org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.firebird.FirebirdTriggerTemplate Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to JumpMind Inc under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. JumpMind Inc licenses this file
* to you under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 (GPLv3)
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,
* version 3.0 (GPLv3) along with this library; if not, see
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.firebird;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.AbstractTriggerTemplate;
import org.jumpmind.symmetric.db.ISymmetricDialect;
public class FirebirdTriggerTemplate extends AbstractTriggerTemplate {
public FirebirdTriggerTemplate(ISymmetricDialect symmetricDialect) {
// @formatter:off
emptyColumnTemplate = "''" ;
stringColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' || REPLACE(REPLACE($(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\", '\\', '\\\\'), '\"', '\\\"') || '\"' end";
clobColumnTemplate = stringColumnTemplate;
numberColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' || $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" || '\"' end" ;
datetimeColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' || $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" || '\"' end" ;
blobColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' || sym_hex($(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") || '\"' end" ;
triggerConcatCharacter = "||" ;
newTriggerValue = "new" ;
oldTriggerValue = "old" ;
oldColumnPrefix = "" ;
newColumnPrefix = "" ;
sqlTemplates = new HashMap();
sqlTemplates.put("insertTriggerTemplate" ,
"create trigger $(triggerName) for $(schemaName)$(tableName) after insert as \n" +
" declare variable id bigint; \n" +
" begin \n" +
" if ($(syncOnInsertCondition) and $(syncOnIncomingBatchCondition)) then \n" +
" begin \n" +
" id = gen_id($(defaultSchema)GEN_$(prefixName)_data_data_id, 1); \n" +
" insert into $(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_data \n" +
" (data_id, table_name, event_type, trigger_hist_id, row_data, channel_id, transaction_id, source_node_id, external_data, create_time) \n" +
" values( \n" +
" :id, \n" +
" '$(targetTableName)', \n" +
" 'I', \n" +
" $(triggerHistoryId), \n" +
" $(columns), \n" +
" '$(channelName)', \n" +
" $(txIdExpression), \n" +
" rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'sync_node_disabled'), \n" +
" $(externalSelect), \n" +
" ); \n" +
" end \n" +
" $(custom_on_insert_text) \n" +
" end \n" );
sqlTemplates.put("updateTriggerTemplate" ,
"create trigger $(triggerName) for $(schemaName)$(tableName) after update as \n" +
" declare variable id bigint; \n" +
" begin \n" +
" if ($(syncOnUpdateCondition) and $(syncOnIncomingBatchCondition)) then \n" +
" begin \n" +
" id = gen_id($(defaultSchema)GEN_$(prefixName)_data_data_id, 1); \n" +
" insert into $(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_data \n" +
" (data_id, table_name, event_type, trigger_hist_id, pk_data, row_data, old_data, channel_id, transaction_id, source_node_id, external_data, create_time) \n" +
" values( \n" +
" :id, \n" +
" '$(targetTableName)', \n" +
" 'U', \n" +
" $(triggerHistoryId), \n" +
" $(oldKeys), \n" +
" $(columns), \n" +
" $(oldColumns), \n" +
" '$(channelName)', \n" +
" $(txIdExpression), \n" +
" rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'sync_node_disabled'), \n" +
" $(externalSelect), \n" +
" ); \n" +
" end \n" +
" $(custom_on_update_text) \n" +
" end \n" );
sqlTemplates.put("deleteTriggerTemplate" ,
"create trigger $(triggerName) for $(schemaName)$(tableName) after delete as \n" +
" declare variable id bigint; \n" +
" begin \n" +
" if ($(syncOnDeleteCondition) and $(syncOnIncomingBatchCondition)) then \n" +
" begin \n" +
" id = gen_id($(defaultSchema)GEN_$(prefixName)_data_data_id, 1); \n" +
" insert into $(defaultSchema)$(prefixName)_data \n" +
" (data_id, table_name, event_type, trigger_hist_id, pk_data, old_data, channel_id, transaction_id, source_node_id, external_data, create_time) \n" +
" values( \n" +
" :id, \n" +
" '$(targetTableName)', \n" +
" 'D', \n" +
" $(triggerHistoryId), \n" +
" $(oldKeys), \n" +
" $(oldColumns), \n" +
" '$(channelName)', \n" +
" $(txIdExpression), \n" +
" rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'sync_node_disabled'), \n" +
" $(externalSelect), \n" +
" ); \n" +
" end \n" +
" $(custom_on_delete_text) \n" +
" end \n" );
sqlTemplates.put("initialLoadSqlTemplate" ,
"select $(columns) from $(schemaName)$(tableName) t where $(whereClause) " );