ammonite.runtime.tools.Tools.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* User-facing tools. Rather specific, and although they could
* be built upon as part of a larger program, they're
package ammonite.runtime.tools
import acyclic.file
import java.io.{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader}
import ammonite.ops._
import ammonite.util.Util.newLine
import scala.collection.{GenTraversableOnce, mutable}
import scala.util.matching.Regex
trait Grepper[T]{
def apply[V: pprint.PPrint](t: T, s: V)(implicit c: pprint.Config): Option[GrepResult]
object Grepper{
implicit object Str extends Grepper[String] {
def apply[V: pprint.PPrint](t: String, s: V)(implicit c: pprint.Config) = {
Regex.apply(java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(t).r, s)
implicit object Regex extends Grepper[Regex] {
def apply[V: pprint.PPrint](t: Regex, s: V)(implicit c: pprint.Config) = {
val txt = pprint.tokenize(s).mkString
val fansiTxt = fansi.Str(txt, errorMode = fansi.ErrorMode.Sanitize)
val items = t.findAllIn(fansiTxt.plainText).matchData.toSeq
if (items.isEmpty) None
else Some(new GrepResult(items.map(m => (m.start, m.end)), fansiTxt))
case class GrepResult(spans: Seq[(Int, Int)], text: fansi.Str)
object GrepResult{
case class Color(highlight: fansi.Attrs, dotDotDotColor: fansi.Attrs)
object Color{
implicit val defaultColor = Color(
fansi.Back.Yellow ++ fansi.Color.Blue,
implicit def grepResultRepr(implicit highlightColor: Color) =
pprint.PPrinter[GrepResult]{ (grepResult, cfg) =>
val outputSnippets = mutable.Buffer.empty[fansi.Str]
val rangeBuffer = mutable.Buffer.empty[(Int, Int)]
var remainingSpans = grepResult.spans.toList
var lastEnd = 0 // Where the last generated snippet ended, to avoid overlap
// 6 to leave space for ... at start and end
val width = cfg.width - cfg.depth * 2 - 6
* Consume all the matches that have been aggregated in `rangeBuffer` and
* generate a single result snippet to show the user. Multiple ranges
* can turn up in the same snippet if they are close enough, and we do
* some math to make sure snippets...
* - Do not overlap
* - Are at most `width` wide
* - Have `...` if they're truncated on the left or right
* - Are roughly centered on the ranges they contain, as far as possible
* given the above.
def generateSnippet() = {
val start = rangeBuffer.head._1
val end = rangeBuffer.last._2
val middle = (end + start) / 2
// Range centered on the midpoint of the first/last indices in rangeBuffer
val naiveStart = middle - width / 2
val naiveEnd = middle + width / 2
val boundaryOffset =
if (naiveStart < lastEnd) lastEnd - naiveStart
else if (naiveEnd > grepResult.text.length) grepResult.text.length - naiveEnd
else 0
def cap(min: Int, n: Int, max: Int) =
if (n > max) max
else if (n < min) min
else n
// Range shifted to avoid over-running the start or end of the text
val shiftedStart = naiveStart + boundaryOffset
val shiftedEnd = naiveEnd + boundaryOffset
// Range clamped to 0, in case shifting it caused it to run off the end
// of the string
val wideStart = cap(0, shiftedStart, grepResult.text.length)
val wideEnd = cap(0, shiftedEnd, grepResult.text.length)
val colorRanges =
for((rangeStart, rangeEnd) <- rangeBuffer)
yield (highlightColor.highlight, rangeStart - wideStart, rangeEnd - wideStart)
val colored = grepResult.text.substring(wideStart, wideEnd).overlayAll(colorRanges)
val dotDotDot = highlightColor.dotDotDotColor("...")
val prefix = if (shiftedStart > 0) dotDotDot else fansi.Str("")
val suffix = if (shiftedEnd < grepResult.text.length) dotDotDot else fansi.Str("")
outputSnippets.append(prefix ++ colored ++ suffix)
lastEnd = wideEnd
// Keep chomping away at the remaining spans until the next span is beyond
// the acceptable width, and when that happens consume all the stored spans
// to generate a snippet. Generate one more snippet at the end too to use up
// any un-consumed spans
val (start, end) = remainingSpans.head
remainingSpans = remainingSpans.tail
if (rangeBuffer.nonEmpty && end - rangeBuffer(0)._1 >= width) {
rangeBuffer.append((start, end))
* Lets you filter a list by searching for a matching string or
* regex within the pretty-printed contents.
object grep {
def apply[T: Grepper, V: pprint.PPrint]
(pat: T, str: V)
(implicit c: pprint.Config)
: Option[GrepResult] = {
implicitly[Grepper[T]].apply(pat, str)
* Magic implicits used to turn the [T: PPrint](t: T) => Option[T]
* into a real T => Option[T] by materializing PPrint[T] for various values of T
object !{
implicit def FunkyFunc1[T: pprint.PPrint]
(f: ![_])
(implicit c: pprint.Config)
: T => GenTraversableOnce[GrepResult] = {
implicit def FunkyFunc2[T: pprint.PPrint]
(f: ![_])
(implicit c: pprint.Config)
: T => Boolean = {
x => f.apply[T](x).isDefined
case class {
def apply[V: pprint.PPrint](str: V)(implicit c: pprint.Config) = grep.this.apply(pat, str)
case class tail(interval: Int, prefix: Int) extends Function[Path, Iterator[String]]{
def apply(arg: Path): Iterator[String] = {
val is = java.nio.file.Files.newInputStream(arg.toNIO)
val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is))
val line = br.readLine()
if (line == null) Thread.sleep(interval)
* Follows a file as it is written, handy e.g. for log files.
* Returns an iterator which you can then print to standard out
* or use for other things.
object tail extends tail(100, 50)
* Records how long the given computation takes to run, returning the duration
* in addition to the return value of that computation
object time {
def apply[T](t: => T) = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val res = t
val end = System.nanoTime()
(res, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.fromNanos(end - start))
object browse{
case class Strings(values: Seq[String])
object Strings{
implicit def stringPrefix(s: String) = Strings(Seq(s))
implicit def stringSeqPrefix(s: Seq[String]) = Strings(s)
// R -> show ansi-colors as colors, M -> show current-browse-% bar
val lessViewer = Seq("less", "-RM")
def apply[T: pprint.PPrint](t: T,
viewer: Strings = lessViewer,
width: Integer = null,
height: Integer = null,
indent: Integer = null,
colors: pprint.Colors = null)
(implicit c: pprint.Config,
wd: Path = ammonite.ops.ImplicitWd.implicitCwd) = {
width = width,
height = -1,
indent = indent,
colors = colors