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ammonite.runtime.Storage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package ammonite.runtime

import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException

import acyclic.file
import ammonite.ops._
import ammonite.util.ImportTree
import ammonite.util.{Imports, StableRef}
import ammonite.util.Util.{CacheOutput, ClassFiles, CompileCache, newLine}

import scala.util.Try
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.collection.{IndexedSeqLike, mutable}
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer.encode

 * Trait for the interface of common persistent storage. This handles history
 * and persistent caches. Right now it is not threadsafe nor does it handle
 * the mutual exclusion of files between processes. Mutexes should be added
 * to be able to run multiple Ammonite processes on the same system.
trait Storage{
  def loadPredef: String
  def loadSharedPredef: String
  val fullHistory: StableRef[History]
  def compileCacheSave(path: String, tag: String, data: CompileCache): Unit
  def compileCacheLoad(path: String, tag: String): Option[CompileCache]
  def classFilesListSave(pkg: String,
                         wrapper: String,
                         dataList: Seq[(String, String)],
                         imports: Imports,
                         tag: String,
                         importTreesList: Seq[ImportTree]): Unit
  def classFilesListLoad(pkg: String,
                         wrapper: String,
                         cacheTag: String): Option[CacheOutput]

object Storage{
  case class InMemory() extends Storage{
    var predef = ""
    var sharedPredef = ""
    def loadPredef = predef
    def loadSharedPredef = sharedPredef

    var _history = new History(Vector())
    val fullHistory = new StableRef[History]{
      def apply() = _history
      def update(h: History): Unit = _history = h

    var compileCache: mutable.Map[String, (String, CompileCache)] = mutable.Map.empty
    val classFilesListcache = {
      mutable.Map.empty[String, (String, Seq[(String, String)], Imports, Seq[ImportTree])]
    def compileCacheSave(path: String, tag: String, data: CompileCache): Unit = {
      compileCache(path) = (tag, data)
    def compileCacheLoad(path: String, tag: String) = {
      for {
        (loadedTag, data) <- compileCache.get(path)
        if loadedTag == tag
      } yield data

    def classFilesListSave(pkg: String,
                           wrapper: String,
                           dataList: Seq[(String, String)],
                           imports: Imports,
                           tag: String,
                           importTreesList: Seq[ImportTree]): Unit = {
      val dir = pkg + "." + wrapper
      classFilesListcache(dir) = (tag, dataList.reverse, imports, importTreesList)

    def classFilesListLoad(pkg: String,
                           wrapper: String,
                           cacheTag: String): Option[CacheOutput] = {
      val dir = pkg + "." + wrapper
      classFilesListcache.get(dir) match{
        case None => None
        case Some((loadedTag, classFilesList, imports, importTreesList)) =>
          if (loadedTag == cacheTag) {
            val res = {
              for((path, tag) <- classFilesList) yield {
                compileCacheLoad(path, tag)
            Some((classFilesList, res.unzip._1, imports, importTreesList))
          else None

  class Folder(val dir: Path, isRepl: Boolean = true) extends Storage{
    def predef = if (isRepl) dir/"" else dir/""
    def predefShared = dir/""
    // Each version puts its cache in a separate folder, to bust caches
    // on every version bump; otherwise binary-incompatible changes to
    // ReplAPI/Preprocessor/ammonite-ops will cause scripts to fail after
    // someone upgrades Ammonite.
    val cacheDir = dir/'cache/ammonite.Constants.version
    val compileCacheDir = cacheDir/'compile
    val classFilesOrder = "classFilesOrder.json"
    val metadataFile = "metadata.json"
    val historyFile = dir/'history
    val fullHistory = new StableRef[History]{
      def apply(): History = {
          new History([Vector[String]](read(historyFile)))
        }catch{case e: Exception =>
          new History(Vector())

      def update(t: History): Unit = {
        write.over(historyFile, upickle.default.write(t.toVector, indent = 4))

    def compileCacheSave(path: String, tag: String, data: CompileCache): Unit = {
      val (classFiles, imports) = data
      val tagCacheDir = compileCacheDir/encode(path)/tag

        val metadata = upickle.default.write((tag, imports), indent = 4)
        write(tagCacheDir/metadataFile, metadata)
        classFiles.foreach{ case (name, bytes) =>
          write(tagCacheDir/s"$name.class", bytes)


    def classFilesListSave(pkg: String,
                           wrapper: String,
                           dataList: Seq[(String, String)],
                           imports: Imports,
                           tag: String,
                           importTreesList: Seq[ImportTree]): Unit = {
      val dir = encode(pkg) + "." + encode(wrapper)
      val codeCacheDir = cacheDir/'scriptCaches/dir/tag
      if (!exists(codeCacheDir)){
        try {
            upickle.default.write((tag, dataList.reverse), indent = 4)
            codeCacheDir/"imports.json", upickle.default.write(imports, indent = 4)
            codeCacheDir/"importTrees.json", upickle.default.write(importTreesList, indent = 4)
        } catch {
          case _: FileAlreadyExistsException => // ignore
          case t: Throwable => throw t

    def readJson[T: upickle.default.Reader](path: Path): Option[T] = {
      try {
        val fileData = {}
        val parsed = {}
      catch{ case e => None }

    def classFilesListLoad(pkg: String,
                           wrapper: String,
                           cacheTag: String): Option[CacheOutput] = {

      val dir = encode(pkg) + "." + encode(wrapper)
      val codeCacheDir = cacheDir/'scriptCaches/dir/cacheTag
      if(!exists(codeCacheDir)) None
      else {

        val metadataJson = readJson[(String, Seq[(String, String)])](codeCacheDir/classFilesOrder)

        val impFile = readJson[Imports](codeCacheDir/"imports.json")

        val impTrees = readJson[Seq[ImportTree]](codeCacheDir/"importTrees.json")

        (metadataJson, impFile, impTrees) match{
          case (Some(metadata), Some(imports), Some(importTrees)) =>

            val (loadedTag, classFilesList) = metadata

            if (cacheTag == loadedTag){
              val res = {
                for((path, tag) <- classFilesList) yield {
                  compileCacheLoad(path, tag)

              Some((classFilesList, res.unzip._1, imports, importTrees))
            else None
          case _ => None

    def compileCacheLoad(path: String, tag: String): Option[CompileCache] = {
      val tagCacheDir = compileCacheDir/encode(path)/tag
      if(!exists(tagCacheDir)) None
      else for{
        (loadedTag, metadata) <- readJson[(String, Imports)](tagCacheDir/metadataFile)

        if tag == loadedTag
        classFiles <- loadClassFiles(tagCacheDir)
      } yield {
        (classFiles, metadata)

    def loadClassFiles(cacheDir: Path): Option[ClassFiles] = {
      val classFiles = ls(cacheDir).filter(_.ext == "class").toVector
        val data ={ case file =>
          val className = (file relativeTo cacheDir).toString.stripSuffix(".class")
          (className, read.bytes(file))

    def loadPredef = try{
    } catch {
      case e: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException => ""
    def loadSharedPredef = try{
    } catch {
      case e: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException => ""

class History(s: Vector[String])
extends IndexedSeq[String]
with IndexedSeqLike[String, History] {
  def length: Int = s.length
  def apply(idx: Int): String = s.apply(idx)
  override def newBuilder = History.builder

object History{
  def builder = new mutable.Builder[String, History] {
    val buffer = mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
    def +=(elem: String): this.type = {buffer += elem; this}

    def result(): History = new History(buffer.toVector)

    def clear(): Unit = buffer.clear()
  implicit def cbf = new CanBuildFrom[History, String, History]{
    def apply(from: History) = builder
    def apply() = builder
  implicit def toHistory(s: Seq[String]): History = new History(s.toVector)

  import pprint._
  implicit val historyPPrint: pprint.PPrint[History] = pprint.PPrint(
    new pprint.PPrinter[History]{
      def render0(t: History, c: pprint.Config) = {
        t.iterator.flatMap(Iterator(newLine, _))


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