hudson.scm.IntegrityCMProject Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hudson.scm;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import com.mks.api.Command;
import com.mks.api.Option;
import com.mks.api.response.APIException;
import com.mks.api.response.Response;
import com.mks.api.response.WorkItemIterator;
import com.mks.api.response.WorkItem;
import com.mks.api.response.Field;
* This class represents a MKS Integrity Configuration Management Project
* Provides metadata information about a Project
public class IntegrityCMProject implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6452315129657215760L;
public static final String NORMAL_PROJECT = "Normal";
public static final String VARIANT_PROJECT = "Variant";
public static final String BUILD_PROJECT = "Build";
private String projectName;
private String projectType;
private String projectRevision;
private String fullConfigSyntax;
private Date lastCheckpoint;
private String lineTerminator;
private boolean restoreTimestamp;
private boolean skipAuthorInfo;
private List dirList;
private List memberList;
private List newMemberList;
private List updatedMemberList;
private List deletedMemberList;
private Document xmlDoc;
private StringBuffer changeLog;
// Create a custom comparator to compare project members
public static final Comparator FILES_ORDER = new Comparator(){
public int compare(IntegrityCMMember cmm1, IntegrityCMMember cmm2)
return cmm1.getMemberName().compareToIgnoreCase(cmm2.getMemberName());
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(IntegrityCMProject.class);
* Creates an instance of an Integrity CM Project
* and extracts all information from the API Response Field
* @param wi Work Item associated with the response from running si projectinfo
public IntegrityCMProject(WorkItem wi)
// Initialize the project with default options
lineTerminator = "native";
restoreTimestamp = true;
skipAuthorInfo = false;
// Initialize the list of directories in this project
dirList = new ArrayList();
// Initialize the full member list for this project
memberList = new ArrayList();
// Initialize the new members list, if we need to do a comparison
newMemberList = new ArrayList();
// Initialize the updated members list, if we need to do a comparison
updatedMemberList = new ArrayList();
// Initialize the deleted members list, if we need to do a comparison
deletedMemberList = new ArrayList();
// Initialize the change log report, if we need to compare with a baseline
changeLog = new StringBuffer();
// Parse the current output from si projectinfo
public void initializeProject(WorkItem wi)
// Parse the current project information
// Get the metadata information about the project
Field pjNameFld = wi.getField("projectName");
Field pjTypeFld = wi.getField("projectType");
Field pjCfgPathFld = wi.getField("fullConfigSyntax");
Field pjChkptFld = wi.getField("lastCheckpoint");
// Convert to our class fields
// First obtain the project name field
if( null != pjNameFld && null != pjNameFld.getValueAsString() )
projectName = pjNameFld.getValueAsString();
logger.warn("Project info did not provide a value for the 'projectName' field!");
projectName = "";
// Next, we'll need to know the project type
if( null != pjTypeFld && null != pjTypeFld.getValueAsString() )
projectType = pjTypeFld.getValueAsString();
if( isBuild() )
// Next, we'll need to know the current build checkpoint for this configuration
Field pjRevFld = wi.getField("revision");
if( null != pjRevFld && null != pjRevFld.getItem() )
projectRevision = pjRevFld.getItem().getId();
projectRevision = "";
logger.warn("Project info did not provide a vale for the 'revision' field!");
logger.warn("Project info did not provide a value for the 'projectType' field!");
projectType = "";
// Most important is the configuration path
if( null != pjCfgPathFld && null != pjCfgPathFld.getValueAsString() )
fullConfigSyntax = pjCfgPathFld.getValueAsString();
logger.error("Project info did not provide a value for the 'fullConfigSyntax' field!");
fullConfigSyntax = "";
// Finally, we'll need to store the last checkpoint to figure out differences, etc.
if( null != pjChkptFld && null != pjChkptFld.getDateTime() )
lastCheckpoint = pjChkptFld.getDateTime();
logger.warn("Project info did not provide a value for the 'lastCheckpoint' field!");
lastCheckpoint = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
catch(NoSuchElementException nsee)
logger.error("Project info did not provide a value for field " + nsee.getMessage());
* Sets the optional line terminator option for this project
* @param lineTerminator
public void setLineTerminator(String lineTerminator)
this.lineTerminator = lineTerminator;
* Sets the optional restore timestamp option for this project
* @param restoreTimestamp
public void setRestoreTimestamp(boolean restoreTimestamp)
this.restoreTimestamp = restoreTimestamp;
* Toggles whether or not to obtain the author using 'si revisioninfo'
* @param skipAuthorInfo
public void setSkipAuthorInfo(boolean skipAuthorInfo)
this.skipAuthorInfo = skipAuthorInfo;
* Parses the output from the si viewproject command to get a list of members
* @param wit WorkItemIterator
* @param api The current MKS API Session
* @throws APIException
* @return The list of IntegrityCMMember objects for this project
public void parseProject(WorkItemIterator wit, APISession api) throws APIException
// Re-initialize the member list for this project
memberList = new ArrayList();
// Initialize the project config hash
Hashtable pjConfigHash = new Hashtable();
// Add the mapping for the current project
pjConfigHash.put(this.projectName, this.fullConfigSyntax);
// Compute the project root directory
String projectRoot = projectName.substring(0, projectName.lastIndexOf('/'));
// Iterate through the list of members returned by the API
while( wit.hasNext() )
WorkItem wi =;
if( wi.getModelType().equals(SIModelTypeName.SI_SUBPROJECT) )
// Save the configuration path for the current subproject, using the canonical path name
pjConfigHash.put(wi.getField("name").getValueAsString(), wi.getId());
// Save the relative directory path for this subproject
String pjDir = wi.getField("name").getValueAsString().substring(projectRoot.length());
pjDir = pjDir.substring(0, pjDir.lastIndexOf('/'));
if( !dirList.contains(pjDir) ){ dirList.add(pjDir); }
else if( wi.getModelType().equals(SIModelTypeName.MEMBER) )
// Figure out this member's parent project's canonical path name
String parentProject = wi.getField("parent").getValueAsString();
// Instantiate our Integrity CM Member object
IntegrityCMMember iCMMember;
if( skipAuthorInfo )
iCMMember = new IntegrityCMMember(wi, pjConfigHash.get(parentProject), projectRoot, null);
iCMMember = new IntegrityCMMember(wi, pjConfigHash.get(parentProject), projectRoot, api);
// Set the line terminator for this file
// Set the restore timestamp option when checking out this file
// Add this to the full list of members in this project
logger.warn("View project output contains an invalid model type: " + wi.getModelType());
// Sort the files list...
Collections.sort(memberList, FILES_ORDER);"Parsing project " + fullConfigSyntax + " complete!");
* Compares this version of the project to a previous/new version
* to determine what are the updates and what was deleted
* @param baselineProject
public void compareBaseline(IntegrityCMProject baselineProject)
List oldMemberList = baselineProject.getProjectMembers();
// Create a hashtable to hold the old updates for easy access
Hashtable oldMemberHash = new Hashtable();
// Populate the oldMemberHash
for( Iterator it = oldMemberList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
IntegrityCMMember iMember =;
oldMemberHash.put(iMember.getMemberName(), iMember);
// Now we will compare the adds and updates between the current project and the baseline
for( Iterator it = memberList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
IntegrityCMMember iMember =;
IntegrityCMMember oldMember = oldMemberHash.get(iMember.getMemberName());
// This file was in the previous baseline as well...
if( null != oldMember )
// Did it change? Either by an update or roll back (update member revision)?
if( iMember.getTimestamp().after(oldMember.getTimestamp()) || iMember.getTimestamp().before(oldMember.getTimestamp()))
// Initialize the prior revision
// Save this member to the changed list
// Remove this member from the old member hashtable, so we'll be left with items that are dropped
else // We've found a new file
// Save this member to the new members list
// Now, we should be left with the deletes. Exist only in the old baseline and not the current one.
Enumeration deletedMembers = oldMemberHash.elements();
while( deletedMembers.hasMoreElements() )
* Returns the Change Log based on the project baseline comparison
* This assumes that compareBaseline() has been called already
* @return
public String getChangeLog(String version, APISession api) throws APIException
// Initialize the XML document builder
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
// Initialize the XML Document and change log
xmlDoc = docBuilder.newDocument();
changeLog = new StringBuffer();
// Create the root element
Element changeLogElem = xmlDoc.createElement("changelog");
// Add the to the xmlDoc
// Add the change log details, if the project has changed
if( hasProjectChanged() )
// Create the element
Element items = xmlDoc.createElement("items");
// Set the version attribute to the element
items.setAttribute("version", version);
// Append the to the root element
// Process the adds
for( Iterator it = newMemberList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
// Create the individual - element for the add
Element item = xmlDoc.createElement("item");
// Set the action attribute
item.setAttribute("action", "add");
// Append the
- to the
items.appendChild(writeChangeLog(item,, api));
// Process the updates
for( Iterator it = updatedMemberList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
// Create the individual - element for the update
Element item = xmlDoc.createElement("item");
// Set the action attribute
item.setAttribute("action", "update");
// Append the
- to the
items.appendChild(writeChangeLog(item,, api));
// Process the drops
for( Iterator it = deletedMemberList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
// Create the individual - element for the drops
Element item = xmlDoc.createElement("item");
// Set the action attribute
item.setAttribute("action", "delete");
// Append the
- to the
items.appendChild(writeChangeLog(item,, api));
// Write the content into a String
TransformerFactory tfactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer serializer = tfactory.newTransformer();
// Setup indenting for a readable output
serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
serializer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
serializer.transform(new DOMSource(xmlDoc), new StreamResult(sw));
catch(ParserConfigurationException pce)
logger.warn("Caught Parser Configuration Exception while generating Change Log!");
catch(TransformerException tfe)
logger.warn("Caught Transformer Exception while generating Change Log!");
catch(IOException ioe)
logger.warn("Caught IO Exception while generating Change Log!");
return changeLog.toString();
* Helper function to append details to the Change Log for each member
* Convenience method to wrap the details around adds, updates, and deletes
* @param item XML Element representing the item node
* @param iMember Integrity CM Member
* @param api MKS API Session
* @throws APIException
private Element writeChangeLog(Element item, IntegrityCMMember iMember, APISession api) throws APIException
// Create and append the element
Element file = xmlDoc.createElement("file");
// Create and append the element
Element user = xmlDoc.createElement("user");
// Create and append the element
Element revision = xmlDoc.createElement("revision");
// Create and append the element
Element date = xmlDoc.createElement("date");
// Create and append the annotation and differences links
// Add the element
Element annotation = xmlDoc.createElement("annotation");
// Add the element
Element differences = xmlDoc.createElement("differences");
catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
logger.warn("Caught Unsupported Encoding Exception while generating MKS Integrity Source links!");
// Finally, create and append the element
Element msg = xmlDoc.createElement("msg");
// Return the updated - element
return item;
* Performs a checkpoint on this Integrity CM Project
* @param api Authenticated MKS API Session
* @param chkptLabel Checkpoint label string
* @return MKS API Response object
* @throws APIException
public Response checkpoint(APISession api, String chkptLabel) throws APIException
// Construct the checkpoint command
Command siCheckpoint = new Command(Command.SI, "checkpoint");
// Set the project name
siCheckpoint.addOption(new Option("project", fullConfigSyntax));
// Set the label and description if applicable
if( null != chkptLabel && chkptLabel.length() > 0 )
// Set the label
siCheckpoint.addOption(new Option("label", chkptLabel));
// Set the description
siCheckpoint.addOption(new Option("description", chkptLabel));
return api.runCommand(siCheckpoint);
* Applies a Project Label on this Integrity CM Project
* @param api Authenticated MKS API Session
* @param chkptLabel Checkpoint label string
* @return MKS API Response object
* @throws APIException
public Response addProjectLabel(APISession api, String chkptLabel) throws APIException
// Construct the addprojectlabel command
Command siAddProjectLabel = new Command(Command.SI, "addprojectlabel");
// Set the project name
siAddProjectLabel.addOption(new Option("project", fullConfigSyntax));
// Set the label
siAddProjectLabel.addOption(new Option("label", chkptLabel));
// Move the label, if a previous one was applied
siAddProjectLabel.addOption(new Option("moveLabel"));
return api.runCommand(siAddProjectLabel);
* Determines whether this project has changed based on a baseline comparison
* This assumes that compareBaseline() has been called already
* @return
public boolean hasProjectChanged()
if( getChangeCount() > 0 )
return true;
return false;
* Returns the total number of changes found from the baseline comparison
* This assumes that compareBaseline() has been called already *
* @return
public int getChangeCount()
return newMemberList.size() + updatedMemberList.size() + deletedMemberList.size();
* Returns a string list of relative paths to all directories in this project
* @return
public List
return dirList;
* Returns the previously parsed output from the si viewproject command to get a list of members
* @return
public List getProjectMembers()
return memberList;
* Returns the newly added members to this project based on a baseline comparison
* @return
public List getAddedMembers()
return newMemberList;
* Returns the updated members to this project based on a baseline comparison
* @return
public List getUpdatedMembers()
return updatedMemberList;
* Returns the dropped members to this project based on a baseline comparison
* @return
public List getDroppedMembers()
return deletedMemberList;
* Returns the project path for this Integrity CM Project
* @return
public String getProjectName()
return projectName;
* Returns the project revision for this Integrity SCM Project
* @return
public String getProjectRevision()
return projectRevision;
* Returns true is this is a Normal Project
* @return
public boolean isNormal()
if( projectType.equalsIgnoreCase(NORMAL_PROJECT) )
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if this is a Variant Project
* @return
public boolean isVariant()
if( projectType.equalsIgnoreCase(VARIANT_PROJECT) )
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if this is a Build Project
* @return
public boolean isBuild()
if( projectType.equalsIgnoreCase(BUILD_PROJECT) )
return true;
return false;
* Returns the Full Configuration Path for this Integrity CM Project
* @return
public String getConfigurationPath()
return fullConfigSyntax;
* Returns the date when the last checkpoint was performed on this Project
* @return
public Date getLastCheckpointDate()
return lastCheckpoint;
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