Many resources are needed to download a project. Please understand that we have to compensate our server costs. Thank you in advance. Project price only 1 $
You can buy this project and download/modify it how often you want.
package hudson.scm;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Map;
import hudson.Extension;
import hudson.FilePath;
import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.Util;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.model.TaskListener;
import hudson.scm.ChangeLogParser;
import hudson.scm.PollingResult;
import hudson.scm.SCMDescriptor;
import hudson.scm.SCM;
import hudson.scm.SCMRevisionState;
import hudson.util.FormValidation;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported;
import com.mks.api.Command;
import com.mks.api.Option;
import com.mks.api.MultiValue;
import com.mks.api.response.APIException;
import com.mks.api.response.Response;
import com.mks.api.util.Base64;
* This class provides an integration between Hudson for Continuous Builds and
* MKS Integrity for Configuration Management
public class IntegritySCM extends SCM implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7559894846609712683L;
public static final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public static final String FS = System.getProperty("file.separator");
public static final SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss a");
private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private String integrityURL;
private IntegrityRepositoryBrowser browser;
private String hostName;
private int port;
private boolean secure;
private String configPath;
private String userName;
private String password;
private boolean cleanCopy;
private boolean skipAuthorInfo = false;
private String lineTerminator = "native";
private boolean restoreTimestamp = true;
private transient IntegrityCMProject siProject; /* This will get initialized when checkout is executed */
* Create a constructor that takes non-transient fields, and add the annotation @DataBoundConstructor to it.
* Using the annotation helps the Stapler class to find which constructor that should be used when
* automatically copying values from a web form to a class.
public IntegritySCM(IntegrityRepositoryBrowser browser, String hostName, int port, boolean secure, String configPath,
String userName, String password, boolean cleanCopy, String lineTerminator,
boolean restoreTimestamp, boolean skipAuthorInfo)
// Log the construction"IntegritySCM constructor has been invoked!");
// Initialize the class variables
this.browser = browser;
this.hostName = hostName;
this.port = port; = secure;
this.configPath = configPath;
this.userName = userName;
this.password = Base64.encode(password);
this.cleanCopy = cleanCopy;
this.lineTerminator = lineTerminator;
this.restoreTimestamp = restoreTimestamp;
this.skipAuthorInfo = skipAuthorInfo;
// Initialize the Integrity URL
// Log the parameters received"URL: " + this.integrityURL);"Host: " + this.hostName);"Port: " + this.port);"User: " + this.userName);"Password: " + this.password);"Secure: " +;"Project: " + this.configPath);"Line Terminator: " + this.lineTerminator);"Restore Timestamp: " + this.restoreTimestamp);"Clean: " + this.cleanCopy);"Skip Author Info: " + this.skipAuthorInfo);
* Returns the MKS Integrity Repository Browser
public IntegrityRepositoryBrowser getBrowser()
return browser;
* Returns the host name of the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public String getHostName()
return hostName;
* Returns the port of the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public int getPort()
return port;
* Returns true/false depending on secure sockets are enabled
* @return
public boolean getSecure()
return secure;
* Returns the Project or Configuration Path for a MKS Integrity Source Project
* @return
public String getConfigPath()
return configPath;
* Returns the User connecting to the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public String getUserName()
return userName;
* Returns the clear password of the user connecting to the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public String getPassword()
return Base64.decode(password);
* Returns true/false depending on whether or not the workspace is required to be cleaned
* @return
public boolean getCleanCopy()
return cleanCopy;
* Returns the line terminator to apply when obtaining files from the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public String getLineTerminator()
return lineTerminator;
* Returns true/false depending on whether or not the restore timestamp option is in effect
* @return
public boolean getRestoreTimestamp()
return restoreTimestamp;
* Returns true/false depending on whether or not to use 'si revisioninfo' to determine author information
* @return
public boolean getSkipAuthorInfo()
return skipAuthorInfo;
* Sets the host name of the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public void setHostName(String hostName)
this.hostName = hostName;
* Sets the port of the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public void setPort(int port)
this.port = port;
* Toggles whether or not secure sockets are enabled
* @return
public void setSecure(boolean secure)
{ = secure;
* Sets the Project or Configuration Path for a MKS Integrity Source Project
* @return
public void setConfigPath(String configPath)
this.configPath = configPath;
* Sets the User connecting to the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public void setUserName(String userName)
this.userName = userName;
* Sets the encrypted Password of the user connecting to the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public void setPassword(String password)
this.password = Base64.encode(password);;
* Toggles whether or not the workspace is required to be cleaned
* @return
public void setCleanCopy(boolean cleanCopy)
this.cleanCopy = cleanCopy;
* Sets the line terminator to apply when obtaining files from the MKS Integrity Server
* @return
public void getLineTerminator(String lineTerminator)
this.lineTerminator = lineTerminator;
* Toggles whether or not to restore the timestamp for individual files
* @return
public void setRestoreTimestamp(boolean restoreTimestamp)
this.restoreTimestamp = restoreTimestamp;
* Toggles whether or not to use 'si revisioninfo' to determine author information
* @return
public void setSkipAuthorInfo(boolean skipAuthorInfo)
this.skipAuthorInfo = skipAuthorInfo;
* Provides a mechanism to update the Integrity URL, based on updates
* to the hostName/port/secure variables
private void initIntegrityURL()
// Initialize the Integrity URL
if( secure )
integrityURL = "https://" + hostName + ":" + String.valueOf(port);
integrityURL = "http://" + hostName + ":" + String.valueOf(port);
* Creates an authenticated API Session against the MKS Integrity Server
* @return An authenticated API Session
public APISession createAPISession()
// Attempt to open a connection to the MKS Integrity Server
{"Creating MKS API Session...");
return new APISession(hostName, port, userName, Base64.decode(password), secure);
catch(APIException aex)
logger.error("API Exception caught...");
ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler(aex);
logger.error(eh.getMessage()); + " returned exit code " + eh.getExitCode());
return null;
* Returns the MKS Integrity Configuration Management Project
* @return
public IntegrityCMProject getIntegrityProject()
return siProject;
* Adds MKS Integrity CM Project info to the build variables
public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild, ?> build, Map env)
super.buildEnvVars(build, env);"buildEnvVars() invoked...!");
env.put("MKSSI_PROJECT", configPath);
env.put("MKSSI_HOST", hostName);
env.put("MKSSI_PORT", String.valueOf(port));
env.put("MKSSI_USER", userName);
* Overridden calcRevisionsFromBuild function
* Returns the current project configuration which can be used to difference any future configurations
* @see hudson.scm.SCM#calcRevisionsFromBuild(hudson.model.AbstractBuild, hudson.Launcher, hudson.model.TaskListener)
public SCMRevisionState calcRevisionsFromBuild(AbstractBuild, ?> build, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException
// Just logging the call for now"calcRevisionsFromBuild() invoked...!");
Object obj = getIntegrityCMProjectState(build);
// Now that we've loaded the object, lets make sure it is an IntegrityCMProject!
if( obj instanceof IntegrityCMProject && null != obj )
// Cast object to an IntegrityCMProject
IntegrityCMProject cmProject = (IntegrityCMProject) obj;
// Returns the current Project Configuration for the requested build
return new IntegrityRevisionState(cmProject);
// Not sure what object we've loaded, but its no IntegrityCMProject!"Cannot construct project state for build " + build.getNumber() + "!");
// Returns the current Project Configuration for the requested build
return new IntegrityRevisionState(null);
* Primes the MKS Integrity Project metadata information
* @param api MKS API Session
* @return response MKS API Response
* @throws APIException
private Response initializeCMProject(APISession api) throws APIException
// Get the project information for this project
Command siProjectInfoCmd = new Command(Command.SI, "projectinfo");
siProjectInfoCmd.addOption(new Option("project", configPath));"Preparing to execute si projectinfo for " + configPath);
Response infoRes = api.runCommand(siProjectInfoCmd); + " returned " + infoRes.getExitCode());
// Initialize our siProject class variable
siProject = new IntegrityCMProject(infoRes.getWorkItems().next());
// Set the project options
return infoRes;
* Primes the MKS Integrity Project Member metadata information
* @param api MKS API Session
* @return response MKS API Response
* @throws APIException
private Response initializeCMProjectMembers(APISession api) throws APIException
// Lets parse this project
Command siViewProjectCmd = new Command(Command.SI, "viewproject");
siViewProjectCmd.addOption(new Option("recurse"));
siViewProjectCmd.addOption(new Option("project", siProject.getConfigurationPath()));
MultiValue mvFields = new MultiValue(",");
siViewProjectCmd.addOption(new Option("fields", mvFields));"Preparing to execute si viewproject for " + siProject.getConfigurationPath());
Response viewRes = api.runCommand(siViewProjectCmd); + " returned " + viewRes.getExitCode());
siProject.parseProject(viewRes.getWorkItems(), api);
return viewRes;
* Toggles whether or not a workspace is required for polling
* Since, we're using a Server Integration Point in the MKS API,
* we do not require a workspace.
public boolean requiresWorkspaceForPolling()
return false;
private Object getIntegrityCMProjectState(AbstractBuild,?> build) throws IOException
// Make sure this build is not null, before processing it!
if( null != build )
// Lets make absolutely certain we've found a useful build,
File viewProjectFile = getViewProjectResponseFile(build);
if( ! viewProjectFile.exists() )
// There is no project state for this build!"Project state not found for build " + build.getNumber() + "!");
return null;
// We've found a build that contains the project state... load it up!"Attempting to load up project state for build " + build.getNumber() + "...");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(viewProjectFile);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
Object obj = null;
// Read the serialized Project object
obj = ois.readObject();"Project state re-constructed successfully for build " + build.getNumber() + "!");
catch( ClassNotFoundException cne )
// Not sure what we've found, but its no good..."Caught Exception: " + cne.getMessage());"Cannot construct project state for build" + build.getNumber() + "!");
return obj;
return null;
* Overridden checkout function
* This is the real invocation of this plugin.
* Currently, we will do a project info and determine the true nature of the project
* Subsequent to that we will run a view project command and cache the information
* on each member, so that we can execute project checkout commands. This obviously
* eliminates the need for a sandbox and can wily nilly delete the workspace directory as needed
* @see hudson.scm.SCM#checkout(hudson.model.AbstractBuild, hudson.Launcher, hudson.FilePath, hudson.model.BuildListener,
public boolean checkout(AbstractBuild, ?> build, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace,
BuildListener listener, File changeLogFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException
// Log the invocation..."Start execution of checkout() routine...!");
// Lets start with creating an authenticated MKS API Session for various parts of this operation...
APISession api = createAPISession();
// Ensure we've successfully created an API Session
if( null == api )
listener.getLogger().println("Failed to establish an API connection to the MKS Integrity Server!");
return false;
// Lets also open the change log file for writing...
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(changeLogFile));
// Next, load up the information for this MKS Integrity Project's configuration
listener.getLogger().println("Preparing to execute si projectinfo for " + configPath);
listener.getLogger().println("Preparing to execute si viewproject for " + configPath);
// Figure out what our previous build was...
AbstractBuild,?> previousBuild = build.getPreviousBuild();
// Check to see if we've had a previous build...
if( null == previousBuild )
// Nothing worthwhile to compare against"Cannot find a previous build!");
// Now, we need to find the project state from the previous build.
for( AbstractBuild,?> b = build.getPreviousBuild(); null != b; b = b.getPreviousBuild() )
// For each previous build, lets make sure we can find a project state
if( getViewProjectResponseFile(b).exists())
{"Found previous project state in build " + b.getNumber());
previousBuild = b;
// Load up the project state for this previous build...
Object obj = getIntegrityCMProjectState(previousBuild);
// Now that we've loaded the object, lets make sure it is an IntegrityCMProject!
if( obj instanceof IntegrityCMProject && null != obj )
// Cast object to an IntegrityCMProject
IntegrityCMProject oldProject = (IntegrityCMProject) obj;
// Compare this project with the old
// Not sure what object we've loaded, but its no IntegrityCMProject!"Cannot construct project state for any of the pevious builds!");
// After all that insane interrogation, we have the current Project state that is
// correctly initialized and either compared against its baseline or is a fresh baseline itself
// Now, lets figure out how to populate the workspace...
IntegrityCheckoutTask coTask = null;
if( null == obj )
// If we we were not able to establish the previous project state,
// then always do full checkout. cleanCopy = true
coTask = new IntegrityCheckoutTask(this, siProject, true, listener);
// Otherwise, update the workspace in accordance with the user's cleanCopy option
coTask = new IntegrityCheckoutTask(this, siProject, cleanCopy, listener);
// Execute the IntegrityCheckoutTask.invoke() method to do the actual synchronization...
if( workspace.act(coTask) )
// Now that the workspace is updated, lets save the current project state for future comparisons
listener.getLogger().println("Saving current MKS Integrity Project configuration...");
printViewProjectResponse(build, listener, siProject);
// Write out the change log file, which will be used by the parser to report the updates
listener.getLogger().println("Writing build change log...");
writer.println(siProject.getChangeLog(String.valueOf(build.getNumber()), api));
listener.getLogger().println("Change log successfully generated: " + changeLogFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Checkout failed! Returning false...
return false;
catch(APIException aex)
logger.error("API Exception caught...");
listener.getLogger().println("An API Exception was caught!");
ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler(aex);
listener.getLogger().println(eh.getMessage()); + " returned exit code " + eh.getExitCode());
listener.getLogger().println(eh.getCommand() + " returned exit code " + eh.getExitCode());
return false;
//If we got here, everything is good on the checkout...
return true;
* Called from checkout to save the current state of the project for this build
* @param build Hudson AbstractBuild
* @param listener Hudson Build Listener
* @param response MKS API Response
* @throws IOException
private void printViewProjectResponse(AbstractBuild,?> build, BuildListener listener, IntegrityCMProject pj) throws IOException
// For every build we will basically save our view project output, so it can be compared build over build
File viewProjectFile = new File(build.getRootDir(), "viewproject.dat");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(viewProjectFile);
ObjectOutputStream pjOut = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
listener.getLogger().println("API Response for si viewproject successfully saved to file!");
listener.getLogger().println("Successfully saved current MKS Integrity Project configuration to " + viewProjectFile.getAbsolutePath());
* Returns the MKS API Response xml file for the specified build
* @param build Hudson AbstractBuild Object
* @return
public static File getViewProjectResponseFile(AbstractBuild,?> build)
return new File(build.getRootDir(),"viewproject.dat");
* Overridden compareRemoteRevisionWith function
* Loads up the previous project configuration and compares
* that against the current to determine if the project has changed
* @see hudson.scm.SCM#compareRemoteRevisionWith(hudson.model.AbstractProject, hudson.Launcher, hudson.FilePath, hudson.model.TaskListener, hudson.scm.SCMRevisionState)
protected PollingResult compareRemoteRevisionWith(AbstractProject, ?> project, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace,
final TaskListener listener, SCMRevisionState _baseline) throws IOException, InterruptedException
// Log the call for now..."compareRemoteRevisionWith() invoked...!");
IntegrityRevisionState baseline;
// Lets get the baseline from our last successful build
if( _baseline instanceof IntegrityRevisionState )
baseline = (IntegrityRevisionState)_baseline;
// Get the baseline that contains the last successful build
AbstractBuild,?> lastSuccessfulBuild = project.getLastSuccessfulBuild();
if( null == lastSuccessfulBuild )
// We've not no successful builds or may be the first one, build now!"No prior successful builds found! Advice to build now!");
return PollingResult.BUILD_NOW;
// Lets trying to get the baseline associated with the last successful build
baseline = (IntegrityRevisionState)calcRevisionsFromBuild(lastSuccessfulBuild, launcher, listener);
if( null != baseline && null != baseline.getSIProject() )
// Obtain the details on the old project configuration
IntegrityCMProject oldProject = baseline.getSIProject();
// Next, load up the information for the current MKS Integrity Project
// Lets start with creating an authenticated MKS API Session for various parts of this operation...
APISession api = createAPISession();
if( null != api )
listener.getLogger().println("Preparing to execute si projectinfo for " + configPath);
listener.getLogger().println("Preparing to execute si viewproject for " + configPath);
// Compare this project with the old project
// Finally decide whether or not we need to build again
if( siProject.hasProjectChanged() )
listener.getLogger().println("Project contains changes a total of " + siProject.getChangeCount() + " changes!");
return PollingResult.SIGNIFICANT;
listener.getLogger().println("No new changes detected in project!");
return PollingResult.NO_CHANGES;
catch(APIException aex)
logger.error("API Exception caught...");
listener.getLogger().println("An API Exception was caught!");
ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler(aex);
listener.getLogger().println(eh.getMessage()); + " returned exit code " + eh.getExitCode());
listener.getLogger().println(eh.getCommand() + " returned exit code " + eh.getExitCode());
return PollingResult.NO_CHANGES;
listener.getLogger().println("Failed to establish an API connection to the MKS Integrity Server!");
return PollingResult.NO_CHANGES;
// Can't construct a previous project state, lets build now!"No prior MKS Integrity Project state can be found! Advice to build now!");
return PollingResult.BUILD_NOW;
// This must be an error, no changes to report
logger.error("This method was called with the wrong SCMRevisionState class!");
return PollingResult.NO_CHANGES;
* Overridden createChangeLogParser function
* Creates a custom Integrity Change Log Parser, which compares two view project outputs
* @see hudson.scm.SCM#createChangeLogParser()
public ChangeLogParser createChangeLogParser()
// Log the call"createChangeLogParser() invoked...!");
return new IntegrityChangeLogParser(integrityURL);
* Returns the SCMDescriptor> for the SCM object.
* The SCMDescriptor is used to create new instances of the SCM.
public SCMDescriptor getDescriptor()
// Log the call"IntegritySCM.getDescriptor() invoked...!");
return DescriptorImpl.INTEGRITY_DESCRIPTOR;
* The relationship of Descriptor and SCM (the describable) is akin to class and object.
* This means the descriptor is used to create instances of the describable.
* Usually the Descriptor is an internal class in the SCM class named DescriptorImpl.
* The Descriptor should also contain the global configuration options as fields,
* just like the SCM class contains the configurations options for a job.
public static class DescriptorImpl extends SCMDescriptor
private static Log desLogger = LogFactory.getLog(DescriptorImpl.class);
public static final DescriptorImpl INTEGRITY_DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl();
private String globalOptions;
protected DescriptorImpl()
super(IntegritySCM.class, IntegrityRepositoryBrowser.class);
// Log the construction..."IntegritySCM DescriptorImpl() constructed!");
public SCM newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException
IntegritySCM scm = (IntegritySCM) super.newInstance(req, formData);
scm.browser = RepositoryBrowsers.createInstance(IntegrityRepositoryBrowser.class, req, formData, "browser");
return scm;
* Returns the name of the SCM, this is the name that will show up next to
* CVS, Subversion, etc. when configuring a job.
public String getDisplayName()
return "MKS Integrity - CM";
* This method is invoked when the global configuration page is submitted.
* In the method the data in the web form should be copied to the Descriptor's fields.
* To persist the fields to the global configuration XML file, the save() method must be called.
* Data is defined in the global.jelly page.
public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException
// Log the request to configure"Request to configure IntegritySCM invoked...");
// This is where we can get any global settings...
// Can't thing of any integrity globals to define, so we'll just save() and return true!
globalOptions = Util.fixEmpty(req.getParameter("mks.globalOptions").trim());
return true;
* Returns the MKS Integrity global options configured for this plugin
public String getGlobalOptions()
return globalOptions;
* Sets the MKS Integrity global options configured for this plugin
public void setGlobalOptions(String globalOptions)
this.globalOptions = globalOptions;
* The field mks.globalOptions will be validated through the checkUrl.
* When the user has entered some information and moves the focus away from field,
* Hudson will call DescriptorImpl.doGlobalOptionsCheck to validate that data entered.
public FormValidation doGlobalOptionsCheck(@QueryParameter String value)
// This is where we can validate the entry of the Global Options field
// If there is an error, we return:
// return FormValidation.error("This is an error!");
// If we want to throw a warning:
// return FormValidation.warning("This is a warning!");
// Nothing to validate, so we'll return all good!
return FormValidation.ok();