass +
" cannot be instantiated.", ie);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
throw new JTransfoException(DECLARED_TYPE_CONVERTER_CLASS + typeConverterClass +
" cannot be accessed.", iae);
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
throw new JTransfoException(DECLARED_TYPE_CONVERTER_CLASS + typeConverterClass +
" cannot be cast to a TypeConverter.", cce);
return typeConverter;
return null;
* Get declared type converter for a @MappedBy annotation.
* @param mappedBy MappedBy annotation
* @return type converter with highest precedence
TypeConverter getDeclaredTypeConverter(MappedBy mappedBy) {
if (null == mappedBy) {
return null;
return getDeclaredTypeConverter(mappedBy.typeConverterClass().getName(), mappedBy.typeConverter());
* Determine type converter for a @MapOnly annotation (falling back to @MappedBy type converter.
* @param mapOnly MapOnly annotation
* @param fallback type converter from MappedBy annotation
* @return type converter with highest precedence
TypeConverter getDeclaredTypeConverter(MapOnly mapOnly, TypeConverter fallback) {
if (null != mapOnly) {
TypeConverter typeConverter = getDeclaredTypeConverter(
mapOnly.typeConverterClass().getName(), mapOnly.typeConverter());
if (null != typeConverter) {
return typeConverter;
return fallback;
* Set the list of type converters. When searching a type conversion, the list is traversed front to back.
* @param typeConverters ordered list of type converters, the first converter in the list which can do the
* conversion is used.
void setTypeConvertersInOrder(Collection typeConverters) {
LockableList newList = new LockableList<>();
typeConvertersInOrder = newList;
// update list of converters to allow mentioning type converter by name, class name is used if no name provided
for (TypeConverter tc : newList) {
String name = null;
if (tc instanceof Named) {
name = ((Named) tc).getName();
if (null == name) {
name = tc.getClass().getName();
typeConverterInstances.put(name, tc);
* Get the default type converter given the field types to convert between.
* @param toField transfer object field class
* @param domainField domain object field class
* @return type converter
TypeConverter getDefaultTypeConverter(Type toField, Type domainField) {
for (TypeConverter typeConverter : typeConvertersInOrder) {
if (typeConverter.canConvert(toField, domainField)) {
return typeConverter;
return new NoConversionTypeConverter(); // default to no type conversion
* Set the list of type converters. When searching a type conversion, the list is traversed front to back.
* @param preConverters ordered list of type converters, the first converter in the list which can do the
* conversion is used.
void setPreConverters(Collection preConverters) {
for (PreConverter pc : preConverters) {
// register using specific name (if any)
if (pc instanceof Named) {
preConverterInstances.put(((Named) pc).getName(), pc);
// always register using class name
preConverterInstances.put(pc.getClass().getName(), pc);
* Set the list of type converters. When searching a type conversion, the list is traversed front to back.
* @param postConverters ordered list of type converters, the first converter in the list which can do the
* conversion is used.
void setPostConverters(Collection postConverters) {
for (PostConverter pc : postConverters) {
// register using specific name (if any)
if (pc instanceof Named) {
postConverterInstances.put(((Named) pc).getName(), pc);
// always register using class name
postConverterInstances.put(pc.getClass().getName(), pc);
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