ammonite.runtime.Evaluator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ammonite.runtime
import java.io.OutputStream
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import acyclic.file
import ammonite._
import util.Util.{ClassFiles, newLine}
import ammonite.util._
import scala.reflect.io.VirtualDirectory
import scala.util.Try
* Evaluates already-compiled Bytecode.
* Deals with all the munging of `Classloader`s, `Class[_]` objects,
* and `Array[Byte]`s representing class files, and reflection necessary
* to take the already-compile Scala bytecode and execute it in our process.
trait Evaluator{
def specialLocalClasses: Set[String]
def loadClass(wrapperName: String, classFiles: ClassFiles): Res[Class[_]]
def evalMain(cls: Class[_]): Any
def getCurrentLine: String
def update(newImports: Imports): Unit
def processLine(classFiles: ClassFiles,
newImports: Imports,
printer: Printer,
fileName: String,
isExec: Boolean,
indexedWrapperName: Name): Res[Evaluated]
def processScriptBlock(cls: Class[_],
newImports: Imports,
wrapperName: Name,
pkgName: Seq[Name],
tag: String): Res[Evaluated]
def frames: List[Frame]
def frames_=(newValue: List[Frame]): Unit
def evalCachedClassFiles(cachedData: Seq[ClassFiles],
pkg: String,
wrapper: String,
dynamicClasspath: VirtualDirectory,
classFilesList: Seq[String]): Res[Seq[_]]
class EvaluatorImpl(currentClassloader: ClassLoader,
startingLine: Int) extends Evaluator{ eval =>
* The current line number of the REPL, used to make sure every snippet
* evaluated can have a distinct name that doesn't collide.
var currentLine = startingLine
* Weird indirection only necessary because of
* https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-7085
def getCurrentLine = currentLine.toString.replace("-", "_")
* Performs the conversion of our pre-compiled `Array[Byte]`s into
* actual classes with methods we can execute.
def initialFrame = {
val hash = SpecialClassLoader.initialClasspathSignature(currentClassloader)
def special = new SpecialClassLoader(eval.specialLocalClasses, currentClassloader, hash)
new Frame(
var frames = List(initialFrame)
def specialLocalClasses = Set(
def loadClass(fullName: String, classFiles: ClassFiles): Res[Class[_]] = {
Res[Class[_]](Try {
for ((name, bytes) <- classFiles.sortBy(_._1)) {
frames.head.classloader.addClassFile(name, bytes)
val names = classFiles.map(_._1)
val res = Class.forName(fullName, true, frames.head.classloader)
}, { e: Throwable =>
val desc = Ex.unapplySeq(e).get.map(t => s"$t\n" + t.getStackTrace.map(" " + _).mkString("\n")).mkString("\n")
s"Failed to load compiled class $fullName\n" + desc
def evalMain(cls: Class[_]) = {
type InvEx = InvocationTargetException
type InitEx = ExceptionInInitializerError
val userCodeExceptionHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Res.Failing] = {
// Exit
case Ex(_: InvEx, _: InitEx, ReplExit(value)) => Res.Exit(value)
// Interrupted during pretty-printing
case Ex(e: ThreadDeath) => Evaluator.interrupted(e)
// Interrupted during evaluation
case Ex(_: InvEx, e: ThreadDeath) => Evaluator.interrupted(e)
case Ex(_: InvEx, _: InitEx, userEx@_*) => Res.Exception(userEx(0), "")
case Ex(_: InvEx, userEx@_*) => Res.Exception(userEx(0), "")
case Ex(userEx@_*) => Res.Exception(userEx(0), "")
def process(printer: Printer, isExec: Boolean, value: AnyRef): Any =
def processLine(classFiles: Util.ClassFiles,
newImports: Imports,
printer: Printer,
fileName: String,
isExec: Boolean,
indexedWrapperName: Name) = {
for {
cls <- loadClass("$sess." + indexedWrapperName.backticked, classFiles)
_ = currentLine += 1
_ <- Catching{userCodeExceptionHandler}
} yield {
// Exhaust the printer iterator now, before exiting the `Catching`
// block, so any exceptions thrown get properly caught and handled
val processedValue = process(printer, isExec, Evaluator.evaluatorRunPrinter(evalMain(cls)))
// "" Empty string as cache tag of repl code
evaluationResult(Seq(Name("$sess"), indexedWrapperName), newImports, "", processedValue)
def processScriptBlock(cls: Class[_],
newImports: Imports,
wrapperName: Name,
pkgName: Seq[Name],
tag: String) = {
for {
_ <- Catching{userCodeExceptionHandler}
} yield {
val res = evaluationResult(pkgName :+ wrapperName, newImports, tag, null)
def evalCachedClassFiles(cachedData: Seq[ClassFiles],
pkg: String,
wrapper: String,
dynamicClasspath: VirtualDirectory,
classFilesList: Seq[String]): Res[Seq[_]] = {
Res.map(cachedData.zipWithIndex) {
case (clsFiles, index) =>
Evaluator.addToClasspath(clsFiles, dynamicClasspath)
val cls = eval.loadClass(classFilesList(index), clsFiles)
try cls.map(eval.evalMain(_))
catch userCodeExceptionHandler
def update(newImports: Imports) = {
def evaluationResult(wrapperName: Seq[Name],
imports: Imports,
tag: String,
result: Any) = {
for(id <- imports.value) yield {
val filledPrefix =
if (id.prefix.isEmpty) {
// For some reason, for things not-in-packages you can't access
// them off of `_root_`
wrapperName ++ Seq(Name("wrapper"), Name("wrapper"))
} else {
val rootedPrefix: Seq[Name] =
if (filledPrefix.headOption.exists(_.backticked == "_root_")) filledPrefix
else Seq(Name("_root_")) ++ filledPrefix
id.copy(prefix = rootedPrefix)
object Evaluator{
def interrupted(e: Throwable) = {
Res.Failure(Some(e), newLine + "Interrupted!")
def apply(currentClassloader: ClassLoader,
startingLine: Int): Evaluator = new EvaluatorImpl(currentClassloader, startingLine)
* Dummy function used to mark this method call in the stack trace,
* so we can easily cut out the irrelevant part of the trace when
* showing it to the user.
def evaluatorRunPrinter[T](f: => T): T = f
def writeDeep(d: VirtualDirectory,
path: List[String],
suffix: String): OutputStream = path match {
case head :: Nil => d.fileNamed(path.head + suffix).output
case head :: rest =>
rest, suffix
* Writes files to dynamicClasspath. Needed for loading cached classes.
def addToClasspath(classFiles: Traversable[(String, Array[Byte])],
dynamicClasspath: VirtualDirectory): Unit = {
val names = classFiles.map(_._1)
for((name, bytes) <- classFiles){
val output = writeDeep(dynamicClasspath, name.split('.').toList, ".class")