org.jfrog.hudson.ArtifactoryRedeployPublisher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2010 JFrog Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jfrog.hudson;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.maven.MavenBuild;
import hudson.maven.MavenModuleSet;
import hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild;
import hudson.maven.reporters.MavenAbstractArtifactRecord;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.model.Action;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.model.Cause;
import hudson.model.Hudson;
import hudson.model.Result;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor;
import hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor;
import hudson.tasks.Publisher;
import hudson.tasks.Recorder;
import hudson.util.FormValidation;
import hudson.util.XStream2;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.jfrog.hudson.action.ArtifactoryProjectAction;
import org.jfrog.hudson.maven2.ArtifactsDeployer;
import org.jfrog.hudson.maven2.BuildInfoDeployer;
import org.jfrog.hudson.util.CredentialResolver;
import org.jfrog.hudson.util.Credentials;
import org.jfrog.hudson.util.FormValidations;
import org.jfrog.hudson.util.IncludesExcludes;
import org.jfrog.hudson.util.OverridingDeployerCredentialsConverter;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
import java.util.List;
* {@link Publisher} for {@link hudson.maven.MavenModuleSetBuild} to deploy artifacts to Artifactory only after a build
* is fully succeeded. `
* @author Yossi Shaul
public class ArtifactoryRedeployPublisher extends Recorder implements DeployerOverrider {
* Repository URL and repository to deploy artifacts to.
private final ServerDetails details;
* If checked (default) deploy maven artifacts
private final boolean deployArtifacts;
private final IncludesExcludes artifactDeploymentPatterns;
private final Credentials overridingDeployerCredentials;
* Include environment variables in the generated build info
private final boolean includeEnvVars;
private final boolean skipBuildInfoDeploy;
* Deploy even if the build is unstable (failed tests)
public final boolean evenIfUnstable;
private final boolean runChecks;
private final String violationRecipients;
private final boolean includePublishArtifacts;
private final String scopes;
private final boolean licenseAutoDiscovery;
private final boolean disableLicenseAutoDiscovery;
private final boolean discardOldBuilds;
public ArtifactoryRedeployPublisher(ServerDetails details, boolean deployArtifacts,
IncludesExcludes artifactDeploymentPatterns, Credentials overridingDeployerCredentials,
boolean includeEnvVars, boolean deployBuildInfo, boolean evenIfUnstable, boolean runChecks,
String violationRecipients, boolean includePublishArtifacts, String scopes,
boolean disableLicenseAutoDiscovery, boolean discardOldBuilds) {
this.details = details;
this.deployArtifacts = deployArtifacts;
this.artifactDeploymentPatterns = artifactDeploymentPatterns;
this.overridingDeployerCredentials = overridingDeployerCredentials;
this.includeEnvVars = includeEnvVars;
this.evenIfUnstable = evenIfUnstable;
this.runChecks = runChecks;
this.violationRecipients = violationRecipients;
this.includePublishArtifacts = includePublishArtifacts;
this.scopes = scopes;
this.disableLicenseAutoDiscovery = disableLicenseAutoDiscovery;
this.discardOldBuilds = discardOldBuilds;
this.licenseAutoDiscovery = !disableLicenseAutoDiscovery;
this.skipBuildInfoDeploy = !deployBuildInfo;
/*DescriptorExtensionList> descriptors = Publisher.all();
Descriptor redeployPublisher = descriptors.find(RedeployPublisher.DescriptorImpl.class.getName());
if (redeployPublisher != null) {
// NOTE: The following getters are used by jelly. Do not remove them
public boolean isDeployArtifacts() {
return !deployArtifacts;
public IncludesExcludes getArtifactDeploymentPatterns() {
return artifactDeploymentPatterns;
public boolean isDiscardOldBuilds() {
return discardOldBuilds;
public boolean isOverridingDefaultDeployer() {
return (getOverridingDeployerCredentials() != null);
public Credentials getOverridingDeployerCredentials() {
return overridingDeployerCredentials;
public boolean isSkipBuildInfoDeploy() {
return skipBuildInfoDeploy;
public boolean isEvenIfUnstable() {
return evenIfUnstable;
public boolean isIncludePublishArtifacts() {
return includePublishArtifacts;
public boolean isIncludeEnvVars() {
return includeEnvVars;
public boolean isDisableLicenseAutoDiscovery() {
return disableLicenseAutoDiscovery;
public boolean isLicenseAutoDiscovery() {
return licenseAutoDiscovery;
public boolean isRunChecks() {
return runChecks;
public String getScopes() {
return scopes;
public String getViolationRecipients() {
return violationRecipients;
public String getArtifactoryName() {
return details != null ? details.artifactoryName : null;
* @return The release versions deployment repository.
public String getRepositoryKey() {
return details != null ? details.repositoryKey : null;
* @return The snapshots deployment repository. If not defined the releases deployment repository will be returned
public String getSnapshotsRepositoryKey() {
return details != null ?
(details.snapshotsRepositoryKey != null ? details.snapshotsRepositoryKey : details.repositoryKey) :
public Action getProjectAction(AbstractProject, ?> project) {
return details != null ? new ArtifactoryProjectAction(details.artifactoryName, project) : null;
public boolean perform(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
if (build.getResult().isWorseThan(getTreshold())) {
return true; // build failed. Don't publish
if (isBuildFromM2ReleasePlugin(build)) {
listener.getLogger().append("M2 Release build, not uploading artifacts to Artifactory. ");
return true;
if (getArtifactoryServer() == null) {
listener.getLogger().format("No Artifactory server configured for %s. " +
"Please check your configuration.", getArtifactoryName()).println();
return true;
if (!(build instanceof MavenModuleSetBuild)) {
listener.getLogger().format("Non maven build type: %s", build.getClass()).println();
return true;
MavenModuleSetBuild mavenBuild = (MavenModuleSetBuild) build;
List mars = getArtifactRecordActions(mavenBuild);
if (mars.isEmpty()) {
listener.getLogger().println("No artifacts are recorded. Is this a Maven project?");
return true;
ArtifactoryServer server = getArtifactoryServer();
Credentials preferredDeployer = CredentialResolver.getPreferredDeployer(this, server);
ArtifactoryBuildInfoClient client =
server.createArtifactoryClient(preferredDeployer.getUsername(), preferredDeployer.getPassword());
try {
if (deployArtifacts) {
new ArtifactsDeployer(this, client, mavenBuild, listener).deploy();
if (!skipBuildInfoDeploy) {
new BuildInfoDeployer(this, client, mavenBuild, listener).deploy();
// add the result action
build.getActions().add(new BuildInfoResultAction(getArtifactoryName(), build));
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
// failed
return true;
private boolean isBuildFromM2ReleasePlugin(AbstractBuild build) {
List causes = build.getCauses();
return !causes.isEmpty() && Iterables.any(causes, new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(Cause input) {
return "org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.m2release.ReleaseCause".equals(input.getClass().getName());
private void verifySupportedArtifactoryVersion(ArtifactoryBuildInfoClient client) throws Exception {
// get the version of artifactory, if it is an unsupported version, an UnsupportedOperationException
// will be thrown, and no deployment will commence.
protected List getArtifactRecordActions(MavenModuleSetBuild build) {
List actions = Lists.newArrayList();
for (MavenBuild moduleBuild : build.getModuleLastBuilds().values()) {
MavenAbstractArtifactRecord action = moduleBuild.getAction(MavenAbstractArtifactRecord.class);
if (action != null) {
return actions;
public BuildStepMonitor getRequiredMonitorService() {
return BuildStepMonitor.NONE;
public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() {
return (DescriptorImpl) super.getDescriptor();
public ArtifactoryServer getArtifactoryServer() {
List servers = getDescriptor().getArtifactoryServers();
for (ArtifactoryServer server : servers) {
if (server.getName().equals(getArtifactoryName())) {
return server;
return null;
private Result getTreshold() {
if (evenIfUnstable) {
return Result.UNSTABLE;
} else {
return Result.SUCCESS;
public static class DescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor {
public DescriptorImpl() {
public boolean isApplicable(Class extends AbstractProject> jobType) {
return jobType == MavenModuleSet.class;
public ArtifactoryRedeployPublisher newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException {
return req.bindJSON(ArtifactoryRedeployPublisher.class, formData);
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Deploy artifacts to Artifactory";
//return Messages.RedeployPublisher_getDisplayName();
public FormValidation doCheckViolationRecipients(@QueryParameter String value) {
return FormValidations.validateEmails(value);
* Returns the list of {@link ArtifactoryServer} configured.
* @return can be empty but never null.
public List getArtifactoryServers() {
ArtifactoryBuilder.DescriptorImpl descriptor = (ArtifactoryBuilder.DescriptorImpl)
return descriptor.getArtifactoryServers();
* Convert any remaining local credential variables to a credentials object
public static final class ConverterImpl extends OverridingDeployerCredentialsConverter {
public ConverterImpl(XStream2 xstream) {
* @deprecated: Use org.jfrog.hudson.DeployerOverrider#getOverridingDeployerCredentials()
private transient String username;
* @deprecated: Use org.jfrog.hudson.DeployerOverrider#getOverridingDeployerCredentials()
private transient String scrambledPassword;
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