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* Licensed to JumpMind Inc under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding
* copyright ownership. JumpMind Inc licenses this file
* to you under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 (GPLv3)
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.jumpmind.symmetric.integrate;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Namespace;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jumpmind.db.util.BinaryEncoding;
import org.jumpmind.extension.IExtensionPoint;
import org.jumpmind.symmetric.ext.INodeGroupExtensionPoint;
import org.jumpmind.util.Context;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* An abstract class that accumulates data to publish.
abstract public class AbstractXmlPublisherExtensionPoint implements IExtensionPoint,
INodeGroupExtensionPoint {
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
protected final String XML_CACHE = "XML_CACHE_" + this.hashCode();
private String[] nodeGroups;
protected IPublisher publisher;
protected Set tableNamesToPublishAsGroup;
protected String xmlTagNameToUseForGroup = "batch";
protected List groupByColumnNames;
protected Format xmlFormat;
protected ITimeGenerator timeStringGenerator = new ITimeGenerator() {
public String getTime() {
return Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
public AbstractXmlPublisherExtensionPoint() {
xmlFormat = Format.getCompactFormat();
protected final static Namespace getXmlNamespace() {
return Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "");
protected Map getXmlCache(Context context) {
Map xmlCache = (Map) context.get(XML_CACHE);
if (xmlCache == null) {
xmlCache = new HashMap();
context.put(XML_CACHE, xmlCache);
return xmlCache;
protected boolean doesXmlExistToPublish(Context context) {
Map xmlCache = (Map) context.get(XML_CACHE);
return xmlCache != null && xmlCache.size() > 0;
protected void finalizeXmlAndPublish(Context context) {
Map contextCache = getXmlCache(context);
Collection buffers = contextCache.values();
for (Iterator iterator = buffers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String xml = new XMLOutputter(xmlFormat).outputString(new Document(;
log.debug("Sending XML to IPublisher: {}", xml);
publisher.publish(context, xml.toString());
protected void toXmlElement(DataEventType dml, Element xml, String catalogName,
String schemaName, String tableName, String[] columnNames, String[] data,
String[] keyNames, String[] keys) {
Element row = new Element("row");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(catalogName)) {
row.setAttribute("catalog", catalogName);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(schemaName)) {
row.setAttribute("schema", schemaName);
row.setAttribute("entity", tableName);
row.setAttribute("dml", dml.getCode());
String[] colNames = null;
if (data == null) {
colNames = keyNames;
data = keys;
} else {
colNames = columnNames;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
String col = colNames[i];
Element dataElement = new Element("data");
dataElement.setAttribute("key", col);
if (data[i] != null) {
} else {
dataElement.setAttribute("nil", "true", getXmlNamespace());
* Give the opportunity for the user of this publisher to add in additional
* attributes. The default implementation adds in the nodeId from the
* {@link Context}.
* @param context
* @param xml
* append XML attributes to this buffer
protected void addFormattedExtraGroupAttributes(Context context, Element xml) {
if (context instanceof DataContext) {
DataContext dataContext = (DataContext) context;
xml.setAttribute("nodeid", dataContext.getBatch().getSourceNodeId());
xml.setAttribute("batchid", Long.toString(dataContext.getBatch().getBatchId()));
if (timeStringGenerator != null) {
xml.setAttribute("time", timeStringGenerator.getTime());
protected Element getXmlFromCache(Context context, BinaryEncoding binaryEncoding, String[] columnNames, String[] data,
String[] keyNames, String[] keys) {
Map xmlCache = getXmlCache(context);
Element xml = null;
String txId = toXmlGroupId(columnNames, data, keyNames, keys);
if (txId != null) {
xml = (Element) xmlCache.get(txId);
if (xml == null) {
xml = new Element(xmlTagNameToUseForGroup);
xml.setAttribute("id", txId);
addFormattedExtraGroupAttributes(context, xml);
xmlCache.put(txId, xml);
return xml;
protected String toXmlGroupId(String[] columnNames, String[] data, String[] keyNames,
String[] keys) {
if (groupByColumnNames != null) {
StringBuilder id = new StringBuilder();
if (keys != null) {
String[] columns = keyNames;
for (String col : groupByColumnNames) {
int index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(columns, col, 0);
if (index >= 0) {
} else {
id = new StringBuilder();
if (id.length() == 0) {
String[] columns = columnNames;
for (String col : groupByColumnNames) {
int index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(columns, col, 0);
if (index >= 0) {
} else {
return null;
if (id.length() > 0) {
return id.toString().replaceAll("-", "");
} else {
log.warn("You did not specify 'groupByColumnNames'. We cannot find any matches in the data to publish as XML if you don't. You might as well turn off this filter!");
return null;
public String[] getNodeGroupIdsToApplyTo() {
return nodeGroups;
public void setNodeGroups(String[] nodeGroups) {
this.nodeGroups = nodeGroups;
public void setNodeGroup(String nodeGroup) {
this.nodeGroups = new String[] { nodeGroup };
public void setPublisher(IPublisher publisher) {
this.publisher = publisher;
* Used to populate the time attribute of an XML message.
public void setTimeStringGenerator(ITimeGenerator timeStringGenerator) {
this.timeStringGenerator = timeStringGenerator;
public void setXmlFormat(Format xmlFormat) {
this.xmlFormat = xmlFormat;
public void setTableNamesToPublishAsGroup(Set tableNamesToPublishAsGroup) {
this.tableNamesToPublishAsGroup = tableNamesToPublishAsGroup;
public void setTableNameToPublish(String tableName) {
this.tableNamesToPublishAsGroup = new HashSet(1);
public void setXmlTagNameToUseForGroup(String xmlTagNameToUseForGroup) {
this.xmlTagNameToUseForGroup = xmlTagNameToUseForGroup;
* This attribute is required. It needs to identify the columns that will be
* used to key on rows in the specified tables that need to be grouped
* together in an 'XML batch.'
public void setGroupByColumnNames(List groupByColumnNames) {
this.groupByColumnNames = groupByColumnNames;
public interface ITimeGenerator {
public String getTime();